Weekly Democratic Statesman. (Austin, Tex.), Vol. 8, No. 14, Ed. 1 Thursday, January 9, 1879 Page: 3 of 4
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pt r.LixiiKD r.v
CAltrnVKIWi e MOlllSIM.
THtli.-iOAY JANl'AUY 0. 1 i
A c.ncri hns;rci bus. been done sinre
the first : !cr.sitiii rcrt licit'.s and fee
Mn. JfHM I iDvri:ri and Mis So-
phia Mover were msnied ht heho'z's
Hs'.l last Siturdsy night at ft o'clctk.
Por.K Mill sells from wsgons at four
rrtits a pound in this city. A good
ai ny lit." were brought in yesterday.
M.mtir . In ihe ckrlc's ctTi.vs of
Travis cut.t? n the second of Janu-
ary 1879 by Ktv. . W. i. Urowne
Ir. James Jounion n.l Miss JIauala
Suackli roitn both d tins county.
Tiik rufiin of tendeiin;; f.'ifts on
Chriiini'i.s in prelerrucit to tio t days
is a MipeMitioim practice that origina-
ted during a U-ta cnlithteinri ac. and
in intended to i-yuboliz'! '3oi'.- f;ift of
Cliri.nt to num.
Mr. I.oomh of the linn of Loouiis
& Chmtiar hi'.s l.i-i n iil for tin? p-ist
month hMl iliirii! ttiMvi4t f w days
bis condition bus b-:en critical. IV.pt.
Foster conductor nn the Central is
hUovrry silk. Ho loot pneumonia.
A rmvTB letter ii-ccivcl intliociy
Friday announced 1 1 cr death of .Mr.
Kobcrt A. Divi? ot M.-xia of bruin
fever on Thursday. Mr. D.ivih was a
brother of Mctsts. Iko and Tiynn l)a-
vih ainl be wan raucu in uus rmiuij
Mr. T'i a k "Davis overseer of the
road passing by Jii'lge Hancock e
" states that it is in grind condition and
il.nt it ilnea not need work. Jlu pro-
ttits that he will not go through a pre-
tence of working the road when there
h noarthly use in it.
Cm.. McDavitt who bia charge of
tl:o highway northwest Irom tlie city
Hancock's estate rc-
- -i o - - - '
! it tiiarla nA rartmra unit thev
'l 1 1 in i L 1 1. 1 i ..w ........ .... - j
who live along the roaa do not hnve to
dig in the sand this winter. McD.
knows a good road when he nee it and
bow to get over it behind his spanking
It is Btated that Austin business men
have organized a collecting bureau
for the iiii mono of cxio-inir and weed-
ing out "dead beats." Merchants who
j )in the bureau will keep a list of those
who will not pay when bills are- pre-
sented and renort the same to the sec
retary who will furnish complete lints
to all member.
f.ir the better in businc. ;
inly good start in Hint
been made tl.e oay i
ion is passed and the
vaceement entered im
id 'crt;iipi
i-t a
H-t! cer-
iirct t: -n
iitrioi ol ml-
n. T''Citlii;i'
pring win 'err:iiri i.v an iu -p. ..(;-
me lor our peep i iwainl'st a lit lit
fimmeiidnlile l' -rprifc and.iisn au-
m forward. I. ! i" coni:'e and
ith fnirowii cirrts md tlictidnf ihc
'."Cisla'ure in pr.vi.! ji;c
:ii!)Uo' Kive o.ir e'ny
(tart. '
Fr.PEisu. .'t ::i. Tiil -T "-. :ry
term IST'J of tin: it b rnl ru-'. v..-.-org:tniz'l
Mondny :uii t Jiiran.-t
ury empancli M. At U -diy.
Judge IjuvrI : tht; l-ei
docket will 1": ra led u
from to-day li.e criiu';i.:il
following l- a b-t (
men :
V. A. H ; r. foTe:iiMii
Frichmever. Aus'iri
CJillcsoie: Frank
nnn V. I. C instiui!. I ravi- ; I.
ktr Fayette;.!. K. Addison rlt-
onn- I ' Krhard. I.tsiron: i;. l ai
brecht. Uexar: Cha. I
Pttp- Ilirarn Iewi
Chamberlin Fall: ". r.rupggi"n
Travis: T. J. VebH
Ikcker IJxir;
Arrivals and DrpartnrM f 51 a I! a.
lEUrnationid cloaea 12 KX) M.
' arrive 8:30 a. M.
Cer.tnil cloaca 7:00a.m.
" C:00r. u.
arrive 7:30 a. m.
" 8:20 r. M.
. . .close V :00 p. u.
' "leave 7:1)0 A. M.
Kl Pao
J:i:iuco. Fort ('oacho.evtrv
lay CAi eut Miudav. -e:.vi; X:00
IM-kiiart uli.uc ticparl-'. tx-
i:ndi:v 7:00 A. M.
All ste iu:til. . .
umi cvtiy
i-tt Suniinv. . ..
Kimiwwi m.
V. i.viii;:j tl.tu nnilii:t of
A. M.
!i le
. I oe
the griril
Prof. Pamas suy thut he is 5'
vrar.4 old. and that he tint cumc to
Austin in 1850. During the war he
lived at Marshall and lie returned to
Austin in 1SC.". The IVofeSSOr 18
Prussian. His ch'.cf diet is raw mack-
erel rotten apples kraut and liinbur-
gcr chcefee and his occupation is steal-
ing and rading and toting papers
about. ;v
UrcroitT of City Sexton itachko for
the month of December 1873: White
10; colored 7; Mexican 1. Male 10.
Jemnle 8. From birth to ." years 0;
from 5 to 20 1 ; from 20 to 40 8; from
40 to CO 3; Iroiu f.O to SO 2; age un-
known 1. Total IS. From January
1877 to January 1S7S 217; from
January 1M7N to January 1STU 10;
showing a decreases of 51.
Mr. L. D. Cauiunuton inserted an
advertisement in the twenty-five cent
column Sunday advertising lot-a man
to do general work on a small place in
the city and before 10 o'clock Mon-
day he enme to this office and said :
"Don't insert that advertisementagain
I've had about fifteen applications this
morning." The advertisement. was dis-
continued or men would have swarmed
around his place before this.
To snow the popularity of the
Statesman a certain lady got mad at
it for some expression and the dread
ful "atop the paper" came. It was
stopped at her house but everybody
else got it and through many dreary
months this excellent lady has read
h"t neighbor's Statkhman. But ahe
takes it again and is always in a good
humor now. Hut for a time she was
nwfully worried that her frowns did
not send the paper up Salt river.
VTe saw a stout elegantly drcs?ed
woman yesterday heading oil a street
car. As she turned the corner she up-
set a peanut stand. Bhe knocked
down two small boys and a yellow
lorg. She let go the main halyard
end her skirt fell like the new Alpine
lrop curtain of Millctt's Opera House
into a hog wallow. She rushed out
into the street and stood stark and stiff
and cold and mad because the car was
going the wrong way. She lived up
C'apt. Mkkhkm. wh settled in the
northern part of this county forty years
ago is seriously 111. with an affection
of the liver and thr are fear that he
run rot live bfll r ' few days. (Jape.
Mcrrcll is now over eighty years old.
He is perhaps tho oldest white settler
iu this part of the State. Forty years
go Mrs. Merrcll was the only white
woman within thirty ' miles of this
place and at that time tho Indian
were friendly with the few whites that
inhabited this country.
Or n dispatches spoke of narrow
gvige trains running successfully over
the great Frio road. Tho laying down
cf a third rail on the broad gauge
roads is becoming common and the
policy proves profitable to both the
broad and nrrrow 'gauge roada that
thus link their destinies together. If
Arrangements ran be mado for laying
down I third rail on the International
for A distance of twelve or fifteen
miles from this city the building cf
tho narrow gauge to Liberty Hill thir-
ty miles distant would be an easy
tak for Austin this year. The com-
mittee ought at least to ruatlo about
and Iiavo survey maJe from some
point between Duval and IVnind Rock
to Liberty Hill.
Sovr very queer and fuony stories
are told ou some of the gentlemen
who j"vule New Year's call. One
io was mourning the loss of a
rolorcd bnll pn' advertised in
'statkj'MAX couu not retrain
m inijuirTug for the caaine where -
ift ne wenr. ana it is even assoriea
hat st one place he attempted to
i irarble pathetically
"Oh hav fO Mn bit orjv
Pmuo one ought to havo throwu one of
11 j tier's bricks at him. And then it
is told of four gents who glided alwut
in m Hoe hack that they got so near
'half seas over" on apple butter and
brandy peaches nothing more that
they called t' e second timo at the
snme place luvmg forgotten cntinsy
their first vii-. Next time they
should eat more turkey and rake and
! apple butler und brandy peaches.
This is the only sympathetic advice
that the Statesman i able to give
on thofpur of the oment.
IVutN Aioso. Tii or three
weeks sgo when yi-ld was fifct quoted
tt par the CUlve'on Y and other
papers solemnly advanced the opinion
that the change was OLly spasmodic
and lost as upward tendency in gold
ni'grht be confidently expected any dsy
ia New York. But currency hss held
its own every day fine that time and
tot oUy in "No .York bat here and
tvirjT tt re it i qal Vt v:ue ti gold
au ia U . nta j robbil;ty it will rr-R-.aiQ
io. The fiuncinl troubles seem
to b cadpd r.n i the icstoratinn of coc-
fUarre wi:l give a hetlihicr tone
t buinca. T!:v:e an to many
C4!l"vS ttndic t d.prrM . bysi-
res that thtt rtyuaiption rf fpcie
jiiijuitnta and th ct q ient tq'ia.ii-
t oa ot rurrcnoy xud o. I can hardly
fcuDg about a: tiuee lu satire thaiige
W. t'.
civ 1
it vv;s.
1.. I-
Tnr. Ct iitr. iriiui now ariveat7:30
a.m. a;:d j:2) p. m. and depart at
A. .v. an. I 7 v. m.
FAr i :irv-s train m the Interna-
ti .nut !ir.;iioau leaves at 2 ) p. M.
and arn.-i'S at !::;) a. m. riailv; accom
ru.i.I viou train leav at a. m. and
arrives f.t 1 ::;) a. m.
Favctte: . C
m. lirupfr
WilliRini W.
Thox. (.'. l'm-
eon Burleson; Jikc r errcii : ay-
ette; J. V Sccarce Burleson ;K I.
Wilkerson Travif; Henry Madim
Travis; Cli'if. Cartw right B.S'p.
Warren J. Mill badilf. J
Wrelt of I'rairr 1S?'J.
The following suggestions have en
made by the ex'-nitive committe'd
tho Evangelical Alliance of the IJftW
States for the observance t f the Wk
of Prayer. They arc rd course n-
ject to mch alterations as local circi-
htances may render desirable:
For the Sabbath January "i nun-
ject. for the pulpit "Christian Tuiof
Monday January . Thankpgivi
for the blessings of the paft year ai
prayer for their continuance.
Tuesday Januaiy 7. Prayer for tj
-u"-" " " : " sumptives
growth in grace aud iM cnlaryrmon j(ir ejzJ
Wednesday January H. Christia Stg jn A"
-.1 . . U. r..niln I l.i. full II II HII
eoiicaLioii : iiiu lauiiiT niu
'' Uuiu It May Coai-trn.
Thm i.4 to certify that the "V.Vrexfer
.V"i;''' coatailiM more ut.efi'1 inform.
tiou nnd practical bints ou breeding
ani rearing norses cattle sheep hogs
poultry and fancy stock together with
their diseaies and remedies than any
oiuer pook. Lorn. Ado.
Prire !ii)c. St-ml for MrrnInr A uni
can BuEKUKiia' Association Office ill
eriuout St. liullalo ri. Y.
A Iteiuarkable Beaall.
H makes no difference how many
Physicians or how much medicine you
have tried it is now an established
tact that German Syrup is the only
remedy which has given complete sat-
Ufaction in severe cases of Lung Dis-
eases. It is true there are yet thou-
sands of pessons who are predisposed
to Throat and Lung Affections Con-
sumption Hemorrhages Asthma Se-
vere Colds settled on the Breast Pneu-
monia Whooping Cough etc. who
have no p-rbonal knowledge of Bos-
ehee's German SvruD. To such we
would sav that 50.000 dozen were aoM
last year without one complaint. Con-
sumptives just try one bottle. Regu-
cents. fcold by all Druir-
CIIIILauuii mv. (..j v... . . .
leges seminaries of learning Subbat. Two II undiikd Dollars Reward.
and other schools; t tinatian aasociaFor a failure tocureany case of "habit-
tions of young men and of younfti constipation" of the bowels with
women. ir. Sherman's compound prickly ash
Thursday January 0. For iiHlion;Ucrs provided its use is persisted in
rulers and people. ; for peace uu I religi-s directed. No matter whether the
ous liberty in the earth. iwaae is the result of a torpid liver
Friday January 10. The pre?? for ft relaxed condition of the muscular
a blessing on publishers editor and.-atiug of the bowels they never fail
authors; the cause of temperance nnd' rure it; also all the various diversi-
other social reforms. I sympathic nervous disorders usu-
Saturday January 11. Home and - accompanying indigestion and oc-
foreicn missions and the conversion .oual or habit Jul rormtinntinn f v.o
r l .. 1.1 i l t . i . - .
On Sibbath January 12 it is Fiig-
stcd the public union meetings bo
. . .
held for prayer praise anil tne preven-
tation of the object aud work of the
F.vungclical Alliance.
Weather Itema lor ISM FiiritlttlirU
by . . C. Itakcr.
There has been at Auitin 21. ."id
:.l...n r f .nln in 1 AT1 ia 1H
1 1 1 v . 1 1 l a j . ui u ... ' j ........ - -
inches less than the usual annual aver-
ago mere nave ocen o- rams uuring
the year. Of these 10 Have comuienceu
at 3 o'clock ; 7 at 6 o'clock ; 8 at 0
o'clock; 4 at 12 o'clock; 21 at other
hours. The rainfalls for ten years have
been as follows:
SCO. .
..41 23
. .20.S1
1ST I .
..43 79
Average for above 10 years 35. 6S.
Average amount temperature for
vears :
i5CD 6.V92 I 1871
1871 68.12
1872 CU.40
AvprntTA ffir nlinvn 10 vpnra C?
The minimum temperature at Aus
tin lor 10 years Has been as follows:
.08 89
lfli i DO P3
ISIS 07.88
lsC9..inDcc. 19
11 "
13 "
. 13 "
1874. .in Jan
1875.. " "
ct iq it
Dec 18
it it 2Q "
"Jan 23 "
" 10
accommodation train on tho Central
due here .Monday morning was
thrown from the track about 12:J0
Monday morning near Burton. The
engine tender and eight cars loaded
with horses for the government were
ditched. The accident was caused by
a horse running on the track and be-
ing run over just as the train was ap-
proaching a bridge. The engine ten-
der and one or two crib were turned
bottom side up and the scene that en-
sued among tho struggling horses in
tho eight cara beggared descrip-
tion. About twenty were killed and
as many more were seriously hurt
while many more received slight
injuries. The kicking and lunging
that ensued after the cars were thrown
from the track was lrightfuJ and as
many were hurt by the struggling as
by the fall. The fireman named Fire-
man Mills was seriously but it wa3
thought not dangerously hurt but
the engineer ecapcl. A brktman
was nlsa slightly hurt. There were
twelve cars of horses a baggage and a
passenger ear io the train but fortu-
nately only the four front rars were
ditched aud the passengers therefore
escaped. The train that left here Mon-
terday morning returned at 3 o'clock
with the passengers baggage aud mail
aud among the passengers were the
members of Kick Roberts's pantomime
troupe. The cugine tender aud sev-
eral of the cars me aliucat h total
Mn. Gkoiuik Hanooi-k Dkap. The
distinguished citizen whose name heads
this article died in the city of Austin
early on the morning of the ristU ol
January 1979. Ia his demise another
one of the few links uniting us with
the past i( severed and the rest may
almost bo counted opon our linger?.
Mr. Hancock was a native of 'i'ennes.-
see lKrn April 11 1S09. Ho was
reared beyond the age of ten or eleven
years in Alabama where he grew up
into manhood and whence he emigrat
ed to Texas in 1835. IXere he partici
pated iu the war of independence;
was an active nftrlieiimnt in tlin buHtn
of $ao Jacinto and remained during
the greater part ol injo in the volun-
teer army of Texas; was next en-
ffaced for a nnmlr f years.
locating and surveying lands and in
lighting Indians and Mexicans having
been in ail the prominent campaigns
of the time among them the Wall fin !
Micr expeditions fortunately escapinc
captivity. Having performed hard
duty both in the civil and military
scrvice.until 1943 he engaged tu com
mcrcc to which the greater part of Lis
younger days were devoted openiag
a mercantile house first in La Grange
then in Bastrop and in 1845 in Austin.
Here he extended his business until
it became one cf the most extensive ia
the interior of Texas. Io ISGI Mr.
Hancock withdrew from active mer-
cantile pursuits siuce then devoting
his time to closing cp a large amount
of outstanding biiMnebS and to the
conduct of Ins own private slLurs.
B sides pu'Uo scrvires named he
served in tho Texas Legislature aud
on manr occasions a a privt citizen
he has done hard work ia public har-
ness. Ia the capital contest of 1572
he served Austin as but few have tver
served her devoting much time and
money jn securing the victory for our
own loved city for which he always
labored well. Mr. Hsncock wu t&ar
ried in 1S03 to Louisa slaughter of
CoL Ira R. Lewis Another tsrippic?
neer of Texas. Ho leaves "survuing
his wife and oce son LeW IfXT.tock
who has just Attained manhood.
Popular illustrated book (3sr;a) ce
Manhood! Womanhood! akkiage!
Impediments to Marriage j VwtaaiC and
care. Sent srcrt.'v po--aiV
ew.ts by Da. C Wmrntit iij &.
CIjuIc Sirert St. Lcu:; Is.fth great
jtculLfcyd Lis wk "
UeU. It also cures dizziness sick
'.lactic leucoirhea and female weak-
- usually accompanying the same
spirit is used in them except a
p article of Holland gin. Ladies
itrticular will lind them peculiarly
ed to their wants in all ages and
cStions of life. For sale at Morley
i'j drug store. Sample bottle
t'y-rive cents.
1 liver is more frequently Jthe
scf disease than is generally sup-
pc for upon its regular action de-
P0. in a ereat measure thn nnwpra
of stomach bowels brain and the
wlnervoua system. Regulate that
iui uit oigan by taking Simmons's
Liw.egulator and you prevent most
of Mseases that rlesh is heir to.
.Fred only by J. II. Zeilin of
FQpWftrds of thirty years Mrs.
Winsg Soothing Syrup has been
used children. It corrects acidity
of thomach relieves wind colic
reguhthc bowels cures dysentery
and hua. whether arinincr frnm
r other causes. An old and
wel' 1 remedy. 25 cents a bottle
n VoA Cocon ? Attend to it
in tiiS not neglect it for it may
becorpous ana end in consumption.
It wre you much suffering and
great f time and probably loss
of hcaituring life for there is no
disenso hich the human family is
subject eacherous is its commence-
ment sotidable in its progress or
so deploi in Us result as that un-
tiring ao 'vAth consumption.
If you yourself a great
deal of M milch valuable time
an endf;ount of expense and
above Tyou want to save your
health "r cough by using Mor-
ley's Two-Bit Cough Syrup.
All dr iell it. Only 23 cts. per
featored Revived.
nis how the rounded
!orm are restored the
cheek vivified with
health; the muscular
1 strengthened the
and the brain toned
by the steady use of
of Punic Cod Liver
Oil and fiosreiTEa of Lime
and Sodji ly far the most ele-
gant audita": preparation in the
catalogue. c icines and in the
disorders ft4 by scrofula con-
sinnntinn. )AvcouchH- and thn vs.
I 1 o I
rious forrrJity it is a wonder
It is
pale an.
the rud
fibre bi
and invn
Scott's 1
ful remedy
its disagrl
sweet aud
Hon. A.
have used 1
dv for rhei
I cheerfully
fails to cure
Send for
11 so deprived of all
poperties and as
I as cream.
PHKLKg the great
uth writes: "I
- li All m at ia Irama.
U'ith great benefit.
Hnd it." It never
-II .1 :.. .
y an uruexisuk
d for cirSis R. K. Ilelphen
e Vash;l. C. oct30 w8m
The Cr.NTi5Tra are of two
kinds. The r for the human
family; the'' is for horses
sheep and .JJlS wis. Testimo-
nials of the e.uofucedi by these
remarkable ilr are wrapped
around every 0i may be pro-
cured of any Carf by nail from
the oiliee of -lVi t'R Compakt
40 Dey st. Jfci. janl6-wly
"What ara V"'o 1 A boat
M r' "
Because the 2-tf physiologi-
cal laws are 'VH5d speedilv.
some fancy thexll Hut whon
the system bruin "and almost
hopelew corrr J'jp8B11ise which
the family ph': lAson of his
limited f xpcrie!clieve the
pertinency of th niry is ap-
parent. Many rem Jiave been
socially prepared for cases aud
many physicians are l" for their
natronaire. As hefonatr a Dur-
cliase of land a "star required
and the title carefuhnined so
inytlids should ca. inves-
tigate the claims or physi-
cian offering to chronic
disease. Dr. Pierce'sfj Medi-
cines are well known aie e3ect-
d manv rnrra where nh:-
cians have failed yet to.ucdate
surgical and complicates and
those desirous of being rl speed-
ily Dr. Pierce has erccteclegant
sanitarium at a cot oi i nati a
million doiUra. No instl in the
world rtt'ci advatitigcsior to
toe louna in tuts esrqent.
IIlf & f DhvalaUnia ai.
tendance several of whorl beem
prominsntly connected mdia
American and European hr. Ev-
ery im proved facility for io a
cure thjt a liberal ezpr of
money could secure can bemad.
Before fully deciding when ad-
dress Iavilids and Tourist! for
There are 421 Chi
honaea ia San VnnKiim
Icstial directorv ara included
ing houses tow plum sh
doctors' cilices thre pawv.'
Bhotctrrscato rallerv. an
." "
. . . 1 . . dl
store ana i if u tswipaper lib
Cini a:o January C. Ti.: t. ! .l ! js
by Saturday's lire ii is tli.-u.-f.i-will
not exceed $llu.mO; t!..- m.iivTd-
ual losses are cor li ied san. s: entiieiy
to the Mlice furniture. The hbrarits of
the law firms h cite i in the buihiinc
. m .1 . ' . i . i . . i . n
i hicu nun inue lniurv. Geo.
Sheridst' loss st the army headquar-
ters is trilling. The military depart-
ment have taken ijuirter for the pres-
ent in the ectersol o! the Polmir II use.
Tho nostolKoe is located in the Singer
o.i . ... . i-
uunuinp. mere utotiucg in the i --
tribuUnn of mails in tJ.ecrv to ia ii-
catc that the fh-tj'trwueat Iih iK-en de-
stroyed. The Chicago Si Alton rail-
road ofiiceri have returnel to their old
quarters at four and tx Van B iren
street. The.ce!lent work done by
the lire patrol hud by the tire depart-
ment alone reserved the wall of
the building Hnd three b-cr tl ors
from great injury.
Chetenxe. January R. l.i-t night
st Carbon Wyomirg. twent-tive"'or
tnirty masked men broke onen a ha
Kac car aua iook out ana IlUDg to a
telegraph pole "Dutch Charley-' who
was en route to Kawlina fir trial
charged with u-.rtici nation in tul
Widow Field mur Jcr last fall.' He was
a notorious character and had been
identified with a number of stae rob
WAsni.vcTON. Januarv C S il.srrin.
i: .i - . . . ".'i'
nuua io luu t per cent loan to-day
auiouuicu io i iu'j;j.j.jU.
Secretarv bherma Q WilA tf ills Trnno
ury Department to-dav.
BCFFAI.O. J an 11 fir v i; TIi
' J ' . ' " V 1 1 1 I 1 1 1
on tne Central road sent out with the
snow plow this eveninrr hni
boiler near Batavia. Wm r.w!.
A? t . . ' '1
ureman was o.kiiv lniuri'. . if a f.rvi
fatally. ' ' '
New Youk January c. One of the
city banks made a mistake a few days
ago of exchanging double the amount
oi goia ior legal tender notes that it
intended and to-dav rectified th mic
take by exchanging $200 000 in legal
icuaer uoies ior goia. With thij ex
ception tne entire demands on the
lreasury lor gold in exchange for legal
tenner notes nas to-day up to noon
amounted to less than $3000. The
sub-Treasury is not giving out clearing
house certificates to-day because the
suppiy oi oiauKsnave hcen temporarily
ca.uuuoi.uu iy mi unexpected lar"o uc
mana lor the last few days. A fresh
supply win he readv to-morrow.
There was mute a crowd nf
tors present in the Surrogate's court to-
uay io near me arguments on L ie net!
tion for a citation filed last week to
William II. Vanderbilt to show cause
why the executors of the Vanderbilt
esiaie biiouiu not ne removed because
as aliened thev were ritlowinrv iia r.
sources to be exhausted and Fquandercd
uy miii'iiii u. tanoermit. Owing to
the absence ofthe counsel in behalf of
the will the case wiis adjourned till
Memphis January 0. The weather
nas grown colder. This morn inn- the
tk... a r ii a
lucriuuuiL'ier icii . o w a mva ar
ai'vv AUlUi
The ice threatens to frnrrrn tlin rin
At IUndoIph 8ixtj five Tnilca above
ikl. f a at
iiuia point mere nave Keen no arrivals
or aepartures. i lie river is now fall-in?.
Washington January C The Sec
retary oi me ireafiiry will call to-dn
for the redemption of ten millions of
5-208 bonds of 1803 and consols ol
JNkw ohk January 0. The W
SDecial from Cnhnca 1pw Vnrir o..n
the Harmony Cotton Mills employinir
ubuub anu proaucing ;wo000
yards of cotton goods a day have re-
duced working time to three days a
wee m oruer to reauco production
and stiffen prices.
The Post's Washington correspondent
telegraphs that Senator Thurman told
a Mr. Hunt this morning he should not
. i ... . .
go iu iuiuniiius weanesuay.
Mobile January 0 The snowstorm
oaiuruay lastea ail day and was fol
1 I i a i
iuweu oy a uaru oreeze. Thermome
ter C 3 in the morning. Yellow fever
liOCnESTEU. N. Y.. .Tammrir R A
passenger train left for the Em about
uwu iu-uj me nrsi rauroaa commu-
nication in any direction in three days.
One track is now open at tho scene of
r riaay a accident; seven miles east of
Philadelphia January 0. Martin
McMichatl. nroorietor of t.h Vnrti.
American and ex-mayor of Philadel-
phia died this afternoon.
LoJiDQN January 0. The weather
ij rwi .
is again ooia. mere nas been an in.
crease of distress in everv niiirrr dnr
ing the past M eek. At Manchesteron
Friday there were 000 applications
from heads of families representing
13500 persons to the relief eomrnittec.
Saturday there were 4000 fresh appli3
cations. During ;he week 1200 famil
lies have been relieved in Wolverhamp-
ton. Considerable distress is alao re-
ported from Sheffield.
Sixty thousand pounds' worth of bar
silver arrived Saturday by the Plato a
Chili packet. The whole was secured
at 49 5-8d for Austria for which quar-
ter there is a slight inquiry.
Berlin January C The Socialist
Democrats have lately carried most of
their municipal caudidatcs around
St. rETKTtsiirr.o January 0 The
plague which has broken out in Astra-
chan is said to have been introduced
by the Cossacks icturuiug from Tur-
key. Nothing is known here of the
Ameer's intention to seek Russian pro-
tection. Paris January 0. Admiral Ton-
chard a member of Lh CI.
TV a? . a
ivcpuiies is aead.
Londow January 0. The Russians
win evacuate tne Uorbruji on January
12. The new Russian cruiser 'Asia"
from Philadelphia has anived at
Washing ton January 0. A letter
received by Treasurer LliUillan today
iiuik me eaHiner oi tne r- irst iNational
Bank of Xdshville Tenncssees eays:
"It may bo a muter of interest to
know that we have taken in more coin
than we have naiii out 'rhm I i.
neve it nas been all over the State."
The Department of Justice closed at
own 10-uay in nonor to tne late Caleb
Cushing. The U'pa ou tbu building
are Hying at half ma-st.
A decision was rendered this after-
noon by the Supreme Court of the
United States in the case of Goorge
Reynolds v. The United States brought
here by apjical from the Supreme
Court of Utah. This cae involves the
Whole llUestion of niilrmimv in tK.
.r-i"..j ... . iy
Terntorm and the constitutionality of
the laws passed by Congress for its
suppression. R-ynolds was indicted
by grand jury for contracting a biga-
mous marriage. He was tried in-tue
third judicial court acd found guilty;
he appealed to the Supreme Court of
the Territory and finally to this corjrt
which now affirms the j-idgmeut of
the lower tribunals and decides that
Congress had the power to ps laws
prohibiting polygamous marriages in
Utah and that such U are cou-ni;:- !
nSU .V TQS. Jlnilirt 1. Th.i .
centxaliDgof the Poai uniD.-par:
uwmi tnat promjeu ol the Papyes.
graph ElecUiC Pea and tsAnifoid pro-
biiu( pay icuer TAte oi postage
ai u a is ana aoi
Jth department thinks it should be.
KftDODg the amend meet j to be proposed
; by the postal authorities to Congresa
Is one which will permit the admission
of matter prepared by these processes
at third-class rates whenever comma-
aicaUons Are not of the nature of ac
tual correspondence
Nasrvtixx January The forty-
first General Assembly of Tennesae
orguixad by electing John R. Neal of
Rhea county. Speaker of the Senate
and IL P. Fowlkes ol Williamson
eoanty wpeakerTf the Horue.
Tta caae of Tenutoee v. J. M. Da-
I tlK'iir.
iMnini i iale ai.l Frderal
courts .Mine up t-i- lay. For the pur-
: poo -f h ivii!- a .bri-i.r l.y Ur
: p-eiiiJ C.iut of the United Stale
I Jn t.'li.v.er Mi l tilt )lt. iiiil Judge
I r.i:: wi.u'.d e.nify .iiaVr u of
; ; aioii. wlneii (..
! Nkv. Vukk.J n.i.i.11 1: v...... j'.. ..
tr .UaUUal liu-ut;t urpes'tli-tr the
buroea impoted U).-n New Vrk's
cemmerce iu the w.y f t..ils ctidruea
r exactions Ik; lihleiied and that
nuroor facilities and ock aurt wharf
accommodations be txtendel and
adapted to the modern eheap methods
r handhrg bu.ky pioduets. These
and other recommenduirn. i
i : . purely
vu B4.rtiiieu a: a lower rate of
taxation than tow imposed and with-
out increusicg the U -or. He advUes a
reduction iu ihe number of city officials
and equaliz-dion of salaries. lie thinks
the expenses of the court3 ot justice are
too heavy and ndts fvr a modified ex-
cise law and insists upon an efficient
economical aJuiinistraiion of public
WaSHIVOTOV. .Iirncir e o .
j vi. ocaaior
lnurman this afternoon nrv4 .
ter addressed to the Columbus Ohio
-annuel tumuunee saving it will not
be in his power to attend th nmn.
cratic celebration on th ;nhk .-.
starit as he is beginning t recover
from a severe cold an.i i....
recognize the fact that it would be im-
prudent for him in such extremely cold
weather to make the trip. He offers a
few reflections udou th tit a at- nf ka
Jackson Democracy the theme upon
wuiuu was to apes and confinei
iiiuieu soieiy io mat subject.
WaSHINOTON. Januarv fi if
ed here to-night that Justice Hunt of
the United States
stricken with paralysis at his residence
in this city last Saturday and is now
in euch a condition that his recovery
is despaiicd of. Oue side is entirelv
parahzed. ami he is to-niirht nn.l.i.
to talk and it is feared hi ennnni liw
more than a few days. Apprehensions
are expressed by oue of his intimate
friends who saw him to-day that a
fatal chance in his condition ma u.
cur within a comparatively few hours.
The fact of his very serious illness was
not known even to hin nooriofn.
the bench till this evening.
AKWIil'ItVPOHT. Milan .laniior. a
Caleb Cushing's funeral was designed-
ly as plain as a common citizen in the
rural towns. Tho comsn Iu. re
markably natural appearance. The
service was very simple reading
the Scriptures aud prayer. Handreds
visited the house to view thn
and the residence was rmwilnH Hnrim
the service by many distinguished gen-
tlemen from Washington itoafnn finr.
cord and the Essex countv towns! Ta
city government will take early meae-
uiea u uouor ins memory.
II ARTFORD. Conn. .linntrv R
.Tudure Carncnter. of tln Hnn'n.
Court to-day decided the contest oyer
the result of the election of telectmen
in Hartford by throwing off the Dem-
ocratic justice and three selectmen and
put tint? Renublieana into Hipba nffim.
This decision was (riven nn thn m-nA
that the Little Jokei" tissue ballots
found in the ballot box wern frnnrln-
New Orleans. .Tannarv ft ti
Teller committee has arrived and will
commence investigation to-morrow.
1 lie Legislature convened tn.dav
J. C. Moncuro was elected
The Senate re-tlccted the old officers."
1 he arraignm-mt of the Natchitoches
prisoners before Judge Billings has
been postponed until Thursday nn
plication of their rminr-l iha ih
rnsy examine the indictment and deter
mine wueiiier iney win plead or dei
mur. Their bail was fixed at $5000
each. i
Memitih. Januarv 0. Henrv Alton
a nurie from Texas arresteil last n.
tobcr for alleged r.ipe on Mrs. McDon
aid one of the victims of the epidem-
ic was this mornini? discharged from
custody without trial.
ItlCHMONI). Vi.. Januarv fl Tho
Senate adopted a resolution authoriz
ing the Oovernor to reouest the renm.
sentafives of foreign bondholders to
meet in assembly on the twenty
instant for conference regarding a plan
for the set'lement of the State debt.
l he weather Is very cold.
KEWBUim. N. Y.. '.Tannarv It Th
operatives of the Newburg steam cot-
ton mills were placed on half tune to.
day. The low price of manufactured
goods generally the cause.
JNi:w Orleans. Januarv R W.ah.
er clear and cold. Last night the
mercurv went to twentv. whinh
lowest temperature since 18o7.
ickpbcro. Januarv 6 Thn mn.
tui v id0l nii'ui. waH n ow n r.n tu-a va
City of Mexico January 3. Ex-
Governor Bravo who headed the ris-
ing in Colima and Michoacan has
been killed with fourteen of his olt
Londonderry January C Presi-
dent Grant arriyed here to-dav and was
formally presented with the freedom
of the city. A grand banquet was given
to his honor to-night.
Treves January 6. Princess Caro-
line wife ol Prince Henry of Hesse
died to-day.
Paris Jsnuary C Two detach-
ments of the gen's d'armerie of Ver-
sailles have been sent to the Depart
ment of Herault and Eastern Pyrenees
to put a stop to the attacks made by
armed brigands from Spain which
have alarmingly increased of late.
The report of the death of Admiral
Touch ird is falsp "
Calcutta January C. A band of
wansua wazerts recently made an in-
cursion into British territory plundered
the inhabitants burnt a tank and re-
treated to the hills. TKipv wn nn.
upd by cavalry and a nart of the
band cut tdl. Reinforcements are be-
ing sent to prevent a repetition of the
Londox January 0. The Viceroy
of India telegraphs that Syad Mahom-
ed cluef of the Konayri valley who
sent friendly letters .to Major Cavag-
nari recently is expected at Jellallbad
early this week.
NEW Om K'4 Lnmn i Th.
Teller sub-committee met at 10 a. u. at
Serveyor -Wells's private office at the
custom house all members present.
ScnaUr Garland asked if there would
Im anv sncclsl
The chairman answered that no pro
gramme hail Iumb arranged tillt that
When a nei?a!orhood aa mahl i
would be cone through with Senator
Garland then suggested that the neigh-
borhood be designated ma that Ht...
es might be notiGud. The chairman
mentioned that the charges of fraud
in Natchitoches. Tensas aud Carl
isbci were Grt' in order
Cameron said that charges had come
from every part of the State and it
tntpht be imnosaible to rlefln
act part. Senator Biilev thought that
as near as posaible We definite plaa
of procedure should be ulnnixi
that the charges could be met by evi-
A a. . a . . . .
ucuyc up we oioer siae. i at chair-
man decialred tiat he wonld ill .u
- ww- aw Ml
neocssary tiuie for the production of
such evidence but no detailed plan
J. Farnejit TVp.tn a . r. T. .
. - f mm m ua
use or NifchPoches parish ; always re-
i Citl in the paiUh ; seived during the
I in i .....1 t ..: : . .
..... ... i v i' ij :uici4u i.iuirni;
)as been a R-pa'olicaa since IsTI ; hu
been a stump speaker ; did not take
part in last campaign having been
driven from home on the twenty-second
of September. The witness stated
the manner of orgasijing Republican
ward cl&bs and a form of an executive
committee. One ward club was to
meet on the second of September and
on that day there was to be a pem-
cratic convention also. At oar meet-
ing there were 150 Republicans pre
eat aad I addressed the Assemblv.
After dinner we started borne I and
my brothers on horseback. We had
Zone abent one hundred yards and
when on the corner of Cypress street
a body of armed cavelrymea op
posed oar passage witn "pistols orawn
aad strong lsBgui ui. and at
this moment 1 ni..re
arm-d Ui riii'if loan a
s.da rret; uy b.-.uiin .. 1 - u
down Side Sliest uriii to ti.e jo
aud. mcirc'iug the town t.nmj
j during tUe ui.dit at home; t!.. :r- Mt
1 sta.'rj uutil tfe next uiid on t!..
j m nming "st S o-i .:k i.it u.;c. ttie
I - . . r
I'Tmcr u:iyr or icL:;.ivt..v. i.i ti. u..;
he had net sp.ikeu to niiiiue.- Iv'i.iu
account of my polirie. n- told ia
that my houn i to le uttaeked. at; I
de!-ird m to surtrndt-r. I t.il I Iil...
that I would right and never turrender.
My uncle raid r.s w. u:d bring a gui-
antee irom ine Dj.iy of anned men
that the .Louse and pmorry w ul l uc
respected if we wouiH t. av the plce
witain two nonrs. y.y u:icle went
back and conferred wi:h a committee
of armeu men. We rem .ined i.i the
wood until Ojtolcr 2a aud October
1 we left for Stireveport and have r
mamed there until rummond before
the grand jury. The witness pro-
duced the Viitlictitor casing it the
organ of the bulldirers otherwise
the Democrat self-styled of the pal-
ish and read a certain warning etc.
therefrom also a copy uf a document
purporting to be an agreement to
which if witness became a party
he could return to his home.
The document was read. Ii is in the
snape oi a preamble narrating from a
bulldozing point f view all the
things that the said Rredas had done
to excite the ire of all good citi- j
zens ol Katchitoches parish and end
ing with a promise to be signed by
Bred as that they would hereafter be
have themselves. The witness stated
that the formality of signing this
document was respectfully declined
en tne gTouna mat tne statements in
tne preamble are false in every partic
mar. xo senator Tiller There is no
lawlessness among negroes : the mister
able individuals hardly dare strike
back; they are murdered there like
sheep; political speeches calling
upon mo negroes to cut loose from
the Democratic party are styled
mciuuiary speecnes; l never made
a speecn wnicn was not strictly a
speech on simple political subjects.
The negroes are ground down and
can't even sell their crops in their own
names 'mere are 1700 white and
4000 colored voters in the parish and
there are more whites who vote the
Republican ticket than blacks who
vote the Democratic ticket.The majori-
ty in the recent election given offi-
cially waa 290P. To Senator Oailand
witness gave the dstails of the organ-
ization of the armed band. Witness
was formerly parish judge aud held
office until the Nichols government
came into powor.
Senator Cameron Are any prosecu-
tions Against fraudulent voters being
carried on in any of the State courts?
Witness No sir; for if so the
whole judiciary of the State would
have to be brought to trial. To Senator
Baily I state this on hearsay only ; I
know nothing from personal observa-
tion. To Senator Cameron T und me
brother were driven out simply be-
cause we were political leaders.
Dr. A. P. Bredae swore that a Repub-
lican meeting was held on September
'21 for the nurnose c: int tmotinnr th
colored people in regard to the changes
which had even made in the numbers
and boundaries of the different wards
of the parish that they might yote in-
telligently. New Orleans January 7. The
Yellow Fever Commission examined
Doctor's J. O. Richardson D. W.
Brickell A. F. Axson .and Armond
Mumer on their experience during the
last and former epidemic. Colonel D.
V. llebinson. Sunerintendnnt. nf tha
Mobile and New Orleans Railroad was
examined in relation to the loRaoa nf
that road by the quarantine and ep'-
i . . i . . .
uemic on tne iace snore. He estima
ted the losses at from three to five
thousand dollars.
Atlanta January . seating in
Atlanta for the first time in twenty
years. Thousands of pounds of ice
cut and packed here; it is the first time
such a thing was ever known to be
done here. Great suffering among the
poor throughout the city.
Washington January 7. The
Cabinet session to-day was devoted
principally to the discussion regard-
ing the favorable financial situation.
Sherman called attention to the fact
that the treasury now holds large
amounts of gold silver and currency
much more than theie is any use for at
present. Reference was also made to
the reports from all Darts of the
try that .resumption had given confi-
dence to business and that both home
and abroad business seems to be s.i ul-
ulated and is being conducted witb
A telegram to the Pisti-ffice Depart-
ment from Memphis says that no mail
boat are moving in the Mississippi
river north of Vjckeburg nor in the
Arkansas White St. Francis or.Upper
Representative Ilariridge. of Geor-
gia was in a critical condition yester-
day from pneumonia but to-day seems
io uc improving.
Baltimore January 7. Mr. Alex-
ander Murdoch of Alexander Murdoch
& Co. the oldest dry goods commis-
sion house in this city died of heart
disease in his counting room to-day
I Clarke Reperta.
Ot ' ii's . I vnsTtn 4 Co. )
l!A.sKr.e. Auiix Texas v
Jihuary 4 IS79.
The ci Hire i.f ;ti!--! Uade hit been
M- w 10 I s-iuirjUri lrjri; the week
willed Wit hn-keo by ifo vew Year
h"!i liy arid si-vere wt ather.
Even the cuaticur.1 better piicn for
'-'fon hJ 1: 1 either jn n'imnUtmg
usiueas. Anticipations of fl ctuati.ics
in tijurei for cotton will be re;i-d
tor prices are les Cttn and the mail
ket Irs excited jet tht tendency is
upriU on account of more aettvitv
i uir uruiiLii ior anus.
Liverpool tend a ti-mer ton -.?
the receipts tht ports tun lishttr
which the stormy weather will dtI
crease still more.
Our own market is scantily suppl.t J
farmers hoMitiir for better prices. We
quote to-day: Ordinary l-4e; or-
rtmsry l-2o; low middling 7c; mld-
dlinir 7 1-4 to 7 tnuni uiiddiin"
T 1-2 to 7 5 Hz.
Shipments from Austin sinre
oepu-mner I 1578 to De-
cember 27. baled 1 oon
By International fn-m i-
cember 21 to December 27
By Houston and Texas Cen-
ral. do a
Austin TIarket CtMtaiTJtiC"
Butter 20 to SOc. Kgs 1C 2-3
The would-be killer t f tmss ne. f
empemr und others in hih plcv hoi
appealed in tte Eoah'.s
v ' . oc
Mwj'ir VwT .r'Sd XCkS; dry flint 3 to 12c
chargeJ with sending lettem to the
home elli.'r eoutainicg thn-att to kill
iur i(rn. iu court tba le'Vrs of
j which there were three haviuy l.efn
1 mown li:m. he admitte1 they were his
Total bales to date 11:0
The difficulty in otltaininfr eatnimr.
Uve statements obliges us to omit these
in future.
The hide market has shown conaid
erable firmness. All offers of dry flint
are readily taken at 12 l-2c; wet salted
were sold at C 1-2 to 7c per pound
The supplv is. however amalt
Wool remains quiet but steady. The
iimc is not. tar aittant wnen Austin will
become an important center for th .!.
and purchase of wool. Fine wooled
sneep ate constantly introduced into
mis anu au joining counties. We quote
medium at 15 to 16c for ai mnnth.
cup frtt of burs.
The lull prices paid for wheat have
ought out some round lota Tk.
quality is however not as good ss
UOUld be desired. Austin n it. .
elevator of sufficient capacity to store
from 7000 to 10000 bushels of wheat
and farmers oucht to bev mora auc
tion to the selection nf aeerl mm4. Ih.
cultivation of wheat generally. Corn
is scarce at 50 to 53c per bushtt. Oats
onng aoc ana tending upward.
The decline in oension reriiHeatM
continues; broken are selling at 75 to
. is cents. ine reason for the de
cline is sunpoacd to Im th four k.
the incoming Legislature will not make
the necessary appropriations for tbe
security. We have no such fear. Tbe
law may have been ill advised and it
may be good policy to repeal it bet
the Obligation is a aarrnri nn. .!
ought to be paid. Nor ought the crv
mat iuo ceriiocaics nave reeu anlrl fn
speculators and sro no longer in the
1. .) . t . L. . .
uauut 01 1 ne veterans nave an ht
. . . .
it appears to 11s oi no moment what
ever who is the bolder of tbe obliira
tion and what the COnffirijiratinn wa
which the holders paid but tbe ques
tion at lenue is wiieiher the State's ob
ligation is letrallv out. and if nn h
fttate ought to pay every cent to the
leuai uviucr.
neasury warrants remain firm at
vi cents some money is coming into
vub treasury anu parties paying such
money avail themselves of the op port u
uy to get one-fourtW of the general
ictcuiiu cMucu in warrants.
rt t- . . . .
v. n.. mcuunn are weaaer clerks
ann attorneys' command 80 1 2 to 81
cents. Rewards are neglected at 70
Land certihcates are aain lower;
alternates are ouerea at f 37.0O with
30 bid; round lots could not be sold
at over $47.50 each. Straights are
ia..A A. AlnA 1 V
4uici ai iu ana international at 215
(ojaso i ior 040 acres.
u.xcrange in firmer; Xew York and
nt. Loms is 1-2 premium and (Ulves-
ion n premium.
Aiextcan doiiais have drc'ined to 80
cents. Mexican halves and quarters to
10 ceo:.
All were la Fremdi but none of them
i were rea. Ihe thrca' was uudtvtod
10 IK-cou veyed in an expres-lian that
"he would go t Btlaioral aud change
the form of the Kaglish goveriunent"
if his demand for 1'lOOt) was nut imme-
diately complied wiUi. WlieJicr he is
an Englishman or not du not appear.
Oue report ssys he is wlulo another
gives France as the place of bjs btith
and says that bia advent m I.-mdon
datee from laat antuiao. thoiSh it -iv
his parentage at Irish. When Ue leuer?
were first received at the boine office
the authorities where of opinion Ui-.t
no reliance e-ul.1 lie fcbiCed nnnn I.i. !
statements. It was diwover..! ihm h..
naa inen for the pnt twei.tv veir in
an unsound state of mind. hl ii.n..
eaed to commit auicide aud Iwd mote
than oace been p'aoed under riatraint.
Bat considerable coloring was xivea to
the threats in the possesion of the po-
lice from the fact that when the Queen
was passing through an intermediate
station ou her way from Scotland to
Windsor the report of a pistol was
heard. Whether there was any design
upon the roval carriage or not i nn.
known but the fact of a discharge br
ing neard lends importance to the
charge now laid against the prisoner
Grain. Corn. now. "(V. Off.
Bright 35 to 40c. Wheat .'.0 to
Chickens f 1.50 per tloicn. B. K.
pent tl.50 to $2.0O per barrel. To-
matoes $1.50 to 2.00 pir bushel.
Onions $2.00 to $2.75 per barnl. Po-
tatoes Sweet 50 cents pr b-.isL-jl.
Irish 2.75 to $.1.00 per barrel.
:i H
The Paris correspondent of the Chi
cago lr4 says: saw Princess
ibyraat a ball given last May by Lord
Lyons. She came incognito to Paris
to witness the opening of the Kihihi
tion. She is smaller than the Prinrv
Ol Wales and haa mn r-hr..t...
Some would call her orettv. Imt fr-
could pronouuee her craoeful or
cious. The UDoer Dart of tha rn
aiiuosi Classical V recular. hut r.ha oh n
protrudes like Patti's. I VM BtrnrL-
with the absence of bloom iu the com-
plexion the auxiou-. Worn fvnraawinn
of the lines aUut the mouth. The
Princess holds herix-lf luilt in.ri. h
She aims at being I should say. ma-
jestic and succeeds in being stuck up.
The recollection that she is sister to
mium vucca 01 x.ngiana ana Km
urcca ui 1VUM1S IS. II 1 am not mis
taken ever present to her mi mi n..
neck is very long and very slender
and requires the broad band of velvet
wnicu the Princess of Wales has made
. .
naron nauiman tud hi. ......
have left undisturbed thm r.r u n.o
heart of Paris a street whieh V. .n
air about it of very old antiquity. The
time was remarks the UU (London)
wnen i-aris was the most difficult and
awkward city to drive through in the
wnoie or Europe. But the wonder-
iui tuaueei in late Vear nub. ii
very curious that in a quarter the most
irttiueoiea in tne city and where im
provements nave been tlw mo.t
ai there should remain a stitet datine
uni me aereniu century and famous
for its association with O
hild the contemporary or the not less
rcuegonue. it is called the
'Street of the Withered TW .-.I :
was there at tbe place where the street
a cruajeu Dy ine modern Rue de Ri
voli that ths execution of Brunohild
iooa place in the year C13.
- . ' f
lic 1
15 l e
10 l-2c
2 S.I
. .55c
. .40o
Good Middling 7 1-2 to 7
j Middling 7 1-4 X i 7
LjOw Middling
Good Ordinary (1
Ordinary 6
wholk&alk ruicEs run
Country bacon
Hams sugar-cured..
Lard tierces
half barrels..
" tins
Coffee choice
" irood
" standard A
yellow clarified
S-ilt coarse per carload
44 tine
Louisiana inola&scs choice. . r.
" " prime..;.
Syrup choice
44 prime
Petroleum astral
44 radiaut
Texas Piur Rough per ii . . . 19 fiO
44 Dressed ono side. 2S 00
44 Dressed two sides 24 0
44 Flooring dressed
tonirued aud erooved ?i nn
Texas Pine Siding
White Pine Siding clear.... 23 CO
44 Three-eighths
headed reilinrr elenr ci a i
Shingles Sawed Cypress No.
1. ijfr thousand heart k i-
' I - ' .... w
Shingle Sawed Cypress No.
2. per thousand .... T
Lath. White Pine. rer 1000...
Texas Pine
Standard nnnts
Sea Island domestic
4-4 Brown domestic. . ..
Bleached domestic
Aoron cheeks
Alabama plaids.
James River plaids
Bed ticks
Brown duck..
White duck
Am. ginghams
scotch ginghams.
4 03 mr-
6 00 j
5 to 5 8-4 ;
5 to 8 -
A 1-2 tc 9
5 to 10 1-3
0 to 18
9 34 i
83 4
ia 18 1-2
2 I
..11 l-2to 141-
..13 1-2 to 22 1-
..12 to 50
..10 1-2 to 13
..11 to 20'
WBOLKSAI.C T liinnnl
rTontucky Old Sour Mash.2 50 to 5 00
44 44 Bourbon.. 3 00 to 8 00
Robertson Co. Sweet Mash. 3 (Ml tn l on
LiucoLn 44 4 on
Common Wliisky...!.... 110 to 150
imported iv'Ojjnac Brandy.. 4 00 44 10 00
Domestic 44 ' a nn n i r.n
Im ported UoHan d G in . . . . 2 50 to 4 00
t .. . . : .. . .
ruuiCBUC -- .... 1 00 tO 25
Peach Brand v inntnsmi
App'.e 44 2 00 to 2 75
Cherry 44 1 75 to 2 25
G'ORer 14 1 60 to 8 50
Wines Sherry Imported.. 2 00 to 1 00
n lien Aladden. tha ii.i.n. r. n
who threatened to kill th ..
angiana was called into court the
sccona time one at hi
. . ... ivvvvii was
louna to oe in Knomh (iumi.li -n .i..
others were in French. H had len
described in court as an 4inrr.r.
llnmiiiM. I.... :u . v . .
Ui u ni letter he
CMtlvestea Llva aiock Market.
New Orleans January 7. Sight
Li per cent discount Sterling bank
482. Consols 6767!c.
Cotton market dull; sales 5500 bales;
ordinary v;c; gooa ortUnary ogC; low
middling 8C: middllnv Lr- imml miH
dling 9c; middling fair lOIc; receipts
net 1140 bales gross 2880 bales; exports
iu uis cununem sw oaies; continent
2979 bales; stock on hand 37.758 bales.
Flour active firm and higher ; superfine
S4.WQ4.2o; AA 14.75; XXX tS.Om
5.50; higher gmdei $3.505.50. Corn
nrra at. 4830c. Oats demand fair
and prices higher; sales at 3234c.
Corn meal higher and held at 2.25.
Hay in fair demand and higher;
prune 1HOO15.00; choice $17.00
Pork demand good with an upward
lenaencyi oia neia:at 7.8J(33; new
$4.50. Lard quiet and weaa; Uorne
5c; keg 67Kc. Dry salt
uicava iu guuu uemaoa wim an upwara
tendency; shoulders loose are held at
BHc: DaCTedaUc: clear rih a Uc
sidca 4c Bacon in fair demand and
higher; shoulders are held at 3c i clear
uu tc ; ciear siues 4.c Hams
dull and lower: choice 8u?arun-d
ase quoted at 8c and uncanvased at
c. Whisky steady; Western rocUfied
f t.Q5aL10. Coffee active and strong;
cargoes of ordinary to prime ll1
183c Sugar market active and dim;
low grades higher ; common to
good common 4QSe; fair to fully
fair 5Ja3sC ; " prime to choice
?wl4e; yellow clArified CK&Vkc
AloiAasea In good demand at fuir prices;
common t0)c; fair 23335c; centrifu-
ral ia23e; prime to choice 2032c
Bice active and firm; ordinary to choice
Louisiana 5Q8ya Wneat nominaL
New Tore January 7. Money 2t;
4 per cent Exchange 4.82. Govern-
ments steady; new 5s 107. Stale bonds
quiet except for North Carolina hirh
are l$2c better.
st. ions markets. i
8t. Loci s JanuAry 7. Flour firm.!
uuyers ou wiin amaii Dusinew; A A
extra fall $3.XXQ3.tt; XXX do. 3.W
4.10; family V4.25&4.85. Wheat
higher; Na red winter 93c cash; Jan-
uary OT.Vj; February 93'3?.c;
Alarch 3c; No. 8 red f afl 6tiijC;
Corn higher; Na 2 mixed 2Vj0c
cash ; Febriurv 80K3oe; Alarch
8lKOJtl.et April tt.'H&tt&a'c;
83B& Oau active and firm; Na 2 20 Vc
cash: Hatch S1U& Lrd atMtri ant 7
good demaad at aS5Q3.0 according
to location; aaJea at $5.05. Bulk meats
firmer aad snore doing; car loU loose at
$2.43 $3.55 E3.60S3.75 for shouldera
clear rib and clear sides; boxed and
loot and be Ik abort clear -f3.5f bulk
short clear loose. f3.K); bulk short rib.
13.73 aIatUl Bacon duJ; sUri r;
Uai.vf.stox Janurry 6. The live
stock circular of Johnson Foster re
JteceiDts Beeves aud inni o-n.
i . . .. '
caivea ana yeaning . ; sheep
hoes. 434. "
Sales Beev1 and cowt. 12-2- r.ln.
yearungs ; sneep 72; hogs 187
yju iibdu ueeves auo Piim lun
cajves ana yeariings . . y sheep if 13;
nogs aj.
Total recemts a nee .T.nr.r.
Beeves and cows 830; caives and
yearlings ....; sheep hogs.
Beeves and cows Good to choice.
Per lb. erOSS 2 1-8 to B l-4c: enmmnn
and ordinarv. oer lb. rmu
. j b ... h;
Two vear olds Chnie
head 9 00 to 10.00; common do.
t8 to t9. Yearlinoa Phaiiu V..
i J . - - - " M V KVI
neaa 10 ftJ.uu; eommon do.
6.00 to 7 00. Calves- Choice per head
$0.00 te $7.00; common do. 5.00 to
$5 50. Sheep Choice per lb. gross
o 1 10 c ; common ao. .. to
Hogs Choice per lb. gross !) 12 to
2 7-8c. Corn-fed beevas
choice per ISl gross 8 1-4 to3 1-2c;
iair 10 orainary ao. 3 to 3 l-4c
rough do. 2 1-2 to 3c.
Grass beeves and eows. Choice
oeeves are tn fair demand while com
mon ana orainary cattle are not
wanted. Grass yearlings and two
year-olds. Io very little demand.
Urass calves. Market bs.-e; choice
calves would sell readilv. Grass
sheep. No choice mutton offering;
butchers well supplied. Grass hogs.
uaraei giuuea; tnree weeks' (apply
on band. Corn fed cattle. Thete is a
better demand as grass cattle aie fail
I m .
ing very last on account of the con
unueu severe weainer.
The public schools of tbe United
states require 12.02 from each tobabi-
tant for their support and military
purposes fl.39. In othei conn tries
tbaaa two i tenia 0 capcoditaroe are as
follows; Pmssis. 31c and 12 2ft- An.. I
na. oil ana ii.s! fkiim an ..
. j - - w ...
4.50; Iuly 13o and 1 37; Eogland
aau Traies one ana fa.ei! Switjter-
iouo ooc ana f 1
A denntv sheriff m.t niihn.J ir
being unable to collect tavaa fmm
m m -jw m BB
reBideot jeot a third ptrtr to admire
iDe resia.niTa iaIm taaih nr a..ir.H
fM nnWm Is abm 4ka. J a: . a
set2?i them. After livin? on mm in.
a lew days the resident paid his taxes
J A a a r "
aau rcueemea lis property.
calls himself 44a soirit immitPrini
l: .1 1 1 . . .. .
. lum dii vw inr mArArmi num. - . .1...
- i..i.
. v.. piorve miougn tne earth." He
anas mat it won .1 tair. i.. ... -
. 1 "'"ii
-..j ... Kcnnoc uiy power" but inci-
dentally remarks that be knows 44all
aria anu sciences" anrt that he 4can
aisturu the e ctnenta " 1T t. ti.
OHU iiKIWtll. I'nerlel V.. '.....i
1 . .v.i. a m 1
Pen." and sicna himuir ir..i
.. . . . . .i.wwu
1 ropnet and Uritish subject.'
oiauaiics DreDared hr t ..;.. . 1
... j ..... v. iii. 1 v r 1
tne bureau or statistira nf o.. r :... 1
" V. a. ui
Dies snow mat tl.e balance of the
traao in lavor of this ronntrw
... j
niontn ot trie hsoii .r eni
904084. an iucreene of nearly 100 per
cent over thebalanea in mr r. ...
ine OorresDondinir mnntha iutt
a v. 1.
i ne returns or the entire vear 1878.
now that a balanco of trade in favor
01 me unitea States will be ncarlv
1300008.000 over 1100000.000 more
than in 1877 and nearly 20Q000 000
more than in !? tL
rtf m.1I U . . 1 . . ...
. vm uaa aimost entirely ceasrcL
L.onaon lrutu itr Rht;...- 1
hear ia a sain in ineir at.. . :'
' " J I.I 1 .1JV
more bracelets have turned up to his
fn.wnaaKAi t 1 a a .
'"""' auovei. ne nas lately un-
earthed five
composed of nnmerons bracelet's ear-
"T.. " 'umps ot gold. His latest
una IS a bronae veaaol in nliik
. " "'-" "cie
some Dronne axes as well as some sil
ver ornament tha Kniv .1 v.
. - iuo tun
unit a.Aw n A t.i 1 . .
"r" """'"i vuuaisveti 01 gold ear- .
rings bracelets beads and bars of gold. International 840
Many of tbe ornaments are very crscel Un located bal'cei
ful i. J m . r 1 ..
auu 01 one woricmansbip.
. 75
. 1 10
1 25-aa
6 00
3 00
Domestic 1 50
Port Imported 2 00 to 3 00
Domestic 1 to
Acidt Carbolic crude . .
c. r...
11 m.:
U1UIU .. ......
Tartaric Acid Powder.
Ammonia Aqua FFF
Balsam Copaiva
Bay Itum Imp. per gal..
44 Commerr.iul
Borax Refined
Cream Tartar Pure
44 Corunierr.ial
Ulvcerine. I'uro
Oil Bergam't Saudersou's 4 25
Lcmua 3 75
Peppermint 4 25
Nt's Ft No. 1 pr.gal 1 2
Cod Liyer white 44
Boiled Linseed 44
Itaw. 44
PoUbsa Bromide. . . . . .
Climate... .v
1. TM a
Lime per barrel (bulk). fl 00
ivoaunoaie cement per
barrel din
Portland cement per bid 7 00 to CO
x lamer l aris per out.. 3 25
Uair. Der Dound 1
Fire brick per M C5 00ul27 CO
Pensions. tl00 101 1
Pensions fr'ct'nal. .. . 101
1 50
8 75 to 4
'40 '
Travis co. bonds 105"
Austin citv 44
Austin Citv Water
Co's bonds 2d mort. jkj
and interest.
State Treaa'v w arranta w.
City warrants new is
sue n per cent reg-
istered nominal...
Land certificate
Alternates 640. ....
I X '. . . 1 n 1 n
10fi" .
5 flt
The elevated railways in New York
Cm a - -
on Burasy were subjected for the
urss time to the taf 1 :
- - w. auu. niJU Ce
on their tracka and tbey endureil it
uuiiiBuiy. 4t naa no more effect ap-
lyoivunj uaa ao mucn oust and there
was ne occasion for lessening the ordi-
uij uiKu ai-ceu 01 tne train a Tho
companies nowever. .
cautions to secure absolute safety and
bad men statk.na-1 ail ...
broeui in band to keep the tracks at
"- pvraaiiic.
At last Bnain ia
a complete transUttoa of 8bakespeare.
The tramlAtor ia the Marquis de dos
waiiisi ae eiAsco v Hog at.
"re volumes are ready Vol. I.
TOWetOS V lruna.t V..I Tr umi
wwaor di Venecia;" Vol. H
UnlieU y Kotueo;" Vols. IV. V. and
r i8 tbe press will contain
uelo" 44Iil Sueno de uoa Ned.e de
i ereno" ana Hamlet.'
ces of
headrt aud bounty
Der acre
Approved fee acc'U.
Pension certificates -.
First Nat'nal Bank..
Austin City R. It Co.
to per cent paid
in) nominal.
Austin Citv Giis (:''
Austin City Water Co.
to per cent- Da hi
iui nominal
Austin City Water Co
viuu paia in; nominal
Travis county Itoad &
Bndcre Co. nominal
Capital Ice Co. ( lull
Paid in! nominal
uoia (large full 1
" (small)....
Silver American.
A. II. B. it L.
225 ( 0
:s 1--
... 4
100 to 10D 1 3
nominal par
Ajs'n stock
P14U Withllrril
A verv considerable induatnr ia aaLl
m oe carneo; on in ffussU in the man.
uiacture ol snn-fl wer seed oil. which
IS CSed for adn Iterating Aliaa. -M
Tbe nrineiDAl dUiicta for tha
iiuu 01 ine plants are ivieu and I'
Unilerl S'B4e notea i f tha dennmi.
nstiona of and nio ooo whieh
are Io lie io d llii ne-nih. differ
soaitwh ia appsrancw frra the legal
tender BotlS How in r!ieuUuia:
;re of tho ntts will boa ever 1-e
nungarv haa nearlv qua horaa ti
everv seven inhabitants a greater pro-
a"-- tkW ftkavaai I V a4 M -ASV a
of 2153003 horse and U.OOO.QOO
population. The gov?nmtrit hae foar
uipta.uj aia;ea.
T make shoe-pegs enonsh for
Amencan nse conenmea aanaallv 103.
000 cords of timber aed to make owr
lucifet matches 200000 enbiefeetof
ue Dees pine are reqnirea every year.
ftj much black silk hae taaaai nwtmA
by eealm la Eaghvnd let it aoovaw
: a . a a a . . - I
iz ior ise we rriaeesa Aiee tM an
trrorretable lonmrtsfBt ia ka t.m.A.
An Old irantlamaa In ITa v.-... .... 1.
- - j iiiui
his eon's watch to show him how easily
j u cjuiu uc rouoea and then asked
u.iu 1.11a 1 . ma . nm hmm . .
I - . - - - j'nttix auan waa
aisiressea to nnd hia xaii. k.
..... . . .
allien -never mind" said his fath
I er 1 toe to show yoa how essilv
j yon could lose it; Un it U." Bat ss
ue icit in nis pocaet to return it 1..
we surprised to find that an.
I auroit man himaeU had taken it.
Baltimore IS makina a Ks'.l.l . . . 1. t
7-"-aj . vum ior
the butioese of shippJog western eat-
iv aog;aoo. 11 si 1 a doaen iron
vteamsnips are to be pat rn th line
soon ana tbe railroads will have con-
venient vardt read an that ..nu
be Ukea directly frees Chioago to the
teatnaniD wnari wii n tv k..i i.i..
iuii nwj ia u xeiv to com
mand a a Urge propoitba A lb i
port eatti lr Je ot the wett.
X VOQftff Woman a.m. I t .1..
icini. ojia r.anar mi .a a
. . T r ' - iv.vi. iu
any aollar notea ia the waste. The
proprietor OI the aailla elaima ll
the girl ened for their recovery. Jand the
Supreme Court hu decided in her
tsvor tonug that the purchase of
waste DSDer does not rarr h
w uoioowi TBiaacaea atirii ma
iouaa IB It.
New Yeai's trn 4lteenmDtlon Dav.
and oogtt hareafter to be celebrated
eetoca. n marks tne ancceeafBl
ne see nvw iotx Man (srs ot a
lotf. Cocetful. enxiona f.rrht kaia
ine oetter naa tne beeer elrmenU of I irr- -
bsaiaat sarere i betveea atssi . to i Jl TZ tt-m-
aart 1L-tam....i.. i " ' I W .4Z S.
4 V.'i
2 ';
rirst series on
. . .l. vi
oocona series 0 (1(1
laird series. 24 00
Fourth Aerie!- in ff
mm a e J VU
rutn series.. 13 00
Bixtn aeries e 00
iSXCuancre rnrtn
v waiveston.... 1-2 dis. to 1-4
On New Orleans.. l-2;dis. to 1-4
un bt. IjOuU 1.41 t. a 1 a
- - - m a at - a aA SJSAa
On New York.. ..1-2 dia. tofl-4
j AnylXH5r rq !r-a to mtka monr rwd: rr
liulea lor aee- - ia Hwri. Lae"r J
V. "a Bear circular. Ti. ......rT" rf
m i.v . . . . .-..n .Jtl n.r! rn'
TttH'.L.9:r "i. bi.j
awaii Bieana tu rran . .1 .
i-" ZZ ' H'H op-.-r.iur. Jiu-
J'T lira tnuuutiu .ine.o
. - III. . M. 03 I...
toe aMeerk mtirtrt v bm ...... '
ana : ' Tu unuiuiu. as.-i . . 7 '
I.U.L.L.. - -- ... v..kl.
r i I mucrx' ietr a :. r i
- - 1 m i j. 7rr ) . ; 'itr
..uini wjtvm m ruoadol ntmut fT a
nhiaL i.- zz.rr. -
. . r . e lri w:ki i.
01 u.e oJtu 01 rana 14 fu
aw autaacaai aeiuaioOS. 1 -
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Weekly Democratic Statesman. (Austin, Tex.), Vol. 8, No. 14, Ed. 1 Thursday, January 9, 1879, newspaper, January 9, 1879; Austin, Texas. (https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth277682/m1/3/?q=hancock: accessed October 12, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, https://texashistory.unt.edu; .