The Cherokeean. (Rusk, Tex.), Vol. 125, No. 44, Ed. 1 Thursday, December 26, 1974 Page: 12 of 24
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Ruskites Among 5,000 Attending TJC
W. Wilson McVicker
Woodrow Wilson McVicker
Sr.. Kusk attorney, died at
12:3o a m Thursday follow-
ing a brief illness.
Funeral services were held
al 11 a m Friday in the
Wallace Funeral Chapel with
the Rev Ciover Talbert
officiating Burial was in
Husk's Cedar Hill Cemetery
undci the direction of
W allace f mural Home.
Mr McVicker. age 58, was
born in Chireno and had
resided in Kusk for the past 45
>i .us ll< wa.s a member of
the First Baptist - OJiurch of
Husk. He uus also a member
the Te:\is American and
< i okee 1 ounty Bar Associ-
. i :is and iik> Texas Trial
Lawyers Association. Mr
A'uker >ias presently
nig as the Kusk City
> ii ne\ Hi was a former
;udg lormer County
i'••iriiey and a member and
¡ president of the Kusk
Kmanis ('lut. He was a
v.inan oi World War II
\ nig in the U S Navy He
giadualeti from the I'niver-
si:\ >•! Tixas and the South
Ti \.i- Sehool ul Law
Survivor- include his wi-
dow Mr> Billie Marie
,\ .-\'n ker of Kusk: two sons,
V. illiani ¡ í o i • e r t McVicker
: I Woodrow Wilson Mc-
\ icker .1 ol Kusk; one
daughter. Mi - V A. Stewart
•>• .lersey Sh re. Pennsylvan-
ia Mir brothers. Edgar and
1 A McVicker of Kusk,
f'arker McVicker and Dr. B.
McVickei of Lufkin; four
-¡--UTs. Mrs Herman Via of
Liisk Mrs I) E. Warren of
Henderson Miss Von Sille
V.' dicker ul Ft. Worth and
Mr-- Joy McVicker of Kusk.
serving as pallbearers
were .Judge .) W Summers,
• ludiie Jack Pierce, LaKue
h -.Mil. Bill Paul. Bob
Adainson .Hid Jeff Austin Jr.
W. I. Knapp Jr.
Funeral services for Walter
Lee Knapp Jr. were held at 2
p in. Sunday in the Chapel at
Wallace Funeral Home. Bur-
ial followed in Cedar Hill
Knapp died Friday in
Amarillo. He is survived by
his parents Mr and Mrs. W.
L. Knapp Sr. of Rusk; a son.
Dust in Lee Knapp and a
daughter. Sherri Lynn
Knapp. both of Austin and a
sister. Mrs. Mary Woods of
The former State Kepre-
sentative was an attorney in
Amarillo. He had also served
as Amarillo city attorney and
first assistant district attor-
ney for Potter County He
was a member of the Polk
Street United Methodist
Church in Amarillo.
He was a graduate ol
Crosbyton High School. The
University of Texas and The
University ol Texas School of
Rev. Mouzon Fletcher
officiated at the final rites
and pallbearers were Kussell
Schochler. Marion Kussell.
Brooke Day. Tommy Gentry.
Frank Sorrell. Greg Kussell,
Kenneth Irwin and James
L. 0. Killion
Funeral services for Leo-
nard Udell Killion. (¡9. were
held at 2p.m. Thursday in the
Katclif! Baptist Church. Rev.
James Crowley and Rev.
Frank Oswald officiated at
the final rites. Burial follow-
ed in the Guiceland Cemetery
near Grapeland. Arrange-
ments were under the
direction of Callaway Funer-
al Home. Crockett.
Killion died Dec. 17 in the
Houston County Hospital at
Crockett after a brief illness.
He was a retired counselor
with the Texas Rehabilitation
Commission and had worked
at Rusk State Hospital. He
was born Oct. 6. 1905 in
oklahoma. He was a member
of the Ratcliff Baptist
Church, Masonic Lodge of
Waco, Kennard Lions Club
and was a director of the
Houston County Development
Survivorfs include his
widow. Mrs. Maye Killion of
Ratcliff; two sons. Reese
Killion of Waco and Ray
Killion of Commerce, four
sisters. Mrs. Ardelle Gray
and Miss Ruby Killion both ot
Elkhart. Mrs. Omie Walker
ot Fort Sumner. New Mex
and Mrs Ethell Herod of
Houston and one grand-
daughter. Miss Ruth Killion
ol Waco
Pallbearers were O W
Forbes. Nelson Long. John C.
Smith. Marcus Mason. Eld-
ridge Killion. Clayton Ashby.
Harley Myers and Mike
Fennel I
Sallie Halbert
Mrs. Sallie Halbert. Hti. was
buried at 4 p.m Monday in
the Oakland Baptist Church
Cemetery Rev. O P. Meador
and Rev Don Copeland
officiated at the rites in the
Oakland Church Arrange-
ments were directed by
Wallace Funeral Home.
Mrs Halbert died in a local
nursing home Sunday after a
short illness.
Survivors are one son.
Gerald Halbert of San
Benito: one brother. Pete
Johnson of Abilene, numer-
ous nieces and nephews , four
grandchildren and 12 great
grandchildre and one great,
great grandchild.
Nephews served as pall
Lessie Monroe
Funeral services for Mrs.
Lessie Monroe, (it!, were held
at 2 p.m Monday in the
Salem Baptist Church under
the direction of Wallace
Funeral Home. Burial follow-
ed in the Salem Cemetery.
Mrs. Monroe died Saturday
in Pasadena after a short
illness. She was a former
resident of Rusk.
Survivors include two sons.
Nelson Monroe of Pasadena
and Charles Monroe of
Seabrook; one daughter,
Wilma Teasdale of Houston;
two sisters, Mrs. Bessie
Westmoreland and Mrs.
Essie Williams both of Rusk:
four brothers, T. C. Williams
of Burke. Edward Williams of
Rusk, Elvis Williams of Point
Blank and J. B. Williams of
Riverside; ten grandchildren
and one great grandchild.
Rev. Billy Conway conduct-
ed the final rites and nephews
served as pallbearers.
++PRIZES continued from Page 1
Harhara .Milburn of Rusk. $50
gill ceriifiiate, Richards
Food Marl; Clyde Smith of
Husk. 2,"> gallons of gasoline.
Kusk Motor Sales; Jimmy
Pryor and Frank Wiggins of
Husk. Jean Walley of
Jacksonville and Horace
i '. : ry ol Sardis each won a
Number H order from Scotty's
i hesl (i Chicken; Bennie Ruth
Hall ul Jacksonville and Mrs.
Roy Dupree and L. O. Maness
ol Rusk each won $5 gift
certificate from Stewart's
Bool and Saddle Shop;
Sharon Green of Rusk,
insurance policy on house-
hold gilts for one year. Tosh
Insurance Agency; Jim El-
lioti i>| Rusk. doll. Wallace
Hardware; Helen Clark of
Kusk. drill. Wallace Hard-
ware. Mrs Jerry Lusk of
Kusk. coffee maker, Wallace
Hardware: Linda Bobbin of
Grapeland. 15 gallons of
gasoline. Weaver's Exxon;
Charles Foreman. Larry W.
Lusk and Mrs. Leila R.
Rogers, all of Rusk each won
$25 gift certificate from
Webb's Dress Shop; Mrs.
Perry Stanley of Rusk, car
stereo tape player. Western
Marie McKay. Hugh
Hardy. David Fulton and
Eula Grogan all of Rusk and
Oweta Murphy of Jackson-
ville each won a gallon of
antifreeze from White's Auto
Store; Mrs. II. L. Black.
Juanita Scales and Donna
Poulter all of Rusk each won
a kerosene lamp from
White's Auto Store; Tommy
Lloyd of Cushing. battery.
White's Auto Store.
Regina Bingham of Rusk.
S40 gift certificate. White-
head Enterprises: Adolph
Berry. 50 gallons of gasoline.
Williams Texaco and Doris
Norton. William E Turner
and Carrie Christopher all of
Rusk each won a $5 gift
certificate from Zero Food
Ocker expressed his ap-
preciation to all those
merchants who participate
and all who registered. B & B
Farm Supply supplied the
flatbed truck or which the
drawing was held.
2.-> years experience-
Jo h n Robert Barber Sr..
lower right, manager and
supervisor for Phillips Pe-
troleum and Watson Oil Co..
has received recognition for
25 years of service in his
position. He began his service
in tiMH and. since then, has
trained 700 men for Watson
Oil Company. Barber resides
in Jacksonville.
m&nwm > i
-' irarafifeJI
-'W1 -
Rusk i> hume te ;-l ni the
more than Voiiii .¡a\ and
evening student ,r Tyler
Junior College
These i4. ni.ijuring in
subjects ranging from account
ing to social work, include
Brenda Moore. Mike Leinback.
Mark Richards. Johnny Pat-
terson. Carl Wayne Rogers.
Joe Geisleman and his brother.
Others are Jerry Pipes.
Steve Dupree. Liz Willis. Mark
Middleton. Steve Alexander.
Noel Largent. LaJaun Sales
and Celesta Christopher.
Sharon Barnett. Janet Hill.
Candy Crysup. Angela Car-
rington. Jim Dan Abernalhy.
Jack Ball, and John Dean
Chapman are TJC students
Continuing the list are Bobbi
Ballew. sisters Cathie and
Glenda Kussell. Steve Daniel.
Mike Ross. Frank Morgan and
Sandra Carter
Twins Pat and Pam Brewer.
Carol Stovall. Mike Stovall
and Phvllis Case complete the
The accounting major is
Miss Moore, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Melvin Moore.
Architecture student Leinback
is the son ol Mr. and Mrs L J.
Leinback. Lone biology ma jor
is Richards, son of Mr and
Mrs. Cheslev Richards.
Business majors include
Pipes, son of Mr. and Mrs
Lloyd Pipes. Rogers, son ul
Mrs. Iris Rogers, the Geisle
man brothers. Joe and Leon
ard. and Johnny Patterson
Learning to cope with
computer science are Dupree.
son of Mr. and Mrs. Grady
Dupree. Miss Willis, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Willis,
and Middleton. son of Mr and
Mrs. Bill Middlton.
Alexander and Largent are
studying electronics. Alexan-
der is the son of Mrs Jo Barber
and Lagent the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Largent.
Majoring in elementary
education-related courses are
Miss Sales, daughter ol Mrs.
Marie Sales: Miss Pat Brewer,
granddaughter of Mrs. Con
Burns and Miss Celesta
Christopher, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Charlie Christopher.
Miss Christopher also plays
clarinet in the Apache Band.
Miss Barnett. daughter of
Mrs. Gladys Barnett. will
complete general secretary
studies at the end of this
semester. Dec. 20. She hopes to
find a secretarial job in Rusk.
Miss Hill and Miss Crysup
are Zeta Phi Omega sorority
sisters. Miss Hill, daughter of
Lerov Hill and Mrs. Fairy hill,
is majoring in history. Miss
Crysup. interior decorating
major, is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Don Crysup.
A journalism major, Mrs.
Carringlon is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs Lum Parsons.
On special assignment to
guard the Teepee pool tables
are law enforcement students
Abernalhy. son of Mr. and Mrs.
Alton Abernalhy. Ball, son of
Jack Ball and Mrs. Pat Ball,
and Chapman, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Guy Chapman
Miss Ballew. daughter of
Boband Mrs Mildred Ballew.
is majoring in library science
with a minor in reading
education, leading to a career
as a iuiIiIh school librarian
Clans v. <ik on hand Thursday at Town Hall
Estair* Nursing Home to pass out the more
than .ini gifts to the resident!, staff and gaoaU
of the home. The presentation of gifts
followed a program by Judge J. W. Summers
and the singing of Christmas carols.
-staff photo
Rusk Folks
Mrs. Zalinda Colston, dau-
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton
Christopher, has been named
to the Dean's List at
Jacksonville College
She is the wife of Roy
Colston. Athletic director of
the Adolescent Department
at Rusk State Hospital
EXPONENT: "Don't you
long for the good old days
when Uncle Sam lived within
his income, and without most
of yours1"
Studying mid nianagemeni are
the Misses Russell, daughters
ol Mrs Marlene Russell, and
Daniel. >on ul Mr and Mrs Ike
Daniel This is a two-year
course that trains students for
careers in shop management.
Miss Pam Brewer is a
nursing student.
Studying petroleum technol-
ogy are Phi Kappa Alpha
fraternity brothers. Ross, son
ol Mr and Mrs. Earl Ross; and
Morgan, son of Mr and Mrs.
Frank Morgan.
Physical education major
and member of TJC's first
women's intercollegiate bas-
ketball team is Miss Carter,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs J.W.
Studying real estate are
Carol Stovall and Mike Stovall
Miss Case, daughter of Dr.
and Mrs. Carl Case, is studying
social work and plans to teach
Students had opportunity in
the fall semester to participate
in a variety of college
activities. Included were
breakfast with Eueil Gibbons,
a "Flash Cadillac" rockin'.
rollin' 50's concert, a ride in a
Navy plane and the Multiple
Sclerosis dance marathon
Some ol the 34 commute in
carpools or by bus. Others live
in apartments in Tyler or in
on-campus dorms
These students spend some
ol their leisure lime al the
library or the art museum
They also play tennis on the
eight new courts, basketball in
Wagstafl Gymnasium or pool
in the Teepee.
to all our tSMm
good friends
í * ? 11 1 I
É «. P 1 ! If í . fl Í
ww W a I
?-i" > >, m m
May the peace that passes all understanding be
with you and yours at Christmas time and
throughout the New Year!
Mr. & Mrs.
J.C. Williams Jr.
; fi
ay the blessings of
Christmas abide u>ith you
w <*' ;• . \
The message of Christmas is
one of hope and joy. Let us re-
joice in the newborn King,
Greetings in the
spirit of the season
to all our wonderful
friends and patrons.
You deserve the best!
to i
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The Cherokeean. (Rusk, Tex.), Vol. 125, No. 44, Ed. 1 Thursday, December 26, 1974, newspaper, December 26, 1974; Rusk, Texas. ( accessed January 18, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Singletary Memorial Library.