Rio Grande Herald (Rio Grande City, Tex.), Vol. 32, No. 30, Ed. 1 Thursday, May 16, 1974 Page: 2 of 28
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erald Society Editor
Congratulations to the 217 students who will graduate from Rio
Grande City High School on Friday, May 17, at 8:00 p.m.! The
Commencement exercises will be held at the Rattler Football field.
The 1974 Valedictorian, Patrick Russell, and the Salutatorian,
Javier Saenz, will deliver the messages for the evening. Over 20
scholarships are to be awarded to graduating seniors from various
community organizations. The public is invited to attend.
The graduates and their families participated in a Baccalaureate
Service on Wednesday, May 8, at the Multipurpose Center.
Families and friends of the graduates and other interested in-
dividuals attended this impressive ceremony. Master of
Ceremonies was Antonio Resendez, vice-president of the Senior
class. The Reverend Eubaldo Ponce led the Invocation. Father
Grant delivered the message, and Miss Adriana Silva presented
the students' thought to those present. The Reverend D.R. Russell
led the Benediction.
We are proud to honor these graduating seniors and the others
from Starr County, as well as the many young people from Starr
County who will be graduating from colleges and universities this
spring. Yet in our pride for their accomplishments and aspirations,
we must not forget to praise those who have guided and directed
their learning since their education began, their teachers.
"A builder builded a temple; He wrought with care and skill;
Pillars and groins and arches, Were fashioned to meet his will; And
men said when they saw its beauty; "It shall never know decay.
Great is thy skill, O Builder, Thy fame shall endure for aye.' A
teacher builded a temple; She wrought with skill and care; For-
ming each pillar with patience, Laying each store with prayer.
None saw the unceasing effort; None knew of the marvelous plan;
for the temple the teacher builded, Was unseen by the eyes of man.
Gone is the builder's temple; Crumbled into the dust, Pillar and
groin and arches, Food for consuming rust; But the temple the
teacher builded. Shall endure while the ages roll; For that
beautiful, unseen temple, Was a child's immortal soul."
Ricardo Perez, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lino Perez Jr. of Rio Grande
City, graduated from Texas A&M University on Saturday, May 11.
Attending the commencement exercises were his parents, and his
family, Carlos Perez, Mr. and Mrs. Lino Perez III of McAllen, and
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Guerra of McAllen, and friends Mr. and
Mrs. Jose G. Martinez of Rio Grande City. Ricky received a
Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science. He was also a first
lieutenant in the Corps of Cadets at Texas A&M.
Visiting in Rio Grande City from Richland Springs, Texas are
Mr. and Mrs. C.I Munsell.They are staying in the home of their son
and his family, Mr. and Mrs. D.L. Munsell. They plan to attend the
graduation services of their granddaughter, Jane Munsell, who will
graduate from Rio Grande City High School on Friday, May 17.
A lovely young lady has come into the lives of Mr. and Mrs. R. C.
Saiinas Jr. of Rio Grande City. Dora Sylvia was born on Monday,
May (i, at 3:15 p.m. at McAllen General Hospital. She was nineteen
inches long and weighed 6 lbs, 10 ozs. The proud grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. Servando Saenz of Camargo and Mrs. Dora H.
Salinas of Rio Grande City.
David and Linda Calhoon of Rio Grande City were guests of
honor at a yard party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert A.
Peterson. A barbecued hamburger dinner was enjoyed by a group
of the honored couple's friends on Saturday, May 11. The honorees
will soon be leaving our community for summer work.
Mrs. Gilberto Garcia and Mrs. Juan Lino Perez were hostesses
for a miscellaneous bridal shower honoring Miss Carolina Gon-
zalez. The shower was held at the Garcia home on F'riday, May 10,
at 7:30 p.m. About thirty guests enjoyed the patio party and the
games that were played. Each guest brought her favorite recipe to
present to the honoree. The hostesses served cream puff ham
snacks, petit fours, nuts, mints, and sherbet punch to the guests.
Out of town guests included Mrs. Victoriano Huerta, mother of the
prospective groom, and her five daughters, They attended from
San Benito.
New members were introduced into the Rio Grande City Garden
Club at the organization's final meeting of the club year. New
members are Mrs. Pablo F. Pena Jr., Mrs. Ernesto Vela, Mrs.
Rebecca Arriaga, and Mrs. Viola Perez. The meeting, held in the
NURSING CENTER PROGRAM- The residents of La Retama Manor Nursing Center in
Rio Grande City enjoyed a program presented to them on Tuesday, May 14. The bilingual
students from Ringgold Primary and Ringgold Intermediate Schools performed songs,
dances, and skits for the patients. The six numbers presented were a portion of the Mother's
Day Program presented by the Bilingual Education Classes at the Multipurpose Center on
Friday, May 10. Shown viewing the students are left to right, Mrs. Lupita Valadez, Miss
Virginia Reyna, Miss Virgin'" Silva. Mrs. Carmen laurel, and Miss Lucia Valadez.
Geraniums For
Summer Color
Plant geraniums now for
excellent summer landscape
color, one horticulturist
"Choose healthy, sound
plants-they'll grow easily and
tolerate a wide range of con-
ditions." Everett E. Janne,
landscape horticulturist with
the Texas Agricultural Ex-
tension Service, The Texas
A&M University System, noted.
New "Carefree" varieties-
available in many nurseries
and garden centers-come from
seed, providing a source of
disease-free plants. Their
colors range from deep red to
white-with all shade in bet-
The specialist noted than any
good, well-drained soil-with
several inches of coarse peat
moss spaded into the top six
inches-will produce quality
Also incorporate two to
three pounds of complete fer-
tilizer per 100 square feet into
the soil," he advised.
"If soil drains poorly, con-
sider growing geraniums in
tubs or raised beds."
For best results, plant
geraniums jn full sun and allow
ample space for plants to grow
and develop, Janne em-
JUNE WEDDING PLANNED- The Reverend and Mrs. James L.
Gebhart of Rio Grande City announce the engagement and ap-
proaching marriage of their daughter, Carolyn Ann, to W. Scott
Jordan, son of Mr. and Mrs. William G. Gordan of San Antonio. The
wedding is planned for June 21 at 7:30 p.m. at the First Baptist
Church in Kingsville. The prospective bride is a 1971 graduate of
Rio Grande City High School and is a senior at Texas A&I
University in Kingsville. Her fiance graduated from Highlands
High School in San Antonio in 1968 and will graduate from Texas
A&I University in Kingsville this May.
County Democrats hold
successful convention
set- TISSA page 10
The Starr County Democrats
assembled at the Rio Grande
City Multi-Purpose Center last
Saturday May 11. The affair
began at 10 00 a.m. when
precinct delegates began
arriving at the center for the
convention. Among the
delegates were most of the
newly-elected officials of the
Starr County Democratic Party
and the candidates-elect of the
Ismael Pena, present
Democratic Party Chairman,
called the Democratic Con-
vention to order. Pena called
for nominations for permanent
chairman of the convention
J.C. Guerra, mayor of Roma,
placed the name of J.D
Villarreal Jr in nomination for
the position. Guerra believed
the nominee was a hard worker
for the Democratic Party and
deserved the post of Permanent
Chairman of the Convention.
George Edgerton placed the
name of J.G Villarreal in
nomination for the position also
However, the nomination was
recinded because Villarreal
was not an official delegate to
the democratic convention and
the rules called for the per-
manent chairman to be a
delegate. The actions of the
convention was not questioned
and J.G Villarreal took a seat
in the spectators gallery.
The convention elected J.D.
Villarreal Jr. Permanent
Chairman: OA. Garza,
Secretary, and Cornel io
Alvarez, Sgt.-At-Arms by
unanimous consent. No op-
posing votes were recorded
The convention secretary,
O A Garza, called the roster of
delegates by precinct. All
precincts reported except the
Salneno precinct whose
precinct chairman failed to post
the Precinct Convention
minutes The other precinct
l)KM<I I
- 4
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Trejo, Raul. Rio Grande Herald (Rio Grande City, Tex.), Vol. 32, No. 30, Ed. 1 Thursday, May 16, 1974, newspaper, May 16, 1974; Rio Grande City, Texas. ( accessed October 7, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Rio Grande City Public Library.