The Canadian Record (Canadian, Tex.), Vol. 86, No. 3, Ed. 1 Thursday, January 16, 1975 Page: 6 of 17
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3i Canadian RECORD
by nan ezzell
If you thought 1074 wu . dry ye", you were right
kent bv Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Crawford for the National Weat
Bureau since 1955 show that only three of thepast twenty y
were drier than 1974, which boasted an official total of 15.29 mc
"'ttTdrt^ar of those l«t twenty was 1970I withI only 1011
was not much better, with 11.81 inches .n the official gang .
The wettest year since the Crawfords have been keeping the
records was 1960 with almost 30 mekes-f1**■'™
wettest was the year before. 1959. with 27.32..AndI in
prettv wet. too. with 26.74. Last year was dry. but the year before.
1973.* was one of the wetter ones with a nice 24.50 inch. tota 1.
The average total here for the past twenty years figures out at
19.71 inches—let's hope that 1975 tops the average.
A number of local clubs have started the new year with new
officers and new schedules. Among the new officers there are
probably official reporters for many of these organizations. For you
who have the job of reporting the news of your organization to the
newspaper we have a Club Report Form which is designed to make
your job easier. Some club reporters take one of these forms to each
meeting and fill it out as the meeting progresses; others take notes
at the meeting and then fill in the applicable portions of the form on
their return home. Then they leave the form at The Record office,
or, in some cases, mail it to us, and their job is done.
Those who have used the report form for a time tell me they like it
and find it simplifies their job. Anyone who has a club or
organizational reporter's job and wishes a supply of the report
forms is welcome to them. Just stop by The Record office for them,
When turning in any news to this office please keep in mind our
Wednesday noon deadline and the fact that the earlier in the week
that we get your news, the easier it is to handle it. Late news stories
must sometimes be written hurriedly and under pressure.
And do remember, please, that there is no charge for printing
your news, whether it be social news such as engagements,
weddings, parties, or houseguests; or straight news such as a death
or a special college achievement or other honor, a son or daughter in
the service or a promotion which would be of local interest. We like
to have pictures accompanying your news, too, but they should be
black and white as color does not reproduce well.
More than once local friends have used this column to pass on a
particularly delicious or favorite recipe which they have served in
their home and which has proved popular. Three such recipes came
to me last week. Kahra Dake Whisler, who lives now in
Breckenridge, Colorado, passed on a Carrot Custard which is her
favorite carrot recipe. Kahra lives in a resort area in the Colorado
mountains and has frequent drop-in guests. This is one of the good
things she serves them. (Another is that Strawberry Delight
dessert of Sandy Waterfield's which she says she keeps in the
freezer at all times.)
Barbara Northcott served the following Vegetable Dip to New
Years* guests and got raves. She also keeps it ready, along with the
suitable vegetables for afternoon snacks for her school-going son. So
much better than sweets or chips for either a growing child or a
grown-up. And delicious!
Frankie Helton's recipe comes from her sister and is a nice
variation on that long-time favorite, cheese sandwiches.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Jor
observe 50thanniver
A reception honoring Mr. and
Mrs. Ben Jordan on the
occasion of their Golden
Wedding Anniversary will be
held Sunday from two to five
o'clock in the afternoon in the
Now Open
These recipes are going into my file. Hope you'll try them and
perhaps add them to your file, too.
Incidentally, the vegetable dip makes about l'/t quarts—you may
want to cut it down to half, though it keeps well if refrigerated.
Kahra Dake Whialer'a Cam* CasUrd
2 cups cooked carrots, mashed, salted
l'/i cups milk
2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
2 cups cracker crumbs
Mix all ingredients together, pour into casserole and bake at 350°
for 30 minutes. May be topped with cracker crumbs and bacon
crumbles before baking for extra flavor.
Serves six.
Barbara Northcott'* Vegetable Dip
1 can tomato soup
1 small package lemon Jello
3 8-oz. pkgs. cream cheese
Vi cup water
Heat above ingredients together until cheese is soft enough to
blend when beaten together. Beat well with mixer or blender.
1 cup chopped green peppers
'/i cup pecans, chopped
Diced onions to taste
Mix well or blend in blender. Then add 1 cup Miracle Whip. ChilL
Serve with carrot sticks, celery sticks, radishes, zucchini aquaah
" °",er dMir,<l fr"h "ege^ablea.
• K'wT tfl« '.np^fh'"^ "
Franlde HeHoa'i Cheese Crunchies
Prepare cheese sandwiches by your favorite methnri- «. w-w
corner to corner. Beat egg,, a, f^ Franch ^t din ^h '^
n egg batter then in cracker or bread cSi 2u£ u„St£
brown on each side in small amounts of hot •horte^a a^U^oil^
drippings in medium hot skillet. Serve hot.
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Upcoming Pages
Here’s what’s next.
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Ezzell, Ben. The Canadian Record (Canadian, Tex.), Vol. 86, No. 3, Ed. 1 Thursday, January 16, 1975, newspaper, January 16, 1975; Canadian, Texas. ( accessed December 9, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Hemphill County Library.