Stamford American (Stamford, Tex.), Vol. 48, No. 18, Ed. 1 Thursday, August 19, 1971 Page: 3 of 12
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and poultry are
as well as many
Lana Kay and Johnnie,
is your
lighting in?
graduate to
Use One-P us Dialing then you call Long D
ave a
lighting now!
el's no cheaper way to call Long
lance. And it’s fast and easy, too.
n't beat it. -
One-Plus. You
A water-well
Southwestern Bel
ownra company
’Field '
- t
Busko .and Larry of
Mrs. Ollie Buske and
day with the horse show at
9 a m- and a pioneer square
dance at 8 pm.
Completes Marine
Recruit Training
Former Stamford
Man Named Head
Of Committee
O. Paul Corley of Dallas, son
of the late C. A. Corley and
Mrs. Corley of Stamford, has
been named chairman of the
vclunteer public information
committee of the Dallas Coun-
ty Red Cross.
Corley heads a committee of
more than 100 persons, who are
responsible for informing the
public of available Red Cross
Texas is one of the leading
salt-producing states. Rock
salt is obtained from under-
ground mines, at Grand Saline.
See your local lamp dealer and he'll help
you Choose the correct study lamp and •
of women’s
Picneer Hall at
Mr. and Mrs Charles Bag-
gett of Copperas Cove, were
here a few days with his
mother, Mrs C. B. Baggett
They spent the weekend in
Odessa with hilly Baggett and
Laundry & Dry Cleaning
Makes Plans
For New Year
Marine Pvt. Don A. Davis,
son of Mr., and Mrs. O. A.
Davis of. Lueders, graduated
from recruit' training at the
Marine Corps Recruit Depot,
San Diego.
He attended Draughon’s Bus-
iness College. Abilene.
If the light for school study was graded in
your home, how would it be classed?
Mrs. R. L. Loop
Buried Monday
In Houston
Funeral services for Mrs.
Riley Lloyd Loop were held
Monday in Houston with burial
in Forest Park Memorial Cem-
Mrs. Loop was the former
Frances Imogene Bullington
and graduated from Stamford
High School in 1917. She mar-
ried Riley Lloyd Loop in Stam-
ford and they moved to Hous-
ton some 47 years ago.
Survivors include her hus-
band; two daughters; two sis-
ters; and several grandchil-
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Loop and
Ameba H. Hickman were in
Houston for the funeral.
Mr. and Mrs Rovce Ferrell
and David of Sweetwater vis-
ited Sunday afternoon with his
sister, Mrs. Carl Sims, and
husband. They were on their
way to visit his mother, Mrs.
R. T. Ferrell, in Stamford.
Mr. and Mrs. Coyt Smith
and Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Smith
went to San Antonio Saturday
for the weekend with another
son, Pryor Smith, his wife and
baby son.
Miss Nora Mae Buske of
Wellington came Monday to
spend two weeks with her un-
cle, Jack Buske. and family.
Mrs. Hesper Berry, Dona
Johnson and Mrs Ruth Seth of
Stamford were out Friday eve-
ning to play 84 with Mrs. Amy
Both students and parents need good
reading and study light. /
Stamford, Texas, Thursday, August 19, 1971 V1UU
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Buske and family Saturday
were Mr and Mrs. Elroy San-
ders of San Angelo: Mr and
Mrs. Harrv Bushells and Jan-
ie, Mr and Mrs. Bill Bushell
and Mr and Mrs. J W. Fare,
Cindy, Lana Kay and Johnnie,
all of Abilene: Mr. and Mrs
Nora Mag of Wellington: Mrs.
Butch Weddle of Bays Ranch,
•Amarillo; Mrs. Elba Bushell
of Sweetwater and Mrs. E. A.
Bushell of Stamford.
Carl Cooper
• in
Mrs. Kate Griffin and Rus-
sell were Sunday visitors of
their grandmother. Mrs. Hen-
ry Bishop in Stamford.
Mrs. Lilly Rivers visited
Thursday in Stamford with
Mrs. Dorothy Foster, former-
ly of Tuxedo who recently
moved td Stamford from Ver-
Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Sims Friday evening were
Carl’s sister and husband, Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Barnett and Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Goree, all of
Stamford, and Mr. and Mrs.
Kemp White of Sweetwater.
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Smith
of New Hope were Friday af-
ternoon visitors of Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. Tacker and Mr.s.
Sadie England Mr and Mrs.
H. M. Phillips visited them
Monday afternoon.
Mrs. P. E. Thompson and
daughter, Oleta, and Mrs. Hen-
ry Bishop went to Fort Worth
Monday to visit relatives, re-
turning home Thursday.
Mrs. Bishop visited with her
daughter, Mrs. Obera Griffin,
and children while she was
'Here's a
hot tip from the
phone company:
11 will
it the hAme of
Carl Wilhelm,
at 7:3® p.m.'
Coconut Cake
With Divinity Frosting
Reg. $1.49 ___
County Fair
Opens Today
In Anson
nee and save on most out-of-state calls.
Novel Baize of Baird was
sneaker for Sunday services at
Church of Christ here Visitors
were Mrs. Wayne Baldwin and
Randy of Kermit
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Moody
and Jennifer of Lubbock spent
the weekend here with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. ElmeFRod-
dy and family.
The Moodys are moving to
College Station soon. Scott will
attend A&M this coming paui Griffin and Russell,
school year.
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Ols'<n
of Wichita Falls were here for
the weekend with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs W E. Brigham,
and other relatives.
All .members ; re invited ar
will receive a card telling thei
what to bring.
507 N. Ave. E. in Haskell
Henry Bish-
Mrs. J. W.
Given in jnarriage by her
father, the bride wore a gown
of organza with hand-clipped
chantilly lace tracing the high
n wk line, bishop sleeves and
empire bodice. The chapel
train, bordered in matching
lace, fell from the hairline giv-
ing mantella effect.
Her attendants wore empire
floor length gowns of hot pink
crepe with white garden hats
trimmed in matching hot pink
ribbons. They carried long
stemmed white roses.
’ After a trip to Colorado the
couple will Uve at Rt. 1, Ham-
The bride is a 1966 graduate
of Hamlin High School and at-
tended Commercial College .
and McMurry College in Abi- ''
lene. She was employed with <*.’
Citizens National Bank in Abi- *
was Doug Sharer The bridegroom is also a
Groomsmen were 1966 «raduate Hamlin Hi£h
Friday, Saturday
August 20 and 21
Mrs. McDougal and sons re-
turned home by Arlington Sat-
urday to visit her brother, J.
T. Wisener, and wife.
Harvey A. Rivers and chil-
dren, George and Ruth, of
Lubbock spent Saturday night
with his sister, Mrs Pauline
Carlton, and Sunday with their
father, George Rivers in Stam-
ford. Other visitors there were
Mr. and .Mrs. M. C. Rivers
of Austin and Mrs. George
Candlelighters were Mike
Ritchey and Philip Ritchey of
Big Spring, cousins of the
Best man
of Hamlin. _______________
'Trrrry™Mvf'>iTy~"anrt —S^-hoaL.-and.—atJendefL Angelo
of Hamlin State University, San Angelo.
. Bill Hodnett, brother of the He is presently engaged in
bride, and Larry Buske cou- farnung and ranching.
His parents hosted the re-
hearsal dinner at the
House in Stamford.
The WashJ>ot
Laundry & Dry Cleaning
109 S. Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sims vis-
ited Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bran-
scum Thursday.
Mrs. Ruby McCafferty visit-
ed Monday with her sister and
husband, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
New Mexico Family Visits
With Relatives at Tuxedo
Mrs. E. L. Cowger, presi-
dent, hosted a meeting of the
executive board of Stamford
Music Club at her home on
The board, composed of Mu-
sic Club officers, includes Mrs.
Cowger, president; Mrs. Ho-
ward Overby, vice president;
Mrs. Leland Thane, recording
secretary; Mrs. I. H. Rogers,
corresponding secretary.
Also Mrs. W. L. Boedecker,
treasurer; Mrs. Jake Westfall,
historian; Mrs. Tommy Ham-
mer, librarian; Mrs. J. C. Rid-
dle and Mrs. Jack Souther-
land, Fine Arts counselors;
Mrs. Bill Reed and Mrs.
Charles Smith, Clef Dwellers
Club counselors.
The club project for the
year, a community club house,
was discussed and plans are
underway for an active choral
Following the board meeting,
they were joined by other club
members for a called meeting
~ bT The Miisic Club. KefTOSIF'
ments of coffee, cookies and
coffee cake were served to
some 25 members.
Mrs. Overby discussed the
theme of this year’s programs.
The opening meeting will be
dinner meeting to be held at
Cliff Hopse Monday evening,
Oct. 11.
Miss Hodnett, Jackie Buske
Marry in Hamlin Ceremony
Kay Ann Hodnett and Jackie sin of the bridegroom, seated
Lee Buske were married Sat-guests.
urday at the Hamlin Church of
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hodnett
of Hamlin. The bridegroom is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Buske of Tuxedo.
W. H. (Gene) Johnston of
Hamlin officiated. Music was
furnished by Kenneth Castello
of Abilene and soloist was Mrs.
Kenneth Castello.
Matron of honor was Mrs.
Carlton W. Adams, Jr. of Abi-
lene. Bridesmaids were Miss
Linda Ables cf Abilene and
Mrs. Ed Wilson of Midland.
Flower girls were Robbie
Ritchey of Big Spring and
Vickie Hodnett of Mesquite,
both cousins of the bride.
These came at this time to
attend the wedding of Kay
Hodnett of Hamlin and Jackie
Buske of Tuxedo at the Ham-
lin Church of Christ Saturday
evening Others to go from
here were Mrs J. K French,
Mrs. Mildred Baize and Mrs.
Joe Carlton
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rush and
children, Rhonda, David and
Debra, of Holbrook. Ariz., vis-
ited here from Thursday to
Saturday with Mrs. Pauline
Carlton, Mr and Mrs. Carl
Carlton, Mr and Mrs.
McCafferty, Mrs
op and Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. i
and Leslie were
Thursday and Friday visiting
Mr and Mrs. Don Waters and
children Keith and; Donna
Lynn came home with the
Cocpers. Mr. and Mrs. Waters
came Saturday for the week-
Other supper guests of Copp-
er* Saturday evening were Mr.
and Mrs. J^omar Waters of I
Abilene, Mr. 'and’ Mrs. Jay
Goodman and Mr. and Mrs.
Butch Kohout and Misty. ■‘ '
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith
and children of Reserve, N.
M., came Tuesdav of last week
to visit with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence R Smith,
and other relatives. They left
f'.r home Monday.
ML and Mrs. Amo
and Tony of Abilene vis
with her parents, the C.
Smiths, and her brother
family Sunday.
Mrs. Betty McDougal
sons, Darryl and Brian, of
Houston spent last week with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.
E. WLsener.. The group went
last Monday to visit Royce
Wisener and family at Hobbs, ‘on the W. T. Wai
N.. M , returning by Plains, |n Wichita
Tex. to visit Mr. and Mrs. bringing in
Royce Randall and family. jn 1911.
Devil’s Food
r /
Everything is in readiness
for opening of Jones County
Fair at Anson today. After a
bustling few days of prepara- j"" “
tion, doors will wing open on y
what is hoped to be one of
the most outstanding of
annual events.
Activities will be kicked
with judging
hibits in the
10 a m.
All rabbits
to be in place at 1 p.m. for
judging to start at 1:30. Sheep
and swine are to -be in place
at 8 p.m.
The big street parade is
scheduled at 6 p.m. and will
feature floats
Starting at 8 p.m. a West-
ern band will play.
Friday will find all cattle in
place at 8 a m. At 8:30. judg-
ing of sheep, swine and crops
will start. Dairv cattle judging
will follow at 11 a.m. ,
—The aftemoni wilt~be~ktcked
off with judging of beef cattle
at 1:30. Steer judging will
come at 3 o’clock. Final judg-
ing. that of steers, will start
at 3 p.m.
The tractor driving contest
will be held at 5 p.m. and one
of the highlights of the year,
the Cotton Queen Contest, will
start at 8’ p.m.
The fair will wind uo Satur-
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Craig, Roy M. Stamford American (Stamford, Tex.), Vol. 48, No. 18, Ed. 1 Thursday, August 19, 1971, newspaper, August 19, 1971; Stamford, Texas. ( accessed October 13, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Stamford Carnegie Library.