[Parish Register: 1877-1889]


Ledger documenting names, dates, and related information for baptisms, communicants, confirmands, marriages, and burials at St. Matthew's Cathedral in Dallas. Records start on page 110.

Physical Description

347 p. ; 38 cm.

Creation Information

St. Matthew's Cathedral (Dallas, Tex.) 1877/1889.


This book is part of the collection entitled: Rescuing Texas History, 2018 and was provided by the Cathedral of Saint Matthew to The Portal to Texas History, a digital repository hosted by the UNT Libraries. It has been viewed 14 times. More information about this book can be viewed below.


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Cathedral of Saint Matthew

The Cathedral Church of St. Matthew

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Descriptive information to help identify this book. Follow the links below to find similar items on the Portal.


  • Main Title: [Parish Register: 1877-1889]
  • Added Title: A New Parish Register


Ledger documenting names, dates, and related information for baptisms, communicants, confirmands, marriages, and burials at St. Matthew's Cathedral in Dallas. Records start on page 110.

Physical Description

347 p. ; 38 cm.


Item Type


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This book is part of the following collection of related materials.

Rescuing Texas History, 2018

Rescuing Texas History collects photographs, newspaper articles, letters, postcards, and other historical materials from across the state and beyond to document and preserve the rich history of the state.

Related Items

[Letter from Rector of Trinity Church in Arkensas, July 4, 1888] (Letter)

[Letter from Rector of Trinity Church in Arkensas, July 4, 1888]

Handwritten letter from the rector of Trinity Church in Van Buren, Arkensas to the reverend at St. Matthew's Cathedral in Dallas, regarding a parishioner (Mrs. Holmes) who travels to Dallas on business, and asking that she be received at the church there when she is in town.

[Letter from Rector of Trinity Church in Arkensas, July 4, 1888] - ark:/67531/metapth1252644

[Change of Membership Certificate for Lily Holmes] (Text)

[Change of Membership Certificate for Lily Holmes]

Certificate documenting that Ms. Lily Holmes has been a member of St. John's Church in Springfield, Missouri, and is now moving to Dallas. Text near the bottom of the form is an excerpt of the Canons of the Church outlining that church members must obtain such certification when moving to a new parish.

[Change of Membership Certificate for Lily Holmes] - ark:/67531/metapth1252650

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Dates and time periods associated with this book.

Creation Date

  • 1877/1889

Added to The Portal to Texas History

  • June 12, 2020, 10:46 a.m.

Description Last Updated

  • Aug. 4, 2020, 3:30 p.m.

Usage Statistics

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Yesterday: 0
Past 30 days: 0
Total Uses: 14


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  • 32.808398, -96.772578

Map Information

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  • map marker Place Name coordinates. (May be approximate.)
  • Repositioning map may be required for optimal printing.

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St. Matthew's Cathedral (Dallas, Tex.). [Parish Register: 1877-1889], book, 1877/1889; (https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth1252658/: accessed January 15, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, https://texashistory.unt.edu; crediting Cathedral of Saint Matthew.

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