These are letters from the Charles B. Moore Collection. It is written by Mariah Rucker who is the niece of Mary Ann and Charles B. Moore. In the first letter, dated September 14, 1885, Mariah updates Mary and Charles on news about home life and it includes: a discussion about receiving the Moore's letter and waiting for Uncle Henry to read it to them, details about what Bettie and her were preparing for the camp meeting in Walnut Grove while they listened to the letter, a dialogue about the people who attended the camp meeting, an update on everyone's health at present, news about Neal Moore and his return trip to his home, details on the wind and rain they had just received, an weather update of last week and how the weather affected chores, a discussion about friends who have recently passed away, an update of community news and health news, and a dialogue about what they will prepare for dinner and the abundance of cabbage she has on hand. She ends this letter by stating that she would "quit for this time."
In the second letter, written on Friday evening, Mariah details news from her home county in Texas and it includes: a weather update and how it affected her washing, health news about Vick Jones and Solomon, her brother, who have the chills, a dialogue about Mr. Blue who has passed away after accidentally shooting himself, a brief aside about how many people have been buried recently, a discussion about the Blue family and the unfortunate deaths that have occurred to their family, details about the company they have had in last Saturday as well as a brief note about Sam's love for their suppers, apologies for not being able to store more peaches from Moore's orchard which are now all gone, a conversation concerning the Moore's garden and how she hopes it will be fruitful when they return from Tennessee, details about making butter and that it is quite scarce, a discussion about the association meeting, an aside on how pleasant it is to pass the time with Bettie,a dialogue about a recent trip, and details about a person named Tip. She closes this second letter by stating that she will quit for this time. She hopes the Moore's are having a good time in Tennessee and expresses her wishes for their safe trip back home.
The third letter was written on Thursday evening. In this last letter, Mariah updates the Moore's on the happenings in the community and the news includes: a discussion about preserving peaches and white plums as well trying to salvage the Moore's sweet pickles which are molding, a trip to the orchard they took to pick a tub full of peaches, news about the many rain storms they have received recently, a dialogue about her kin who are visiting Collin County to see the Holomon family, news about Sam killing Kite and a hog, and details about a letter she has received from her mother,J.Sabina Moore Rucker, and one of her sisters. She closes the letter by apologizing for writing in pencil and for all the mistakes. The envelope is included with the letters.