Henderson Daily News (Henderson, Tex.), Vol. 11, No. 231, Ed. 1 Sunday, December 14, 1941 Page: 15 of 32
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ted his
dendenson Hailu News
SUNDAY. DEC. 14, 1041
To Be Married
First Aid
Her! members are asked to bring cook-
:30 for a
Mind Your
Priscilla Buckner to Wed
Texas Women
euaw---ESaa1 Eu
S. D. Lloyd,. Mrs.
W. S.
Between The Book Ends
ation of
Souls, Ann Bethune, June Cosner,
Webb, Joe Long, Sammy Brad-
are spending the
Christmas holidays
her hus-
R. F. Shaws
Supper Club
Party Hosts
Recital Will
Be Presented
Tues. Night
Miss Blair
And Virgil
Cole Wed
Qarden Club
Party Held
Mrs. Preston, Mr.
Clendenen High
Score Winners
OES Christmas Party
is Tomorrow Night
i Class
Simple Ceremony
Held Thursday
Night at Laneville
Miss Gibson is
Party Participant
Dr. Leta Ray Holt will leave
this afternoon to visit her son,
Lieut. Jack Holt of McClelland
field, in Sacramento, California
during the Christmas holidays.
Engagement of Miss
Hancock Announced
At Palestine Tea
The Young Matron’s Christian
Missionary Society and the Friend-
ship Sunday School Class will
meet at 2:30 for a Christmas
party with Mrs. Herman Gibson.
is way.
r goi-g
Pinehill Girl Will Become Bride of
Houston Man in Rites at Timpson
The Woodlief Bible Class of
the Christian Church will meet
at 2:30 with Mrs. Ben Turner.
Miss Frances Camp of Long-
view is spending the week-end
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. T. Camp.
Dinner Given to
Honor Gloria Powell
On 1 2th Birthday
Miss Priscilla Buckner, above, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Buckner of Pinehi??, will become the bride of Frank
Vinson of Houston, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Vinson of
Henderson, at the parsonage of the First Baptist Church
in Timpson on December 25.
Circle No. 2 of the First Bap-
tist Church will meet with Mrs.
C. L. Dennard at 3:00 p.m.
Rev. Alton Reed spent Thurs-
day night with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. Z. Reed.
Circle No. 5 of the First Bap-
tist Church will meet with Mrs.
Bernice Lowery at 3:00 p.m.
Members of the Charlye Good-
win Class of the First Methodist
Church will meet at the home of
Mrs. H. H. Wellborn at 7:00 p.m.
for their annual Christmas party.
All members are invited.
The Woman’s Club will meet
with Mrs. D. B. Read at 2:30 for
a Christmas program.
Circle No. 4 of the First Bap-
tist Church will meet with Mrs.
T. A. Garnett at 3:00 p.m.
J. P. Giles and family of Ok-
mulgee, Okla., have moved to
Henderson to make their home.
Mr. Giles is employed by the
Henderson Ice Co.
Circle No. 3 of the First Bap-
tist Church will meet with Mrs.
W. P. Wilson at 3:00 p.m.
On the outside.
Pupils of Mrs.
‘Gray, Mrs. Hedge
’ To Be Featured
Associated Women of St. Mat-
thew’s Church will meet with Mrs.
Bryan Oliver at 3:00 p.m.
Mrs. Silvey Is
Overton Group
Hostess Thursday
Mrs. R. R. Rice left yesterday
for St. Louis, Mo., to attend the
wedding of her son, Larry, and
Miss Mildred Schneider of that
Bethel Club Has
Christmas Program
At Final Meeting
Library Science Is
Topic of Meeting;
Mrs. Adams Hostess
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wylie left
yesterday afternoon for Lufkin
where they will spend the week-
Miss Luevlan Gardner and Miss
Vivian' Bogard are spending the
week-end in Dallas.
Miss Mary Norvell is spending
the week-end in Gilmer with Miss
Margie Tucker.’
--------------------o " ■ ■
Reveal Engagement
Of Miss Dickson,
Thomas H. Pritchard
The Presbyterian Church will
have a Bible study course on the
Book of Exodus af 7:15'p.m. at
the qhurch.
This comely, uniformed mem-
ber of the American Voluntary
Services, takes a moment to
apply lipstick—an integral part
of her official accoutrement,
the first aid kit she wears slung
over her shoulder.
The Modem Study Club will
meet, with Mrs. Cleve James at
2:30 for its annual Christmas pro-
The Varied Arts Club will meet
with Mrs. C. H. Kollman as host-
ess at 2:30 for a Christmas party
at The Pines.
was a lavender wool crepe
she used black accessories.
Woman's Auxiliary of the First
Presbyterian Church will meet at
the Church at 3:00 for Bible study.
A * • •
Circle No. 1 of the First Bap-
tist Church will meet with Mrs.
W. E. Richie at 3:00 p.m.
Carty, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. N.
McCarty, of Henderson, and a
student at John Tarleton College
was one of the 103 students who
made the 80 honor roll for the
first nine weeks of this school
year. To receive this recognition,
a student must make 80 or above
in each of his subjects.
He was graduated from Hen-
derson high school in 1941 where
he was an honor student.
-- ..........
m J
Order of Eastern Star members
will have a regular meeting and
Christmas party at the Masonic
Hall Monday night. A program
honoring Mrs. Karna Stratton of
Kilgore, deputy grand matron of
District One Section Eight, will
be held. AU members are urged
to attend. Visitors are welepmed
at all OES regular meetings.
Frank Vinson on Det. 25
tin Teachers College in Nacog-
doches, are spending the week-
end with their parents, Mr. and i ” — > —• —------y
Mrs. Charlee Pruitt of Laneville. shaw, Clinton Moore, and
will meet with Mra. Sam
404 Colonial Drive, at 7
Christmas party.
admitting her to the Texas Bar
from the hands of Texas’ No. 1 !
woman attorney, District Judge
Sarah T. Hughes.
“ARMY" GIRLS — Typinai of
the “army" of women and girls '
backing up the country’s armed
Larry Rice
Mildred S
The Woman’s Auxiliary of the
Christian Church will meet at
2:30 for a business session. All
Mrs. Edgar Velvin has gone to
Jonesboro, La., to attend the
funeral of her grandfather, I. T.
Hall, of that city.
Miss Priscilla Buckner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Buckner of Pinehill, will become the bride of Frank Vinson
of Houston, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Vinson of Henderson,
in the parsonage of the First Baptist Church of Timpson on
December 25. Rev. W. C. Brown will perform the single ring
Florence Watkins
KILGORE — The engagement
and approaching marriage of Miss
Jane Dickson, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Crown Dickson of Kil-
gore, and Thomas H. Pritchard,
of Louisville, Ky., son of Mrs.
Maude Pritchard of El Paso was
announced at a tea given by Mrs.
J. M. Dickson, Mrs. Crown Dick-
son and Mrs. Virgil Barton at
the home of Mrs. J. M. Dickson
The wedding will take place in
Kilgore on December 20. The
wedding is of special interest in
East Texas, as the bride-elect is
a member of a well-known pio-
neer family.
forces are the 17 nurses and
approximately 200 stenographers
and typists, civil service and NYA
employes who work at Ellington
Field, Houston. The clerical force
includes 14 civil service women
at the field hospital, seven in the
quartermaster’s corps, 40 in the
air corps, 40 in the sub-depot,
and 5 bookkeepers in the post
exchange. k ■
Chief nurse at the hospital is
First Lieutenant Mary E. Lomax,
while the civil service “army” is
under the direction of Miss Car-
men Townsend, assistant to LL
Roger M. Crowe, civilian employ-
ment officer.
"Civilian service women will go
into uniform ebout the first of
--------------- 1
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Wylie have
returned home after spending Fri-
day and Saturday in Dallas.
John Pope, Mrs. A. B. Childs,
Mrs. H. R. Whittington, Mrs.. C.
R. Goforth Mrs. Sam Warren.
Mrs. E. D. Cleveland, Mrs. Joe
Singletary, Mrs. R. A. Motley,
Mrs. Earl Moore, Mrs. Robert
Klinger, Mrs. L. C. Hancock, Mrs.
The Sunday school classes of
the First Presbyterian Church
will meet at the church for their
annual Christmas party at 7:30.
’ "aa.
8228382322280 a
J. W. Lacey was host to mem-
bers of the county tax assessor-
colleetor office force last night
with a spaghetti supper and game
party. As the members arrived,
they were served delicious spag-
hetti prep: red by Louis Butler.
Guests later enjoyed games of
dominoes and forty-two.
Those attending the affair were
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Armstrong.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Moore, Mr.
and Mrs. Cliff Hale, Mr. and
Mrs. Rufu: Bedford, Mr. and
Mrs. Melvin Gray, Mr. and Mrs.
Butler, Mrs. Verna Maxwell, Miss
Tommie Lacey, Miss Ina Fae Gib-
ton, and Creighton McMurray.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McWhirter
have gone to Houston for the
week-end, to visit Bishop and
Mrs. Clinto 8. Quin Mre Mc-
Whirter will remain there for the
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tucker
are spending the week-end in
Bastrop, La.
4. He does usually, unless they
have also been his dinner guests.
5. No.
Best “What Would You Do" so-
Mn. T. A. Boren left yesterday
for San Antonio to yisit her
Although the wedding ceremony
had been originally planned for
December 28, the couple decided
to move the ceremony up to .
December 14 since Mr. Rice is
planning to return to the army |
in the immediate future. ।
Immediately following the cere-
mony the couple will leave for u
wedding trip to Chicago and
Detroit. They plan to be at home, i
506 West Elk Street, on Decem-
ber 20.
The wedding will be attended
by members of the famfly and
close friends of the bride. Mrs.
R. R. Rice, mother of the groom.
Mrs. H. B. Shefts, Dr.' Lawrence
M. Shefts, of St. Louis, aunt and
cousin of the groom, will also
attend the ceremony.
Mr. Rice was graduated" from ,
high school in Tulsa, Oklahoma
and attended the University of
Oklahoma at Norman. For the
pest ten years he has lived in
Traylor, Joyce
, . - ated in the Christmas theme and
John. Shaw, Mrs. L E. Darnell, with a gaily decorated Christmas
Henderson, where he was connect-
ed with Larry’a.
The bride graduated from high
school in St. Louis and attended
asbusiness school where •lie took
Agpee smaprcyzd"spuna-sha
of a well kow business concern
as a private secretary until re-
Monday, December 15, 1941,
marks the one hundred and fif-
tieth anniversary of the adoption
1 of the first ten amendments of
the Federal Constitution. These
amendments constitute the Amer-
I lean Bill of Rights. They relate
Ito (1) the freedom of religion,
|speech, and the press; (2) the
[right to establish state militia;
I (3) the quartering of troops in
prixate houses; (4) the security
ofTPerhons against unwarrantable
[searches and seizures; (5) cav-
ital crime; (6) criminal prosecu-
tions; (7) trial by jury in com-
[mon law cases; (8) bails, fines,
and punishments; (9) the rela-
[tion of constitutional and “nat-
ural” rights; and (10) the pow-
ers reserved to the states.
Congress has passed a joint
resolution authorizing and re-
questing the President “to issue
a proclamation designating Dec.
15, 1941, as Bill of Rights Day,
calling upon officials of the
government to display the flag
of the United States on all gov-
ernment buildings on that day.
Your county library will par-
ticipate in the celebration of the
day by displaying an actual size
facsimile of the Bill of Rights,
reproduced from the original en-
grossed Resolution of Congrem,
Edwards, and Mrs. E. B. Kelley.
McCarty on John
Tarleton Honor Roll
the eoat. Caps of the same twill
are similar to those worn by air-
line hostesses. Wings on the can
and eoat lapels are the only
ornament, and blue, gray or white , ,
blouses are suggested.
• • •
BETHEL (Spl.)—Members of
the Bethel Home Demonstration
Club met in the home of Mrs.
Jim Rives last week for their
final meeting of 1941.
During the business session the
members discussed the present
war situation and planned to do
their bit by sewing for the Red
Cross. ,
After a Christmas program,
gifts were exchanged by the
members and refreshments were
Those attending the meeting
were Mrs. Jake Rives, Mrs. M.
Bolton, Mrs. Walter Morris, Mrs.
Allen Youngblood, Mrs. Williams,
Mrs. George Gray, Mrs. L. J.
Rives, Mrs. Luther Finley and
Mrs. Walter Finley.
tree. The table was decorated
with Christmas place cards and
After the dinner the guests
played games and a musical
romance contest was won hy Sue
Nelson and Richard Underdown.
Those present were Berry Earl
Norris, Dan Hennessee, Barbara
Linder, Morgan Fryman, Mary
Lou Hudson, Ann Hale, Sam
Summers, Mary Ann Porteous,
Betty Lou Pool, Ernestine War-
ren, Reba Mae Hays, Dorothy
Harris, Betty Sue Nelson, Wayne
Cox, Nita Grimes, Pete Noyes
of Kilgore. Ann Allen, Billie Jo
Spiers, Richard Underdown, Char-
les Arnold, Dorothy Ann Garri-
son and Hazel Deason.
Mrs. S. C. Cox honored her son,
Bobby Joe, with a birthday party
to celebrate his tenth birthday
Saturday afternoon at her home.
A Christmas party for all of the
children was had and the after-
noon was spent in playing various
A birthday cake and ice cream
were served to: George Millard,
John Anthony, Bob, McClelland,
Joe Paul Teller, Victor Smith,
James Carroll, Joe Webb, Leath
Warren Rankin, Don Boswell, Joe
Wylie, and Joe Vern Wagstaff.
Recital Will Be
Presented Monday
Night at Gaston
corsage wa - of pink carnations, । lea for the Julia Fowler Orphan-
Delma Smith served as best
Mrs. J. B. Powell honored her
daughter, Miss Gloria Powell on
her twelfth birthday, with a
dinner party at the American
Legion hut Friday evening.
The hut was attractively decor-
. 4
Miss Qiraud !
Is Renaissance
Club Speaker
juM Maxie Wilson, Mrs. C. C. Melton,
“ Mrs. W. L. Hall, Mrs. Earl E.
Brown, Mrs. B. J. Banahan, Mrs.
Marie Garner, Mrs. Gene Oliver,
H Mrs. E. F. Wetzel, Mrs. Walker
Wilson, Mrs. R. E. Buchner, Mrs.
Barbara Ann
Miss Maurine Blair, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Blair of
Luneville, became the bride of
Virgil O. Cole, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Roy B. Cole, Thursday night
at 8 p.m. at the home of her
parents in Laneville.
Rev. Harvey Elledge, pastor of
the Turnertown Baptist Church
read the single ring ceremony
before the family and friends of
the couple.
The bride wore a royal blue
chenille velvet dress with a match-
ing hat. Her accessories were
navy blue and she carried white
gloves. Her corsage was of white
gladioli. For something old she
wore an antique necklace that
belonged to her mother.
Miss Ruth Hays attended the
bride as maid of honor. Her dress
September 25, 1789, proposing
12 amendments to the Constitu-
tion; which is now deposited in
the national aichives at Wash-
ington. (The first and second
article* in the Resolution failed
of adoption.)
Perhaps you already know that
George Mason, the father of the
Bill of Rights lived in one of
Virginia’s great houses, Gunston
Hall. The reader is referred to
the December 15 issue of Life
Magazine for the story as well
as the beautiful illustrations of
Gunston Hall. In the present
crisis, the smoke of battle rises
and the war clouds hang low.
Our American Bill of Rights and
the principles for which it stands
should be dearer to us than ever
Let us look back with pride to
our country’s triumph one hun-
dred and fifty years ago. Let us
recall the liberties and pleasant
experiences that have been ours
during this period of time. Then
may we icok forward to the
future witl a bright hope that
once again our beloved countrv
will triumph over the foes that
beset her and may she emerge
as a land where, indeed, there
is “life, liberty, and the pursuit
Miss Mary Louise Giraud, Rusk
county librarian, spoke to mem-
bers of the Renaissance club on
library science at their meeting
yesterday morning at the home
of Mrs. E. W. Adams.
Miss Giraud discussed the work
of Effie L. Rower of the Cleve-
land, Ohio, Public Library, who
founded the idea of coursing child-
ren’s literature and standards for
buying and judging childrens
During the business meeting the
members voted to give $5 to the
Goodfellows Fund. A report on
the progress and success of the
Red Cross drive in which the mem-
bers participated was given. De-
cember 20 was the date set for
the annual Christmas luncheon of
the club at The Pines at 12:80.
Those attending the meeting
were Mrs. Paul G. Brown, Mrs.
Luke Camp, Mrs. Troy Cochran,
Mrs. J. I. Guidry, Mrs. O. Neal
Morris, Mrs. W. F. Patterson, Mrs.
G. L. Reeves, Mrs. J. E. Ross. Mrs.
George Strong, Mrs. Alvin Wylie,
Mrs. Gray O. Young and Miss
Nuptials to Be Read at Home of Bride at
2 p.m.; Wedding Trip to Chicago Planne
Pvt. Billy Preston, of Camp
Wallace, is spending the week-end
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
E. M. Preston.
In St Louis Toda
Mrs. Cole is a graduate of
Laneville high school, the College
of Marshall, and East Texas
State Teachers College, Com-
merce. She is now a teacher in
the Gaston schools.
Mr. Cole is a graduate of Hen-
derson high school and attended
Kilgore Junior College. He is em-
ployed by Cannon-Hale.
After a short wedding trip, the
couple will be at home in Joiner-
TEER—Services of the 200 Tex-
as women who hold licenses as
airplane pilots were tendered to
the state and federal goverh-
menu early this week by Miss
Mary Waurine Hunter of Austin,
vice chairman of the Texas unit
of the 99 Club, an international
association of women pilots which
was founded by the late Amelia
Of the 200 licensed women
pilots, sixteen hold commercial
licenses, the remainder private
licenses, Miss Hunter said. Four
hundred other Texas women are
in training for private license
tests, she added.
The offer is being considered
by the Texas Defense Guard, Col.
Neill H. Bannister of the adjutant
general’s office, in charge of the
defense guard activities, said.
“We feel that we can do a great
deal for our country in relieving
male pilots of such duties as
aerial messenger service in time
of emergency or invasion,” Miss
Hunter said. “We are not seeking
glory, nor publicity. The majority
of the 200 women in Texas who
hold pilots’ licenses are working
girls. We could do ambulance
work and carry out a large num-
ber of other assignments. We
feel that we are qualified in every
way. We have had to take and
pass exactly the same physical,
flight and wrjtten examinations
men do in order to get our
licenses. 3—
“It is for this reason that we
feel we should be accepted upon
an equal footing in the various
aerial squadrons of the Texas
Defense Guard. Several of • us
have already flown in practice
formations with members of the
guard and I believe it can be said
that we have compared favorably
with the men while in the air.
At least a good many of them
have been kind enough to say so."
HOSTES J —lire Byrd Wear,
dormitory director at McMurray
College, Abilene, has been ap-
vointed senior hostess for am
Berkeley. She will be in charge
of the enlisted/men’s service club
and the camn puest house.
the year, Miss Townsend said. The
uniform is of slate blue armv
twill, with a hip-length tuxedo
style eoat and plain skirt with
pleat in front and back,
blue leather buttons are on
Mrs. Clyde Crawford spent yes-
terday in Housto. Her brother,
W. C. Thaxtn, Jr. returned with
her to spndCseveral days here.
Mrs. Joe Gladpey, Miss Fanna
Lee Cochran) and Mrs. John H.
Read spent yesterday afternoon
in Shreveport.
Dr. Charles Pruitt, Jr., of
Shreveport La., and A. J. Pruitt,
who it attending Stephen F. Aus-
AUSTIN (Spl.)—Miss Miriam
Gibson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
C. C. Gibson of Henderson, a
senior home economics student,
participated in a Christmas party
given by the Texas Home Econo-
mics Club. Each member of the
club brought gifts to be placed
under the tree for the party.
During the holidays these gifts
will be sent tj several needy
families suggested by the Austin
welfare agency.
Miss Gibson is a member of
this club and the East Texas Club,
and is an honor student at the
Dr. and Mrs. R. F. Shaw were
hosts to members of the Supper
Club at their weekly party Friday
The home was attractively
decorated with arrangements of
poinsettas, cyclamen and chrysan-
When the guests arrived they
were served a delicious two-course
After the dinner party those
attending played bridge, with
J. H. Clendenen, Sr., and Mrs.
E M. Preston making high scores
for the evening.
Those present were Mr, and
Mrs. John R. Alford, Mr. and
Mrs. E. M. Preston. Mr. and Mra.
Preston Allison,, Mr. and Mrs.
W. T. Camp, Mr. and Mrs. G. R.
Farmer, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Clendenen, Sr., Mr. and Mrs.
Norman West, and Mrs. O. S.
Test your knowledge of correct
social usage by answering the fol-
lowing Questions, then checking
against the authoritative answers
below: -i '
1. When two couples are eat-
ing together in a restaurant booth,
should the two girls sit side by
side facing the two boys?.
2. When a girl and her date
ask another girl to go riding with
them in a two-seated car does she
sit on the outside or next to the
other girl’s date?
8. When a woman takes both
men and women guests to the the-
ater should she hand the tickets to
one of the men and let him give
them to the usher?
4. Should a host ask his guests
to stop for something to eat or
drink after they leave the theater,
5. When a friend takes you to
a play you do not like, may you
say that you think it it very poor
What would you do if—
You are a young men teling
two girls into a drug store for a
soda and the three.ed’gkni are
going to sit in a booth—
(a) You sit opposite both
(b) Sit beside the girl you like
best and let the other girl sit
across the table?
1. No. A couple on either side
of the table.
OVERTON—-Annual Christmas
party of the Queen Price Garden
n Club was held at the home of
Mrs. Hamp Silvey Thursday
afternoon, with Mrs. W. F. Bor-
ing as co-hostess.
Decorations carried out the
Christmas theme, with the living
room done in blue and silver. A
large Christmas tree with reflect-
ing blue lights and gifts piled
beneath it was the center of
interest. The dining room was
done in traditional red and green.
Mrs. Marie Garner of New
London opened the program with
a Christmas melody. A. B. Childs
gave an interesting talk on the
“Need to Raise Red Cross Funds.”
Mrs. John Shaw gave an effective
paper on "Living Christmas
Each club member answered
the roll call by telling how he
could best celebrate Christmas
alorg th lines of defense. The
club concluded its business ses-
sion by voting to give $25 to the
Red Cross.
Delicious refreshments were
served to Mrs. W. E. Chisholm.
Theodore Pace, Mrs. V. E. Monir,
Mrs. W. A. Gillispie, Mrs. J. A.
Spilman, Mrs. I. M. May, Mrs.
Gordon Christian, Mrs. T. H.
Coats, Mrs. B. B. Dean, Mrs.
Miss Buckner’s only attendant
will be Mrs. John O’Kelly of
Houston and the best man will
be Abe Vinson, brother of the
groom, also of Houston.
Guests for the ceremony will
be Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Buckner
of Carlisle, Mis Mary Ann Smith,
Frank Buckner, and Miss Adele
Smith of Pinehill, and Floyd
Chapman of Chapman.
Following the ceremony, a re-
ception will be held at the home
of the bride’s parents in Pine,
hill for members of the family
and a few friends.
After the reception, the couple
will leave for Houston where they
will make their home.
The bride attended Pinehill
schools and graduated from Car-
lisle high school. The groom
graduated from Henderson high
school, and now is employed by
the Reed Roller Bit Co. in
C. L. Wolfe left yesterday
morning for Houston where he
will visit his brothers, Alfred,
Joe and Mike Wolfe, until Mon-
Pupils of Mrs. Garland Hedge
and Mrs. Frank Gray will be pre-
sented in a recital Tuesday avail-
ing at the Central Elementary
school auditorium beginning at
6:30 p.m.
Mrs. Gray’s music students will
open the program by playing
various selections. Participants
will be Mary Nell Welch, Billie
Joe Spiers, Avis Alexander, Fran-
ces Ross, Jane Watson, Doyle
Brooks, Douglas Garrett, Barbara
Jean Hardy, and Mary Ann Boren.
At 7:00 p.m. Mrs. Hedge’s
pupils will give, readings, sing
several songs, and present a play-
let. The program will be opened
with a welcome by Graves Spivey,
and includes Christmas songs by
Joan Florence; a duet by Nelda
Ruth Myers and Jimmie Davis;
“Little Maids at Tea’’ will be
given by Joan Wilkinson, Nina
Doris and Sara Nell Gray.
A story entitled “Christmas
Bells’’ will be told by Eula Jean
.Alford; “Any Bonds Today” will
be sung by Dicky Garner; a read-
ing, “Christmas Day," will be
given by Nina Doris Gray; "In a
Toy Shop", a playlet will be given
by Tim Farley, Nelda Ruth Myers,
Jimmie Davis, Joan Wilkinson,
Sara Neil Gray, Alice Marie Smith,
Graves Spivey, Dell Gibson, Tay-
lor Wharton, Bill Boswell, Lloyd
Lake, Martha and Jean Matthews,
Jerry Bryce, and Doris Gray; “My
Corduroy Breeches” will be given
by Tim Farley.
“Two Little Kittens” will be
read by Louise Silvey; “Teach-
ing Them to Drive” will be given
by Dorothy Ann Warren; T
Found You in the Rain” will be
sung by Jack Teague.
“The Lookout Man” wil} be
read by Argyle Lea Giles; Geotge
Washington will be read by Jerry
Shults; “Soldiers on Parade” will
be enacted by the class; "The Rail-
road Crossing” will be read by,
Jimmie Davis, and a song and
dance entitled “American Beau-
ties” given by ..Joan ..Wilkinson,
Nina Doris, and Mary Nell Gray,
will conclude the program.
The public is invited to attend.
Lacey Is Host at
Spaghetti Supper
For Office Force
ED—Eighteen University of T
as co-eds whose homes are
Latin-American countries w
honor guests at a tea in 8
Antonio this week given by 1
San Antonio branch of A-A.U.
Special honorees were the ft
“genuine” Latin Americans
Senoritas May and Matilde A
ado, freshman from Panama Ci’
Beatriz Antin on of San Jo
Costa Rica, and Nimia Bonilla,
Aguadulce, Panama, grad
scholars, hip-holders.
. Misses Antillon and Bonilla i
holders of the two Texas Fed
JOINERVILLE. — Piano and
expression pupils of Mrs. C. F.
Suggs and Mrs. Orracille Knox
will be presented in a recital at
the Gaston auditorium tomorrow
night at 7:30.
Pupils of Mrs. Knox who will
play piano numbers are Billie
Gus Berry. Eleanor Kanuth, Bar-
bara Leath, Helen McWilliams,
Gregory Knauth, Marianne Haw-
thorne and Frances Sue Haw-
Pupils of Mrs. Suggs to pre-
sent piano selections are Gladys
Weems, Donnie Weems, Walter
Dean Tannehill, and Jimmy
Suggs. Her expression students
are: Maurice Collins, Dall Cosrer,
Dorothy Ann Huffman, Coleen
PALESTINE—The engagement
and approaching marriage of Miss
Helen Hancock, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Hancock, to
Harold Lester Kennedy, son of
Mrs. B. J. Kennedy, was an-
nounced recently at a tea given
by Mrs. Homer C. Murphey. The
wedding will take place at the
First Baptist Church in Palestine
on Dec. 28 with Rev. Calvin
Nelson, pastor, officiating.
Miss Hancock is a former Bay-
lor University beauty and holds
a degree from that school. She
is now a teacher of English in
the Palestine public schools.
Kennedy, who has a law degree
from the University of Texas, is
now serving his second term as
Anderson county representative
in the Texas Legislature.
--------■ 0 1......—:---
Bobby Joe Cox is
Honored With Party
For Tenth Birthday
The marriage of Miss Mildred Schneider, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. Schneider of 815 Leland Avenue, St. Louis,
Missouri, to Larry Rice of Henderson, will take place in the
home of the bride’s parents this afternoon at 2:00 P.M.
| —-.78
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Henderson Daily News (Henderson, Tex.), Vol. 11, No. 231, Ed. 1 Sunday, December 14, 1941, newspaper, December 14, 1941; Henderson, Texas. (https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth1497073/m1/15/?q=%22Harold%20Lester%20Kennedy%22: accessed September 9, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, https://texashistory.unt.edu; crediting Rusk County Library.