The Hereford Brand (Hereford, Tex.), Vol. 80, No. 26, Ed. 1 Thursday, August 6, 1981 Page: 1 of 14
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Remain Adamant
14 Pages
(Sm VETO, Page 2)
Sadat Sees Separate
Palestinian Nation
The Reagan administration,
Adolpho Aguilar, 36, of 925
S. Ave. K, is listed in serious
condition in the intensive
care ward at Deaf Smith
rocket 200 feet into the air.
Chafer said the engine ap-
days, the controllers would
remain on strike.
We will maintain a strike
Enola Gay Pilot
Recalls Bombing
The Hereford
Aug. 6, 1981
Mth Ywr, No. 26 Hereford, Texes
Lone Star Strikers
ed out and recertified before
they are placed in critical
situations," he said, adding
at least six recently retired
the support for the vehicle slipped, pinning
him underneath. Aguilar is listed in serious
condition at DSGH today. (Brand Photo by
Bob Nigh) ‘
DALLAS (AP) — Striking
air traffic controllers in
e -28a
Meek: ‘Gasohol Now Being Forgotten’
MBS -a"
"52 a*- .0
in his toast, which was
(See SADAT, Page 2)
was 11 a.m EDT today as
controllers report to their day
shifts across the country.
First reports from eastern
airports this morning in-
dicated few controllers on the
job who had been among
Wednesday's strikers.
Only six of 214 controllers
due to work this morning
reported at five facilities in
Deaf Smith General Hospital ambulance per-
sonnel treat Adolpho Aguilar at the site of an
accident involving the 36 year-old Hereford
man Wednesday afternoon. Aguilar was work-
mg beneath the car in the background when
Administration Wants To
^Rebuild9 Controller System
peared to be relatively un-
damaged and that the com-
pany planned to proceed with
its testing program.
“We've got to build another
CINCINNATI (AP) — The quirer that he was depicted in
pilot of the B-29 that dropped movies, books and articles
the first atomic bomb on over the years as having
Hiroshima 36 years ago today tremendous guilt, mental
says he has never had second problems and nightmares
thoughts about the mission since the Aug. 6, 1945, bomb-
“Some people think I ing.
should have nightmares and
tremendous guilt, but the
answer is no, I don’t. To me,
it. was completely imper-
sonal,” said Paul Tibbets,
who has served as president
of a profitable air taxi service
in Columbus since 1975. He
retired as a brigadier general
in the U.S. Air Force.
Tibbets, 66. said in an inter-
view with The Cincinnati En-
A 2 agn2 -2
g tdac2h a3.3
• , 2 ".522265 a 4
■ -‘ga ■ g2
2- atRJ
million-dollar rocket would He said the ignition com
fail. mand caused the kerosene to
We knew they (prepara- explode. blowing the engine
tions) were going to go like to one side of the orange
Texas (AP) - A roaring ball in 10 that it won’t work . that
of flame and smoke from an it will blow up,” he said
exploding rocket hurled 200 Scientists, company of.
feet in the air signaled at ficials and reporters watched
least a months-long setback the blast from a sandbag
for a group of Texas en- bunker about 100 yards from
trepreneurs trying to launch the launch site.
a private enterprise age in Wednesday's engine firing
space. was the first test of the rocket
No one was injured when Space Services Inc honed
the 53-foot Percheron rocket one day to use to launch
exploded on the launch pad sateUites into orbit at prices
shortly before 5 p.m. Wednes- below rates charged by the
day as engineers attempted a National Aeronautics and
five-second test bum of the Space Administration.
missile. Hudson said officials
"The instant the engine weren't sure what caused the
started, I knew we had lost rocket to explode, but Space
it,” chief engineer Gary C. Services Inc. vice president
Hudson, chief engineer said Charles Chafer said
Wednesday. engineers speculated a iam-
'We saw flame from the ig- med propellant valve mav
nition, (and) it was con- have triggered the blast 3
siderably too orange," Hud- Chafer said the valve
son said. It's supposed to be designed to allow liquid ox!
nearly white-orange. ’' ygen and kerosene fuel to mix
Ironically, Hudson in the chamber, apparenly
predicted earlier Wednesday jammed preventing the miZ
the often-delayed test of the ture
=S~ -
The emphasis right tional controllers would As the government began
now is to figure out how we return to work, he said he firing controllers Wednesday
mansthis system and how we considered the strike at an federal judges in Kansas and
rebuild the system in the next end, with anyone who not (See SYSTEM Page 2)
By GARTH JONES proposal to exempt gasohol - the special session
Associated Press Writer 10 percent alcohol and9nan ™ special session.
AUSTIN Texas (AP) - Ne I ,1 and 90 per- All the governor has to do
cAI. i ’ Texas » L gasoline - from the five is put the bill in the session
legislative controversy over of agriculture alcohol. Moeller president of he
congressional redistricting. Meeks said even rhe mno M er president of the
"This bill has been used as avieeKssaid even, the most Texas Farmers Union, at the
received consideration only unrelated issue of congres- Guy Austin of the Texas
mt =
menttslda news conference saidhefavorsabimtoekempt sion and this specialsession,
Meeks appeared with gasohol f rom the state motor threatened a multi-million
aMeexs.appeared with fuels tax. However, he has dollar industy in Texas
several other backers of a not put it on the agenda for Austin said there are 1,600
A • m e. farm families who have put
A frill in r BorAwno up $2 million in cash and
--8w--uI ^“rlOUS pledged more than 40 million
bushels of grain each year to
After Accident thratethanoplenrwrexna
• Dumas.
when he was pulled from “Now. it looks like these
underneath the car, plants may go to adjoining
VFD personnel used the states who have all already
---"Jaws of I jfe" to lift the car iven tax exemptions.”
General Hospital today and pull Aguilar out and Fire Austin said. “Farwell is only
following injuries suffered in Chief Bill Bankston and 12 miles from the New Mex-
an accident at his home late Assistant Chief Mike Watts ico line and Oklahoma in-
Wednesday afternoon, immediately began CPR terests have been talking to
Aguilar was working “We had him out from under the people in Dumas."
underneath an automobile the car within 30 seconds Moeller said that Diamond-
around 4:30 p.m. Wednesday after getting here," Fire Shamrock Corp, had an-
when the support for the vehi- Marshall Jay Spain said nounced it was abandoning
cle apparently slipped, pinn- Hospital personnel took plans for a gasohol plant in
ing him under the car. Quick over treatment of Acuilar Texas and was phasing out its
action by the Hereford when they arrived on the retail sale of gasohol - 10
Volunteer Fire Department scene, and got him stabilized percent alcohol and 90 per-
and DSGH ambulance per- before he was transported to cent unleaded gasoline,
sonnel revived Aguilar, who DSGH around 5 p.m. The am- Moeller said that gasohol
reportedly “was not bulance personnel used the now sells two and three cents
breathing and had no pulse” ISe victim p...90 more than other unleaded
mom k om victim, "“62 gasoline.
Brand “-0
Texas fired on orders by
President Reagan say they're posture for about a week
readyforalongseige, despite then start helping people find controllers have indicated
rnportsthatairlineszare hay- part-time w°rk’” Brandon theywillreturntoworkatthe
mg.tewer delayssthan said, adding he was not sur- FAA regional control center
pected in availableflights. prised at the administration’s in Fort Worth
hv J.\ disruption caused order to fire all controllers Burlage also said of the six
by.the.strike . is calming who did not report for work major aiports and two FAA
fl own, percent of Braniff's by 2 p.m. CDT Wednesday. control centers in the Damia
flights are departing on “The government is out to Fort Worth-Houston area on-
ihrdaynestrtke passed “• cyis-- Iispurvsormeealy «
American Airlines most militant federal afternoon ednesday air traffic controllers under
spokesman Al Becker said unions." way, says it now wants to
passenger loads Wednesday He said a rally was planned Burlange said 285 con- becin “rebuilding the air traf-
were only slightly less than for 10 a.m. today in Euless trollers were scheduled to “c system." But the con-
normal at 70 percent after “We’re just gettinp work the evening shift trollers say time is on their
dropping off Monday and together,” he said, “just Wednesday in the state’s two side and few appear to be giv-
Tuesday. hanging in there.” ' largest metropolitan areas ingin.
“Our numbers show that FAA public affairs officer and 101 reported for work. By late Wednesday, the
the public is gaining con- George Burlage said in addi- He said although air traffic Federal Aviation Administra- and around New York Citv’
fidence in our ability to tion to firing the striking con- had been reduced, super- tion had sent just over 900 let- three more than Wednesday’
operate on time," he said. trollers, air traffic personnel visory personnel and non- ters of dismissals to con- At Philadelphia International
But George Brandon, a vice who have retired in the oast striking controllers were trollers who had not returned Airport, just five of 26 eon
president in the Dallas Pro- year are being asked to come handling the air traffic to work on the afternoon and trollers due to work were on
fessional Air Traffic Con- back to work if they can be ‘ withoutdifficulty.” night shifts, agency the job, only one more than
trollers Organization, said recertified, a process that Earlier Wednesday, Corpus spokesman Charles Mur- Wednesday morning,
despite the apparent increase can take up to two weeks. Christi city council members chisonsaidtoday. Boston’s Logan "‘Interna,
in flights over the past three “Everyone is being check- (See STRIKERS, Page 2) the hedeadline fordismissing tional Airport reported four
1 *ast °f 13,000 strikers of 20 scheduled controllers on
Texas Space Entrepreneurs See SiSsE
T • • 1 m _ Washington International
Inami Rocket Prototype Explode =
MATAGORDA ISLAND, this. The odds are easily nine launch pad and narts of the one ” he co . • Washington and the Miami
in in that it wan*--l .. . uncn.pad ana parts of the one, he said, we re in a air traffic control center of-
testingprogram.andit’stime ficials said no strikers had
domoreofthat. . returned to their posts this
Space Services spokesman morning.
Walt Pe nninosaid the explo- Transportation Secretary
sion would cost the company Drew Lewis said he expected
(See ROCKET, Page 2) to have a clearer indication AUSTIN, Texas (AP) -
later today of how many con- Speaker Bill Clayton says he
trollers remained on strike. is convinced Gov. Bill
He said at least 471 strikers Clements would veto a
returned to work Wednesday loyalist Democrat redistric-
While providing no actual ting bill that would deny
figures he said 38 percent to Republicans an increase in
40 percent of the work force their share of the Texas con-
was on the job, including both gressional delegation
union and non-union con- The House redistricting
troiers.. o . , committee was expected to
Robert E. Poli, president of convene today to vote on a
the Professional Air Traffic bill, which it amended
Controllers Organization, Wednesday to eliminate vir-
said the controllers remained tually any chance of GOP
But TILEete k-k u - united in their determination gains,
th. utsmibbets. belit 88 he is to continue the strike and said “
the. victim., of stereotyping, only about 3 percent of those Clayton ‘old reporters he
just, likes the. soldiers who who struck Monday had showed Clements a plan for
were called baby burners” crossed picket lines Dallas similar to the one
after returning from Viet- The nation’s air traffic before the committee
nun. en “““I»
"The snidiore i. meanwhile, continued to “He did look at it. I was in-
wereiusspomiersnin.Vietnam operate smoothly, although formed this morning that it
wasitttoloingorders. So on a reduced scale, J Lynn vas not acceptable and that
that was sthegovernment Helms, administrator of the he would veto that plan."
tng"asueither.right.or Federal Aviation Administra- Clayton said.
"rong," said, Tibbets, tion, told reporters. He said The plan provides what
6566 I LOT, Page 2) about three-fourths of the Clements said he wanted, a
WASHINGTON (AP) - Israeli peace without agree- separate Palestinian nation
Egyptian President Anwar ing with them, something the Israelis have
Sadat, urging President Sadat said he told Reagan adamantly opposed The
Reagan to open a dialogue on Wednesday that he thinks Israelis also are against in-
with the Palestine Liberation the United States should eluding the PLo in peace
Organization, says a separate reverse past policies and in- talks.
Palestinian nation should be elude the PL in discussions A senior administration of-
created as part of the Middle aimed at a comprehensive ficial said Reagan didn’t res-
East peace process. Middle East peace. pond to Sadat, but indicated
Reagan was reported to The Egyptian leader is he probably would have a
have listened to Sadat’s ideas understood to have also told response at a meeting today
for bringing about an Arab- Reagan that there should be a The main purpose of the
Reagan-Sadat meetings, the
A • c N, first between the two leaders,
Stayton bays Clements is to explore ways of resum-
• jo ing stalled negotiations on
Tvy ■ n ry n r m, autonomy for Palestinians in
Would Veto New Plan theIsraeli-occupied West
Bank and the Gaza Strip.
Reagan assured Sadat in a
Dallas district in which a welcoming ceremony that
black would have a chance to despite the change in ad-
be elected congressman. But ministration, "We have not
it lacks one major feature of altered our commitment to
the Senate-passed redistric- peace or our desire to con-
ting bill, which Clements en- tinue building" upon the 1978
dorsed. It does not convert a Camp David accords that
Democratic district in have served as the basis for
Dallas, now represented by peace negotiations.
liberal Congressman Jim In a toast to Reagan at a
Mattox, to a GOP district. White House dinner, Sadat
The committee proposal said, "the willingness of the
offered by Rep pTul Palestinians o accept a
Ragsdale, D-Dalas not only ceasefire in, Lebanon and
leaves all Democratic uhtldituyisatturning point
districts as they are. It also ntt:shonuldnot escape our
rapekane Ebtfirstmeshebmmeamhuans
-Eat ' . The Palestinian action, he
Clements told reporters he said, "is added ammunition
predicted “progress” on for our call for mutual and
redistricting in the next day simultaneous recognition bet-
or so, was "still optimistic" ween the Israelis and the
and continued to favor the Palestinians.”
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Nigh, Bob. The Hereford Brand (Hereford, Tex.), Vol. 80, No. 26, Ed. 1 Thursday, August 6, 1981, newspaper, August 6, 1981; Hereford, Texas. ( accessed December 9, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Deaf Smith County Library.