Dallas Herald. (Dallas, Tex.), Vol. 8, No. 35, Ed. 1 Wednesday, February 29, 1860 Page: 2 of 4
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run Dallas iii:i:ald.
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Dallas. M fdurdu)i I f orunry.a nuw.
err. r.... ..... .r .... Mr-!-.
N iiuT Tn. tktsl t U Ol IM.. .U
.11-. T ' I
l'Olt 1MU.
ion ni.k at inn iim-M-p tn'i "
r-.R Tiir n.E'H in .u.rr t.t:
" fur lUl l I .
V. ir ..iihir.xl n I r !""" iin..mJI l"'
MITH K-) .ol Woii'i. oui.liunlr 1 CI""" "
f ol ll.. Iwli J l I'i.i. .
f l.l'. Ki .! loll alt.lJii- l"f UkIU'I iwri
e A- W r ntrf-l l r.-i" "I annfMi...- I I.
I t J. Mci:i..V. f't.'l""
l'r'lirr Jn.llif.
t tlir r-i' ' ' ii. r-Miili"i'irl iii mi.
ivi;m. I vl fi:i:-"N.n. .i'li.l.iif r. l'o.
i . i. it i:.i . m.ul ni'f Jmii ! lnll.- i-oi.uiy.
fur khrrllT.
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C Mlitiv. . .
At iV ro" i"ii rr.finin'l. "i" i'iilir'-l lo
In lilillul.ll'.f Al.l.l I'l.Xl l' .1' Jl'.'llinl't I'T 4ljf ill
1 1 II in Mult.
for t nil hartrtnr.
-iili.i it -.1 :n..l iiNiii..ii .i ift unn..iiiif Wll.l.l M
II. I ll'il. m-ali.lnl-l f-r tc-i li" (."ll ! Ili nliici-
Survtyie ul i.ll.ii i-o'tuli .
I'nr I ' nti n I Tt rniarrr
'. ulliAl.fi-l nii'1 it'(iii'. l i Miiuniin Ir.
V.. TIC full u a 'nil li'is'f li-r CojhI'J T'tiuurir nf lnl'.
Cfllll.'V. a a
Vtir t'umi'T li-r.
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NIiF.K HKVVk.i' i'ii'li'liii l"r i'kiiiii ' Irrii p'l'l-
I .A rollllll.
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V. I.A h h i'jniliui.ii l-r I U rk tiimiiy nun ol
l' vi".Z'ftW """"- TH"M.S wn.I.rAMS.
a u i :ii..i! lif me Ctuxi) Cltrk. t-t H ill i-.iunr.v.
A.ni-uHir nn'l t'alliTlur.
V i-iioi I i.n.i n-iur-n-il I" im"HI JI'IHi I
LH.lliMi.ll l . sn r .n ll l ili' fr te.tn- I ti llll ow iif
Alienor tXil tilltttor nl Iwll.i cnuniy.
oiuilT Jiiiilloinr. ........
.'h..i ...I .i. il to n pii nnr r. A. l?i
.i.i- in-i;i e ofCoimfv Ci liiiiiijiuiir of
li.il . rouis:.".
.'...1.1.1. a.plnrl n. 1 .
IIEITAHI1. .i .:nn.i: l:.t- f ir ConUMf of rrcnmcl No. 1.
' 'iiI'.aa coi.rtv
spprivr. NOTICE J. W. Joiixion. Etc.. of
Knifiiinti. Tmh. iii fullv milhoril to oolicit ndver
'isemrnia nnd bu!9criptiuiis fur tlif Lhillna HumIiI in
: iirlpn und oiliir cities iind to receive iind ro-
'eipt for liny men; due this office.
See advertisement of Hormim Hirfb who irnuH
'foil in largo nuantitltJ.
CJ-T'c cull attention to the law curd of Messrs
Norton 4 McKcniio of Wcatherford Texas. Wecor-
ilially recommend this firm t the publio as every way
vorthy of public putronago. They are both goo ilnw-
ers and wcil known throughout this section of coun-
"ry. We wish them success and prosperity in their
1 .isinesj.
See medical card of Pr. Henry C. Scott a young
rentleinun every way worthy of the patronage of our
&3T We take particular pleasure in calling attcn-
t on to the card of John G. Gooch of the late firm of
Traveus & Gcocli in lo-dny's pnper. From the long
experience and eminent ability of this gentleman we
h ive uo beiitnncy in recomDicuiliiig him to the public
l'e has long been in the Law Exchange Collecting
r.nd General Agency business an office calculated to
li-Dcfit the oiitiro business community. Mr. Gooch is
ii Lawyer of distinguished ability aud has already
n jde an enviable reputation fur himself. He is well
ia.own throughout the State and nil that we could
-ivofhim would be only what we hear of him
vUmrpr he in prioken of We call attention to his
curd for particulars and recommend him to the pub.
1 as one of the best lawyers and one of tho most
reliable businefs men to be found in the State.
3711 Uer. Mr. Spurgeon the English pulpit
bully lins put his finger in the "tarnal nigger" ques
tion and denounces the American people as a "nc-
io-ittatiig people." This is true of his abolition
brethren but does not apply with anything like truth
! the people of the South.
J6iy We are pleased to learn that Judge Reagan
ri fused to serve on the committee on Kcvolut on.iry
Claims tendered him by Speaker Pennington and
that Gen.Jfami Hon declined to serve on the commit-
tee upon Privato Land Claims. Their services on
these committees would not have benefited their con-
si ituencics ; hence they declined.
Toour Cobbespokiiknts. We regret that the com-
munication from R. F. G... our New Vork correspond-
t.i. was received too late to be of interest to our
"The Fair Dippers" has been received and will
in near next weelt.
"Lambda" has been delayed so long that his ex-
iieut letter has lost its interest. Try to get your
communications ricl through from Belknap by
M-cciol request.
"W. R." of Lancaster writes well but baa rather
t.:o much blending of religion with politics. We
wi.'ild be gleased to hear from him on ttligiovt sub-j-xta;
but a politico-religious essay will be too tedious
i r tie utilitarian people of the Bouth.
fciJ The disorganizing Opposition sheets are dis-
coiuaing the moat peraaaaive eloquence to the frontier
p "I le reminding one of the subdued and impressive
fUraaiei of a scared man on a restire horse "Be
iy will y f " But no they wont "ba aisy" they
have a will of their own and know what they want.
TVy will rear and pitch until they throw their rider
Jtpcnd noon it
Ibe aame sheet ore Uud'uig the prodigious effoits
f the Governor In raining tAree companies of Minute
mm. of lu-eny men (! !) eaeh to rang 0" h 'nn-
tier. These minute men so minute that th!i magni.
f' ine optica of th GoTernor'i acaiawtga can make
do met nor less of tie than 80 men all told are
iot "a drop In tha backet" of wba the frontier
i r r.-tcarcely a epack on the horixon of a frontier
tcai extend from Red River to the court- chapparal
c.( Or tit a. Meniet partvriiM nut rUicvlut nat-
ciluT. tirTl.McKuiney Meseenger talk about "the
an who may assevnbUat Galveston without
tue -r. nority of the rr'!.- '"'bat wiH the Mee-
i - i with the delegate lately jjKrtBted a a meet-
ing ofth people nf ColIU eounty T Do they go
wiitoit authority T.l r eonet U1 they
ak be fjretbey are suffered to go? .
ry lUjurt of Maryland forowing the
p n-dt rrt by T. a tf- rear ago toward a r
W-ry nr:!bcr. h- p-l b
DUtUI'wtuiIuaro4Ciuoa8ut. U
U. und IIU H-i .ad a- Wydi
ltJ atotiM f iuwrvc .-wiWiU .-talk. !
..a .. tot ivr-i -- r -
Tk lea.! road W. U. urv.vd V W itdW.'. u ?"""'.
r..t IU Trinity ri..r. U nile Wl DalUa-Jwrdaue iW. proiufc. nf lu. Kioa.
f 11 Us thi U Mtural routed Railraad i
kua prtclult Ik pottibiliiy vt a dtiUtioa lb!
ould threw la lib aioia lhaa mm nil fiua ear
aud aol mr laa half bit fioia lb corpo-
ral liwii. A ;4 rout u lltU aould bri in
rood Mill nearer aud wilbia lb uvrii.
1U iutcrtetliou f lhe la grd lruukiiBul
L . r . - l. ..... iLu .....m ft lailaat krikth
v.. -
1 (IWW IHf niMHr.""l - '
Itr b materially cbeu.ed. Tk Urutpki an J f.
Vu KuaJ ail) cuar( Wward Ik Houlhtra PacifW
at a point 4 w.r lhn Ibiiijr sail frotn thit ploo
. Ulie.. lb prtAUiw.. of Ibelr charter will
! allnw parallel hue nubm that dtataac. If that
he the raw H will b. lb lutrrcat ef lb former eiu.
Miiy to build Ikeir rud through Colli county to lb
tua vt I'alt. fuiia a junciii and let lb iui
fivw this plul on toward CI Taao la on an ! tk
am. The moi bridj; aona Ik Trinity WuuU t
urd and lb nrc-iUy uf bridglug lb Da It. I'll-
utarie aud lb West Folk aud It branchr U Ibus
ubiat-l an I a Uijfe eipetta vd lo lb Meuipbi.
oompiny. The IVniral road euuld form euntiuuou.
trunk fiom lliia puint ailb llial rwd and diierg if
urcessary at tuni puiul In tin northern tier of couu.
The juuoliuii uf all lhr r-.'s tt Ibis place would
thus wall Pall i no of the grealr.t railroad centres
iu the South and deielop lh rvoourcetofon of lb
ritlirfct agricultural regions en lh gluli. The lurx-
bauslablo sullvf I'allii fu'lin Kaufmau Kills Tar
rant would all contribute lo lh support and mainte
nance of a lurge tily and each of said counties would
hav a railroad muni g through Itserutre aud drriv.
lug untold O'lvautugrs fiMiu ll. A cokiiu n trunk et.
ward from Da'lns aoiild be suflicieiit fur travel and
transportation for many year yet to come while ill
lerging tnulr. nurlhward eastward and southward
from Dnllaa would be liberally tunlained. Th il
aud elimale of this iorliuu of Tixas are unsurpaaanl;
the counties we have already mruliuiird are Ktllnl
by an aotie Inlelligrnt and wealthy people who
ficiliiirs fur trad and traffic by the growth of a large
town in tbeir midat imineasunib'y liu-reated. The
town of iJallus is ready a growing city command
ing the Ira lo of a large extent of couutry ; her in
habitant are not behind th age in th spirit of im-
provement and It is already a point of considerable
importance. Let these roads intersect each other
here aud the whole of Northern and Middle Texas
will receiTean Impetus that nothing can withstand.
The cities of Atlanta and Indianapolis are bright ex
amples of the astounding results of forming a great
railroad centre. We claim nothing for Dallas over
other counties more than her central position gives
her. A bright future is about to dawn upon our iso
latcd portion of Ibo Stale thut will throw us into
market with millions if buthcls of wheat and corn
and bring into cultivation the richest cotton lauds ou
Il behooves every citiion of this county to spenk out
and call for action on a subject of vital interest and
try to secure beyond cavil the great centre ut this
place. We would name the 1st of May in response
to Dr. Fonlkes' suggestion as a suitable time and
Dallas a suitable point at which to hold n Railroad
Convention of the friends of thee three roads and
tbeu definitely resolve upon the routes to be taken
We make these remarks and offer them lo our fiicnds
both East and South of us and solicit a response.
82f Geo. W. Chilton has raised a mounted regi-
me of volunteers and has ofl'ered their services to
range on the Rio Grnndo frontier. In company with
Gen. Greer ho will proceed to Washington to tender
tliein to tho President. This may appear a very
trhiul matter hut the fate not of empires but of a
republic may hung upon it. Tho movements of this
little band may shape the destiny call into existence
the most brilliant scries of results dismember the
Mexican confederacy and usher into being a new
Republic before whose splendor and riches the mag-
nificence of Montezuma aud the Incus will fade into
insignificance. The mines of gold ami silver in the
Mexicnn States aro literally bursting with the accu-
mulated treasures of ages ripe and clustering ready
fur the daring hero that will stretch forth his hand
to pluck theinJjet these Texans rat go on the Mexi
can frontier and infuso some of the Anglo-Saxon
ideas of progreSsjvenesg into tho stupid leaden souls
of that people and then the world will witness a
change. We hefo tho President will receive this body
of gallant H5env
Tampering with Slaves I
We have juP learned some of tho particulurs con
cerning thexcitement that has prevailed in the low.
er part or Lollin for the lost few uaya. A negro
womau belonging to Mr. Collier had made three at-
tempts to burn down bis dwelling house at night
and was detected in the third effort. Being threat
ened with severe punishment she confessed her own
guilt and the complicity of a man named Drake
merchant living near by. She stated that said Drake
bad given her ' free papers" on several ocoasions
which she had as often burned through fear of detec
tion. Last week Drake bad induced her by promises
of freedom and of aid to escape to set fire to her
master's dwelling house and burn it 0 e the heads
of himself and family.
It seems there had been some difficulty between
Drake and Collier and the former had induced the
negro to do what he would not himself through fear.
or some other motive. When the Woman was detecfed
and had confessed she was told to go to Drake's
bouse and inform "him what she had done. She was
attended by Mr. Collier and several other gentlemen
all of whom overheard the conversation between the
guilty-parties a well as discovered the readiness of
Drake to secrete her and aid her escape. After hiding
her securely in a hay-loft where he said " all h 1
couldn't find her" he was nabbed by the other par
ty. He was tried before a Magistrate and held to
bail in bond of $8000. The greatest indignation
has been excited and it is believed that the affair
will lead to the detection of others in the country
We would recommend the importance of forming vig-
ilance Committees to watch and ferret out all suspect-
ed person. and protect the country ft om their mach-
inations. W have given the particular as we heard
them and promise fuller detail when we get them.
SF The car. commenced running regularly daily
on tb GolTefton and Houston Railroad on th 19th
instant leaving (Hives ton at 12 m. and Houston at
4 p.ta. .. - -.. v .
Th car have also commenced running on the
Washington County Road from Hempstead to the
Broxa river. As soon a the bridge is finished across
the river' the road will path on at ono to Brenbam.
; ' ' v i "
The South have In hi (Wigfall's) election a valor-
oar ehampioa and Texas an effulgent star. Siyst
-Vrrcury. " -
Yes but unfortunately it is a iog-xt. Cato
That shall b don with Wright T San .Inlorit
? him is a ktnntl for he'd Ut as ery there a
a.iy wtr else.
Tn .
u.a.4 le U. au.atio. ur
" M " '
J.V.tCTn am i -- --I ---J.'
"- J frariV af It.
i..l i t'a;.. (. 4 " .ifrin4
rttt . ..
Huwi I. 1 mrM li!t't f
blati !. Tbal Ik ih tweiu ( '
tu-TU. 4- Tk and clleiur cf Hi
exeral cuuulie ef ihu Hut. kl! wverally prepare
an axurttl rl fur ibnr rwwii cuuIm- la
bkb Ibey shall x-4 d i nit mluoius iu U
ubaUiical era.r lb. ( lb UuabU mkabil.
aula Ibemif U m.uul aud driplion ilb. prop.
il led. rel I d lr.l lb Vlu Ibertvf aud
. .i til - - i
ibe .mount uf l.i da. Hwi f.r ulculk
lliey ii aiirau y- ----- .--
i-i lu ri' ibe o-uiil of lb In.
I..I..I...I. i.f i ami lbe tball. hriarea lb nr.!
data of Janu.ry and May n k end ary yar
mAeiiH.ialy P"''ll adv.nimriil. at lbr or
ttiil l ublii) pUa iu rack prrcinol. al lel Irii d..
Ufi w. of Ibe lime d pU al which Ib.y will al-
lend lo rrlll' luriiiotir llirm.fi and If any
lmn vt iwrwuua kestrel or rfu lo aiirud kid p-
Liuiuieui.aiid reenter a full aud complei iauiurjr
if all ibeir pn peiiy u);l lu taxation held lu tneir
oaariabl.oroaalrusira. guardian eiwulur ad-
niiuittian r grnl or allot ury It .hall le lb duly of
the OMeaaur aud colltwior lu that suck peruis al
il.ir several idaera of abode lo Uk their um.
item if lo U found. If nol lu leav a wriiien notice
-...i. ii.-h lamina to render an luveulory of llieir
taxable property at his otbc prior la lb nrl day of
May Ihcreallrr I lor wnicn pcrrca w
lu a fo of on dollar lo b aMd aud Collected a
other tax l I'rutUtJ ThU w idow. shall be xempted
from ibe le fee.
t!u-Tio)i 'i. Thai lb 7lb awtwn of "aid act shall
hereafter read a fullo:
bu-Tlim 7. The lit required under Ibe Brat eo.
lion of this act shall contain a description of taxable
property iu his or ber own right or held a guardian
executor aduilnUlrator agent or attorney on lb
fi:t day of Jauuary of lb current year whereupon
the aror and collector shall be and ho la hereby
required lo adiuluwtrr lu each pent u lh following
oath: "You do solemnly .wear tint the Inventory
rendered br you contains a full description of all
your taxable properly owned er held in your owu
right or as Iriutee guardian executor adiuiuiatrs-
lor ageut or altornry (as the case may be) ou the
first or January last and that Ibe value eaaeawd
i...n i. r.ir eurrMl market value for the
same according lo th best of your knowlrilR and be
lief." Said iuventory ana amuavu snau men
signed by the parly rendering Ibe same and shall be
nltenled by the assessor and collector: JVoriitii
that the list of taxable property thus required to be
furnished shall uot be coustiutd so as to Include th
products of the wil of this Slate while iu the bunds
of the producer. It shall be the duly of each county
court iu the Stut to revise tho roll of their respective
atsesor aud collectors aud when the assessment up-
on any proierty is. iu tho opiuiun or the court at a
lower rate tbuu is the true value or such properly
the court shall have the power lo correct such asseas-
uiout provided such property is situated iu thecouu-
ly where tucb revision is mmlo and shall not give a
ceitilkute to the assessor and collector until such cor-
rection is made.
Section a. That the 8th section of cud act shall
be so amended as hereafter lo read as follows :
bicTtos 8. That each person being a resident cit-
izen of this Stale owning or claiming surveyed lands
situated iu any other county than that in which ho
resides may render the same fur oj-stiisment to the
nucssor and collector of the county where he resides
In the Fame manner ns olher property together with
a full aud completo description thereof and the name
of the original grantee and il. number on tho ab-
stract ; nud all railroad nnd canal companies and
colonizing companies and all persons residing beyond
the limits of the State nnd owning or claiming sur-
veyed land situated in this Slate may in like man-
ner rcuder the same for nsrssincnt to tho asm-ssor
and collector of any cennly in this Btiite: rroviai.
That the i.arlies thus rendering the property wneiu-
. . !.! .. -U.ll a. ...It tnml
er a resident or a non-rcsiuunu onuu nnw "
at the average value f the lauds in tho c.uniy nere
the name is siluatod for the year next proceeding
such assessment ; and the Comptroller shall ascertain
tho average value of the lands in each and every
county of this State for the year 1B5 nnd furnish
the same to each assessor of tho State before the 1st
i.i.f M.nvli in the vear 18dO. and fur every sue-
ceeding year he shall furnish tho assessor with such
overage value for that year ou or beforo the first day
of January then next ensuing; and in all cases when
in consequence ot nny vague anu mipei leui
as to the name of the original grantee or other de-
scription of the surveyed lauds so rendered the same
Ciinuot be identified and is declared forfeited to the
State us provided by law tho person making such
imperfect description shall bo required to redeem the
same as thuvnh ll had not been rendered for assess-
ment anil provide further. That any person desiring
in .rive in bis lauds fur taxation situated iu counties
other than that of his residence may take out a list
or lists thereof under oath containing an accurate
description of the same una the name ol uie urigiuiu
grantee and transmit it to the. assessor an I collector
of the county wherein tho the bind lies and upon the
receiptor all such lists it shall be the duty of the as-
sessor and collector to assess tho valuo of such land
at its actual vuluc which may be paid to tho Comp-
troller or assessor of the county in which tho owner
resides: Provided that nothing herein oontoiued
shall be so construed as to prevent non-resideut per-
son's who own hunts situated in other counties than
those in which they reside from giving them in for
assessment in the county iu which they are situated
nu ntlmr ftitizeng of such COUUtV
Suction 4. That the 15th seotion of said act shall
be so amended as hereafter to read as follows :
Skotion 16. Every assessor and collector of taxes
after he has made out and returned the assessment
roll of his county as required by law shall proceed
to collect the taxes thorein mentioned and for that
purpose shall attend in each precinct in his county ut
ttm nlnnn fit linlilinir elections at least three days be
tween the first day of October and the first day of
March to receive the taxes trom tne resmenis inere-
oi for which purpose he shall make known by pub-
lm nrliertisement at three or more publio places in
each precinct at least ten days before of the time
and place at wnicn ne will atiena ; onu u any pei-suu
a net-Rons ball neirlect or refuse to attend .loh.ap'
poiutments and pay over their taxes it shall be the
duty of the assessor and collector to visit such persou
or persons at their usual place of abode to receive
the same if to be found if not to leave n written
notice requiring such persons to pay over their taxes
of. hiii ntlioe. nrior to the first day of March thereaf
ter for which service he shall be entitled to a feo of
one dollar to oe cuargeu ugamsv umii u:iiuHiiu...
and collected as other taxes : Proviiltd That widows
v n ho rxemnted from naving this fee.
Section 5. That the lbth section of said act shall
be so amended as hereafter to read as follows :
Rrrrrma 18. That the assessor and collector shall
when any property has been sold for the payniont or
taxes moke anu execute a acea lor niu piupei w
the person or person purchasing the same which
when recorded according to law shall be prima fade
evidence that all the requirements of the law huve
been complied with in making such .ale J and such
deed shall also be prima facie evidence that all the
pre-requisites to the exercise of the power to make
aid sale have been complied with : Provided how-
ever that the owner of .aid property shall have the
right to redeem the same any time within two year
nf th rfv and date of sale thereof upon paying 'o
tho purchaser or assessor and collector .eUing the
same or his successor in office double the amount of
taxes fur which the same was sola ; also aouoie me
amount of taxes paid on euch propertyy such pur-
chaser under any assessment of taxes made subsequent
to the purchase together with the costs of sale : Pro-
rtrfcrf. That the owner of any property redeeming the
aame from the purchaser at tax sale snau nov onij
pay double the taxes for which the property wa orig-
inally (old but also double the taxes paid on said
land by such purchaser subsequent to hi. purchase
under an assessmeni ui ine actual tiuui uui mini
and provided that in case proof is made that the tax
es upon tne lana menuonevi iu fuuu no
before the aale took place or that the Uw has not
been complied with either in th aaeessment or ow e
then such deed shall not be construed to have any
force or effect. .... .
Suction 6.- That tin ot Mian tan eneci ana oe
in force from and after iu page.
.Approved rebruary 11th' Io. .
rw tt V intention of Mr. Grow to introduce a
bill to authorise th establishment of a Territorial
Government in Dacotah and one in th Western pan.
ef Kuna '
A would-be wit having fired off his stale joia
witnout eflect. at last cla:.J d : " Why ! jxu ne'-er
laugh nbvo I ti f"od thing 'Ton't H (retort
Jerri! !) otiiy try me wi:b tn-"
Latter fcoiU) Houston.
l llotro leb '.Mlb 16o0.
lai lit. n i I wi nder if you would lik te hear
ft via tliiete-it euuiuwrcial ai.iropuluiuf ! again!
Well lb wbetl ef urn ti i rolls cuward al ibsaaiu
ral tbal it ka (or lb lt eighteen hundred and
aitty year kulwilhttandiug lb dull areaua jul be
for lk opeuiaf ef aoriug irwU for which all are
nuw aiakiug pn-paraiiuiia.
Suiti fvw of lit country merchant ate coming lu
tr their spring ataci though their wagon ar
tvaro. Yerterday being au'uucouiaiunly fair day
all lb ehurcbe were filled wilb lb beauly and fb.
iua uf llouiua-we bring puweaaed uf a very fair
tbuw of llial utrful a well a ornamental couiuuidity.
Tb day Uiug aui k a uueommouly fiu one aud
Ibe walking guud I jieldcd Ut lb iuvilalion of a
fitend lu Ukeaairwlli aud we walked around lh sub-
urb of lb oily and nulioed thai neatly all have their
gardens neatly axed up awaiiiug Ihu action of a is.
mat aue Ui bring lurlb lb plant iu full perfection.
U e next strolled lu lb Uatelou car arrive
(three hour from O Uvetnn) which now wake regu-
lar trip blwn Ibis p are aud O. Waving (lalvee-
lua ia lb morn iog and here on lb arrival uf lh
Central car fruut Nitui City.
lly lb Oalvea ua ear a now gel the New Orleans
paper in Sd hour after Ibey are published 1. e.
gelling tlurday' paper oa Sunday at il p. in. 1W
bout ahead f lb uiall by bayou boat.
W .V.ir.i yvrtioaoieaU'iagreHt deilof sjiecu
Utiou auiuug lb kuuwiiig our aud the queti.n gut.
the rouinl " M bal will our liuveruiurui du in re-
faul lu il " lh hope isgi-uerally ripn-wed thai it
Wll l lral aoumea prolecloral oiel tbalsutteriug
aud war-ridden country fur il terms lhal viperirnce
b loni iiicepiutrd that lhy ar unable lu govern
Ihruiteltre nd are eousrqurully always luvohcd iu
a bloody civil war. ll is lo be bued our Uovrriimeul
will Uk lh mailer in baud and uik a liiial aettle-
meiil of il and put a stop lu ill " Ilia Grnndo war"
the eornet of rajiii.e and driulalion which have
there been euacted lu lh last l mouths by lb Llool-
Ibiraly lurtinas ami bit band or OMautu.
The Speakerahip created toiu interest here but il
ha now almutl eeateito be a tojdo of conversation
tiuo lb result ba been inouuiiced by lh Uttgrayh
from Galvvstun lliough nun dissatisfaction was x-
ureeted by many ct I lie innouncemcnt at the Idea or
a Northerner especially a llepublicun being cbuteu.
1 omitted to mention lh fact that the telegraph is
in ueoearull operation aud greatly faciliiuie. the
erwedy irantmiwion of new lo and from Galveston
on lb arrival aud departure of th .teamen to and
from New Orleans. It will soon be a neevwity to Ibo
merchants and buMiieiHi men of tho city and is cer
tainly a great convenience now.
Tho tree are ImiMing rorili and llower. are ucgin-
ulng lu bloom and we look forward to the speedy ar.
rival uf the days of suwdiiuo aud Dowers and lo see
all nature robed in her mantleof living green aud
have some vision of mint Juleps aud iced punches
fixating before our mental viaion Your. G.
Mia. Eliaabuth Crockett
Last week we chronicled lh doath of this veuera-
ble ai d most estimable lady. A friend has scut us
the following particulars connected with her eventful
Mr. Elizabeth Crockett relict of the Ilun. Duvy
Crockett died in the 71th year of ber ago. Sho was
born in Buncombe county N. C in May 1768. Her
nmideu name was Patton. She was married to Jos
I'atton her cousin and removed with him to Frank-
in county. Teiin. He was killed fighting for his
country in the celebrated Creek War. Uy him she
had two children. Buusequentiy sue was ruuineu iu
the lamented Crockett who fed at Ihe Alamo; thus
she lost her second husband as her first in battle.
Uy her second husbaud she had three chl dren ono
sou and two daughters luioeri i-. wrovaeii uor aou
now lives in Johnson couuty. lleliecca wvira her
eldest daughter consort of Rev. Mr. Holford lives
also iu Johason county ; and Matilda tueyoungost
lives in Tennessee.
Iu 1HS5 she removed from Tennessee to Texas and
settled on lands the gift of a grateful Stuto to tho
widow nnd heirs or navy urocneu uurtieroioueieuu-
cr. It is a manor of Just pride to overy citizen of.
Texas that the widow of Dary Crockett found a home
iu her old age and after her three score years and
ten were fulfilled a grave on tho soil consecrated
by his blood the gilt ol tne country oi ins uuouiiou.
The grave of his widow and tho home of his children
wilj make Johnson couuty a place of pilgrimage to
Mrs. Crockett was a member of the Methodist
Eoiscoial Church South nnd died iu the full triumph
of her holy faith. That she was a woman of many
and rare virtues tho writer ana many outers in jouu-
son county her neighbors can ucar witness.
A Neioubou a.vi IniK.vu or tub 1ecf.asi;d.
Jiair We take pleasure in helping to du justice to
the firm of Messrs. Hanford & Browning and insert
the following from the "Diiy-Book." This houso
stands deservedly high in the estimation of Southern
men who will rejuico to see justico dune them.
Editor Day -Hook:
Supposing thai the publication of our name iu your
bin .er uiuiuiK the list of Mr. Opdyke's supporters at
our lute city elccliou might lead sonu of our Southern
friends to nlace ub anionic those justly called enemies
of IheSuu.h "Abolitionists aud Johu Brown wor-
shippers" we beg leave to Bay that wo looked upon
i i ... ....... -i ... 1..-..I
ine election ot mayor oi mis cny hbu pmuij mwtu
matter ; aud from a long nod intimate acquaintance
willi Mr. 0. we believed hiiu to be the best luau for
that otlicc and 60 gave him our support without any
regard to his political name or party. We have uo
sympathy with any attempts at iuteifereitoe with the
local institutions of the South and are iu favor oi the
honest iind fulht'ul ad in uistratiuii of nil laws. State
nud Federal (uot excluding even the much debated
fugitive slave law) and cheerfully concede to the
people of the South what we claim nnd receive from
them protection to life and property while tempora-
rily sojourning in or passing through our State ; and
no money has ever been contributed by us for Aboli-
tion purposet under any name whatever.
326 & 828 Broadway N. Y.
. January 18G0.
From inquiries we have made we believe the state-
ments above are correct nnd that Messrs. Hanford &
Browning are not upholders of anti-elavery doctrines
and in the above oase only regarded it as the support
of a local oefheer on personal grounds. Eds. Day-
Book. '
Gkn. Fobdes Bbiton. Our readers have already
been advised that the Hon Forbes Briton has receiv-
ed a commission as Brigadier General and we believe
no better appointment could huve been made. Gen.
Briton arrived in our city yesterday morning and
left this morning on his way to Washington city. He
is the bearer of important dispatches from Governor
Houston to the President of the United States and he
also carries with him the report of the Commission-
ers Taylor and Navarro whom the Governor ap-
pointed to go to the Rio Grande to enquire into the
existing difficulties there and make report.
The publication of this report will be looked for
with great anxiety as it goes into the minute causes
or its origin and sets rortn clearly ine present posi-
tion of affairs; and it ha. been said that the Commis-
sioners have expressed the opinion that there is no se-
curity for Texas until the Government occupies the
ight bank of the Rio Grande.
We also learn that the Governor states distinctly to
the President that Texat cannot be invaded with im-
punity. He entertains the confident hope and belief
that the President will aot promptly and efficiently in
the matter.
He selected Gen. Briton who is the Senator from
the Rio Grande section and fami iar with that border
as also with the character of the Indian and our
whole border troubles that he might lay the whole
subject correctly before the President. The Governor
will take no definite action until the President is
heard from ; and should the General Government rail
to give that proper protection which our situation de-
mands the Governor will promptly assume the re-
sponsibility himself.
We understand that Major McCulloch has been tel-
epraphed to return to the State. When we see the
Governor callinir around him the military men of the
State and organizing the militia it look to us a. if
something oi momeni was laieneumx uu npn iaiv
when we connect it with Gen. Houston' known con-
viction of th necessity of a Protectorate over Mex-
ico Galveston .Yew 2Ut.
v... tr-- 1i.pni v Tin -Tha Wanhinirton
.......l.. nr il. - ptiiiaiiaTnhia North American
ay that before the Republican caucus agreed to sup
port lomey rorneraoi u nouec muiaucci ..!.
i. iium. and ftrhwaru that Fornev would
support the Republican candidate for the Yieeidency
against any man nominated at Charleston. Por cy"
late speeches render it almost certain he a ill do that
very thing. ; . '
- - . -
Jeg William E. Burton the celebrated conmedian
died in New York on the 10th inst '
SRT A Jamaica eorre;.nudect -I'-nip? it ex-Em-pare-r
wVti-ne i rVh. Th ex-Kir pr-i .: otiiceJ
to .fc r'. 'i:.t wi'h her own r- ya. tan' i.
' lb PalU UraU.
Mr UUt .Our awtkAt uiik Vat true ILnaojk ll
ka-liciMu U Ur Ufek4 clul.li m w fcr a lM Iniasw
I llJ Uw Uk wuuri tui k4f u4 ol l-toru.s 4 U.
Uuus inafc uuv bw kunl kiMaa br Umt auaiw rMa-
nt u aaaukuUiiu laawau. aa4 auijr KrUi nub
bale llw auiualilid uvoKV al Um imnl aiulr ami c
uw kuiuuliroi mUi fcktui4 kwiMaafc
uuuuu ! akt ku Ura au4 ta bih euiium. la
uwl .4 atull Ura arfvtavnl 1 UI MU UkI rWvnuM W
U tu Alauiwa Ke tat ti4 Um wwi Iu eoojuiiMW
ailli Um MUh la IU ms H aiirKura' aa lh iUh tl IkwailMl la
Uw hm Alkow I f lOu and Ul um aaa eutrral Um vtm
Itwut' uu Um itdu "t Jauuarr. (W Out aajf Uu4 U wa
Ihu ubtut a paiii-ulr kitfu n ui)r euaa UiM Um miUi kM
MiicnU ila um duu.ll ovvmiu llf Um xutfaob Ut) h
uituiux4 a jouiuey inl uuily miiiin kur atuuilit la k
ikau ww. H a wu Ku4 uw u caimu. 'hw' m Um toik M
Uaivu tlw liw4riii aauxluniii Iwrabuiiaa uuaiilM ia
aai.j Ul kiilwiu tlw rMUII.U lea Ituullil u Ml1ia. W
iki ud Um Mia eui(iu. Um mm tuja uu Uw tix i4 July Uw
Mk'iui uld ud Mwi a jouiotr ul out r I" fcaf
aiunltw On Um iii ul Ueluorr dud Um uia tuteilu iuri'
W 1m atwwoliUa iIm aura at wea kmuIm ut aur. fiud.
U4J kiU mwj t.4iMakl kusa bKuwiiK miw U
(villi! uOrl lM aue imum krf kruMf cuirae and iMW a
ia la wll u( Um leu tuiluain bmwUii iwttiilcliu( Uw jirar.
nall antaeaut JuHlfttd III lltllKllli. Uw UUo.cUUId
cUiualia rlauf u IImm uiui'WU livaba uf our mrr.d
aullwr. aud ua we Ituue villi Itila atltwuiaikul nwanl lwlt
u itiiut but euuum iiciwiiudM and ruiwit Uii ul auUi.
. U..I umI.I rrwliril iiwii-Ownl lu oUm aioUmi wlih lh
Mualll Muiitrl ul tuierwlul triutu fur our Ul. Taking
u K""" uuiu Muck m duly n kav Hiui la April a minuet
iuU Auiuainiudutwaud iutf lu July. bal eau a wu.
iw d4nl ia agriculture auuiililt ut uch a mi UiU r
ku uuuo4ituu a kuw uf .luiuu) uf eictf chancier ucowd
ui r.h ulMr ailli Kamly any uilrriaU and bearing aiui llivta
nuniulaliuy tmrrura. Wailed kuiaa taiaery laailii uki"e-
and deaUl N- .It U UifKCurd U IlUe tlw HidkU.-n HI Ik
vr.Ued aod alll luelUauly give binb lullw iuiIumImI calauiiUea.
S it . thai di " all UiM f btluiny lu I In ItM Uial
I U. ara. ItL liardMit! did Uol cuild a aiieb;Ul pcltua bi
r-d ia i r id alweu UIjtj m.IIu Ukui H .r.ul He ir uUv-r-
H i laluabw AunalMO. iMe .iuinruiru uarv iwcu ai sniv
IMai ii. awi I. uo Uietr iwriuli04l and II I lu I Ii iml Uul la
Um uel Uw Ibey aillawa It urnre irlUule by aenl.ui ll lu
urtasaa Drve tl ausiuw uunterrwrviiuiuii injiaiiuKai.
n . ii. r.
Washington New.
Washington Feb. lath. The Wyandotte con-
stitulijn for tho uduiission of Kansii. into tho
Union oi a State was presented and aftor .oiue
rlliute. wa laid over. A resolution by Senator
(in win to pay for the expenses of the State of
California in lute Indian liostilitie wm adopt
ed. Sn-notor llnrlanil or Iowa presented an act
for the construction of a railroad from the Mia-
.iasippi river to California.
A bill by Senator Fitxptitriek Alabama to ex-
amine into tho cluiiua and Josae or Uoorgia and
Alabama in tho Creole War wit referred.
Tho nmondmoiit to the Pot Oiuoe appropria-
tion bill to abolish the franking privilege was re-
jected by 112 nay. to 10 yoai und the umand-
uient to the bill to abolish tho Pout Office Depart-
ment was rejected.
Sonu tor lJaytrd Irom the oomniitloo reported
In favor of nn act providing for the rcraoiloling
of tho United State Court of Claim.. There
will bo 5 judge inatoad of 3 and the decision of
. i ..r . l :...i .:n i. u--1 : Mna.
a majority oi itiejuuoa win uu uum n uhm
when the stun in suit shall not excood $.1000.
Washington Feb. 15. Tho House of Repre-
sentative met to-day at the u.uul hour Wm. M.
Pennington Speaker in the chair. There wero
three more ballot taken for printer with no.uo-
cesaful result. A great number of bills were in-
troduced in the llouso to day tho most impor-
tant of which are the following :
A liill providing for grunting lunds to the sev-
eral States (or the promotion of tho Arts) and
Sciences. A Hill to prevont polygamy in the
territories. A liill providing lor the admission
of Kansas into the Union as a State. A Home
stead Bill. A French Spoliation UiU. A Bill
providing for fixing and regulating tho duties on
foreign goods imported into the United States.
A Bill providing for the equalization of the
Army Isavy and Murine pensions. A Bill pro-
viding for the improvement of navigation on the
Ohio river. A Bill providing for an internation-
al copyright.
In the Sonato to-day by a vote of 32 to 11 tho
Senate received from its amendments to the post-
oflioe appropriation bill for abolishing the fraking
privilege which had boen rejected by the House.
The Comities on Agriculture instructed Mr.
Grow of Pennsylvania to report a Homestead
The PoBtoffice appropriation Bill passed to-
day. The amount impropriated is ton millions
ol dollars.
The Senate Commitee appointed to investigate
the Harper's Ferry ulliiira have ordered the ar-
rest of flcdpatli. bunhorn and John Brown Jr.
subpoenaed as witm.ses before the Committee
und who have refused to uppur.
Washington Feb. 15 Tlie"reporrcirculated
in relation to Secretary Cuss's health were great-
ly exaggerated. His illness was not of a very
serious nature. He has now nearly recovered.
Vashinoton Teh. 17. It id stated upon relia-
ble authority that Juarrez uf Mxioo -has ac-
cepted the pruflvred service of several thousand
American volunteors and has agreed to code to
tlii m large tracts of land iu Beveral of the Mex-
ican bttlt'-S.
Wvsiiington Feb.17. The Senate yesterday
in i.viiiiiit.ifu Biiaainn. nniifiruied the unnointlUCIlt
cf Mr. Davis its register and Mr. La Place as
the receiver ol the puulio money ot me L.auu Ul-
rica at Kaudiitoehea.
I Washington Feb. 17. Mr. Alvord of Mioh-
igiin in id Mr. Lesslee of South Carolina both
j officers . of the House had a personal difficulty
I yesterday and were about to rosort to pistols
! and coffee but by tho interference of friends
the ali.iir was amicably settled.
Washington Fel). 17 Mr. Rives of the Cou-
ereesional Globe printing office testified before
jtlio Special Committee appointed to inquire into
the charges of fraud against the Superintendent
i .r ii... .i;... ik.i lu ln kiva vnr-ciivari
Ui WIO UlJUlllIK blluv ..... ...I' " .
two-thirds Mr. Bowman of the Washington
Constitution received one-third of the profits
accruing from the Cong- essional printing Mr.
lowman incurring no risa or respuiion'iiii'j
the matter while Mr. Kives Uia all tne worn at
bin own exnense and rink.
Washington Feb. 1G. The following named
Snnatnrs were to-dav appointed on the special
committee to examine'into nnd report to the Sen
ate on tho various questions touching the pro-
t..cfinn nf aliiva nrunertv. in the territories of
the United States viz : Messrs. Green of Mo.
Chuinnan (iwinn of Cnl.. Bigler of Pa. Fitch
of Md. and Chesnut of South Carolina.
The President has approved the Post Office ap-
nronriation bill as passed by the Senate yester
day: The bill appropriates $4206000 for ar
rears due by the f. U. ueparimam tor puauii
aorvica nrevious to the 30th of June last and
$4000000 for the expenses of the Department
rn tha itruh nf .Inn a lKfill. Arrangements have
been completed by the Postoffioe Department for
two daily mails between New York and New Or
leans and the arrangement will go into effect
next week. It is generally understood in politi
cal circles that if Senator uougiass iaua n "-
cure the nomination at the Charleston Conven-
tion for president he will transfer all his stren-
gth and influence to Senator Stevens of Georgia.
Senator Douglas has almost entirely recovered
from his recent attack of i linens.
Washington. Feb. 17. In'the House yester-
dae. Mr. Mavnard introduced a resolution to
for the more effectual rendition of fugi
which was referred to the
" .
I'liniinir.tpA nn Judiciarv.
A bill was also introduced providing for the
election of all postmaster by the people.
Mr. Farnsworth offored a resolution to inquire
into the expediency of opening negotiation with
the British Government for the purchase of the
British North American province.
Mr. Craig of Missouri introduced a bill pro-
viding for reviving the tariff of 1840 which wa
referred to the Committe on Ways and Mean..
Mr. Curtis introduced a bill providing for the
construction of a railroad or road from the Mis-
sissippi river to the Pacific.
Mr. Hamilton offered a resolution to inquire
into ths expediency of substituting direct taxa-
tion lor the tariff.ystem. Adjourned.
It is positively stated that -the Pennsylvania
delegate to the Charleston Convention will sup-
port Vice President Breckinridge as their first
.choice for the Presidency.
New Iork ieb. 10. in w aningwnwria-
pondent of the N. I. Times eat that Mr. Bright
(?) the Chairman of ihe National Democratic
Commttee has named Messrs. Green' Fitch. B13
ler and Chesnut. a the commitiee lor organising
a platform for tbe Charleston Convention.
Acocsta.Ga. Feb. 1G- A man calling hi
name Andrew J- Rodgor nnd hailing from Hel-
ei a Arkansas was arrested bere to-day on the
chance of abducting free nfrro and selling
them into elaTery.. He had efrct-d a erne? at Ma-
con. Oa and wa conv'jed t-i tbst city f r tria..
is c'rarro of 6n ".cr from Jlsvr.
I lilV AD VlaUTlS UnL.XTH.
llr. Henry V. Mrotl.
Hal iwnuaiwuUf Iwwtatl ia lltu M Uw Haatw al kk
aiutcwwa aud awy tw kaud i kla aiar 11. Iluak's
lur. " eB.aVKa ltu Oaly .)
tk o. aoaro. a. i M aiB
.0rt011 V nrKrnxlr
VTTUIaia)al i.aw WralBerfari Ttaaa
Will aacloa IIku urulraaluu la ad IIM t'uuru ut lb 1U
Judicial Pui net and ia llw a tjuluiiuj auunliea AIM ia tlw u.
ureaw ( uarl ul ibe tua al Auuia aud TnVr. Tl. UI six
aaal aluauuu lu Uw iuNMojaiwa id laud uika aul a alwt.
r. kin Ittu ly 1
.To Wool (jirowers!
rPHE uiideralgntd l priardle bay wool or to take
j. it oa shipment for ibo Northern market II will
pay ptrutnal attention lo lh aal of lb Wool la lb
North and thus secure lo til customer lb higbot
prior at lh least expeute. Fur Wool iMNuhler
thipped uieritir article of bagging and twiX for
buudliiig will be furnUhcd. 1'rcauiug aod packing ia
square bale free of cbari.
join G.rGoocii
(his raavaaa aoocB
Pnltialiue. Anderaoa Couair Tela.
Piaaoirrinv. Ttw Uw. Cui a Unkmngt Firm tt
'frafeiM a Oawh.'' aaa dlaaolnd wUw fint day of Jauuary
ltoo by mutual roatrai.
NtwbiTLa UuMiwn eonllnoed by llw Jaokw Partner aa-
dcr tliMUo(J.iiU. Onor. In all mwu urMatun..
Seven yrure olalweal iclal aUeiillon to llw Coiiacvtoaa
CoaataFoanoio Auaaiiea and Viaiwo of U. a ti.'t offloe
will. It la hoiwd warrant lb prowl" BVitnl and rnil at-
lenlicio to all iiilpreitliKnadol loldw. ... .
t'oLLtcriuM la Katttrn and AlieVHe Tnat by lh reciprocal
eld ol eruclrnl realdcul AllomrTa. recetT tpeclal alwolloo.
Corara. ulu pnaecawd Tfl Uw fawn) Vnaru at Tyler nr
Ihe Ciiurla ot Anderana lliu.lon Cliendie aallh Hudenaa
Kaufman. HalUt till and Vrenuaw ouuutlc wOl hart ftrf
nat attention.
bi.ni and Tinw Prafii lo tnou lo tall.
FumU rtninnl on Hie day received la Bifid Eidtani Vt-
poalia otrlllliil Cr payinenl on call.
Tama wUI on l.and Inr nun-rwldenU. "
Orueml Aremy rr Lanl Itwurano Coaipanin Lwo BaOie
fro win. MaclunM Publlihera Co.
Jleli-reinctia. .
ATfi Yorlr. Rfld ft Tracyi llenryi Smith Tontod J.
M. Wardwelli McKewon lloOolmi lane Boyca k fa. John
ll Hcutt it Cfl.iSacarll Vcldiar Ce. Good let Jeuoloje Co. I
llarrel BleU-y Klllwn. ... l a ru .
Arm Ori..-lrKlcn.y Bradford' i. OartuM fc Co.J
8Urk Suuffir Co Tlieo. F. oearliif Co.
laiMlua.-Uill llmolilmn k (Jo.t Ilea. Halter TTm. neal-
ly oi to. 11. k O- Ulll Suerh'rd Sliaw C. Ballln.r m
Jnrlc 1
llouttan T). A. 8hhcrl.
Justin Bireoiun owliher.
ftacottdochte Ur. J. A. Starr. .
I'alntme. Uoward k Mills) Jiilia MurcbUooi IilebartB
SkrmrpoTt La B. M. Jolinaon.
fchraary fcith 1800 nM ly. '
;ill:is siikI Houston
Kail-1'o.id E 1 press Company.
T'HE first wagon of tliis)gw)ytaawaJ
Company starleil f o rSJSmrCTWrZ-'
Houston on TUESDAY 21stv2iAi' WSmI'
inst. connecting with the Central Eailroad at the Nav-
osota Depot
It is tho intention of tho Proprietor to put on enough
team to leavo each terminus on the 1st and 15th of
every month or oftener if there shall be sufficient in-
ducement. The route will be through the towns of
Waxahachie Corsloana Springfield Eutaw
Owensville Wheelock and BoonvUle
' To the present termination of the
Central Railroad nt Nnvasota.
All goods or packages of any description to be for-
warded by this company must he sent to the oare of
and person wishing passago will apply to the under-
signed agents. JAMES F. CRUDER.
Forwarding and Commission Merchant Houtton. "
Morui'o Com. and Produce Merchante JVavaiota.
E. M. STACK POLE Dallas.
8-Agonts will be appointed nt eaoh town on the
route. Dalb s Texas Feb. 22d 1860 84:tf
I. II. I. Stcrrct .
Will nttenil promptly to nil business entrimteH to him In the
counties comprising tlie l'iih nnd 201I1 Jiulieinl Districts.
Pnrtleiiliirnttentir.n given tothpenlleetifniof elninis. '4:Iyl
Nicholson & Ferri.
Ferris & IVit'liolson
Attorneys-nt-Iirtw. Collectors of Claims aud
TIACII member of thf Arm. will superintend tlie bmlness of lilt
j officii alilal by such nssistauU as the business ra iy require.
We will iilve t'tr.iaiiat and prompt attention to all business en-
trusted to us In thci cumuli's nf Kullaa Hill" Tarrant Kaufman
Niivnrr'i Collin. (Irnyunn Denton. Hnrker Johnson and Hill and
liiso in the Bujireme Court nf the State ut AtiHtin.
Tu Rive disimtch iii our cnllectluns and remittances we pronost to
nnd are prepared at ouch office to furnish good sight drafts oa New
York. New Orlea s anil Gnlvestnn
Wm G. Lane k Co. New York.
El'-Ts k Co. Cliicinnutti.
Swift Palao ft Co. New York.
Tavinr ft ltwlilln New Orleans.
A.'B. James ft Co.-' "
McKleroy ft llrailford " 1
Sorley fmlth ft Co.. Gntrestou.
Cor. Knnls ft Co. Houston.
Wm. P. Troth Philadelphia.
Messrs. SprtKue ft Knot Baltimore.
Feb- 16 18 Al. 33: ly ' .
SCHOOL BOOKS and Stationery of every variyty
for sale by W. W. PEAK &. bUO.
It. S. Cfiiy
Alt business entrastsd lo him will receive prompt and faithfu
attention. -i .
Feb. 18 1800. 13:ly.
For the Last time.
I TE say to those indebted to us on account for
W 1859. come and settle or we will be compelled
to try another way. W. W. PEAK & BRQ.
50000 Pounds of Wool Wanted.
THE undersigned wishes to purchase or take on
shipment on the most favorable term for ship-
pers the above amount of wool ; and wool growers will
find it to their interest to call on him. Washed wool
will in all coses be preferred nnd a far better prio
paid in proportion to the loss sustained by washing.
A. SHIREK Oppotite the Crutchfield Howe:
Dallas. Feb. 22 1800 84:8mo. - '
EXTRCTS of every variety Frangipanni Tay-.
for' Harriton't Phalon' trctrc. at
LET it be known onto all the people publish tha
word far and near that
at the Railroad Comer of the Publio Square in Dallas
is prepared to BOY WOOL and give th highest mar.
ket price for it ; or if preferred be will ship it on com-
mission to his friends in Boston New York or New
THRESH DATES and CONFECTIONS of all kin Is ' -w-j
H . 11- w cru a nun i v .
Dallas Steam Flouring Mills "
THESE MILLS as situated 8 miles j-rjavE"
from the town of Dalla. and hsvejRjTJjffJJJ
attained tbe repuUtion of making the fjt;fl
best Flour in the Bute and the presentfc huCji at
proprietor intend to keep up that reputation. . .
Flour will bo exchanged for good merchantabl
wheat at the market prioe ' . '
Custom grinding don on Saturday for the present.
All orders for Flour and contracts for grain must
be addressed to E. M. Stackpole Co. Dallas.
E. M. 8TACKPOLE Sol Agent
February 1 1860 tf '
' Final Settllcment. ' '
ZE. COOMBS. Administrator of the estate
. of Joseph Oraham. deceased ha. filed in my
office hi. final account current whh said estate
toc-ther with hi. petition pTsyinfr for fmal dis-
charge. Tl.i i therefore to notify all persrna
interested to come forward at the nert t-raj of
tbe County Court to be held at the CoarH'ise
in Dallas on the last Monday In JI-rt;h. 1.
and oi jwt to the m ir thiy think prorw--. . ;
W. K. MASTER r.. c. c. . Co. tu.
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Pryor, Charles R. Dallas Herald. (Dallas, Tex.), Vol. 8, No. 35, Ed. 1 Wednesday, February 29, 1860, newspaper, February 29, 1860; Dallas, Texas. (https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth294113/m1/2/?q=elizabeth%20crockett: accessed October 6, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, https://texashistory.unt.edu; .