[Criminal Intelligence Report to Captain W. P. Gannaway, January 28, 1964] Page: 1 of 10
This legal document is part of the collection entitled: John F. Kennedy, Dallas Police Department Collection and was provided to The Portal to Texas History by the Dallas Municipal Archives.
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2& 1964
Captain W#P« Gmnmty
$pmial Sarstaa Baraaa
Dallas fN&Haa Departiaswt
Uwlminl Jaek lavlll
Cria&nal Isvi^llif^rssa faattos
Special Sarrta# Buraatt
MIXm P&Xiem tk*pwp%mm&
Sabjaati Oris&nal lRialll*««ea (%)
SfP# 5^018
pormtant to tfea inatruotltiiMi of OT1? J.~: 0OT
tht following is aube&ttadU
Tfea atumilattTa raoar* IM th* TOf WORM MUt
8C®KX3U5 la imlw&oti m aneleatxr* # 1* Th aatsaala
attandad ly BWWOT art &hmm ly iranbars rather than
namea. Thasa sehoola are ideatiflad aa follows!
# is- mi §* cirnr -'x k jffAHT smc*«S)*§ •* rami
# as- mfd worn upfMrjur se^ooi^jaio© st caxpo «*•
# *©• rxdolta urar ftstrvrtfor smmmm m.m
1264- m&mm mwm mm w* mmmu m*
Ctaattlatlva rmwrtim do not mm StfB$Sgf*B att«Mla&a# at
m^mrn mamrs mm f« b*e*u a mum may attends*
t hares wasks and rssstarei 110 gpfadss asp cr«dit*. Photostatic
cojiy 0? anrollaan* ea*d i« ansvllstle hoverar t:.i card
indlantaa that S!!BJ' CT enrolled in that «atool 8-30-S6 said
attend ml claasaa in tfea tenth (19th) grad* until ?-?£-56
st wfciofe tisa ha qnit aehool to enlist in tha 3.S. WUtXV
CCKPS. SBBISCt had tranafaarad from fttJSmWB WSQfflE, In
SF* mis.m,u. * iioh he hart attend®d in 195* and 1955.
Tb* orinelpal at tW? WV mmt «w MR. 8.T. VARUM).
At the tiaa of hU MMXlMHt at «f!W SfJ«T3 KXSS
WWW 9WMTCT tava hie ha e «Mm m ttftilKKOOB
jt*r. ? w -itf®, W«B, stwsw had #wd teak to TOST
mm 1 juljr J6 from r-v CRi. sm.XA. .
Q z4
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Hart, H. M. [Criminal Intelligence Report to Captain W. P. Gannaway, January 28, 1964], legal document, January 28, 1964; (https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth190052/m1/1/: accessed October 13, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, https://texashistory.unt.edu; crediting Dallas Municipal Archives.