Bulletin: Hardin-Simmons University Ex-Student Roundup, August 1941 Page: 3
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Sometime during the first week of
August, a three-day campaign will be
held in Dallas among the exes in be-
half of the Semi-Centennial Memorial
campaign. A breakfast will be held
at the Baker Hotel and President W.
R. -White will be present. A later
meeting in Wichita Falls is scheduled.
Marilyn Sandefer '43 of Brecken-
ridge was elected summer queen in a
close election. Runner-up was Betty
McIntosh '42 of Abilene.
The day before- the last group of
soldiers was scheduled to leave Abi-
lene found more than 175 houses,
apartments, and rooms for rent.
There should be no acute shortage
here for parents who wish to move to
A division of the Cowboy Band, to-
gether'with six white horses and the
six flags of Texas made a trip to New
Orleans for the International Lions
Convention. The band won a contest
sponsored by the convention for the
most novel group of entertainers at-
Wings Over Jordan, famed Negro
choir that hag become nationally fa-
mous through their radio broadcasts,
were presented as a summer artist
attraction, June 27th. The choir per-
formed in the football stadium before
a large and appreciative audience.
The Cowboy Band performed at the
Stamford Cowboy Reunion, July 3-4-5
to complete its third consecutive year
as official band for that organization.
The VanderCook Band School will
again be sponsored by the university.
Dates are August 18-30. Students
participating in this school who are
high school graduates can count this
instruction as part of their college
work. All indications show that we
are to have the greatest school yet
held by this excellent staff from the
VanderCook School in Chicago.
NYA apportionment for colleges
and universities has been lowered this
year. The university is trying to help
as many deserving students as possi-
ble, but at that, there are many ap-
plications which will have to be set
aside for further consideration.
Both sessions of summer school
were well attended. The large in-
crease that was expected more than
likely can be found in army camps
throughout the nation.
The administration is happy to an-
nounce-that Smith Hall, once known
as G. I. H., has been converted back
to its original purpose-a cooperative
dormitory for girls. An approximate
one hundred choice girls will obtain
board anil room in this dormitory for
$15 a month plus an approximate one
hour's work each day. Since the de-
pression, Smith Hall has been used
as a dormitory to house athletes> but
our steadily increasing enrollment has
made it imperative that this good dor-mitory be converted back to its orig-
inal use. Hundreds of former G. I. H.
girls will be happy to hear of this
change.Keeping Up With The Exes
Mack Alexander '39, former tackle
of several great Cowboy football
teams, has recently accepted the posi-
tion of physical education instructor
and football coach at Reagan Junior
High, Sweetwater. Mack will have a
swell fellow to work with--Gerald
Williams, who will be his principal.
Mack has been coaching at Roscoe.
Married: Katherine Caldwell '42
and Robert E. Fair of Oklahoma City.
The marriage took place in Oklahoma
.City on July 13. Miss Caldwell was
very active in the Cowgirls.
Truett Fulcher '38 has been ap-
pointed recreational director for Abi-
lene and this radius for the summer.
Willie Ray McDonald '22 returned
to the campus to direct a pageant
which contained a resume of out-
standing events in the history of the
university. Miss McDonald is an in-
structor in Brackenridge High School,
San Antonio.
Engaged: Edwin Phy '41 of Pampa
and Mary Elizabeth Brown '38 of Abi-
lene. This wedding date will be set
for the last of this month. Phy is
director of the Menard High School
Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt West '38 (Mgida
Beasley '37) have moved from Abilene
to Pampa, where Hoyt is connected
with a newspaper. Maida was a for-
mer secretary to J. T. Haney.
Engaged: Doris Wayne O'Brien '41
and Forrest Gambill '41, both of
Stamford. The wedding will take
place in that city the last of the
month. - Forrest will direct the bands
at Chillicothe this fall.
Married: Myra Nell Hamor '40 of
Winters and Jimmy Howell '40 of
Dublin. The ceremony took place in
Winters on August 1. The couple will
live in Pensacola, Florida, where Jim-
my is an Ensign in the Naval Air
Corps. I
Rev.-J. P. McBeth '25, Dumas-First
Church, is one of the most sought
after pastors in North Texas. He is
delivering a series of sermons at the
Ruidoso Encampment this summer,
and our understanding is that he is
one of the 'three outstanding men
that the Central Church in Clovis
might call as their new pastor after
Rev.. Guy accepted the First Church
call in Pecos.
Christine Teague '19 lives at 3835
West 8th Street, Los Angeles.
Lehman Gregg '41 was seriously
injured ,recently when a motorcycle
on which he was riding collided with
a truck. The accident occurred near
Gregg's home in Wichita Falls. Our
understanding is that he has had at
least two serious operations and that
he is still seriously ill with several
broken bones and some internal in-
juries. If you wish to send him anote, he will appreciate receiving it.
Just address your card or letter Leh-
man Gregg, Kemp; Boulevard, Wichita
Falls, Texas, and it *ill be 'delivered
to him at the hospital.
The Frank Austins have moved to
Abilene from Fort Worth. Mrs. Aus-
tin is the former Katie Foy '20. The
Foys will live at 1133 Portland, an
their daughter, Martha Jane, will en-
ter H-SU this fall as a freshman.
Cleve Blackard '28, former Cowboy
Band member from Snyder, is living
in Laredo, Texas, where he is con-
nected with a drug store as phar-
Married: Anna Beth Gray '44, fresh-
man member of the Cowgirl Band,
from Ballinger and Mr. Charles
Dorothy Burt '38 has moved from
Bryan, Texas, to 824 N. 34th, Waco.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace O. Tatum '22
(Lucile Ford '23) have moved from
Chester, Vermont, to Wallaston, Mass-
Married: Edwinna Gikivin '39,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gir-
vin of Mertzon, to Swayne Dudley on
June 22. The couple will live in Mert-
Avery Lee '38, for two years a stu-
dent at Yale University is now head
of Baptist student activity and the
student center of Louisiana State Uni-
versity. Mrs. Lee is the former Ann
Rader '38.
Rev. C. Ellis Meredith '33 is now
pastor at Arlington. He will com-
plete requirements for his Th. D. in
Southwestern Seminary next year.
Rev. Kelley Barnett '36, pastor of a
Kentucky church, will supply for four
Sunday during August for Dr. Jen-
kens at the First Church, Abilene.
Martha Jane Moore '39 is living
with her mother and sisters at 711
So, 5th St., Waco. She has been do-
ing graduate work in Tennessee.
Rev. Clarence A. Morton '25 is pas-
tor of the First Baptist Church in
Ballinger. lHe is much improved in
health from a recent severe illness.
"We moved this week to Norman,
Oklahoma, and our address will be
122 E. Frank St.," writes Rev. and
Mrs. James N. Easterwood 36. Eas-
terwood will be pastor of the Trinity
BaptiSt Churchi of Norman.
'ALong John" Treadway '41, out-
standing CowbOy tackle for the past
several years, and Owen Baggett '41
are with the R. H. Johnson and Com-
pany Investment Securities, 64 Wall
Street, New York City.
Gordon Fitzhugh '31, former Cow-
boy Band man whose home town is
Clovis, New Mexico, has recently mar-BRING A-GOOD STUD ENT TO-H-SU THIS FALL
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Hardin-Simmons University. Bulletin: Hardin-Simmons University Ex-Student Roundup, August 1941, periodical, August 1941; Abilene, Texas. (https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth116758/m1/3/?q=baggett: accessed December 5, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, https://texashistory.unt.edu; crediting Hardin-Simmons University Library.