Weekly Corpus Christi Caller (Corpus Christi, Tex.), Vol. 25, No. 19, Ed. 1 Friday, May 1, 1908 Page: 1 of 8

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' , iii . ¿h; ,:'i - :rH IK ft" -1"
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';', ;E :'í 43-V#e:ÍÍ¿®HÍi&
FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1008
,,(f Field Marshal Oyainaaiid Karon
hidttitrr Miming—Believed That
r i
ICiplttiii" Vasliini, Vamo ami
Vuslimoro Perished,
WILL VOTE ON SCHOOL BOND ISSUE Jtt«lgr n«l t Was Rendered for
A Nuniber of Cases Trespass t Try *1 tile x'•*<' I'topie Slept Under Blankets
{By United ¡'rat.)
Uiüi April ■'". The accidental
Oíoslo!: of a ;irojeeiile In the stock
mili.- erf i hi* fining cruiser Mat-
Mma earl> tins morning destroyed)
ship Off lv«n#d«H Island. There
|re'ihr«-(> !iuini;<nl cadet's aboard and]
or thin number only fifty eight;
Kiivotl according to last reports,
«get her there were saved from the
|p one hundred and forty-one lives.;
Its believed rh.nt the lose of life will,
ich tally ¡.wo hundred and fifty. |
|t is believe. I luit Captains. Yash-j
Yttmo at Yoshmore perished,
on of Field .Marshal Prince
aula, iixl Vice Foreign Minister
liron Chi :a ■ missing.
he crut ¡ 1 ash i date Itsukkushl-
.roscueii ¡i.
(London. At -Late official ad-
froni Tokl.i indicate 159 is the
number Kiüed and drowned as
Iresult oí ¡i ¡ .plosion on the Jap-
peso cr'il-^r '.i ii.-usliirmi. The dead
pude n. irly .;11 of th«' cruiser's of-
srs, On« lvi;ií||Í3d and forty-one
tro saved
Business for More Than Quarter
of ( t rían.
fNew Yen < The ola Stock
*<*«11 1. S. Wormaor,
I'hlch io: th..n a CI irtrter of a
niury w: i el en. Wed with many of
M ¡"11" V inmts in Wall
[(teei. retir, <| tun business today,
ie re,.!. • nt of the firm is due
jrtmarlly to i!u death Inst June of
lildoi Worm i i-, the last of Che sur-
jiving hroi h.-rs who fofindcd the busi-
'•fit Damage to Frail and Shade
I't'ees in (he State.
Columbus. 0 April 30.—A heavy
fell tlinnighout Central Ohio
<*«}'■ Much damage resulted to
®h and shade t reaa by the snow
'Waklni; the Hmbs.
I1 «0 Pleasure Trip and is Guest of
• apt. Crouch.
Admiral Book, V. S. N\. of Washlng-
1^*" C., is here on a business and ■
insure trip.
Admiral Hook will remain here sev-
1^1 dav
*• He left this morning for
l^tar hlufT on a sailing trip, as the j
Mttst of Capt. n. L. Crouch, and will
Possibly tonight.
j * ^rt*lionHe Inspector of Hie U. S.
N. Sert lee.
'• L Pureed , C. S. N., accompanied
* h,s valet, is in tills city on busi-
*r- PureeH is lighthouse Inspector
Dispatcher's Office Moved to VanderbiU
io Facilitate (lie llundliuti of
Kingsvilie, Texas, April 30. The
train dispatchers office has been mov-
ed from Kingsvilie to Vanderbilt,
which necessitates changing Mr. and
Mrs. Evans, Mi and Mrs. Hall and T.
J. McCune and family the latter train-
master, and Train Dispatcher Oscar
Molllngsworlh from this place to Van-
derbilt, The change was made to facil-
itate the handling of trains.
There was a mass meeting held
Tuesday afternoon for the purpose of
discussing the feasibility of organising
Kingsvilie into an independent school
district.; The attendance was large
and the discussions were Interesting.
It was decided to organize t'he district
and an elect!or will be held Saturday
to vote on a bond issue, as well as
voting upon the trustees.
The Matrons High Five club met
Tuesday afiereoon at' the home of Mrs
A. (i. Moore, and will meet on the
15th of next month at the home of
Mrs. ,1. H. Wright.
A new concrete block residence for
Mrs. O. S. Watson Is just being com-
pleted by Contractor D. Lucas. Lu-
cas Is also erecting a two-story frame
building for Mr. T. M. Pattern, lie
has already erected four concrete
houses here and will shortly begin the
erection of one for himself. There Is
a great scarcity of houses here, which
indicates that this p'ace Is booming.
A lumber company has just been or-
ganized and a yard will be opened
across the street from the water
plant. It will be known as the Rich-
ards Lumber company, with W. H.
Richards as manager. This company
not only proposes to sell lumber and
building material but" will also engage
in the construction of dwelling*. T.
0. Wright is now at work on several
cottages for the company.
Mr. Lem Arnold of Fort Worth, a
boiler maker started to work in the
shops yesterday, ills wife now at
Laredo will join him shortly. She
wait formerly Miss Jennie Greigg of
Corpus Christi.
Messrs. A. E. n.ifik, J. S. Holman.
C. W. Gibson. Leo C. Lob, represent-
ing the Oppenheimer Co of Corpus
Christi, and Mrs. Rrwin of Corpus
Christi were among the visitors here
yesterday. It is the first trip of Mr.
Lob. N. A, Fields of Waterbury. Con-
necticut, after spending a short visit
here lias gone to Corpus Christi. He
is Investigating this country. Three
weeks ago when in New Hampshire
It was snowing. Returning to Water-
bury It. was raining, and when he
came here he found the climate de-
Mr. Corbett of Kentucky has been
here on a visit.
The ball lovers of this place are
preparing to organize a club here
from among the good material here
and the boys expect to show the boya
In surrounding towns how to play
the Plaintiits.
Wearing Winter Clothes
The assignment of the civil dock-
et for this term of the district court
was completed yesterday aftettioou,
the first civil ease to be called Mon-
It was announced this morning by
Judge Hopkins that the jury drawn
for the second week of the term, nest
Fhruling Condition* an* Very Satlsfac-
tory—P. X. Dougherty on
a Visit.
The frost line extended below Satt
Antonio to the south last night and
while it i« feared that a great deal
of damag" resulted, no repeirts were
received today of any such damage ———
In this vicinity early yesterday aí* San Patricio. Texas, April 30,—A
ternoon the wind blew cold from the iaud transaction of some note was
north and by nighttime It was ancoro- made when Hev. M, Oring purchased
Superintendent Haines and Vice-Pre*!,
dent and General Manager Miller Will
Get Together and the Matter Will
be Adjusted Satisfactory.
week, was discharged and that those
( fortably cold, the people diving down from Mr. tJeo. McGloln <<f 8|nton. his
drawn on the jury need not report
for duty.
The court
among the mothballs and hauling out
lilunketa They were needed, for It
was cold. Today on the streets the
holdings in 8au Patricio, at $10 per
Farming conditions were never
more satisfactory, despite the long
drought and the discouragement It
was hearing divorce,
aroma from the moth ball was In die
cases today, and tomorrow also will .
; air. It Indicated that winter clothes
be devoted to marriage failures. . , , . . ,
The folian ,« c™™ """ """"" """ '>«•*• """" °* " «*
of y„„,r,lw: Craig* Ama.t „ t ^ """" ""r" """"
llavld I.cOlietter, to m title. ¡, 'JT"'"""' ***°^ " """ "" '°r ,uvm°" """
imum of is at the coldest period of
judgment for plaintiff; Craig & Ar- „ .... .. ..
the present spell, while the maximum
nett vs. Joseph Allen Hughes, tres-
pass to try title, judgment for the
plaintiff; H. C. Ro^erson vs. the un-
known heirs of Robert Wiiilfcais, tres-
l ass to try title, Judgment for the
plaintiff; J. W. Smith vs. J. B. Sed-
wick, trespass to try title, judgment
for the plaintiff. A divorce was grant-
ed in Hie case of O. P, Boston vs.
Mary Jane Boston.
The assignment of the civil docket
is as follows:
Monday, May 18th.
Randle-Glbson Real Estate Co. vs.
C. S. Fowler.
Tuesday, May 19th.
Ring & Powell vs. Gugenheltn &
Colin et. al.
Wednesday, May 20th
Geo. H. Paul vs. T. T. Blllott.
Thursday, May 21st.
Ed Dawson vs. Mrs. H. M. King
et al.
Friday. May 22nd
Pedro F. Reyna vs. St. L.( B. &
í M. Ry. Co.
Saturday, May 23rd.
W E. Collins vs. F. M. Fox.
Monday, May 25t.h.
Jno. P. Nelson et al vs. Tcx-Mex
Ry. Co.
Tuesday, May 26th.
Thos. LaValle vs. St. L., H. & M.
Ry. Cw.
Albino Jimines vs. St. L., B. & M.
Ry. Co.
C. L. and J. F. Flynn vs. S. L. Kos-
Wm. Rogan vs. S. L. Kostryz.
Wednesday, May 27th.
Geo. W. Smith vs. S. T. Dodge
during the last twenty-four hours
was 7S. At. Sun Antonio It was 40,
at Galveston 48, at Palestine 44. at
Taylor 38, at Abilene 38. at Amarillo
cattlemen as well.
Mr. F. X. Doughetry visited his sla-
ter, Mrs Vincent Bluntfcer during the
week lie Is in the Hydrographies ser-
vice of the U. 8. government at Pre-
sidio. Texas, and Iws been absent
three years, lie returned to resign
The weather conditions as issued | his position io accept another in Du-
from the local office are as follows: ■. rango, Mexico.
The disturbance that was central Mr . L. J. Barry, Mrs. Dolan and
over Sduth Texas yesterday has MissMarguerlte Timon of Beevllie
moved northeastward to central over oanw down to attend the funeral of
North C rollna and precipitation has little Mary Tlmon,
been getpral over the Southern State
and the Ohio valley. Another low
barometev area and warmer weather
The marriage of Mr. Charles Brown
to Miss Allle l'oole is announced to
tak« place at the brirlu'a resident
is moving over from the northwest May 1.
over Oregon. A ridge of high pros-1 The public school under Misa' Hice
1 sure and a cool wave extends south- closed Frlndny She loft for a visit,
eastward across the United States j lo her parents at Mineral. Miss Ra ls
from Montana to the Texas coast, and ; |a a most efficient teahér and has won
frost occurred over the Missouri and the merited esteem of all who have
Central Mississippi valleys, Oklahoma
and the Interior of Texan to south of j
Han Antonio. Fair and warmer weath-
er may be expected in this vicinity to-1
night and Friday, attending the oast- ¡
ward movement of thees conditions,
been interested In school work.
Washington, April 30,- The Ameri-
can Newspaper Publishers' Associa-
tion 1 pursuing o vigorous campaign
to obtain the passage at this session
e>f Congress of bills placing wood
: pulp and print paper on the free list,
and the agitation of the subject has
been such as to wholly upset equl-
j llbrlum of Speaker Cannon. The
association is taking every ad van-
it is not unusual In other localities (flK0 „f )tH constitutional right of pe-
Cases ejf insanity are Out of the usu-
al in this section of the State, though
for husbands to make application to
have their wives placed In an asylum
fit Ion and is bolng ably supported by
John Sharp Williams, of Mississippi,
the Democratic leader whose perform
for safe keeping and to prevent overt formalice is most edifying to publlsh-
ficfs, Neither is It Infrequent for a ears and proportionately annoying to
wife to make complaint against her Cannon. Aa a matter of fact Speaker
, , , _ „ , ... Cannon Is a master of the situation
husband. The officers of this county,
;and while his appointment of a select
however, are now |||p etllng with a ¡ to investigate the opera-
Toe Chacon It et al vs. Coleman- Peculiar case. The wife has appeared | tlons of the so-called paper trust will
to the different officers of the courts in no way deceive either the public
with a huge fund of complaint against'! or the publishers, who are thorougb-
! . „ . . ; ly familiar with Hie Speaker's "film
her partner She desires to make a | ^ R ^ ^ ^ ^
complaint against him charging l"*, publisher* moat effectually.,H*
sanity and to back up the complaint.
Fulton Pasture Co.
Thursday, May 28th.
Chas. Und vs. John Dunn.
Dan A. Leary et al vs. S. L,
Friday. May 29th.
Henry Keller vs. Gabriel Green.
Saturday. May 30th.
Margaret Atkinson vs. Jno. T. Par
ker et al.
Tuesday. June 2nd.
regales the officers with a load of
The womas'a husband has also ap-
peared He, too, has a great load of
woe# which he unloads upon the of-
We are selling Victor talking ma-
chines every day or two on tbat $1
a week plan. Why put off this
pleasure? Why not enjoy the ma-
chine while paying for l(f New
stock of records and that $1100 Vto-
ficers and he, too, desire lo file an tor for the Seaside hotel now dally
insanity charge. He saya that his expected. ¡JM
Louis LauIon et al vs. Wm. Gregory. | ^ ^ ^ dlfferent HniM j C. C. Book k Stationary Co.
^ — I J, R. Chandler and wife of Lagarto
^ '■ m the service of the U. 8. Navy, j ^ he|>e ^ 0 plf,a8Urc trip and will
s|>i'nd several days In the city.
**I*ct.'- to be here for several
Une o' intest styles of boxed j
i papers, letterettea, fine
*nd envelopes to match at the
,v W
The No o i «""• v*'ble Typewrit-
er Is the ouiy perte > lril)'e wr^*r"
New tabniator and ruling devlee.
C C. Book A Stationary Co.
Louis Laulon et al vs. Wm. Gregory
Tuesday, June 9th.
Jno. L. George vs. R. L. Timmlns.
Friday, June 12th.
Demás F. Acebt et al vs. Mrs. H.
| M. King.
Tuesday, June 16th.
Roseudo Martines et al vsv Chas.
Jno. H. Houghton et al vs. Chas.
; WeU.
I Rosendo Martines et al y*: Cha*.
¡ Well.-';1;
Wednesday, June 24th.
As was suggested in the Caller sny-
eral days ago, there will be no dis-
continuance of the mall service ou the
Brownsville road between this elty
and Robstown. The order discontinu-
ing the service will be suspended
pending a final adjustment.
The following telegram was receiv-
ed this morning:
Washington, April 80.
Roy Miller, Corpus Christi. Texas:
Your wire received; the postoffloe
department has agreed to suspend the
order discontinuing mail from Corpus
Christi tx Robstown until the sttua-
t'on can be fully Investigated and
satisfactory arrangements made for
proper mall service,
John N, Garner.
The message was In answer to a
telegram sent by Secretary Miller of
the Couunerrclal Club lata Wednesday
afternoon. The secretary had taken
the matter up with Superintendent
Gaines of Fort Worth, That official
seated that he was trying to got In
touch with Vice-President and Gen-
eral Manager Miller of the Browns-
ville road and that he hoped that
there would bo an adjustment of the
mall (luestlou. It was Indicated, how-
ever, that while there waa every
probability of a satisfactory adjust-
ment that thlM adjustment would not
be made prior to May 2, the time set
for the discontinuance of the service,
in order to prevent a discontinuance
pending the adjustment Secretary
Miller wired Congressman Garner.
The message above Is the result,
It I safe to say that the service
will not be Interfered with. It la
very probable that the postal officials
will reach a settlement. Meantime
tho mall service will continue.
J. W. Ennls of the Sea Side, who
has been advertising for spools, "got
the first Installment yesterday when
little Lloyd Grant brought In a large
number. Mr. Ennls In speaking of
the matter, said: "The boy Is only
four years old, but he waa the first
one to bring me any spools, lie Is
from the North and shows It He did
not wait for some of the larger boys
Co bring some In, but hustled around
and beat them to it. f am still after
Mr. Ennls Is paying the
per hundred for spools.
Office desks and chairs, filing
nets, loose leaf devices, blank hook
and general stationary at the Book
h :y<:W
Antonio Gonzales de Hinojo
Ferman Lopes et al.
husband and wife have had the ears j
of the court officer , and one of the j
officers made the remark this morning J
that if the thing kept up much longer j
It would be he who would be a sub- i
ject for the lunatic asylum.

^ * ' - . " r
Antonio Gonzales de Ilinojosa
_ ... _ f)
Emilio Barrera
W. 8. Rankin ft Co. vs. Tex-Mex
Ry. Co.
Tuesday, June 30th.
Mary R. Howerton and husband vs.
y~ i. ,, . i'-f ij
' ">■ ■
on Farms and
Vendor's Lien Notes
1 San .Vtii
i ^ mmM mmmm
í\ 'I „ W 11
s;tí "iií
mm s b >
, ,1 i J-! | 3
I cÉ m i|

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Weekly Corpus Christi Caller (Corpus Christi, Tex.), Vol. 25, No. 19, Ed. 1 Friday, May 1, 1908, newspaper, May 1, 1908; Coprus Christi, Texas. (https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth168710/m1/1/ocr/: accessed April 16, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, https://texashistory.unt.edu; .

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