Burleson County Ledger and News-Chronicle (Caldwell, Tex.), Vol. 34, No. 11, Ed. 1 Friday, May 16, 1919 Page: 2 of 10
This newspaper is part of the collection entitled: Caldwell News and Burleson County Ledger and was provided to The Portal to Texas History by the Harrie P. Woodson Memorial Library.
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Avery Southern Queei Ciltivators
Considered ky many farmers the bent in existence.
Have two left, rather than carry them over—offer at
is the brand on left hip of a Muley Cow, 2 years
old, Nud Red, White Spot on Jsw snd msrksd
Upper Bit in Right and Under Bit in Left Ear.
Liberal reward will be paid tor her recovery by
Hohogany, Tobacco Brown and Chocolate Colore for
Shoes now have the call
Walk-Over Slices for Men Swede Top 9-90
Walk-Over Shoes . $8.50, 7.50 and b.50
Walk-Over Oxfords for Men 7,50, 6.50 and 5,00
Ladies Brown Oxfords 5.°0
ChildrensMary Jane's in Maliouany Sizes 4 to 8, $1.50 to 2
Silk Skirts, Silk Waists 5.00, 6.5 and 8.00
Silk Shirts for Young Men 10.00. 7.* , 5.00, 3 00
Silk Colars. solid colors
Rainbow Silk Collars, pure silk 3">c
Coats and Pants in nice new designs $10.00 to 25.00
Tt Whin It Nay Concern:
This is to certify that I pur
chased a Dort four-cylinder fl*e-
passenger car February 24th,
1915, and 1 am pleased to state
that I have run this car over
forty thousand miles at an ex
líense of approximately nine
dollars, with an average con-
sumption of one gallon of «ras to
eighteen mites: expense for lu-
bricating oil, too insignificant to
mention. Have had, absolutely,
no engine, differential or trans
mission trouble of ANY kind.
Spark-plugs which came with
the Dort, with exception of one
broken, are still in use and have
had no trouble whatever with ra-
diator leaks And etc. Main-shaft
and al! bearings are in perfect
order, and we have experienced
no trouble as result of loose
bearings, which we attribute to
the OVERSIZE bearings of two
and one half to throe and one
half inches.
In conclusion I desire to state
that the Dort has given us PER-
FECT satisfaction in EVEliY
particular—we have never yet
been in a sand bed or mud hole
we couldn't pull out of with the
Very respectfully,
.1. J. MAC AT,
Salesman, R Struwe Grocery
We are exclusive dealers in
Burleson County for the Dort
Car and will be pleased to de-
monstrate and sell you one.
Henslee-Lyon Co.
Epwerth Leafee
ProfrtaFor Saafay
Following is the Epworth
League program for Sunday,
May lHtli ;
Leader Mrs. Nordmark.
Subject —"The Call of Today."
Processional—No. 2i:i.
Lord's Prayer.
Res|x>nsive Reading—Psalm
Gloria Patria.
Scripture Lesson - Cor. *
Our Confession.
Piano Solo—Lucy Grabow.
Address—"The Centenary of
Methodist Missions Sounds the
<'all of Today A. S. Whitehurst.
Address The Call of 1-Hii and
1*1* Compared Mrs. M a ry
Song 20*.
Song Christ's Call to Youth
Today — King I^ooks.
Youths' Response to the t all
Miss Eunice Morgan,
Song No. ""v
League Uenediction.
Goodrich Tires
The best tire for the money
any time. Now we are giving
15 per cent reduction on them
Come in and let tis put on a set
for you.
Wyatt & Giddings.
Prohibition Speaking
Ex-District Attorney of Hous-
ton, John H. Crooker, will speal
at the Court House at 2 o'clock
p. m., Saturday, May 17th, on
Prohibition and Woman's Suf-
Coming Monday
Gayest, Gladdest, Grandest Tent Show on Earth
Favorite Players
May 19th
All Next Week. One Whole Week Under Big Tent.
Biggest and Theatre Company
Thirty People One Car of Scenery
Comedies, Dramas and Feature Plays. Latest Book and
Royally Plays complete in story and dramatic incident, Full
Acting Cast. Proper Costumes, every detail supremely correct.
Plenty of Pep; no waits; Vaudeville between acts; Change of
Play Nightly, Double Bill for One Admission.
The Boy Who Came BacJt,
A heart Interest
written around the Range
in 4 Acts interwoven
Ladies Fres W«J fir" Monday Night
Opea With Bend Concert at 7:48 p. m.
Curtain at 8*48 p. m. Priess 18 and 28c
Located en Skelley fc Hughes Lot Caldwell, Texas
Isis Theatre Program
The following program will be
Shown at the lsis Theatre be
ginning tonight. Each picture
features leading stars, and you
will enjoy the plays :
Friday, 16th "Dollies Vaca
tion," featuring Baby Marie Oa-
Saturday, 17th—"A Midnight
Romance," featuring Anita
Stewart, also "Summer Girls,"
a two reel coinedy.
Monday, 19th—"Pride of the
Clan," featuring Mary i'ultford.
Tuesday, 20th " From Head
Quarters" (special) featuring
Anita Stewart.
Wednesday, 21st "M a n of
Might," No. l'J. also "Beaut*'
Booty," three reel comedy.
Thursday. 22nd- "A Still
Small Voice," featuring Henry
B. Walthal, the Star of "The
Birth of a Nation."
Look, Mother! If tongue Is eeated*
clesnee little bowale with "Cali-
fornia Syrup of Flge."
MnUrtfe ean reet eaej afWr giving
"California, ttyrup of Fig ," beoauac In
a few hour* all the cloggcd-up want ',
•our bile and formen tin? food gently
■nrvat out of the bowel , and you have
a well, pUvful child again.
Sielt children needn't be ooaged I*
take thie harmieea "fruit laxative."
Million* of motbera keep it handy tw
cauae -they know i ta aotion -on the atom-
ach, liter and bowela la prompt and aura.
A k your druggWt for a bottle of
"California Syrup of Fin," wbloh oon-
taina direction* for bablee, children of
all agee M<* for grown up .
Mrs. Charles H. Sugarek oí
Beevttte, who Hm been visiting
In Taylor, Tom pie snd Cameron,
is visiting her parents, J. J.
Hollk and wife.
Your Liberty Bonds are here.
Caldwell Nations! Bank.
Miss Ruth Olenn of Lufkln,
was a guest of Miss Annie John*
■ton the past week.
Well Fitted
are as important as good quality
in the fabric you buy.
The quality in my Spring and
Summer suits are excellent and
I am very particular about the
way you are fitted. .
Our models vary in type to fit
different types of men and you
should acquaint yourself with
the advantage in my service.
Exclusive QITini
Sold at 3JL1UL/Lf O
The Store thst Crows snd Sells it for Loss.
Agent for Butteric Patterns.
Remember that when vou bring your
Ford car to us lor mechanical attention
that you get the genuine Ford service-
materials. experienced workmen and
Ford factory prices. Your Ford is loo
useful, too valuable to take chances with
poor mechanics, with equally poor quality
materials. Bring it to us and save both
time and money' We are authorized
Ford dealers, trusted bv the Ford Motor
Company to look after the wants ol Ford
owners--that's the assurance we olfer.
We are getting a few Ford cars and first
come liret to receive delivery.
Cade Auto Co. caldwell
Order Yeur Home at Heme
Ye ri«Mf
Why Send Away For A Home
I t us give you better nrvl quicker service at a lowor
By our improved service you have the opportunity of
making a home selection from actual photographs of
modern hornea, each has iloor plan attached.
The homes In our service are the latest designa from
Ye Planry. The plans arc free. Our lumber worked by
Ye Planry plans WTH build a home with an air of indlvldu.
ality and not have that ready-cut look. An invoatigation
coats nothing saves much.
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Rankin, W. W. Burleson County Ledger and News-Chronicle (Caldwell, Tex.), Vol. 34, No. 11, Ed. 1 Friday, May 16, 1919, newspaper, May 16, 1919; Caldwell, Texas. (https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth169021/m1/2/: accessed September 9, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, https://texashistory.unt.edu; crediting Harrie P. Woodson Memorial Library.