The Hereford Brand (Hereford, Tex.), Vol. 80, No. 26, Ed. 1 Thursday, August 6, 1981 Page: 2 of 14
This newspaper is part of the collection entitled: The Brand (Hereford, TX) and was provided to The Portal to Texas History by the Deaf Smith County Library.
c •
t 6,1981
5 In Vaing Plattic Heart
■Announced Today
representing the three
major net-
from page 1
from page 1
-from page 1
from page 1
Tires Slashed
For Thi
• indshield
cing, g
Dramatization Of
Shooting To He Aired
The si
from 9
will in
very well, but a veto would
await the Racsdale bil.
Paul Harvey News
Who's Daring To Censor TV?
to en
ing fi
do. N
A small grass fire that create problems in the areas
started after the fuel explod- where they are supposed to
ed was extinguished in about be solving them."
30 minutes.
tant form of union busting I
charges of disobey- have ever seen " and told
tmmy N ominationt
Dohlen, D-Goliad, chairman
of the redistricting commit-
tee. fed the notion that
Clements might not call
another special session if he
vetoed a remap proposal
That probably would give the
redistricting task to a federal
Who are these people
and birds in the media and has received a str-
ing of blue ribbons on her water colors. Mrs.
Newell is presently taking lessons from Ro-
main Swan of Amarillo. She has shown her
artwork here, Spearman, San Angelo and
Texas City.
> Virginia ordered the first
3 rests on
3 ing court orders against the
3 strike Steven L. Wallaert of
: Norfolk, Va., was sentenced
to 60 days in jail, and four
> union officials in Kansas
> were jailed until they pro-
: mise to stop picketing or are
> fired by the government
: Poli. accused the ad-
> ministration of the most bla-
enouch trained people to take over
many, of the jobs forein
have been doing
Costwas the consideration in cut-
Ung back the program," said a local
Peace Corps official who asked not to
be identified There was a question
whether to cut back a little on all pro
erams or phase some out altogether
Then there was also the problem of
middle-income countries and the
needs of the really underdeveloped "
: joined the Army Air Corps in
: 1937
: "But you can’t vent your
> feelings against the govern-
: ment except through voting,”
> he said. "And with Vietnam.
: you couldn’t even do that So
2 people made the soldiers a
: symbol on which to focus the
: hatred they had for the
: government I’m a symbol.
: too I sympathize with those
.• fellows
pstage paid at the affice in
Hereford Tx. POSTMASTER; send ad.
dress changes ,« The Herefard Brand
P.O. Box 673, Hereford, Tx. 19045
lereford, $3 25 per menth or $3a per
/ear: hy mail in Deaf Smith and adjoin-
ing counties. $34 per other areas
by mail $i per year
THE BRAND is a member of The
Aasociated Press, which is exelusivel,
entitled to us for republication ot ail
require a conference commit-
tee to attempt to draft a final
Members of the House
Democratic Caucus, led by
Its chairman. Rep Bob Bush.
D-Sherman, worked to get a
Senate majority to sign onto
the Ragsdale bill.
Bush said guaranteed
Senate acceptance would im-
prove the chances of passing
the hardcore Democrats’ bill
through the House
Clayion said that was all
C of C Artist
Marguerite Newell has been chosen as the
August Chamber of Commerce artist, an-
nounced recently by the C of C Womens Divi-
sion.Mrs. Newell has been painting on and off
t J her life. She has taken oil painting for a
total of 10 years Though Mrs. Newell hasn’t
studied water colors, she does several wildlife
Up to five nominees and ties in each
category will be selected The winners
will be judged by blue ribbon panels of
peers on the weekend of Aug 22-23.
The winners will be announced at the
telecast or at the creative crafts
awards banquet the Saturday evening
preceding the ceremonies The Sun-
day telecast will be followed by the
Governors Ball at the Century Plaza
He and Rep Tim Von represented by Congressman
Martin Frost of Dallas.
works were
Base and Kelly Air Force
Base as well as at San An-
tonio International and
West Texas - A slight chance of
thunderstorms north and southwest,
partly cloudy southeast today. A
chance of thunderstorms most sec-
tions tonight and Friday Cooler north
tonight and most sections Friday.
Highs mid 90s north to near 105 Big
Bend except low 90s mountains Lows
upper 50s Panhandle to mid 70s south
Highs Friday low 80s Panhandle to up-
per 90s Big Bend
‘ Veto---------
E- measure passed by the
2 Senate
2 The Senate’s plan boosts
« the probable number of
2 Republican congressmen
2 from Texas from five to
seven Democrats would
2 have 20 seats.
* Clayton said he probably
2 would have a plan of his own
: for the House to consider. It
• probably would be similar to
* the Senate’s, since the
: speaker says he wants to
: avoid an impasse that would
to make the an-
LoS ANGELES . AP i. Nominations
for the 33rd annual Emmy awards
were being announced today , with a
large share expected to go to play.
UK For Time," Masada ’ and East
of Eden "
Acting nomninations seem certain to
go to Peter Strauss for his roles in
ABCs Masada" and A Whale for
the Killing," Peter O’Toole or
Masada." Vanesa Redgrave for
CBS s Playing for Time" and Jane
Seymour for ABC’s "East of Eden ’
The nominations were to be an-
nounced at a news conference at the
Pasadena Civic Auditorium, where
CBS will telecast the awards presen-
tation on Sunday, Sept 13 Six stars
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Austin in-
vestigators. running out of leads in the
shooting of Rep Mike Martin, are go-
ing to film a dramatization of the inci-
reporters the government
tactic would not work it will
not end the strike."
Some union members
agreed. "If anything this has
strengthened our resolve."
declared Bob Cameron, a
demand air it on local television
yAustin. Police Sgt. George
Vanderhule said the shooting would
be acted out next week at the trailer
park where Martin, R-Longview, was
shot last Friday at 2:40 a m near his
The re-creation will be aired during
the week of Aug 17 as part of the
, Crime Stoppers" senes shown on a
television newscast here
Martin was hit in the left arm by
shotgun blasts from an unknown
assailant He was hospitalized wtr.
night, went home Saturday but
returned to vote on the House floor on
He was back in Longview Tuesday
and Wednesday
Vanderhule said an actor would be
used to portray Martin The idea of
the program u to try to spur the
memory of someone who might have
seen a car speed from the scene or
anything else that might be related to
the shooting.
Assistant Travis County District At-
torney Allen Hill said Wednesday that
investigators have uncovered little to
implicate a suspect or to determine a
Vanderhule said it ’s a typical Crime
Stoppers case
That s generally the situation in
almost every crime we feature One of
the reasons we get involved is that
they are running out of leads " he
Somebody might have seen it.
They might have seen somebody in
the area We just try to generate some
information,” he said.
The program has had a better than
50 percent success rate, according to
ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast (AP) - The
U S Peace Corps is closing down in
the Ivory Coast after 18 years of ser-
vice The reasons Reagan ad-
ministration budget cuts, and the
former French West African colony
doesn’t need it as much as other coun-
tries do
With an annual per-capita income
estimated by the World Bank at $1,060
the second highest in Africa below
5 the Sahara - the Ivory Coast is now
considered a middle-income develop-
ing country It is thought there are
showed no sign of pulling
”I am sorry and I am sorry
for them.” President Reagan
said as the first letters of
dismissal were sent to some
controllers by supervisors in
242-2901 is published daily except Mom-
days Saturdays and Christmas Da, M
The Hereford Brand .Ine . I w w ahs
Hereford, Tv an, serond elass
HOUSTON (AP) . The US Food
and Drug Administration says Dr
Denton A Cooley should have sought
ppproval before implanting an ex-
perimental plastic heart in a critically
ill patient but stopped short of
reprimanding the noted heart
; A surgical team headed by Cooley
placed the artificial heart in
Willebrordus A Meuffels, of The
Netherlands, on July 23 Meuffels liv-
pd for 54 hours until a human heart
•was found to replace the twin-
3 chambered pump
3 The 36-year-old retired tour bus
driver died at a massive infection Sun-
day, just one week after receiving the
donor heart from a 2-year-old Ten-
nessee Laborer
in a letter to Cooley, Victor Zafra.
acting director of the FDA’s Bureau
of Medical Devices. said he
understood the circumstances sur-
rounding the controversial procedure
but insisted government regulations
should have been followed
Peace Corpt Closing
smaller airports. also staved
off their jobs Wednesday. . .
In Austin, half of the con- A broken windshield and
trollers scheduled showed up Slashed tires were reported to
to work with none of the Hereford Police yesterday
strikers returning. officials Toms- 608 Ave. F,
said. told police that:someone had ne-, and - * meutpap.
Two control towers in Hari- broken the. windshield of his and als ieal arm publihed heTim
ingen and McAllen are clos- car sometime between 5-7 AIirtehus resened for republicatiom •
«1. with air traffic bX P mWednesday. . RE-nRagaa. .
steered in and out b „And.aspair 01 tires on ‘ -VkiymFbruary.ioitmeertcasa
Houston-based controllers At cl* belonging to Jame . -em--euly iBak" mh tme ,
Brownsville, four striking Femnandez, Apt. 48 of the nek - July 1976
controllersremainedtrtef Bluewater Gardens Apart-
jobs ments, were slashed
sometime Sunday evening CarlenE Rm.
2 ■ 2-:
--a’ ’ 1. ,
‘2- 7 p. — -12 4 --7322* ,
Lim:har. r.
presuming to dictate to TV
and part of Kaufman County networks and advertisers?
would go into the district What right have they to im-
pose their particular moral
---- code on the rest of us?
Clayton said his only real The so-called Coalition for
objection to the Ragsdale “ “
plan "is what it does to Phil
Gramm." But he
acknowledged Gramm could
win in his proposed district
court. But Clements has Texas
made no public statement tion from 24 t 27 '
that he would be willing to let Ragsdale plan would cut The
coursdrawnew districts. of the new districts in
, J . Raesdale plan would predominantly Democratic
, NavaX° counties, Ellis and South Texas and East Hartis
from nnao l payaro, from Congressman Bounty. The third would go to
—7 P°ge I Phil Gramm of College Sta- an area between Dallas and
tion who achieved national Fort Worth. which prosaind
situation ’ attention for helping Presi- would go Republican But
The only reminder of the ..... lEeacan pass his budget that Republican gain would
war in his Columbus office is ai Unplsh.Euisand Navarro, be offset by the loss of Ron
a small photograph of the done “ith Henderson County Paul.
Enola Gay crew and a fram-
ed bomber squadron banner
timidating sponsors with Are they hypocrites who -it
threats to boycott their pro- are pious in the S sin in was one thing to have
ducts. the dark’ Pe ad sin in some fun smoking dope in col-
Enough sponsors have ac- There is some of that in lege. It s something else
quiesced so that a Coalition most all of us that when you are a father or
SB? mua
include some 400 organiza- Two networks - ABC and behindatwohorses-.a white selling ‘he stuff to your
tions., including Jerry NBC - say that the v have is toanda 5kaone; the trick children in the toilets of the
Falwell S Moral Majority. conducted separate studies m thKeepboth horses pulling local grade school ."
The Coa lition has been wat- showing that the Coalition s Journalist rection h He remembers the counter-
Kisx: sJ Taumorsuocnshmeada
EShueanatvovensanam srr ««
Now that same generation
is anxious about its own
immigration Demonstration Planned cidence of teen pregnancies.
So whatever the personal
Fi pAso t experience of today’s
ua . Uck of iedntbhtppna tacomplain abou President wfong. wouna * a ref bdonk i misionprocrams for the
properpolicy/in the Reagan directnrsofthursatoeappoinuna manrk-onathe United states." mowvrraryouandrare
immigration ing “andF'polic from snP°ranhoatraveled from sinless perfection, that
problems they say will lead to Paso to help plan the must be our direction.
demonstration Wednesday aOur .. country cannot
c , "5a dismantle a 200-year history
— from page 1 If things go further, the of Judeo-Christian morality
• country runs a real risk of and endure.
NASA went than- , having mistreatment, abuse History is uncompromising
MAi through, he of rights and internal corrup- in its verdict. Any make-it-
_ Its more than 3 bap- tion. That 1S why we are up-as-you-go morality based
NASA saconfirmation. ting now. he said, on nothing more than feelings
NASA officials had scoffed and attitudes is doomed.m5
last June when Space Ser- Reagan’s proposed plan for And a lot of us parents who
vices president David Han- changing immigration are not vet ready to join
nah announced plans to put policies, especially toward hands with Falweii-are not
commercial satellites in orbit Mexico, is a matter for ex- comfortable with what we see
for as low as $2 million. treme concern, said Harpold. on TV. either
Hannah said the first flight . Mr Hennincer bo.,
was intended to establish the The president is touting deMcrHe ni " believes
company’s credibility in the his proposal, as a commit- equilibrium egaining its
eyes of investors ment to enforcing the This
border.” said Harpold. But LirThis country is now
The rocket was being tested there has been a failure to go wostngwit reasonable.
on a cattle ranch owned by forward with any real im- " neduSated and very / upset
Toddle Wynne, a Dallas in- migration policy. woiiParentswho arequite
vestor in Space Services. "Some of the programs will ’X" sitgguietly while the
undainty folks from the
Moral Majority go out there
and clean up the mess."
"To be honest, last Aug. 6
got by and I never thought of
it. Which was fine," he said , ...
watnasndasuahmuns Socket-------
- . ... “Ie from my wife because I .1. ____ . . . a result of the accident
I mism - s-E crun.aae SS
2 just that I’m able to detach pect me to remember Aue for. the hospital." hospital night with him in the inten- sxmonths.
> myself emotionally from a 62" spokesman JO Walls said. sive care unit of the hospital The one hour. 33-minute
countdown for the test had
£ gone smoothly earlier in the
^System ——————______________ , day, unlike several attempts
2 - — from Dace 1 during the past two weeks to
- 9 test-fire the engine
a speedup in training appren- If the engine tests had been
tice controllers and theuse of successf ul, company officials
some supervisors as perma- idthey hoped to launch a
nent controllers would allow suhrorbitalfight Aug i!
continued operation of most Theflight plan for the sub-
air traffic orbital mission called for the
The controllers went on rpckett climbtoan altitude
centers on the West Coast. "I strike Monday morning after , 14.500feet and then drop in-
e .. -—’ “ certainly take no joy out of the union rejected a contract 0 the Gulf of Mexico about
membe he Local 291 in this 1 was hoping more of that would have provided a three miles from the launch
R„t %. . them would recognize the $105 million package over ste.
the government also obligation they have Our three years and ruhi 6 6 ."For all those young men
> • position has to be irreversi- percent increases in wages they e no" finding out what
: Sadat---------— from nnae I ble u and benefits, according to the c ..
J P"8e - Lewis reiterated that he government That’s on top of Strikers ~
2 . . would not resume negotia- an automatic 4.8 per cent
« made prior to Sadat's. ander M Haig Jr said there tions unless the union ended wage increase to be given to
• E acan did not mention the was no change in U S nonev its strike. He said his atten- all government emplovees asked the city attorney to file
: Egyptian presidents pro- The Palestinians knw"U: tion now would be spent in- pArOmn .hn suit against the union and in-
: posals. requirements veryclearh " creasinglyron implementing a nPAT demandedas0,00o dividual strikers for financial
: But it was learned that a he added ".AD thin ha vet! do plan to replace the dismissed Payihtket for allcontrol U damages due to the disrup-
♦ change in the existing U.S. is meet them " - todo workers reduction of the work week tion of the coastal city’s
: policy against talking to the Reagan has said he con. Lewis acknowledged that Irom.4 hurs to 32 hours and heavy tourist trade
: PLO is highly unlikely until siders the PLO to be a con- rebuilding the controller retirement In other court action, U.S.
: the PLO recognizes Israel’s ronst organization corps would not be "a benefits .The union said the District Judge William
- right to exist and ceases its cakewalk" but said it could Package was worth $5,5 Wayne Justice ordered strik-
: terrorist activities Sadat is understood to have be done within a year or two mintnnayear; The govern- ing East Texas air traffic
: We’ll see what might told Reagan that there is a Helms said about 6,500 new mentP 1 the figure at $681 controllers back to work
: develop, but at this point tacit recognition of Israel bv controllers would have to be ion.m. Wednesday after a 20-minute
: there’s no change in ear the PLO - and the PLO bv found, but added that they „oontroiers, now earnLan hearing with attorneys
Epolicy," said Edwin Neese Israel - in the July 24 cease- could be trained within 21 aerace os000ayearwith representing the U.S. Justice
'III counselor to the presh fir that halted the fiqhting months. 449"0H0mqand a highof Department and the PATCO
dent between Israel and the PLO in the meantime he mia N.,200, depending.on length San Antonio striking con-
secretary of State Alex- iniehano mteral shifting of personnel where they worT " tro"arBmnanhandpirar
Mamaging Eaitar
Advertisimg Mgr
, Circutatim Mer
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Nigh, Bob. The Hereford Brand (Hereford, Tex.), Vol. 80, No. 26, Ed. 1 Thursday, August 6, 1981, newspaper, August 6, 1981; Hereford, Texas. ( accessed December 3, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Deaf Smith County Library.