The San Antonio Light (San Antonio, Tex.), Vol. 1, No. 179, Ed. 1, Friday, October 26, 1883 Page: 1 of 4

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loinrfi'sRlcli. SolaceHsPoor
San Antonio Lieht.
Village Blactsmitb Sc. Cigars
1 (old In ono week la San Ants'
nlo alone and challenge IU equal In
raltt quality and satisfaction to
dealers who bandlo this popular
brand SIM HAtlT Main Plaza.
The Sc. Village Illaekiinlth clgar-
standard and beat 5c. clear In Ibo
Mate-sold brail first-class dealers.
SIM HART proprietor wholesale
tobacconist Main plaza.
Vol. 1. No. 179.
San Antonio Texas Friday October 26 1883.
Ten Cents a Week
Vards at International and Oroat Northern Railroad Depot and Ualveaton llarrtsburg and
Son Antonio railroad traok. Bast Commoreo Street.
The best grades always on hand. Also Doors Sash Blinds
Mouldings Shingles Fencing Barbed Wire Fence Posts
Newels Stair Rails and Ballusters. Our lumber is of the finest
quality and unexcelled. We would invite the public to exam-
ine before purchasing elsewhere. Ed. Steves & Sons.
Estate of J GENET Dcceascd-
Dry Goods Mil Boots Shoes
UliisNTVuro mid Crockery Positively Sold l!f! por ri'iit.
Below Cost to Clone Out Stock.
clirbt acres Irritable ground on Garden street
Has niencd up In bis new store at (83 Commerce street
with a most elegant lino of
Watches Diamonds Fine Jewelry.
IV Makes a Specialty ot Rcpalrlnir I'lno Watches. Call and seo lilm.
Dealer in Paints Oils Wall Paper Window Glass
Mirror Plates Artists' Materials Elc.
I'lcturo Framing und I'lno Sign Work a Specialty. 10-S-flm
No. IS! Solcilail Street Hun Antonio Texas.
Watches clocks jewelry guns pistols musical instru-
ments etc. sold at a small advance of cost. Bargains to
be had in forfeited pledges.
No. 17 Soledad St. Opposite Court House
MaVes COOTS AND SHOES TO ORDEIt on the ihorleit notice aid but sly).
l Stock of his Own Manufacture oi" Goods on Hand.
Alsphas the only complete Bwt aad Shoe Miaifaclory In San Ant jilo. Keeps ihe largest beat and moi
varied stock of Leathers employe more werkmen turns out more goods and gives better tl action
than any other establishment 01 the kind In the city.
Only First Class Workmen Employed and Entire Satisfaction (iuarantccd
All work and neat Repairing dona on short aotlceOVhenJn need of anthin In thlstllne remember the
Crescent City Uoot and Shoe Manufactory. ' ;-t-tf
and various lots In the city. Apply to
A Correspondent Wants to Deepen the River.
Keep it Clean Embank it and
Plant Shrubbery.
Hi. Ultima How Thta Can be Daue mid
Thai It Will lleautlfj the city
Anil Improve II.
EJIlur San Antonio Llirbt.
For some time past there have been many
lengthy and petty discussions on the liver and
dileh question. The result seems lo le Ihst
a large majority of our citizens are In favor of
having our river and ditches kept clean.
Hand labor with the pick and shovel is per-
haps the most convenient mode that presents
itself for that purpose; but the best method to
clean the river seems lo have msde but little
progress though It has often been discussed
by the City Council In ihe past few years and
little headway lias been msde in this direction.
It must be apparent to any person that will
cast a glance at our liver that It is in a very
filthy condition. The o'.her day while watch-
ing three men In a boat cleaning out Ihe
weeds in the river above Houston street
bridge an idea occurred to me and it was
this: To put a flst-bottomod steam boat with
adredge wheel in the center and run it up
and down the river and keep It clean and
deepen Ihe channel in the center of the liver.
At first the boat would require to be anchored
from place to place an aparatus to run the
mud over to the side of the river un-
til a sufficient depth was obtained when
the boat could then be used with pleasure and
profit by making trips up and down the liver
and charging a small fare for each person. In
a short time our river could be deepened and
the material taken from Ihe center to form a
border on each side and plant trees and shrub-
beries along the entire length of the river
It would then be a pleasant and a healthful
lesort for the people. Then it would end for-
ever the idea of making the river into a recep-
tacle for filth. The people would then more
than now take an interest in keeping it clean.
When the idea occurred to me there was
stsnding by me one of our energetic cspitalists.
I repeated to him what I have wrote. He
raised his hand and said : " The idea was a
good one and it is practicable I will take
stock In it." Another gentleman asked what
It was. He said : " I will pay so much per
month for an occasional ride In her."
I will close for the present and ask the read-
ers of the Light to give their views on Ihe
subject. This enterprise could be worked
either by the city or by a joint stock company
and would be equally succcss'ful.
Hoping you will psrdon me for holding back
my signature for the present I remain yours
The President Iteturns One-Hair ot the
Subscriptions to Their Satisfaction.
The following are the subscribers to the
late Volksfcst upon whom Dr. Lindner the
President waited yesterday and gave checks
for one-half of the amount subscribed :
Subscribers over $100 Hugo & Schmelt-
zer $200; Reuter& Meny $150.
Subscribers of $100 L. Wolfson G eorge
Dullnig Hord & Davis J. Joske & Sons
Eimendorf & Co. Lockwood & Kamptnann
Goldfrank Frank & Co. Theo. Uoziene
Reuter & Meny A. Ilelknap Lcrous & Cos-
grove. Subscribers of $50 Erastus Keed J. Ilosh-
hardt D. & A. Oppenheimer Hannlg &
Standen Martin & Schryver II aid & Bros.
Newman & Co. Alamo Ice company A.
Scho'i Gregory & Co. Joseph E Dwyer
Hal L. Gosling Hell & Bros.
Subscribers of $25 Y. II Maverick
Lockwood & IIennesyCohen & Koenighelm
Ilium & Koenlgsberger Sol Deuttch & Co.
George Horner Newman Lange & Co.
Staehely & Tipps James Wolfe .V.Co. C. II.
Guenther L. Franks Maverick hotel Som-
raers & Uehlinger Ronse & Co. Harnlsch &
Iiaer II. Ilium & Co. II. II. Adams E. I).
L. Wicket A. Sartor Charles Seabaugh G.
A. Duerler A. Drelss G. II. Frank & Co. J
Koeibel Peter Jonas II. II. Andrews John
Subscribers of odd amounts Wolf & Marx
$30; NIc Tengg $15; Noyes & Langholz
$10; St. Leonard hotel $12.
The subscribers received the President
courteously and expressed satisfaction at the
return of their money. The general opinion
was that the Volksfcst had been very advan-
tageous for business.
The Deceased Fireman Is Honorably In-
terred by Ills Comrades mid Friends.
Vcsteidsy a large number of citizens as-
sembled at the residence of the late Franz
Robert Frankel on Pecan street to do honor
to the remains of the deceased. The Rev. J.
W. NIel officiated and read the funeral service
in aa affecting manner. This done the pall
bearers M. Eckenroth and L. Lingtwieller
representing Fire Company No. I E. Fieper
and Joe Schuele representing File Company
No. 2 A. Schmidt and D. Felder represent-
ing the German Beneficiary association and
two personal friends took up the casket and
bore It to Ihe hearse as the Eighth Cavalry
band played a mournful symphony and the
weeping relatives followed. Then Fire Chief
Dueiler marshaled the cortege and It started.
First came Fire Chief Duerler then followed
the Eighth Cavalry band playing the Dead
March In Saul Fire Company No. 2 the Hook
and Ladder company Fire Company No. n
Ihe hearse the German Dcneficlsty society
of which the deceased was a member the
relatives of the deceased and a large num-
ber of friends. The cortege passed down
Commerce stieet to the cemetery where the
casket was respectfully interred and the
mourners and their friends returned to their
several homes.
Death it a sad thing at all limes and leaves
behind It a galling wound but It mutt be a
sure consolation for the friends to feel that
the deceased had led such a useful and hon-
orable life and wat to truly respected by his
Urine Gleaned lu the Hotel Corridors amit
From Various Other Sources.
Mr. Paul Hoppe of Dallas Is at the Mav-
erick. Professor Hunt relumed from El Paso last
Mr. Charles Sevin left fur New Orleans
this morning.
Mr. J. I). Hassell of Galveston and Mr.
W. G. Snell of Uoston are registered at the
Mr. J. Drum of Laredo and Mr. U. lire-
die of New York arrived at the Maverick
lhis morning.
Mr. Alt Ilernard goes to Mesico to-night to
join his brother Dave Ilernard the railroad
contractor at Monclova. They expect lo
reach Ihe City of Mexico.
Mr. C. G. Vogel editor of Ihe Union Land
Register Ilocrne called upon Ihe LicillT yes-
terday evening. Mr. Vogel wat the delegate
from Iloerne to the railroad meeting at Colo-
rado City.
Colonel W. L. Thompson came back
from Laredo yesterday. He lays the town Is
dull and no rain has fallen. The District
court is In session and several murder cases
will be tried next week.
T. Lowgen Piedras Negras; R. Pruz
Urackct; J. Sevin Iloerne; W. K. Singleton
J. Dillard Thomas Busby city; E. J. Greg-
ory Somerset; James Ellison J. II. Ilellet
San Marcos; J. N. Newton and family S. S.
Newton Seguln; John Julian city; E. Cana-
way Mexico are guests at Ihe St. Leonard
A Mother Trat els to Meet Her hick Son anil
Finds Him Dead.
A short time sgo a young man named L. T.
Ninde came here from Otkaloota Iowa In
an advanced state of consumption and sought
the advantageous climate of liocrne. His
father I). E. Ninde and brother II. P.
Ninde recently arrived here and finding that
the young man was gradually dying tele-
graphed for his mother. She arrived in San
Antonio on Thursdsy and took Ihe Iloerne
stage but when she had reached Leon Springs
the other stsge en route for this city was met
and the mother learned that her child was
dead and hit rcmaint would be brought to
Stn Antonio at night. The broken hearted
mother returned here and at night her hut-
band and ton brought In the body ol the
dead. To-day the mournful party his re-
turned home.
A Nice Titbit.
A man apparently from the country went
to Kalteyer's drug store this morning to have
his ear dressed from which a good-sized piece
hed been bitten as is supposed by some man
In a drunken brawl. No information could
be gotten from him but from all appearances
we judge he'll get the other ear done up like-
wise which will equalize the look of those
Little Eso Arrested.
It it reported that Eva Iliitton "the little
girl dressed In blue" who canvassed San
Antonio in Ihe Interest of her paper the
"Hurricane" hat been arretted for swindling
in New Orleans. It is further stated that the
got 30000 subscribers and has failed to send
her paper to the subscribers. Many sub-
scribers here have been victimized in a like
Dangerous ltulns.
This morning while a little boy wat pasting
by the ruins of Hugo & Schmeltzer't store on
Navarro street one of the arches gave way
and fell with a crash the boy saving himsell
by a few feet. Mr. J. Thomas and Mr. Staf-
fel who saw the nearly fatal fall ran to Ihe
boy asking If he was hurt. He was luckily
untouched. Mr. Staffel later on cautioned
some young ladies to walk In the road at the
walls are liable to fall at any time.
The Tyrolese Farewell.
The Tyrolese concert company give their
larewell American performance to-night In
Sommers Si Uehlinger's pavilion and an ex-
cellent performance may be expected. The
Tyrolese are musical artists of great ability
and are going to Europe to fill important en-
gagements. They deserve a bumping fare-
well and the citizens should not fail to give It
to them. The admission fee It only 25 cents
and for that the visit will secure a good and
pleasant entertainment.
"An Unfair Exchange Is llobberr."
He went down to fish but on his way an
object caught his eye. Yes a little colored
boy did go to fith below the Commerce street
bridge and an object in the form of a $10 bill
did meet his eye lying In the mud and what's
more his fingers met over the $10 bill
though he evidently did not know Ihe value
of his find as several gentlemen who saw
this incident also saw a colored man give the
boy $1 In exchange for the bill. Of course It
could not be sworn to but It looked like it.
Willie Womble tht Boy Criminal After
Several Remarkable Escapes is at
Last Booked for the Penitentiary.
The Necessity anil Utility for a State Its.
formatorrls rullr Demonstrated Iit
Two I'urallel Caeee.
In the District couit a boy aged 16 years
named William Womble who has acquired
an unenviable reputation was placed on trial
for lobbery at lleckmsn's shoe store on
Commerce street. Alter Ihe evidence of a
conclusive character was given the jury retired
to consider Ibelr verdict and ultimately re-
turned a verdict awarding two years im-
prisonment in the penitentiary but recom-
mending him to the Goveinor's clemency.
Womble and a companion named Siebeit
were two of the worst boys In the city.
Womble has been arrested seveial limes and
Id each case he has not been prosecuted on
account of his youth. Even in the present
cape an offer was made that if the parents
would send him away and sever his
connection with bis bad companions In the
city no prosecuticn would be made because
both Ihe bench and the bar detested to have
to send so young a prisoner to the penitentiary.
His friends promised thst they would take the
friendly suggestion offered but did not do so
and as a result Ihe boy got into futther
trouble. He now pays the penalty of his
many crimes. When arrested for his last
offense he laughed and
and told him that he could arrest him if he
chose but they could not do aoything with
him because he was too young. This Idea
may have made him callous and Indifferent to j
Ihe law and he will now have lime to re-
munerate over the awful mittake that he has !
Incidentally it may be mentioned that Ihe
parents of the boy Seibert wete more pru- '
dent and tent their ton away from the evil In-
fluence of hit companions here and it Is
pleating to record lhat he bat reformed and
it now doing well. He was In danger of be- I
log a I
and he now promises to be an excellent '
The case of Seibcit and Womble thow the
necestily and utility of a reformatory. There
are In San Antonio and In the other large
cltiet of the State many boys who are running
wild and are In a fair way to become Inmates
of a penitentiary. Many If not all of these
boys could be placed In a well disciplined re-
formatory taught a useful trade and Instead
of becoming jail birds would become useful
and ornamental members ol the communities
In which they live. The reformatory system
for Texts must be adopted at some time and
the sooner it is the better it will be for Tesss
and her people.
A flood Fight.
A scientific display of fisticuffs was viewed
by a few gentlemen last night on the Main
plaza. A gentleman whose name we keep
back applied the name of "sheeny" to a
hack driver who resented the intuit and
made for him. The hack man a much
smaller man than bit opponent displayed
tome art and repeatedly landed his "bunch of
fives" on his butly opponent's "peepers"
knocking him down two or three times. A
cry of police was heard and the two pugilists
were hurried into a hack and ditappcared.
He Could Hope.
Yesterday between II and 12 o'clock Mr.
Welkner wat strolling down by Caiter & San-
ders' where a party of gentlemen were talk-
ing and laughing Mr. Frrd Volkralh one of
the number was talking about roping as Mr.
Welkner came up and said "he could rope
that man as well as he could any other In
town." The former said he added on a pretty
bad name when he turned back and asked
him what he meant by It. An officer was on
the spot and arrested the party before blows
could be exchanged.
Unwary Feet.
The young ladles came rushing out of the
High school yesteiday neither looking to the
light or left until one of them found herself in
the ditch where pipes are being laid along
San Pedro avenue. Then there was a general
halt and a cry of despair arose on finding the
girl knee-deep in mud. However a good
Samaritan in the shape of a car driver came
along and stopping his car descended and
pulled the young lady out. She presented a
rather pitiable object and she means to be
brave In the rear not lead In the front next
Heal lCstate Transfers.
J. L. Camp to G. W. Elliott land seven
miles northwest ol the city a part of survey
87 section 2; $500.
E. J. Burnet J. Burnet and others to John
Dudek land 14 miles northesst of the city
out of subdivision I survey aS; $296.
Joseph Huliler and wife to G. Nette land
41 feet north of Dolorosa street east of the
Military plaza and on the east side of said
plaza; $10000
A. J. Dlgnowftty to Robctt Rlchter lot 8
block 4 original subdivision of city lot 217
weit of the San Pedro; $100.
E. Bennett to L. T. Moody lot 15 block
D fronting 20 varst on touth tide of Eatt
Commerce street $150.
Bryan Callaghan block 29 east side of the
San Antonio tlver and south of Alameda
street; $1:00.
OCT. 27 and 11
& Sunday
Au evening ot hearty laughter. Appear-
ance of the distinguished comedian.
lower Hoi Smith liuuell; In which character
bo still Introduce h's ruinous songs -specialties
and Impersonations. Tho supporting company
serf-nmsnf lmnrhlrr.
Admission SI: seats can be secured at Ulscho's
opposite poetoaice. 10-21
."Mimilny und Tucsilay Oc-
tober "! mid IIO.
or THE
Farmer's Daughter
Knighted by tho Metropolitan Preen
Uoth from distinguished American families: !
Moth with nncxcoptional Wnrdrobol
Two distinctive types of American lieautyl
Each claims to bo tho greatest I
Tbe World Famous 1- The World's Orcattet
poncntof American Living American
Character. Child Actress.
Xbe remainder of tbe company 1 ugaurd for these art
teprenentstlone are not 0ulmuV.1l u Ladle Ull
Oenllemen or dietlDctlon. ability social
standing or dramstlo reputation by
bents secured at Itlsche'soppclto postonlcc.
li'A $7.50 S8 $10
and upwards. Wo also show a complete lino
of Shirts and Undorwear Hosiery Tics etc.
and offer some Special Bargains which must
bo examined to bo appreciated.
In all sbopes styles and qualities and at prices
to suit you. We Invite an Inspection of our
stock nhothor you purchase or not.
A. Morris
Men's clothier and ou tatter SS3 and 231
Mam street San Antonio.
tsriicst Linen Collars 12j cents. Good
Undershirt 5 cents.
O. II Frank's Alamo Store
Headquarters for clothing. Bring- your bora
and buv them n fine all wool casaimore suit
for $3 00. I run also onrlnir for ono week the
biggest drlvo ever offcrod lu geut's. boys and
youths clothing. Ono lot nf gent's Chlnohll'a
overcoats at Si 00 worth Ji W. Come and tee
for yourself. lO-sa-tf

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The San Antonio Light (San Antonio, Tex.), Vol. 1, No. 179, Ed. 1, Friday, October 26, 1883, newspaper, October 26, 1883; San Antonio, Texas. ( accessed April 16, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .

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