This letter is from the Charles B. Moore Collection. It is written by Mary Ann Moore's mother, Matilda Dodd. A note at the top of the letter details that Birdie and Alice have been at Aunt Bettie's for a week and that the school has employed two teachers. She stresses that Birdie want to see Linnet very badly. In the letter, Matilda updates the Moore family on the happening in Gallatin and the news includes: a note on the letter that was sent to Abe and Bettie Franklin from the Moore family, family health updates, details on William Dodd's trip to Kentucky, news about Bettie's complaint about another "spell" and how she has been overworking herself, an update on the weather and the lack of rain, a dialogue about Tobe and what he has been up to lately, a discussion on how the weather has not seem to have affected the plants and fruit trees as much as expected, a dialogue about a photograph of Willie Bratney that was sent to the Moore family, a brief on correspondence received from a family member, news on the many deaths this spring, a dialogue on the future visits of family, details on the weather and that it has rained the next day the letter was started on May the twenty fifth, updates on Dinky and Will's gardening endeavors, a discussion of what fruits are available for preserves and for baking, and a note on Dinky's poultry and the amount of butter she has to sell. Matilda closes the letter by stating that she hopes the Moore family could visit and for the family to write to her soon.