This is a letter from the Charles B. Moore Collection. It is written by Charles B. Moore and is addressed to Mary Ann Moore. In this letter, Moore discusses the goings-on in Collin County since Mary's departure to Tennessee. He details community news and the health of friends, daily chores, weather updates, and a discussion about leading the calves to water. At the end of this letter, he notes that bright has paid him five dollars in interest and tell Mary the most current temperature reading.
In the letter dated December 1-2, 1897, Moore informs Mary Ann of the goings-on in Collin County. He details Linnet's and his daily chores and discusses community news with Mary. He notes that he is sending the Paris, Texas paper to Will McGee. He writes a brief letter to Will which discusses the paper and the reason he is sending it to him. After the message to Will, he notes that they have stripped the walnut trees and it looks like rain out. He closes the letter by noting the time and temperature. Moore begins a letter at the bottom of this page which is dated December 2, 1897. He updates Mary on the weather, details that he has not called the household up for the day, and notes the daily chores. He discusses the clock with Mary Ann and that Mr. and Mrs Priest are supplying them with bones and sausages. He mentions that when it is time to kill their hogs the favor will be returned to the Priest family. He closes this letter by stating that he will try to get the letter to the post soon. The envelope is included with this letter.