General and Special Laws of The State of Texas Passed By The Regular Session and The First and Second Called Sessions of the Fifty-Seventh Legislature Page: XXII
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Liquor- Page
Agents' Beer Licenses Issuance ---------------------1058
Nonresident Brewers' Permits -----------------------1126
Private Club Registration-Permits -------------------559
Wholesalers' and Brewers' Permits--- ---------------- 1066
Livestock-Swine-Impounding Fee---- ----------------- 278
Livestock and Domestic Fowl-Shipment into State -----------179
Logan-Slough Creek Improvement District--- ------------- 333
Lomax Municipal District-Creation---- ------------------1005
Lufkin State School -----------------------------------630
McCulloch County-XWildlife Resources --------------------105
McLennan and Hill Counties Tehuacana Creek Water Control and
Improvement District No. 1 ---------------------------100
McMullen County-
Deer, Turkey and Quail-Open Season -----------------115
Public Roads and Highways -------------------------275
Malicious Mischief-Electrical Transmission Lines-Breaking,
Cutting, Etc. --------------------------------------1139
i\Matagorda County Water Control and Improvement District No.
6 ------------------------------------------------388
Matagorda Island-Wildlife Resources---- ---------------- 738
M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute of Houston, Texas
-Addition ---------------------------------------1192
Mechanical Weighing Devices-Testing-Fees ---------------77
Amos A. Martin ---------------------------------1264
Fred Farrel Florence -----------------------------1189
Herbert C. White ---------------------------------1190
I. D. Hoke, Sr. -----------------------------------1252
James W. (Jim) Stell -----------------------------1265
Uncle Henry Blair --------------------------------1238
Menard County-Wildlife Resources ----------------------1182
Mental Health-Private Mental Hospitals-Applications and
License Fees ---------------- -----------------------872
Mentally Retarded Persons-State School ------------------606
Midland County-Judge of 142nd Judicial District-
Compensation ---------------- ------------------- 24
Mineral Leases-Execution by Personal Representatives -------441
Ellis County ------------ -----------------------1088
Trinity and Polk Counties --------------------------1155
Mitchell County-Wildlife Resources--- ------------------ 516
Morris and Camp Counties-
Deer ------------------------------------------ 85
Squirrel ------------------------------------- 85
Morris County Juvenile Board-Establishment -------_ ---256
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Texas. Legislature. General and Special Laws of The State of Texas Passed By The Regular Session and The First and Second Called Sessions of the Fifty-Seventh Legislature, legislative document, 1961; [Austin, Texas]. ( accessed December 1, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting UNT Libraries Government Documents Department.