The Semi-Weekly News. (San Antonio, Tex.), Vol. 2, No. 145, Ed. 1 Thursday, April 16, 1863 Page: 2 of 2
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saN Ámmio AP&IL
i'ÜñicttIPTtOS TO
WK&kly XEWS,
I* «waiting
war* «nw as
m GMagv*ar«A''«to
For owe jw 1,-
KU «8*t «<..v....
' -rP*
Mml fadtr.- 1U
expresa kp> 4 ^ch Irfi b i*
s -<:-risi*>t last «*vn f *nnd lh**e
I !? g f« «esqaí'te tw i Ifen
reaá and
'•". ~T ■'■'■" ':.v
'if ili«rata .fwSS* mad
;tb#b;b o,. ..o .- -_/„, •■:" '
JMsR^nr^ «wítiág th*
andf valuad a e*** S¡M **y filing *nt* th*
yfbn#e «t "WÍ th# Pwé}ltnw ehnreh —
«* t*í I naihe tilsk.
** AUmws ranch- . n** ni s*xty s*dna f«*n]nad avowed. t* witi
" * i üSltw ~H apl^arslha* th/ ai^sücm «1*4 J< ae de la Btrwn, cotta Aw f<*
y—v—•• :-v;v t U im **t«««a th* ¿la** ♦**} iw*
5T *S^ _^W| Jctrps Chrati det*e**d ^ *«** !* . Ifteoer. nofSa and ?r*v* for
r y for then* «n*n«he m aJet^s*. .teakgn i,*r*, sad he' ****. *trnnge «4 **•!*«
TV* SwM-W^tklr 3Í^« * S^M?*^jr*a|>*wn!, •Hh :¿$h Üw kewwn|A L« f.k «saVrW* and w<*rk
<v«fj M^tay ^ TfesrSáay. 1 here feriare be Wfe. &* sn*.. mM tn«Se~j é .FirenwaVIIal!
^ a ■ i palt 435- í"fe rg^ sí the SSSlJ Oft Mtl«der If* ■ R JR- Shpiai gt**n, for Al' O-itanCS
25 «esi f«r ¡3M fiar mry «r | ^mr# tbt hsterame ara lujara j© ti* s H bin
116* all that i* kan** of Un , W. G. AlWn. for easdW# rW Mfcl.
kXy«a. fl i pn *o «M tint arfeea Ike *:♦! RWm Jb De t«. fot 2 '.wttrw
S*n Asrowio. Tint, April 11, IÜ63
Owfe*|T Id th itrraent e«nrumslnt>C**V
irHkli m*l*. It «tm >«t w pd#*IHJí t« kerj a |
Hot#l. I Uk^ tlii« i««íe ©f n«tifjiwjt the; • notnbrr-f llor«^a■!- f^r An,|
"'w ™ «"• tr tr*{4ma pablio la rtroeral luul ll f pr««« t } ,, r.v the>' w níiV ho t,f; ^|nl<
Tk# *t**s U WVW C*miáe**á J of tU* koü^ in particular. IbU hlPh n.nd MOt.,®T" m T 3rear,t 4,1!'f * 4,
TilÉ ÜNÍíKRStaXKp WIU. ri R.
I h>l¡ c2*'*í tbr >tK^as« Hjtkl oí llw !4'r l1110'1- w''' PVu"
í M«ri
*25 00
m ¿o
ro <v<
n 6Ú
6 frl
! ür&i ¿*y of u«xt M y
l Gr t#fe} f -r ti pttrona^ft I hare r'*
• al alí l e¿*i>8 ¡«►at!* h-w |h*i
| sur !$«>«>♦ wht n rtK^w^ 1 tr«
| *i,l be f'X n.) k* P*ü",w*«^ *¿am 01
i aíi rey fr «f «Hbosn far <!«<► pr^^nt I p. •
; í&k^- us y w tb much regi«?t *$ the |tr o j
í i'firtur ol ibe ^eiup«r lltíteu
W. A. MEXtíER.
Wm. rlRESCOTT, )
C.m. A. Q M! (
t'- A. C. S. )
IVpt. Qr. Mr UTi^, Sin Arto >, > |>XM
April. ,*>4. [N >- U: 4-i
vr noaaton Trlrgraph atvi Austin Al
mayoac copy lariea and rer.d UiH u> liotrt. ,
^ fff are &ttiM>nu4 % aa&KsMiaor! tba Ataña*, «rkwh *a a «oap* íMi«" Aa OrdicwK* ffw ¡ trarítinc pn
6t¿ f. J. CHAMBERS aa a ar^lMifajs^bwbM^thMitg ftaadadké ti aafe t;rilege lo tbe> S. A. Meat ktwoemtitm, lo .
^a «it «f Iromanr oí Tusa, t jyt^ lar Mal* yapase aroald la I áw«i¡wit btófkf iíalk T, ? .rsi 0, at $10 per, TO R §Z¿%*'M\
b borsra aM 5«*re S* Jlexkso. Lík# | moatb, eaeb. ) . %•>* * , ,
«a boom Heskaa bo-aaiyap^i iba aaa^l! . I!a?eb 20lb/lS6T^ í >v, J<" ,, M ^ 1 rt r" * *
a«sd axfweaa habata a Ira* and áfdad¿k¿. • Ga!t*4 ««tiae-i qa rum present. of land and a í wel i? ? II '«se.
Tbi tbief baa broa ^mtvíb^ 5be¿ mail for a I Tb*folk wing líé*w!«iioa was onatñmoaa 1 &rre* are planted with o«r .
aoaiber of jeara, aa^ ii Hnror^ly oáí«c;«4. ly aSq^tM. id-wit: I or parlieo.ars emjair© at the i?ri t >.
«bal be baa étolra a o#a rf a osé horse. At! * -Remived. That theCftx Caew-1 pr.veo-4 | 5 ou«
oew tm tt wa# reported ibai bo ba4 beea ? ajRd meet General Hagradtx <>n bia apjmaeh | fv>- It 10 UlA III i KKi.
ipeVi bai it it fivt known thai ao aoeb I to the CNty, in oHer to e^eart bi?« thereto;!
jastsor aaet bs® 0 t>se roa i. The mtiiiary : that a meeting of the Cdv: ns t-e called at ;
tatbntww aeflt «toi a aseante^ cetacbar-at í 4. If., to-a orn w at the Oourthouae. t>> j
to take e&arge of tbe nasi and carry si to ¿aid n the eeremonies of tHe receptsor . aa i
. Corpa* Chtifti Trie express bag was ; tbtt the Mayor be reqaeatetl to call on a !
CNir Senator. S A, M.tcbeH. T-*q •. £vroa$bt back to iv* n &ad was fooni tí> «'!aWe pereon te delierr \ complementary
has mame*! frase Te--e*«**. wWre h+ baa hart besa Wt ant'*aefee«á. Oa aor^at of addrvaa 00 the arrirai of the General in the ¡
W« have coal a%bia ar-d o ra*n yet. .
/{•mi ati JN«f ¿sí Avéiimi.—Oa Sit-
arday tise 2Stb «f Api!. ifea*r*. Carpía
A Oa. will sell ia tfce t>t opjvr site Mr. Sap-
pagtan't Lirtrr Si*:!*. ^3 F t Mexwa®
boraea, and 12 MaH Tfte sak ws>[ com-
al 10 o'cSocki A. H.
r DUi
M #fatento. Texas,
WR?*S§aiW *?«?
WW J. I.I .^hu.V 4 v
. /
fTf" Str-ct attent->n p^i 1 to t'. < 0f
Cto-iU on Comw*«M'vi, and hWr.l Ct 4h n j.
vuitf^a loade « n conatgnment«.
\ANCE & iUlO., Chks. Munzenberger.
•> Car:, vr
as vv '•
V. n .s:
iie^-t ▼
C orr r>vr**.
nt^*r ! abort ran*way s^*k;h. w# recesred no ;Ctty.H
5^ M.;t «-« Mj&é*7.— Fi*et Brvwn &**<£*' 'rik*
rvr-rearc'a -r arar &■•
d :i*si :-r*f v
r.f : - ?*ar bit a fa. s:c
,.£ ña# v<íS-
♦ *f V?Tf li'K4"- '
a*if oc
The Board adj^orr-e *.
Atiaat: C. E. JEFFERSON.
s. f
i I
7 ▼ c:
A Yankit fra\tr.—Toe fo%wmg pa- i — '
r Jy U> Ih. Lor: k j« !«r« |>« f*' 13IENDMEST0F THK fOSSTITüTIOS
D*® <*ai) was foe 2-4 w rutee on the ]#*f
oí tr*« w tke perKm oi«4**J Y akw oa rr(dM tt<>B tb< G«.traor t Tfiu.
For aeooont of the Governme nt,
A Li A 310 PLAZA.
We ara p'e*«* 1 ta s^ Dr. Cr-^; íbé'-battíafie:á of Sbarpabarf^baa baea/ar
. , ,. ' ' ■ SfSahed as L t
ft* oar eity a {an. Ti s ac^^*r..pu#beá gtr*tae- ■
li,aüoa.—We mf*r frc-c WHEREAS. H e Cwitutton provides j
. . . i* \ ankea so¿diar was more 5^5 the Legiilatore, at any regular biennial j
r**aa . . á etat&enl p^y* e?*a a„1 s^rtaoa,wratMai iaas pioaa and withal sl^atiy aeas:.>n, bv a rote of tw > thirds of each j
is rap-^.y atu.?a i>-a: fs«it*oQ 13 tba
iy wbieb fb^id kar? b-ea awardai h's
Í¿ Iba begmft.c^ .Í its war.
■ a « -
or Wffead the pi ra ere oí mating with
t te
Dr. Sfce«tser the Sspernaerrden?
at*e Ai/iaa at As :.?,. Is.-:-# wbo kaow |
b?® aay. be ts «n,in*st.y caa^'fiod Í2T Ü ;
pos:t oa wñjeH he b-'i*. We r*2^et :.•: '
fears that of th< f.-.:r riraticf fr-as'thit •
oossiy ene •••^*.5. y - - .* %V; .a í* . :«-!t te
r ^ ": ts«* tt:e bra s Wa. P "s i«
• leta .'-r*. zej.:
Oar Faúwr who art a Waebmgtoa^ L-i?c^'a be thy ra«
Tby will úam at the Xt rtli
As it if at tia Soath:
Grt* a§ h:a day oar dale
Rati:«# of er ckera as-¿ t *coa.
Hoa«e. may propose atnen¿mente to the
C^natstabon, which proposed amendment#
ahall he daiy pa Wished in the pab>ic prints
of the Stats, at least thr-e months before
th« BíM rene ral election thereafter for Ra-
•SíJ'i AnUzic, Texas. Feb. 5 'ñ I.
:h¡ 1-í G m.
Oltlce ®f the
Confederate States
Asd fsrgnre as ear f h^rtec se inca
As w* f. re re oar <jcartera
And co%3iissar*'a; íjr thsae s# the
Power, lbs sparer and mA r ers,
Fvif the tárrsn < ! rfcr^e vnr>—Ases.
presentatires to the Legiálatare, for the ; TTT" A A T i TI Vf H T¡T
f ?!s ieratK<a of the peopir. and t ibaU be | y y III II. /\ | T~ I \ f f Y
t'-ii dntí rvf t!M< <u v^r-fti ratarn¡n£r oifir«*ni ■ ■ * ^ V_S 1JJ 1 V_> JL
ir e daiy of the several r-naming officers
at sail general elect-on. t • >p*a a poll íor
a- d tnake a retam to t-v .secretary of
State of the nsajfer ■:•/ * -tes <** t at .«a;d
ekoik n for and jEa;;:' t ¡ i a asen-j meat— ¡ i tm-Kr*
- ( ^ an i if it *í aH *pp-i" fr' n m í retara that _ Confederate Sutes
Cbar maj- nty of the r.-t-s ca«: apea «asd pro-1
Sat<y hi t .a - . . w.a ->r* r- ü - rr ^ '*- ^ f , ckl 1
Tha nnier- irneJ. sc*e
or t
'¿, 0.1.
•f ?* of the
L-urci.asa >A
;t tí *•
« ::«=;ag
r« " nST;:-: <i r« (tarec t"e is
* t lí \*. + * '■ tr~ ->1 be pr^**~*ied
.'*• ■? wi -;¿ _ - rb# t*r ->/ im-
r liara*d.
• i :-s ~f the Cvnfederacr.
*■ "t "
in the Sute of Texas, have 4 *Mfú the
•tamiaaiBMi mm
Florea street,Opposite (iuti'eaa'. «"..r
I i
1 i j
San .lsf * a, Febrnary 9. If6i?
it a g8 ! Hags! itag* :
Fivr cents per pr nn 1 ail] h# pv;: f r
<*ntt«in or linen r Lr; delivered to t.. n
., rvi^ned in Atiatia, <>r tu Dr. TLt.. K -e«-
u, '.u N^'w Brauniels.
I'beee rags are wantrd to mnke j:ap. -r
virh« and a? this is a new t-:.u-r;vr>« ii
ie*3*. it :a hoped every family w j r-v -h
irieinseSvoá ve¡th a ins hatr. ntst > r••'•
ect ncs A-iil be aj pointed in en .
of which due notice w H l e pi v.
r 13ft -
Mar-íb 2d. I vJ3.
r"T3'ar ©estIns: A .? norata i>n> Bt
M R'ji* * --f .-ast m-^-et:.' f a
L —.U.- s. —,N - .
W.< ti« H rv.i e-, *.r.¿ as
oa! to ot wht>*2 vbt ooiiScri.-t
att's citbtr i¿« iettar. . r ;.t* ap.rit cf .-uj
r - «• ♦ 4S 7 I; Las & rn iee.ied *-■> be
oastiiii^ioaa! by ilfc- sMSt ¿isúí¿gaisnesi
jurist la the €<>afe-i: ra:y and w* ba*e te:
to team vf a sia^rte 2s*"Ei*rr of any Co art
Of Appeal*, who fca« fíel-j é"ff?r*ntsv, ex-; A. Stüaikey, f->r ¡ss ^r
cept Jad^e Bel'-, of -ar *wn Saprwc# Court.! ?• n*-i-n'"2
r Herald, f>>r pr-"*^
.-at wfto*e.«laty it will he
rowers within t&e*r «
itiem fbr ?«
m i nicate
T-.1 Tt)k¡t ftU
'•'ct'-in or *«k
tier. th«
r;ew f purchasing their c' ! wool, f- i
s'4 ra «
F.qireof B.J. DEWITT,
Snu Antotii*. March '63. [4-w.
Th* s&Ury of the Market-Watch ma
a# ?a;«e-: t^> p*r tcooth.
The Fas-see Cr>t2-.c¿htHP r-p' -rted, r*e>r«fn-
•er-ding payment vf .be fu i -w?n| acc^acts
▼iolst^ag the Constitat'.on.
The ;cor*ispool* ist o
>! r*cry <-ayr Nap - ¡eon avows ü« , *• aasoa-dm^nt or asirniments sr¿a í a
ii-etera r *t.^-u to atop tbe farther procreas r¡^,f -J sessk ^*. hs* t* be^n r^a-i on
vf tti« U 'te*3 -Slates t^ the Soaihwsst. threes several dars ia •. . b House of the L--
He say- t¿e peras near occupation ot Mel- gistatore. and the rute üs-ereoa shall have _r ,• r,,-4Winy «i
• .««.a v v f ^ 4 *a ? *ffitt# fwfi "ts*• « * ^ * í ^tv^ji ^ t if d j i«ito s')n ^lit*
.9 -j lnr« > «m tu« i.ut) r«ogn. T«« mA mj . A 1 pro-j,, ,a.A ««tion fan >pH.M , S-.I.
v ifá faitb;r. tJb |tói^a¿e m the abo* \K * ot ^Koee d ^ ? -;i
proviso shtji nersr be üppea<ou a by either
4 H^ases.^
Asi «borers the 5th L"2.i* atare at the
reizulsr bientsl session, by a rote of two- w. h v are authorised to pay a fair an..
táir is of * aeb Frase, srv.i ia the manner price.
prescribed by the Cou* • -t.-^n. pasa-ed s The foii win¿r cuantíes c^n-f 'tute s ct m
|í snt resnlatl'-kQ proposal *r¿ amendment to >j,x ]_ c \\Tr j, (• £/: *.« F;^';
•'ae Coastitaiion, which *a appr>->red by ; 0Sce R-tn Anconi
the Governor 'he il th tar of Decern Her. Atas«^".'M¿d;ns ' Bandera. K rr. I'vaide,
1*61, and which j int r ation s m these {j^fon. Wilson an i Bex^r. I; m expect-
w-..rds: "'Joint Re*-- ..t-' r' • posm^ an am- • ♦vjara!] o,>d and patrióte • i/ens wil!
end oient iO tfc° b-.ate <, :: .tutson. ^ srive tl>e pr^f^ren"'? to the.-' v rum-tit ovt-r
if. if f j in? aj] oth* r pnrch^*-r3.
. , E action of All citizens are r-oMeeted -o report to
,í f tae 10th article of thrf C astitut:vn of the ofSce the name án Í fence of any
State shall be so amended as Lj real as foi- person or persons whom th -v know or hear
- ^ --OWS, t-£ : ^ | 0f4 reoresenting tbew*- ! ve- vernnu'nt
„ T?' *>! • Sec. 3. Au pabdc lands wr.-ch have | / gents f. r the purchase of -.vouh who have > will be liberally rtwardo-i
of trade C« mean tee a-o reported at foi sow : been beret for* or may hereafter be gran- not reCrire-i written authority from the Qr. ■
€'ty Coactar reparta ecllect^nn of uies, ted for pübsic sch '
Strayed !
Fro tbc fn1>ftrib r' rii fh. oa t! * lied in a, .S
Cumaí. CiuídalufHí. ' mil's VVe« of Sao AnV nio. about H «nontbí W
a hav American eelt. v*t:iUi" r,) 'far** j**t* ¡ ¡4
¿i! tWi JÚ.TÍ Vrd,
C. Jor
r r^pa.-rs to bridges
Do yoa en-lotse fc,s pr.;>n, debsvere-i t
the cass of «r-jwrtf rr. Copeíani I ; Police for k; lía? does
•W «„ tut it f*.h!W! b:> «O ¡£- f™/"?■«?! pritoatn
pefehirW j--".a is tbe l.a* i err r*i 4!
aba-jit interf-r " ¿r w :h the
JSc i-f RfAr'i
State of TtJris.
th- L"£ul
th:s ;• tí, ¿aattB a. Une
is a ©jnataatjaterf^reace
c>ndi*.;ss C war t'
w-tb the la*" c*
s .*>:«, to the varjous emio- ¡ |f, General. Major J. F. Min*T£«. Chi-f i¿r.
? ¿ u a ia this Slate, may be «oíd oy the eonnty j Master. l>x.. ani the under*? jned; or ¡i p i*
R^a Evt*^ Mercsaauise sc4 License ^arts of each county to which th« iands j ^sing sufficient evidence t ■ emvict them
ai*o nn iron gray A mer can .
no Ida, k spa&iah K-'7 f-T* *«•" ". .
-iiri boraas ara b'-r.úei m xh* tbitf- t •'->*« L
The two first mentised ure Hran t^-i/a tb«
dtr thu*.- S.Kwi wtre r.- ¡*ei at V 5 mk I* r0#
on the libelo. The j ^ay b f f-ver.a -tri&r rsc :«
-rse f,n the taoutíer tha#: 1 I'- ,r,J nn-t«á t
Saii h>rsé§ all lafi mj raa,:h t getter, t ua
* ?•;« lime. Tb« .leiivary, or an; ' r
. ¡¡4 h-rm U tut t ui> ranch or saa An; - •.
ttV _ « t ! «• **m. ar ¿r.t m \ .
5 Nc U9-tf
San Ant-mio. March Jlh. '63.
For Sale For CoofeJfrate Minej.
tfWa, Ts*e ?a¿a be a# .««mf *ti"oa whi;> Í J** hi# coratai^ons, : b?"*on£, or by soch tribunals as may sac- ? 0f the offence to make afS iav.t against ■■ Some
ssrab e lots in tba nnn.t-
t-rit; a'.l If'
thereon —
!r\ raH;nj
■ £iGH.
[do l¿*-
as id override ii e iett.r vf wrutea G^nstí- iat0 ^ Treasury
'wtioasu f-or the reason :oat the extsteoc | ^"p^rt adopted. ^ ^' a pernsaaeat school fuod. for tc? ceantjea.
of taat peo^.k v piraiev 2".t tr ab: -;<aer coa-! The foilowinf; acovuats w*rrt considered own^nj? the satns.M
aderatioas "—San H*ral<L i15^ *^wed. to-* t- Now. therefore, I F- R. Lubbock. Gov-
ipi - j is t . ; A. Laager for ea^i!! «ad w*rk >rBor of i e Suta of Texas, do <«%ue th;«.
Ta s is aa crv^ts tivd 00.>3 acr tcarv of tees «% tur,T c,!'-' -- . . - - , ,
* 00 w<"7 nlít.. f,j mT proCiamat^on. er^otr.rn^ upon th*1 ed-
higbsr law doc tree of the far>avcs ^the ; i*«rsn é C^.. L«*nW f-.r do. 56 4"'- ;t^r« and pt# Wishers of nil tb^ puW;c prn's
N'jrti, wííkí tr#e Herald ha* so often ab- ^ .-.s op part of . in the State topuhiiah tba same in tbe r
e#¿ Bat .t w>;%i seem
sut.h lands.shall be retained and inrest-d a« to those needing it to bate t'o-.r
At HH')..
Agents of the C'" ;r-*b r,v Stat .
for the p'irch ise of Wo-,!.
IV D C Horse
* s -oa-
AoJciJaST k INSPECTOR O* *<:.** i*rr: ♦*. i
Richmond, Jaauarv i A-¡. ir ^
I 5
n fe-c§ toe _
If.— Use appointment « " A?-n's to mi?
. was ^ai«ed'''-4t oi) the propriety ofvot.M..^ for -r aíra-.n*tit. ' ehas? Wool bv %r y otb « r, ftc: • tn«
: Afd I require the Cbtef .Justice 4 every Q ¿arterma-^r •' i-n.-ra!, an -n-h « thc-:rs
Msr^h % 1£S3. l^onty m the) State to caua# a p-,!i to rk a* may act und«* h'-s auti r.'y and >an -
s qooram preaenu opene-J at the sev era 5 pre^ i-ieta in h*a eounty. Hon, is hereby prohibit* j: * .0 all nw<'w ->
loe fotrowiag Ordinance waa adoptel, to- %% the general election. tr be be 1 for He ''>r that purpose, heretof-' •• anthor^-d by
It «««Id seem as .f they were preparisg <o|wn- ; presen ta tíveS: to the L&~í*!atare on the 1st , other officers ti revoke i
defy Ike onl a«ia^,ies ani ensiave u.«! Aa Ordinance a nend Oriinmute Jfeday of A «fust next, and the nam-iofj (S^ned)
-. rcftóaXíss^ íAe $t--:cktng and liwrxng of Coi- 4j| electors wbo «hall vo*e ? jT and strainst i
? *awi anjead meat, to be wr
t¿ a
jons abroad, ta íove y at t 00 . .
Oar p*"0_ .e ar* 'r ; y % *r«¿?d at t'tte star- i to s ♦ roretnexit to certai-*; pWc^-t.
patioas of tas ts -;. sry aa'he rutee aa;- Wf.¿ ^ ; " ®a ary of tae Secretary
ibey °say' be. wa-m eu:a f*-omerit* as tb* .
above are boidiy. sot n.--vertir, pruaa%*t-;
by a newa|«pr ka w& to os ihtir organ.
S k*á?.i street I'/i ^trespeeiive tapirs caul, ue 1 «t Monday in General Ord*r9
Hoe Pah. Imp. Co®, were aathorixed to ? An^ust next, to tjae end that the people; «•
an Pe4ra Creek w ,th a viewy he ade>sed of the character of the pro- i * * "
posed a®eoáffi*at, and taiie into con*'-;-;- H.—The appointment
* íwcmary was rai:seo • * ' '
Cattle Brand ol
Arv inivroiati.n ic regard tv hor?c.*
\i.f? t*r
.¿•' i with eif.vjr «.f the ausvs
*S!v r*:«nr i«;i '.v flf ivir< ü
. ION', iu the ci'-/ of -San AnVini^ '■•
f u ,cr' , <>f 3J'i«*; runty, X^erai.
San AnUm;-; .Tan. '2U, lSo'¿
•^r •
!i aii! '-a
ta'W i>
*X tae
si r or;s-r
Adjutant and In p < t<>r CtHueral.
Aa Ordinance amend " 2
pee^le. At e*s time 'heeati;e jroverrn^niL^ih . . , t .
,^ : ® i14™- --aaid amendment. tobe wr:-.te&ir; po.i b'-^oKS
01 the ■wtate was overthrown atd a a :$Urv Be it ordataed by the C?ty CoancO of the to be kept fvr that purpose ♦ and the Chief \ MfllllTFil DAM APR a
despntísfia estabbsbed, th¿s mnrpauoa a*City of Sacs Am "««*. that Sect:-00 1st of the Justice wlirpromptiy thereafter make a re- i IflUüíl I CU flHlsutnoi
teteM • oal-ity. «a4 OUT ri^u <**n«'■*be"* f7"'?? 0r<,""M* u *° «' taro to th Stent*tj of - <* of the nam-, i'ib Betl'
t* y r afnra.t k« * , & t# read as f«4k>w*i ;ber of votes cast at sa*d eieet oo, for and S _ . \ , . .
to M r stort4, oy t„e Krs« ^ijt. Bat ty Tbat owner* of Colina sdthi the Ümits' *emst swtd amendment. | Conscripts who have *f-n enrolé have
west be ao kmger has the power to proteci \ of the City of San Antowlo, be required to la fa th where' f I have sij^ne4 i *";i*ateerinjj in any corps that
B. K. SA t 1*1 NG'I' 'N'i
S*ri Antonio. n "t'b?'tT 20th. 1802.
«a, M General Jfa^rader r lases in e bey kis ncm'yf^ their Cott/m to .each place'or pi aees
S*n Antonio,'
At the Old Maml,
COKSKR OF MAlf 1*«,A/. *.
By J. M. 0A!i« LAN & C >
?<aa Antonio, M y 10tb; I^ ~-
■ _ presente, an* cau^d ibe gr-at s^al | they.wi-h and are t« «U the pri-
ords«i. The Secretary War ordered htm ¡f M ^iS he «tected by the Pub. f,>f Stale to be am zed. D ne at the City of: v^i «oteers. !• f y do,¿ .ra (*¿U)
to rmamA ib# <*!<< , t!®P- C>ra. and City Engineer. Anatio this, the fourth day of April, A. D. j & lM ^aeh m*n■
to resoan toe «wUan orders, aad sa-,4 Ibat i The following Rosedal^n was ofTered and \ 'rrp„ Men wtsbtt^g: U josa can J ave nn oppnrtu-
Gen. Belts« had eaderuke^s to éo*&atf«n*ann< n4y adopud bp a fall B^aru of# By the Governor. F. R..IXBBOCK of ^0ÍTI2 M **f c- l«ng hi tlw Hr sd-
to-wjft 1 R,.J Tow a as. Secretar*- uf SstaUf
wbírk Cí*f«-ÉS *ta !f Cü«id 0*1 4' i ami y*v
MOVS AKO HUADK1, Fropruior
Cahcki. Sifttrirr, Sa* Anionio, Ik*
MMILS EXffeN«IVE HOTEL, bjf IIümar g
«nt and enmimnlluBa ad liiions, sith jy^
*• HrwAtctl
^an Afi'vüiío,
That the Mayor of the City of
r^nrtve t«,e a^m of f .ft- e.
Ap 10 t Au: <t
tmr UnraVi very c-«>mp^ae Ktiy sa v r.
h%w*^'lUn^4 J,4hr* ^U.V for t¿e"car^¿t";^;r , ! FO|??,D
^Tir ¿****•*,7 1"-. ei*t"'a <4f t '4 {ay t o- ^oart-ry/' ' | An Iron Kevf with a «mal!' blue r;bbon I
\T" a°S w M rrh l^K 1^. ;atuch«i to .L T*e can have tha4
'■ v "v '*r "*r< '**• ■■"■% R fT?hjir nie-e^nf—a -fj-*ar*ái fr*seat. , ©# by calhcg **- tliit útños.
Ooartnr^ of ;be IVibn n? - r .« ^pli cation ^e,un« ve repairs, i^nsw fir*
to any recruit:jb/. 0*n-er. Ly C.tmmsnd of and foil? prepared ts give s«tta.set®'7
COI*' S. "1. ÍI AÍRU, %e <-faic' ita!-on . . ♦.«Ue
Coaid. 4 th Regí, A rit rna Breads. C^nneeUd wiO tkia wall knows and essjra y
Uifo ^Y, tocata Stna«teo.. eand.«psrH.f f ta iw
Captain h Acting Af'ftt* «'it, * ^^e^írrtac*. AiH^ntasesse d Ua/ifla •%*
«.(«,o,« *. *.,.4 i« ,«1^..^"
Eowaki F. COJIU av.
San Aotoo> Aj^nli 1?^-
%Mr - :
O' " i
,-í,, •
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The Semi-Weekly News. (San Antonio, Tex.), Vol. 2, No. 145, Ed. 1 Thursday, April 16, 1863, newspaper, April 16, 1863; San Antonio, Texas. ( accessed December 6, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History.