The Democrat. (McKinney, Tex.), Vol. 2, No. 6, Ed. 1 Thursday, March 12, 1885 Page: 1 of 4

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'ue present Legislature
migh' get many pointers n n
cerulug tin* felony business by
reading tin* following extract
from tin* Honey <• •« %•«• Indepen-
While lhi< present begisln
lure in in sesshui. we vvuiit
tlu-iii to make it n felony.
Fur laivs to tie a ran to a
I'm* any man to borrow a
newspaper when able to pay
for one.
For writing a spring poem.
Kor writing auv « lIm*i j < **ui.
For writiig anything except
a> tin* le'gislai.-e dictates.
For a married man to stay
out after tea o'clock ut night.
For tin* sail • > ->Iiin«*.
For throwing dubs at a neigh
tor's chicken
For not throwing clubs at a
neighbor's chickens.
tor shooting in a thief.
For shooting ai a mark.
For shooting at ail
NO. (i.
«# —'
I low uii AmcrliHU 4 • 1 ■-1 (liiii'in
lilt* Mllver Miulc Mliii'i*.
ili.. >um i•loin*. 1
One day last week two elder
ly gentlemen alighted from a
Hack Hay car ami entered Hie
ladies' parlor of 111• • l «The
ehlei o| the two was dressed
very plainly, and with a West
«>rn accent wont up to an attach**
of tin* house and asked lor Mile
She has company, and ran-
For having anything to shoot not be disturbed," said tie* at
"AI Kv cathlc,"
■ - —
I-Kb Tin II urn I World.]
It has bi'i'ii a haul da* all
around; hard fbr the restless,
riotous boy, whose • .i|intend
ant vitality and abnormal ener-
gy made his presence a source
of le -r« r generally, to every
living thing within lie -sphere;
!iiul especially so to the little
white kitten, which had meekly
borne his abuse: 11 itay. without
hi tiim-li as even "spitting
. back." Hard lor tile toiling
Hrown i> exceedingly giatilled m«it|j* r. who bad striven all day
at the cxconm of his young
friend, lllid never tiles of eiilo-
old hills foi fifteen \ ears, ami
in all tliiii time •l-Mtft"' Hi ow a
hud II* t "eeli his old time pet.
About two uii ntlis ago In* eaine
Kasi on business, ami when he
saw hi- little friend's anuie an
iioiiiu'c! t.i sing in grand opera
lie derided to rail oU iiei.
After the lit 'i \ i -it lii- made
very I'reipieiit calls it the Hruiis
wick wliil'* Or. Wixoni and hi-
daughter remained in Huston,
and attended several perform-
aiicc" ai 'He 1 liision tlieaier In
iiiv itatioii of Mile. Nevada Mr.
gi/.ing her.
with. temlallt. who supposed the old
We call earnestly upon the gentleman to be some one who
present Legislature for speedy had called to satisfy a curiosit y
action upon these vital objects, mid see the famous dinger. The illiteracy the poorchtl*
for'tis with soul wringing an- "But I want to see her," per drcii of New .Jersey is described
guish that we notethat the un- stated the stranger. as something almost incredible.
usual and increasing prevalence "Well, sir, sliu cannot see correspondent of the New
of these crimes isjeadiug the you, I tell you," said the scr York Sun found that veiv few . ..
fairest youth ol our land into I viuit; "she is entertaining her of the childi&u had heard ^'oa,*\ul. _nythuig
darkest liued paths ever devis- friends." of George \VnliMlguii
ed by Satan, f<U' tlm downfall "Wei*; my little Km'11' fV> w who ImdhcTirJf of I
'nr#. by being yet ee me,M mused the old man. spoke of him as the man
mi red sire and the
er with tottering
oving moth-
outsteps to
ringing the gray Aud then aloud, "will you give
me a card f"
The ladies in the parlm lie
gall to exchange glances in a
wrecking the sweetest homes way that seemed lo say llmi a
into bitter ashes over blighted precious morsel had fallen io
hopes, and pleading an Kgyp them to gossip aboul.
ignoble and Hugotten graves.
linn plague of ruin, misery,
death, and moral ■ lino* in w ide
spread ci hi fusion over whui
should be ihe fairest land on
tile globe.
And all for tie- waul of a
little high-pressure legislation
aud a few felony laws.
Kdui'iitioiiul Note*.
It is found that there are
>w fiver mmscholar
both sexses, in the schools of
spoke of hiin as the man who
had "chased the Indians away."
and a * hat itig "discovered A tin-
rica." Ninety live per cent had
• lev i i heaid of the revolution-
ary war. Lincoln, the civil war.
I i .\ el'ltor A bbet I |'| ddolit
Arthur. si.xiv per cei-; had
n< v er heard ..i i he I 'ailed States
or K.nrope. The big girls and
boys could not tell whether New
Jersey was in North or Smith
America. A girl of fourteen
thought Europe was in the
moon, but others declared thai
it was an ocean. The boys and
Western lean, without lalsing
any notice of the company
about him, seized the card and
taking a pencil from his pocket
dashed off his name in a care
less hand, and passing ii !«■ a
call boy. said. "Take this to
Miss Nevada."
The boy took the card and girls who had come ovoi from
presenting himself at the lady's (treat Britain and Geriiuiny be
door, handed ii to the prima tweeu the ages of twelve aud
donna. She took il carelessly lifieeii. were better posted in
now over 3,immumxi scholars, of |'« " hc salver. In a n.on.ent American geography and his-
both sexses, in the schools of «>••«' '.ve caught I Dull i„ry the children who had
1 tillV nrowil. . grown Up 111 New Jersey.
• ' She gave a cry of delight and
New York schools, are at- seemed to forget entireh the
tended by I^o.immi pupils. The presence of the boy, who stood
appropriation Oepartment for wailing for a reply, and the sni
thisyear is A3,3( prised looks of the fashionable
.... . . ... . guests. Suddenly a< if collect
Illiteracy, it is sind has in jliy. herself, and i: lueuibei ing
creased in Maine. New llainp- ^..visitor who was awaiting
shire Nevada, Mid < alih '•'{"• hcraiiswer below, -lie bad) the
aud decieaserl in o'orgia. lis- bring; the genticman with
lo Ibid emyloymeiii sulticientlx
entertaining io hold him back
front the fas« iimtions of the
dirt.x poo|< and spluttering tor
rein- into which the steadily
falling rain had translored the
streets and gutters which lay
just outside the gate latcii.
His limbs seemed never to,
The l*rigki<*eytM
1,7,77 T eoh one long. Impatient crv of
"Birdie, don't!" until the b*ov.
as unlike a bird, save in the nu-
♦luguing activ ity of hi - plivsi
caI forces, as could well 1 <<>
ini.i.diied, h.el alternately hot
h i tdiel h-d. or cover I ly ilisobey
e«|. from sIiei• r inabiIii t' io l.eep
I'llell was til. !lttel of kliil'e
and -icis-.ors mi even lloor in
tin* house; dabs of past" aud
paint besmeared every chair
aud table, while the dull grav
Ages of Aclresscs.
sissippl. North Carolina. Ten aif possible speed to the pari.,
nessee. ami \ irginin, within the which was a pari of the stiiii
jiast ten years. which she occupied. The boy
The (ierma.t language is disappeared down stairs,
taught in nearly all the white Presently Putt Hrown mad.
public schools o, st. Louis. The his appearance, and as lie nil h
entire number of pupils who stw* hesitatingly
cro.s-.ed the
now stud vim/ (Jeiinan is over1 threshold, the young lady, set- M-iw* Illmort W on
now stimxing 1.111 man w 0 .1 . . , . / ?5, ; Mur> (iimUioiu* m Mn> ii„w
S>(i,(M)0. or more than halt of the |'"g . ui' .ill toi tnaiiiy . w 1111 .1 Kl)lljin w.-iiu 1 .;.t i.i/.n w «.n
whole nutiiber of pupils in all I hound crossed the room and i.vtiin 1 iu uii. iin..r.;i 1.
the schools of St. Louis. h"''around lit • neck ^ ,,
of the old mat;. In her ecstacy
she fairly smotheri'd him
with kisses, and hugged him
again and again. Then she led
hint into the room and insisted
The total school fund in
North Carolina last year
amounted to H«)?. of
which $509.7311 02 was disburs-
ed. lei: vingft?I17 on hand on him sitting in front of her
for the soring .schools; IJ.i.imio where she could see him. The
white children and 80.000 color- young favorite became so en
ed were reported as attending grossed in her new guest ami
school last year.
INi-i- Kv riuiic
Kttli-' ori'iun
Mi> 1 Hiil'rmi
l.iz/.ii' I'rlri-
< In la I. Ki ll« v
Knlf l-'lslii-r
III inn Heron
Prof. Burt (•' Wilder, of Cor
im*11 I'niversily. says that a
Slllllenl should never sleep less
than eight hours, nor study di-
redly after meals. The Pro-
fessor should advance this idea
his welfare that all the other.-
were forgotten, and one by om
they look their departure, leuv- Express company and retired
ing Enima. her lather. (Dr.
\\ ixotnt Pull' Blown and his
companion alone.
The .-.tory of Emma Wixont's
friend'hip for Dull' Brown, now
a • 1 1 i* 1 • • ... uiPinriii I 101 i/iiu nronu, iiio> n\ , ii'n ^ ir ■ m«i i n * u*
cautiously*—lie mav hud uisstu- , ,. .. , * . ,. 1 , 1 ,, 1 1 «. .. 1 •
, ... ,r. 1 , *| the owner o a stiver 1111 ii< > in mid I line Iiei husbanu w as
dents eating call a dozen meals .. . . , ,, ,, , , ,, ..
. h Nevada, is a very romantic one. II. Bailer, a nephew ol iiett.
• ' Twenty years ago lie was a B< njainiii F. Butler. Elli> <>er-
.4 ruiious St er,v.
A gentleman told a curious story
the other day. w hich w ill bear
repetition, because it is abso
lately true: *i was guarding
a store," said he, "in the out-
skirts of a town in I he interior
«if the State, and J was awake
ned by the sound of someone om,
sawing at the window. T sat up singer. He did considerable
in bed and the sawing sound business in the way ol civil en-
continued; then I went io the i;iiieering. and also had a large
bureau i i get inv pistol, but as practice in medicine. When lie
ma-le a noise and drove about on his visits to h.
miner in the silver lulls of a
small town which afterwards
came 10 lie tin populous Neva
da City. Afterward lie was
made a "iiperintetideiil.
still later an inspector of
At this time olie of the best
know n and nn st respected «iti
/.ens of the place was Dr. Wis
I he fa I her 1 if I lie faun ills
of his pants and jacket was en
livened by Hiiidry bright spots
of nihil not to be found in the
original: Jbroken kite strings,
balls of thread, bits of paper
aud strings, 1 li<* contents of tie-
rag bag. which had contributed
liberally lo the manufacture of
"kite tails," lacks, hammer all
fragmentary evidences of nu
satisfactory'experiment and un-
remitting toil Stl'eWed tile llool-
in every direction.
Ami when tin* afternoon drew
to a close, still gloomy and
dark. Mic long suppressed
energy broke into tin bloom
of open defiance and strong re-
bellion, aud had been followed
by punishment and disgrace for
tin one. tears ami di-coinge
uieiil for 1 lie «-Iher.
But along long al last the
night, dark and starless, closed
in-.clouds still foldt d the earth,
and the rain sobbed against the
window The wealy day had
the peace reigned in-
tend of riot. Mother's work
was ended, and seated iu Be-
low rocker, she had folded her
tired hand-: but not foi long.
Two little hands softly parted
hers and "mother's boy." ijuiet
enough now and longing for the
tenderness which never failed
hi in crept into his "haven."
pillowed his curly upon the
heart he never doiil. t d, folded
tin- little amis about her neck,
and all the fret of the long day
its worry and disappoint-
ments we're forgotten in this
sweet sy tnpal by
(Jnlv a helpless longing for
love from the tired little liearl:
only a yearning tenderness from
the other. No ineiuory of
riotous rebellion, .if unleaded
commands, of broken promises,
ot impatient words and sharp
scolding heart to lu-arl !
The mother looked dovv 11 up
on the upturned face, smoothed
awa\ the damp hair from the
vvnir. brow coitteiil. Aud wlieu
gently rocked iu lu*r anus, sleep
fell upon the blue v eiicd eye
lid. with what tenderness did
I he mother kiss the moist.pai
married ill s lying the Ump form upon
I Henderson.
Society does imt sanction iu
tpiiry as the ages of any lady
iu its circle, but the age of a
much admired actress is often
the subject of friendly interest.
It is proper, therefore, to give
I lie ages of si line ol the leading
actresses who at one time or
another have be. u the recipients
of applause in American tlrna
n'hiiii' xk'1 \hiwi aie*
Mr* John Ori-w .'W l.olt'i riioiiiK«u .It
>iri«.loltit lloi-v Tin .Mdi'liiii I'liltl ..II . |
.7 ItoHt* W001I :is passed,
Hownrtl .lis
ottu 11 linrlulli'
I 'rtihtn-i*) . ..:u;
Mnjru'e Milrlivll >"il l-'iinio liiivi u|ii>i't;it
e the ability to pay Y u
not Ik'sure of inis i.' snch
Illy depend' upon i';u ire
ccsh in bnsiiie-N, for <he
•••I vs i«. coiiiigeut up' ti an
•wa conditions, ,\|| ,|. t i>
aid be based on means al
ly ia hand, but which may
.just at the time be available
imuiediaie use. Making
to to be rich, and disregard
_ the safe rules of business,
in the way of failun Begin
your business life according lo
tlie capital \ou have on hand.
That capital may be a strong
body and resolute will. This
i« « ipit-ill I'tioiigh to bring sue
cess ii' judiciously handled,
tiiu vv'iat.v«i amy b< the
Muotini ami nature * t" v our cap
ilal, do not ,jeopardi/.e ii ui un-
it'la in specula 1 ion. Adda lit
to it yiar by year. Small
as eompouuded soon in-
■ to importtaii aiuoiints.
ilMUUce, if 11 young man
starting at twenty years of age
makes it a point to save on*'
hundred dobars a .v •• ir. a ml put-
this .iiuoiiui <iiit aiiMtally so a.,
to t*0111 polltld at let! pel i cut. at
folly years of age lie vvmlhl
haven capital ."1,dollars.
ll he sjt\,• >00 dollars
annually ai-d coinpoumls. at
forty years of age lie will
vvoi I It I I .<100 s. I 'ml lie
y oung man who begins sivii; ■
one hand: d dellar> a y • •: r ami
thus educate fiim^elf o> habits
of industry and frugally ^\ill
sum liml way s opening llient
•e|\es in which lie can save
I W ice aud even li\ e or ten t i llies
this amount. Any young mm
may with industry ami prudent
management, under ordinary
condition of life, become as man
ought to be. The dilliciiliv is
many start with the interest ,.n
the adverse side ami allow it to
compound against them i 11 st< ad
of for tlicui.
TlicObl-Fiislilou Mel Iter.
is Vltee llnrrl-uii
.17 1 Mfkic
l.'i < el lit l.o^nii
.IJ siirn Jewell
IJ Mil lilt IliUTlHUII
.1'.' \<1.1 Iti-liuii
■Jl stcllii HonU'tiei
.. 7
Mis. Drew was known as Mrs.
Moss ip thirty years ago. Sin-
is the mother of Miss (Jeoigiana
Drew. Mrs. lfoey married
John lb iev of the Adams
from the stage t weuty-om* years
ago. Maggie M itchell is w<a t It
«,*>(ti i.i•• 111 Hose Eyiinge's lirst
husband was ,-i printer in Alba-
ny ; wlu-ii sle- m.-uried the sec
I did so I made a noisi
suddenly the sound ceased. I
waited and waited foi it to be
ttiri. until 1 concluded tlie thief
lad been frightened away.
Still I wa* not shure. ami wan
ted o make mouic noise, so I
deterniined to shoot my pistol.
I did not care to du 111 age any
thing, so 1 went into a hall which
led into wy room, and. after
deliberating a time, concluded
to let the ball g > through the
transom over the door leadin
from the hall to the street
was so verv dark that I tired at
random almost -but I knew the
direction, of course. But an
Instant Inter I I • aid a great
• crash, mid I o| 1 i.ed the door at
Ionce and foumi Iliad killed
man. The ball entered his
«nd, ill the middle of the f'oto
lead, and lie had been looking
[through 1 'i— transom., having
sick iu the rough mining dis
trict, he was dally accoinpauied
l>y his little daughter, who sal
beside him on the old familiar
buckboaid sin- was i« parfir
ular favorite with the miners,
and many a time her falln-i
would leave her in the care ot
"pull'.'' 'is he was familiarly
known, while In made his
rounds. Even at that early age
the child had a clear and musj
i„ cal voice, and in those day •
P sang for them with as much I'er
ixed a barrel :isa platform,
was a very notorious thief.
vor as she did iu later years,
when as a protege of Millionaire
Mackey, she made her debut
before the crowned heads of
Europe. >1. 1 In-1 hi id in the fa 1
aw ay Western town was Dutl 's
especial pet, and ghc would sit
on his knee ami sing herself to
sleep even ller young voice
was s 1 sweet and lull of 1 iing
thai hearing il. tie* roti^h men
Would collie line by oar from
hir caiiins nt.d gather around
moil has been married sj\
ti Lotta i^ worths-.'
\|is. !> I* Bovvers lias acciimu
lilted a large fortune, .-de-is
sick at present at the \ ietoria
hotel, lief (Wo soils are |n
open a hotel on Broadway an I
Follieth stfeel. opponili to lie*
Metl opolilan opeia lioiis
Charlotte TI
a man named Heudetson. who
appropi ia led the greater pari of
her earnings aud h-fi her pen
uile-s. Eliza Weathei-sby is
the wife of the ronn di 11, Mat
(toodwin. and is as good an
acireess as an actor. Stella
Boniface is tin* daughter of
the genial Oeorgo Boniface,
whose boast it was that In-
never had an enemy. Fanny
Davenport 1 • ihe step daughter
of E. L. Pavi-nporl l y hi- sec
ottd iiiairiage, Lizzie Price
was ihc so called and once
beautiful wife of Charley Fetch-
ei,although Hie fatuous actor
never obtained a divorce from
the cul 1 i \ a ted woman who still
lives and beat his name in
Paris N Y. Coinmeoial Ad
Vefti' er.
o* Nation. >
j H-O
The old fashioiitfd preacher "Tw#* hut where Hn* child, in the
ronid hammer the life out of a " > d,M tor s fn"n'1'
of the
tea plicKS ill college education
compared wit1' its eost in
country. says; "Theonly
pie whom We deciplim* into
plain living and high thinking
ar* «'i m;ik' il 01 tile work
• •f teaching ; we nulls' tie-call-
ing as unattractive to men of
ability as possible. An able
professor, with a family
niMiiM iii«miipi-i w> ed to $ l.d'Hior i^5.oiio a \ ear, and
ouloli Bible in tliecotirse of a ■'Itigiiig Hie popular negro bar surrounded bv under graduates
fvear. He would oiien it and '''ii1.. '"V pnrchased living: til «plenrioi ami iii,Mil v .
i.diut It. take Ulu his arms, put l y Puft tor hei in the "dju'i's tll!U |)(. paidoned when In-
it d '«Mi and pound it, and iiuver stationery store, Imb ed, little ,1,^,^.. 0j- ,|„. | <..-it i< n of the
■inKri't.ii'ioii turn* tlmi , « !x'"",
Itihh. WH. tlie bonk of such a local c letiriH tlo.i Jj;
couch, and w iitspering a
prayer which Hie angels heard,
that Ood would bless her boy!
Night had swept away all bar
rieis It was "mother. and
"mother s i oy
Looking back o\ r the long
day of stoinis. full of ju i. al ion,
denials and unsatistiecl longings
for the one. ami knowing how
patiently the'mother had borne
Iiei burdens how utterly for
got ten and blot led otii of mem
ory was all unpleasantness at
this hour of 1 ecoticiliaiion. do
we not sei "One of Life's Les
sons" clearly port ray edf
" \ I ev i-utide." W In ll llll t lie
loiiu. jiiiilesj: vvatring with a
Fate which seem- to use fiercely
cruel, has ended, and in lie-
weakness of our defeat, we turn
to the arms so tenderly out
stle'-hed to us listen to til
voice which bid
our burdens to om
bcai them for us; we, children
of a larger growth, bill re-enact
the scene of tin- tired child,
spent wijh the warfare of tll'*
day. seeking the lot'! M-hh'h hi*
simple faith leaches him has
outlived all trials, and as le i -
folded in the earthly amis of
tendernews, ho we. discouraged
and despairing, creep "at even
tide" to a love which comfort*
us a mother eotuforteth h'-r
1 :1 1 * *
V. el l
learned in Oennaiiy." "Four
UeiMSHJtd or five thousand"
the professors la the I lilted
... Stall's who get that much are
ith its title for text, and has j"''' feuropp a id educated j-(.vv< relatively, that they
ttle or nothing to do with the unonid l>. mentiotvsl onlv as
M«., She hAd been away fioui the fortune except ion.
Bible" wa^ the bonk of «uch a local cefeorm
>ooks. The preacher of to-dav «J«ra. ed the at.ei.tioi, of Mr-
1 as Ids fine lecture written out. M;t« l<ey. who atterwards p.ok
"" to bni opp a'el
Home l«lt'M of I'nrb,
. 1 all 1 '-all v
h if mules,
•il' * VI il - [Hil ';.
c pupils in tow
1, ami a gen I
Loielou. and New Vuk, aud man though I he would see
Philadelphia ami other great sin* could hear any thing. •"
Not huiz ago many visitors
io Paris returned home full of
ejithumas"m t ■ • that hi luiiful
1 il v. and air ions 10 know a hv
aud are cousidi
hard ot le ai iu
h-ss than st.iu,
of Oil!' MolOU'e
onrcha^es f..r t
a shot t 1 inn- au
\ ■ • • v
h<. 1
1 liie
Illinois has never h" 0
ernoi who was Irnm ill
Missouri's lenl efctl
ned at h«'. 1
al property al
The pn-sideaiial salary isijH:t;
a day . vv ith a greut many extras
thrown in.
The annual -ularh-- of the
seuatois in emigre - aggregate
KMno.OOO; f,,r representatives,
ii 1. H: 5.i mm 1.
•_'il OOtl ,ic|'es , |
i-w \ • rk. 1 .oM.
s are to lie laid
towns could uol be made liki
the French capital Now the
French them-elves an* criiicis-
ing the mui icipal adiuiiiisira
tbui of Paris; from lie- aceoiiui
given of it iu a recent uuiuhci
of theii lendiim
people call 'get
hi ill Willi a population up
jiloachiug tw-o million - llll ,-|
half. I" .s 1 hau 1 1 hir I arc ua
ti > e- o| 1 le- l it y . for it is a ceu-
Ira I polut lor skilled vvorkuieu
and in 11 of all pursuits from
far and near. It has about
so.ihIii horses, with one million
separate apartments, ol wnieh
he took a st ring «•! sleigh bells
and shook them behind h-i
head, she lumped and sere .n,
• il with Irigiti, and tin- gentle
London I uii
Io| es| 1 t,*i rk -
Nile- i,. v\ pal
out in (ioHiaiu.
Ii is said that twodiscove i
of large bodies of anthracite
coal have been made in North
cm Mexico.
lu IhirtV lour Slates ill*
man vviis no less fiiixhti ned 1 naa hibiiion paiiv da inc. m
he. He explained and up 1
l-evii'vv. our gi'cd. aau all w lei vveje p|i •• " •
some usi'litl had a le u-iy laugh o e • 1 h .v
\ etiture 1' iiup-inioii.
•V v ei y la 1 gi 'puoilliy -| I <,..
gl|s Iiu 11. 1. o| oh oiaa I ga 11 lie, is
being I llll uuied iii I 'o|o| d .
and it - -jih- has readied .-11. u
propoitioiis a- i" alarm dairy
men and seriously interfere
with their protits/ Many are
actual ami elf* rfiv p,.litii
ha v t
11 i*r-
". if
•I ei|
tw'o-ihirds are used as dwellings t,u* ''"iMplaiiitH that 'h,>ve b -eu
ami oiie-ihird for busine.s; n4 !'J11','V m- one has taken a
I he gto • 1 .11 111 a:. • ■
I .<Iwiii it'ma ii - ." ilt ia
\ I 'I l\ ItllOUIlle 1 i !s to.1 '
vv hich -inn N| 1 Booth 1
one third
rhe populalion < | tie- I lilted
Sraten mcrease* ut tIt•• rate of
;{'i per everV ten V ear- . At
ihis rale ihere w ill be.v .ooo.ihhi
of the former, three fourth'
for le .s ! han a iiuii lied d
a y eji 1. housing one mi 11 i
I la 1 s
M of
its popula
has mod-
t liaa
W ll i le I, illdoli
three !
I\ ( il III. si line of Its IlllVe
a 11 old-fashion mother not a
woman of tie- period, with hci
great chiginni.hoi curls and bu •
tie, Whose while, jeweled ll.llld
UeV el' fell t he chl - |> of lia ly (ill
gets, but a de, 11 old fjislioiti,
sweet voice mother, with ey es
ill whose the love light h ie-,
and brown hair just 1 h |,-d
with silver, ly ing anooia upon
h 'l' faded c||ei-k Those ileal
hands, worn with toil, gently
gullied OIII tottering steps ill
childhood and smoother! out
pillow in sickness, evi I leach
nig out lo 11- in tenderness.
Ble.s -ed i - I he memory of t he
old-lashioli mother, ll llo.'ils to
us like He- fragrant perfume
I i'ollt smile Wooded blossoUi-
Tin 11111 i<- of ot her voice- may
be lost, but tin- entrain-im. mem-
ory of Iie| s w d i echo on 1 an sou I-
foil-vet. ( ther faces may l.nh
nwny ami be foigotieii. hers
will shine on. Wln-ti litful
pauses of bllSV life OIII- feet
wander back lo the old home
stead, and crossing the well
worn threshold stand once more
ill tin- room hallow ed by Iiei
pi 1 scare, how the feeling of
child h inn ■< ence and depen
11• • i:«-1 cotiies ov er a- and vv«•
1.11.1 • I dow n 011 t iie uii In a sun
shine sireaiaing thioiigh tie-
opi a w indow ju.-il w here long
years ilgo. we klielt by out
nu it Iiei's knee ! i <piiiii "(> 111
Father." How many limes
wli'ii fie- tempter I ut ed u mi,
has tite memory of tlem .acred
hours, thai motherV words, le-r
faith ami prayer^, sjived u
from plunging into tin- abyss ol
sin Tin- | loltsehiihl.
Tuigot could not work
II til 11 after he had dilied
ioti-dy. but many men cannot
think after ;i -ubstaniial tueai,
and here, in pite oj tie- exam
p I c set by Scott aildt h let lie. hi
Hie obse|-\ e that Uothillg itllei
feres ho much vv-itIi brain work
as oveteatiiiL. The inb-lli ctual
man reijitires lem:ishment ol
the l i si po--ible ipialiiy. but
1 lie •piautiiy ought always to
be Well Wit hill tile capacity of
his digestive powers. The truth
appears to be, that while tin
intellectual life makes very
large demands upon nutrition
-lorcerebral activity canrioi
go forward without constant
supplies of force, which noi-l
come ultimately from what w<-
have eaten thi~ kind of life,
us bring all I sedentary. i« unfa u M--
who will I to the work ot digestion l'h *
| importance of adentific cook iy
'••an hardly be evaggeiated
Iulellectual laboi i . i-i its
origin, a* dependent upon the
art of cookery a- the disseini
till t jou of i! < ll* - 'lit is depen
• lent upoii papei making and
pi intmg i 10 - l-oie of ilt#is,■
mailers vviiich, |m-<ml cannot
be brought to 1 onsid-M -eriou *
iy; but cookery ii, it4 perfec
tiou He-gn at seh nee of pre-
paring food iu th* way b«v t
suited lo out Use j- really tin
lb- careful how you contract most important of all sciences,
debts. An hone-t man pny* ami the mother o • I j • art- A
what he coutriieis to pay. and sebm lllc cook v\i!i keep you iu
you should go in debt with lie t -gulai health, w le-u an iguoi
expectation, more with the pur ant one willotf-M v on the alt* i
pose, of pay ing in full. NN hen native starving oj- indig" •
you go in debt la* iture that you tiou.—Uauierton,
building a - .ociatiou. -.vith "Vei
a ll u lid re ! | ll- ll and , 11 e. I; lie | «,
Paris mi 1 - it-, new i 10use-* m 011-
ly to III ,1 .Jill 11 ■; 11 il 11 . < • I to I ;i
I lot's H ll ic|| look- liiole |i | ! t • j |
o\i|i pt'otit . .'ke-| ojlt I h'Ug
lei lie "i e,\eiii p' ion ft • nn I ;i \ I
iion, tliau 11 - the health • • 1 • • Uii
fort of tin' w 01 ivitig men.
|-'.v ell till- illlpol taut mallei of
public convey i- h it to
gtea11 ouipanie..,, and with tin ir
Si.01 it 1 1 ,ibs and I m 1 omnilutsi's
and horse cars, aud pri
v ate ea 111 age -. there 1 - ti|) com
plaint of a waul of de-ap and
convenient means of transput
taiion to tIn- growing subit 1 b-
The omnibus company . iu
let u1 n for .'iii exclusive pi iv il
ege lasting until lOl'J, and ai
price-, iixeil by law, pa v S to the
city half a million dollais an
una 11 v The gas ami water
companies are also privat
pot at ions, w ith long terms of e\
elusive right losiipply the ciiv.
a ml t ln-y pay o\ ,>r Ii v o mill ion •
of dollars aniieally into the city
II ea -ii 1 y Wale: 1 -cat*i- ami
ga-- is dear, a - coinpao d w ith
•111 ply and int.. in ot le 1 En
lope,-in capitals, but in -pile of
-nit;- brought by the city th--
Com panics hold to t lie letter of
tli' ii co'ilt 1 -Is, and 1 efi|se t >
meet tin-giowiug demand for a
concession iii the interesi ofihe
Coll -Utliei
Paris has a police force count
ing ov er I 1.000 in,-11 in i| s si• |
v ice, and tin- annual at test
made averagi, of which
number '.' at* old oll'.-n h i s
and are strangers. Tin-
I'l I eniell ntllllber JOO licit CO 1
ing s tin 1,ooo a v < 11. I hei |oo,
liOll pi j vi |-ecei V 1 public a
sistanceal :i i* is| of m-arlv seii-n
millions of 1 |o| la is. and I -.'."i.uoo
|H 10I at • t'e^i • let ed as I III 11 led
to a I m - vv h i Ii -.'-J. i too lii| in ihi'
hospital supply caie lot vie-
sii• k and |v\ 11 11 dei| I heie are
charily "hum- " for old men
and o 1111 -11 w ith 100in I'm '.i.000
ifiui.ii' w Idle lor < * 11 i 1 • 11 e 11 mei
a 111 i111< 11 of dollars w-eri .pent
in li'dtli' ■_ 1 !'• nun t.i I ity t hai
etl I s oil 1 lie f -1 f u re poptd a t lo> • III
it- in fain y 1'.. r ti v e m i 11 ion er1 pent in I>■■'.•<: 1 ai
edueatioti foi a hundo-d and
s"v 1 niv thousand childri n
i 1 tie- public -i-hools, wdiih- ---v
i-nty thousand were in pi iv at.-
• 11001 . sit j pm |ei| by - ti b el t p
lion 1 nil 1 1 n ghi tuosl I v bv
e|i-| ' ' III -|| I If I IIU'lll III-1 s o i di!
let i'll' 11 ligiollN o i* 11'' | E v
Sul|ihur Fires in ( Indent F.|ii-
lu 1 lu a ut uieti of I sj■• . hen
aliit :i V ollicer ill lie sotii |
I'ai 1. t! td dill 1 Ii,' ile le-i'i( ol
tie pi Igl i Ilia o -. w In-ii I In peo
ph llirouged ill ihotisaiids to
the b.ii hin glials, Ilepnly sou
u on lit-*t used
a prophv l iclic
1 eltolei a Thesi
it lifty yaid•
1 alight during
whole 1 i 111 *• that tin fait
w a- at il height. Not ii ingl"
casi of cholera occuin d: a re
markable circutustiim *. - inci
cholera had broken out at pre
iou- lairs. A similar good re
• nit vv -1 • o111 1 i 111 I a I I litia ji> >|-e
wliele ciiole a Wll-actually pre
vailing In a piiiuphh l on llii -
-abject lit | . 1 -o 11 ha addue.-d
certain f.e l- and arguments in
support of he 1 on '"iii! i< >!t i'iiiI
sulphur tires are eith nciou- in
epidemics ol cholera. Tie ba
'is of his evplaaa-iou ofth ii
efficacy i* tie g'*ru licoty ot
He dj- ,m el.
Mo a persons ima^iie- that
deaf pel sons whocailiiot speak
wefe illv.ll ♦ i« loMitlv deaf, 'I hi-
is a great mistake, Many who
wefi hot 11 d'-af or h"i theii
hearing iu infancy. at- only
tartly deaf They cannot - peak
M'cause thvy have not hearing
f||ongh to caO'll Whlll people
an- -ay ing. they nevei learn
to peak nn e.- great pains
taken to • av h lie ui Nlnnv
gl ('II l o ||e| ,11
sulphur Ii res a
incus 111 c ag dn
111 1 were line
apart, and ke|
decisive step tl'lfil the | i f
lot s of 1 h< iSrigbiou i-ii a 111 1
gavi- s,.me tul 1 a aur em 11
meet ill'.; Ill lie I • 11 v i I ',| i
bi*r of l 1 iiuiiiet 1 . I'u 1 v 1
lung, in I In- 1. 1 .,1 .if an add; -
lead by Mi. Nonnd 1 • I >«
I'lle sii b -. a in e of In i etna i u
was t hat tin- m.i 111 i el in •
oleomargai iin- i,. I •! ri men. ,o i
The til'*'
■ '.e pa
in l: oo
'■* i
'i i.I.
lo&it in (ieiii .tui
\ ea i tbof u
file i'lSl^aiiCe
• Lu,
Oil 11 V
el Ive
llllel'' -
l l ; t
11 •
I t lit'
i I i
|i|'l l|| I I'
•niI Mr
tied by law . and m i h
t oily, i i ii 11 in 11 a • i • • -I
res..|m joiis endnid v in;. t a
abov e idea, and adv isiu:; the
pt'-pa fa lion of a bi 11 to be pre
sell 1 ci I 111 the next h'gi hllllte
]irov idiuu that all article -II
luiiiei shall be stamped < ■.
branded exactly a- ilny an,
bull' i as butler, and oleouiai
gai itie ii. oh oinai gat iiie \ bill
of this ua I ti i • vv.'h iulloduci'd ;i |
tile la I sessjnli o| |||i legislil
tUI'e. bill tailed lo pits-. Slli'll
a law i needed f«a llie pi>>t• i
I urn if inn i la i t y interest . a nil
l In public -e 1111 n i e u t iu la mi
of it is too >t|,nig to be diie
gaidi d liuial SVoi Id.
\ in u.i
'•( , in thi
i - ihe log*
the Iovvi-■
' * e|| vv !I
I IM* • M
ported ti
• - mi 1 a i
pi Ojlt I.I I I
from Mai
I l-Uletl-l v
n m
H ll I
-Si ■ 11
>. a
in |,i
s i -J;
•s| 11)4(9-
S.;S .1 Ii
iriry civil tut i a- i e
I'll the stleii: i In- ill
\ itgusta 11 . atnI a p
s.,.,1 mo to build a i'iad
ietta to tin- National
iu It
Iiei gl.
>h' ha
lie, the
pi '"■e|| i
I Ile pl'i i 1111 o| .1 oil It
\\ hit'', |'e j 111 ll | i Ci| II 111 e III b. I of
' 11 g r e - ■. o h a \ ■ ^ a 11 11 v i -1 ill
Ki atucky ordet'e 1. i"af d
it. at amusement in the hdu e
i - a foi tii11aie little girl
lad. < oi, Wlieu she
twelve y i ai - agi>
• • i ua v e her a o ov.
in ov s.*i,i loo vv oi i h of i at
•Ifspring of hei bi11 Inlay
e lie- 11 V l I
und' r con-
'ti I hit • t cce|' | |y
n| tin value "i
1 ! lie I ir.llll, .11 i I
.is an attic|i • >1
v i i c a l i o 11 c i i -
slot i -1 rot "• \
gfeit i i
been written
lish a- food I
it- necessity
li'-l for ail vvh'is
fill se V i le tlC'l id
urged I'he marvelous num
bi-r of t In input I ic .*1111111a Ii
dil ates that iit ■ \ are to s t!i
•efve the it||e|esls of
some impoi liiiit vv a .
tiuiy l>e ;i , btiiin fi
vv In111ua t hey conlaiu
less pliospoi'tis than
th'-m. I If'• v
111 a11 in
a ml il
'i I I'll
mot' 'i
is it" v
will t
il lid hit. hoi
I 'm i v en y ea i s a New I lamp
-hii• aieehitui' made a circuit
of ha I' i in i! ■ - e pei i lay
I'll I In i t han pa pov d- .
Iioum I lie ot I" i lay lie l«*iii n-
• I that it had In en empty for
in-, hi y eai «.
It en i th< lov • i nun ni •,s,.,:i,-
OIMI ,'| yi'UI'lo fold tile speeclle:.
Cell'.: "• -III ll lll'l "Sell,I' ■ 'I - semi
"ill a i aiupatgll dociiiin ut.s.
s. IKltoi a nd Ii'" p| e -1-II ti* I i V . S
n • >sii;t I 'j> i w i n | h ot 11 ii ni cry
■M-r v y "a i V • lu pl.t in ■ e
t lie I loll e i i| -e U.l I • _ i I - e III il
ap and hi-aithlnl nut <■
c|" | tie -i
mailt i I
W le i, j att ' lia -iiiu In- h
pa- by tiiat .ith oft
lille gill.- aid llllki'li ey e
lil s In i ll too long l etito v ei | fi
11 s ua live elenn-ut. 11 f i • ■/.'
t ha vv i u cold v: <•!, 111• -i i i. n i
ihe .i ;i |e , s | j in.' and i ■' 111 ti
oak inf.- in v atin t nd
• 11 ll< sh. do
ible. then
I 'on d h
dy taste iii
a by Ii. tin,
VV ii let for il 11 III''.
H"iled Ii ii i iin■; f. i•
III-ipld '! .b. ■ el it I tie
pi i pill a t loll of t If III' ill In |
< atoi \ tiibi that
ill ' il lie
■ I'll!
d ,
I .
So| I i
ll I V '
;i rap.11
et in a
■h th.. lia
i no n v'
1, ace I in
v i it' r it oi" '
ill", of the 11 i
•ni i,* iv i ng bird. -1.t
i * • 1111 11 i i |
n iieie th pa; - 'lit
•l.c - |. th : 11, i
tii- ii "i!'-j
ill 1111'ei d
d piii I. vv
ir . th'-ni i
s I.I id
lil!11 IC. pen k
- ni n| l In
. legn
,'ll III
pin si
I " I I V
'1 he <
.Oil I
I < am>c. oj
a • • ma i k a
t in
i h
■st I
rn 11
simiiiei ini. I
• a n
by v e rv <;l• • I i • •.
V\ hell t It li-lt i
the -ui fin " v. ith
it jnici , vv lap iu <
tli -id! I boiliu
1,1 low about t 11
II *
it i
I 'Olio 11
ii mile -
e llll
I ' ll o
it 11 1
i ii ca
ot li t
dl 11-
foi t
• I s il
e I I ; i i
let .1
■ i uii i
.i vv. I
ill Hi
pI'OV e
o| h
bo ih
-a II !i'c
lot h (t ill
; Wilt, t
|> Mind
ggs im
of th'
^ ll
ly 11 • vv pal iit i
Ii -h ill l hi . ma ll
■ n ■« uud'-i tiik i iiu
dis}i.'v hi«*h i•« ■ ia v i d • ■ i Ii di ,i
llllt tef
l oinpai.'iliv
|ec|iin* broih*
li'-r i li'.t a
< 11 e|i s. ■ tin VV ||I si lie i'l I I'l la V
ing titi tie lids, and cook tin
-h side lirst It may b> nice
Iblow le 11 on ,i ^ji iilil"li ov i i ;
bed of lea i iuiK. m '< a ,-t h a frv
ing jiiiu llanihitl ami othl i
thick lislt are n-itallv cul into
slices ;t11 iudi 111i*• k. ami tin
bone t:ik"ii out before btoilitiu
Cook ill io ut thirty minute-, tiiin
ti h half Hint time. \ ^i i d
application <.., 11• • 11• • «| buil t
adds io tie d'-li' i-aisie ut
blolh-d Ii It. .'III I si11111■ tool, -
f 1! 1 ' {( Ii
11 l. ;t:i
in :s; i
Tie v
I ,i; /
. ii>11a.
m. th.
1 1'' k I e
. t,
' 11 I S I I til'.I
il III-
-11 meat,
oh giil,
pi li ts III
hoiis and
. ho'.vev
mly lot
lire v ear.
\ 11 ,\ u -1 'ia n
ha - vv i mu i
w ads on a grain
i now In■ 11• ^ \!
nit/ Sural
d ,1.
ilboiji f.
in ;i ie w
width o t
I llr
'.v ith
i v lilies ii
-paper ol
ddii an.
l.ilioti of Moo
t' w heat which
bin I ,-it K'.-ini
'V t • i llg ea n be
• in oidiiiarv
i*'i huinln d
Wo i ib
■ I
- Ml i
t he
t V pe
spread butt' i
lish like hiili'
if «tVi I I *ie fill-
ing t - - s i ■ n t ii
Sa I'
• t
"b i
to ||
bi i iv
will b
i it ■ * i ustat it
slltlle tilst'
"k fat
ft v im-
.el If d
I o. I diatt
II le fo| i
• le ■ totlb
il o| i \ i ■ i n't e ill V
Ul •«. Jin • pn ii g
I 'lOfoltgIt loo .
i • su pet 14>| lo
ii 'ki tel. pi rcli,
s.tV. I,
n •
not tool
i i.lilio
ll' '_ • i a bi ll I
to a ft ieud
" I lisi hurgi
gang,"* -;n !
v "U :i man t
ill l|i.<
nth) i
am I <
ih 11
| >i rae
-outh ha I
vv if It hi -•
low ties -
> P,<*
ilimbs im i
1 v «!•'
meal and f: i d
it'll. lit I In i
abi'oi r*|. ii
A COV'e; fig
- make- itn
n titoi' agTet-abl. i<.
s \N In n fhu
SI It _
ih sign
t lie ll'':. I
itiov intr
| j
' 'i <
h'i|de| of (lie
r. "and get
dug lively
e. and the
11 ei I
1,lll 'l 111
pared, it is well in place
ti-11 in u to t -k"i and p'u
in I lolling fill s>iice«' ol i>
iruitiish t.i t-inllv
t ti-
I lOUItliltl'
h.iv •• hoi its and .
the hoofs nret v ■
even; if odd, il i
OS. I ll t l|ll| l|s ill
•dttgh III i . pin
i I ial
it* i\ •
'he nn
• I t
North ♦ arolina h . • in .e .
age of glow itig 11 nib. allien
ing to about per cent, ol 1
vuiing till' i k'uruiu^ to speak t-nitoiy.
n-opti who have lost I heir
I lie hi 'I'l's il re
the tiiitioce
."Id. (bat i-
"il one behind
th• olhel < N ill'.i. s with fenth
ei"- id >v a ' till v beaks. I*ij
colts , i i if I teaks h. ■*
small feet 'I'm lot, . titnb f
tin* hound al'e j|s*ilet.'i! *d v 'i,
a long he.el.

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Robertson, Orrin. The Democrat. (McKinney, Tex.), Vol. 2, No. 6, Ed. 1 Thursday, March 12, 1885, newspaper, March 12, 1885; ( accessed April 25, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Collin County Genealogical Society.

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