PROPOSED RULES Before an agency may permanently adopt a new or amended section or repeal an existing section, a proposal detailing the action must be published in the Texas Register at least 30 days before action is taken. The 30-day time period gives interested persons an opportunity to review and make oral or written comments on the section. Also, in the case of substantive action, a public hearing must be granted if requested by at least 25 persons, a governmental subdivision or agency, or an association having at least 25 members. Symbology in proposed amendments. New language added to an existing section is indicated by the use of bold text. [Brackets] indicate deletion of existing material within a section. TITLE 22. EXAMINING BOARDS Part XI. Board of Nurse Examiners Chapter 223. Fees 22 TAC sec.223.2 The Board of Nurse Examiners proposes new sec.223.2, concerning Charges for Public Records. House Bill 1009, 73rd Legislative Session, amended the Texas Open Records Act to require each state agency to specify, by rule, the charges the agency will make for copies of public records. The bill calls for a state agency to establish a charge for a copy of a public record that is equal to the full cost to the agency in providing the copy. This bill also requires the General Services Commission to specify by rule the methods and procedures that a state agency may use in determining the amounts that the agency should charge to recover the full cost to the agency in providing copies of public records. Louise Waddill, PhD, RN, executive director, has determined that there will be minimal fiscal implications as a result of enforcing or administering the rule; however, we are unable to determine at this time the amount, due in part, to the number of open records requests that are processed by the agency. There will be no effect on local government nor businesses to comply with the rule. Ms. Waddill also has determined that for each year of the first five years the rule as proposed will be in effect the public benefit will be clarification of access to and copies of public records with consistent and reasonable charges. Comments on the proposed new section may be submitted to Louise Waddill, Executive Director, Board of Nurse Examiners, Box 140466; Austin, Texas 78714. The new section is proposed under the Nursing Practice Act (Texas Civil Statutes, Article 4514), sec.1, which provides the Board of Nurse Examiners with the authority and power to make and enforce all rules and regulations necessary for the performance of its duties and conducting of proceedings before it and House Bill 1009-Chapter 428, Acts, 73rd Legislature, Regular Session (1993). Article 4527 of the Nursing Practice Act is affected by this proposed new section. sec.223.2. Charges for Public Records. In accordance with the Act, 73rd Legislature, Regular Session (1993), Chapter 428, sec.5, the following specifies the charges the Board of Nurse Examiners will make for copies of public records. These charges are based on the full cost to the agency for providing the copies. (1) Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this section, shall have the following meaning, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. (A) Standard-size copy-A printed impression on one side of a piece of paper that measures up to 8-1/2 by 14 inches. Each side of the paper on which an impression is made is counted as a single copy. A piece of paper printed on both sides is counted as two copies. (B) Copy charge-A charge for costs incurred in copying standard-size paper copies reproduced by an office machine copier or a computer printer. (C) Postage and shipping charge-A charge for costs incurred in sending information to a requester, such as cost of postage, envelope, or long-distance phone call for facsimile transmission. (D) Personnel charge-A charge imposed for costs incurred for personnel time expended in processing a request for public information. This charge may include the time any employee spends reading/reviewing the initial request for records, making copies of records, conducting a file search, conducting a computer search, preparing and reviewing the response to the records request (administrative oversight/review), and any other type of personnel time necessary to respond to the request. (E) Overhead charge-A charge for direct and indirect costs incurred in addition to the personnel charge. This charge covers such costs as depreciation of capital assets, rent, maintenance and repair, and utilities. (F) Microfiche and microfilm charge-A charge for costs incurred for making a copy of microfiche or microfilm. (G) Remote document retrieval charge-A charge for costs incurred in obtaining information not in current use in remote storage locations. (H) Computer resource charge-A charge for costs incurred in obtaining information on computers based on the amortized cost of acquisition, lease, operation, and maintenance of computer resources. This charge may also include programming time if a request requires a programmer to enter data in order to execute an existing program or create a new program so that requested information may be accessed. (I) Readily available information-Information that is readily available may include any information that does not fall under the "Not readily available information" defined as follows. (J) Not readily available information-Information that is not readily available includes information that requires personnel to locate and retrieve a specific file, review the file to locate the record, and replace the file after the record has been located. Information that is not readily available also includes information that requires personnel review to determine if the information is what the requestor has asked for, or a review to determine if the records contain information confidential under the Nursing Practice Act or other law. (2) Charges. (A) For one to 50 standard-size copies of readily available information the charge shall be $0.10 per page. (B) For 51 pages or more of readily available information, or any quantity of not readily available information, the charge shall be the sum of the following: (i) $0.10 per page; (ii) personnel charge in an amount reflecting the average hourly cost for classified state employees as determined from time to time by the General Services Commission; (iii) overhead charge in an amount to be determined in accordance with the guidelines of the General Services Commission; (iv) microfiche and microfilm charge (if applicable) in an amount equal to the actual cost to the agency of the reproduction, or in accordance with General Services Commission guidelines; (v) remote document retrieval charge (if applicable) in an amount equal to the actual cost to the agency of the retrieval or in accordance with General Services Commission guidelines; (vi) computer resource charge (if applicable), including any programming time, in an amount equal to the cost to the agency, or in accordance with General Services Commission guidelines; and (vii) actual cost of miscellaneous supplies (if applicable) in an amount equal to the actual cost to the agency. (C) If a particular request may involve considerable time and resources to process, the agency may advise the requesting party of what may be involved and provide an estimate of date of completion and the charges that may result. (D) Payment for charges must be received by the Board of Nurse Examiners from requestor before copies will be released. This agency hereby certifies that the proposal has been reviewed by legal counsel and found to be within the agency's authority to adopt. Issued in Austin, Texas, on October 3, 1994. TRD-9448999 Louise Waddill, Ph.D., R.N. Executive Director Board of Nurse Examiners Proposed date of adoption: November 14, 1994 For further information, please call: (512) 835-8675 Part XXI. Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists Chapter 473. Fees 22 TAC sec.473.7


    [TXMHMR] staff or TDMHMR's
      [TXMHMR's] authorized agent. To develop a separate set of reimbursement rate recommendations for each class of service within each provider class, TDMHMR
        [TXMHMR] or its authorized agent applies the following procedures. (1)-(2) (No change.) (3) Alternative
          [Alternate] children's facility reimbursement rates for selected children's facilities are determined as follows, effective January 1, 1992. (A)-(D) (No change.) (E) Temporary method for determination of ICF/MR Level V alternative children's facility rates for the period beginning October 1, 1994,
            [September 1, 1994]. An eligible children's facility is reimbursed in the following manner: (i) Rates are based on projected per diem costs, not to exceed the ICF/MR level V alternative children's facility rate as of September 30, 1994
              [current ICF/MR/RC-VIII base rate, including the estimated per diem coast of augmentative communication devices, plus the single highest supplemental rate amount, as specified under sec.406.159(c) of this title (relating to ICF/MR/RC VIII Experimental Class)]. The cost-based rates will not include a mark-up or incentive factor. (ii) Reimbursement for fixed capital assets is in the form of a use fee. The use fee will be paid in lieu of building and building equipment depreciation, land and leasehold amortization, mortgage interest, and/or building and building equipment lease expense calculated as 14% of the appraised value of buildings, improvements, and land, as determined by local taxing authorities
                . If such an appraisal is unavailable,
                  [The annual use fee is calculated as 14% of] the appraised value of the property is determined as the square footage of the facility devoted to the ICF/MR services multiplied by the statewide median value per square foot of facilities in the large facility Level V class of service. The per diem use fee is calculated by dividing the annual use fee by anticipated facility days of service. (iii) In calculating the projected costs,
                    [Projected costs may be calculated by using pro forma estimates based on] historical costs are
                      adjusted to reflect anticipated expenses related to resident care, active treatment, health and safety, or other areas deemed necessary by TDMHMR to deliver quality services
                        [TDHS for the particular children's population served]. (iv) -(v) (No change.) (vi) This temporary method remains in effect until December 1, 1994
                          [September 30, 1994, or until formally replaced or modified through a State Plan amendment, whichever comes first]. (F) Method for determination of ICF/MR Level V alternative children's facility rates for the period beginning December 1, 1994. A facility must have an acceptable facility capacity reduction plan approved by TDMHMR to remain eligible for payment at the ICF/MR Level V alternative children's facility rates after December 1, 1994. Any extensions or modifications to this plan must be approved by TDMHMR. An eligible children's facility is reimbursed in the following manner. (i) Rates are based on projected allowable cost-based expenses not to exceed the aggregate cost for services the facility provides as of September 30, 1994. Projected costs will be calculated by using pro forma estimates based on historical costs adjusted to reflect the anticipated expenses related to resident care, active treatment, health and safety, or other areas deemed necessary by TDMHMR for the particular children's population served. The cost- based rates will not include a mark-up or incentive factor. (ii) Fixed capital assets are reimbursed in the form of a use fee. The use fee will be paid in lieu of building and building equipment depreciation, land and leasehold amortization, mortgage interest, and/or building and equipment lease expense. The annual use fee is calculated as 14% of the appraised value of buildings, improvements, and land, as determined by local taxing authorities. If such an appraisal is unavailable, the appraised value of the property is determined as the square footage of the facility devoted to ICF/MR services multiplied by the statewide median value per square foot of facilities in the large facility Level V class of service. The use fee will include only that part of the building square footage that is used in the provision of ICF/MR residential services. The per diem use fee is calculated by dividing 25% of the annual use fee by anticipated facility days of service during a fiscal quarter. (iii) Any Medicaid payments not expended on Medicaid allowable costs will be recouped by the state. (iv) This temporary method remains in effect only as long as the facility continues to reduce the certified capacity within the negotiated timeframe approved by TDMHMR. (d)-(e) (No change.) This agency hereby certifies that the proposal has been reviewed by legal counsel and found to be within the agency's authority to adopt. Issued in Austin, Texas, on October 5, 1994. TRD-9449083 Ann K. Utley Chairman Texas Mental Health and Mental Retardation Board Earliest possible date of adoption: November 14, 1994 For further information, please call: (512) 206-4516 TITLE 30. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Part I. Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission Chapter 330. Municipal Solid Waste The Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) proposes amendments to sec.330.4 and sec.330.65, concerning municipal solid waste management and design requirements for Type V facilities that are exempt from permit or registration requirements. The proposed amendments are intended to clarify the existing policy that drying grit-trap waste at a carwash does not require a permit or registration, and to encourage the development of certain transfer stations and the recovery of reusable material from solid waste received at those transfer stations, thereby reducing transportation costs and the amounts of waste being landfilled. Due to federal requirements of Subtitle D of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, many small landfills in Texas have closed. An amendment to sec.330.4, which added a new subsection (p) concerning waste management and design requirements, was proposed for public comment in the May 10, 1994, issue of the Texas Register (19 TexReg 3561). A subsequent amendment to sec.330.4, concerning the clarification of the grit trap policy, proposed for public comment in the September 6, 1994, issue of the Texas Register (19 TexReg 6987), also proposed a new subsection (p), which creates a conflict and the possibility of unintended confusion. To avoid any misunderstandings, the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission is withdrawing the two earlier proposals and is here replacing them with a single proposal that incorporates all of the proposed changes to sec.330.4. Based on public comments received following the publication of the proposal published in May 10, 1994, issue of the Texas Register (19 TexReg 3561), the TNRCC has decided to make significant changes to the original proposal. The proposed changes are consistent with Senate Bill 963, 73rd Legislature (1993), which amended the Texas Solid Waste Disposal Act, sec.361.111, Texas Health and Safety Code. The bill exempts certain municipal solid waste management facilities involved in the transfer of municipal solid waste from TNRCC municipal solid waste permit requirements. In order to qualify for permit exemption, the facility must comply with certain design and operational requirements, and must recover some materials from the incoming nonsegregated waste. The amendment to sec.330.4(f) adds new language that clarifies which material recovery facilities must apply for a permit or registration. Proposed new sec.330.4(p) clarifies that drying grit trap waste at a carwash does not require a permit or registration. Proposed new sec.330.4(q) provides that a permit is not required for a municipal solid waste management facility that is used in the transfer of municipal solid waste and recovers recyclable materials, if certain criteria are met. In lieu of permitting, these facilities must be registered pursuant to requirements of sec.330.65, concerning Registration for Solid Waste Management Facilities. The amendment to sec.330.65(f), concerning Additional Design Criteria, delineates additional design standards for transfer stations that recover some material from incoming nonsegregated waste. Stephen Minick, Division of Budget and Planning, has determined that for the first five years the sections are in effect there will be fiscal implications as a result of administration and enforcement of the sections. The costs to state and local governments and permit applicants for processing municipal solid waste permits will be substantially reduced. The actual savings are prospective and cannot be determined at this time but will be reflected by the number of registrations sought. Mr. Minick also has determined that for the first five years the sections as proposed are in effect, the public benefit anticipated as a result of enforcement of and compliance with the sections will be improvements in the management and control of solid waste. There will be no effect on small businesses. There are no known costs to persons required to comply with the sections as proposed. Comments on the proposal may be submitted to C. Wayne Lee, P.E., Waste Policy Division, Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087. Comments will be accepted for a period of 30 days following the date of this publication. A public hearing for comments has also been scheduled for November 4, 1994, at 9:30 a.m. in Room 564, Building F, Park 35 Circle, Austin, Texas. Subchapter A. General Information 30 TAC sec.330.4 The amendment is proposed under the authority of the Texas Water Code, sec.5.103, which provides the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission with the authority to adopt any rules necessary to carry out the powers and duties under the provisions of the Texas Water Code. Additionally, it is promulgated pursuant to the Texas Solid Waste Disposal Act (the Act), Texas Health and Safety Code, sec.361.024 and sec.361.061, which provide the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission with the authority to regulate the operation, management and control of solid waste under its jurisdiction. The proposed amendment affects the Texas Solid Waste Disposal Act, Health and Safety Code, sec.361.024 and sec.361.061. sec.330.4. Permit Required. (a)-(e) (No change.) (f) A permit or registration under this chapter is not required for a facility or site that is used as: a citizens' collection station; as a collection and processing point for nonputrescible recyclable wastes or for composting of leaves, grass clippings, or wood chips; a collection point for parking-lot or street sweepings or wastes collected and received in sealed plastic bags from such activities as periodic citywide cleanup campaigns and cleanup of rights-of-way or roadside parks; or for the disposal of soil, dirt, rock, sand, or other natural or man-made inert solid materials used to fill land if the object of the fill is to make the land suitable for the construction of surface improvements. A permit or registration is not required for a baling operation at a recycling or materials recovery facility that handles only nonputrescible recyclable waste. Facilities that process recyclable wastes that contain more than incidental amounts of putrescible waste must apply for a permit or registration as applicable under subsections (a), (d) or (q) of this section. (g)-(o) (No change.) (p) A permit or registration is not required for the drying of grit trap waste at a carwash facility as long as these wastes are disposed of in compliance with applicable federal, state, and local regulations. Drying facilities must comply with Chapter 116 of this title (relating to Control of Air Pollution by Permits for New Construction or Modification) if applicable. (q) In addition to permit exemptions established in subsection (d) of this section, a permit is not required for any new municipal solid waste Type V transfer station that includes a material recovery operation that meets all of the requirements established by this subsection. Owners and operators of Type V transfer facilities meeting the requirements of this subsection may register their operations in lieu of permitting them. Owners and operators of transfer stations that meet the permit exemption requirements must register their operation in accordance with sec.330.65 of this title (relating to Registration for Solid Waste Management Facilities), meet the additional design criteria of sec.330.65(f) and operate the facility in accordance with Subchapter G of this chapter (relating to Operational Standards for Solid Waste Processing and Experimental Sites). (1) Materials recovery. The transfer facility must recover 10% or more by weight or weight equivalent of the total incoming nonsegregated waste stream for reuse or recycling. The applicant must demonstrate in the registration application the method that will be used to assure the 10% requirement is achieved. (2) Distance to a landfill. The transfer facility must demonstrate in the registration application that it will transfer the remaining nonrecyclable waste to a landfill not more than 50 miles from the facility. (3) Exempt facilities. Transfer facilities exempted from a permit under this subsection shall register with the executive director in accordance with sec.330.65 and meet the additional design criteria of sec.330.65(f). (4) Failure to operate such registered facilities in accordance with the requirements established in Subchapter G of this chapter (relating to Operational Standards for Solid Waste Processing and Experimental Sites) may be grounds for revocation of the registration. (5) If registered transfer facilities are operated in a manner which causes or results in a nuisance, as defined in sec.330.2 of this title (relating to Definitions), and the executive director gives written notice that a nuisance exists, the registered facility shall cease operations and the facility's registration shall be suspended until such time as the facility owner or operator receives written notice of the executive director's determination that the nuisance no longer exists. (6) As a condition of receipt of a registration by a transfer facility under this subsection, the owner and operator of that facility agrees that if the facility operates in a manner which causes or results in a nuisance as defined in sec.330.2, and the executive director sends written notice pursuant to paragraph (5) of this subsection, the facility will immediately cease operations until the executive director notifies the facility of its determination that a nuisance no longer exists at the facility and that the facility may be reopened for operation. (7) If a registered transfer facility is notified that nuisance conditions exist due to the operations of the facility, and that its registration is therefore suspended, the owner or operator of the registered facility may request that the question of whether or not a nuisance exists be decided by the Commission. This request must be in writing and filed within 20 calendar days of receipt of the executive director's written notice of suspension of the registration. This agency hereby certifies that the proposal has been reviewed by legal counsel and found to be within the agency's authority to adopt. Issued in Austin, Texas, on September 30, 1994. TRD-9449081 Mary Ruth Holder Legal Services Division Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission Earliest possible date of adoption: November 14, 1994 For further information, please call: (512) 239-6087 Subchapter E. Permit Procedures 30 TAC sec.330.65 The amendment is proposed under the authority of the Texas Water Code, sec.5.103, which provides the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission with the authority to adopt any rules necessary to carry out the powers and duties under the provisions of the Texas Water Code. Additionally, they are promulgated pursuant to the Texas Solid Waste Disposal Act (the Act), Health and Safety Code, sec.361.024 and sec.361.061, which provide the Texas Natural Resource conservation commission with the authority to regulate the operation, management and control of solid waste under its jurisdiction. The proposed amendment affects the Texas Solid Waste Disposal Act, Health and Safety Code, sec.361.024 and sec.361.061. sec.330.65. Registration for Solid Waste Management Facilities. (a) Applicability. This section shall apply to a municipal solid waste management facility which is exempt from permit requirements under sec.330.4(d), (g) and (q)
                            [and (g)] of this title (relating to Permit Required). (b)-(e) (No change.) (f) Additional design criteria. This subsection applies only to transfer stations that recover 10% or more material from the incoming nonsegregated waste which are exempted from a permit under s330.4(q). (1) Process area. The process area for transfer stations that recover material from solid waste that contains putrescibles shall be maintained totally within an enclosed building. (2) Additional ventilation control and odor control. The facility shall be designed to prevent nuisance odors from leaving the property boundary of the facility. If during the operation of the facility, nuisance odors are found to be passing the facility boundary, the facility owner or operator may be required to suspend operations until the nuisance is abated pursuant to sec.330.4(q)(5)- (7), and the registrant shall take all necessary measures to eliminate nuisance odors. The applicant shall consider: (A) air scrubber units for odor control; (B) additional on-site buffer zones for odor control; or (C) additional waste handling procedures, storage procedures, and clean-up procedures for odor control when accepting putrescible waste for material recovery. All odor control and air pollution abatement devices constructed pursuant to this registration must obtain authorization, pursuant to Chapter 116 of this title (relating to Control of Air Pollution by Permits for New Construction or Modifications), from the Office of Air Quality prior to start of construction. Openings to process buildings shall be controlled to prevent releases of nuisance odors to the atmosphere. All odor control equipment shall be properly maintained and operated during the process operation. (3) Operational design standards. In designing the transfer facility the applicant shall ensure that all requirements of operation required by Subchapter G of this chapter (relating to Operational Standards for Solid Waste Processing and Experimental Sites) will be met. (4) Safety plan. The applicant shall provide a written safety plan for site workers that operate material recovery equipment or that will hand sort recoverable material from the nonsegregated incoming waste. This agency hereby certifies that the proposal has been reviewed by legal counsel and found to be within the agency's authority to adopt. Issued in Austin, Texas, on September 30, 1994. TRD-9449080 Mary Ruth Holder Director, Legal Services Division Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission Earliest possible date of adoption: November 14, 1994 For further information, please call: (512) 239-6087 TITLE 34. PUBLIC FINANCE Part I. Comptroller of Public Accounts Chapter 3. Tax Administration Subchapter O. State Sales and Use Tax 34 TAC sec.3.284 The Comptroller of Public Accounts proposes an amendment to sec.3.284, concerning drugs, medicines, medical equipment, and devices. The amendment exempts hot tubs, spas, and other similar appliances, as therapeutic appliances, regardless of size, when the purchaser furnishes the seller a signed statement from a doctor or other licensed practitioner of the healing arts, on the practitioner's letterhead, specifying why the hot tub, spa, or similar appliance is prescribed for the purchaser. The new documentation requirement will be applied retroactively to April 15, 1993, for hot tubs, spas, and other similar appliances seating more than four persons. The stricter documentation requirement will apply to all hot tubs, spas, and similar appliances regardless of size, from the effective date of this rule. Mike Reissig, chief revenue estimator, has determined that for the first five- year period the rule will be in effect there will be no significant revenue impact on the state or local government. Mr. Reissig also has determined that for each year of the first five years the rule is in effect the public benefit anticipated as a result of enforcing the rule will be in providing new information regarding tax responsibilities. This rule is adopted under the Tax Code, Title 2, and does not require a statement of fiscal implications for small businesses. There is no significant anticipated economic cost to persons who are required to comply with the proposed rule. Comments on the proposal may be submitted to Joe A. Galvan, Manager, Tax Administration Division, P.O. Box 13528, Austin, Texas 78711. The amendment is proposed under the Tax Code, sec.111.002, which provides the comptroller with the authority to prescribe, adopt, and enforce rules relating to the administration and enforcement of the provisions of the Tax Code, Title 2. The amendment implements the Tax Code, sec.151.313. sec.3.284. Drugs, Medicines, Medical Equipment, and Devices. (a) -(b) (No change.) (c) Medical equipment. (1)-(6) (No change.) (7) Sales tax is not due on the sale, lease, or rental of therapeutic appliances, devices, and related supplies specifically designed for those products when sold, leased, or rented to individuals under a prescription of a licensed practitioner of the healing arts. A hot tub, spa, or similar appliance qualifies as a therapeutic appliance when prescribed for the purchaser by a licensed practitioner of the healing arts. In addition to supplying the seller with an exemption certificate, the purchaser must provide the seller a signed statement from the doctor or other licensed practitioner of the healing arts, on the practitioner's letterhead, specifying why the hot tub, spa, or similar appliance is prescribed.
                              Unless a hospital, nursing home, or other institution qualifies for exemption under the Tax Code, sec.151. 310(a)(1) or (2), the institution must pay sales tax on equipment and supply items used to provide medical services unless the item qualifies for exemption under paragraphs (1)-(3) of this subsection. This agency hereby certifies that the proposal has been reviewed by legal counsel and found to be within the agency's authority to adopt. Issued in Austin, Texas, on October 10, 1994. TRD-9449246 Martin E. Cherry Chief, General Law Section Comptroller of Public Accounts Earliest possible date of adoption: November 14, 1994 For further information, please call: (512) 463-4028 TITLE 37. PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS Part I. Texas Department of Public Safety Chapter 17. Administrative License Revocation Administrative License Revocation 37 TAC sec.sec.17.1-17.16 The Texas Department of Public Safety proposes new sec. s17.1-17.16, concerning procedures, implementation, and enforcement of Administrative License Revocation (ALR). These new sections set forth procedures relating to issuance of notice of suspension, administrative suspension in an uncontested case, request for hearing and witnesses in a contested case, enforcement of suspension, and reinstatement of license. Rules governing the conduct of hearings and related matters shall be adopted by the State Office of Administrative Hearings, which has jurisdiction over contested cases. Tom Haas, Chief of Finance, has determined that for the first five-year period the sections are in effect, there may be fiscal implications for state government as a result of enforcing or administering the sections. The department has no historical data on which to determine the fiscal impact of this chapter to units of local government. Mr. Haas also has determined that for each year of the first five years the sections are in effect the public benefit anticipated as a result of enforcing the sections will be enhanced public safety on public highways. There will be no effect on small or large businesses. The anticipated economic cost to persons who are required to comply with the sections as proposed will be a reinstatement fee of $100. Comments on the proposal may be submitted to John C. West, Jr., Chief of Legal Services, Texas Department of Public Safety, Box 4087, Austin, Texas 78773-0001, (512) 465-2890. The new sections are proposed pursuant to Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6687b- 1, sec.9, and Texas Civil Statutes, Article 67011-5, sec.4a, which provide for administrative license suspensions upon certain alcohol-related violations involving use of a motor vehicle. Such violations are the refusal or failure of breath or blood tests. Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6687b, Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6687b-1, Texas Civil Statutes, Article 67011-5, and Texas Penal Code, Chapter 49 are affected by this proposal. sec.17.1. Scope. The procedures for notice, hearing, and appeal contained in this title apply to suspensions and denials arising under the provisions of Administrative License Revocation (ALR), including Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6687b-1 and Texas Civil Statutes, Article 67011-5. sec.17.2. Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. Acquittal-A legal judgment or certification of "not guilty" of a person charged with a crime, including a judgment following directed verdict. Address of record -A person's most recent residence address as shown by the records of the department in accordance with Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6687b, sec.sec.6, 14, and 20; or an alternate address provided to the department in accordance with Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6687b, sec.44B. Administrative License Revocation (ALR)-Refers to the suspension of a driver's license under either Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6687b-1 for breath or blood test failures, or under Texas Civil Statutes, Article 67011-5 for breath or blood test refusals. Alcohol concentration -Has the meaning contained in Texas Penal Code, sec.49.01. Alcohol-related or drug-related enforcement contact-Has the meaning contained in Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6687b-1. ALR contact-A refusal to submit a breath or blood specimen as provided by Texas Civil Statutes, Article 67011-5, or a breath or blood test failure, following an arrest for an offense under Texas Penal Code, sec. s49.04, 49.07, or 49.08. ALR report-A sworn report of an ALR contact filed by a peace officer and submitted to the department in accordance with Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6687b-1, sec.3, or a written report of an ALR contact submitted to the department in accordance with Texas Civil Statutes, Article 67011-5, sec.2(d) and (e). ALR suspension or ALR license suspension -A suspension under Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6687b-1 for a breath or blood test failure, or a suspension under Texas Civil Statutes, Article 67011-5 for a breath or blood test refusal. Arresting officer -Refers to a certified Texas peace officer who arrests a driver for an offense under Texas Penal Code, sec.sec.49.04, 49.07, or 49.08. Breath alcohol test-Has the meaning assigned in 37 Texas Administrative Code, sec.19.7. Breath test operator-Refers to the individual who takes a specimen of the driver's breath to determine alcohol concentration. Criminal complaint -Refers to any charging instrument, including, but not limited to, a complaint, an information, an indictment, or a similar sworn document clearly indicating an intent to proceed with criminal prosecution. Current address -Refers to the address given to an arresting officer by an arrested driver at the time of arrest, as distinguished from the "address of record." Defendant-Refers to a driver who has received notice of ALR license suspension and who has timely requested a hearing. Denial-Refers to the loss of the privilege to obtain a driver's license or permit. Department-Has the meaning assigned in Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6687b-1. Director-Has the meaning assigned in Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6687b-1. Disqualification-Has the meaning assigned in Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6687b-2. Driver-Has the meaning assigned in Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6687b. Driver's license -Has the meaning assigned in Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6687b. Failure, or breath or blood test failure-Refers to the analysis of a test specimen which indicates an alcohol concentration specified in Texas Penal Code, sec.49.01(2)(B). Instrument or breath test instrument-Has the meaning assigned in 37 Texas Administrative Code, sec.19.7(i). License or license to operate a motor vehicle -Has the meaning assigned in Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6687b. Maintenance records -Refers to records pertaining to the inspection, maintenance, and upkeep of the breath test instrument, on which the driver's alcohol concentration was measured. Nonresident-Has the meaning assigned in Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6687b. Party-Refers to a defendant or the department. Peace Officer-Has the meaning assigned in Texas Penal Code, sec.1.07(a). Public place-Has the meaning assigned in Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6687b- 1. Refusal-Refers to a refusal to submit a specimen under the provisions of Texas Civil Statutes, Article 67011-5, sec.2. Revocation of driver's license-Has the meaning assigned in Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6687b. Suspension of driver's license-Has the meaning assigned in Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6687b. Technical supervisor or certified breath test technical supervisor-Refers to the person who is responsible for maintaining and directing the operation of the breath test instrument used to analyze the specimen of the driver's breath, and who has been certified by the department under the provisions of sec.19.5 of this title (relating to Technical Supervisor certification). Test record or breath alcohol test record-Means the record of a breath alcohol test generated by a breath test instrument. sec.17.3. Notice of Suspension. (a) Notice of an ALR suspension may be served either by an arresting officer or by the department. (b) Notice given by the arresting officer. If a driver arrested for an offense under Texas Penal Code, sec.sec.49.04, 49.07, or 49.08, submits to the taking of a specimen of breath or blood and an analysis of the specimen shows the driver had an alcohol concentration of a level specified in Texas Penal Code, sec.49.01(2)(B), the arresting officer shall attempt to serve notice of driver's license suspension personally on the arrested driver. If a driver arrested for an offense under Texas Penal Code, sec.sec.49.04, 49.07, or 49.08, refuses to give a specimen as designated by the arresting officer, the arresting officer shall attempt to serve notice of driver's license suspension personally on the arrested driver. (c) Notice given by the department. In the event that the arresting officer did not serve notice of suspension on the driver following an ALR contact, the department shall mail, by certified mail, notice of suspension to the driver's address of record, and to the driver's current address given in the ALR report, if different. If the department cannot verify that proper notice of suspension was served on the driver by the arresting officer following an ALR contact, the department may serve notice of suspension. Notice is presumed received on the fifth day after the day it is mailed. (d) Notice given by the department to control. In any case where notice of suspension is served by the arresting officer and notice of suspension is also sent by the department, notice sent by the department shall be controlling. sec.17.4. ALR Reports.
                                All reports of ALR contacts shall be submitted on a form approved by the department. (1) General Information. ALR reports shall contain the following information: (A) the identity of the arrested driver by full legal name, date of birth, and driver's license number, if any; (B) a statement of the officer's reasonable suspicion for stopping the driver and the probable cause to arrest the driver. This statement may include any other grounds known to the officer for believing the driver committed the offense; (C) a copy of the statutory warning delivered to the driver prior to requesting a specimen of breath or blood; (D) the driver's current address; and (E) any other information required by the department on its approved form. (2) Information specific to ALR failures. In addition to the information stated in paragraph (1) of this section, ALR failure reports shall include the following information: (A) a copy of the analysis of the specimen, such as a photocopy of the breath test result or the blood specimen test result; and (B) a copy of the criminal complaint, sworn to under oath, that has been: (i) filed with a magistrate; or (ii) delivered to a local prosecuting attorney with jurisdiction over the offense. (3) Information specific to ALR refusals. In addition to the information stated in paragraph (1) of this section, ALR refusal reports must show that the driver refused to give a specimen, as evidenced by: (A) a written refusal to give a specimen, signed by the driver; or (B) a statement signed by the officer stating that the driver refused to give a specimen and also refused to sign the statement requested by the officer under Texas Civil Statutes, Article 67011-5, sec.2(c) and sec.2(e). sec.17.5. Intake. (a) The department may reject any ALR report and decline to prosecute any ALR suspension. (b) For purposes of an ALR suspension based on a breath test failure, a valid breath alcohol test record is required. To be considered valid, the breath test record must meet the following criteria: (1) There must be no "invalid" message. (2) Results must be clearly printed. (3) All air blanks must be 0.000. (4) The test record must bear the signature of the breath test operator. No additional report, memo, record, or maintenance record is required to validate the breath alcohol test. sec.17.6. Rescission. (a) The department may rescind any ALR suspension. (b) If for any reason the department declines to prosecute an ALR suspension, or rescinds suspension once imposed, then the department shall send notice of rescission to the defendant at his address of record, and to his current address, if different. (c) A decision by the department to rescind notice of suspension has no binding precedential value and the department may later prosecute a suspension arising out of the same incident. sec.17.7. Administrative Suspension of Driver's License. After notice of suspension has been properly served, the department shall impose a suspension as provided by law, unless the driver makes a timely hearing request as provided in sec.17.8 of this title (relating to Hearing Requests). sec.17.8. Hearing Requests.
                                  A person who receives notice of suspension may request a hearing as provided. (1) A hearing request must either be delivered in writing, including by facsimile transmission, or be transmitted by telephone, to the department at its headquarters in Austin, at the address or phone number contained in the notice of suspension. (2) A hearing request may be submitted on a form provided by the department. A hearing request must contain sufficient information to enable the department to identify the driver and to schedule the hearing. The hearing request must include the driver's full legal name, date of birth, driver's license number, the date of arrest, the county of arrest, and such additional non-privileged information as may be requested by the department to schedule the hearing. (3) A hearing request must be timely. In order to be considered timely, a hearing request must be received by the department at its headquarters in Austin not later than 5:00 p.m. on the 15th day after: (A) the date notice of suspension was served by the arresting officer; or (B) the date notice is presumed to have been received, according to the records of the department. (4) The department shall reject any untimely hearing request. When a written hearing request is received and rejected, the department shall mail written notice to the defendant that the hearing request was received and rejected, and state the reason for rejection. When a telephone hearing request is received and rejected, the department shall mail a written notice of the reason for rejection only upon request. (5) Upon receipt of a timely hearing request, the department shall schedule a hearing and mail written confirmation to the defendant. (6) A timely hearing request stays the suspension pending a final affirmative decision by the administrative law judge. (7) The department will presume that notice of hearing date, time, and location was received on the fifth day after the day it was mailed. sec.17.9. Pre-hearing Procedure. (a) Witness subpoenas. Any witness may be subpoenaed in accordance with 1 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 159. (b) Witness requests. Certain witnesses may be requested without necessity of a subpoena. A witness request may be included in an original written hearing request. A witness request must be in writing, including facsimile transmission. A witness request must be received by the department at its headquarters in Austin not later than 5:00 p.m. five days before the date of hearing. The department shall reject any untimely witness request. A defendant shall include the name, agency, and address of each requested witness, if known. If some or all of this information is unavailable to the defendant, then a brief description of the witness' involvement or connection to the arrest or contact will be necessary in order to identify the witness requested. Only the following witnesses, as applicable, may be requested under this subsection: (1) the breath test operator; or (2) the technical supervisor. (c) Discovery. Before a hearing, a defendant may request copies of certain documents. The department shall mail requested documents by regular U. S. mail. The department may charge a reasonable fee for copies of requested documents. The following documents may be requested under this subsection, as applicable: (1) the department's original notice of hearing; (2) the statutory warning delivered to the driver prior to requesting a specimen of breath or blood; (3) a signed statement of the driver acknowledging a refusal, or a statement of an officer attesting to the driver's refusal; (4) a probable cause affidavit; (5) a copy of the analysis of a specimen submitted by the driver, such as the breath test result; (6) a copy of the defendant's driving record; and (7) copies of maintenance records of the breath test instrument used to measure the driver's alcohol concentration, provided that such records will be limited to the most recent inspection prior to and after the date that the driver was tested. (d) The department has the right to reschedule a hearing as provided in Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6687b-1, sec.7(n). sec.17.10. Hearings. ALR hearings shall be held in accordance with Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6687b-1, and in accordance with 1 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 159. sec.17.11. Out-of-State Orders and Judgments. The department shall give full faith and credit to convictions, suspensions, denials, and disqualifications arising in other states. sec.17.12. Appeals. (a) The decision of an administrative law judge is final when issued and signed and the decision is immediately appealable without the requirement of a motion for rehearing. (b) To perfect an appeal, a defendant must send by certified mail a copy of the defendant's petition, certified by the clerk of the court in which the petition is filed, to both the department and the State Office of Administrative Hearings at their headquarters in Austin. (c) Review shall be based on the substantial evidence rule. (d) Upon receipt of an appeal petition, the department shall determine whether the defendant is entitled to a 90 day stay of suspension pending appeal, in accordance with Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6687b-1, sec.7(h). For purposes of determining whether an appeal stays a suspension, the department will consider prior alcohol-related and drug-related enforcement contacts. For purposes of this subsection, alcohol-related and drug-related enforcement contacts occurring both prior to and after the effective date of ALR shall be considered. The date of a prior alcohol-related or drug-related enforcement contact, not the date of the conduct, shall be controlling. (e) If a stay is granted pending appeal, it shall be effective from the date the petition is filed, not from the date of hearing or decision of the administrative law judge. (f) A remand does not stay the suspension. sec.17.13. Final Order of Suspension. If an administrative hearing is not requested, then before the effective date of suspension, the department shall mail a final order of suspension to the driver's address of record and to the driver's current address, if different. The order shall state the length of suspension and the procedure for reinstatement. A final order of suspension is not considered notice of suspension for purposes of requesting an administrative hearing under this section. A final order of suspension is presumed received on the fifth day after the day it is mailed. sec.17.14. Effect of Acquittal; Notification to the Department. (a) Upon notification that a criminal charge under Texas Penal Code, sec.sec.49.04, 49.07, or 49.08, has resulted in an acquittal, the department shall not impose a suspension arising out of the same conduct or transaction. If a suspension has already been imposed, the department shall rescind the suspension and remove references to the suspension from the computerized driving record of the defendant. (b) To ensure that the department receives notice of acquittal, it is recommended that the defendant send a certified copy of the judgment of acquittal to the department at its headquarters in Austin. A defendant should send a written request which identifies the defendant by name and by driver's license number, states the date and county of arrest, and requests rescission of the suspension. The department reserves the right to verify the acquittal. Upon verification, the department shall rescind the suspension and remove references to the suspension from the defendant's computerized driving record. (c) For purposes of this section, the following types of dispositions of any filed criminal complaint shall not be regarded as an acquittal: (1) a pre-trial order of dismissal where jeopardy has not attached; (2) a reduction of charges; (3) a conviction on a lesser included charge; (4) a disposition under Texas Penal Code, sec.12.45; or (5) any discharge or dismissal brought about by a failure to bring a cause of action to speedy trial within the time required by the state or federal constitutions. sec.17.15. Enforcement of Suspensions. (a) Knowledge of a license suspension is presumed if an arresting officer served notice of suspension on the driver, or if the department mailed notice of suspension to the driver's address of record and to the driver's current address given by the defendant to the arresting officer, if different. (b) A Texas driver's license, permit, or privilege to operate a motor vehicle in Texas, may be suspended under provisions of ALR. The loss of the privilege to drive in Texas shall apply to unlicensed drivers and to non-residents. The department shall not issue a driver's license to any person who is subject to an order of suspension or denial. (c) Upon suspension of a driver's license, a Texas licensee must surrender any suspended license to the department. If a person cannot comply, he must submit an affidavit to the department stating the reason why he cannot produce and surrender the license. Failure or refusal to surrender a license may result in the department initiating criminal proceedings against that licensee, as provided by Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6687b, sec.32(4). A person may surrender a suspended license by any of the following methods: (1) A person may deliver a suspended license to an ALR senior hearing examiner employed by the department, to any Legal Services staff member, to any uniformed officer of the department, or to any department office during regular business hours. (2) A person may mail a suspended license to the Texas Department of Public Safety, Driver Improvement and Control, Post Office Box 4040, Austin, Texas 78773-0001. (3) Any department employee who receives a suspended license shall send the license to the department's main headquarters in Austin. (d) ALR suspensions shall be enforced as provided by Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6687b, sec.34. sec.17.16. Reinstatement. A driver's license suspended under Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6687b-1 or under Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6701l-5 may not be reinstated and another driver's license may not be issued until the suspended driver or defendant files an appropriate application and pays to the department a reinstatement fee of $100, in addition to any other fees required by law. This agency hereby certifies that the proposal has been reviewed by legal counsel and found to be within the agency's authority to adopt. Issued in Austin, Texas, on September 28, 1994. TRD-9449124 James R. Wilson Director Texas Department of Public Safety Earliest possible date of adoption: November 14, 1994 For further information, please call: (512) 465-2890 Part IX. Commission on Jail Standards Chapter 300. Fees and Payments Transfer of Felony Backlog 37 TAC sec.sec.300.51-300.63 (Editor's note: The text of the following sections proposed for repeal will not be published. The sections may be examined in the offices of the Commission on Jail Standards or in the Texas Register office, Room 245, James Earl Rudder Building, 1019 Brazos Street, Austin.) The Commission on Jail Standards proposes repeal of sec. s300.51-300.63, concerning Fees and Payments to allow for adoption of new rules. Jack E. Crump, executive director, has determined that there will not be fiscal implications as a result of enforcing or administering the repeals. Mr. Crump also has determined that for each year of the first five years the repeals as proposed are in effect the public benefits anticipated as a result of enforcing the repeals as proposed will be to allow adoption of current and comprehensible new rules. There will be no effect on small businesses. There will be no anticipated economic cost to persons who are required to comply with the repeals as proposed. Comments on the proposal may be submitted to Rhonda C. Long, P.O. Box 12985, Austin, Texas 78711, (512) 463-5505. The repeals are proposed under Government Code, Chapter 511, which provides the Texas Commission on Jail Standards with the authority to revise, amend, or change rules and procedures if necessary. The statutes that are affected by these repeals are Local Government Code, Chapter 351, sec.351.002 and sec.351.015. sec.300.51. General. sec.300.52. Applicable County Jail. sec.300.53. Appropriate Facility. sec.300.54. Administrative Order. sec.300.55. Request for Hearing. sec.300.56. Amendments to Administrative Orders. sec.300.57. Limits of Transfer. sec.300.58. Reports. sec.300.59. Payments. sec.300.60. Determination of Costs. sec.300.61. Felony Backlog Inmates. sec.300.62. Forms. sec.300.63. Order To Accept Inmates. This agency hereby certifies that the proposal has been reviewed by legal counsel and found to be within the agency's authority to adopt. Issued in Austin, Texas, on September 28, 1994. TRD-9448692 Jack E. Crump Executive Director Commission on Jail Standards Earliest possible date of adoption: November 14, 1994 For further information, please call: (512) 463-5505 The Commission on Jail Standards proposes new sec.sec.300.51-300.63, concerning Fees and Payments. Adoption of these rules will revise jail requirements to make them concise, current, and comprehensible. Jack E. Crump, executive director, has determined that there will not be fiscal implications as a result of enforcing or administering the rules. Mr. Crump also has determined that for each year of the first five years the rules as proposed are in effect the public benefits anticipated as a result of enforcing the rules as proposed will be to provide current and comprehensible new rules. There will be no effect on small businesses. There will be no anticipated economic cost to persons who are required to comply with the rules as proposed. Comments on the proposal may be submitted to Rhonda C. Long, P.O. Box 12985, Austin, Texas 78711, (512) 463-5505. The new rules are proposed under Government Code, Chapter 511, which provides the Texas Commission on Jail Standards with the authority to adopt reasonable rules and procedures establishing minimum standards for the custody, care, and treatment of prisoners. The statutes that are affected by these rules are Local Government Code, Chapter 351, sec.351.002 and sec.351.015. sec.300.51. General. The commission is required by Government Code, Chapter 499, sec.499.125 (concerning the Transfer of Felony Backlog) to transfer inmates awaiting transfer to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice-Institutional Division (TDCJ-ID) from an applicable county jail to appropriate facilities. sec.300.52. Applicable County Jail. A jail is an applicable county jail when the commission determines that a jail meets the following criteria: (1) a state or federal court determines that conditions in a county jail are unconstitutional; and (2) on or after October 1, 1991, the percentage of inmates in the jail awaiting transfer to the TDCJ-ID is 20% or more of the total number of inmates in the jail. sec.300.53. Appropriate Facility.
                                    The executive director will develop a list of facilities which are appropriate to house the transferred inmates following determination by the commission that a jail is an applicable county jail. An appropriate jail may include a jail, detention center, work camp, or correctional facility. sec.300.54. Administrative Order.
                                      The commission will issue to the sheriff and commissioners court (by and through the county judge) of an applicable county jail upon determination by the commission that the jail meets the criteria of sec.300.52 of this title (relating to Applicable County Jail) a written administrative order to transfer felony backlog inmates to appropriate facilities. sec.300.55. Request for Hearing. The sheriff or commissioners court of an applicable county jail to which the commission has issued an administrative order may, within 15 days after the date of the order, request a hearing upon any matter of fact or law with which he or the court disagrees. The request for hearing shall be in writing and shall comply with sec.297.8 of this title (relating to Request for Hearing). Upon receipt of a timely request for hearing, the commission may schedule a hearing to be conducted at a regular or special meeting of the commission. sec.300.56. Amendments to Administrative Orders. The commission may review and amend an administrative order as necessitated by changes in the status of court orders, jail population, jail conditions, availability of appropriate facilities or other conditions, by commission action at a regular or special meeting. sec.300.57. Limits of Transfer. The commission will determine the number of inmates who shall be transferred from an applicable county jail and the frequency of transfers required to comply with this section and Government Code, Chapter 499, sec.499.125 (concerning Transfer of Felony Backlog). sec.300.58. Reports. (a) The sheriff of an applicable county jail shall submit a report to the commission of transferred inmates on a form prescribed by the commission. The report shall be delivered to the commission not later than five days after the date of each transfer of inmates. (b) The sheriff of a county for which an appropriate facility receiving transferred inmates is operated shall submit a report and billing statement to the commission representing the costs of maintenance of transferred inmates on a form prescribed by the commission. The report and billing statement shall be submitted not later than five days after the 1st and 15th day of each month. (c) Sheriffs may submit reports on forms produced by automated data processing equipment which provide required information when approved by the executive director. Such approved reports shall be considered forms prescribed by the commission. (d) A county is not eligible for payment under this section if reports are not submitted by the sheriff or if information required by the form(s) is not complete. sec.300.59. Payments. The commission is liable to a county operating a facility receiving transferred inmates for payment of the costs of maintenance of transferred inmates. The commission is liable to counties for the payment of costs of transportation of transferred inmates. sec.300.60. Determination of Costs. (a) The costs of maintenance shall be the actual costs, as determined by the agreement between the Texas Board of Criminal Justice and the county operating the appropriate facility receiving transferred inmates. (b) The costs of transportation shall be the agreed cost between the transporting county and the commission. Such costs shall be determined and agreed upon by the commission and the transporting county prior to the movement of inmates. The cost of transportation may be adjusted as appropriate when evidenced by sufficient documentation and approved by the commission. sec.300.61. Felony Backlog Inmates. This chapter is applicable only to the transfer of inmates confined in a jail who are awaiting transfer to the TDCJ-ID following conviction of a felony or revocation of probation, parole, or release on mandatory supervision and to whom all paperwork and processing required under Code of Criminal Procedure, Article 42.09, sec.8(a), (concerning Commencement of Sentence and Delivery to Place of Confinement) for transfer have been completed. sec.300.62. Forms. The commission adopts by reference Inmate Transfer Roster (form ITR-1) and Transferred Inmate Maintenance Report (form Trans-1). Copies of the forms are available at the offices of the Texas Commission on Jail Standards at 300 West 15th Street, Suite 503, Austin, Texas, 78701). sec.300.63. Order to Accept Inmates. The commission may order the sheriff and commissioners court (by and through the county judge) of a county to accept inmates transferred under this chapter when the commission determines that the housing of transferred inmates in a facility operated by or for the county is necessary in order to effectuate the mandated authority of the commission to transfer inmates in accordance with Government Code, Chapter 499, sec.499.125 (concerning Transfer of Felony Backlog). This agency hereby certifies that the proposal has been reviewed by legal counsel and found to be within the agency's authority to adopt. Issued in Austin, Texas, on September 28, 1994. TRD-9448693 Jack E. Crump Executive Director Commission on Jail Standards Earliest possible date of adoption: November 14, 1994 For further information, please call: (512) 463-5505 TITLE 40. SOCIAL SERVICES AND ASSISTANCE Part I. Texas Department of Human Services Chapter 3. Income Assistance Services Subchapter BB. Changes 40 TAC sec.3.2801 The Texas Department of Human Services (DHS) proposes an amendment to sec.3.2801, concerning reporting requirements, in its Income Assistance Services rule chapter. The purpose of the amendment is to require Food Stamp recipients to report changes in earned income if the source, wage rate, or employment status changes, and to eliminate the requirement that Food Stamp recipients report changes in the total amount of allowable medical expenses. The income- reporting requirement results from a requested waiver which was recently granted to DHS by the United States Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service (FNS). Elimination of medical expense reporting results from written authorization from FNS to DHS to proceed with implementation pending proposal of changes in federal regulations. Burton F. Raiford, commissioner, has determined that for the first five-year period the section is in effect there will be no fiscal implications for state or local government as a result of enforcing or administering the section. Mr. Raiford also has determined that for each year of the first five years the section is in effect the public benefit anticipated as a result of enforcing the section will be that DHS will be in compliance with federally sanctioned Food Stamp Program reporting requirements. There will be no effect on small businesses. There is no anticipated economic cost to persons who are required to comply with the section as proposed. Questions about the content of the proposal may be directed to Rita King at (512) 450-4148 in DHS's Client Self-Support Services. Comments on the proposal may be submitted to Nancy Murphy, Agency Liaison, Policy and Document Support- 357, Texas Department of Human Services, W-402, P.O. Box 149030, Austin, Texas 78714-9030, within 30 days of publication in the Texas Register. The amendment is proposed under the Human Resources Code, Title 2, Chapters 22 and 33, which provides the department with the authority to administer public and nutritional assistance programs. The amendment implements the Human Resources Code, sec.22.001 and sec.33.002. sec. 3.2801. Reporting Requirements. (a) (No change.) (b) Changes that food stamp clients must report include those stipulated in 7 Code of Federal Regulations sec.273.12(a)(1) [and as directed by the United States Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service, to not require households to report changes in medical expenses during a certification period] , except for the following. (1) Reporting medical expenses. As directed by the United States Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service households are not required to report changes in medical expenses during a certification period. (2) Reporting income. DHS requires households to report changes in earned income if the source, wage rate, or employment status changes. (3) Medical expenses. DHS does not require households to report changes in the total amount of allowable medical expenses. This agency hereby certifies that the proposal has been reviewed by legal counsel and found to be within the agency's authority to adopt. Issued in Austin, Texas, on October 5, 1994. TRD-9449071 Nancy Murphy Section Manager, Media and Policy Services Texas Department of Human Services Proposed date of adoption: December 1, 1994 For further information, please call: (512) 450-3765