The Panola Watchman (Carthage, Tex.), Vol. 132, No. 41, Ed. 1 Wednesday, May 25, 2005 Page: 9 of 32
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JUmnla ^Haidptum
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Grace Notes
on May 28 at 10 a.m. The Rev.
“Extreme Adventure Equipping
Aubrey Wedgeworth and Jim Lovil.
Local church celebrates
The gospel singing at Logan
Xi photo
■ I
Graduation Specials,
Central Baptist Church in
Don’t Forget your Graduation Balloons!!
Wednesday. May 25. 2005
-1W' -
We are so proud of you
and your
Northside Church of Christ
701 W. Cottage Rd./ POB 456
Carthage. TX 75633
Cakes, Cookies, Decorations, etc.
Order Your Graduation
Staff Photo
Cedar Grove Baptist Church received a historical marker
2471 or Ann Tuttle at 903-836-
People today that will not do what God commands also
reject the counsel of God against themselves. Those who
teach that baptism is not essential to salvation fall into
that category even though they may have been baptized.
They reject the purpose of baptism, remission of sins, and
in so doing, reject the counsel of God against themselves.
service times. We will run the
notice until the date given or in a
Tabitha Vaughn
Saturday* 8am -2pm
will host a
“Homecoming” on June 5 for all
a.m. until noon for children
grades K - 6th (grade complet-
ed).. This year’s theme is
“Ramblin’ Road Trip, Which
Way Do I Go?” based on Psalms
25:4. Children will be touring
ning of the concert. Cail SOO-
361-2796 or 318-773-3101.
509 Dantolu St
Lynnatta Minturn, Manager
Opan Mon-fri 7am-8pm
The Baptism of Jesus
The Bible says, "Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to
Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him. But John forbad
him, saying, I have need to be baptized of thee, and
comest thou to me? And Jesus answering said unto him.
Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all
righteousness. Then he suffered him. And Jesus, when he
was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and,
lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the
Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon
him: And lo a voice from heaven, saying. This is my
beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased" (Matthew 3:13-
:y photo
>s held
I i
i other
or the
ig the
I was a
I 1
100 years with dedication
of historical marker
school. Games for kids, and
information on membership in
these groups. Lunch will be
Melody Boys Quartet to hold served by some of the organiza-
—■———— — — ——— —— i tions. Pi izcs to be given at the
the 1
Association, and within a few 29. Everyone is invited to attend,
more years, it became known
Local church plans 5th Sunday Pastor’s second anniversary to
be celebrated June 12
Pleasant Grove Missionary
Fairplay Baptist Church in Carthage will
Revival service, May 25-27
at Calvary Pentecostal
Calvary Pentecostal Church,
located on CR 110 in the Pope
Quarters, is holding revival serv-
ices May 25-27 at 7:30 p.m.
Evangelist is Bishop E.R. For more
Starling, of Easton, Texas. There Shirley Crawford at 903-947-
will be prayer for the sick and
prophecying each night. Pastor
Elizabeth White invites everyone
to attend.
Long Branch will celebrate their
annual “Men and Women’s Day”
program starting at 11 a.m. June
12. The Rev. Edward Jones, of
Truevine Baptist Church in
Methodist Houston will be the guest minis-
host a ter. The Rev. James H. Wall Jr. is
Central Baptist gets new
Children’s Day Care Director
Central Baptist Church says will begin her duties as director,
welcome to Yvette Holt, as new May 27th.
CDC(Children*s Day Care)
,lall U I culxu C?.
Baptist ( hutch in < arthage
Yvette comes to ( entral with 4^'-
mne sears of owning het own
day care in Hallsville IWMmBmMK
Her enthusiasm and excite i^J,-,
ment ate tontagious' With her ijwJalajk
Little Rock, AR will be in con-
cert June 17 at 6:30 p.m. at
Cornerstone Assembly of God Monthly singing, first Sunday
Church, located at 9742 US 79 at Logan Assembly
South in Bethany. They are
concert at local church
The Melody Boys Quartet of games, will be school supply ori-
Little Rock, AR will be in con- ented.
The Christian Fine Arts
Society and Celestial Arts are
sponsoring poetry contests free
to everyone. In each contest a
$1,000 grand prize will be
offered to the winner.
A special religious poetry
contest is being offered by the
Christian Fine Arts 1
which awards 50 prizes in all,
including the grand prize, total-
ing almost $5,000.
To enter, send one poem of 21
lines or less to Free Poetry
Contest, 9588 Thornbush Lane
Fishers, IN 46038. The deadline
for entering is June 8, 2005.
Poems may be written on any
subject, using any style as long
as there is a spiritual inference. A
typical poem might be a love
poem or poem of praise, one that
inspires the reader.
Celestial Arts is sponsoring a
new poetry contest with over
$50,000 in cash prizes which
will be awarded during the com-
ing year.
“Even if you have never
entered a competition before,”
says Poetry Editor Michael
Thomas, “this is your opportuni-
ty to win big. Even if you have
written only one poem, it be read and appreci-
ated. Beginners are certainly
To enter, send one poem 21
lines or less to Celestial Arts,
P.O. Box 1140, Talent, OR
.»#■ W''»W
h photo
f u:
I 7
hall prior to the morning service
and an old-fashioned covered
dish luncheon will follow the 11
a.m. service. Please come and
get reacquainted with old
friends. Everyone is welcome.
For more information call
First United
announces VBS, June 20-24
Volunteers are needed for
Bible School June 13-17 from 9 Back to School Bash, July 30 at
Mission Carthage
Mission Carthage will have a
“Back to School Bash” July 30
from 9 a m. to 1 p.m. at the
Panola County Exposition
Center. This will involve church
five great destinations across the youth groups, civic and school
USA stopping along the way for organizations as well as many
others getting together just
before school starts to get the
musical, May 29
Jerusalem Baptist Church,
located in the
Inf ‘ ■ v*
I 3k’ V tAw
Yvette Holt
Christian Fine Arts Society, Celestial
Arts seeks poets from Carthage area
97540. The deadline for entering direction and love for children
is June 18, 2005. the day care will be making some
Be sure your name and improvements over the summer.
address appears on the page with The staff at Central believe her
your poem. A winner’s list will expertise will greatly impact the
be sent to entrants. Both contests church and community. Yvette
can also be entered by going
online at
invited to participate in the Mission Carthage plans
karaoke segment at the begin- 2005 upcoming events
There will be other upcoming
events this year for Mission
Carthage: September —
Methodist Volunteer and sponsor apprecia-
tion banquet; October — Fun
run/walk fund raiser; Nov. 24 —
Vacation Bible School 2005 at Thanksgiving feast; and
First United Methodist Church in December — Angel Tree
Carthage June 20-24 from 9 a.m.
to noon. This year’s VBS pro-
gram is based on the Bible verse
from Matthew 7:7. We want all
We Love you,
Grandaddy and
Did Jesus, the perfect man, have anything to repent of and
receive the promise of remission of sins? John recognized
the fact that Jesus did not need John's baptism and so
states. But the Jew, in making preparation for the coming
kingdom was commanded to submit to John's baptism.
Had Jesus refused that baptism, then he would have
sinned like the lawyers and Pharisees who, it is said,
"Rejected the counsel of God against themselves, being
not baptized of him" (Luke 7:30). So, he makes the state-
ment already quoted, "Suffer it to be so now: for thus it
becometh us to fulfil all righteousness."
Cedar Grove Baptist Church,
located on County Road 108 in
Carthage, celebrated its 100th
anniversary and Texas Historical
Marker dedication on May 22.
Pastor is Freddy Mason,
Associate Pastor is Jeremy
Roberts, and Music Director is
W.A. Wedgeworth.
The special service included
congregational hymns lead by
Aubrey Wedgeworth; welcome
and remarks by Pastor Freddy
Mason, special music provided
by The Wedgeworth Family, The
Marshall Family, and the Cedar
Grove Centennial Choir; reading
by Patsy Waldrop and John
Pepper; recognitions by Pastor
Mason; slide show presentation
by Ann Morris; and closing
remarks by Pastor Mason.
Afterwards, the dedication
and unveiling of the historical
marker took place with guest
speaker Marylee Knight, chair-
man of the Panola County
Historical Commission. Jim
Lovil and Aubrey Wedgeworth
unveiled the marker and the text
was read by Pastor Mason. Jerry
Mason closed the service with
prayer, and a reception followed
for everyone.
The following is the text for
the Texas State Historical
Soon after the Civil War, set-
tlers established a community
here, naming it Snap after Snap
Cariker, a physician and early
resident. On May 14. 1905, sev-
eral members of what was
known as Six Mile Church met
under the leadership of the Rev.
W.A. Reagan and organized the
Baptist Church of Christ at Old
Six Mile Church. They continued
East Ttaras Bethel District *2 to
hold meeting, May 28
The East Texas Bethel
District #2 will convene with St.
John Baptist Church in Kilgore 9 p.m. and this year’s theme is
to celebrate 100 years. Unveiling the marker are deacons Edgar Tatum Jr. is president, and for Life” For moreinformation^
Sis. Clara Jones is president of call 903-693-5060.
the Women's Auxiliary.
nationally known and have Assembly of God Church will be
appeared regularly on Gospel held every three months on the
Music television and Gaither first Sunday beginning at 2 p.m.
Homecoming concerts. Potluck The next meeting will be August
fellowship dinner at close of 7. Everyone is invited. For more
concert. Suggested donations are information, contact Hugh
adults $10 and children 6-13, $5. Rutherford at 903-622-4047.
Gospel singers and musicians are
Hopewell Baptist
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School will
begin June 6-10 at Hopewell
Baptist Church, located on
Highway 1970. Times are 6:45 to
December — Angel
Mission Conference.
The Panola Watchman wel-
comes the submissions of your
children to ask, seek and knock special upcoming events or a
on the door to a deeper relation- notification of changes of regular
ship with God. The fun includes
Bible stories, songs, games, and
crafts. Closing ceremony will be change for a few times. This
June 24 at 6 p.m. Persons who space is for special events and is
want to teach a class or volun- free of charge, and welcome to
teer, contact Kim Funderburk at all churches. (Deadline for Grace
903-693-7374. Notes is every Friday at noon.)
Men and Women’s Day pro-
announced) in the county. This is gram at Shady Grove
an outreach to bring in families Members of Shady Grove
that are not presently involved in Missionary Baptist Church in
a church. All children will be
invited. Lunch will be served.
great stories, crafts, music,
refreshments and recreation.
Contact Susan Claxton for more kids excited about going back to
information or registration at
East Texas Bethel MBA to
Homecoming service, May 28 meet in Timpson, June 10
at Pleasant Valley The East Texas Bethel
The annual homecoming Missionary Baptist Association
memorial for the Oddfellow and Youth Encampment will convene
Walker Cemeteries will be held with First Smyrna United Baptist
at 6 p.m. May 28 at Pleasant Church in Timpson on June 10 at
Valley Baptist Church. The Rev. 9:30 a.m. The Rev. James Dunn
Larry Thom is host pastor, is pastor. Rev. J.T. Harris is mod-
Everyone who has loved ones erator, Sis. Eva Chadwick is
buried in either cemetery is high- president of the Women’s
ly urged to be present. Important Convention. Sis. Precious
matters are to be discussed. Your Williams is youth director, and
attendance will be greatly appre- Sis. Felita Ewins is assistant
dated. director.
■1) and
played .‘J
Tatum United Methodist to
host homecoming, June 5
during its first century, including Church
women’s, men’s and youth serv- «“
ice and study groups, and annual present and former members,
Vacation Bible School, family and friends. Jessie Harris, Central Baptist Church plans
Continuing to grow, the congre- pastor from 1963-1966 will hold VBS, June 13-17
gation also continued to build the morning service. Coffee will
new facilities for its various pro- be available in the fellowship Carthage will be having Vacation
More than 100 years after its
founding members first met as a
congregation. Cedar Grove
Baptist Church continues its
work and service. Family-orient-
ed, the church provides a focal
point for the numerous residents
in the area.
I ant-
to 12:30 p.m. for Mission they honor their pastor and his
Carthage. Various youth groups wife.
will be cooperating to have a
VBS in several locations (to be
meeting in the facilities of their
former congregation until mak-
ing plans to build their own sanc-
tuary in 1911.
At that same time, members
changed the congregational
name to Cedar Grove Baptist
Church of Christ, dedicating a
new sanctuary in 1912 and estab-
lishing a Sunday school pro-
gram. Four years later, the con-
gregation became affiliated with Community, will hold a “5th celebrate the second anniversary
‘ Panola County Baptist Sunday Musical” at 6 p.m. May of its pastor and his wife, James
and Carolyn Bell. This special
event will take place on June 12
simply as Cedar Grove Baptist Backyard Bible Club begins in at 3 p.m. Pastor James E. Webb
Church. The church later affiliat- June, Mission Carthage and Bethesda Baptist Church
ed with several area associations, A Backyard Bible Club will will be the special guest. Please
and preachers from nearby towns take place June 4 from 9:30 a.m. come and share with everyone as
and led services once a month.
The largely agricultural com-
munity of Snap supported sever-
al businesses until World War II,
after which its population slowly
declined. The church, however,
continued to grow throughout the
20th century, eventually con-
ducting services twice monthly
and in 1951 established a full-
time pastorate. The congregation
supported numerous programs
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The Panola Watchman (Carthage, Tex.), Vol. 132, No. 41, Ed. 1 Wednesday, May 25, 2005, newspaper, May 25, 2005; Carthage, Texas. ( accessed September 11, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Sammy Brown Library.