The Crosbyton Review. (Crosbyton, Tex.), Vol. 38, No. 19, Ed. 1 Friday, May 10, 1946 Page: 1 of 8

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•"v H+— .*■ —
' *?!' ' 1 f
ton LIONS Club
J. M. Brooks Poet No. 188
Meets ,.^;v
at 12 noon.
Meets 1st *; M
Tues. Nights
Ur"T I
gram of, Liquid Air 1 Demonstra-
tionfl ln Crosbyton at the grade
school auditorium on Monday'
May 13th, Tat 8 p.m. according to
an announcement by Dr. F. A-.
Greene, presllent of the Crosby ton
Lions club, which is .sponsoring
the show. Probably, no product of
the laboratory lends itself .torn
the purchase by Hubert spectacular demonstration than
... -ufrnt in the finn. liquid air. It,piques tire curiosity,
not only of the student, but of-the
technician as well. It definitely
suggests Unexplored - fields in the
L ifolks* here Is .the -last in-
t of this column under the
"nime of < "Browcn & Curry
7^ Co" As announcement
J^ade in this issue of the
j Interest in ~the firm
be published in the future
IWalter Hubert Curry and he
■jT.ole owner aB^tor.
taking a "little space tos
date Hubert Curry on his
of .the newspaper on
worked for several years
wish ' to cqrn-.
■ as a gentleman and a
r fair-minded, honest, in-
i and energetic. He knoWs
[people of Crosbyton and Cros-
qty and
9e ambjtii
Jje coiinty
.11 movements for .the ad-
„t. COUiiLy,;
ave no doubt whatever that
rriUiiccllttd in- the venture
is imbued with a
writer is not "burning his
- - ■ Hfe will
ke Crosbyton his home ' arid
to return here soon to make
i headquarters here for his pro-
-jjfiwritii^ ———
ver, we Wish to taiie this
ortunity to* say that we have
, 'full life" during the 14
i welisve. been privileged to
|a resident and citizen here; We
enjoyed thoroughly the-edit-
«fn>«-newspaper during that
Liquid air has a pale blue color,
weighs almost as much as j^ater
and has a ,low temperature of 312
degrees Fahrenheit below zero,' It
<8 liquified by -subjecting atr. such
as we breathy to -a high pressure
and then lowering its temperature.
It is possible to perform many
strange and fascinating ex per la-
ments With liquid air, as or.
pertfes when ' cooled to this low.
perature. For oynmpia if a nihher
> X1 is jmmer^d in liquid- air and
dropped on the floor, It breads in-
'• :-13M
** Announcement has been made
this week of a deal whereby Hu>
Sert Curry! half owner, of The j
Crosbyton Review for /"the , past
year, becomes the-sole owner-jvirith
the 'purchase of the half .interest
Of Nugent, E. Rrown
tion WasTgffecfive May 1st.
. Mr. Cyrry, who has been shtfp
foreman -^junder.,,the partnership,
took ovqr duties as editor this
wesfc He nee^s no introduction to
CrosbytonV people, haying- 'been a|<
resident of Crosbyton for most of
Hop. H-thfe * week announ-
ce*- hi*-<andidacy for Congress as
a representative* from the 19th
! District of Texas, ~
the-past.twenty years. • .
Mr. Brown, ffbohas been editor"
for the past year, left' Wednesday
morning for Jennirigs^KahsaiCrtor
a visit, with Mrs. Brown and son,
Harlen. He will report soon tfW^tjre"
Army and "Navy Publishing" Com-'
pany at Baton Rouge, La., to start
publicity work'on a book on whicTT
he has collaberated. He . expects
to be gone for several months,
during which time he will travel
in the interest of the book.
A*natrfv of engineers from the
Cdn|fressman George
who has previously indie
to many pieces as if made of glass?" 4.. _ , ■ ■ ■■ ■■ —
— ... 'In the same way a piece of meat I l he Nineteenth congressional j y. 's. Geological Survey headquar- candidacy for reelection, authoriz-
ln ■■tiling hill interest in gPapes Q?. an guhstance contain- l.district ^ composed of the~follow- ters in Fort Worth were in Cros- | es us to place Jiis name* in <3ur an.-
cbntmue to L.v . 1 ino* nr\\ 1 n tioa • A nflrouro. Ptailov 1 *.
ing water becomes as hard as iron jin^ counties: Andrews, Bailey, byto and s icinjty last week at nouncement column this week--
and very: brittle . v-jsi^Sii^-^^hra^'Crosby, Dawson, which tinvtS they ma^e a prelim- Mahon is now in Washington^
Liquid air will freeze a banana '^^^t-f-^Oarza,^ inary survey of the Blanco Canyon > where he is engaged in his Co'n-
so hard it can be used to" drive ' ^a'e* Haskell;' Hockley, Howard,"j looking to the possibility/ of .put- gressional duties. He didnQt^aake
T jiorth of Crosbyton. _ do so i$ter.v '
Lawrence Starrett, who lives on S'• ——■—.." ::.v
rthe East Plains edge of the can- -COMMISSIONER HARVEY-—
■ yon, reports the three, engineers MAKES STATEMENT ON' RACE
S came by his ITouse one day last
be use^
nails into a plank. Even alcohol, a.-'
liquid once thought. impossible ..:to
tong^l^ freezes' solid in-liquid air.
Many other -novel experiments will
be -demonstrated.
Liquid air expands approxima-
tely 850 times its volume when it
rhftftgf>« into a gas Res/prat cvptvr-
(Contlnned On Back Page)
Twenty years ago I was moved the -canyon from that 3ide
week'and"asked him to show them To The Voter^ of Precinct-No. 2:
I want to thank each .of. you for
J?. Wednesday night's shower in
Crosbyton 'f measured. J5 of '
inch, bringing" the total for the
week to , M. Although more
rain is needed, these showers in-
dicate that- omtetTtigr-to fiMtow.
The shower was general over
the terrlto*^ but no heai*y rain
was. reported. ■'/>-■/. ,°v
A half inch rain which fell here
„ -Monday night was of some benefit
to.lhe wheatffiop. farmers report.
The ct3Dt*"w.eathgi^7which has fol-
lowed the shower has allowed the
..jrwheat to absorb all the moisture
that fell.
Reports from over the territory
indicate that the fall was gejiejal
but not heavy in any section! A
LUlkl "W of; an. indlr; -fell
in Crosbyton. ^ ~ ^
Much more rain i« needed before
planting can ~begin wtth ariy"asaur
ttifi^ "crops "up, farmers
report. At le^st two inches are
needed now as there is no sub soil
moisture. Some planting has been
"done in spots Where more rain has
fallen, but most oCthe'territory is
still'w&iting for moisture.
Operations Will Oct
Started Within a
30 Days
Scheduled- for operations to b*-
gin within about -'30 days," "the
'Clapp; Qrushed Stone- Company
this week-w#a busily , engaged in
unloading-the bulk * of its equips
ment from freight cars here to be-
installed at the rock pit on the
Arnal Fowlgy .pj^lce north erf town.
The iriaia xrusher came in- from
the factory at .Minneapolis, Minn.,"
liast-week-end. With it. were thr^e ,
belt conveyors,' a travelling feeder
and two metal -dens, says John -
Clapp- Sr., of Iowa Park, head of
the firm; who wai^ here this week.
" "We have quite a lot more Of
the equipment- .still to come", he '
told the Review. "Three screening,
units, two. rndire crushers and the
big .-shovel have-not arrived." 1
Mr ctapp estimates hlsr equip-
The Crosbyton Lions Club, after
sponsoring a clean-'up campaign in
ramrod t^arU XVprn wet inn of the
ment for-the big plant will costjn
the neighborhood ojf $100,000.
4o get going •h^a^out
30 days'", he said. "And "we wili
employ all the local- help possible
with only two or three experienced
men from"the^■ outside,'"*^'.'
The firm will hii-e about Tiye
pit trucks of its own but will con-
fraet with truck owners for much
of the work of hauling. ——-—-
I - John CIapp Jr., also of Iowa
Park, already has purchased a
(home, in Crosbyton and'will move
here this week to take Qe^rsonat
charge of the operations of the
• roc"k crushing plant. A long-term
lease of the land necessary .was r
ye have" of ten-times stuck
neck out". but--iilways with-ar|
to bring about improve-
In all things it has been our
; to be-fair tojine- and all. A
hy discussion of any problem
to make changes for
desire has been to bring all
i and divided r Qplntom to-
for the benefit of r the
In other words, in' editing
I Review, it has been'With an in-
i desire to sell one" central
! to all-comers-Mh united ef-
we can advance and pro*
Divided,"we, as a town or
nty, will stagnate. : ^
Hy one big hope is that -Crosby-
land Crosby folks will unite for
! common cause.-Other1 counties
|not look out for Crosby County.
■ towns do not JOok out for
' home town.
a slogan Of one of
f Wchanges "the Review is the
volatible than the other gaseis and
evaporates first, 'leaving practic.
ly f)Ure liquid oxygen. Many spec-
tacular eumbustion - experiements^
Can be performed; Steel wire burns
fiercely in liquid air—which means
an operation requiring ' 3000 de-
grees Fahrenheit has been accom-
plished in a liquid more than- 300
degrees below zero.
Many other experiments w.itlTTi-
quid air wall be performed in addi-
tion to thost^ mentioned above.
John" Sloan, demonstrator, is a for-
mer science instructor. Jle holds,
the.jiegree Master of- Arts from
Duke University. He has present-
ed more than twenty.-five hundrer
demonstrations in more than foH>?
states." ilte-is both -scientist and
and its trade teiVitory"
will be seeing you, folks.
AWt happy landings.'
1 Nugent .Bt.. Brown
this is our final opportun-
for probably many months to
to say this, we want, to urge
\ Crosbyton Chamber of Com-
to get busy . and do^piQ^
for adjoining.^.communities,
is one , community nearby
■ would be satisfied if they
a vveli-gp&jjed road to
fto Crosbyton. They are not
1 Mklng for a "hot top". They
■ Mk one1 little • favor. "Please
1 our road graded up
m ' come to" see you Of-
Njat is not a Challenge to
byton'g business men to- wake
.don't know* anything,
tter-thing for the chamber
TOSTCe. fWe are Miying this
■ we want this organization
I continue as an active* group, for
Welfare of all of us.) At least
eaders from each adjoining
"nunity should UTinvtted to
meeting of the board of dl-
80 they can learn, first
, ^ the problems faic-
chamber of commerce. And
, 'earn something about
Jj*°btems and how to approach
' An<1 they will haye ideas
th group needs.
®e8« community leaders- are
Wxlous to help our town.
Crosbyton is their tovyn.
t? w^th them by ln-
.wem In on our meetings,
out and visit them
a while. Spur went out to
5 the other nlght;*Aira re-
cAdoo folks .(who are our
will return the Spur
JL -W^ b® found down there
are we doing;?
accompanied by~
Rovwe, drove to Carlsbad
, ,or Ws first visit to that
| in the group of 740
w"° went . down with us
uued on Back Page)
iments serve to illustrate its ex- i i ' r-^mr-I I J0ui past support , whlU> made
al Wiusuy v. ;iTn-ty—^|t j ttiaii- pames DQSSi'
some liquid atr into a .small steam , few 22*'^oteT'bu^rSdl' n°W"' ^ 3tarrett ^id' ater when ;ofCbUnty Commissioner. Yoqtco:.
engine which then run9-at a high !■& Four in Cr°Sbyt°n' "X naturally thought jpperati^ and assistance have been
rats nf cwph ' not abandon tne amoiuon. r - they would contact some of the appreciated throughout the time I
'* : years ago^ I-again offered for^ the rfolks in^town as they paid they have served in this'capacity. Dur-
that the rest of j
The nitrogen in liquid air is more office, and was agalt defeated by |-w8re comjng 0yer here, when they ing the ten and one-half ye^rs I ffiAHY LV' A W I>I TV'Q
left my place," " ' 1 have resided in Croabv county. I -A-. R- King, Jesse Bass and Sam j __ ___ .^.V;
made with Mi. Fuwlei^ aomj weeks
Crosbvton needs- a
y . -~r \ rock obtainable in the State, locat-
For. this purpose a committee has ^ -n the ca on Mr. Fowler's
been appointed to study what can lar.£ ' 7
be done in the way of keeping the ! • ^ ■ •*■;
city permanently clean.
!._chaml>er of commerce sec- I have endeavored, tx>th as a private
retary, Carl I^viesI^itr^tfiMay feittzerr-aad-a& a'public official, to
he had not heard of the party of | make it a better place in which to
engineers and that, so far as he live, and whatever I have accom-
plished, I am indebted, in a large
measure, to the -help you have giv-
en me. .a, ^
As. a public official, my record
is subject to investigation. For
the past several years, due to con-
ditions imder which we have all la-
. —Hffored and of which we are all fa-
Justice of the Peace R. E. Karr
knew, they had one
in town. . —
qulring student may be able to un-
cover many additional Uses for li-
quid air.
V 0
•mDates for both Baccalaureate
and Commencement programs""for
the 1946 seniors of Crosbyton
High school have been set, accord-
ing to Mrs W. P. Walker, class
sponsor. The Baccalaureate ser-
vice will be held Suriday night,
May 19th, and the Commencement
exercises Will be Friday night,
May 24th. The school will close on
the lattgr date.
The programs have not been
completed as yet, Mrs Walker
said, but will be announced in
.next week's .Review Approximate-
ly ^ seniors '
from the local schools this year.^ ,
' — — rO ' ,
Mr! ahd Mrs. O. B. Buck return-
ed home Friday after being called
to Carthage, Miss., three weeks a-
go on account of Uie critical ill-
ness of Mrs. Buck"s mother who
died in.a few days after they ar-
rived there. They stayed over a
miliar, material and adequate help
have been hard to secure-. Howev-
a narrow margin. But I did not
abandon the ambition. Now I am
again- a candidate for the magi-
stracy of this county.
I probably have no qualifica-
tions for the office that could not
be- outmatched by hundreds of the
good men and women in Crosby
County. In any service I may have
rendered in public' or, in private
life I have never done more than
my duty, and scj I have in no wise
week or longer after the funeral.
(Continued on Back Page)
The AnierTcan Legion Auxiliary
MoWday night, with better attend-
ance and more Interest being
shown. The regular meeting- of lhe
organization is held .the first Mon-
day night in each month at the
American Legion Hall.
All mothers, sisters, wives and
daughters of war veterans are eli-
gible for membership.
has been a busy man this week,
all because Sheriff Roy Hillin has
kept him'supplied with cases in
justice Court. Thirteen persons had
been tried and fined from Monday
morning until Wednesday night!
in the cases were one
for simple assault, six for fighting
three for disturbing the peace, one
for drunkenness and one for 4riv-
tng a car without proper lights.
Lorenzo independent schocl dis-
trict lost exactly one scholastic
this year over last year, according j/'t will giv^ them , a wider buying
to a rtfport filed with County Supt. advantage, the owners said. " Sev-
D. A. Edwards this week.' j eritl 'new lines are being added as
" Lorenzo had 383 this.tim^ on its announced in their advertisement
census'rolls as compared to 384 a ,, in this week's Review.
year ago. It has lost some'pf its • .
Mexican population this yeiar.due qjrls WILL ~
ttt the shortage of the cotton crop ' . IVIODEL CIX THES AT
this past season but gained most j ' q^EEN- TUESDAY XITE
Of "the loss back in new families j * '
which have movedintO the district. ' Eight Senior girls, members - of
Covington comprise~this commit- j AUTO PARTS FROM ^
An effort will be made to secure
sometype of garbage can in which j. The Swanda. Auto Parts in Cros-
trash can be burned, and <rh*~-re- | byton* is now Evans Auto Parts,
mainder of the refuse picked up,i Mr. Grady Evans of Fort Worth
regularly by the city. Fifty gallon completed a deal this week in
oil canSr now commonly used,, are w^ich he purchased from Mr.
scarce item, it wag; discovered. Cecil gwanda the auto parts busi-
The committe is investigating the ' nesa ](>eate<j on the north sitfe- of
possibility of securing siirplus_ [ . square. The safe is effectfyo ..
arTT_^. f-art>a^'e ca^3- i immediately, along with the
If the cans can^'Jjte secured, the j change of name, the men report.
(Continued on Back Page)
— O- T ..
Kenyon Auto Store
Automotive This Week
Announcement is being made
this week by C. HF Soape and F.
A. Guess that the naSne -o^tfieir
store on the West sid^ of the
square is being changed to S & G
Automotive, effective immediate-
ly. The fl*m has been Kenyon Au-
to! Store Associate.
'Reason for the change is that
e- Crosbyton Chamber of
Commerce in1* lta."refuIar%M4y
irteeHngheld-May-Iat.- -5^7
program of work for the coming
year. The program, drawfi up by
Manager Carl Davies, list® eight-
irtajor projects to be worked on by
the local organization. ...
Included ln the Bat ^re:
1. Work with, court and highway
commission . for more FTwm ttf
Market roads.
2. Industrial development and
business locations, ,,
3. More park facilities for rec-
featkHi relaxation. .
4. Program for assisting* veter-
of Our
5. Continued work with all agri-
culture Agencies for- improve-
ments. A
6. Keep our lighting improve-
ment going as It is one
greaJUNKt assets, "" .
fi Help the farmers to get bet?
ter^egg prices. „ ;
8. To hold the community meet-
ings for better understanding of
problems facing us.
Incidentally, the Lorenzo school
Closes*tKis Friday, one of the first
IW thff entity to end -ite tafewn this.
year. .
A new civilian hit town Sunday!
Y?s, sir, he gave his name as
"Roy W. Karr", recently a private
first class in U/icle Sam's Avrmy.
It sure feels fine to be back in
these", said Roy, as he sported a
new belt on a new pair of civilian
trousers and a new straw topper.,
Roy received his-final, discharge
last week in Atlanta; Ga. His fa-
ther, R. E, Karr, and Ted, hts bro-
ther,- and an uncle, Luther Kair
of Spun all returned from Georgia
Iftftt frwik whwie they visited iff
this year's v graduating class of
CrosbytoB-vh'igh school, .Will be the
models-sU a Styje Show to ^pre-
sented at the Queen
day. night, May 14th.
The show is being^sponsored by
J. & J. Dry Goods Company, who
will award tHe winner a complete
outfit from their store.
Girls to" take part in the show
are: Frankie Jones, Jo Ann Grene,
Fr6da Sherwod,' Peggy Tussy,
Dolly Ann Llttlefield, Jean Alli-
son, Jean Stockton, Betty Martin,
Doris Shipman,. and Peggy Bara-
,1,. 6 ■ ' v-
Rev. yj. Threadgill of Wayiand
College has accepted the. pastor-
ats of -th . Falfviaw^. Raptlst'
Mr. Karr's old home-toWn of Bu-
ford. *
; . r-— ,0 ——* • ; 7 ~
- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Marsh, Mr
and Mrs. J: W. HJnson and ^tr:
and Mrs. Cap Williams *hd two
children Spent four days last week
down at Possum Kingdom Dam
near Graham fishing. They report-
ed some- good fishing even enough
to bring some of them home.
club will ask th^'tftty^commission
to pass, a new sanitary ordinance,
and the cans wall be sold at cost
Mr. Evans, who with his wife is
temporarily loeated at the Smith
it_ ~ „,i. ... ■ , , .House, was in the feed and imple-
by the club to citizens of the town..> . . .. _ , . ■ ,
* * ** ,1, , . , v ment business and a stock farmer
An effqrt. y^ill also be made to before the war. For the past two
keep the, busjpess section of the ^ onp.half yeara he has been
"'employed- tay"tiie raThvay mail- ser~ -
Jack Arthur installed a big new
neon- sign advertising the Bendix
washing machine over the awnih'g.
of his store, this week. He has also
ordered another sign from the
Frigidaiire company, which will be
installed as soon as it arrives, he
Neon signs are becoming-the in-
dication of a wide-awake town,
and more "merchants are. being
urged to install signs advertising
their business. Many comments
from out of town people are being
received on -the recent lighting
campaign to install awning, lights
all over the business district. The
-addition :>f .more neon signs Will
be* another step in the right dir-
ection. The chamber of commerce
fBts5as~One_of it? projects' the ad-
" " on ^ nwrevtightS of eve^ t^:
in the city. . ^
- ■■ ' -O- ; ' -
Mrs. Sarai Pyron. spent „ the
week-end in Hale -Center with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs'. L. J. Davis.
vicp. "Ktr ha.T attended Texas Tech .
at Lubbock." " -
Mr, Evana.'Invites the publie-t
come in and -get acquainted. He
promises to keep as' full., a mstock,
of-auto parts and accessories as
possible under the present short-
ages . 1 '.
Mr, Swanda is making no im-
mediate plains, he states, but ex- ^
pects to make a trip up to Colo-.,
rado to see after his land which
he hasT purchased there. His pro-
perty- is about 90, miles East of
vr->- O^ ' —-.?•
Some 100 or more ex-service
mehj members of ~J. M. Brooks.
Post No. 1-88 - of the
Legion 'and some 12 members of
the RsiUs post, attended the stag
Jjtarbecue. picnic at Sil ver * Falls :l .
park- T^lesday nigh% • ~i_." ■
The group voted it as one of th® .-
most enjoyable affairs ever spon-*'
sored by the local post, according
to Post Commander—Ca.mpdon
Lawson. • ' -. • .
church. The services will be held
in the.Community Building on the
secondhand fourth Sunday of each
month. ; * *
Rev. T^ireadglll recently receiv-
ed his discharge from the Army
after serving for three years as
assistant chaplain both in the
States and across. He cornea wltH
a good record to the Kairview peo-
ple- : '
The Cro8byton • Co-operative
General Hospital has a real found-
ation, says . Butler-Brasher Co., of
Lubbock, archltecta for the hospi-
tal building* Both men were In
Crosby ton _Monday to make tHe
In fact, Jie said, this Is one of
the best pieces of concrete work
that he has ever inspected. He
commpnded Chester Huddleston,
supervisor of the project for' the
work tiding done
Mr. Huddlestort and fiis men are
busy this werit digging ditches
and making forms for the outside
walls of the building. The base-
ment covers only a lltUe more
than half of the erttlft hospital
The directors in regular meet-
ing Monday: night heard Price
Caskey of Lubbock Sheet - Metal aS
heating euid cooling
the roofing for the building. It. is
planed to have a large central,
heating unit with a blower fan in
the basement, and an evaporating
cooling system with pumps on the
roof. The propflifcfl "
guarantee 70
ing when the
vims zero, and 80
when 100 outside.

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Curry, Herbert. The Crosbyton Review. (Crosbyton, Tex.), Vol. 38, No. 19, Ed. 1 Friday, May 10, 1946, newspaper, May 10, 1946; ( accessed September 15, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Crosby County Public Library.

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