The Austin Statesman. (Austin, Tex.), Vol. 32, Ed. 1 Friday, January 23, 1903 Page: 1 of 8
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leaders went down to a signal defeat
man, crufsers Vineta,
without regard ihe Philippine government act to be
thia reckoning redeemed at the rate of two pesos for
would not have been prepared to vote
Mr. Long of
rominent in the Army
Ie Had I
-Before the
Denver, Colo., Jan. 22.
.rd county.
treme cases.”
With col, W. H. Johnson, United stntes
of Germans.
treet Railway company
has appro
capital of
31,000,000 to
that ther
the only thing for the party to
before now
have progressed further
but this was largely based
i ond bombardment of San Carlos ap-
the legislature, one short of a quorum.
Shoula the forthcoming negotlatons
publican members.
to be a workable basis for a satisfac-
tory sdution.
ve not found their man, although it
is believed that he was in this city a
The theory here is
H. Clark, who
Rider fame and James
I* noted for Mi fighting prowenn
$ *
f ol-
the proposed Increase in
Bank of Durango from
reach Washington earlier than he did.
The only press comment on the sec-
tants.. He says It is worthy of note
that outside Mazatlan and with the ex-
Germans and save it trusts "the Amer-
icana will understand that the Ger-
op 5 '
; AX-
counted in the fort at 7 o’clock last
night by the correspondent of the As-
soolated Press.
to the hospital here.
A stevedore attacked with the plague
was about to be taken to the lazaretto
when he attacked a sanitary Inspector
with a knife.
Governor Canedo considers the dis-
ease to be abating and ascribes this
it down and th® local optlontsta had
a chance to win out
A® tho election haa been ordered, the
reault la a foregone conclusion and the
I treat
Funds locally collected for the relief
of the Mazatlan sufferers exceed $30,-
000 and is daily being augmented.
Durango, Mex., Jan. 22.— Considera-
bls excitement has been caused here by
the receipt of information that a man
who came overland from Mazatlan had
i ll 1-2.
Mil® and ntt
I if the election is Ordered now, before
was declared that he had been sent to Telegraph, says the president has de-
the convention as a Harrison delegate, elded to issue a circular to all post
confirmed By Senate. Pintos" and mnya they recosnize.
o,, o.. 22.— Senate con- innivantage Germany is placed in
H. H. Ruthen, muperinten through the impossibiNty o‘ getting
p. S
It Provides That Colnaga Laws tn th.
United Statea Shall Be In Effect
In Ielands.
grants of smaller means have taken
up their abode.
Washington, Jan. 22-The nomina-
tion of Dr. W. D. Crum, a colored man.
to be collector of the port of Charles-
ton. 8. C, was the subject of an hour’s
hearing today before the nelnte com-
mittee on commerce in which the nom-
ination is pending.
Senator Tillman, Mayor Bmythe of
Charleston, and Col, J. C. Hemphill,
appeared in opposition to the confirma-
Governor Canedo, at Mazatlan, Says
That He Believes That the Dis-
ease Is Now Abating.
He is Making Many Calls at the For-
eign Embassies.
Washington. Jan. 22—A cablezram
haa been received from Mr. Runsel,
American charge at Caracas, confirm-
; Ing the press report to the effect that
I three German warships began to bom-
&ooialleta Say Germany le In League
With the Gun Firm.
Berlin, Jan. 22.—During the budget
The Senatorial Muddle No Nearer a
Solution and Trouble la Expected
at Any Time.
Great Britain la at a Loss to Account
for the Action of the German
- dy. Kane,1 option to inelude th* whole of Dallas
an" own*. counts, the etecton to be held Tues-
j day, February IT.
The commtnaloners decided that they
could do nothing else than order the
election, despite the fact that a number
of prominent prohibitionista appeured
and urged that the petition wa, not in
the interest of the prohibitlontsts.
. Jl la freely stated that the prohibt-
tionsists have been made the victim*
A Stevedore Stricken With the Plague
Attacked the Inspector
Nrazatlan, Mex., Jan. 22—There were
four deaths from the plague today. The
atal Encounter Between Two Young
; Men Near Boyd, Wise County.
Legislation Will Be Sought Relative to
Bills of Lading.
Porta Closed Against All Vessel. Com*
Ing From San Francisco.
man proceedings are as little approved
Many Wanted to Hold Beok the Pe-
tition Until Too Lete te Pay
Poll Tex.
ernment to fight the arag 1
Ambassador Clayton 8
Maracaibo, Jan. 21.—Ths bombard-
* . 2 , 1 4 i ... .. m j though it is admitted that there is a
ment of Fort San Carlos by the Ger- i free exchange of notices in progress today when the house by a vote of 148
Panther and between the embassles of the Ruro- to.128.
Man Attacked Whil
From Near
Falke was continued yesterday after- rean capitals.
About noon Mr. Bowen appeared at
• . , mt. the state department tend Nala abort
this morning at daybreak. The first talk with Dr, ui and with Third As-
shells were hurled at the fort at 4 ststant Secretary Pierce. - '
The committee nasoumed without
considering or pessing on the tenti-
mony. ___
Rosario, the plague has been kept at
bay, notwithstanding the crowded con-
Btranger Shot John Wo Trapp
Took His Own Life.
■ 4
The speaker instanced the rearmament
of the army with artiilery which had
already been relegated to the second
rank. The United States. Herr Bebel
said, had entered into the competition
for armaments and owing to her great
resources and energy, will soon out-
strip Europe.
Herr Bebel further said the empire 3
expenditures for the army and navy
were likely to grow even greater under
the present conception of the foreign
do was to elect him senator.
senator Teller was greeted with ap-
plause, He said that he had not at
; —-o
Admitted, However, That Principal
Objection Was on Acoount
of Hie Color.
not be barred from collecting their
gency conid nrire which would cause
him to withdraw.
The capital of Colorao hns • war-
like aspect today, owing to the pres-
ence of armed men in the house cham-
her and of a strong guard of pollee-
These guard* are com-
• Shermon Bell Rongh
lany Orders Made in the Court of
Civil Appeals Yesterday.
22.—The house
nhotrruns. ‘
maned by
* ------o------
the mounts of Jockey Winkfield re-
strieted to the horaes of hl. employer,
Ed Corrigan. The weather was clear
end the track heavy and lumpy with
a rath. Summarx:
Rix furlonss:
"Certainly not.” said c. O. Wolcott,
the lending republican candidate for
senator, when asked today whether he
would withdraw if Senator Teller
would do so. Wolcott said no contin-
1.41 1-6.
Selling, five and a half furlongs.*
Hummer, won; Optional, second; Ed
L., third. Time, 1.10.
Handicap, mile: Hargis, won: Ni-
trate, second; Rankin, third. Time,
Six furlongs: Federal won: Wealth,
second; St. Cuthbert, third, Timo, 147.
Mile and a sixteenth: Carat, won:
Frank M., second; Mosketo, third.
Time, 1.64.
of the European foreign of es,
j though it is admitted that there la
'free exchange of notices in progre
lengthy wrangle and much discussion,
the commnissioners of Dallas county
tonight ordered an election on local
' —---
happy result to a rigid disinfection,
isolation of cases, burning of houses
and the large emigration of inhabi-
Ian With Whom He Had Quarreled
Got the Drop on Him and
. Killed Him.
London, Jan. 22.—The British KOV-
eminent is entirely in the dark regard-
ing the reasons for the aggressive ac-
tion of German naval euthorities in
again bombarding Fort San Carlos at
the entrance of Lake Maracaibo. The
foreign officials here are apprehensive
of the result of the bombardment
They say no decision has yet been
reached on the question for the sus-
pension of the blockade.
It was hoped that matters would
on the
role in the the few United States claimants will 11 of United States currency.
.....* • In the course of the debate Mr. Fil)
of Connecticut made the Important
Statement in connection with what he
said yesterday, that Secretary Hay
had informed him this morning that a
Mexican gentleman was now in this
city in the interest of an arrangement
by which Mexico could adopt a cur-
rency system uniform and interchange-
, able with that of the United States.
After a protracted discussion in which
Mr. Cannon of Illinois, Mr. Payne of
»kein support
A bill Also was passed providing for wny nf curcon, nna owing io the Ger-
additional terms of court in the west- man consul at Maracaibo being cwt off
ern judicial district of Routh FarodnE from reporting by cable to the author-
Mr. wurnhamathon ro"um omnibus l"” at wrin The omlefale admit that
marks in opposition to the omnDM5 ..
statehood bill. '
PpoA'WorheMtetesmn, Lcuy Le-
bre, a student, was shot and killed
ear Boyd. Wise county, this evening
y Bud White.
noon until 6 o’clock. It was resumed
Washington, Jan.
Mexico City, Jan. 22.—A party of
Boer chieftains arrived here today, in-
cluding Gen. Viljoen, Commandants
Snynam, Kreitsinger, Fouche. Joubert
and Malan, and Captain O’Donnell.
Their visit is for the purpose of look-
ing over lands where they can settle
knee, when ho ank to - -
as carrld lrome and died a
line after reaching his room. g--
ayer was jailed. This is the third
urder in this city, in a month-
San Francisco, Jan. 22.— Resuits at
Oakland today over a sloppy trnekt
Fix furlongs, purse: Laf
won; Buzzer second;
third. Time, 1.15 1-4.
Seven-sixteenths of a mile. 2-yeAr:
olds, selling: Hoceo, won; Knob
Hampton, second; Samar, third. Time,
belief that Minister’ Bowen would
of scheming, that many bona fde
members signed the petition under a
misunderstanding of the merits of the
case and without a proper understand*
Th* Destruettve Voleano Broke Into
Eruption Yesterday at Noon.
/Kingston. St. VInrent. Jan. .-A
briak eruption of the Roufrlere vol* ano
on this Island occurred nt noon toiay.
date. will not be admitted.
The board of health of Guayaquil
January 18 issued an order to close the
port to steamers from Panama or Mex-
ican ports, but the order was recon-
sidered the following day and it was
decided to close the ports only to the
steamers from plague-infected Mexi-
can ports.
campaign I* not likely to' be a very
warm one, the real pro* giving small
attentlon to the election.
Th* CoE Strike Commission Will
Soon End Hearing.
PhIladetphta. Jan. 22—The quentton
of who is responsible for the shortase
in the supply of anthraeite coal was the
subject of much debate today at the
hearing of the coal atriko commlaslon.
The miners attorney* Bold that it was
the fault of the operator*, and the op-
erators in turn blamed tho miner*.
The statement of President Mitchell to
the effect that 8000 miners were idle
and ready to work, wataghallenkea and
debale at some lopstk. The benle
Valley company and the Lehigh and
wukesbarre company completed their
cases today and the Independent oper-
ators of the upper region began the
presentation of evidence. It ta ex*
peeled that the hearing will continue
for live day* more.^________.
The Roocoveltlan Idea as H Haa De-
veloped in Georgin
Macon, Ga., Jan. 22.—Harry Stilwell
Edwards, postmaster of Macon, re-
turned today from Washington, where,
tlon. ‘They preferred chargea to the with CoL W.H.JohnwnaVmiea^
,,, ,224 ,, 7, 1 nut r a,,, marshal for the northern distriot Of.
efect h at ( rumihad 801 out am a del orgin, ne had gone to consult with
egate to the Minneapolls republican | tte prestdent with regard to the gov-
convention, and in support of thi8 ernment service in Georgia. Mr. Ed-
charge, rend an affidavit in which it । wards in an interview with the Macon
0.42 1-2.
Mlle, sellingi Miree
drew Ring, second;
Time, 1.43.
Special to The Statesman.
Dallas, Tex., Jan 22.—Fifty-four
bankers of Norther nTexas met in
their fifth annual convention in Dal*
las today. After the customary social
preliminaries of welcoming addresses
discussion was had on various
financial topics, notably on recent con-
flicting decisions by ,various state
courts touching liablities of bunks in
the handling of bills of lading. Keen
interest was manifested in the subject
and it is now evident that legislation
will be sought to make risks more safe
and uniform.
Admitted to Bail.
feat in the six event* on the card. Ni-
trate was. looked upon as a certainty
in his race, and under pressure his
price receded from sixes to 6 to 2, but
he was beaten out a head on the post
by Kd Corrigan’s Hargla, The stew-
ards have ordered the refusal of fur-
ther entry of the horse Alfred C., and
morning hour.
Mr. Burnham, who spoke in op0R4
tion to the bill, made the principal
speech of the day and did not conclude
his remarks.
The legislative, executive and Judi-
cial appropriation bill was Rent to con-
ference. and Messrs. Cullom, Warren
and Cockrell named as conferees.
At 5:15 p. m., th® senate went 1nto
executive Bession and at 5:25 p. m ad-
Six furlongs, selling: Prestano,
Golden Cottage, second: Quit II.
Time, 1.143-4.4
been taken ill with the plague at Coy- |
otes, in the state of Durango. The pa-
tient was immediately sent to an 1so-
Me-mer Not on Lint. A
«t tev(e Ton 92 n 1e •♦seed that
th a nome of Bshop ermer, oR Green
Rev we . is not on the 11** of theeon-
MsAntes inr cnAnfor to Arehhop
Rain, gelected by the fufraran huhovs
or +He.Ht Loul province at their re-
cent meeting. Neither does the name
of any prtests of the archdocese ac-
company the names of Rinhop Dunne
and Bishop Glennon.
Affirmed—Hunter vn. arGee et aL;
oghlan v*. Coghtan! Horeberver vs.
ndinee et al.: HoustomElect
any tnik of exertine frfendIv Influencen
. .........-_____but (
It is difficult for the dapnrtment to ...............................
anGWer consrensfonn ellera who ere the provielon* of the ranKary code thl.
nakine for • roonabia mxotanation. I patient will be bent to the ho . -
; AnBhneYine FMfomek.: "2 i " n4 °Ro’
« mor. "erlov" Interference wih Mln- i L.ok or Wott,rmark.
leter Powen’a mlstlon in which the i Qundalajara, Mex., Jan. 22.—Detec-
United Stntes thouwh, hot oSe’ely ' lives have arrived here in senreh of B.
conoerned. 1. deeDty mterestet Therei S.Wettermark. the.banker ot.Naco:
wet. rumor, eno.t to the efeot that ! dnahaT Tx"wha fa 124.0,21.000002,
an.. 2111 •__________ nA uv»n wteDe and who is alleged tn nave ro vedPa
ire to theiamount of 2250,000 Thev
were present.
Representative W. H. Kelley (demo*
crat) was absent and the senate ser- by the British nation
geant-at-arms was instructed to bring selves.”
In absentees. No attempt was made, Fhst- --- ---------
however to force the attendance of re- with Minister Bowen satisfy the POW-
IL-. tm Ah4a-neA tn Ao
ths state devartment had tbken »teD pe
fo mint out to th* forefen ofeen n* ha
y yards, selling:
Autolight, second
Time, 1.45.
police say that he deposited .money in
a local bank this morning and a draft
dated Memphis, Mo., January 20. His
body is at the undertaker's, awaiting
efforts that are being nude to locate
his relatives. Nothing was found on
him that would give any information
as to his identity, save a check book,
made out to “Clark N. Jones, Memphis.
Missouri, Bank." He was about 25
yeara old, of medium height and Blen-
der. with smooth shaien face, dark
complexion and was neatly dressed.
Special to The Statesman. anvour. .....» am vov------
Beaumont, Tex., Jan. 22,—Joe Hazel- guard, and n list was made out giving
Ion, the proprietor of a saloon in the genptors a night ofr together.
oi3 field. Was beaten into unconscious- J. . .....-r.tAn*
ness last night and his place robbed of
between 370 and $100. Two men did
first care of plague occurred on an Is-
land in tho bay where a child was
stricken with the disease and brought
but had shifted to the support of masters, informing
X omcbanspprrgson'wom X7 IIn
made quite plain, however, that the endorsement for ft valuable congider*
principal objection was because of atfon and dismissing from office any
Crum’s color, and Senator Tillman ad- official who may for a valuable consid-
mited as much. _He told the commit- eration sive to an applicant for office
his endorsement.
Ell., ncill CL *'rru ----------.
r Motion to Dismiss Appeal and to
Certify to Supreme Ctrt Refused—
Magnoll Park company et nt, vs.
Tinsley et al., from Harris.
nbers. era that Venezuela is determined to do
session settled down for everything possible to meet her obl-
- - rations the powers, will determine the
Guayaquil. Jan. 22.—It has been de-
cided to close all the ports of this re-
public against steamers from ban
_ lvusyy, vio .....e Francisco, owing to the importation DY
an ex-deputy sheriff of , bubonic plague. Vesels which left
Lis county, The two young men met. San Francisco January 20 or after that
ear a village named Peter when
Vhite fired on Leforce with a shotgun,
he charge taking effect tn' his side.
Ie died almost instantly. The cause
Washngton, an. 22.—The statehoed
bill occupled the entire attention ot the
senate tday, except for a few routine
matters whleh came up during th.
tinus in-
Yondon, Berlin and Rome If® views O0 .. „„qyuu .sa. ...
this xubect. But this could not be short time ago. ------,
confirmed and today it was atated that thet ha has gone to Routh America,
bard Fort Ran Carlos yesterday. Th*
eablegram does not indicate the renult
of the bombardment and in fact con-
tains no other detail.
There is a singular reticence on the
part of the state officials in connec-
tlon with th* Venezuela situation, e8-
pecinhv with reference to the German
hombardments which may be signifi-
cant of the gravity with which thev
vlew th* situation. There is no longer
Defense Depending Largely on Natu-
ralization Laws.
Jonea of Virginia moved to atriko out
the first section of the majority bill
and insert the first section of the
minority substitute which provided for
the introduction of an American coin-
age system complete into the tslands.
The first section of the substitute pro-
vided that the lawful money of the
United states should be legal tender
in the Philippines for delita, pubtie
and private, and deglared th, coinage
law, of the United State, to be In full
force in the Island,. The vote then
was taken. The entire democratic
side and twenty republlcans voted for
Mr. Jones' motion and It wan carried.
Without division the remainder of the
majority bill was stricken out and th*
■ubstltute inserted.
When the action of the committee of
the whole was reported to the house,
Mr. Olmstead of Pennsyvanta, de-
manded a separate vote upon the sub-
stitute and the roll call followed.
The house bill was adopted—110 to
Twenty-eight republicans voted with
the democrats for tbe substitte.
A resolution was ndopted callinR
the work, one holding a revolver on
Hazelton while the other beat him.
The officers are entirely at sea.
The Austin Sta
SrsSthstoTne.stasampanazArter a
-- -0.-
Canadlan___,,__ _
Six Met Defeat at New Orleano- Rno-
Ing at Ban Franeno
New Orleans, Jan. 22 vvorites
fared no be l tar today, each * % de"
men in plain clothes at all entranceg ....... ........
to the senate chamber. An unfounded to prevent these bombardment*
report that the national guard, under
orders from Governor Peabody, had ;
taken possession of the state hens*
yrobablv had na oriein in the fart that ' -g --------
House Sereeant-nt-nrms Plotnmer had [ l« the probabilitv that there .T2°X.122
posted tpirtv guards in and about the
house chamber to resist an antlcpnten
attempt of the supporters of F O.
Wolcott to capture the ball. On every
desk 19 a pair of big revolvers and in
the corners etand many repeating
na, wans An-
Dottrell, third.
peolal to 7ge statoaman.’
[Fort WoV, Tex., Jan. 82-Dan
|lalr, a gambier, was ehot md Killed
as morning at 1 o'clock’ by Sani
hrewder in the Stag salpon. The two
pen had been enemies for some ume
5 when they mot l» the Blag shortly
tier midnight, they quarreled. Blair
gmarked that "Ho was going to make ■
handicap: ' Proper,
second; Duranso, third.
sourned until tomorrow. , ,
Upon the eonclusion of routine buni,
ness today Mr. Falrbanke announced’
that after the conference with Mr. Quay
he would not call up the Immlara:
tlon bill today as he had intended, but
would do so tomorrow. The statehood
bill then was taken up on motion of
Mr. Clay nt Georgie.
Mr. Quay yielded to per
age of a bill to authorise
to appoint Brised" "
U. S. A., retired.
— Politios. 1 i
f pasebtsaskenssasrsmran,prx w.
Barnett, physician, soldier hd states-
nan, died here today after a short III-
iess. Ho was bom in 1880, was cap-
lain of Company V, Eighteenth Arkan-
La Infantry In the Confederate army,
k member of the Twelfth and Thir-
leenth legislatures of Texas from Par-
ker county, and represented that coun-
ty in the constitutional convention of
176, During the last fourteen years
he had been county treasurer of How-
It shot up in a twirling inca
cloud followed by black nmok
rapidly nsoendeda to a great n<
furnished a high. Intense mpecti
was visible throughout the
Band is falling at Chateau Bel
as by them*
INew York and others apol
AND SEVERAL 01 Die majority bill.'and --------- -
, T.SKE Rew Jersey and Mr. Irosvener of
--------__5 Ohio. In favor of the substitute, Mr,
venves, Cuw., --. ------ - of great capitalists and the Krupp firm
democratic members of the senate and ha« a share in it. Such violence should
house assembled in joint session at be resorted to only in the most ex-
noon today they held a meeting at *reme onses"
which they listened to speeches by
Senator Teller and other leaders.
United States Senator Thomas H. Pat-
terson said that Senator Teller felt
'keenly the neglect of six democrats to
, vote at the joint session yesterday, j
thereby defeating his election. He
sat that the conference had been call.
I ed in order that Senator Teller might
। make a statement. Former Governor
should be found. It was rumored that ‘pent. The belief is expressed that
he had been kidnaped by agents of re- President Castro’s offer to set anine
publicans or democrats who wished te the customs as a Ruarantee maY.PVe
have Senator Teller defeated. The
emocratic senators who are holding
the senate chamber have agreed, II
necessary, to spend the remainder of
the ninety days of the session in the
chamber. They have adopted a Mt
of rules and regulations which will
govern the members as long a* the
present conditions hold out. Each
senator was assigned to a certain
amount of duty as captan of the
Geo. P. Cronk Wi Visit Dallas Elks_______
J February 1, the antis wi be put on
Omaha, Neb., Jan, >2.—George P. notice and win secure their poll tax
Cronk, grand exalted ruler of the Eks, 1 recelpts, tha enabling them to defeat
will leave here Saturday night for nn o . . oWtting the antis out
official visit to Dallas, Tex,, where the the Proect nm P K t6, " 18.0
lodges of that state meet January 22 of the field for the time being. Had
to form a state organization. There the pros been able to keep the matter
will be a three-days’ session and the qutet, untu atter February 1, the antis
csremnnthat deicwin"sehpnrevt"i- -— —’ e
deposits In each year.
The house then proceeded to the
consideration of the Alaskan delegate
bill. The bill was supported by Mr.
Cushman of Washington, Mr. Wooten
of Texas and Mr. Sulzer of New York
and opposed by Mr. Warner of Illinois.
Without action on the bill the house
at 5:35 p. m., adjourned.
The Entire Day in the Benato Taken
, Up in Disoussion. *
pommiasloner bl insurance
[ tatjtics, (e) A •
Is Going Overland
tee that the people of the south did not
want their offices filled by negroes,
“and," he said, “so loms as they are #O
filed, there will be trouble; oil and
water will not unite.”
Ex-Governor P. B. B. Pinehback of
toulsana, and Whitfield McKinlay, for-
merly of South Carolina, both colored,
appeared for Dr. Crum They declared
that the charge of selling out at Mone,
a polls was unfounded and eulogized
Crum as a man of educatlon and chart
and bring their families.
General Viljoen denies that he of-*
At a Lotz to Account for the Lett Act fered his services to the British gov-
_......... upon the secretnry of the tresury for
iproving. " " (a list of tutional bnnlis holding re • ‘'
Greville is better in ernment deposite, other than deposits
....... c h-teel- officers, December 21,
Germany wanted to be first every-
where. Its attitude toward weaker
states would never be tolerated to-
wards itself. Its action toward Hayti
was brusque,, and how, the speaker
asked, can the Panther’s bombardment
of Fort Ran Ceros be justified? Con-
tinuing. Herr Bebel remarked:
“President Castro is struggling for
life and the maintenance of the presi-
dency. We can not take it III for a
man under such circumstances if he
resists excessive demands. The co*
ercion of Venezuela is in the interests
Glennevis, second;
Time, 1.17 4-5.
Helling, mile: Fl Rey, won: Peat,
second; (Yank Kenny, third. Tttin,
late place, from which there is no dan-
ger of the disease spreading. Never-
theless, It is feared that he has come
in contact with other parties within the ,
e state Authorties
London, Jan. 22--The court room in
which Col. Arthur Lynch, M. P.. It br-
ing tried on th* charge of high treason,
was again crowded today. After read-
ing the eposition of an American.
Lewis Panley, who said colonel
Lynch had compelled him to take up
arma in behalf of the Boers at glen:
coe, but who had got off through the
intervention of the American consul,
counsel for the defense submitted that
Berlin Office 1. Not Advised of tho prisoner wAN protected by the nat-
Reacon for Attack. I uralization lawn. Ho clalmed that •
_______ [ man wn» ontltleJ to become an alien at
BerUn, Jan. 22-Neither th. forefam ‛w “mrrenaorthewaborfnd25
office nor th* navy department have pendence: wel ther® were at least 20,*
received report* of the bombardment" 500 „t nheish birth in the American
of San Carlo". At both place" it was mercantile marine and nngerted. that
declared that no order" were given to there were 20.000,00# peoRle IIVI"K. In
bombard the fort. The naval official. Amerten..whocponmezpedottnntd that
admit they knew the Vneta Eor1 Lynch took up arm. In behalf
rmit the pass- ceding to Maracalbo but they did not or the "Frangvanl without secrecy and
into the president antlepnte a bombardment. The for- uner the mistaken belfef;that the
idler General Merriam, elen office regrets extremely that it is noturallzotion net permitted this. In
. to the grade of ma- wholly without information, through any event counsel added. If »he court
general on the retired list defective menns of communication by decided the prlponer WA8Brptomohet
“bi also was passed providing for wny nf curcon, nnd owing to the Ger- ect. he ourht to be trie" In Australia,
onni terms of court in, the west- man consu at Marac albo being cut off ""ee "attorney general. Sir Robert
Finlay, replying for the proncutton.
.. ................ argued that Colonel Lynch procured
the incident is likely to “renew antl aturalization for the purpose of f5h1,
German agitation in the United ing against hfs own country hndade
the that even if nntnralizatiop cover 12
romrmeoraanro.lomnunt. S;rfL,h,fU&n’n’“ " 7’
-------- nt New orlesnnnnTom tmanter.Akt wn" 'be piirDon of the panther In It" The court deeided that th® naturat:
Case on Board 8h ip, zona: JulaMahoney Win . W:,9 ' pret nrllnn neninet Fori Ran Carlon, ration net afforded no efenne in the
site w; iam T-.S.-" *-2
crew of the achooner Jenn! Wara, iitoh. _______ C.communicatlon.rrome"" Mlnl.rer to the enemy whleh was « trendonable
threkeazenutngrpomsA""KConanve Appointmente,,Madg. t, """ -oen ,b" reemmepteve" nt "n" case wa« thogadzournea.
•• - . Washfngton, Jan. 22.—presidential tha alitem qopnrafoly. Th* foreign of- -—-—r9———t--
mipltnlbv nomination.: NavY.C!IIensneerf, nee namit That the mbfect discussed
^v! prinelluriPpoda bo. i was ene rateng or the
mnsters: Kentucky. John H Mier-
M-ppnviie: Oklahoma. John R Tate,
mackwell: Texas. William J. Nathen,
ception of three solitary cases at Em-
bocada. Villa Union and a farm near
tram Harrie. make a ntatement former To
I Reversed and Remanded—Houston. I Adams, Charles 8. Thomas and Thom"
East and West Texas Railway com- ( ns J, O’Donnell declared that Teller
pany vs. DeWalt, from Polk. Action the only logical candidate and
was taken in this case on answer from ... ----
supreme court on certified questions.
Bt. Louls Southwestern Railway com-
pany of Texas vs. Cannon, from Smith.
F Certified to Supreme Court on pinune. **« ........- " -T, a#
Court’s Own Motion—Magnolia Park tended the meeting for the purpose or
kompany et al., vs Tnsley et at, from : finding fault. He declared that he be-
Harrls. lleved the democratic party was para-
j Affirmed on Certificate — Watson et mount to the interests of any one man.
jl, vs. Kent et at, from Jefferson. He he had not withdrawn and did
i uise-l
at present the atutude ot the Vnite 1
Stale* must be one of patient waiting.
Secretary May stiu remains at his
home nursing a slight cold. Such
business as Mr. Bowen has to do with
him is transacted at his house. The
minister was up early and cards were
refused save to the Oerman charge.
Count Quadt. The latter returned un-
expectedly frora New York last night.
He had been awaiting the arrival from
Europe of his family- Ro it is a fair
supposition that his sudden return to
Washington without meeting them
was brought about by the untoward
turn in Venezuelan affalra. Count
Quadt also had a long conference at
the British embassy with Sir Michael
Herbert, and he also paid a call at
the Italian embassy, where the ambas-
sador,, who is suffering from a slight
indisposition, was unable to see him.
It was stated that nothing in the na-
ture of an answer to Minister Bowen's
proposition for a removal of the block-
ade as a condition precedent to nego-
tiations had been reeived from any
Bpectal to The Statesman.
Brownwood. Tex., Jan. 22.-—At noon
today Clark N. Jones of Memphis, Mo.,
shot John W. Trapp of this place with
a 38-alber Smith & Wesson revolver
and then killed himself.
Trapp is seriously wounded, the ball
entering just below the nose and lodg-
ing nt the base of the skull.
The dead man arrived’ here last
I night - from his actions It is thought
I he wne Trapp has been here
' for n ntmhou of years. He saYs he did
| not know Jones and never saw him un-
L til the shot was fired. Trapp is rest-
r ing easy nn there is great hope en-
ptertalned for his recovery. His people
live at Rome, Qa.. whero he was
reared. / '
3 Nothing is known hero of Jones. Tho
‛B. Jennings & Co. Have Made an As-
/ signment With Large Liabilities.
Special to The Statesman.
UGeorgetown, Tex., Jan. 22.—8. Jen-
ngs & Co., doing ft general merchan"
ise business in Leander, made an as-
signment today. H. W. Hall was ap-
pointed assignee. The liabilities are
620,10$,42. with assets. Including house,
lota, stock of goods, notes and ac-
vounts, estimated at >23.861.53. There
ire no preferred creditors.
Stockman Badly Hurt.
Bpeclal to The Btatesman.
Hanp, Tex., Jan. 22.-C. C. Fiekling
a very prominent farmer and stock,
’man of this county, was painfully, if
hot seriously hurt today by falling
‛rom a moving wagon. He is hurt in-
Beaten and Robbed.
dition of ranches and villages in the
neighborhod of this port, whero emi-
Special to The Statesman.
laKe Richmond, Tex., Jan. 22.—John Len-
-*nyM u,p"g,nAK,rW hart and a man named Talley, chart
ta 8" AS:
sine"pulau mndmg-BIm”. neck ted to baB, ^nhuH In $10,800 and Tal-
Ha pawl out under Uhe shoulder ley in 15000. _____.
Lde. Hlalr walked out of the Stab,; Another Pio® LIne.
ut was able to go only a short dis- Anotner WID°
“ the ground. He Special to The Statesman.
died a‘ short Beaumont, Tex., Jan. 22.—Parties are
The now in the country securing right or
“ way for another pipe line between
Beaumont and Sour Lake. A
not Intend to withdraw.
The meeting then adjourned nnd at i ond pomparament OI nun AP
noon the joint session was called to | pears in the St. James Gazette, which
order. Fifty democratic members of repudiates the aggressiveness of the
it I
M l
rs st
* 2
____rejected the Philippine coinage
bill, reported by the insular affairs
committee, nnd adopted the substtute
offered by the minority for the intro-
duction of American currency and the
- - American coinage systeni in the
•hells were hurled at the fort at 4 sstant Secretary Pierce. He is man- lauda. The insular committee includes
o’elock at long range. At 8 o'clock the ing a number of sem-ofietk calls on Inits membership the chairmen of the
,, . 4,". . qeh, draught closed the foreign embassies and legations most powerful committee of the
Panther, being of light draught. 90861 other nies aKa it believed house. Mr. Cannon, chairman of the
in ana asain became actively engaged. 01 1B m pursuancesot hl« general duty pproprfariona ar Itayn® chairman
Th* fort repued. At 8 o'clock th® en- of adjusting any proven claim they rrrwaya AAnr mean*: Mr.' Hepburn,
gagement was proceeding as fiercely may have against Venezuela. It is the Chairman 0t interstate commerce, and
n. xtrhav understanding that none of the coun- Mr. Tawney, chairman of the commit-
’ oeTaI: tries which refrained from joining in tee on expositions. They reported a
Twelve dead and fifteen hasty the blockade will be permitted to suf- BUl to eatablish the gold standard in mencin. won;
wounded Venezuelan soldiers wero fer by Venezuela in consequence of it* the islands and to authorixe the coin- minster.thtrd
forbearance, but that its cttizens who age of silver pesos of 416 grains, to bo
have suffered as a result of the vene- made lesal tender at the rate of two
elan revolutionary movements and Pe fogonetutoapdsnan ' provides that
other causes will, when it comes to a the lawful money of the United States
settlement of its claims, be placed shali be a legal tender in the Phili2,
upon an equality wih clalhani ron pines and declares the coinage laws of
England, Germany and Italy. All this the United States to be in full force
means that when it comes to a finan- there. It provides for the redemption
cial settlement, no one nation will have of the Mexican and Spanish silver, not
an advantage over any other, but tho including any Mexican pesos ImPora2
-------- , Venezuelan indemnity wibenppor- LT^h®?® bullion v“lu®B“deeUred
debate in the reichstag today Herr tioned out very much as the Chinese time to time by the Philippine com-
Bebel socialist, ascribed the empre’r indemnity fund on an exact bass of mission, the silver coin authorized by
deficit to the enormous expenditures damages sustained and without regard the Philippine government act to be
for the army and navy and to the "tu- to nationality. pUnder
tile efforts to play the first role :n th?
world.” which Germany was unable to
do. The government, he continued, i claims,
was afflicted with the "malady of sud-
denness.” which defeated its own aims.
_____ - ,, -0 ■
< th® killing is not known here.
upposod to Have Been Killed By Ac-
’ dental Disohargo, of Pistol.
peclal to The statesman. =
i Whitesboro, Tex., Jan. .82.—This
homing near Dexter, Cook county, the
ody of J. W-NteSpadden Was found
ead, laying ctosN his wagon tongue
Vith a bullet hole in his ■ head. The
uvpoaluon is that his death was caus:
Id by the accldbntal dlsfharge of his
istol, which lay near the body. Mc-
spaaden had on his person 824.20 and
t deposit chek 193306 ■ "
disposed, but is imj
British Minister uru .9 JU.I- -.g--g - -
health, but has sold off his household of disbursing -------- ----- q”
eftects. 11832. on each succeeding December 31,
The minister of finance has approved I up to the present time with the amount
...... held and the Average amount of such
Bpeclal to The Statesman.
; Galveston, Tex., Jan. 22.—The
owing orders were entered by
court of civil appeals todak:
I. Ave. '
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The Austin Statesman. (Austin, Tex.), Vol. 32, Ed. 1 Friday, January 23, 1903, newspaper, January 23, 1903; Austin, Texas. ( accessed September 10, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .