The Texas State Times (Austin, Tex.), Vol. 3, No. 22, Ed. 1 Saturday, May 10, 1856 Page: 3 of 4

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< *
1 * . 3M
r. ""•*■*
r strengthening
[ th at:
c nre grow:
e Native Farm,
beat n showing.
) land,
W** .rv.fc-"
©« ;
PRESCRIPTIONS compounded at any
iioitr of the dap or night, sign of
The Dlorter,
st [26£f] BAKER & SMYTH'S
Drag aad Chemical Store, .Pecan-st.
Yf7"£ OFFER TO® a genuine and scira-
VV tlffe preparition! THE AROXMfa
and ronova.'ing the system when dSfcebled by
and fever, or Intermittent Fever, as an agree-
able and efficient tonic in all cases of febriledebi-
lity, cannot be excelled. 1
It haa been prescribed in several cases, by phy-
sicians, and we hare their assurance that it will
fully answer the purpose for whicli it is intended.
Prepared and sold only by
Jane 3. 27tf Sign of the Mortar, Pecan-st.
Twenty Thousand acres of Choice
LANDS for sale on the Eastern mar-
gin ofthe Brazos River, at and above
the Great Falls in Falls County.
The title by which I hold the above lands, having
just been fully settled on its merits in my favor by
the Supreme Court in the case of Ruiz Vs Cham-
bers, after a bitter contest of 15 years, during
which the most untiring efforts have been made to
poison the minds of the the feelings of the Courts
and the people ofthe country against me, by in-
sidious approaches and unblushing falsehood*^In-
dustrious! p propSgated by an extensive and ruth-
less combination, -the land is now offerer! fdr sale
at the lowpriceof ten dollars per acre,
for the purpose of raiding the moans to accomp-
lish an injportarS ohjecU Only one halfthe monj
% will he required in hand, and a reasonable
time will bii given for the payment of the balance.
The above tract of land comprises the celebrat-
ed Weed Prairies, ^and h not surpassed by any
land in the WofttHh fertility ana prcdnctiveness.
here can be* but tittle doubt that tfc'wiHsell in a
few years for forty or fifty dollars per
~ C,rfe. BirtKBiiportJint considerations induce are
If O. O. ^.-JOHfsON ENfiAifc-;
• MEJET, No. 4, organised July 15,1833,
meets onShe first and third Friday of each
month at 8 O'clock, P. M. _ ;^
E,0. Of G. S. 0t&.
^dependent Order of Good Samaritans)
an(fJ^Piughters of Samaria, meets every
Monday evening at 7 o'clock.
Sebkok S.vekd, B. F. CARTER,
W. R. s. w. a G- S.
Austin, Dec. 23, 1854:4tf.
No. 12, meets the first Saturday
in arery month. ;
Wricns.—B. Finnin, W. Master: B. F. Carter,
S. Warden; G. L. Walton, J. Warden; F. T.Duffau.
Treasurer; B. Major, Secretary. •
Dec. 16. 1854.5
, ' D. «5. & G. B. FREETIiX.
; Attoryirys at Lute,
real instate brokers, col-
S§A gents,
i "Texas.
and city proper
,ble to purcbas-
iurveyor in Bex-
and is well ac-
;tlag and land A;
Hotoes-irt Terss, nnd sa'
to offer i
t vcjy rennet
1856. "
reduced forms above
Austin, Texas.—
■ffltfestnfents obtained
through this Agency. Fidelity to the interests of
non-residents. Registers of lands for sale in all
parts of ihe State.; fullesbibits of title and accu-
rate descriptions, Also, registers of Town and City
Lot#. Lands located, bought and, sold. Claims
against the State 01* individuals Collected and ad-
justed, awl remittances exchange on New
Orleans or any of tie northern cities, if desirefi.—
Taxes paid Onland situated in any part of the
State. A thorough and intimate knowledge of
the country and the land system, insures superior
locations and the best titles. Strangers looking
at Texas may alwaysbavesome leading items and
useful ijfnts at the office of this agercy. Registers
fSr examination.
Office ou Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas.
February 17th, 1855. 11-tf.
|£jy- In the beginning of the revolution unteers
Texas offered large hounties in land, to vol
who might serve iifelltOr armies.
' We can now offer to the survivors-and heirs of
fioee wh&fjjfus served, t^fiirec^eiStof aU the
fronting on the
the San Pedro
lots to suitpur-
io, on the east
eda. The lot
and 35 ra-
open !
General Xj?
San Antd
WE offer the following
ty for sale, on
ers. One of the firm h
ar Land District for nlni
quainted with the ^Lands
City Pft
39 lots in Alamo city,
river. I >.
200 acres, on the west
creek, 1J mile belowHhe city,'
One house and: lot in Saa
side of the river, south qf
fronts 56 varas on the AS
raras on a street. The
hard stone and well pi
One lot near G.P.
North street. *
A comfortable residence
river, with shade trees and t
conveniences attached!"
One house and lot,
street leading to the Missl^Si,
San Pedro creek, about J
622 acres, an the north-W!
adjoining J. Beitle's farm.
734 acres on the eastbanl
en miles north-east from
road to Austin, 100 ncres
a high state of cultivation
rooms, kitchen, negro and
houses, agood stone spri;
springs. For farming of
more desirable location in
good tavern staud.
Cibolo Lai
1 f)l 4 acres,on the Cibolo andSivnta Clara creeks,
Nacogdoches. Texs,
12th, 1855.
For all lines to and from Nacogdoches is kept at
this House.
;GoodAcp#ommodations for Travelers.
, Nov. 25, 6l:tf
FANNIN HOUSE, Fannin Street, Houston,,
j Baggage conveyed to and from the
' i°T ™~f I boai3 'rce of charge. W. B. WALKER,
* 1 | march 17, \ 155:tf. Proprietor.
51 varas on Wcbbcrville Hotel.
the east side of the T „
and many : T I-- MCHOLS, hastacen charge ot theJ^Kj
M 9 above house, has thoroughly repair- aSmi! on Ihr oc^ a"^ nevr^' furnished the same, and orom- jQ]jl
■Sfirniin"- to the ises t'la' ll<' I,ains EJla'l be spared to render all
sS- Hain 1 comf°rtal)le, and that none shall go away disatis-
fifd. Termsvery reasonable.
October 1st, 1855.
of the Sala-
THE above HOTEL has undergone
thorough repairs, with entire new fur- fj
niture, polite and quick servants, good host- 1°
Hacks, Buggies and first rate Saddle Horses
lalado, sev-
o, ou the stage
fence and in
se with four
•essary out- ; lers.
S several fine t to hire or sell.
re is not a j TERMS—REASONABLE.
flinty. It is a | Jffejy All the Stage offices in Tyler are kept at
l the above Hotel.
j Oct. 6, 1855. 44:v.
T>RX¥ATE BO ARDINC—The undersign I U J- PR TOR, Attorney mi Comullor at
■ ed has opened the large and commodious ] x • J.auj and General I,<tndSan Antonio,
house, formerly occupied by Rev. Mr. McCullough,
as a Female Academy, for the accommodation of
Private Boarders.
The building is one of the best in the city, in a
pleasant situation, with extensive galleries and
airy rooms.
Every attention will be paid to the comfort o
of guests. Terms moderate.
Galveston, Feb. 1, 1855. 11-tf.
Georgia Laud Agency.
THE subscriber having removed from Milledge
ville, and permanently located in Macon, will
continue his Agency for,the sale of Lands in this
State. Persons holding lands in Georgia, and de-
sirous of selling will please address him at Macon,
Georgia. ' JAMES R. BUTTS.
Refkerevces—Dr. H. H. Cone, Houston. Texas;
Gen. John W. Gordon. Wharton countv, Teris.
Macon. Ga., Aug. 1, 55.' 38:tf
Texas.—Will practice iu the District Court of the
State, and in the Supreme and Federal Courts at:
Austin and Galveston.
References: Jno. Hancock, T. S. Andi
son. Messrs. Brown £ Griffin, Austin.
March 10, 1853. 40: lv
4J. RUSSELL, Attorney at Lou and
eral Land Ayei^ Giueevillc, Corvellfltui
iiaarch 31, 55'.
. PANNELL & Co.. at the BLUE/
STORE, Main-street, Houston, deal-"
ers in Furniture, Chairs, Looking-Glasses.I
Mattrasses, Ac. &c. June 10, 1S54. 28:ly
JJ. CAIN & Co., Receiving. For-,
, warding rfnd Commission Mer-«
; R. J. CLOW.
CLOW & KEEHT, Lavata, T,
constantly on hand a full and compli
j ment of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats
■ Boots and Shoes, Hardware. Queenswi ,
I Saddlery, Groceries and Produce, anff^oald
i spectfully request country Merchant* a|M Pfantcts
| to call and examine their stock befortf^surohasing
elsewhere. 2-tfi-" '
JKO. A. &. R. CiREEX. At/onvy* aljafe21
Austin, Texas.—Will practice in the -sfce<Aul
Judicial District and adjoining counties. -J
the Supreme and Federal Courts at Austin.
July 9, 1853. 3:tf £
Chants, adjacent to
Houston, Texas.
the Wharf, Main-street,
June 10, 1854. 28:ly
,4 If. CHALMERS, Attobset at ,
\ i'-• will practice in the counties composing
1 second Judicial District.
Burnet County Lands
OK the South side ofthe Colorada Hirer, for
ttle Tenns-r-On«-tl ird Cash, balance IS
btceo months, with interest at the rale
fent. per annum.
Silvm tract, immedl-'
ler's tract, oil Lit*
This tract ltM
Pedernalis moan-
the advantage of about
fire wood aad
woald be an excel)
who desired a health;
e stock range, having a
, for stock. Price $1 26. ~
.^ffcaier, survey no. 106, oft
of the Pederualis,
of Travis, about 31
town of Hamilton^
ova as assiguee.—
tjo H. N- Noyes, assignee «fi
, 'survey no. 5!, about 111-]
«m Hamilton, near the CM>!
oiadp r^cri Pyice §1 25.
Hunt, survey no. 305, on the
f Pedernalis, about 20 miles a *
ail admirable little settlement
As this is . £ne ricb
ig ia th« moujitains
the Iowm- part of the Vic«jt|
6000 acres on the we
about li miles below: 0*
6000 At:
T^INN'IN A CARR keep on hand ageneral assort-
S- ment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Shoes
Hats, ready made Clothing, Hardware, Tobacco,'
Cigars &c. Any of the above goods we can sell at
25 miles { private sale, lower than the same articles can be
rchftsed elgewherti in thisx
i tract, eigli-
gpf the Cibolo,
linear Helena.
Family Groceries.
SAMUEL MARX'keeps constantly on hand a
large supply of family groceries, consisting in
part of Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Flour, Hams. Bacon,
etc. He also has for sale liquors of a first rate
quality. All of these articles will be sold cheap to
customers and up-country dealers.
Texana, January 1, 1855. 5:pv
Cypress Shingles at $9 per
thousand, for sale by
August 18 1855. 37:tf.
. ■ %' U?m
-_v - ' J?.w
ttobu?ineas in any way connected
t E#tate, Purchase Sell, Locate, ob-
^es'ifrate Title ^*Ac. Locations
, Deaton and Cook Land
(etjuaitited with the lands in
„ beeu aonayiug and locating.
^SJale Tjmes" Ofllce, Austin.
othft'TiiocsOiRce. ^
tf n<l all orders ia his line of business.
! ®©~ Being 'he only Book Bindbr in tie city,
he pMges himself to faithfully execute all prders
entrubted la his charge, on reasonable terms."'
\ division of our
- purposes, sronsed
They obserred
pia this eotuj-
designs of
Jesuits to
on tke
' . r x- ■ ' . .' i
g. I. Klcnots. THOMAS WILSON
NICHOLS & WIT.SON, Wliolcsale and lUtail
Druggists, importsrs of French, English and
Mediterranean Drugs, Chemicals, Liquors, etc.—
General Dealers in all kinds of Patent Medicinal, ^ ^^ - ^ 0nr" office,
Perntmery. Fan^ Soaps Jewelry, Fancv Groc%-' ^ fnrnishi^ a cheap and effective mode of ad-
ni*? pfp Ate ( nrnmrrr* rt rest / .tinrt+fi /Vrft*' • •* . . r. 1 ...
ed of % taJtelSts' or ad-
ministrators—to the fajrestigation of the rights of
heirs, ivisees, or legatees, und to the settlemen4
of estates. „ ^ ']
To persons having land eertifieates for loeation we |
can offer particular inducements. Our thorough
and intimate-knowledge of the vacant lands, and
surveys of the State, obtained in many instances,
from personal inspection, insures tha most favora-
ble locations. , 1 .
Close attention to the land system of Texas for
A number of years, and an accurate knowledge ot
the different classes of titles, together with the
large amount $f lands registered in our office tor
Sale, enables us to furnish prompt and reliable in-
formation, and assistance to persons desiring good
homes, and to afford superior advantages to those
wishing to make w/e and profitable investments.
We are offering fiir saJe. lands in every pan
qf the State—improved and unimproved, of every
quality and in tracts lo^suitpurcjaasers, also towc
and city property—in1 snort every kind of real es-
tate, on the most favorable terms.
If desired, we M ill examine land
In any part ofthe State and ascer-
tain Its vaJve.
We invite the' attention of persons having land
TO acres easf of the-tnaj^^HBie Coliail road,
near the town of Helena, p*5PMKMarquiz grant.
Median Ia 3_
1000 acres on the San LbcoSFfereek, about IG
miles south-west from San .-lu toiio , with improv-
100 acres on the north btnl^ of the Medina,
about fifteen miles south-westof^an -lntouio.
"38 acres, survey No. 27, soith bank of ehe Me-
4<9 acres, oil the San Geroriimiftcreek, about
sopie, in,sfl-na-
■ lijtve kfen- es-
Zi. ^
% ,«Pi
of otir repoLlicauTsnV. In brief, if their
pr i%ip8J^e]l' fa^o« th's country as thoy de-
Bii%5&njeriean KWrty, Americtin institutions,
■witb slJonr ameomltaptblessings,. willj>esur
perseded by a low priestly despotism. Hear
wliftt&BOilittr learned advocate of Popery
«ays ;-^-"Brotefet'antiSlit of every form has not
BY the subscriber
man' about
oom is
nod) to be
redt and
, how
to give
n the same
S*hole heathen
" to omigrate to
with them all their
imdattbe. Cur
thenar- ^ '
Sutlerv. Ac
rics. etc., etc. Commerce street, Lavata, Texa*.
Jvoveinber 11,1^64. 50:ly
.. •
At Reduced Prices.
theoid stand, east end of Pecan Street, and
jit the upper rooms, over Mr. Freeman's—
lave a large assortment of all kinds of desir-
Fnrnitnre on hand. As I am determined to
close out this winter, come and get bargains; all
kinds of Furniture made to order as usual.
' Undertaking •*.'•
| am well prepared to attend to. An assortment
of*B.risk's celebrated metalic burial cases on hsnd.
And t!ie usual kinds with Hearse aLvavs read v.
Oct "JO, 46:4 JNO. S. SPENSK.
— —-r- 1
LFRED F. JAMES. Real Estate Bro-
Jfcer and General Agtttf, tfa&erton, Texas, and
snissioner or Heeds.for the States of
Kentucky, Naw Jersey,
Louisiana, Pennsylvania,
Maine, Rhode Island,
Massachusetts, Tennessee,
Michigan, -- Virginia,
Slissouri. , Vermont,
N,e\rVork, Wiscousih.
X«w Hampshire, [Jan. G, '55u
Under tht Stare ef U. $ D, G. Mills,
tu out ami Strand, Gmliestcrn, Texas.
"ISAAC WILtTAMS bar in store, and V .
J 1n<r,'a"MaVge stock of Aprrictiiturai a
Horticultural Implements, sAited'
the growing wants of the country; and^ftiviBg
made arrangements with the Munofacttrerg.jtt the
North for early and full supplies, is prepared to
all borders for Implements of Husbandry. Ma-
ry, &e., of superior quality, and at moderate
Ahiong these are a great variety of—
vertising, and of mercantile houses and individuals
to the collecting branch of our business as a pae-
dium for prompt and efficient collections.
D. C. 4 G. R. FREEMAN.
Marc^i 3-'55. ::t£ . .,
RW. MARTISf, Attotne;/ and Counsellor
• at Law, San Augustine, Texas.—Will act as
General Land Agent for the State, and a3 Collect-
ing Agent for Eastern Texas.
March 16f 1853. 40 '
n<iis, -
tjouston ^bucrtiscmcnls.
HENRT SAMPSON k CO., Foncarding and r\
Commission Merctianls, Si
Houston. Texas; Dealars in Groceries, Liquors, a*
Segars, Tobacco, Dry Goods, Hardware, Bagging,
Rojie, and general Plantation Supplies.
BgyCash advances made on Cotton, Wool,
Hides, &c., consigned, on storage or for shipment
to Boston, New York, or New Orleans.
• >ljine 10. 28: lv .
of fine
prices, fine
of musical Instruments,
ij} part of Violins, from he bes,
factured by Pietro Guarnerot
obus Stetner, and other cele-
os^of ordinary qnality. Gni-
ce from ftv<5-ddllars to one hun-
Acc^rdeons and Concer^-
.escrytion. - ~
of all sorts, Gilt China Ware, Fine
•e" of various Colors, Embroidered
i js. Fine Mirivrs, Merschaum Pipes,
'ork Boxei. eff many sizes and
Linen Drilling, fine Hosiery
variety of useful
and Cob Crushers,
.Cutters, _
otton Sweeps & Scrapers, ic. &c. ^e.
^" Also, Ap':-nt for E. Carvkb & Co.'s cele-
brated Improved Cotton Gin.', and Baowx's Patent
GtiSVMiils. *
Vulcanized Rubber and best Oak-tanned stretch-
ed Leather Belting. June 10. 28^y
■"Horse. Shoes,
Corn PIautexs,
Ox Yokes,
Cane Carts,
Plantation Wagons,
Road Wagons,
len Drilli
Artificial Klosvef&j.nnd a great' i
and fancy articles.
His goods are ordered direct from Europe, fen
those trading with him will not have to pay be
one profit on their purchases. ^His prices are the
e of New York. *
Taken Cp.
a dark complected negro
8 years of age, and has a scar on
his upper lip and also one on his belly. He says
belongs to Ben. Shepherd, who lives in Houston,
and has worked on a steamboat running from
Houston to Galveston. His owner is requested
to CTHae forward, prove property, pay charges and
take Ii rm away or he will be dealt with as the law
directs. * R. W. TURNER, t-
Victoria, Texas, 1 Sheriff V Cm
Nov:-30th, :55 / . 52-tf
jrj.o...,, 'PABTIX6.
Id 1 nst, Grainin js,Marbling,
3 Bronzins:. Glazing, Paper llan-
&.C., neatly, cheaply aad expeditiously
executed bv - .,••.* ; .
Congress Avenue, one door above Finnin & Cair's
A room.
J- Those wishing Signs. Ac., pauted for the
fall and winter trade, will please give me an early
call. Sept. 2, 1855. . 30f.
* Peter Meyer.
BEPS constantly on hand and for
sale. Saddles, Bridles, etc. Also
tiimtr. !gs-for buggies, carriages, kc.—i'
Jxis terms arWibpral —give him a call.
tSf SUop in Miller A Go's-CdnereW Building.
• • .flL - Vyfeatlf IlMMMMiNgaiy'
same as those i
Commerce street, Saa
Grayson House.
Antonio, opposite the
• 1l signed offers, for sale a valuable tract of land
situated in the upper part of Bastrop county, five
^miles East of Webber's'Prairie. The tract con-
tains 200 acres of land—25 of it cedar land—00
under fence and 50 in cultivation. On the prem-
ises there Is a good dwelling, kitchen, stables, out-
liouses and a peach orchard. For terms apply to
march 10. '55. 14:tf. BANYAN PA YNE.
Case's Mills. Travis Countv.
General Land Agency. Loca-
ting, &c.
I WILL give my personal attention to perfecting
the titles to' Vmd between the Brazos and Red
Rivers above the San Antonio road.
I will locate certificates, bounty warrants, scrip,
Sc., anil-procure patents thereon for the one third
of the land or its equivalent in cash.
50,000 acres of Land for sale for cash
or on part time—the lands are among the best in
he State.
Aodp.ess—Jas. Thos Lee, Notary Public, Taos,
Porter's Bluff, Navarro coontv, Texas.
April 21, 1855. 20:ly.
Alexander & James C. McCullocb,
FOR Locating lauds, dividing and selling lands
and laud certificates. Agency for the counties
of Hill, Ellis, Dallas, Johnson, Tarrant, Donteu
and Cook. Any communication addressed to us a
Chambers Creek will be promptly attended to.
iifyziiKi'CKS—Maj. Ben. McCulloch: Wallace &
Hence, Memphis, Tenn.; W. B. Walker, Houston.
Texas: Samnel A A. Henderson, N. O.
Chamber? Creek, Feb. 3. 1855. 9:1 v.
R1!n>. J- A- SpnAfJCE." '}. n. BOGBHTV'J.'J. TRACY.
|VEID,SPR.4GP & CO., Importer^ and
JL« 'T"°*vM ^
and Domestic Hiirdware,
And (i0 Stone Street, N. Y.
Antonio, 300
, Creek,near
' on Mason's
. Ppod Creek,
- .
f the San Antonio
[)f tlrg Cibolo, 25
25 miles west-north-west .jifi
or more acres of Cedar Hrtake. r
320 acres, survey No. 96,
Bandera city
310 acrcs,a part of survey
creek. ' \
320 acres on the waters of Ci
16 miles south-west of San Au
S<in Antonio River and
HOT acres on the north bank
river, six miles above the mouth.
or 30 acres under fence. * 'J
2752 acres, a part of survey No) 20, on the Leon,
near the Fredericksburg road, abost 12 miles north-
west of San Antonio. t ' 1 y.\
3500 acres, on the east bank of the San Antonio,
a few miles above its junction witlj the fetiadalupe.
320 acres on the waters of tlie%Chupadero3, 12
miles 5- by S. of San Antonio, j -
SahinalJLxind^' ' ,
2214 acres, the upper.{5krt cf survey No. 412. on
the east bauk of the sabiual^ abo1
Wall's crossing.
1107 acres, the lower part of .
on the cast bank of the Sabjual,
soute-west of San Antonio. v ,
480 acres,in two tracts, onjlle
Sabiual, about 60 milcss south-w
Nueces lMn<h.
2085 acres, in seven aifijtrt^t trat1
bank of tlie Nueces, abouj. 90
Autooi.,.. ' '■
Rio Grande
960 acres in two tracts.ol
aVffTH mv stbfe, (SB
5e largest assortment of Watches and Jew-l
dry ever brought to this place. The stock consists
of Gold and Silver Watches of latest patterns, and
manufactured by the most approved makers; Finger
Rings, Ear Kings, Breast Pins, Lockets, Chains
Seals, Chatelaines, Bracelets, Sets of Jewelry.
Pocket Cutlery, and a great many othej articles
too numerous to mention.
The ladies and gentlemen of Austin and the vi-
cinity, are respectfully invited to call and examine
the same. Watches and Jewelry repaired.
Dec. 29. 1853. 5:tf Anstin, Texas.
Old Tin Shop on Pecan Street.
: of -Tin
neys at Lav, Anstin, Texas. Wil(} rnctic> iiP
the District Courts of the 2nd Judicial Distri*'
and in the Supreme Court, at Xustin.
r^" B. F. Carter will practfseLsw in the F<
eral Court at Austin. march IT,'55. 15t£W*
— ——— — - :: _ .
HARALSON, Jlournoy and RohardSj Attorneys
and Counsellors at La^, City of, Anstin,
Texas. 32 tf
. C. lUlMOVO,
Attornbf ect Law,
A^TNOt ^y^onsent of the other members,
trtthdraien feftm thc-fum of Raymond, Free-;
6 acres *,
' tract °f land-and
tlie4Adjoi !rig roug^ lands will kStM •>{
wide and excellent cattte range. Price $10t'
'## jPjrKlt* tract t \
1381 acre? oat of the Edward
jmriing.the 1000 acres purefca3|pd by
i'owier, and near his residence/Sj^hil
can be advjictageously divided in!
tracts to euit purchasers.
1521 acres patented to Joshua Woodey,
"iz -Cordova assignee,) on the waters of
. - Horn creek, about 15$ miles s e froi
ilton, anil about 21 miles from ~
191 acres John Webb Little creek
n 36 e from Hamilton, 8 miles
mouth of Haitoilt'
Jesiah Fowler irnd no
ridge. Price $1 25.
615 acres G- W. He
X\. ston Merchants, Corner of Maiu and Commerce
streets, Houston, Texas.—Have the most extensive
and secure accommodation for storage of Cotton
and Merchandise, immediately adjacent to the
Steamboat Wharf.
Rio Grande, about 18£ n}U<
de Rio Grande crossing"'* '
' 830J- acres- on the west bankof'i
about 20 miles below Victori.
2303 acres, on Paiste creek}
Foster survey,'In Victoria
1939 acres, the N E .pat^
tract, on the j^ght bank of
12 miles.below Victoria.
1312 ac^3, on the west
14-am iies frOaffictoria.
44'J^acreSv'bn tl:e;west
13 i :!eEVboYe Victoria,
about 60*0 ^cr£s' Ttuder'
bouse, with all t!iSIter
te., if.; also overse
50 JurtS fAMfl Sfr-.l
863} acre# orftliejierth"
56C5 ncres, comffrisrng
Martin ^ott^fremttnj* one nJfl
Bs&n'sferetjjfcvnns through^
. adjon.iug^rf Fredricksburg-
San Adtonic, Texai.
the east
stof San
k of -the
ItOKEim Sl Co.,
X Paints, Oils, Brandies Wines, Cordials, and 8$
Domestic Liqttore; also, Ghtst and Glass Ware.
Houston, June 10, 1854. 28:ly
HART & VE \LE, Counsellors and Atlor-
nojs-at Lore and General Lnnd Agents, Hills-
borough, Hill county, Texas. Will give their joint
attention to all business entrusted to their care,
and attend promptly to collections in any part of
the State.
References—Hon. Sam Houston, Hon. T. J. Rusk,
C. S. Senate; Gov. J. W. Henderson. Houston,
Texas; Geu. R. Davis, Aberdeen, Miss; Hon. J. A.
Wilcox, San Antonio, Texas; Wm. Alexander,
Galveston. Texa.s; Hon. Geo. P. Scarburgh, Wil-
liam £ Mary College. march 31,'55. ll:tf.
Sheet Iron tcorl;, with neatue^j
' largl .assortment of Tinware
•epared to te all kin
j ver-and Sh
spatclu' A
on hand at wholesale and retaiL Particular at-
tention paid to Roofing, Guttering, &c„ Ac. ' Wn
solicit vour jiatrouase and warrant our work. -
May 26. '55. 25:tf. DEATS 4 BRUSH.
,tn,.. iff "'all'
-j,. ^T*'SusTneasi of-Wat firm.-—
'All legal "business which may be entrusted to him
•I wHl he conducted in connection with the first leg*
t'ilenf in the State.' Xhe strictest attention will be"
given to the management atidferticmenl of EsUtes-
OCSce.'for till pcjfwnt, in-tlieold Trensurv build-
injron "mrrrnaJPnni Nov. W, 40:tf
W "Bfito-
and Eeatlier Store, rfij
EALER iu boots, shoes and eather. He
keeps constantly on hand an assortment of
sole leather, calf skins, linings and findings.
Boots and shoes made to order on the shortest
notice, of finest material and best workmanship;
repairing neatly executed.
Shop on Congress Avenue, Austin Texas.
Sept. 29, 1855. 431y:
BULL'S Sarsaparila, Massury's Wa-a-Hoo,Town-
send's (Old Jacob) Sarsaparilla, Jaynes' Medi-
cines, Moffat's Life Pills and Bitters. R. R. R.! 1!
Radway Ready Relief, Mustang Liniment, Stewart's
Cholera Syrup.
We are general agents for all the above Medi-
cines and many others, and supply dealers at ma-
nufactory prices, adding only for breakage and
exchange. ROBERTS & CO.,
Houston, June 10, 1*354. 28:.y
DR. B. particularly calls attention to «?■
his mode of plugging teeth, thou--.3§53£
sfand8 of which are annually lor.t by neg-
lect and bad operations. Artificial sets of teeth
inserted o-> the most improved method. Prices,
same as charged in New Orleans, by operators of
skill and reputation.
Office near Congress Avenue, below the
Old Capitol
. Austin, January 20, 1855. 1.
Bo\5td5hfg-—Mrs. Pierce would respect-
fully inform the public that she is prepared
to receive and accommodate boarders.
Austin. March 17th, 1855, 15:tf.
cviVIJUU ya*~ "
wish'to-keep it befcP
om- Aromatic Wine
—is the best article in' use for te
ten when enfeebled by Chills and
Fever. As a safe, pleasant, add
it cannot he exceHed, Itc_
scribed with flattering snece53,T5y
Prepared and sold oalr^if ''v^
• BAltl
Sign of thV^ICrt&r, •'Pecar
may 12,.'.55. 23:tf. t i y- - ,
. ■ . . —-- -■ ■ u i
ffe sys-
Ss tonic,
Sng pre-
0. A. STORM, Merchm\
as just
received a fine lot. of po<Js, ^jcb as Black
Bine and Brown Cloths, lllaufcjjieskin Oassimeres.
li^ht mixed Cassimercs. DrSpfe>'ete, Block Silk
Vestings, anfi the best of trimmings fortjnaking
up. He warrants the making ajd iii^i
garments, which he is ready at^All times:"
short notice. Also, rcjiairing and
to order. Shop, the first dooc*ab«e
Confectionary on the East side of
nue. mav 19, 1855. 24:tf.
all bis
do on
Enrcll, Taylor & Gleason.
AND General Merchandise Brokers, No. "10 Park
Place. New York.
W. M. Ewell, late of Texas, - "f-
Joh^L. Taylor, late of New
Elijah Gleason, New York.
Hew Establishment.
BOOTH AND SHOES—The. undersigned begs
leave to inform his old customers and the
public generally that he has on baud a choice lot
of ready made boots and shoes, laid in by myseli
and suitable for gentlemen and ladies. He Hatters
himself that he will be able to answer any call in
his line
i . Thankful for past favors the undersigned would
respectfully ask a continuance of patronage in
making and repairing boots ant) shoes. Hfe will
^ sd a
d to al-
Houston, Texas, by Hewes & jnirtlkut These
Mills are not excelled by any that are bafit in or
brought to the State for fast grinding, durability
and cheapness; and are easier to^'inariatre and
keep in order than any other miU
The capacity of these mills can be ii
most any extent, by an increase 61
speed; or, can be worked with
diminishing tho speed and quantity J
26, 28 and 30 inch Mills we eoits ..
size for water or steam power., 50 fin8= 22 inch
Mills are adapted for horse or other light power,
and the 24 inch Mill for light stefin oPneavy ani-
mal power.
The above Mills leave the manufactory complete
in every part and ready for c' inding^jfen attach-
ed to appropriate power, and run :is 'per printed
instructions accompanying each Millr Price $5
per inch—10 per cent, deducted on cash sales, at-
All orders thankfully received aftAjWomptly .
tended to. march^Q^^ 15:tf
unpr° *■*
A Home in Bastrop County.
IRTY-S1X Lots of farming lands for sale on
accommodating terms. They contain from 4?-
iac/es each. -ffli eSft lands are subdivisions
e- John Maximillian survey, and adjoining
thergtt)—sitHattd in Bastrop county. South of tht
Colowido river on the waters of Walnut Creek,
.J'jf fai1 I I Morris, Jlr. Korrcl and
other< , The divisions were made with due regard
to tiibijer, waiter, and qualitj' of land.
fence is made to the lithographed maps rr-
*ntiRj*said lands, to be had by addressing J.
eXordova, Galveston, by which maps, any per,
with ordinary field aad woods knowledge can
any and alf of said tracts, and corresponding
ornera without any other guidance whatever, as
the lines have been recently plainly marked.
■ The lands are generally post oak, intermixed
with rich small prairies. If a particular know-
ledge of .the land is desired, examination on the
ground is recommended, which can be done with-
out difficulty by the assistance of said maps
General Land Agents,
tf 23 Galveston.
THE highest market price paid for Cj. S. Bounty
A tin, June 23, 1855. 25 tf.
General Lasd & Collecting Agency,
RM. BILMNGSLEY, iiVfo, McLennan coun-
m ty, Texi's, having opened an office in this
place, will buy and sell lands and Land Certifi-
cates, will locate good lands for a portion of th«
land or for money, will compromise conflicting
titles, pay taxes and do all business that relates
to a general land agency. He will receive all
monetary claims for collection, whether barred by
the Statute of limitations, or not. Any business
entrusted to him will be promptly, and without ne-
glect, attended to in person, and only a reasonable
fee will be charged.
References:—Capt S P Ross, Hon Geo B Erath,
J/essrs Coke & J/cCnll. Lewis k Herring, Burwell
J Thompson, Judge J j Eubank. Hon Geo E Bur-
ney, Major R BLhmbl&ffijjHon N W Battle, Waco;
Jfaj. M A Price, X?en EfX Caruthers. Gen P An-
derson, J S McCftju, Es^, JlajrtP'.lie Roy B Suttle,
Hon Wmlj MardfgCoteJ I Crittenden, Lebanon,
TeniuiJnmW* EUaion. Shrevepa#tia.
rapt* '10. 1?V>5!" jfjy. .IpPjfr.. *' ■*
J. *. ruNT.
Late, General Collecting and Land Affxte, Bel-r
ton. Bell county, Togas. l>ec. 29. 3853. 5 -5;
WE. OHLJiEftS, Attorney at" Lau?
• Anstl^rVexas. ' '
Will practiceiri the Courts of the 2nd Judicial*
District April 21, 1855. - 20:tf.
MG. ANDERSON, Attorney asdCocnsi
, at-Law, San Antonio, Tims.—Will at
the Courts of the Fourth Judicial District,
Supreme Court at Austin. Particular
paid to the investigation of Land Titles
collection of debts. Office opposite the
Church, and next door to the Auctioh rooi
D. Collamer. Iy48
640 ae)TM A 111 on DouWe™Horn CTltiL Ht
s 12 w from Hamilton 7} miles s 3€
the mouth of Uamilton creck. f Prie |
3W acres survey no. 78, patented to Au|
M'agncr, about 28 miles* 15 w froi
town of Hamilton, about 4iailet from
O, Burnham's, Esq., ikrnr> Price $1
320 acres W. "WTSmlth, survey no. 255, on D'
* ble Horn creek. *
ac^vJt Caplee, survey no. 59, on th« wj
~ le Horn creek.
jys of^320 acres each. Tbos. C. Ban
;survey no. 74 and no. 75, on the wnt
able ttertf near the residence of Robt
Saladia, survey no. 65, on Do«-
"orn- adjpinitsg the lands of Robt Bnre- locate
Attorney ahd Counsellor at
AesnN Tkxas.
WILL practice the 2d, 3d, and
Districts, and in the Supreme
courts at AusttoT r
Office at his rei$iaj|be near the south
of the New Capitol*? Sept 15,18
Veil worth the attention of
to*cdmbin« fanning with
themselves in a
the advantages
ine water—excellent rang*
the advantages of being
tefe fencing and *tOM
L1 Galveston.
ee in Bnraet Conner.
et, Au4«. Tex
street, was
" j} torn up. ">"h^ as awgn
shattered to pieces; the sbcw windows
ken, ofld^more or less of gte^. in all
windftws also broken. < r t!ir- e
and sbctt guns trete^aW nidtSfa nijiircd.
■ of the steel ififplciuemt:} were slightly '
f t._j th|T paper'eoveriDg^to several-1
Nov. 10. 40:ly
ji"ne<l., Mr. D^uie's wis
; of- tlic teUdiB!rS,?nd the
was c'anirht on fire, but |
! trnhurt. The fla^r staff on
r\Yro. Hend'ej^fe-Co., was
tnt no damage was done
> we can learn.— G,ul.
, Sotice.
FINtilS k Go. having changed the name
• of the firm, will continue the Auction and
Commission business under the name and style of 21st, 1855.. .20 tf FIJiNIN k CARR. ,
Pinain & Carr
Auction and Commission
4 ND Crenl. Agents—wiH atteud punctually to
all business entroated to them. Gon'sign-
meuts of foods closed "at short notice, and ac-
! count of sales rendered.
this line of
may 10, 1855. ?4tf. "rf? C. BEN?!ENER. ! it can be done in-th
THE undersigned^vonld inform his friends and j
the travelling community generally, that, h, i
has settled at the above Springs, on the Salado
Bell county, on the road leading from Austin
to Waco. .He is prepared to accomodate all who
may call on l^im. His table will be furnished with
the best the country affords. ,
He hag good stables and a supply of corn, fod
to call and examine his worl
on Congress Avenue, three dooS
: tStore. THOS.'!
Austin, Jan. 20. 1854. 8:ly
Valuable Lands for Sale.
A P AK acres, a choice location of rich land,
TtOv*«) an abundance of fine Cedar, Oak, Pe-
<i.n and Walnut Timber, and Jiving water the year
tiund ; lying on Home Creek in Travis county,—
the headrightof Wm. Scurlock.
Also 960 acres in Bell county lying on the Cow
EfoHse, a tributary of the Leon, granted to Sir.
Scurlock. This is one of the best timbered and
watered tracts of land in the country.
Alse 640 acres on Burnt Creek, a tributaiy of
Pecan Bayou, granted to Wm. Surlock This
tract is in Travis county and iB unsurpassable in
Also 1,000.000 Square Varas, granted to Reason
Green, known as Survey No. 220 and about lj
miles S- 30 deg. W. from West Caddo Peak in Travis
Also J League granted to Edward Pruit, in
Travis county on Pecan Bayou immediately on the
Also one third league, granted to the heirs of
John Williams, situate! as last tract. These are
two of the finest and most valuable tracts in
Northern Texas. The choicest land timber and
water, and an abundance of it.
Also 320 acres granted to John C. Lee, assignee
of Alexander Baily, lying 18 B>iles from the city
of Austin on the head waters of Willbargers
Also C40 acres, granted to John C. Lee assignee
of V. W. Swearenger, situated as last tract
Also one Labor, granted to J. C. Lee, assignee o
George Grimes, situated as above. These are all
fine tracts of land, rich and well watered.
Also 2222 acres, part of the headright of James
Lansing, on Onion Creek, about 17 miles from
the city of Anstin. This tract is valuable and
will be divided so as to suit purchasers, it is finely
timbered and watered.
The titles to the above described lands are in-
disputable. Apply to A. B. FANTON,
Dec. 1, 51:tf Auction Store
tl. BRTtB,
atid Counsellor at La
( Office mt Congress Ai mvt. )
WILL practice .in theCfljirts of the
Judicial District, antr the Supreme
Federal Courts at Austin and Galveston; att
faithfully to the collection of claims, ii
land titles, kc., and all professional 1
trusted to him. Sept 15, 1855.
PETER UlcCrHtEAE—Attobsht at
Brazoria, Texas.
sjf Law ar.d General Land
Travis county Texa3.
a. 6 . ho r.n e.
Home & Ilornl,^
TTJILL personally attend to Surveying
YV and Locating Lands,perfect-
ing titles,'^ paying taxes, preventing trtspasses;
buying and selling lands in any part of the State;
and adjusting all pre-emption claims, etc., etc.
REFERENCES—Messrs. Burn k Burnside, New
Orleans, La.; Rev. Henry Rennick, La Grange,
Texas; Hon. John Hancock, Austin, Texas ■ Mr.
F. Dicterich, Austin, Texas ; Rev. A. J. McGown,
Huntsville, Texas : Hon. Matt Ward,
i^&a' ^iWPlMiv11 -Li I" I" I <1
d*a .« C
Two ofthe best Preparations ofthe Age*
tarriages, Buggrfes,Wagons, Carts,
&c. -
THE undersigned would, respectfully, inform the
citizens', of Travis county, and Snrrouriging
^atjhey huv^opc^^ft shop in A«s|"
,F. T. Duf-
1*. KELLY, Land Agent%
Ti-xms. Attends to buyii
Lund and all business connected wi
Pays Taxes and perfects Titles.
Locates and Surreys land—buys
His hostlers are attentive ; cnU.s. April 2i; 1855. 20:tf.
Bastrop Uadei
HIE ninth scmi-aniiual session "
O house,
HOTEL.—Having taken
lately known as the Metropoli-
tan Hotel, I am now having it repaired and ]
renovated, and shall furnish it anew; when]
.ihtfn named "lcse arrangements shall have been completed I
1 shall then be enabled to accomodate boarders aud
der, millet and hay.
and careful.
His place is half way between Austin and Waco
—thirtv-five miles from Capt. Merrill's—thirty-
five miles from Jackson's and nine miles south of j A tl0n w!!I open on Mond>y
18r>5 4 .|v R°BLRTSON. j tlie respective'departments'bei^
• 1-1 '— ",* • | charge ot Rev. J. Cariner and l.ady
l lUININE—Favis, Rosengnrtem, German, French, j full corps of experienced teachers.
L> at agents' prices, warranted genuine. For sale
repairing of" caMftges, bii:
wagons and vehicles of all descriptions in thef
rious branches of wood work, ironing, painting
and trimming at reduced prices. All work done
at our establishment will be made of the best ma-
terial and warranted. Particular attention given
to repairing, which will be executed with neatness
and dispatch and for which a deduction of ten per
Antonio, ! eent. will be made on established prices if paid for
id selling | when taken away from the shop.
Blacksmith work of all description done prompt-
ly ar.d in superior style.
al Estate
s Certifi-
ed bv a
by 1'inue 10. 28: ly] ROBRTS k Co., Houston.
Tosiah Bishop,—Watch .Maker,
Congress Avenue, (Second door above
i traveling customers in a manner which, 1 hope, satisfactory to ail. I shall spare no pains
or expense to keep upon my table all the eatables
afforded by the market—shall give every requisite
attention to secure the comforts aad convenience
of my patrons and shall endeavor to give them
the full' worth of their money.
Attached to the premises is a large and commo-
dipns stable where horses will be received and ta-
ken care of by an experienced ostler.
The above establishment will be open for the
(reception of customers on the 1st day 4f April,
185". nl3tf E. B. SMITH.
tn T ©ST.—Donation Warrant issued to Mirabeau .
him **• Lamar, for having participated in the bat- |
,sj_ j tie of San Jacinto, date and number not recollect- '
ed. If not found application, will be made for a t
duplicate. " W. L. HILL. '
The Academy building is cOaliiSdious and
pleasant, and the labratery well silj^ified with np-
peratus cither for chemical experiment or philo-
sophical illustration. * *
Charge per session of five mouth* %om $ 12,50
to $ 25.00. ".7. i _ 2' ; •*
Payment required one half in advance and the
THE subscribers are prepared to furnish to the
public all article in the stone cutting line—
i monuments, grave stones, mantles, table and wash
stand tops, door and window sills, lintels, etc.,
made of material warranted durable. They are a
all times ready to supply according to order, in the
best style, and upon accommodating terms, any or
all of the above articles. They respectfully solicit
a share of public patronage. ROBB &BRO.
Austin, Dec. 8, 2854:2:lr.
what their name pur-
The Vermifuge, for
expelling Worms from
the human system, has
also been administered
with the most satisfactory
results to various animals
subject to Worms.
The Liver Pills, for
the cure of Liver Com-
plaint, all Bilious De-
rangements, Sick Head-
ache, &c.
Purchasers will please
be particular to ask for
Dr. C. McLane's Cele-
brated . Vermifuge and
Liver Pills, prepared by
sole proprietors, Pitts-
burgh, Pa., and take no
other, as there are various
other preparations now
before the
Cum'ngton's Store.) Clocks and Watches tfe.
cleaned, repaired and warranted. Jewelry, Musi- j
cal Boxes and Aecordeous repaired: office seals cut; j rei^dww«£3
Galvanising with gold and silver done | I!(mrilinrr ,.n„ hp in nriv^fimi
A lot of Jewelry and suudnesfor sale cheap
or dash. Sep 23 1854 43 rf
OTICE—All persons having uusettled accounts
and settle immediately.
April 2Vf 1855. 20:tf.
Boarding can be had in private families at mod-
erate raies. Bastrap, Auft.. lb. ag>jji3ft:tf
A 31. W5BSE1, Dealer in Real Estate,
. Ran Marcos. Hays County, Texas, will keep
constantly 011 band for sale on reasonable terms, a
large quantitv of valuable lands situated in differ-
nt parts ofthe State, particularly in W. Texas, in
with Dr. McLane's, are
The genuine McLane's
Vermifuge and Liver
Pills can now be had at
all respectable
60 Wood St.. Pittsburgh, Pa.
. Sole Proprietors,
l or sate oy FRANCIS T. Dt'FFAU,
Congress Avenue, Austin.
Texas : Wisman, Austin,
Thos. B. Hewling. Lampasas, Texas.
Januarv 1st. 185G. n4tf
Burnet County Lands,
fOOT side of the Colorado—30 tracts of
various sizes, choice lands on the North side
pf the Colorado—within from two to fifteen
miles of ,ttre town of Hamilton—some of which
arc in the immediate viciuitv of Smith wick's
Mills. Apply to DeCORDOVA & FRAZIER.
Or their agent JOHN HARVEY,
At his farm in Backbone V;
may 12, '55. 23:tf.
and dealers in every
dise, Houston, Texas.
D. O. Kofton,
Byrd.iille, Tarrant County, Texas.
WILL attend promptly to any business ejj
to him in relation to Land matters in*
them Texas. n5
A. PERRMIAS, Attorney and
seller at Late, feeguin, wftojljimpe
Texas. Will give attention to Afe"Colletti-
debts; the prosecution of land claims: an
other professional business entrusted to him.
fice, south sid^bf Market Square.
Seguin, Jan. 29, L85$. 8:Iy.
it.—The grwt-
of Louden'* Co.'s
Family Xedl-
called to th*
would effecv-
ock, and pr -
have now tk*
of Texiu, that
T, which
_JfT wo KM,
below, coming-from diiintar-
extracted from a letter receiv-
lo, front a Wghly reipectabl*
ot r Cherokee Linnnent was nsed by a
in GrhtffesCounty. as a substitute for Ca1om«lP
c:itir.e, Tobacco Juice, or Fish Oil, and tb
It was, it destroyed the Maggot6 immediately,
the snjell of it proved so offensive to the Blow
Tly, that they would not make a second attack
where the Liniment had been applied to an injocy.
In that section. Calomel and other remedtee mm
entirely superceded, and much expense saved
stock raisers. ■—
Wm. HENRY ELLIOT, Drugpist, of Ho
Texas, writes, Nov. 11. 1854.—I can and
vouch for the efficacy of your Cherokee LiniraoaV
from personal observation, and 1 unhesitatingly '
recommend it to all persons engaged in raisiog, or J
having Cattfaj. Horses, i~
pHcauou "
using, audTtjiply w
to saturate the place where the worms
ited, and they will vacate and fall dead in
minutes. It is seldom necessary to make
than one application.
ROG \N k HEPPENSTALL, Lockhart, Texas,
write, Nov. 1.. 1854.—We have foand oat the vir-
tues of your Cherokee Liniment, for killing worow
and have sold ont what we had, and got another
supply. The worm season is now nearly over:
hut we expect that we shall have a large demand
;xl sum mer. Your medicines are gaining ground
e estimation of the people. Many will hav*
yours.- —
.fct from a,letter from the Hon. DAYID C.
■of Srimes county, Texas, dated Aog.
■Louden A Cos Cherokee Liniment U
destruction of Wwim
e the domestic animals mf
troys them effectually
DR. W. C. PHBLIPS, Tenders h
fessional services To the citizens of
and vicinity on Pecan St .Ri
corner of Hickoiy and Guadalupe Sis.
will practice in the District Cou
counties of Dallas, Collin. Ellis, and
Any business entrusted to his care will be
ly atteuded to. He will also attend to tlie pi
tation and collection of claims against the Core!
meDt of the United States or of the late Re
of Texas. Office, Dallas, Dallas county,
Feb. 11, 1854. 10:tf . ;
LL those indebted to the undersigned, either'
by note or account arc respectfully requested
to come forward and Pay Ep ! a* longer indul-
gence cannot be given.
January, 1856. ^|j|
bama. Daniel r
made preparations'to enlarge their facilities for
a antifacturing. in order to supply the increasing
demand for their Gf^«f 'Ould call the attention of.
'PUinterato their late ijSiroved style of Gins.
t A 'gepsi"ar«ss<>rtMeii?iaf :tlifc aUaye Gins is kept
i_feftfi€. at AJ-len S^BAfjftY'sr^loastbn, by ".he
ed, by wlfcn orders wi3* be thankfully
ut S links S,
at tfcsk-
Stree, Ptnladel-
of their agents, and of
8r nearly everv town In
patented to Edward
ur county, and
to John Daly,
lTi miles W fro**
ted <0 C. J. T
E irom Woodvilli
Agents, Galvestoa.
,.. ^g-at Cwt u r ^
siSscrHioii intending to dis- Sr
MereentSe' business, effer their' ^
•Gotus fl Cost for Casli Only•
vlsan^^are invited to examine nr
^fj^kiag-Hi eir Tall purchases elsewhffo.
ntons indebted to ns by Note or otltr-
wise, irjireqntsted to call and settle immediately
or we be compelled to enforce collection fcy
snit. * E. k A. TEN EYCK.
Acsns, August J4th, 1855. 2^-lf.
mo I'll lfSICI AIC S.—t>r.
JL wishing to settle up his
leave the country, offers for sale
anil premises in the town of Helena,
County, consisting of thirty-four acre j
oustou, Texas.-
storing and selling of ..Cotton will receive my pw-
tfcalar attention. ' ■ * <niartih 17 '55. lyXf.
TIE Undersigned have entered into co-partner-
ship under the name and style of Swensen k
Swisher, for the purpose of transacting an Exchange
and Collection business. Si-M.,SWENSyN.
Austin, Feb. 1,1S55:9. JNO. M. SWISHER.
n oue; Bomrnf e asd.
The Old Established Agency of John Underwood, j j
! Esq., Washington City, 1). C., still IN operct.'Hi.
i \ N Act lias just been passed by Congress,
j rV granting to all who served fcnqggn days, in
I _ Xotiee. I any war since 1 T'JO, and who have nofUfceived 100
j Wf\UR accounts for the year 1855, are nowmade ncres. as much as will give them lGtJ'Scres, wlie-
: \ / out, and ready for settlement. I ther they served as officers, soldiers,jailors, mar-
As 4we intend to close our Store in a short time, | iners. landsmen, chaplains, clerks,1
we legpeetfully request ail persons indebted to us, ; masters or teamsters, or tlieir wido-
Rare Chance for Manufacturers.
MI AT desirable location known as Moretown,
situated at the great falls of the Colorado
River, about 50 mdes from the city of An; tin, is
now offered for sale on very advantageous terms.
I This splendid water power presents advantages
... . I for improvement rarely to be met with. The river
Tracts to suit purchasers, i a? prove tl or unimprov- : |1(.re |iag a 0f feet in about one miie, so
ed. Land certificates purchased at the highe.-t ; divided as to make several mill sites, and the vast
market price. Also will attend strictly to locat- [amount of water afforded furnishes an immense
surveying and procuring patents for lands^— amomlt of power. The tract consists of 580
acres, at the lower falls, on the West side of the
river a considerable part of which is covered
lj«r«-h )'-th,—nl* ^-,r Att'y for M. B, J.jiroar for t \
to cdll and settle immediately, or we shall be obliged j children.
to?commence suits to collect our demands. I All persons havingMaims can hi
.\dstin, Jaiflfefi, 1856. 7:2m | rants procured for them at a reason
E. ft A. TEN EYCK. addressing John Underwood, Esq.,
N. B.—We are still felling our goods at cost1 *City, D. C., or JAS. II. HA1
ans, wagon
^and minor
their war.
\t charge, by
march 27, '55- 17:tf. Cityof Austhi, Texas
lnc, .... - .
Good locations insured or 110 pay required. Will t
locate for money or an interest in the land; also
will act as agent f'ir the sale of Ileal Estate, pay-
taxes, investigate Land Titles, kc. Office on Sail
Antonio street, town of Sail Jlarcos. ]2yl
DR. 91. E1TTEIV will continue to prac-
tice liis profession as heretofore—Office on
Congress A vonue opposite to Mr. Swenson's store.
Austin, Oct 20, 46:tf
T SHACKELFORD, Cotton tacior, Commission
, Receiringand Forwarding Merchant
Strand, Galveston. Texas, inarch 17, '& , }5:tf.,
with excellent cedar timber for building purposes.
The advantages combined in tbi3 location are
rarely equalled by the manufacturing cities at the
North. Further description is deemed unnecessa-
ry as the property mnst be seen to be appreciated.
To a company of manufacturing capitalists an
undivided half interest would be sold, and to those
of smaller means who desire to improve, building
i lots would be tcld on very low terms. For fur-
| ther particulars inquire of
mav 12.'55. 23:tf. J. DeCORDOVA, Agent
Austin Plane Manufartorj.
TIE subscriber would most respectfully inform
the public generally, that be is prepared
to manufacture to order, or repair planes of every
description. All tools warranted.
Shop on Congress Avenue, a few doors above
Carrington's store. , ■!', '
Also jobbing done, furniture repaired, be.
june 23,'55. 20:tf. JAS. FARRAR
buildings. The locatioi- wilt-
physician a practice worth from
annually. The property will be
purchasers who may wish less
provemcntS. For Urms apply to
Helena, Texas. E. M.
AlsOj 100 bead gentle stock cattle female,
-(Groceries St, Provisions,
pfeA'YACA. .
vfiWes and'Behries wanted.
s. w. war*.
Dealers in Dirj
TO I he Creditors of the Eate Be
public of Texas. The undersigned are
pared to collect all classcs of debt of the la.1
public of Texas, whether payable in the cit;
Aftstin, or at Washington City. Persons desi
our services must forward their evidence of deb!
accompanied with power of attorney duly au
tieated, authorizing us to collect from the C.
the State of Texas, with power to sign all n
sarv releases, Sc.
Charges reasonable. BLEDSOE k WATL'
New Orleans Weekly Delta will copy
four weeks and send account to this office.
lot&li^&oots Slioe&i^iats,
.'err, j^rodiiiCf GroceHcs^Sc. Ac.
i/av!ti{^ j jst" completed their Wharf and
-isc. ani iiow prepared to carry 00 a General
iing, Fonviirding 55^ Commission BnainaM,
buildia^rorner of Commerce and
uis"lfr|ets. Lavaca.'^exas.
icral Assortment of Lumber at $11
.V ^
Id Stand.
18%n pad Ornamental
imi.tatipj of wood
Painters, Paper
to oecarte any
j style nnd on the
e tfrms^,G% «try wotk ln our line,
s tipeHence in the abet*
ad the rinc paint*
yjn this dhnaVe where
rilHE partnership existing^
JL rington. D. Clarke, a
L. D. <
"eir, under
name and style of L. D. CSfcinlflpn ^ Co.,
dissolved on the 1st day of January, 1856. by the
withdrawal of Doct. A Weir. The business will
be continued at the old stand by L. D. Carringtonjj.
k D. Clarke, under the name of
L. 1). CARRINpTON 4 Co.
X. B. All those indebted to th^rundersigned.
would do Well and save cost by calling and settling
tlieir indebtedness. 9tf L. D, C. & Co.-
jwgrkj.espet DWiVerful.
r ^
with a m-
calL Be
.11," W. P. Mabis and R.

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Ford, John S. & Jones, William E. The Texas State Times (Austin, Tex.), Vol. 3, No. 22, Ed. 1 Saturday, May 10, 1856, newspaper, May 10, 1856; Austin, Texas. ( accessed December 5, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History.

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