The Bellville Countryman (Bellville, Tex.), Vol. 2, No. 48, Ed. 1 Saturday, July 12, 1862 Page: 2 of 2
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A soldier beiug seated, and with-
We bhvenot seen tie book from rmt «"y particular occupation, will IW. Musgrove, one of the propri
Which thé following extacts are made, ri86l.on ,the aPProach of •? offi.cer' an¿ oí the new steam flouring mill
, . ... , . I make the customary salutation. If j town, wqs shot by some unknown
Attempted Assassination.—B.
. , . j.- , , .luiuo mo vuwnjiuiuj n Muvui ij i '«npi ncfs ouuk Mr ijonie unknown
but they purport to be from a work standing, he should turn towards the P«reon >n ambush last Wednesday
entitled; «'Hand Book of Mdacella-1 officer lor that purpose If the par-1 evening. It is supposed that the
neoua Information, for Soldiers and ties remain in the same place or on I instrument used was a rifle, .The
Officers, by JehnM. Richardson, B thf ^ ground, such compliments I to°k efiect in the right cheek,
« i-* U - c *u or ^ r • ' wwild not in general be repeated. parrying away a portion *>f the cheek
., late Major of the -21st ltegimen Government of Soldiers should be I boat, and passed laterally through
N. 0. T., and now Professor of Math-1 Strict but Paternal. j the nose, inflicting a very painful and
omatics in the Georgia Military In- There should be established in ev- somewhat dangerous wound, A sub-
stitute." lery regiment 6r corps, and through- J>f cted party has been arrested and
Among the first acquirements of a out th« army, a gradual and universal | !H no* ln. 4'ie custody of the OL -J<r
ddier is the 'habit of obedience— subordination and
but whether on sufficient gftnnds for
We are authorised to aahoanee N. W.
Bcsh, a* a candidate for Representative in
the Legislature of Tex *, to fill tie ta-
cancer occasioned by the resignation of £
soldier is the habit of obedience—Isubordination and authority, which,.
prompt, hearty, unquestioning and without loss of force,- should be even, | conviction we are unprepared to say.
unmurmuring obedlence-to the com- and paternal;
mauds of his officers, skill in the use d«d in justice and fi,
of his arms and a knowledge of the Itain subordinates
.... . JPHPIA tlut strictest
drilli He should early learn that observance of duty. It requires that
what is ordered is easiest; and what enlisted soldiers be treated with par-
is hir duty is his interest. Obey is Ocular kindness and humanity ; that
"his law, and indee4 Mb whole military punishments, sometimes unavoidable,
code. Obedience is sometimes dim-1strictly conformable to military |
.cult to learn, especially by volunteers I law; and that all in commission, con-
snd which foun-1 —MeKinncy Messenger.
irmness, shall main-
« ^ . -T-—wwc.asq., or au*
tin county, desire to um hit name, if peft
nutted, for the office of District Attorney
of the l*t. Judicial District, at the ensuing
August election.
Office of the Provost Mar-
shal, Austin County.
Bellvillr, July 10, 1862.
General Order No, 4.
Owners and keepers of ferpes with-
Moore, as
uthoriaed to announee Geo. P.
.* candidate for Associate Jus-
tice of the Supreme' Court of Texas, la
place of O. Roberts, resigned. Elec-
Augu*t4,18631 . fState Gasetto.)
We are authorized to announce the name
of F. Fissklrk, as a candidate for Asset,
sor and Collector fbr Austin county ¡ elec-
tion 4th day of August, next-
some other Provost Marshal's office
in the State. ' '
Provost Marshal a. 0.
All persons owning or having con-
tended only for the 'regulars,' and I obedience they are to expect a part
that they are to *be allowed some lat-1 of their own reputation ana glory.
itnde. "When a soldier shoulders his I *u all that concerns the good of the
rifle under the flag of his country, he I service, the Government reouii es that
must surrender to that country his jtho superior shall always bud in the
will, his whims, tastes, fancies and "jferior a stncf obedience; afid that
prejudices ; and the first, highest and I orders given shall be executed
most solemn duty he owes to that with alacrityand good faith ; but, in
countW, is the most implicit obefli- prescribing this kind of obedience, it I ^1 of Blaves, are notified and required
ence to thé'Vders of his superior offi- is understood that orders shallnot be n°t to allow such slaves to leave their
cere. Disobedience, even in matters manifestly against law or reason, and premises at all at night without writ-
of minor gravity, frequently forfeits I" very superior is strictly enjoined notion pawes specifying where they are
life. If an order is issued, that must to injure those under him by abusive | tov and whenLto retnrn,—except
be the end of inquiry. The Buccess or unbecoming lan«iagi
of a battle or a campaign may de cious or^tyrannical.jcon
*rr" * of the Napoleon's Maxim:
quality of a soldier is
We are authorised to «nnóuuoe Gao. D.
Bell, as a candidate for the office of Sheriff
of Austin county ¡ election on thé 4th day
of August, next. pd
pend upon the concealment
' the commands and Í
necessary to punish
* u> gut mm wuoui to roiiini|",*,tJXC0pi
>, or'by capri- when despatched as extraordinary
'act. messengers on hurried business; and
"The first I all residents of this jurisdiction are
constancy in | authorized and required to arrest any
We are authorized to aaao«M
Cochrane, as a candidate for 1
A ase «sor and Collector of J
election, 4th day of August i
We are authorised to announce the nans
of 8. Brewkk, as a candidate for re-alssv
tion to the office of Assessor and Collector
at the August election. pd T
We are authorised to announce Lewis
C. Bailey, as a candidate for County
Treasurer of Austin County, at the next
August election#
We are authorize* to announce tf.
Holland, as a candidate for County
Treasurer of Austin County. Election oa
the first Monday in August, '03.
We are authorised to annoanee J. W.
Markimo as a candidate for the office of]
County Treasurer of Austin County
Election, August 4,1809.
iring fatigue and hardship; cour- "lave found away from home at nipht
an omission to observe that! only second. Poverty, priva-1 violation of this order, and to bring
which may seem to be a veiy iinim- pion and want are the school of the such slave to this office, and also to
portant order to the soldier who does good soldier." report the owner, bolder, or man
not understand it." . But courage is necessary, for "war of any slave, or slaves, violating this
'•Napoleon once issued an order that is the scene of danger, and courage order; and all owners and managers
* " H* — , are,"required and enjoined
arly patrol their own premises
if the efficient execution of tinM
Ü that hour had elapsed, he re-jOjnrufl, addressing his noldlers on one I order. No slave can keep or carry a
uaired thither in person, and entered occasion, told them that their enemieB g™1 or other deadly weapon at home,
the tent iust as the officer haifiniBhedUltho'good horsemen and skillful in I up®1} the premises of his owner or
writing his wife's name on the back the nse of the bow fed javelin, could emplover, withont a written peimit
of the letter he had written to her. not endure hunger and thirst, beat from the owner, or employer, so to do;
He told the Emperor he had uncon- and cold, toil and privation: "Buthor shall any slave cany a gun, or
Piously vi dated the law for a mo- you," said he, "can make use of the any other deadly weapon, beyond the
ment and it was done in the énthusí- jWglit as «there of the day; you reck- premises of his owner, or employer,
.ism óf affection with which he had on that toils and pains must conduct unless accompanied by his owner,
been-overcome by thoughts of home, you to a life of pleasure; you can use employer, or manager, or by Bome
' Unseal that letter,' said the Emperer, hunger tó relish your food, as qthers white person authorized by the owner,
'and write as I dictate.' The officer dp the daintiest meats; you, even I employer or manager, to have charge
red. and wrote at follows t with more ease than lions, can beaf I of sgjd slave: And any gun, or other
-die' '"Éó-morrow morning the drinking of plain water ; and you I deadly^weapon, found in the posses-
h irt B o'clock for violating the laws of carry within your minds the noblest sien of any slave, contrary to the
the camn, by not extinguishing the and most warlike quality in the world: I above regulations, shall be seized and
. i for praise is what you are pleasec. -ÍI - ...
with above «11 things, and they that I person, and forfeited to such pereon
ecSsion may seem savagel are lovere of nraise do of course un-|so seizing and taking the same,
and barbarous to the r w artd uhtu- dergo all toil and all dangi
tored soldier, büt when it Is" Compre-1 pleasure." "
hended bow much depends Upon snb- in describing a good soldier. 8am
ordination and a rigid aherence to the boulas said; •'Whenever I have called
laws bf the camp, it will "be seen that|on him, night or day, he never pre-
Napoloon could onl * *
to the thousands (
care, ee well as to _.
l,y assuming the appearance- of cru-1 j have ordered him to do a thing, II ily a mysterious but all-wi«o Providence,
elty to thi« one delinquent. I never saw him execute it withont put- 'J"rMI^iv .l*.'?.«y
[ience is not Bervility; it is ting himself in heat; and he hasL, r-Bnrther)loo4;
duty. It is, therefore, not cowardly, I made the whole company such as | He died in. camp, at Virginia Point,
but honorable. The camp is no place I himself, not showing the
for the soft manners of the drawing- hut in action.
ire proverbially . —
We are authorised to announce J5. W.
Matthews, as a candidate for reflection
to the suffice of «Btnty Clerk of Austin
County. Election August 4,18fi3.
We are authorized to announce James
J. Jackson, as a candidate for Chief Jus-
Vo? Coonty. Election. August
4| 18(M>
plianoe with the procft
eelleney, F. R. Lubbock, Qorerno^ of
the State ef .Texas, and by virtue of authow
ritjr ia mo vested by law, order and direct
that the polls be opened at the several|
cincts in said county, on the first Mor
the fourth day of August, 1663, for the.
pose of fleeting the following named ofll- _
eers—to wit;
For a Comptroller of Pnblle Accounts ;
Treasurer of Jhe State; one Ansoeiate Jua-
tree of Ibe Supreme Court, to fill the va-
caney occasioned by the resignation of
Hon. O. M. Itoberts; and one District
Attorney for the 1st. Judicial District.
One Representative for the county of
Austin, to. fill the vacancy eecasioned by
the resignation of Z. Hunt, Esq. Jand the
following named county office , for Austin
county, to wit i—a Chief Justice i County
Clerk; DisMotClerk; HheriiV; Coroner:
Assessor ahd Collectofi Countv Treasurer;
CountySurveyor; four Comu>itisionors.a—
two Justices of the Peace, and one Con-
stable for each Beats—and alto a Mayor,
five Aldermen, and one Constnlilo for eaeh
incorporated town, in saidoounly.
And the following named pt .*ons will
act as superintendingnndreturning Officers
Of said election, to wilt
Precinct of San Felipe, K R. Penn,
' " Travis E. ( loveJnnd.
*' r Industry, 13. Knollo,
" " Hempstead, D.E. Unrtley,
'I " Bellville, Sam. Howard,
" Buckhorn. P. II Penrson,
" " Pine Grove, «.«Waller,
" " Cat Springs, E. Kleberg,
• •' " Sempronius, W. Punchara,
" " NewUlm, E. Wmgemann
" " Pecan Grove, Jesse Ward,
"Shelby's, W B. Witte.
. «' " HartsTille, J.W.Mitchell,
and eonduet said election according to law,
and make due return thereof to me at
Bellville, within top days thereafter.
Given under my hand and «eat of office
(l. s.] Chief Justiee. Aust'n County.
Attest: Z. W. Matthews, Clerk.
sre authori«e< to announce the name
of H. G. W. Cloud, as a candidate for the
office o^ Assessor and Collector for Austin
county—election in August, ¿text.
We are .authorized to announce B F.
Elliott, as a candidato for reflection to
the office of Clerk of the District Cpurt of
Austin County. Election, first Monday In
August next. [tde
We are authorised to announce J. P.
Osterhout, as h candidate for the office
of Chief Justice of Austin County. Eleo-
tion, August 4tht 1863. [tde.
Entrays—Austin County.
Taken up by Jordan Bonner, in Austin
county, and estrayed before Jesue Ward,
Es^., on the 4th day of July, 1862, the fol-
lowing animals, vis i
A bay mare, about ten-years old, branded
A on the left shoulder, and M on the hip;
the left hind foot White, white spot on the
right fiind hoof,—a star in the foreheadr-
some saddle-marks, and right eye out;—
taxing tne same.
Provost Marshal, Austin Co.
■ i ' i
Tribute of Heaped-
cial meeting of San Folipe Lodge,
" and Accepted
July 3d, 1862,
■ - bay home, three years old, black
mane and tail, not branded;—appraised at
fifty dollars. *
appraised st $36 00.
Also a Í
sue and
ty dolia
Also á light brown filly, four years old-
blaekmane and tail, small star in the fore-
hand; appraised at $40,00.
Taken up be J. H. Catlin. at Travis, in
Anstin county, and estrayed before Jesse
Ward, Esq., on.the 1st day of July, 1862,
a bay. flea-bittoa horse,—branded with a
Spanish brand on left hip,—some saddle*
marks, and a lump on his back;—12 hfnds
room, and soldiers are proverbially
blunt; therefore do not imagine, if an
office? speaks sharply to you. that he
want* to insult «V browbeat you.
Respect to superior officers is an-
other prime duty of a soldier.
e died in. camp,
¡em in word, I Harris county, J une 27th, 1862.
good and true, respettod and beloved in all
-We íctico that Col. Ford is now EfflOT
in our city in attendance on his Resolved, That we sincerely condole_with
official duties having been appointed I the youthful widow, relations, and friends
«.rolling officer for the State, under * JS^^twe tto
^ ^ the conBcnpt lawk We are glad ^ I of moiiming for thirty days, and that a
It is equally the duty óf soldiers, I see that he looks in good health, and copy of these Resolution be suit to the
t all rimes and in. all situations, has apparently gained considerable bereaved companion of our dear departed
xav the proper compliments in weight Since ho first nssunred hliljWgV^
UT P tfsTwnvn )
■ of other companies and reg-1 command on the lower Bio, Grande.
whenin uniform, as to tbeTrl He wiU hereafter be stationed at the
among seat of government. Every Texan
to discipline. Tfeel will heartily endorse what the Tele-
good jfejawofficei:
always respeotful tor-
His reapect wiB not
obedience, bui .MVBHHHHBRHIP
ded to other occasions. It is always! —The Northern papers publish a| «un, and without forlough or p
. - to accost or [letter fromthe U. 8. squadron;,"off &*hii^fromkhnsM placet
.Charleston,'! dated May 8fith. which
to iWÜnfa. «^lly after mentioning severá|í captures of HHHHH
notice. I vessels attempting to run the blockade, | *pr blue, florid complexion and about
high, ten or twelve years old; appraised at
thirty dollars. b-48 '
Taken up by Henry Strauss and estray-
ed before M. Hartman Esq. on the 23rd dat
of June 1802, a cream coloured spanist
mare, about 7 or 8 years old branded C
on the left jaw—a Spanish brand on the
left thigh and I T on the left shoulder,
—and her young colt, also a two year old
(wit of sniil miire Iron grey color, branded
1 T on the left shoulder—has a white face
and right 4iind foot white—all appraised
at $26.00, Z. W Mathews Cl'kC.fc. A. C.
b47—3t—* By B. F Elliott deputy
is indi
W. E. Mukof.r,
G. D. Parker,
L. dearaw,
Enos Cooper. s
To all <
y ma a,doable barrel sn
fUrlough or passport,
htm atid placed him v
guard and
from 22 to 25
yrars of age, brown half, light eyes, gr# r
or blue, florid complexion and about &
iboats were then|leet 8 or «inches high, said his name was
v w. aiannews and u.
Judge George W. Johnson,
Bouney, and Franeis M Ole
all in the army—1 am ftiUy
p'iwcr of att'y to attend to the
tiiese gentlemen in their a
receive and receipt for any
that mav be dheto either of
patriotism of any one
i bese soldiers snail
forward and pay up;
office in BelmJUe r
eager at all times to
Ju^e 28—b 46. tf (
' IVavij A Sempronius Beat—J. H.
Í. Brewer, and E. Cleveland.
Soldiers' Kamltle*.
Order iff County Court, of Austin '
County, at it Jviy Term, 186$.
Xt is ordered by the Court, that J. P.
Osterhout, J. F. (filler, and J. W. Man-
ning, for Bellville beut.
Fw Cat 6prm*s át lfiTffieim Beat-E.
Kleberg, l)r. H, Nagel, and M. Hartman.
For New Ulin Beat—Chas. A. Kessler,
A. Henderson, and F. Walters.
For Industry Precinct-0 C. Koch,
Hermann Ernst, and John Bader.
For Shelby's Pracinet—1). Shelby, C,
Ohlendorf, and F. ^sselsr.
Í For Hempstead Beat-N. Cloyd, T. B.
Wood, and M. A. chambers.
Catlin, S. Brewer,
For Buckhorn Beat—J. J. Jackson, B.
Hoffman, and Thos. Cochrane.
For Pine Grove—Judge B. Waller, T.
B. White and W. H. Tillotson.
For San Felipe and Hartville Beat—W.
A. Parker, L. Mattt ews aud G. W.Mitchell
For Peean Grove Beat—J. W. Bethany,,
N. Davis and Jesse Ward.
Are hereby appointed commissioners to
attend to the support of families of sol*
diera in the war—It shall be the dnty
commissioners to fender
court at its next regular session
all the families of soldiers now ia
out of their, Beats stating the name and
—;e of each member of said families, also
e pecuniary circumstances of the same,
and what amount of Money will be neces-
sary to fornish each of said families with
the necessaries of Mfe during one month.
The said commissioners will also state
how many aires eaeh family has. in com k
or cotton and what amount of assiatonee
will+e required to father and house these
crops growing, at the same time their
opinion on which said assistance mtf lest
be rendered.
The Clerk of this Court, is also required
to fornish a copy of this order {
bers of said Beat 0ommitteee I
¿st opportunity, and thatthis erder Be pub
lishedln the BellvilW Counlrymaa for on
A true
ies of sol*
he dnty of -
er to this
n a list Of -
in the war
rCdflhsriestoii vui Boon
teiisitkMth. .«—issyiB'.a.-ifiiaaB
Wo look tí, important *«l3}S5S?^S* ST
thkt quarter aoon<—News. | - Provost Marshal Austin eounty
—J I in oompany, "a." Hpeigui s nattanon or
; ®nJ Regiment, and • was on- Ms way. under
In-1 forlough, to visit his parents néar Alfeyton
reeglColorodo coonty but that he had lost his
I ton.
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Osterhout, John P. The Bellville Countryman (Bellville, Tex.), Vol. 2, No. 48, Ed. 1 Saturday, July 12, 1862, newspaper, July 12, 1862; Bellville, Texas. ( accessed December 9, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History.