Breckenridge American (Breckenridge, Tex.), Vol. 23, No. 81, Ed. 1 Wednesday, September 1, 1943 Page: 1 of 4
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Trmde At Home
For Sett Protection
Breckenridge American
VOL. !0~-N0. 8).
Little temperature chang* e.\
cept not quite so Warm northwv.i
portion, scattered thundershou'-
this afternoon.
Price Daily 5c — Sunday 5c
Mighty Seabee
SEPTEMBER 1 arrived early
Iht* morning No earlier than
w;ts exfiectcd, but go- Wasn't it
ii long hot >iinim< r
Thundershower* in *' '1'nil | .-i 11 -
of the state Tll< sd.iy gav, j■ i
iv> that w.- actually maj ^ t nnr
rain later on Somelxwly -aid th
would In1 September ]n tin n M
E\"lyn Slmtian, dared ik in t M
who said it
IT <a>v John l^ee Smith
j SffWnry of Interior HtroM
• .1 i ontiniiiiu: ' • '
little and Pr-sldrnt Rooscv.'-
■ ailed a radio announces a l'1
Then tlii innmimi r rep a! d v '
the preside nt had s.ial v.,,- , .
But wa (in not tin11k Hi. " i i1 ■ ■
had anything to do will;
Sniitli ■.till holds that < 'itin
gas ration* ««.- political appe,is
men I of the Fast and ;i ^ 1 < K
.P th xe i> an actual ;■ i- shm" ....
why tin' maximum pn dn. i. n .
large Tex.i. rrfineiK-- -v i- •••
fed lit 7;. !*-r eenf of tii' ij 1!M
* A fair question on the t.n o
it. Tin next im.ii o( Col!!' i •
will have ,i >tur) by Frank T
lop of Tulsa of the drain militar;
wetlvili-. iv making ..n th
world. Sofneiline* Hi av i
eltl/en listening to It .ill wc,rd'
whether to ink.' off his < • >. i .;
join th<- fight, or put up his u.
ItrelU and let it ra.n
Rotarv Told Of
Incidents During
Guard's Outing
County Agent .1 M Coop -r i.
.addressing members of the Mretk-
enrnlge Rotary Club on the T< x i
State Guard maneuvers from un
. enlisted man's viewpoint said th. I
, the practice developed the need
lor greater co-ordination to ha\.
Former .Mayor Here Dies In Dallas
jail forces
As iini
clu king m unis
Breek Schools In
Seareh of Band
Leader Again
Reports Iroi,. the Board of 1£<
tuation meeting last night today '' warships and planes blasted Japanese-held Man us Island IihIi
Tokyo Radio Fears
Home Raid After
Attack On Marcus
i By United Press i
A fill-ranging .• iI pi csutiuihly powcilul if.
S. na .
revealed that hody again is in
search for a bandmaster here, th"
second time public announcement
ol ae'-eptaia'e of the position has
been made, and the mm elect*d
has changed his plans.
Kord Lane of Dublin, who was
what observers IHieved may b,. the prelude to large stale figh
the i entral Pacb.ic, Marcus Island is only l,10o miles south.
I okyo.
Radio Tokyo reported
fiifimied that Ameitcan
aith shells and Iminbc in a i
d. had
I he heal
K Ha i
ow n '
t rid
• I •«!
J! his
Breek To Start
In liiji liame
iiilu nt
I he c
on top of tb-s ah
' left he disco''en
i- had been hit w ith som •thuu
Examination disclosed this '
ii'e he. n a 'lour sack He ha
•••n bombed and had been dea
irrie time and did not know it.
IN the plea mad- hen- fm n.
cans «htch will is- answ'-rc'1
by the I,ions Club as \ponsie -
was said that ore pound of He
i an* will prcipilale oi .<• p-m-ad
of copper from mine product th
r.Ms • until for use Tins bring
about quite « It-cowry th ■' oth.
w |so w ill In lost
It u as expbiined that th. Hi.
to i"t| whether a can can be us
is to step on it I: i' do s ti"'
break, ho matter lam rusty.
still tan lie used
Atlwandl d Y* nsioners sroup >n
Texas is the one composed ol
the three widiw* of men who i-
ther took |wrt in the Texas Me
Iran war oi who signed 'he state -
l eelaration of lnde|*>nderc.-.
They ire i aid *150 a year di- ,
id«l Into quarterly payments
' The law providing for their al-
lotment n-ads that it shall ! • pain
•o "Spanish-Anvruan Vetera-
and their widow* any suniMr.i;
indigent soldi T or volunteer w iv
was in actual militarx or naval
service al the time of the siege n(
Be&ar. Dec.. 1835. or at the tin.'
of I he Battle of Sue Jannto April.
1KW. or who actually pi.'t'Cilwitefl
in liny battle in Texas in ioi
vl a« mm h a six w.fks servic
ilwecn the In-ginning of the rev -
olution at Oonzale*. 1H.I5. and Jan.
1. 1|I37. ard to every indigent
^Hler of the I ><-duration of !nd>'-
^ndene,. of Tex i , and every in-
digent sun ivinu widow of sue n
Mildier. vnlunleer or signer so |o- g
na «uch widow reman** unmai-
itally spilling some of the
"lused some to be without
late hour one night.
talk was part of the pro-
ii which th ■ club listened
-I .eh ol Winston Onir-
ic! Miss Dorothy O'Connor ,
ard In two songs, atco.n-
liy Mrs Edgar Cain at the
riiirteentli Well
In Southwest Is
U Pa\ Depth
the navy in Washington in
and plant s showered ihe tin.\
raid i ir from known U. S. ha
Mart us | Kind is h.sii mil 's
"northwest ol Wake Islar I
it hv
n c«i
T. B
11 las last
111 told lit tile
ckenridge, and
about dividi' honors betwei'.;
I'.reekenriilge and Lttbhock for
players furnisb'd for this lean'.
It is coaebed bv Dell Morgan uf
T< Teeh ind l!t k Curtis of< kenridge v\ hicli urnishes fur-
ther ItK-al horjors.
Joe Thompson, lfi.Vp >und Lult-
lus k quarterb u k. w ill call signals
lor the West rn- i and his tear.;-
mat". Jiob lirewer I7( |iou id>
lui- Iwen a.sMgned to left half.
Maxie Bell t.| X'ernon. 1 >5, ant)
Ivan Curviingbam of Arlington
185. head ni thi North's starting
Imii k field
Conr.>.\ who ap-
Polities Seen In-
Churchill S|)eeeli
London. Sept 1 UR Signs of
fto)itica] re|iercussions from Ihe
lat st Cliurchill-Roosevelt eonf' i-
ei'iv in Quebec apfuvired tod«t;'.
hut there was no indication Prime
; Minister Churchill's position
1 would Iw challenged seriously.
The defcnsiv-. ton- of Chure-
hill's s|*'ceh from Canada yeste -
<iay was regarded in Ixir.don as
' lecogntion of an Increasingly
critical British public.
The feeling of many Brilor.s
could be summed up by a eurr -nt
^wisecrack that "Churchill is fisli-
i Lions l o Sponsor
Tin (ian Drive In
Stephen-; Count\
At a mu ting of r-presen: i-
lives o| the Lions Club with K.
E. Ilendrix ol the War I'rodue-
lion Board Salvage Section he;d
it ih" Chatril r ol Commci'
fleiirt \ttii( Iv Is
Fatal l o Fornuv
Breek Resident
lege, tne eop'ract
b" bindir.'; He has three such ol-
U it was added, ami is to do-
cid,' which to select Mr. Bailey
said he is >n touch with one
two men for the position.
Mt> Joy Rice Of Brownwood
was elected • economics
teacher in Junior High.
Football practice will begin to-
morrow Coach Eck Curtis is ex-
P ' tcii to return from Wichita
Fa I Is where I ■ has lieer coach-
ing lor th< West-North game.
Season litT.els for the five fo *-
liall games at home this year
went on !■ ale today al the otfie;'"
o| Board Si-crctary Paul Carrel I
and all who wish to occupy ihe • seals as last year are ad- I'any's well on the t
vised to mak.. their reservation.- land at the old L<
at once. The season lsnik is of- is being hooker! up by tl
l'ered ai ^.'.75, a charge of 75 Star, estimated g-i- yield
tents to lie umde for single games, fifteen million euh'c feet.
Regi'trali >ns in Juraor Hi'lh This com|>any . Wiltmer, Kn
(.(wnerl today, 211 having i-egis- & Ew ing drilling contriu t ii!.. i
I "red at the High School up to to start new well on Hv !.
day. Registration in th" elemen-1 Thorp, land, a mil
lary -choolH will U> on op<'iiing
'lay. Sept. 7.
Other business al the board
meeting Tuesday r:ght included
bills ordered paid, bus routes ap-
pio\i d and sevaral tax case; cor-
bust s
Wittmer. Kt
shut in theif
well in th so
county , aw a it i
a producer t.,
13th well in tl
pioneered lor
lucky number
put It
Tulang is t"
which has I:
I I oct,
At the same titr
j ed that Woodlev I
<>kyo sjid that Wave all •
American planes bomb,
nd while tvarships
-Is at its in.stallatio: ;
•se broadcast no! d
ans could raid Mart
hey could attack the
navy content d it - I
that "a carrier task
haired for Sept. l p
>n Cot::
I ''ol J.
"ray ti
ttortheast of
News Of tile death of T I'.
Rtdgc 11 in Dallas last night
Wednesday morning it wa; d- brought Iwick to nmr>v h
T(4\a.s (a). Plant
Makes Toluene
Large quantities of toluer.c. oa-,
sic ingredient of deadly TN"i". are
the days when he was mayor and now lieing manufactured in a new'
assistant county attorn y. the days s«,H0iui00 unit at one of Ihe T -x-
w hen ( urtis Hancock was seer"- j (ts Company's refiierics in thej
tary ol the C hamlx', of fomnvree Chicago area, according lo word
at s! .(hx> -a month salary, and Hi" ,r,«cei\ad here today.
The new unit, first to lie coa
the producing \vr
Lone Star was
to set pip? ard
Henry farm in ii>
of the county, fix
the Loving pee! '
producer will ope
Th-. two of I set
producer on the
northeast of Br«
l>eer shut dawn, but it was • pil-
ed they will start up agai.i sho.
t'e]M<rterl IV id)
drill in o*jf the
southwesi part
niles -tiulh of
This We|) il
i a new |xvol.
veil.- to the bi;
('orlr It rairh
•kenridge, Ira-..'
• -1'Ix is in progress'' but Ih
tl ft e; report had I t n n •
I rum the ships involved.
"'It is presunted that I bet-
he none.'' the navy said,
reed (or radio silence ce;
The navy •.tateni.-r' v. •
orally by a spok strain
Obsemrs paid part aula r
tuition to word "raid" iu
navy's announcement. It ;
would ajip. ar to mean ti . :
attack was m the ratm ■ 1
and run affair rather than «••
iI'tiipt to occupy the cat a
post. Such a raid was n; .•'
M ucus island on Mart '< I
* • ipiart " s, hov..
<d that th" American t '
would hardly venture ■ . t. •
t". S. has;■ into ee -my domir
waters unless u intended to
tomplish more than a brief I'
tug oi tiny Mate-is
France Is Raided'
A largi bn • o| t'
F'ort res sex tattvrd !he ,\m
mart-.v h -r.- ;o«l.
memories of tl- . oil boom da\>
Harry Nt x ill
parenlls will i rry a large paitjmg while Stalin is fighting.
of thi North's attack, has been
assigned si.rtaig fullback and
Kenn-tb Fs -hman Wichita Falis.! ... _ -
win .an signal Address of Man Is
Coach Dell Mm gap was somt •
what gloomy today in spite of his
apparent wealth ol material.
Sought By Board
Present address of Ray Carrell
citled that club will sponsor lla
work ol gathering tin cans in the
county and city.
H'-ndnx |>oirited out that the
Dallas plant, because of need, is
it adimg out into territory heyon 1
the KMi-mile limit, and has ar-
ranged with th- CiM-a-Cola Bot-
tin-.-; company lo haul in the ean ;
These will he hauled provitleil historx-.
they are loaded on th. trucks Mr. Ridftcll. died of a hrirtf
9 >
Manv Patients h\
Local Hospitals
The cans tlo not have to
mashed. |>us
Rc\. Amos Myers, presjtlent of ridgi
days of Br< ck Walker anil oth 'r
stalwarts figur-s in one of th*} .... , . .... .. , ...
, . , . , . "strucled in Illinois, was built un-
greatest oi lM.oms ever krewn to , . ' . .
der an Army Ordnance contract.
For military reasons its capacity
. i, . . «annot be disclos >d.
attack while en route home on "
quickly h$ telephon \
large numlx-r of
Judge Ridgt-ll was
The raw material usi J Is n
cut" from ordinary straight-rue
friends being nwtor gasoline, manufactured
elsewhere in th.> plant. Exlrnction
mavor ot "ie toluene is a difficult and
costly process, but th:' finished
The three '•llglble «idow s Iix ■
in Abilene. Giddings and Elkhait
A STl'DY of Iwits in Texas
ca\es ha* bc.'n startad i>y hi
okwUts of th- state f anit . Fish
awl Oymer Commission ard th
have learned already that the
are five distinct types of 1 its in
the state.
Mystery still to Iv solvad .
where the hat* migrate to alt ;
spending the tim • from June •
September in Ihe Texas caves.
The buls have a commercld
value. Guano, one of thi- world s
richest frrtih*ci* worth S35 a t. n
l> taken in large quantities fro <<
bat a v; in a donen counties •>'
•he «litc. One large cave in Co
nm| court y yields 90 tons of fer-
n year, appronimatcly ,V)
■ year «*• •"• fr,>oi Burnet
cave* and 15 ions from
in El P o i-ounly.
Oat of the peculiarities • h-
| in connection with th-
ai hats is that when th«>
lo a cave they come bacti
^4 |n an nppouite directiot
CMS tike direction in which they
or Heard: Spot Collin*, an
l flyer from Brrdwnrhtac.
i. sought by memli -rs of the local h II .nu t Norton, mentor draft board, it was said at that
for Hi.- North team, h id hig'i office today.
pr.ils. fot Gobi Bryant. Dalla ' >( three men sent to induction
all- at. i. l l Monty Mont net', center for military seme - in th.
also of Dalla
gast, iloiikton, as
the h -st
f rom t Iu
year scientiou* objactor* camp.
the club, named two eommitt -
on the work, ink Satterwh.i-'
ami f \ Fore eompris • a eom-
mitt- to arrange lalir.r for load Breckenridge in 10J.1-J I He was I costly process,
n th can- |: i: l'.ow• rs, •hair- Ijorn ui Ellis couniy but nio\.d ' |>r* clu**t. a water-white, harmless
tr ie, lb nee n, l ie!-. Truman ltd ; R'ickw all county when a child, i lookir;; liquid, is shipp ed to other
and ). A. Oihmaie of th, .:1a'■ There he studied law unrt *r hi- idants, where It is converted In'. 11 . ,
t.> TNT i trinitrotoluena by the .so- i Bibb, Woodson, was burnad
military ilia;: committee will brotht-r-in-law Judge Stroud
arrange for a p a<
i an-,
Tin cans are us. r
ol '-opiK-r anil ar ■
nd Marion Sett - August tall two Carson Dabbsjit wa.- ,aa> 1- \ i
lieinr anion;: Jr. and Marshall Gordon Defoe' |a, th lair 'rotirtls
away Thursday, it w
called nitration process.
, |w>rt al Ami' ns-Glissy in !•'-
, by daylight late Tu stlav : i
ofl a virtually unbroken u • •
attack on enemy airfield, and !
dust rial targets on the last da; .
, the fourth year of th ■ war.
Axis radio stations b-gau I .
ing the air in the night, ihe ti;
i indication of a night assault
Reports from Brcck -Bridge ho.s-1 in their concentrated atiack.
pita Is today showed Fred Thorn- fortresses smashed ammuniti
hill admitted to Brecki-nridg-' j dumps, runways, barracks and "
Clinic Sunday < dismissed today. |>ersal areas of the airport,
and Russell Pendleton, son of H.J In air battles fought by the
M. Pendleton, Ivan Star Route, a i four-engir"d bombers, at !■•
surgical patient there. Judg" [ five German fighters w re
Bryan Atchison was reported "do-; down and two more were sir.;
ing pretty good." on the ground by Can-id
At W.-stsitle two burn.-d p - among the Spitfire escort,
lients were shown. Judy Pruc:;.:, j Returning pilots reported
two year old daughter of Paul lively little anti-aircraft f.r,
Pru".ss was treated for burns re- only moderate fighter oppo- t;
reived when she fell in the fire One of the Fortress s aril '
while on a weirer roast. Murray lighters of the escort faded t >
bout turn.
the face when he struck a ma • a , Germans In Ni-d
, to look irdo his radiator. E. R.
had -t .a conang up' qualified for service. Defoor,
i ■ high -i hoots this was added, will he scrt to a cot
Rites Thursrla/ For
Well Known Neffi")
to brn.g th' graduate at Baylor Universit'
the age of l . He bad di tllaibil-1 No formal owning ceremonits:
•(.f|lwere belt! at the plant, as il was i NIX. Mrs. A. Moore, and I obi,y
lelt that the lime could b> spent | Gabriel ar, medical pati nt-. I.ttk ■
mor- advarfageously in actual Gray was treated tor a:i Injur • I
, was notorial i 'pr< s -r tatlvc of production. Instead, employes atj'0®'
Dallas and Riskwall countie; his, "<e plant received a eongratula-1 Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Birkt rt
the iiareiits of a baby tlaugh'e;'
in th" makir iti".s remo\-ed and at lf« ser
badlv needed. "s county attorn-y of Rix'kv.tll
.six tons P'.w county, later as county ludge.
will be haul
i rti11•aim iv* w i\ >«411 « iFiiucrt, HI.' | —* • * "
jlife long friend, n T. Bowles, said ''iry telegram M-om Texaco's pres. the parents n
| today. He cam here about 19^5. idem. W. S. S. Rndgers. : Iwrn Tuesday
i Funeral senaee for Ed < Dt a
| coni 'tiown, negro, known to
the comments of a column..-1 . many of Mr .-ckenridge. especially
which were very detrimental M in connection wiilt his services
the United Slaics and to the Unity
'•f the Dntted Nations, and there-
at the Burch hot I. will be
h Id
Thursday afternoon at 2 a'cloc'<
. at Mt. Oliv Baptist Church.
fore to the Winning of th, war. j |Wn )|u,(| A ^ #| ,
a I ivsideniv a' < I5 South Roberis
He said the comments wer->
Washington, Sept 1 President
Roosevelt yesti rday call -d Drew
Pearson, columnist and radio
commentator, a chronic bar. un-l
Pearson promptly repeated r
statement which had drawr Mr. 1
Roost*'.ell's ir.- that Secretary of.
State Hull has an "ana-Ru- ian 'l<1. 'he man who wrote them a ; street. The lody will ||(. m st;
attitude chronic liar and they demonstrrt- ,,t the church frlim 10 a.m I'hf
Mr Rtsisevdl d noumad Pew- cd Imd faith with Ihe country unIi| funfla| ,im. i
son in the coutv of telling h" Furthermore, he added, they rI today hi. many frit- L .
prtsa-radio t onferenee that things resented a kir 1 of Journalisri. actiuiuniaace ae inv iti^l to th
were goirg along pretty well with A'hich hint the press and the coun- fune.-al, R"\ S. R. Roller , pa-
raspeet to a tri-partite c< nfer*nc- 'ry B,1d he said the columnist w"vfcr. to officiate.
with Britain and Rus in He sai l °nly ane. j Survive.g are two da tglit*.
that was all he could -ay about While the President did r.ot u.;e Mrs. Eii/al,eth (iilmore. Br ekt
lh« «'onference; that specifically Pearson'* name there was no
he could not say where or when question as to whom the shafts
While here he was appoint ■ I j
by Ma Ferguson to the (o'jrt o*
civil ap)M-als at Eastland. II-
moved to Dallas in 19.Y2.
Funeral services are tt> he iher--
Thursday at 10 o'clock. He is
survived by he widow, Mrs. Mol-
Ite (Jay Rnltf'dl. a daughter, Mr
Hownrd J. Wuifers, a brother. Dr.
W. J. Ridgell, Kcllx-rg, ard a
grandson Joh.i Burke, Jr.
\llies Attacking on All Fronts
As War Rolis Into Fifth Year
It liecame Increasingly appar
that Russia's amazing .-am—.;
against the might of the (I-
.army which rolled th.-n •
three prccedinc sucmeri
due to Germany's increasi""
egic needs as well as th • In;
the Russian blows. .
The Russians announc ed a a
precetlented series of vit
which smaslv-d German d ,
in three widely-scparat; d
along a 600-mile fnint as
Red army drove towa-d Sm-i'e:
ip th> north, broke into lb
of the Ukraine !n Ih ■ cent il U
and surged towartl Mariupol
wa I
war Here Returns
From Indip Area
I By HARRISON SALISBURY year ago. here was th
United Press Staff Correspond i « Rommel Near Cai.-o
London < '.!? The fourth yea'' In Africa. Field Marshal Kr va- the south.
of war probably will go down, u Rommel still stood only 75 miles All the gains were mail • ,\i
Chun-hill's phrase, as "th« end ot' west of Cairo. He eoamiand-d day but Premier Joseph Stab
the lieginning," while the Allie force* of 141.000 troops, with pick after announcing tl' > cap'ure
are confident that victory will ed stjuadrons of the Luftwaffe. Taganrog, saved until Tu
,crown their effort* in Europ. be- Virtually the whole North Alt .- two more -orders of
fore the fifth year is ended. can coast was in Axis lianas,
Op-ning of the war's fifth year Iher openly or through Vichy pep-
it might he held or whether Pre
mier Staim would attend.
Without mention:,7 Pearson n.
nam-. ^Ir. Roose\"lt said he win;
as disturbed as Hull had been by
wrr- directed since Hull issued a
statement Monday terming "nv>n-
.-irons and diabolical falsehoods'
statements he said had been made
by Pesrson.
ridge and Mrs. Alice McCoy
Houston. A grandsan. a br.ather
Clarence Brow r Cameron, and «
sister Mrs. Sarah Lee Dallas, ai r
survive. Services will he iolwa* reoorled loday he has gone
charge of Brown-Hardie Funeral on a fishing trip for two or thrpc
Home. Ft. Worth. M-ay*.
First Lt. Roliert II. Sike* In. fir Is Allied troops everywhere on pels. The Mediterranean s ■
rt h«>me on furlough, a 'he offensive or holding th str.v- gauntlet through which only the
hombardicr with 75 missiors i" ' gic initiative on Ihe threshold most vital shippirg. such a ; on
his cn'dit. Sikes ha* been n of Europe, on the Russians' vast voys to Maiia. could risked, id!
gag-d ir the India theater of war Eastern front and even on the the rest of Ihe Afiica,-, suppli-;
a mcher of medals for tortuous island frot. of Ihe Pa-]going around Ihe Cape of Gatxl
exceptional service. cifie. .Hope, a tremendous
His home is in Wayland and II
lb- dav
tell the world of Ihe tldtbti .
successes. They included t !n■
ture of Yelnya. 43 mile •"
Smolensk and Ghikhov and
40 miles inside th > Ukrainian
der from Sevik.
Battles Ove - Italy
Angry swarms of r. i." a-
ia.00'>ml'e German fighters opening ihe i>;
How far and how fast the Al- haul. lerest air battle over Italy
lies have com* in th- past 12; Nuaiian* Were Retreating swirled 100 miles otil to s a r.>
months is evident by a backward i In Russia, the German troop- ed in a d-sr-'rate attcmp. Ma-. d t
glanc at the calendar. Just one t ic ontinued on Page 3) ! (Continue* On Page 2)
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Hall, C. M. Breckenridge American (Breckenridge, Tex.), Vol. 23, No. 81, Ed. 1 Wednesday, September 1, 1943, newspaper, September 1, 1943; Breckenridge, Texas. ( accessed October 12, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Breckenridge Public Library.