Brenham Weekly Banner. (Brenham, Tex.), Vol. 32, No. 101, Ed. 1, Thursday, June 17, 1897 Page: 1 of 10

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& "Hlfr'.. - qjf-f
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f YortiME xxxn
w A. m. jl A." l aJJLw
Seguin is to have an oil
Cotton chopping is still going
on in Colorado county.
De Leon Comanche county'
-has a telephone exchange.
-Bicycle parties is a new fad
"in LaGrange society circles.
The pecan crop is reported
to be very promising this year.
--Bicyclists are forbidden the
use of the sidewalks in Gonzales
under penalty.
Several cases of scarlet fever
lhave appeared among children in
an Antonio.
-The attorney generl has ap
proved a S5000 issue of Burleson
cOunty bridge bonds.
Eastland county is to have a'
new S45000 courthouse.
. The carpenters and joiners
of Cleburne have organized a
No efforts are being made to
operate the Tyler canning facto-
ries this year.
Tom "Williams and Tom New-
man have been jailed at Dallas
on a charge of counterfeiting.
The finest African tobacco can
frequently be purchased in Cape
-Tpwn at 9 pence per pound.
Hobert DeVilbiss died at
Pearsall last "Wednesday of lock
Jaw caused from sticking a thorn
in his foot.
A sawfish eighteen feet long
and weighing 937 pounds was
captured in "a turtleief At Corpus
Christi last week.
A district meeting andlchool
of instruction of the Knights of
Phythias will be field at Taylor
Monday June 21.'
The demand for cattle in the
Panhandle is largely in escess of
the supply 2-yearSlds"sellirig
Eleven citizens of Smith
.county have been arrested
charged with Jrilling .Will Jones
In the Tyler--jail ' a few' days
The tobacco crop in the vi-
cinity of "Wills is the finest ever
.grown there and is now being
cut and stored in barns for ma-
turity. W. L. McGaughy announces
that he will be a candidate for
land commissioner next year
and that he expects to capture
the nomination.
Hon. J. D. Sayers has .ac
cepted an invitation to address
.the Bell county Confederate vet-'
erans at their annual reunion
July 14th and 15th.
The residence of Mr. T. B.
"Wood 2 miles south of Hemp-
stead was burned last Tuesday
morning. Most of the household
goods were saved but the build-
ing was a total loss.
- -"Harvestfis under full head-
way in the 'Panhandle country;
the yield onwheat and oats being
heavier than in any previous
year and will be practically all
The livery and sale stable of
J. R. Derdinger of Dallas was
totally destroyed by fire at 3
o'clock last Sunday morning.
Fourteen head of horses in the
burning building were cremated
jos they stood in their stalls.
'Lee county has leased four
leagues of school land for five
;year8 at three cents per acre
-which has had the 'effect of
placing the county in better con
ation financially than it has
rbeen in a number of years.
The Madisonville Meteor says
the Havana tobacco crop of
Madison county is not a large one
this year :merely a test crop but
Hit proves the success that it
now promises we won't do a thing
but let the world know we are in
tobacco business.
For the Benefit of the Buying Public.
The Prospect for an Early Fall Trade Induces us to Pffer special advantages to our customers Our Immense Stock of
Dry Goods Dress Goods Clothing Shoes Hats
Which Consist of First-Class Goods in all Departments bought for this Season's Business will be offered
At Extraordinary Reductions. Just think of it. Thousands of Dollars worth of First-Class Merchandise will
" be Sold for less than )-ou would have to pay for inferior articles. Our preparations for the Coming fall -are
being made on a Grander Scale than ever before attempted with many new departures
which will all be to the Interest and Benefit of the purchaser. ' . .
-. VM
5 . -
k -. '..--wyfr.jAi
20 Doz. Ladies1 Shirt "Waists at 25c each worthoOc.. 4
-.. -r 1" i -r 1 1 TTT . 4 T-l m - " .1 3i jl:
vi " Xiaaies Jjaunariea waistsitiancy ouc wortn oca i
andSl.OO.- . '
11 Doz. Ladies' Laundried Waists;at-75c worth';$1.25 and
1.50 ' 'v. .--
12 Dozen Lanndried Waists: Fancy $1.00 -worthy-1.75
and$2.00. .
2o Doz. Ladies' Belts Assorted Patterns.
i . u
k -
Articles advertised under this head wilTbe carried on oale
until all have been disposed of.
? . lit
.' J?"
"Watch the square space in the Center of this advertisement and take particular note of the Great Values as they appear. You will be'-.sur-.
prised at the Low Prices quoted and -all Ave ask is that you give us a call and examine the articles that we advertise. "We will depend
on the exceptionable Low Prices marked on the merchandise we offer for'sale to do the rest.
: . .
Dress Goods in all styles of material and colorings. A lot of ready made Hemmed Stitched sheets. JUa- i
Our stock of Ladies laundried Shirt 'Waists is the ; dies' ready made skii-ts in varied materials irom $1.00
most complete and largest to be found in the city. ' -P" .
Havlyou seen the latest in accordion Plaited Skirts A skirt that fits wel1 loots wel1 . and weare weU' ;
ready to put on. ' ! .
the Sun Biu'st? we have them cheap too ! T -n -r- .
. . r In our Gents' Furnishing Department we have a ' ;' "
A fine lot of Organdies Swisses Batiste Mulls T . . r A - !''
' ' ime lot of Laundi-ied shirts.from 40 cents up. -. -
Tarltan's Etc. s . 50 Doz. Gents Sti-aw Hats at 50c. each. .'Regular ..:-'
Ladies' Misses and Children's fine Shoes. ? i aaa i ca 'I '
' . price from 1.00 to $1.50. . '
The Harrison Dry Goods Co.
It is estimated that there are
1300000 Irish people in Aus-
tralia. The number of abstainers in
Great Britain is estimated at 7-
000000. It is estimated that there are
600000 bicycles in the State of
New Jersey.
The production of gold in the
United States last year was S53-
000000 and of silver 857000000.
Bangkok the capital of Siam
is a floating city containing 70-
000 houses each of which floats
on a raft of bamboo.
In Corfu sheets of paper pass
for money; one sheet buys one
quart of rice or twenty sheets a
piece of hemp cloth.
In round numbers the total
national debt of the United States
now is S996000000 less than the
available cash in the treasury.
The old Washington Hall in
Durham England which is sup-
posed by some to have been the
seat of George Washington's an-
cestors has been bought by an
American for only S2000.
A woman living near Noble
Okla. found a nugget of gold in
the gizzard of a chicken she was
cleaning a few days ago and
now every man woman and child
in that part of the country is out
looking for gold.
The total tobacco product of
the United States last vear was
565795000 pounds valued at
845000000. About the same
amount was produced in Europe.
The Farmersville Times thinks
that when Senator Ingalls says
that train robbery is respectable
beside the hold-up of the people
contained in the sugar schedule
of the Dingley tariff bill he
roughly emphasizes the differ-
ence between robbery by bold
aasault and robbery by corrupt
and treacherous betrayal.
There are about 900 off
the United Confederate veterans-.
A new moon is very small but;
there is always enough of it for-
two lovers.
Samples of coal from the
Vining mines near Santa Anna
have been shipped to the Santa.
Fe and other railway companies-
to test. Experts claim. the out-
put to be equal in quality to any-
found in the. State while tho--quantjty
is inexhaustible.
t 6
1 .iSK-

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Rankin, John G. Brenham Weekly Banner. (Brenham, Tex.), Vol. 32, No. 101, Ed. 1, Thursday, June 17, 1897, newspaper, June 17, 1897; Brenham, Texas. ( accessed April 23, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .

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