The Texas State Times (Austin, Tex.), Vol. 3, No. 22, Ed. 1 Saturday, May 10, 1856 Page: 4 of 4
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#. ' *f
-s^'tr • ,'s#- • •**
*i i
arb heivdeksox,
Attorney* at Law,
Supreme Courts at Austin, and In the Sec-
" 'ill Courts, and adjoining counties.
Jcsiah fislc, Austin, Texas; Wm. H.
gfc %—
ider Capt.
Uit oav i
'fat$is <
treasurer's office, \
Ausnsr, May 9th, 1856. (
oence the payment, on the 3t(h
!■ Month, to Capt. Charles e.
f-of Mounted Volunteers, the three
" riated by Act of the State Le-
i Jan'y 14th. 1856, entitled "An
ovide for the payment of Six Companies
uted Volunteers that were mustered into
rice of the State of Texas on the 1st day of
.. „jep,A. d. 1854, under a requisition of Bre-
t Maj. GenT Persifer f. Smith, and to pay the
uses incofredby said Companies."
utnants will. be required to identify tbem-
i by affidavit of tiro members of the Compa-
i mustered into the Company of Capt. Travis
stin by-j as. s. Gillett, Adjt. Gen'l of the
on the Sd day of November, 1854, before
; can he made.
jas, h.raymond, Treasurer.
r blow hast
t of their eldafe sflB,
i^anoommonly pi
Pistol Gal-
e rear of
©he desiring - .to im-
; is rifle and pistol shoot-
• the poignancy of
ateaU is.
tra of texasj
trict Obort.
t7irk INSTITUTE. South-West comer
iv of mid berry and San Jacin Sta., city of
Austin. Here children are taught the rudiments of
learning for $2 00 per month, if under ten years of
age. April 26; n20—4w.
PLANT & J. KIIDNALL, receiv-
• ING forwarding, and commission
MERCHANTS, Lavaca, Texas. Will make liberal
advances on consignments to Messrs. Brodie ft Pet-
tea, or Plant Bros., New York, or to their friends,
New Orleans. s9u n. b. Groceries and Planta-
tion supplies tarnished for cotton, or other produce.
April 26 ; n20—ly
Daguerreotypes. Great reduction in price*
at the Sky Light Gallery, where you can get
an Excellent likeness sealed in a neat morocco
case for $1 50. s. b. brush.
April 26 j n20—'y Daguerrean Artist.
Wool carding. Flak &EzeU are now
prepared to Card Wool, at FiskviUe, on Mill
Creek, seven miles North-West from Austin.
tbrifs.—One- third of the rolls, or 12} cts perlb.
The owners of the Wool to furnish grease or
pay for the same. Corn gronnd for one-eighth.
Bedsteads, Chairs, and all kinds of furniture for
sale Lew for Cash. Wagons and carriages made or
repaired, to order. April 26: n20—ly
I hate focifo it. Having discovered
a process for destroying the grazing
or cutting ant, and having gecured the same
in the Patent Office, at Washington, i take great
pleasure in presenting it to the public. The pro-
cess consists of an Engine and Chemical Compound
by which a deadly gas is generated, and Torced
into the recesses of the enemy. i warrant it to be
effectual—no humbug*—and to be entirely free from
any deleterious influence npon the health of the
operator. The engine weighs about 50 lbs., is
easy of construction, is portable, and can be made
by a cabinet maker or carpenter anywhere. The
chemical compound can b bad at my store in this
place in any quantity needed. For testimonials
see printed ci-culars. d. g. gregory, m. d.
^ LaGrange, April 26, n20—tf
ktartofa wkaja
<kaea ^
agar Kingi* itfgliefwith
_ ■hp s w
liewisr of oie Helen McKia*
For terreil-jr****.&
writer tolaowhtt- Ib
Death has gameeed h
hia anwhuchel#
to her tanb, hi*
filed thiit
but the tenth
ambles, the
f.m resident
8 Bfb seised
unity right and
t Grumbles, in
^ i sixty-two,
."except all that
. ^ . h jysng
ougfisaid lots; that
jr, Benjamin Grum-
reiident citizen of
r of the undivided
i of land, as his community in-
; that John j. Grumbles and
/of Travis coanty, Texas, Win-
of Marshall Day, citizens of Arkan-
:g rumbles, a resident citizen of Lou-
Grumbles, jr., ,-fi resident citizen
Aty, Texas, Kissiah Vesey and Lew-
c vikft vjhvu i
■test*. She i
evety hnach of J
gi least abated !
•- twjhss te nj i
ImgU. She ws
lident citizi
•and sister of
he tenants
' said lots <
i are the 1
_ of the said Ki
if them, incln
_ 1th and Edy?
tin the undivii'
ners pray that
r answer said pelii
itioned %nd set
! by law, and
■ respective portion,
the State of Ala-
tioners Elizabeth
of the ondi-
ibutees of
lies; and
your peti-
te one
toid lots of
said defendants
jthat said lots of
jg the manner
so as to give
the heirs of the
Her exit frot* !
hot ao doabt, it
mm of nSeriai
•eimr of earth to dte joy and
For some time prevlaaa ib
Mged the hope thai ehe
heart to the 8avjqf, and it
eariy day, to laake aa open
■Ut| herself to t Christian Church. Uj
dyiag bed the expresMd a willingness to
if it was the* the pleasure ef her Heavenly Father
ia e U her away. Surely then, her friends need
t (arrow for her "etaa as other* which have no
consoled with the confident trust,
bawafod Beta Jws passed away
in that "hoosaaot made with
I in the heavens." * ♦ •
'the said KissUh Grumbles, deceased,
i other and further reiief as they may
i in law or equity}.' and affidavit hav-
de that the said ^trtha Day, Winnie
! Grumbles, KissjKh VeseyJ and Lew-
b-resideotS of Texas.
* command you that yon
11 Day, Winnie Day, Ed-
Vesey, and Lewis ©rnm-
at tBe next term of the Dis-
county, to be beld it the
in the city of Austin, on the
iy after*^pt Monday to Aprit, a.d.,
, by pnblisniag fhis writ.for four Successive
weeks in the Texas Stkte Times, a weekly news-
paper, published in the city of Auatiii, Travis
county, Texas, prior to the retara day of ths same,
to answer plaintiff's petition, of wtu^rofe fore-
going is a brief statement. Herein fail not, bat
due service and return ' make, as the lair pr
Witness Frank Brawn, clerk of onr
'id District Court, with the seal there-
attached at office hi Austin, May Tth,
' daniel murphy's Headright Cer-
tificate, No. 41, First Class, issuedfronf Jack-
fithin ninety tfays, application will
.rtment lor a "duplicate.
IE of Tannin, or the Celebrated Leath-*
er Preservative. For Sale by
19tf baker A SMYTH.
Roach and bed bus Bane. War-;i
ranted to destroy these insects. For sale ]
by baker A SMYTH.
Sign of the Mortar, Pecan-st., a ustin. 19tf
^ travelers in texas.
Shortett, Quickest and Cheapest Route to
the Colorado and Brazo* VaUeys, Aus-
tin and Western Texas, via Buffalo
Bayou, Brazos and Colorado
From harrisburg; connecting with New
Orleans A Galveston and Galveston Bay u. s.
Mail Steamers; and at Richmond with Btages to
Anstin and to Gonzales, and intermediate points.
Can leave ffarrubttrg each day, (except Tuesday and
Tkurtday.) at 8 o'click, A. M.
Leave Richmond 1 o'clock,P.M.
Passengers for Anstin, Ac., leave Galveston
Tuesdays and Saturdays, taking Cars at Harris-
burg, and stages at Richmond the following days.
Gonzales Stage leaves Richmond Sundays.
j6?* through tickets from Austin and
intermediate points, by f. p. sawyer 3 Stages
and railroad, may be obtained by applying to
Finnin & Carr, Austin, Tekas.
jno. a. williams,
nl9tf b b, b & c Railway.
TAKEN UP by j. b. Rogere, of Milam co.,
x and estiayed before James Jeffries,
j. p. oh the 30th of Jan. 1856, oneway
mare, 8 or 10 years old, blazed in her,
tace, valued at thirty dollars.
Also—one Brown Mare, 2 years old, small star
in her forehead, valued at $15.
Also—one bay horse colt, blaze, in his face, rai-
ned at' $25.
taken up—by John Applin, of Milam co. and
•strayed before g. w. Chiisti'in, j p, on the 6th of
February, 1856. one bay mare, 10 j ears old, 15
hands high, marked wiih the saddle, valued at
Also—a bay mate, 5 years old, 1.5j nands high,
' valued at sixty-five
Ham co., and
e-3d March,
j of tips
Election is August.
fgfWt an authorised to announce ALEX. H.
lALMEBS as a condidate for the office of Dis-
; Attorney of the 2d Judicial District. Election
It. • '
r« are authorised to announce JAMES H.
I as a candidate for Clerk of the Coun-
ty Caort of Travis County, at ths approaching
Aagnst election.
~Te ai* aatborized to announce JOSEPH,
Came to band May 8th, 1856, and ordered to be
published in the Texas State Times, a weekly news-
paper, published in Travis county, Texas, for fonr
weeks prior to the return day hereof.
john t. price", Sheriff Trsms co.
May 8th, 1856. May 1?" 32
Scott'S hotel at the White Sulphur
Springs in the town and tioonty of
<T OetVof
e an
The shove named hotel |i. now open for
ob of boarders arid travellers. The un-
:ises to spare neither pains nor ex-
his patrons comfortable both in-
His table will be sup-
tbe country affords. And ad-
is, in process of erection and
a splendid Billiard Saloon, Ball
Supply of see on hand, and mint
g. w. scott,
sas, April 22d, 1856. n21 6m
Emigrants with Capital.
acres of land out of 20,000 on
the eastern margin ofthe Brazos river,
above thejfcyat Fall, in Falls county. The
has been settled on its merits
courts "offlty country, and are beyond cavil
spnte. On them are the celebrated weed
perhaps the most
w years they must
acre. The price
remainder to he
jply to fr.
■who will
thos. j.
in the world,
from $30 to
per acre—half
b lien npon the
£®etffau, on Con-
1 dispose of them as the
28, 1856.
May 3 3m21
P.S. The
Ryan and E. D.
Rjer A Son. TShoiritl for
a oSeit rn share oTpnblic ..
WebbsmHe, May 1st, 18
fl Probate
M ot* aw
at the
Court <
sad William P.
mm &L.
siecoaat for • final settlement of laid <
he acted apoo at the May Term, j
All persons interested are i
appear and contest the same if they see 1
.*!&? ! ' ..x X""i
la testimony whereof. i hereunto get my hhnd
and affix the seal of my office-at office in Ajwtln,
"4tr- 3d of Majv-1856. '
fWll. B. McGlLL, a«k C. C. T. ife
ja*«s P. Davis, Dept. Cl'k.
Eatray Notice.
ed from the undersigned,
it twelve months since, at the
of Austin, a sorrel filly, three years,
spring, with a small star in herfforehead;
indfeet a little white.
information of the above animal will be
mary lee.
Certificate For Sale.
tificate for one League of Land for sale
by i w p. DsNORMANDIE.
iy 3th No.'21:tf
: '■ : j" . . ■ .
03t.—Land certificate of William Went-
forone third o^a league of land, No.
issued by the B0«Td of Land Commis-
iatagorda county, May 3, 1841; it not
ithin the time prescribed by law, appli-
,tion w?ll be made at the proper Department for
bledsoe a walton, Agents.
m^-3, 1855. Jt 5 9w
j%a. black,
LANP ANP general AGEN.
bump on her leu hind am
taken up—)- j. f.
estiayed 'uefoie j. goai£^-1
lefit s
taken up
and estiayedljSbi-e jamtfs
18th March, 1856 oce bay horse,■"Sgreai's
bands hi -h, ou'.e ii the face, both hind feet whi
blemisa in -he rig'ai eye, valued ai seventy-five
dollars. -.
—Jr- i-r- 1n T"ir° r'ijni^1 J"
high, marked wiih harness, valued at forty dol-
laiS. .
Also—one white and velow spotted ox, 1 years
o'd: maikcd ciop off the left ear
split in the right.
Also—one oiher bundle o^jj
old, maiked s?lii«jg#iindei*^iii
in each horn wiih *b gimblet, valued'
Hollars. ' "*■ ' i
talen up—by s. w. Smith, of Milan county
and estrayed beiore James Jeffries, j p, on tbe
14th March, 1856; one red and white pided ox,
about 12 yen is old, marked crop off the left ear
and swallow folk and under bit in" the right, bran-.
ded yb.
Also—one blue and white speckled ox, ? years
old, no mark," branded yj .
One brown and white spotted ox, 7 years old,
marked swallow folk in each ear, branded s (with
a circle around it,) the three valued at $57 50.
stroud melton, Cl'k c c, m Co.
March 31st, 1856. 19w3
In District Court, Travis County, Spring Term, a.
John b. Banks, *k (The State of Texas,
vt. j-No. 928-j County of Travis.
t. m. Seiver. J I ^
Tbe State of Texas to the Sheriff of said county,
Wg "hE re as, John b Banks, on the 16th of
Ap il, 1856, filed in the office of the clerk of
the District Court of-Travis county, his petition
against one Tilbery m. Seiver, whose residence to
petitioner is unknown, alleging that on or about
the first day ot January, 1853, petitioner sold to
tbo said Seiver, a certain lot or parcel of land sit-
uated in the town of \ ebberville, in Trivis co.,
for which said Seiver executed to petitioner his
two "ertain obligations, substantially 8? follows:
One rote dated Jan'y 1st, 1853, for one hundred
and thirty dollars, payable on or before the 1st of
Jan'y, 1855, with 8 per cent interest from date.—
One note da'.ed i,ame day, payable on 1st Jan y,
1856, for $130, wijh interest at 8 per centum unti.
paid ; said land or town lot being more fully de-
scribed in the deed executed by pe jtioner to the
Said Seiver; petitioner alleges that £iid Seiver has
neglected to pay said no'es or any part thereof;
petitioner p ays for cita.'on according to law, and
for judgment for the a nount due npon said con-
tract With all interest and costs, that the eqnita-
ble lien of petitioner upon said land be fore-
closed and that said land be decreed to be sold to
satisfy tbe amon-it due petitioner upon said con-
tract, and for such relief a" petitioner is entitled to
receive , and petitioner's attorney having made
oath as by law required,—
These are, therefore to command yon that you
cite the said Tilbery m. Seiver, by publication of
this writ in the TexRS State Times, a weekly news-
paper published inthe city of 'Austin, Travis co.,
Texas, for four successive weeks prior to tbe re-
turn day bSreo", to be and appear at the nextterm
a— ' court's^ Travis county, to*" ~,j
on the 'iOt&
1856, then and thereto answer plaintiff's j
of which the foregoing is a brief statement.
Herein fail not but due rettrrn and service make
under the pains and penalties of the statute in
such cases made and provided.
witness, Frank Brown, Clerk of onr
^s&psaid District Court, and the impress of the
seal thereof attached, at Anstin, Anil 16th, 1856j
frank brown,
Cl'k dc tc.
Came to hand the same day issued and ordered
to be published in the Texas State Times, a news-
paper published in Travis county, for four suc-
cessive weeks prior to the return day hereof.
john t. price,
April 16th, 1856.—nl9 4w. Sh ffv. c.
AITJTf? Tarnishes- &c. Raynolds,
devoe 4 Co., 106 and 103 Fulton St.,
New York. Manufacturers of Paints, Varn-
ishes, y.'hi;ing and Zi c Paints. Importers
and dealers in White Lead, Colors, Brushes, Dia-
monds. Glues, Oils: etc. Consantly on hai d a
a large and perfect assortment of e'l such goods
requited by artists and painters and oy tbe irade
generally. Manufactured goods only of first qual-
ity. •
Foreign goods we receive direct from the pro-
ducers, and can offer by the package or otherwise,
on themo3t favorable terms.
jgg^*0rder8 by mail promptly attended to. 19m3
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
5 MMD uvusl^liuu^
Kew Good* a| Mw Price*.
~e are now receiving and offer mfc s
f for sale at onr store on Pecan jmuib
st et,a large and well selected stock ■! 1tti
0 (staple and ^ ^
Consisting of Wncy and Black Silks, tiroes,
Bareges, Cashmeres, Muslin Delanes, Gingham*,
Prints, Linseys. Satinets, Tweeds, Janes, Bleached
and Brown Muslins, Kerseys, Clothing, 'shoes;
Boots and Hats, Caps, Saddlery, Hard Wart',-
lery, Cro'kery, Stone and- Wood Ware, all o.
which we will sell s low as the to -st for cash.-
also—a general stock ot—
Nov. 10, 40:6mo
From the
terms thi
test of my arrangements i
iflar house in Western Texas.
am able to supply dealers on more advantageous
francis t. duffau.
Congress Avenue. austin
ft^he reason
JL Sevastopol, j
weak and enfei ~
caused by their
pitable climate,
tained to have
would have suppoi
hardy soldiers,*"^
have -been in a«g|
his lorship co!
effected his
Raglan has not stormed
mainly owing to the
ition of the Allied Armies,
led sufferings in an inhos-
now been clearly ascer-
duced by the absence 9f
jc Bllters, which
and invigorated even the
gthat those armies* would
healthy condition and
' and elegancc, have
id in certain
blaxk books.
Iinow ui'Fttt the largest and most complete
assortment of Blank. Books, ever in
Western Texas, consisting of Record Books of
every size. j
Ledgers and Journals for Merchants, Registers-
for Hotels.
k. m. johnson. j. o- oosdon. wilcox
R. M. JOHNSON, # Co.
s?m # 11*
sold exclusively for cash.
Administrator's notice-—Letters of Ad-
ministration were granted to the nndersigned
on the estate of Wm. m. Murphy, dee'd, at the April
Term, 1856, by the County Court of the Connty of
Travis. This is therefore to notify all persons hav-
ing claims against said estate to present them,(duly
authenticated) within the time prescribed by law,
and those indedted to said estate, to make imme-
diate payment,
abner P. blocker, Adm'r.
April 8th, 1856. nl7 6w
, idbaa<
iiamson and Travis, * d in the I
era! Courts at Austin.
Particular attention given1 to i
Collection of dVbis.
rkpkb to—m. dimon «
trap: Hon. John Hantock, '-,,
and John w. Harris, Esq., -4t
' ra.'' ■ ■
ffll toose
ope* to
rpOI'he world.-we, the nndersigned,
l do hereby warn and cau'llon all persons
to keep an eye oat 'or one w. j.mohondko, who
escaped iiom ns at San Auionio, from which place
we intended to biing him to tbe Austin Jail for
safe-keeping, he having been regularly tried be-
fore the magistrate at FortMerritl, and committed
for the offence of Horse stealing.
s .id Mohondio is about 5 feet 4 or 5 inches
bigh, very heavy built, heavy beard inclined to bei
sandy, laige yellow eyes, very high forehead, hat
a scar on bis head occasioned*from afclow, he is a
very easy spoken man.
t. wf
of ueafprtpemy, ..
State; b**use,he«?"
and seasdlL there aft ——mr,
investmenW To tr<b4 wishmg4o
Texis, we ofrer the inducement of
Full Jb Cdmi<lete ExhlW
and esasos/tbli MWCTa.'
For persons "desiring te maki inre
will endeavor unexercise d! due OMtion,
careful examinations befote pnrehaiing. „ 1
vestment* tre nutk Shall be *oft attdpnfitafm.
Registering Fee,.$l. Comrtils^ons iMge
2 to 5 per cent., in pfcportion to *6joun^saje er
purchase. !>■ c. a o- r. frekma .
Real Estate Brokers, €ollecting and l«1 Agean,
Austin. February l'7, -|855. 11-tf.
r. m. blut^inosij3t,
General Eand *pnta^ilwtod*>
— 'ubuc AND couveyancer,
" ^i53
bnmi (he «w-
BROOKLO City Steam Engine
Works. d. p. Bnrdon & Co., Wa-
ter street, Brooklin, i'ew York, manu-i
factu eisof steam engines with Burdon's pa'eit
cut off and boilers. The subscribers not only as-
sert tbe superiority of the construction of their
Engines, but wil'jguaranntee to transmit one third
more power with the same surface of boiler, and
30 per cent, less of s,eam, than any other engine
manufactured in the United States, maintaining an
equal speed,
without regard to amount of power applied to en-
Also,—from their long experience and immense
facilities, they acknowledge no competitors in the
manufacture o
Sugar Mills, Saw and Griss Mills,
Steam Pumps, Mining Pumps and
Gearing for Mines, Shafting -and
Pullies, Heavy and Light Castings,
and Mill Macbirery of every description.
Sonthern Planters' atten 'on is particularly direc-
ted to our new and improved sugar mill. The
simplicity of its construction, extraordinary pow-
er and great durability, renders it decidedly su-
perior to any now in use.
-t.k- 8gk Orders by mail or otherwise attended to
' ~ rjtb promptness and despatch.
d. p. Burdon,") d. p. burdon & Co.
h. n.Conklin v
s. b. Conklin j« > , „
42 $
—From fbe undersigned,
described property, viz:
One light bay mare, 3 or 4 years old, j.
a dark stripe running up the b^ck, no brandy pel
ceiveable. '■ '
One black mare about 5 years old, one glass
eye, had a^yearling horse colt with, white in his
face. ■ - r;*'- • .. -
Also—a number of stock cattle, a"l marked "with
npper half crop in .the right ear and under half
crop in the left. Mostly branded - w s on the
hip, and some of them branded with a German
brand on the shoulder, bat not all of them.
Also—a large number of hogs, marked as the
cattle are. . - '
Any information in regard to the above lOst
stock will be thankfully received and a liberal re-
ward given for the delivery of all or any of the
horses, or for the delivery of any of the cattle or
hogs found out of the neighborhood.
william sowers.
April 17th, 1856. , nl9 3m
how f. T.' Dufl^^^Ptflress aven'ue^lustir^
stands affected inj^hmtfrel, but ham no doubt he
will supply themvpqas much of those invalua-
ble Bitters forWebSity. as be may be able to
spare, after supplying his friends at home with a
sufficient quantity to get through the approaching
summer with. [maret^ 10, '55. 14:tf.
bitters, just received,/*This tonic is
ly suj ^reeding Moffat's, and is invaluable in warm
weather, to keep the body from being prostrated by
the intense heat. For sale by
June 24. 30: ly f. t. duffau.
Headrijht certificate, No Class
issued by the boaid of LandCommis-
irgjcounty, on or about the 6th
to; James h. Cox, for j of a
beard from within the time pre-
:ion will be made to the
&ter u dsnormandie,
Attorneys for the heirs.
The suhscribeVsare now prepared to fill orders
for Pii-e eoijl jci ai their s^au> Mil's.
sioners of hi
day of June, 1
league. If nol
scribed by law
proper dedarti
nolO 9w
eighteen mile.' beh
the Colorado Rive
length requued up
Au«Jn. ou the west bi nu of
They c..u saw ljm'oero" any
to Uiiriy cet. Having two
shingle machines ft operation, they are also pre-
pared to furnish Cedar Sbtingles—rough
edged thivedollars and square seven
dollars per thousand. Terms cash—invariably
cash—on delivery? burditt § miller.
Fe , 2d 1856—3 m
in all its vi
well to gfte;
time, and
fh1ee1ps & co.
themselves together for the
on the building business
buildings to put up will do
call, -as we are determined to
Contracts in the shortest possible
ejpost ep^jionable terms. Country
. it yaito
Til'as bui'l afie*the mo# approved modern style.
Plan? and SpeciScations, drawn on the mosj
easoQi'ble teims, but iio-chaige for plans where
we take the contract.
llefe.'en&s—Bon. ehel\a m. Pease, Governor;
Jas. h. Raymond., Tje:tsuter; Jas. b. Shaw, Comp-
trollei ; l. d, Carringtb.n, Merchant; Jas. Doyle,
n.. ffiifloisgid, Druggist; f. t.
!)r^ baylor;, Col. a. h. Cook,
r* SUtelpolnmissioner; Austin.
28, 1855. 34:t£
State ai
|hn Block no. 110, on
•enue, city of Austin.
tract of first quality
lyou, Grayson County. al-
Leon, Coryell County,
p^v. t.davidson*.
^ j State fimes Office.
' tess Avenu^.
ebruary 10th;-?
tpfiley tenSert his thank? tP*iiie 2>u"o-i
lie for past favors and wishes •& oin intiance
roj tbe dame. he.i^0isi«i0u,'-aik.l0janties
al. i^j^rortraeni; of>ll kijds o/>
de^^itfenwily tilled, t h;Ve a
do eveiy vaiie;vo~ ^urn __
reasonable nric-es. ^funer#
pi omptness and despatch^
or'nijBi. - i have a new hearse,
t i can use one or two aoi sestxs thi
rewiiie. t. h. ttoev,
ogp clling at night can find me at
jw yards in the rear of my shop.
Roberts & Co., Dealers in Cro-
ceries, Liquois, Drags and Medicines,
Houston, Texas. Fresh supplies of Groce-
ries received weekly fiota New Orleans, and1
Medicj.ies Monthly from New York,
cited and promptly attended to.
:mes' ks?!*
Orders soli-
• s-tbj
mv residi
on 8alea.
f every desAiption of property on Wednes-
days said Saturdays—in front of Finnin tc
Carr's Auction Store on Congress Avenne.
Tuesday* T%ur*duy* and Saturday*.
powell & rcthvex,
co-tton factors and gene It A L for-
warding and commission merchants
Galveston, Texas.
FlRTICTLAR attention paid to the sa}eer ship-
ment of Produce. Accounts of safe prompt-
ly made.
Cash advances made on all consignments, either
for sale or shipment. Produce sent to our address
will be covered by open policy of insurance, at the
ruling rates of premium . je23 ly
('1 eo. f. i.amphhv>n(ai Sur-
X geon, respectfully informs the citi-
zens of Austin, and tbe public generally,
that he is permanently located here, aid will devote
his entire attention to the practice of his profes-
sion in ail its various branches. Office on Pecan
street, two doors below the Missouri House.
Dec. 8,1854:2tf.
Boardimg.—Mrs. kyle has taken the
House of Dr. Morris-on Congress Avenue,
:e boarders.
and is prepared to.acco:
Read Mouse.
By ifrs. philips, corner Main Plata
San Antonio, Texas.
Hay's liniment, which is now considered the
jbest remedy for Piles in use, for s
baker *
best remedy for Piles m 1
May 27, 1855. 2Stf
for sale by
* smyth,
elder; has saddle
is ro ashed
emiid '
or to the sabscriber, near Can-
Any information con-
thankfully received.
10 If*" C.'R. PKRRT-
head-right certificate of S. A.
BnrtM for 320 acres, granted by the hoard
ami salon en for Houston county, 4th- class,
i. 357, dated May 9th, 1845; if not heart- of,
1 apply to the Draper department for "
pAdmm'r of the estate of S. A.-BURTON, dee'd.;
May 10 Aw 22 . i
i *
fatf. OF texasj ) John j^.'peay rt
CeoIMy of Williamson; f R. b. Pumphrey.
Justice Court^Preeinet No. l.
^the State of Texas tn-tbe-SJbe'riff «jijiy_j
Officer in said. CimnSy—GWai""_
"TTTHEREAS the plainttff'in the'J
w case has instHated agmnst I
three distinct suits .on three Kites of fca
ed as follows, to-wit:
One for $22,63, of
One for $75.50,
All of
per cent.1
having made oath
ident of
i-oomty, for thi
Pumpbrey to he aai
ed Justice of the
Rock, on th&fi
the honrs of 1
day, to answer -
tions; and Of "
to be poblished .
payer published Ta
cessive weeks prior
May 10,1856—3t
superior Lemon. Syrap,
to suit purchasers. ' ^
s&le in quantities
the Mortar, Pecair
" ^r irr
Ml Office,
ia andspeci-
qealed proposals will be re-
o the undersigned unUlthe
3lst day of May next, for the erection .
and completion of a General Land
p-*trbuildings, cistern and fence, plan i
tK-atioas can be seen by applying to the Com'mis-
sio.aer of the General Land Office.
gopies of the specifications will be sent to the
ty Clerks of s-
itonr Walker,
account will please call and settle."
w; <- """ baker 4 smyth,
December 27th. 1355.
C1as1i paid for Raw Hides by Sam-
_ ) uels & Mosson, Congress Avenue, Austin,
1 1ml
Cass, Rei
e, Harrison,
h 1st, 185
Where they can be seen by applying to the clerks.
; e. m. pease, i Build-
4- ' S crosby, i ing
Jas. H. raymond, [ Com- j mittee.
Austin, April, 1856.20-13 lmay.
independence, texas.
rufds c. burleson, a. m. President,
and Professor of the Spanish and Ancient
and Belle Letters.
i. Morgan, a. b., Professor ofMathemat-
tt. David r Wallace a m., Professor of Natural
bees and tbe French Language and literature.
s. d. Rowe, a b., Assistant of Languages.
t. j. l. Smith, Principal of the Preparatory
~ _ opened on the first Monday in
Term on the first Monday in
rj^he undersigned has established « nejw lerry
x on the Colorado, between those of s*one and
Swisher. He has a new, substantial and safe
boat, and will give particular attention to the busi-
ness in order to cross persons promptly and safe
lyi day or night. Good roads lead out hip
ferry to San Antonio, Gonzales, Fredericksburg and
other points. hugh tinntft.
Austin November 18, 1854. 51. ly.
Tbe Spring ti
March, and the
The Institui
ith an able facult} ,'and all the classes regularly
tioh ii
ia^n' a flourishing condition,
-fi -i i i—
■f -The village of Independence is unsurpassed for
health) quietness and beantiful scenery.
Tnition in the Preparatory d?partment $26 a year
In the Collegiate 50 a year
Board in excellent families for $10 ahd $12 a
month. Feb 2, S ly
w. w. payne, m. u.
J. h. htrndon, 31. u.
To brick masons and carpenters. Seal-
ed proposals for the construction
of a Court-House and Jail, jointly or
separately, in the town of Birdville,
Ta. .ant t'ouniy, Texas, will be received by the un-
dersigned committee, appointed by the County
Court of said county, until the 25Lh day of June
Court-House to be 2 stories (32 feet) high and
50x50 feet and finished off in a plain style.—
Jail-hon e 40x18 feet, and 2 stories ("i feet) hij>h ;
prison rooms 18x18 feet, and finished in plain
style. For particulars reference can be had to
specifications on file in Clerk's office.
Bids will be received for the masonry and car-
penter's work also, seperaiely or jointly, for one
or both buildings.
Proposals must be accompanied with a bond in
double tbe amount bid, with good and sufficient
security for the faithful performance of the work.
jSfPaymeu.s to the amount of four or five
thousand dollars will be made as the work pro-
gresses, the balance on time. "^58
Contractor or contractors to have two years
from date of contract to complete said buildings.
j. w. elliston, "i com_
i trator's e
f attention will be givei to Adminis-
finnin & carr-
SI0,000 WANTED !
ftxhosg indebted to me will please be prompt
JL, in closing their accounts by January 1st 1856.
For the future persons wanting articles costing
small turns, must pay cash, as the trouble of char-
ging 10, 15 or 25 cents is more than the profit.—
No person whose account stands open alter Janua-
ry will be credited for any sum. My object is to
confine my credit business to those who pay me
when i want my money. francis t. dcffau.
Dec. 15. l:tt
Would i especuhlly inform '.be citizens, mem-
bers of the Legislature auu strangers vis-
iting Austin that he has for sale, at the old "Par-
ker Store," Congress Avenue, opposite Swenson's
New Buildings, a splendid assortment of
Clothing, Bats, Boots and Shoes,
all of which have been made under his own per-
sonal supervllion, and will be found of that su-
perior quality, which he has alweys been in
the habit of bringing to this pUrce, and which he
is determined 1o sell Low for Cash.
Oct. 27. 47:6m
TRAYED or STOEEW.—a sorrel
borse; age eight or nine jeais, with
white on the face, hind and fore foot-
marks o' ha' ness. Left Ansiin on Sun-,
day ni^ht; wiih saddle pnd bridle. Any person
who will oiing back seid joise, or ;,ive any ir "or-
mr 'on or his wheie.ibouts to j. hans-iacob, at
d. f. Waddel's, near Ausi in, w:'l he libei a'ly re-
warded. March 27ili 1c36.—16 It ^ *
FOR SAI.E.—a large, well-formed, thorough
bred station, 8 years old, also a fam-
ily carriage, and one double set of har-
ness. One single buggy, watches, guns,
pistols, etc. Wines, Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco
and Vinegar; at wholeside and retail by
geo. e. robinson.
Also, several valuable Austin City lots.
March 16th. 16 4w
MARRET Garden lbr Ren*.
undeisigned wishes to rent the
Shoal Creek immediately behind the
Judge su?<?d. It consists of seven acres7
soH. well oiiken u'> enclosed in a stroii'v fence, £n'
abnndauce of cojvenient water,
two room House. Lying oa, the
is very su'u'.'jle for the purpose oS
* it
For terms apnly to
- Rev. wm.
. MIR HOUSE.—Lcwer
dianola, Texas, undersignei
being sole propii
lishqtent, and havin;
takerf pleasure in ini
" ig public, tfi'
•s at the r
comfprts as nsual,
'"b^rding by the
For each meal..,
a Good Fishei made atih
17 8w
bledsoe k waltflgf, ag'ts.
I70r one dollar and fifty cfets you
; can get an excellent Daguerreotype Likenesa
^5*wvi g
can get an excelled Da<
of yourself, at the sky light'
pied by mr Peirce.
April 12,-18tf - ^
llkfOTICE.—All persons are hereby wqjjrai not
to trade for a note signed-by f. s. W i Co
payable to Webb for $166 00. Said note
noto was due some time in the year 1854 and has
long since been paid, and we will not pay it again
unless compelled to do so.
nl8tf W. M. WALTON.
gal ad
the vicinity of McLeansn
THE STA TE OF TEXAS, \ Suit to Spring Term
/ of Travis Couaty
S-No 900
fine estal
own seggiol
ling his TnenSs and the
he will receive transient
d prices, with the same
ot better. .
■y .$2 0ft .
ftl| . 50
is attached to the hotel to
furnish the best lisir'and oysters.
Also a good baiFhouse for the enjoyment of the
boarders. <} -
nl5 ly casimir yilleneuve.
County of Travis.
District Court, a. d., 1856.
Moses g. Shipman 1
vt. heirs of Jos. Fessenden. j
The State of Texas to the Sheriff of Travis eonn-
"\wthkkeas, Moses q. Shipman, a citizen of Wash-
tt ington County, Texas, has this day filed his
petition in the office of the Clerk of tbe District
Conrtof Travis coanty, 'a said Stale, against the
unknown heiis of Joseph Fessenden, deceased, al-
leging, among other things, that petitioner pur-
chased of one Joseph Fe.-senden, for a valuable
consideration, all his right title and interest inw
and to ae rtain tract of land lying in Travis couijj a
ty, conu'iniug three hundred and twenty acres
Spring creek, on tbe west b -k of the Colon
river, and adjoinfog Survey i.o. 72. the field notes
of wb'c'u shid survey of 320 acres, purchased as
aforesaid are fully «etout and the land were fully
described ib plain.iff's petition. Pe : doner alleges
that the said Jo .eph Fessenden convevcd to Uin\
the said tract of land in fee simple, duly auu lef
gaily executed. Petitioner fuitber apeses that
he neglecled to have said deed recorded or fiW
fortecovd, andf thai the same is now lost or mis-
laid so tbi't it- canno. be found : ibat since the ex-
ecution o'sa:d deed. the seiii Jo.eph Fe-senden
departed this l'"e lc;iving he:ts rnu legal lepras
sentatives. wliote residence is 'mknown to petitioa-
ei. Pe'! :o«erprays Tor p.ocess ag in t the said
heiis aud l-gi: iepraic u t-ives'afoiesaid; al-o i'er-
judjroeut "or said irrii; that all title he divested,
ont of said hei'-s and l?gal l-epiescntatives and ves-j '
ted in peti-ioner, and tor general re'ief. And affi-
davit h iving been made m tern# of law—
These are, therefore, to command you, to
mon the unknown heirs and legal representatives
of the t$id Joseph Fessenden, by pu'dieaiion of
this'^riVand brief statement in the Texas Stale
Tim^for eight successive weeks prior to Che re-
tnrn uay he>-ep-: to be and appear a.t the next, term
rof theDistriutCourt ofTiavis connty, to beheld
*tfb€-gourt (ton e theveo^ in the city of ati&tm,
t the tenth Monday after the fitst Monday iit
■April, IS.Vj', .hen and theie to answer plaintiff's
petition, of which tbe foregoing is is a brief state-
ment. > - '•
Herein'*fail, not, bnf due return make, as: the
law prescribe^ nnder its pains and penalties.
1 iWitness, Frank Brown, Clerk of our
District Court, with the impress o!
thereof annexed at Austin, this 19th
a. d.. 1856.
frank brown, Clerk
d. c. t. c-, Texas.
he, and no exertion
icribfr or his assistants, wi
cure the5-- settlement of
confide their accounts to
fcj^be undersigned wilt
it urious prominent
fesSional buaiaess, or to
er in tlie prSecution of the
him. To Anstin, San Autos'
will pay periodical visits,
ia their frequency by the amount of
be transacted,
He will attend to reeei'
various Periodicals and
throughout the country:
sncb duties as a General
prosecution of
Act of Ceni
Waco, Sept.
srill be cOHarUd
t thita-
Geo. E,
establishmenfTWf!' •PcSfldncUd by Geo. E.
Robinson, who will keep consteotiy on hand «
choice assortment of wines, Liquors, To-
bacco and Cigar*, for sale at wholesale aad
retail. J. h. ROBINSON.
February 21st, 185<jl-__-_ 1 fw
ie third!
•of Febri
; rateso
First cli
man- Geograph;
Thirf< ,
and Natufnl Scii
Attention gi
This school is
tin. Scholars chi
'0 the end
April 2nd, 1856.
w. chilton,
j. w. boyle,
Wm. quoyl.
19 4w
the state of texas, 1
County of Webb. j
Notice is hereby given that William f. Alex-
ander, has been duly appointed by His Ex-
cellency, Governor e. m. Pease, a Notary Public for
Webb county, and that he has this day qualified as
such. bazil10 benavides.
jApril 1st, 1856. 19w6 Chief Justice, w c.
T ©ST. The lie«Kii';'.ic certificate of w. h
i j wft^m'. Ifo ojjg. 1st claw. (foQone third o!' jaihl)gi-:mied to him iu theyesr 13'.8 by
the Boai'd of Lund'Commiusioneis "or Shelby co.
If not hee.d from wfcoiu tbe time prescribed by
Law, i shati'djnlv to >he piopei' oifice for a dupli-
cate. ; !:r-i i" x". e. sand:-:i s.
Beltoh, Texas, 1 Atty for w. h. watson.
February 8th,18j6. / ullw4
FOR 8AEE.—A Desirable Resid-
ence in Attain, and two Small farms near tlie
city. J
i offer for sale, at a low price, my residence,
dwelling^house, and all necessary out buildings in
Block 39| near Geo. w. Paschal's, fronting on
Pine, Cedar, and'Red River Streets, and on the
Public Squaie. jtiih a never failing well of water,
and line grove of la ge shade trees. Tastefully
and su'os&niiar" enclosed.
It is in many respects, one ofthe most desirable
residences.:!?/ the city.
from tbe
and cedar
miles fro;
timber, etc*'
12 tf
For Sale.
and 6 in Block 34, under good
of rich first rate land, 2 miles
in cultivation, with house, well,
of rich first rate land, three
fcity, 20 acres under fence and in
ling house, out buildings, well,
3h,"n groes, land or land certificates
0ll1yer hedgcoxe.
is is 1
for a c§
e. Rankin 1
or order <
for the *q
Austin, Nav. 3,48:tf
The Perfection Degree of Capitol Union Ledge,
No. 16 of i. o. of g. s. and d. of s., meets
at their Lodge room every Saturday evening at 7
o'clock. LEANDER BROWN. W. 0. M.
Dec. 15, l:tf SAMUEo C. TAYLOR, Sec.
a bushels Rice Peas, suitable for planft*
xuu ing or table use.
By e. A a. ten eyck.
Febroard 2nd,—n9 8w
t osepll ^ledkoc. r thel. .e firm of Griffin
_ , •" ft niedso'e.>will siart for Cooke and Denton
y Lanl distapi^fsion the first of April. 1856, for the
purpose of; locating lands. Mr. b. haviug engag-
Physicians, Surgeon* ana ^Accoucheurs, Austin,
Texas. r see in Ziller's new stone building, north
Pecan street, where one or both can at all times be
found unless professionally absent.
8®* Dr. Herndon's residence on the Public
Square, west of the new Court House.
[Jan. 6, 1854. 5.
Dr. s4.
a. taylor, Oflice, S„
Store. Residence north
'l ownsend s
of the new
R. S. MORGAN, M. D G. W. MORGAN, M. 1)
R. S. & Cr. H. MORG AN!,
Office on Flores street, leading from Military
Plaza down the river, opposite Mr. Martin's
Store. We have a good supply of both medicines
and instruments, and we hope by prompt atten-
tion to business to merit a share of patronage from
the citizens and public generally. r. s. Morgan,
City Physician and Surgeon. (Persons unable ta
pay a bill will be Attended gratuitously.)
San Antonio, Jan. 30, 1855. 9,
i. i. hewktt.
HEWETT & MEWTOM, Attorneys 1
Counsellors at Law, Sao Antonio, Texas.
. December 9, 1854:1.
The firm of Payne a Hemdon will be disolved
on tbe 30th inst, by mutual consent, and all
those indebted to tbem, are requested to call at
their office on Pecan Streetandclosetheiraccounts
before that time, up to the date of dissolution.
w. w. payne.
j. h. herndon.
Austin, April 12th, '56. 3w
—— ■ —
Just 1
fully e:
forewarn all persons from trading
" ifimmiiary note executed by j.
' su and payable to a. g. Evans
*£*he first day of January 1856
" and eighty-nine dol-
7th, 1856-. «
riety of wax figarcs. beauti
baker Si smyth
The public are hereby irformed that i
have taken the city hotel
in Austin, formerly kept by Mb. George,
which is now ready for boarders and travi
Tbe furniture is new and tbe house pleasantly lo-
a share of public patronage is respectfally so-
licited. hardy holman. «.
Nov. 17, 50:9w
Cwfee, sugar, tea, and FLOUR, kept
j constantly, of the best qualities, by
June 10, 28:ly roberts k Co., Houston.
INFORMATION for Teamsters.—
nearest and best route from aus-
tin to port lavaca.—From Anstin by way
of Stone's Ferry, to Mrs. Bakers on Onion Creek,
thence to Shackelford's old Rancho on Cedar
Creek, thence to l. c. Sims', thence to tbe house
of Taos. d. Stewart, iniereeling the old road.
By traveling tbe above route five miles in di3-
taece will be saved and at least forty miles of bog
wallow; and two crossings on Plum Creek will
be evaded, which at this season ofthe year are al-
most impassable even with an emniy wagon.
john baker.
March 10th, 1856. nl4 4t
Administratrix>s notice.—
at the February {c853) Term of the Probate
couiu in and .0 the county of Travis, the under-
sign d o 'tained letters of adiriuistraiion npon the
estate o." Andrew w. Caperton aee'd. This is to
notify r'l Iho.e indebted to said estate io come
forwa; d and settle tbe same; and all those having
claims against the estate will present tbem duly
authenticated, within the time 1 escribed by law.
janb t. capepton, Adm'x,
6t of the estate o Andrew Caperton, dee'd.
Austin Male Uls$ School.
r I the otirth session of this .school will open oa
i Monday, February 4th, 1856. The teims—the-
srrne as aeretoforo'published—will no. be violated
nnle3s by special aaangement. All wbo^di
eveS fair lifferary progress cannot go
and absence Lorn recitations, even for a few days
only, occasions 'a much greater injuiy to tlie stu-
dent. than is commonly supposed.
h. b. kinney.
Austin, January 26th, 1856. n7if
q. n. shelley, w. h. d. carringto*
Came to hand March 19th, 1856, and ordi
he published in tbe Te^as State Times, a newspa-
per published in the city of Austin, Travis connty
Texas, for four weeks prior to the return day here-
of. ' john t. price,
Sheriff Travis co.
March 19th, 1856. * nl5 8t
business throafh'
170r Sale.—a Splendid. large, Mammoth
J? jack; five years old, has taken thr-e premi-
ums'at th£ Lexington and Independence, Mo. f;drs.
He can be lud on ve>y reasonable terms. a'so, a
pair of fine males. i will also sell my farm on
which i reside i 1 Stringtown, Hays Co.. 130 acres
in cultivalion, 3 1-2 miles from San MercoS. . i
nl2 t5
j. w. davis.
ARREN L. THOMAS, Votary PubUe,
Lavaca, Texas.
Jan. 14, 1854., 7
New Improvements;
Mr. Pierce tenders his compliments to the La-
dies and Gentlemen of Austin, and those
visiting, and would respectfully announce to them,
that he has refitted entirely anew, with commo-
dious rooms, and a large and beautiful sky-light,
by which means be is now prepared to take, the
most perfect Daguerreotype at the shortest cc*;ce.
He has just received from New York, a new ap-
peratus for taking the "Sterreutye," wich is far
superior to the ordinary Daguerreotype; also pre-
pared to take the ''Daguerreotype Excelsior," or
the imitation of '-Minature on Ivory." Terms res j*"4
sonafele, and if bis work does not give entire sat
isfactlon, no charge will be made for trouble aob
expense. ~
Mr. p. urgently solicits the citizens and visitor!
to give him a call and examine epecShens at hie
old stand, Pecan street, (up stairs) one door below
Mrs. Freeman's Millineryand #wcy store.
He has on hand a weil selected assortjitwj o:
fancy cases, lockets, pins, Ac., for minature pur'
poses. ; Nov. 3d., 48:tf.
a. X. forbes.
Foncariiing MsrthaJt ft and i
ed ior a 1
lands in
will oe n
time past in surveying and locnliug
*""iion of the Siaie has obtained a
[edge of tbe publ'c domain and
lake the veiy o.'St selections,
cei -int ates and desirous of loca-
tinf them in a rich and rapidly improving portion
of 'he State would do weU to send them immedi-
ately. ^-Address, bledsoe ic walton.
Feb 2g Anstin, Texas.
v —
Hoofland's German Bitters, Pern- Davis' c.
& p. Killer, Brown's Jamaica Ginger, Mustang
Liniment, Cherokee Linament, Nerve and Bone do,
Fahnestock s Vermifuge, Comstocks' do., Thomp-
son's Eve Water, Comstocks' Sarsaparrilla, Bull's
do., Gray's Ointment, Russia Salve, German Oint-
ment, Dalley's Pain Extractor, Ayer's Cherry Pec-
toral, Radway's k. Relief. Radwav's Pills, Graffen-
berg do., Jayne s do, Moffat do, Brandre .h's do —
Wnjihts Indian Vegetable do., Clickner-s Sugar
Coated do, Smith's do. At wholesale by
c. ... „ baker a smyth,
feign of the Mortar, Pecan st. j
saee.—Valuable property on
Congress Avenue, well improved,—in
Block 42, Lot No 4. Apply to the subscri-
ber' 17 w. a. morris
QUININE—Favis, Rosengartem, German, French,
at agents' prices, warranted genuine. For sale
Dy finne 10. 28:ly] ROBRTS A Co., Houston.
| - _ Eost.
ti ibe unconditional beadright certificate of 320
I acres granted by the board of Land Commis-
sioners for Colorado county, to Sam g Cherry
No. and Bate not recollected. If not heard from
within the time prescribed by law application will
be made to the piSper department for duplicate.
b* fa. j. mack ay.
Lost'^^he following land certificates which
if not fimnd within sixty d^ys application will
be made for duplicates, to wit: '
Head right of John Carr for j league, issued from
Harris county in 1838.
Headiighj^of Seth Toney,No 134 for 320 acres
issued froflli
league, issui
Bounty wi
acres, No ai
acres, No ai
Head right
Issued fromJ
Bonnty Warrant of Lewie g. Weaver, No 964.
15 ir - j,5. isbell.
ette connty.
John Obelander, No 241 for j
>m Fort Bend co.
t of Chester s. Gorbett for 320
not recollected.
t of Chester s. Gorbett for 640
late not recollacted.
Uriah Harris, No 46, for 4 leaeue,
irson Connty.
Tie ninth sessions of the Austin
Collegiate Female Institution, will
commence on the 28th of January, 1856.,
Jt is the design of the Principal, Rev. b. j.
Smith, together with his able assisiant Teachers
and the efficient co-operation of the Board of Trus-
tees, to make this the most thorough and practi-
cal College for young ladies inthe South.
The building we occupy is brick forty by sixty
feet, being warm in winter and cool in summer.
No little boys admitted in future.
Board ten dollars per month, washing extra.
Tuition due middle of session.
Pupils in attendance last year 126.
. For further particulars see Catalogue, oraddress
Rev. b. j.smith.
Austin, August 4, 55'. 35:10m
Steam Saw and GrlstMIH
Eighteen miles below the city of Anstin,
naws Cedar and all other lumber made from
o the Colorado Valley timber, which will be
fnrnished to customers at the lowest rules ; also,
mrkes first rate Corn Meal, Shingles, paths aud
Palings. Orders are solicited, also, forwagon ma-
king and repairing, and for hide-seated chairs,
splnniug-wheels, reels and looms; all which will
be manufactured in the best manner.
Samples of the Shingles may be een at sfcsssrs-
Carington A Co's, at Messrs Sampson A HenricVs
and at Mr. Swenson's, Mr. Dieterich's and Mr.
Bremond's Oct. 13,45:tf 4
J shackelford, Cotton factor, Communion
, Receiving and Forwarding Merchant
Strand, Galvett «i, Tstas. march 17, '65.
mission by
Public sales every-Saturdayi-
nittion end
rfhe most exteuslve«|dvaried as-
X sortment of fresh Herbs and Botanic iledi-
cines ever bi ought to this market, is just in storey
and for sale by baker * smyth,
Jan. 13:6.
■tar, Pecan Street.]
AY. FOWLER, Attorney at Law,
v Fort Worth, Tenant co., Texas. Refers
to any business gentleman in Austin, Texas; Hon
Isaac Parker, Birdville, Texas j 'Col. m. t. John-
son, Johnson's Station, Texas; j. w. Latimer,
Esq., Dallas, Texas. -t. h'f
john haxcock C- 5" WEST.
HANCOCK A WEST, Attorneys at
Law, Austin, Tkxas. _ *
jgj™Office up stairs above the Postofflce in Han-
cock's new brick building. nllm3
fflen likely Negroes to be sold at private sale
JL by Finnin A Carr. for further information
enquire at the Auction Room.
Dee. 1 61:tf finnin A carr.
DOCTOR ROY B. SCOTT, has taken
an office ob the second floor, in ihe building
belonging to Geo. Glascock, on the Avenue, op-
posite the Executive Office, for the practice of the
several branches of medicine. He can be found
at his office at night, or during tbe day.
Austin, April 10th, '56. 17
OTfCE.-A chance for a Fortune.
_ Taany one who will invent a way to effect-
ually destroy the Ants on my place I will give
a reward of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, and will
say farther, that any one discovering a remedy
for these nomerone Insects can mtJce a fortune in
• short time in Western Texas.
Ban Marcos, Feb. 9th, 1856. al44w
for Beadright or
Also, tbe p
against the
rested in
To the Sharif
officer—Greeting i
HEREAS, Sainnela
agents, Samuel F
of March, A. d. 1856, made
before Geo. w. Scott, a justice
ryell countj, whose books and
the hands of the undersigned justice,
that the
Rankin so secreted hitn
process of law could not he,
also having filed his '
ciirity, upon wh ichawritof
against the property-of the
the sum of thirtv- ine'do
by note, yon ai^e fh'erefore
snmmons the said "j. e. . _
this citation for three successive
Texas State Ti
office in
the last
there to answer said
hate then and
lim county
11858, tbesl
Ht. Hereof fail)
this Writ within I
tioft taitte Texu
lished in the city of AustiB, Travis county, Texas,
for three successive wesks-prior to the return
of the "TtiP day of April, A
1856. - -H. B. DOBBINS. Sheriff L.C
THE STATE Or ij=.aaov i .
Cocstt op Bcexktt. j
The State of Texas, to the Shetjf ctf Burnett
Mary a. LKR0Y3 a citizen of, add
having this day filed her petition inthe
tbe District Cosrt,
tract i-oun uiereoi, aueging in suostaace
was married bn- the 22d day of June, i 853,
bert Leroj- ; that on or abont the —-day of
ber, a. l>. 1853, he abandoned her, leav
means for her snpport j and that he
to another woman in Gillespie county,
was living at the time of her marriage w
and that therefore said marriage
and void from the beginning,'
residence is to her uo
tation by public _____
said marriage void/ and
tfoSN M.
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Ford, John S. & Jones, William E. The Texas State Times (Austin, Tex.), Vol. 3, No. 22, Ed. 1 Saturday, May 10, 1856, newspaper, May 10, 1856; Austin, Texas. ( accessed December 9, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History.