Minutes of hte Tar River Baptist Association, pages seventeen and eighteen. The minutes include a poem by R. R. Campbell; Earle L. Bradley presented an address on "Our Responsibilities as Christians in the Victory Period"; W. F. Williams presented a resolution on resuming temperance lessons in Sunday School. The resolution was adopted after discussion by the author and A. Paul Bagley. The reverse side (page eighteen) features an article titled "North Carolina 115th Annual Session Held with Warrenton Baptist Church Thursday October 17th, 1945."
The Richardson and Smith libraries at this private Baptist university in Abilene provide materials necessary to support the research of students and faculty. They provide books, federal documents, maps, scores, recordings, and periodicals which are on open shelves and readily accessible to all.
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Minutes of hte Tar River Baptist Association, pages seventeen and eighteen. The minutes include a poem by R. R. Campbell; Earle L. Bradley presented an address on "Our Responsibilities as Christians in the Victory Period"; W. F. Williams presented a resolution on resuming temperance lessons in Sunday School. The resolution was adopted after discussion by the author and A. Paul Bagley. The reverse side (page eighteen) features an article titled "North Carolina 115th Annual Session Held with Warrenton Baptist Church Thursday October 17th, 1945."
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T. N. Carswell Collection
This collection was assembled by Thomas Norwood Carswell (1887-1978) and contains correspondence throughout his life. His files hold letters signed by most of the major political leaders of Texas during the 1940s through the 1960s, as well as letters signed by Presidents Harry S Truman, Richard M. Nixon, Senator Lyndon B. Johnson, and George Washington Carver. It also contains a scrapbook of his time at Simmons College.
Featuring thousands of newspapers, photographs, sound recordings, technical drawings, and much more, this diverse collection tells the story of Texas through the preservation and exhibition of valuable resources.