A letter written to T. N. Carswell, Abilene, Texas, from F. F. Andrews, Post Commander, Havens-Cannon Post 24, West Grade School, Principal, Anadarko, Oklahoma, dated February 15, 1941. Andrews advises of his interest in the Abilene Ministerial Alliance due to two companies out of Anadarko being in the Abilene area. He advises of the enclosed rosters for the two companies explaining that the town and the men's officers are interested in the welfare of the men. Andrews advises of several Indians belonging to the company and suggests, for unusual entertainment, that they be asked to perform some dances in their costumes. He gives assurance they are not looking for special attention for these men acknowledging their understanding that there are 19,000 men that need the attention of the Abilene community. The attached rosters are of Company "F" 120th Quartermaster Regiment and of Battery "B" 158th F.A.; a penciled "a" is by the names of men who are from Anadarko . The reverse side of the roster includes handwritten names and notations. An attached roster provides a listing of names of officers from Anadarko and a postscript by Andrews stating, "These men are worthy of any trust that you may ask of them".