San Antonio Daily Light (San Antonio, Tex.), Vol. 6, No. 66, Ed. 1, Tuesday, April 6, 1886 Page: 1 of 4

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cl.. San Antonio Daily Light s4-
West Side Bridge. SM Vr Vr -"- M-J--L. J. Wholesale and Retail. '
Volume .VI. Number 66.
Only $5 a Year.
A Worfl All out C lo thing
From very moderate beginning a little
' over ten yeare ago our Ready-made Cloth-
ier Departmenthas grown ao aa to fairly
eclipse all others not only In tbla city but
alto In Western Texas. We are carrying
the largest atook of MKN'S YOUTHS1
MENTS.'and white we make It a apeolalty
to handle none bat good atd honest goods
.our extensive advantage In buying and se-
Icctlng them enables ua to lell at lower
figures than Inferior good generally are
old. Our Clothing la made to wear and
give aatlifactlon flaand material being the
belt and styles and pattern selected to
gratify the moat faattdloua taste.
Our Men's Suits at 1 10 to $20 are mar-
vels of beauty and compare favorably
with the most expensive madetoorder.
Our $S Hoys' School Suits are as good as
ever and calculated to gladden the parenta
as well as the boys themselves.
In lints. Shoes Hosiery Neckwear and
everything belorglng to this department
we are equally prepared to give satisfac-
tion and extend a hearty Invitation to our
friends and customera near and far.
Our motto la to sell none but the best
goods at popular prices.
' General Commission Merchants Cotton Wool and Hides.
Agent for Weir Sulky Plow Stcol Riding anil Walking Cultivator! Corn and Cotton
Planters Deerlng Mowers Heunerf nindors and Harvesting Machines.
Littles Chomical Fluid and Powder Dips
A. A. sad r. A. BROOKS
- tkmth ild9 Military
For an eaiy lit. Hoots and eho' made at nrlcesto suit everyone ltepalrlng whlloyou wait
S. B. WITCHELL - - Agent
221 Commerce Street - -
Oysters Fish
Riverside Cafe
Bcholz's Hall Corner of Commerce and Losoya 8treets.
MancnAtiTB DlNKEns and MANurAcruitKaa
. snocxn HEAD
Tridi Financs 'and Public Economy.
SLrteeii Vaort every 8tiurdan.
Oftentimes Twtntu t'agte. Sometime Tufnty-
our I'auts
(Uuslaess Established lSis-Inoorpor-ated
Capital and BMW.OOO.
Kieoutlve Olllccs 279 SSI 2X3 Broadway N. Y.
Uerchants.Dankers.ttanracturers and others!
Deah Sma-ln addition to our Mercantile
Agency lteports we aro now publishing a
. weekly commercial and financial newspaper
In our name of
rerlewi and (IUcubboi those mutter- domestlt
In detail lnveitlgatlug Dunieroui induitrlei
crmcumg varieui inveBtmeut aeouriues i
) ablr treated not lu the in-
tereit of pollUoal parties or gooirraphloal aeo-
tlonsatiutiattiebest 1b to rest of tbe business
men or me wuoie oouniry.
It is emphatically tbe business man's news-
We solicit your subscription for one year at
Vary truly youra
subsciuu nomt roH
Corner South Florvi Street
Opposite NIe. Tengg's Old Stand.
and Game.
A young man bad always accompanied his
arenta to tbe First Metoodlst Church. Uno
Sunday morning- bis rather was surprised
rhen. In renlvto"Aro vou nidr. JnhnV th
Tounr fellow said 1 "I believe fittinr. that I
will attend the Bcoond Methodist this mbrn-
Ing." Upon this tho old gentleman departed
for tbe First Methodist In which sanctuary ho
oa great power around
The deacon althnnirh a
hard-working Christian also believed in the
good tblngs of mother earth and bad a plen-
tifully supplied wine collar wblcb (aa he
knew that the young were liable to bo India
In his wine casks and be also noticed that bli
i to go to the
already made arrangemeuta to attend the Bco-
ond Methodist. The deaoon quietly departed
and John with three companions who had
had been all along secretly Indulging In tbe
deacon's fine old wines. John How to the door
and tried to Insert the key but could not find
the keyhole. He struck a match and saw.
with surprise that the keyhole had been
plugged and that a very strong able-bodied
(ladlookbsd been attached tothedoor. As
be rarsof lla-tit from the fliwi .
fleeted against the door they all noticed some
thing white upon which was some oharactere-
and. standing hack they could hardly hellers
tholreTesaBthevread.ln-larm i.m.V. th...
w2nl.. "ofoond Methodist closed for rc-Pa-re."
John felt so cheap Ibat he went
Kr1h.t.. ? hl" Uno1" Kmeinon at No.
12 Boledad street. am hnA-. mn
and left for California. Owing to tbe cut
tli. and Is now a wealthy man
olsooandhe acknowledges that he made It
outot that IM he got from Emerson. Tbey
can aU talk but Emerson continues to hold
Trains In Motion Knlgnta out In the
Cold Tho Wounded Home Elec-
tionsThe European Pot Sim-
mersWar Clouds.
Fort Woimi Tex. April 6. Governor
Ireland arrived In tba city this morning
and has been engaged during the day In
taking a survey of the Meld. He slates
that he fully appreciates the situation
here and that the law must be enforced
and all parties violating It arrested lie
states that be has ordered tbe Missouri
Paaltlc road to move tbelr trains
whether ttaejr are freighted or not. The
trains will be moved and the road will be
At Waco ast nlkilit. while the train
Ibat the Governor came to the city on
was staauing at tue uepot some one put
a coupling nln In the bulkhead nnd
effectually killed the engine.
mis morning aoout 11 ocioca a man
went to 8berlfT Maddox and save him
Information that there was' a box of
dynamite cartridges hidden near the
union depot it was taken possession
of and brought Into the city. The box
was about three quarters full a number
of tbe cartridges having keen taken out.
Tbe discovery has created considerable
alarm and people do not now know
won to expect.
This morning Captain Schmidt's Stale
rangers reached the city and aro now at
the depot.
The condition of the wounded men
who were shot In the tight uu Saturday
continues to Improve. Charley Snerd Is
now regrrued out oi uanger inougn nib
face will be terribly disfigured (illicer
r uuorci is resting inucn oeurr anu me
recovery Is only a matter of time. The
wounded striker. Tom Nate Is alro
better than lie was yesterday and the
chances for bis reeovery are good.
No positive proof lias yet neen on-
talned as to whether or not Frank
Pierce the one-armed man who tluuu-d
so conspicuously In Saturday's tight Is
dead. It la known definitely that he
was badly wounded and tbe general Im-
pression Is that he waa the man so mys-
teriously burled early Sunday morning
from the house of a Knight of Labor In
tba suburbs of the city.
Yesterday Messrs. P. W. Farrell M.
N.Gambrell E. Pearson S. K. Flnley
and W.J. Burke all prominent Knights
of Labor from Galveston arrived In ibis
city and were In consultation with the
local lodges last night. These gentle-
men all belong to the Powderly wing of
the order and do not endorso the strike.
Martin Irons was In this city on the
night or tbe Gib of March and attempt! d
to consolidate the live districts 101 17
10 03 and 78 and bring within the strike
live northwestern states. Tbe work
was prevented by such men as Flnley of
Galveston who belongs to Assembly 73.
District Master Workman l.ovln of
District Assembly 101 Knlghta of Labor
was arrested bete to-night on a charge
of being accessory to the murder of Offi-
cer Dick Townscnd on Saturday. Offi-
cers Townsend and Sneed two of the
men shot Saturday are Knights of Labor.
Fort Worth Typographical Union No.
109 has adopted the following resolu-
tion: That we deeply sympathize with tbe
strikers on tbe Gould Southwestern sys-
tem in tbelr great struggle with tyran-
nical bigots and detestable scabs believ-
ing that tbey are asking nothing more
than Justice; and further pledge our
moral and financial support to said
strikers until their oblecta are ealned.
Governor Ireland oilers a reward of
$500 for tbe arrest of Hardin tbe leader
or tne amnnsnera in saiuruay s ngm
which amount Is supplemented by a re-
ward or $500 oflered by tbe railway com-
pany. St. Louis April 4. Hays the third
member or the General Executive Com-
mittee of Knights of Labor arrived here
tn-nlffbt. elvlnir the committee a ami-
rum." Shortly after Haya' arrival the
General Committee went Into secret ses-
sion with the Local Committees. Tbey
irave the situation verv full and exhaus
tive dlsousslon weighing all the facta
ana giving an points careiui cousiuern
tlon. The meetlnir lasted until mid
night when tbe following wa given out
In the form of a atatement to tbe nubile:
At tbe conference held In New York
with Jay Gould and associates and the
General Executive Hoard tbe following
was mutually agreed upon: i bat tne
ofllclals were willing to meet a commit-
tee of their emrtloves without dl8crlmln
atlon. who are actnallr In tbe employ
of tbe company at the time such com
mittee is appointed to aujusi wiiu ineiu
any grievance they may have. The
Executive Board unon arriving In St.
1.0U1B. navinc oeen lniormeu iiihi
Hoxle had refused to comply with the
agreement aa all the parties to tne co
ference understood it: waited unon hi
to ascertain his Intentions of cnrrylng
out the same and received the following
reply. "That only 00 per cent or tne
former lorce wouiu ue re-erapioyeu anu
tnat ne wouiu consider persoaai applica-
tions onlv uuon his own pleasure and
act upon them without tbe dictation of
any aocieiy." auis ueing in uireci vio-
lation of tbe agreement the General
Board believe that the refusal la for the
purpose or stock J ebbing using the or-
ganization as a veil to further their ends
We. therefore recall the order given
tne men to return to work tne roau uav
ing made It Impossible to enforce tbe
same. Tbe matter now atanda aa It did
before the order to resume work and the
General Board will render all assistance
to carry out tbe demands of the men for
"neaniiciDaie no especial aemonsira1
tion to-morrow" said sir. l'urner to a
reporter "and no particular change In
tne aspect oi auairs. inings are simpiy
aa tbey were before."
Tbe Executive Committee has been
In Informal session to-day but nothing
of publlo Interest was done. Secretary
Turner Bays the whole matter now rests
In the hands of Dlstrlot Assemblies 101
03 and 17 and that they will hereafter
conduct the strike. There Is talk that
more meu are ordered out by both 03
and 17 but that la not definitely decided
upon. District S3 covera the Wabash
and 17 is local embracing simply at
Louis and East St. Louis.
The resolution by tbe Executive Com
mlttee of their order to Knights of La-
bor to return to work had no effect on
the business of tbe Missouri Pacific or
Iron Mountain railways other than mak-
ing It necessary for the officials of those
roads to procure new men for plaeea
made vacant bv strikers. The Iron
Mountain sent out five freight trains
this morning and the Missouri Pacino an
eqnal number. No opposition waa of-
fered by the strikers. The resumption
of freight traffic on these roads may now
be considered complete and the raising
of the blockade on the company's busi-
ness permanent.
lNiiiAXAroLtsInd. Aprils. The towa-
; ship alectlon to-day resulted In the
choice of the entire He publican ticket by
I 700 majority. Two years age the Demo
crats were successful by nearly 1000.
Cincinnati. O.. Anr 11 S. One hundred
and forty-three preolneta show a major-
ity of 1)200 for Eshelby Republican. The
remaining ll precincts it is esiimatea.
in increase ins majority.
tsnrr.Misa Mich. April S. Tbe
nights of Labor elected the full city
ticket to-day Christian Mrlby.for Mayor
Kaulk Pam. Tex.. April 6. The body
f John Kent an employe of the Mexican
Cattle Company was feund near tbe
ramp on tbe Itlo Itodrlguez with eight
bullet boles In his body. He had been
missing about three weeks. A reward
nw wnicn win prooaoiy oe raiseu la
Ml. has been oflered for the arrest and
mvlctlon of bis murderers.
Kky Fla.. Anrll 5. At a meet
ing of mercnants held here the follow-
ing appeal was Issued :
TutheClUreluurthu Uult.d Btaleal
A large portion of odrcltv having been
went awav bv flames our Industrial oc
cupations entirely ruined and thousands
or our people left In utler destitution aud
distress we find ourselves compelled to
appeal to the benevolence or our coun-
trymen and request that leading papers
receive subscriptions In our behalf and
forward tbe same to M. L. Hellman
Ksq. our treasurer.
WII.IIAM cunnr
Chairman Uallef Commltlee.
Iloi-aiox Tex. April B The election
for Mayor and Aldermen passed off
quietly to-day. The regular Democratic
ticket headed by Dan C. Smith for
Mayor was elected by majorities rang-
ing from & to 10 votes. The candidates
on me citizens- ticket neauru oy aiayor
W. IE. Ilaker. do not coneede the elec
tion and claim fraud because fourteen
prisoners wero taken from tbe county
all bv a Deuutr Sheriff and voted for
bmltb. Four thousand four hundred
and eighty-seven votes were cast. Tbe
town is wiiu wun excitement uotn
factions are parading the streets with
brass bands and torches. Tbe Knights
ot Labor supported the Smith ticket.
Cortl's CnmsTi. Tex.. April 6. A
heavy norther has been blowing for the
East iwooays nnu was quite Disagrees-
le In Its effects. There Is not much
anger of frost.
Alex. Hoffman bad his diaphragm
tilled with bird shot yesterday at his
father's ranch. It was accidental and
no serious eflect Is anticipated.
ro-rnorrow is tne culmination or the
lection strife for Mayer which Is at
fever heat. Owing to tbe number of
candidates. It la Impossible to forecast
e winner ureal excitement prevails.
All the moner for the railroad has
been raised and also the right of way
and everything will be settled this
week which win insure a speedy rail
communication with San Antonio.
Washington. April B. Dr. Hamilton
said to day that there la a marked im
provement in secretary Manning's con
dition and that he Is better ted ay than
ne nas ueea since nis attack.
In tbe oontested election case of Camo-
neii vs. tveaver or tne sixtn lowa Dis-
trict the House Election Committee to
ell vs. Weaver or the Sixth Iowa Ills
day decided by a party vbte In favor or
Weaver the sitting member.
IONOON April 4. The breaking up of
tbe cabinet Is Imminent Lord Kim-
berly Mr. William Harcourt ;Mr. Chli-
ders and Mr Murdella refuse to assent
to any hoxe rule measure giving Ire-
land control of the customs anu tbey
threaten to resign If suck measnre Is In-
sisted upon by Gladstone. Morley de-
manus moiiincation oi tne plans for buy-
ing out the landlords. Gladstone how-
eter remalna Inflexible and will main
tain his soheme Intact. Cabinet Coun
ells are to be held Monday and Tuesday
nnd tho climax will be reached on Tues-
day. Tbe ministers themselves admit
that the agreements stems improbable.
uiaosione may maae nia statement on
Thursday without the approval of the
Covitaxunoi-i.k. Anrll 4. The Balkan
conference will annolnt Prince Alex
ander guardian of Kast Itoumella for five
years Ignoring the Prince's refusal t
accept tne appointment for that time.
Bl-GNoa AvltES. April 4. The reuorted
defeat or government troops under Gen
eral ra es is denied. ajes defeated the
revolutionists near Palsaudu taking 400
prisoners. The cause or tbe revolution-
ists Is consider lawful and their ranks
contain many young men of the best
families of Montevideo. It Is believed
the chances of the revolution are not
nopeiess and victory win yet perch upon
Atiirns. Greece. Anrll B M. Trlcou
pis ex-Prime Minister In his attack
oniric present government list Satur-
day In the Chamber of Deputies criti-
cized tbe government for falling: to or.
ganlze the Greek army and urged that
me raw recruits ue sent nome ana toe
well trained be ordered to the army so
iue country iuikdi ue in a sisie OI mill'
tary readiness fn case of emergency.
Texas Patents.
The following patents were arranted
to citizens of Texas bearlnar date March
30 1880 reported expressly for this pa
per uy jwuuib Danger a o.. mecnanioal
experts and solicitors of patents Wash
ington u i. auvico iree:
1 . w carrlco San Antonio dry out
lilchard Gibbon Mobeetle sash fast
Q. W. Hobburts Elmo baling press.
On. Wssk Only.
B0 doz. full regular made English half-
hose. IB cents.
B0 doz. gents' bleached drawers 40
60 doz. gents' nainsook undershirts 40
DO doz. India gauze undershirts 23
cenis. .
B0 doz. summer merino undershirts.
isa cents.
100 blue flannel suits $7.00.
100 fancy easslmere suits. 17.75.
100 left or these popular suits at $10.00.
75 children's blue sailor suits tl.75.
100 doz. gerts' white shirts made of
namsntia muinn ana ituu linen at bo
100 doz. of the finest and best custom
shirts known as crown brand it J1.25.
BOO doz. gents' linen collars at 12)
For one week only. Call our atten
tlon to this notice when you call.
4-S-0t Si DiOTSCB A Co.
General Routine of Business The Police
Committee'. Authority Questioned
Mr Stevea Addresses the
Council Etc Eta
Tbe regular session of the City Coun-
cil was held yesterday afternoon a full
board being present. The minutes of
the last meeting and the special mealing
were read and approved after amend-
ments. Ills Honor then read the various
petitions which were before him. The
only one that brought rorth any discus-
sion was the petition of the Democratic)
Executive Committee praying Ibat the
city erect a hall C0x90 feet at San Pedro
Park In order that ample accommoda-
tion might be afforded for tbe Demo-
cratic State Convention when it met
here the cost of the erection being about
$3000 $1000 of which being efltred by
the lessee of the park and street railway
French declared he thought that In a
matter or this kind tbe public should be
called upon to do It; It was unususl for
the city to do It and be could see no war-
rant or law countenancing any such
Uambleton blandly moved that tbe
appropriation be made but It was lost
anil tbe petition was referred to the
tender mercies or tbe Committee on
I'arka and Publlo Buildings.
A petition from Officer Brown asking
for the remission of a fine Imposed by
Police Committee waa laid ever until
tbe report of the Committee waa heard.
The report or the Board of Health was
read and approved. This body recom-
mended the removal of the pest-house
and the erection or a morgue. A special
committee to carry this suggestion out
was oruereu ana appointed
The reports or conmltteea ware then
read. Alderman French Chairman or
the Petitions and Ordinances Commit-
tee reported on the application of
Messrs Humblrd Newcomb and Glfford
for the right-of-way and use of streets to
lay gas mains.
rrencn read tne opinion or the city
Attorney who stated that be did not
tblnk there was anything to preclude
another gas company from operating
and tbe committee recommended that
the petition bo granted and the neces-
sary ordinance to be drafted by the City
Schrelner was seized with a spasm ol
Incertitude and mentioned tbe fact tbat
tbe present charter waa for B0 years.
French Informed the gentleman that
tbe existing charter did not prevent the
new company from laying pipes to
which Ills Honor ejaculated : 'Still tbe
uy wouia not take any oi ineir gas.-'
"That remains to be seen." resnonded
Alderman French with hlsgrandisoman
The report was adopted.
A report was also received from the
same committee relative to tbe petition
to remove peddlers' stands from the
This waa referred to tbe Mayor to reg-
ulate the affair the committee deeming
ii wouiu do an injustice to remove tnera.
i ne uouncu aaoptea tne report.
Tbe Streets and Bridges Committee
Lockwood Chairman) recommended
hat the lines at the corner of West
Commerce and lona streets made bv
the City Engineer be received and filed.
a cuiveri arain was oraerea on soutn
Laredo street at a cost of $30 and tbe
report or the Cltv Engineer on St. Marv'a
street waa referred to the Special Im-
provement Committee.
uonsiueraoie oiscussion ensued over
tbe report of the Police Committee who
stated that Officer Brown bad been
found guilty of a flagrant violation of
the law by removing his property line
anu is was recommeaueu mat ne oe
uneu one monm a pay $iu.
rrencn questionea tne authority "lie
nas not vioiaieu anv nonce rearuiaiions.'
said tbe Alderman.
The Mayer Anv officer who violates
nia uuiy la amenaoie to ine rouce com
French If be does that he la not Ut to
be aa officer.
The Mayor The Committee thought
that the deduction of one month's salary
would ha auffiolenr.
Bergstroaa Did not the Cltv Enirlneer
give mm ine liner
ine mayor six years ago tney agreed
npon a line and he built a fence on It.
The present City Engineer Bays "that
your line should be here" and he moved
nis fence eany in tne morning.
Berarstrom If the Cltv Enirlneer e-av
him the line I don't see why be should
not take It. I don't see what It has to
do here at all.
Gallagher It does not seem to me that
this Is the proper tribunal to try this
cue at all. I understand this line was
given to Brown 23 yeara ago. I alao un
derstand that tbe line to which he
moved waa given him by the present
City Engineer. Brown I am told Is
able to prove tbat he did not remove
mar lenoe at an unreasonable hour.
Did Ollloer Brown have anv witnesses In
regard to tbe time of the removal of bis
ience r
Smye I will state that Brown waa not
very anxloua to bave witnesses. There
nas neen sworn testimony which snows
mat it was using removed at a o'ciook
In the morning. It also came out In evi
dence tbat the line bad been agreed
UDon.ana mere was a aeeiaea acknowl
edgment on bis part from the fact that
he cut down a portion of his building
and conformed to that line subse
quently another survey waa made and
hla line given but possession waa not.
then the officer takes tbe law Into hla
own bands and at night removes the
fenoe cutting off a portion or his neigh-
bor's bouse and the water supply. The
committee did not tblnk the officer Jus
tified In taking tbe law Into his own
Hambleton The Alderman did not
seem to take Into -consideration the fact
that the officer himself admitted that he
agreed several years ago with the part
owning tbe adjacent property tbat thf
line should bs agreed on and that ought
to settle the difference that might arise
oeiween me parties upon mat agree-
ment. I do not aee anv extenuating- clr
cumstancss that wouldrclease tbat man
from a direct violation of the law and as
he Is an officer be should be punished
Gallagher My point Is this that we
have net tbe power to tine an oncer of
mis city lor a civil onense. x uiu not
know we bad got that high yet. 1 bave
not found It out. 1 don't think tbls
Council can fine OOloer Brown for that
even admitting bis guilt.
MoAlllstsr-I think that aa Offlcer
Brown agreed npon the line and Bet his
They are Pronounced to be
Consisting of
Etamino Cloth
Albatross Suiting
Canvass Cloth
Laco Canvass Cloth
Bourette Cloth
Fino Novelty Robes
Egyptian Late Flouncing
- Large Stock of New Jerseys Just Received.
400 Pieces of New Matting White and Colored.
212 and 214 Commerse Street
Manufacturing Jewelers.
Qw?u.J.SnJJ"T"..1'1.".n' Kngrailng Watches and Clock llenalrinr. Onlr the meat
Skilled Workmen Rinplored. Strict Attention to .11 Ilii.lnr..i...i?A...n'V?"i
Work Itooms opposite Uroos' Hank.
bouse back though there may have been
no record or tbe facts In the city maps
he was wrong and tbat tbe act or tbe
committee Is perfectly legitimate.
The renort waa finally adonted tiv a
vote or 10 to 3. Gallagher and French
voting against Its adoption.
The Committee also recommended
that Officer Massey be reprimanded.
Gallagher moved that Brown abould
bave a new trial.
Mayor 1 he Council sustains the Com
mittee and that aettles It. .
The Oaa and Water Committee re-
orted on the petition of residents for
arger water mains on King William
street and recommended that It he not
granted but that connection should be
made as suggested by the Chief of tbe
rire uepanmeat.
Ki-Alderman Htevrs having obtained
tbe permission of the Council to apeak on
the sublect. said:
Gver a year ago thar received a
promise from the Water-works Com-
pany that they would remedy this hull
which never haa been done. We don't
wisn anything else but a ralr fire protec-
tion I your contraot with tha Water.
works Company and the city says that
tbey should give sufficient nressure in
case or lire and that with six bydrants
open at once and with 00. feet or hose
anu a one-incn noizie to tnrow a stream
or water over tbe highest house In tbe
city. Tbla test has never been made
ana i minx we are entitled to bave It
and I wish you would pass a resolution
mai aucu a test is maae ana tnat you
have a committee appointed to look at
The report was adopted.
Tbe Special Committee annotated on
the Improvements of Alamo and Main
plaxas. reported through' Its Chairman.
Alderman Mackay recommending that
the Dlazas be graded arravalled and
rolled the total cost being fS800. Ke-
ferred to the Public Improvement Com-
mittee. Gallagher What aetlon. Your Honor.
have you taken In regard to the con-
struction of a sidewalk on the southslde
of Milam park.
Mayer i nave not taken any ateps
Gallager-None at all?
Mayor None at all.
New business waa then Introduced aa
By McAllister: Tbat property own-
a be ordered to out down Class A side.
walks on rresa street. Adopted.
By Connor : That $15 be appropriated
to build a bridge over ban I'edro oreek.
on Aransas street. Committee on Streets
and linages.
By Uambleton : That Chestnut street
be graveled and graded from Austin to
Alamedastreet to cost 1300. Committee
on Htreets and Bridges.
By Hmye : Tbat the Mavor be author.
Ired to make arrangements for a water
main on Villlta street. Adopted.
ByMackey: That tho sum or $75 be
appropriated to compensate Offlcer Mar
tlnez for tbe use of his bnggy and horse
and personal services rendered to small.
pox patients ueierred to the Board of
By Gallagher: That oronertv awnera
on South Laredo street be ordered to put
By Gallagher: That tha Street Com
mlssloner gravel West Commerce street
rroa reoos to ine international track
By Smye: Tbat hereafter when city
carta are employed tbe preference be
given io persona unving luair own
vehicles. Adonted.
The Mayor Suppose It Is a widow
woman who baa a cart.
Smye-Let a member of the farMly
By Smye: That three gas lamus be
erected on East Commerce street. Re-
ferred to tha Committee on Gas and
By Mackay: That a oommtttee be ap-
Fiolnted consisting of ope Alderman
ron each ward to select a place lor tbe
pear Buuse Auopioa.
By Lockwood: That Brook street h
cleared of brush. Referred to the Street
Commissioner for an estimate of ooat.
By Schrelner: That the property own-
ers on North Laredo street be ordered to
pat aown siaewaiis. Aaoptea.
Alderman Maekar roa and ailrrl h
Mayor what bad been done regarding
hla resolution calling for the appoint
Display of
Foulard Satteen
French Satteens
Fino Batistes
Imported Ginghams
Linen Lawns
Crinkle Soorsucker
Linen Finish Lawns
Immonso Line Percals.
thos torn
u. viuwuu
ment of a special committee to Investi-
gate tha lines at tbe head of the river.
Mayor-1 tblnk that was defeated by
the Council.
Mackay No your honor.
iUu J"-1 ""I Investigate tba records.
If that Is a fact I will appoint It
. Meky You appointed tho commit-
tee with Alderman Loekwood as ohalr-
man. I know I lost a beer with Your
Iloaor on tbe same question.
Lockwood denied the soft Impeaoh-
ment and attempted to shift his alleged
responsibility on Alderman llamhleten.
who. likewise repudiated It while
Mtc fT.L'JcS1B"' i'wk-OMir It Is I
would like to know."x
While each alderman waa looking at
each other with an Interrogative ex.
pression the gentleman from the "flatu-
lent" ward. Alderman Conner relieved
bit conscience by stating to tbe Counoll
tbat he waa the chairman and admitted
he had not yet called a meeting. This
confession was reoetved with peals of
laughter and completely collapsed the
gentleman from Beanvllle.
The Council then adjourned.
April 101b ltaub der Sablnerlnnen.
ror Rem.
Desk room In an office convenient lo-
cation nicely furnished and fitted up.
Address 'T. B. J." this office.
tsvlse to Hsthsrs.
Wlnslow's Soothing Brrur
should alwava ba nnd foe MlVlrt.
teething. It Booths the child softens
the gums alleys all pain cures wind
oollc and la the beat remedy for dlar-
rbaw. S5 cents a bottle. 7-2t-ljr
satlsastory kviasaas.
. Jyr' 0nhi wholesale druggist of
u'l?' T"t "rites t I have been
handling Dr. William Hall's Balsam for
the Lungs for the put year and have
found It one of the most saleable madU
olnes 1 have ever had la my honse for
m .Tin vouanmpuon.
always giving entire satisfaction. Please
send me another gross.
Just Rae.lvad
By Noyes ds Lana-holz. tha li-t as
sortment In the city of lap dusters all
S " f -"" mo jusuy lamoQB
Eaglfm crown soap tbe belt prepara-
tion for washing harness and saddles.
and the German Pnis-PomsHa r ..!
Ing harness mountings and all kind of
metals silverware and nieiri.nirf
our assortment or bnggy harness both
machine: and hanit.nBr j
double. Is always complete. Our hame
uu win .lugie ouggy narnets at 10
per set oannot be beat by anyone. -6-3t
to Kind to HnUnil..
I think Tonne Mr. i. -
kind-hearted man." remarked Mrs.
"Indeed" replied her husband.
"Ah! what has he done to him."
"WhT. one enld .!. I.. T ..
him on the street with no overcoat oa
and I told blm he ought not to oeme oat
so unprotected and he said he bad Ut
his Uncle Emerson have bis ooat. I
suppose bis uncle was too poor to buy
one and when I see a young man to
thoughtful about his relatives" I know
be la kind-hearted. 4-3-tf
Thomas Goggan A Bros.
This old. reliable mn.ln hi.... .. ...
tablished In 1800 and rank as tba ploneor
muslo men ot Texas. Tbelr carter haa
been one of uninterrupted satisfaction to
themselves tbelr manufacturers and tha
uuuiio -uu wnom iney nave been deal-
ing during all thosa years. In adhering
to tbe vital principle of aU business
transactions-maintenance of Integrity
and strict regard for every contract or
Eromlae the houses of Goggan Mm.
ere and In Galveston can view tha past
and parallel It with the best lo tha laid
while tbe horoscope of tha future brlafi
to view still greater results for their
Bowing business In tbls growing BtU.
r. Mike Goggan tha manager of the
San Antonio branch Is on of those
whole-souled gentlemen whom It Is a
pleasure to do business with and m
will always find him raady far a toad.
If you oontamplaU buying a rst-siti
Instrument at a low flgrVToaU aad sa

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San Antonio Daily Light (San Antonio, Tex.), Vol. 6, No. 66, Ed. 1, Tuesday, April 6, 1886, newspaper, April 6, 1886; San Antonio, Texas. ( accessed April 25, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .

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