Dallas Herald. (Dallas, Tex.), Vol. 12, No. 42, Ed. 1 Saturday, July 1, 1865 Page: 2 of 2
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n Nciy.N KM I '
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410 ll-h 'I'ir I 10 VtllUtl-t I-.-. 'T '
ill UK. It i-'ru.i t Hi' Sun.
a-wV-aM eVboin-d to uunonu'e 'I ' t j
l-H t.ll I J . ! h..uim iuUf.li - ';
i .in "! ll' I'.rlrM "UI" ' 1 ' '
. . '. MtM l tlk l Ml't4a auu iiiiwt '.
tr 11 re a'i il ill vKoait "! 1 1 '"
I f.itlr .u.lMalieraiitli.itl.U i ."-'
..j. W Vf.Hi. l-''h r t'vlrvi ' ' i '
u- fir l.ifii'ru.hi lijivrnr ul lcei ' !'-'' u
t IHil tfllMIitl.
Hiibimiitlun i" ill" "all Hera1 l. 'it Hi'
1 1 no hiiahi'li ..r tit m.in'u it.-hv.-rM ill tniaulh.'o
... t iim fllo'iii mllia and Ibe nilliiT t to-
ipi out In il. vlr :
ManafwM Milli Tumult roiinly Nliorwnd'. Its-
rj Klltt i'.lir .".rlra ll-ii-t.m A NYnt.nn.
I'.'iggiMiMi'v ai.il Pukii'i M.!U In lulUt niiniy
. M Powell'. Mill ti er McKmnoy C'jllln county.
ertnl-. -rliiii.il U lli Houston T.'l.-i;rii-li atnl t liu
ail in Ivitollu reulv..-.l ul llila olllcc. at Hie llUlilllll-
- I felra.
rOtrtt'e uru unJir many oWUnl'nu' to F.
I InLr Ijr.j. of the llulvosion Uwielin fur
. Mwoilc Nes or tue Mill u!t. Wc In T2
!(( tucH fuiors.
tTTlitiiiXs to our friend anJ tow.sraiin
. .miotic just returned from Hoditoii for
Tvligrarli ami News of 'it'
1 Wert rcccivi-J.
WfTb Suuihcra mail Willi Houston la-
wis of'lie i!lst ull. wii lirought lo tliis
'df ..n Wr-ilnesJA.v lust by j.rivuto con-
riancf. Wc cttract largely fmru tbeso
BKjfSi-e t-'uo u(lorlisfaiiiit of 1. U. Tlioui-
.ii I'lfn iug brick for mito.
fciJ'KcT. C'hurlva C'aiK'toii adcriiscs a
Yuluuble true I of lund adjiiniug I hi' North
f.nd of lnlla3 for rale.
ttjT'A glorioucrnin Ml hereon Thursday
!nM uccnmriinicd by a cool North V.ifl
'uid. This vain if wo nru not mUtalvon
wi'1 iiiguro n gi.od corn crop iu this vieiui-
y. Itwas a bliasing mid wc arc thuiik-
:ul for it.
Jf'We H-aiu fiom a (eutlcman just
froia Shrovoporf via Mnvsh.ill and Tyler
that the brigade of negro troops which were
brought to Hhrevrport whi-n the 1'odenils
tnok jioi-seMion of that place have returned
down Kcd Ilivtv. JIc ! informt us that
ihcro was n rpgiincut of infantry at Mar-
;lmU and ou company of cavalry at Tyler.
Kvcry thing was yuiot t each of tho above
places and no intcrfcrunco by the troops
titli the citizen iu any manner.
eKtyl.ieut. Ueu. S. B. liutkutr infiieJ a
farewell addresis to tho eoldicis at Shrevc-
yort on th 8th of June advising ihera to
l'o peaccubly to thoir ho lies and abstain
from all hostile acl? and lo discountenance
fvcry atteinp! at disorder. Ho pays e pecial
c.imoientUlion to the Mia.souri trocps of his
- irpit for their orderly deportment nrnl firm
.liscipline rrlucb they haro thown in the
joat trying emergcnelvg..
BQThc Houston ujn:rii nu.y that fine
laixia bare fallen in that vicinity recently
insuring an abundant corn crop and filling
''i?tertinrrh had become low.
It may cot be geuorally known that
: ieu. J. W. Tnrockmotton of Collin county
rtarted to the Indian country about tho last
f April to make a treaty with the wild
tribes. Gen. T. returned home about three
rrcclis agohaving been quite as successful
in hie miariou as he anticipated. Ho also
reoovcred nine prisoners & whites (two
girls and throe boys) and a negro woman
and three children. One of the whito chil-
dren is a little German girl about 12 or 13
ycare of age taken from or near Fredericks-
tiurg Oillcfjde county. This little girl is
now witn tlie family of Major Campbell L'
ilnre at Armstrong Academy Choetaw Na-
ion where che desires to remain uutil tier
relatives could send for her and where eiio
very kindly carod for. Cur informant
l.as forgotten her name.
The other prisoners reclaimed belong to
. nr own frontier and have been sent home.
There is yet one white woman a prieonor
.'.motig tho Indians captured by them near
I'elknap. There are sonic ludians prisonera
among our people and it is thought that the
rbite wi.'inan'ia retaiucd by tl.o ludians
with the viow of getting back their people
'.en. Throckmorton promised them that
il e prifonera ehould be returned provided
ley wished to go and. he desires inform-
ti iu es to the locality tfuny of these jris-
(ieu. T. treated iih tli1 Comanclics all
i it one baud and with the Lipons Obey
rnes Anapahocs and Kioways and V.
ii-ves that with proper management these
vfjle can be kept en Rood terms which J
11 greatly relieve our frontier
XJ-Tbe steamship Hu?ar which arrived
..t Galveeion rn the lfith with army stores
..nd about 100 paroled saldicrs fpm Loo's !
. dJ Jahssan's amies rprung aleak on (he
t ivsgc and came near going down with all
'i board as she had six feet water in her
Said before the leak was diivovered. By
i-reat exertions the was kept- afloat and
finally arrived safely in port.
Ibajr The attention of all officers and sol-
diers in the Nona Sub-District of Texas
is directed to the circular of Col. James
.'tourland. Commissioner for tellccting men
e. in raid District which will be found in
our paper to-day.
tesTrhe f' liowiug are the officers of ft
Grand LJg of Tree Masons for the ?st
.f Texas for the rssuin g Mspcsic year
circled at the Annual Convention at Hout-
tin ea the lJ'h Juae rit: R. M. Elgin
Grsad Master; Richard Puglass Deputy
Vraiid Master: A. M. Gentry Giajid Senior
Warden ; C. Tucker Gra ad Junior TTar-
da James Sorley Graad Treasurer Geo.
H. trirghnrs'. Grand Secretary.
The Mobile Trilnne bae remm i publi- :
. atten. T r-i.r-r rzt-r.t s j's '
i?hf -nullah '3)t
fit I'..
.i tilth Uu.- uiJ n'MH i (iiiv ii.
1'. I h.u;rLg!t.tiiiiK iu t -e 'j.ii'e ivt i
la jn"i;.'t.i tlie e: iu-. il if ii':.v tin b
.Iu I" i it'ly un 1 (i.h thi.1 'he duiii-iiid
I'vl I aliliij It 11 vi i y a id
li.(-'.i j. i-.vii e.'.n 'i" nb'a.ii'd Ij h r iv'e-
l auj fi'f woiU.
'il.;fj Werj I.-)'. If. i thul' J.COJ V. i1
it ii. . in tho t l'v U...1 h.oro were upiet.' 1
Tl.f .ul.';e .nimie ml uiii-r :-s
tl-.ji..'i'.l wiiii tb-fi but tlir Jei.y j
i. n 1 ' i."'. '
Tl.i' city p it "jf.lrn tskeo j 'i.'i'i' i 'ii
!' l ti e I' i' i.tfiePiS oil Iliu )M)i. ' 1 '
wi i:' l be ii-i.Mln ly ivii-ucd fur Lusiuca in
a few dy umlor a newly appointed post-
maetor auf.the V. S. fcta regulations eu-
Tho lVOTokt Mw"ll Geiicrul for this
Stntf Lt. CoLMttghlin l;lth Army Corps
Jjdd arrived and opened his ullico and had
scut woid to tho .Mayor that ho was iu-
struoicd by Gen. (Imager lo say thai the V.
S. 'urct s came us friends uoi us enemies;
(hut ;hiy had no desire lo intcrfern with tho
.Mayor in the discharge of his munieipM
duties and desired to co-nperuto vith him
In the promotion of good older in tho city.
Negroes fleeing from the country to tho city
would not be permitted lo live in idleness
they would he arrested as they arrived
and forced to voik on the f'rtiCiMlloti? or
be put lo other lnb"r.
Tun Tlss title JJir.cnrr. Fka.vchisi;
Kitt.. The fullowiug uvo the provisions i.f
the liancbi3o bill now before the Teuncssje
Legislature. It has panned the S?nul by
a vote of "1 lo 5 uud ha? also passed its
second reading iu the Iluuse by tho decisive
vote of 33 to 26:
1. livery frco white ntan Iwcnly-onu
years of ige a citizen of the United States
iiud publicly known to have entertained
unconditional b'nion aentiineiilj from tho
bvcuktng out of the tobelliou until the pres-
ent time.
2. Every while young man and Inhabi-
lantof the Slate and a citlieu of tho United
States arriving at the age of twenly-oue
since March 4 18U5 provided ho has not
engaged in armed rebellion against the
United States.
Section 4 provides for tho registration
of voters.
Section C provides for challenging vo-
ters and the administration of nn oath to
support the Constitution of tho United States
and laws and proclamations made in pur-
suance thereof and the ameded Constitu-
tion of Tennessee with tho acts of the Leg-
islature in accordance therewith.
We lake the following itotna from the
Houeton Telegraph of tno L'lat:
The tolograp ic dispatches Bta'o that Lt.
Fareons has been appointed Provisional
Governor of Alabama;" tho English of which
is that Hon. Lewis K. I'uiuoiis has been so
appointed. Judge 1'arHons has been for
the last twenty-five years or more a resi-
dent of Talladega Ala. and one of tho
moat distingiiithed lawyers oonneoted with
tho able bar of that Stato associated as a
poor with such men as Hon. Vim. P. Chil-
ton Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
lion. Samuel F. Rico his successor wo bo-
liovc Hon. Wm. L. Yancey Hon Goo. Gold-
tnwuitc Hon Franc is W. Bowdcn and a
host of others of different political parties
and shades of opinion. On the national
questions of tho last forty years. Judgo
Parsons wo believo was always a whig
oud conservative if not union man in the
secession controversy. Ho is a man of high
ability ripe loal acquirements long pub
Hio e:
experience and is endowed with fine
judgment and great force of character. Ilia
appointment is indicative of a liberal poli-
cy in the government towards tho Stato for
wo bavo no doubt that regardless of all
past political difference the people of Al-
nbaraa will look upon him as the friend of
the State. It is to be hoped that in all such
Presidential appointment) uutil regular
elections take place the people aud Exccti
tivca of tn-s iJvt(!3 may bs able to harmon-
ize in tho feeling and lavum fur- u oond
of the country however diverse in politic
We hear that tho Federal authoritici at
Galveston are bringing tho negroes to com-
mon sense in a pummary manner. They
call them up one by ono and aek who they
belong to. Those who tell the truth lire
neat heme at once rvlulu those who aokiiun l-
edgo no home or master are put lo to work
on thestreots and ou otherlabor under the
control of tho military authorities. Negroes
who flatter themselves that the new rtpimt
haa no labor connected nith It will make o
grcvious mistake.
Hon. Vim. L. Shnikey linabcen appointed
niilitnry or vrnvitinnsl Governor of th?
Stato of Mississippi. Judge Sliavkoy w as
tho President cf the celebrated "Nashville
Convention." lie has long been considered
one of the met eminent and accompliahcd
jurists of the South. Ho was wo believe
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court ef I he
State at the time Minsicsippi seceded. Ho
was oricintilly what was called a Southern
rights man but would not forHako the U'n-
mil. lie is ntgniy quantiei lor bis posi-
tion. The following are from the tame paper
f it 2Qnd iust
General Ordors No. 1 from General
firanfir's headquarters reqtiiro that "all
c't'.I uud uilitarv officer-: and agents of the
State of Texas and ull persons formerly
connected with the Confederate States ar-
niy ia Texas" report at nice for pirole at
tlie ilai.es named : Houston Galveston
an Antonio Marshall and
Brownfvi h. This includes pnvstes as
well as officers aad is contrary ta the im-
precision created by the terms of the sur-
render which require that officers giva
their Individual pirole and sign a like pa-
role for the men of their commands. Al-
though this was Ibe statement in the pub-
lished terms it nevertheless left a doubt as
to its praeticabillity lor it scemsclear that
a soldier cannot be paroled by proxy. But
the matter is now plain; the order is pub-
lished sn I officers and soldiers are required
to report hromptly and give their paroles.
The order also requires that all "public
propcriy of sny description whatever as
arms bones munitions 4c formerly be-
longing to the so-called Confederate States
or tbe State of Texas" bs turned over to
the United Siatrs' officers at the places
abo.nientioned. H e have heretofore ad-
vised oirr readers that this would be the
case and th advice has bees in some cases
ill-naturedly revived; but in this as ia
other cases we bar judged correctly and
have advised the p trues concerned for their
own good. All who Begin this order will
be at at North for imprisonment and their
property confiscated.
All gu'rillss and jayhawkers are out
lawed and will be dealt with accordingly.
as tbe good citizens ef tbe State toany of
wheat lave t';'.ri st 'Lfir tat Is w.Iltie
J-aTMaJj' Gun. Gordon Granger arrived
at Galveston on ihs lth Inst. aud has as-
sums I command of "0 Mllitarjr L-islrkt or
Texas. Ths following are the first Uvs or-
ders Usued by him all of lbs same date.
They are published officially in the Houston
llE.iPQi'Aiwrn.i Pisrait T or Trxs
Galveston Texas June I'J lSDj.
Pursuant to ordors from the Headquarters
Military Division of the flunlli-west dated
Now Orliifiuj June llllh 1K0.1 the under-
signed assumes cemiuand of all troops lih-
iu the Slate of Texas.
Second No pahses or permits will bo re-
engiiiied on tho coast of Texas exocpt by
authority from Headquarters Military Divi-
sion of the Southwest or from theae Head-
quarters. 0. GKANGKK
(Signed) Maj. Gen. Commanding.
General Order.' Xo. 2.
Tho Staff of the District Is announced as
fi.llowst Maj. F. W. Kmsry V. 8. Vol. As-
siMnnt. Adjutant General; Lieut. Col. J. C.
l'Alfrev U.S. Vol. Assiitaul lusp.'clnr Gen-
eral; Lieut. 'ol. Liiiclilln With llliimis
Vol. Provost MhimIirII tloner il; Lieut. Col.
J. (5. Ch'iiidler U. S. Vol. Chief Quurtor-
imistiir ; Cnpl. I'. G. Noytis U. S. Vol. Chief
(lominissary of Submit loneej Surgeon C. H.
White V. ri. Vol. Medical Director; Cnpl.
G. IV. Fov tith New York Ftntii-ry Chief
uf Artillery ; Capt.S. Howull Olh Michigan
Heavy Artillery Chief of Ordnance j I'iml
Lieu'! J. L. IUkVr'JtJI Wi.oonsiu Vol. Com.
missary nf Mustors ; Maj. W. L. Avery U.
S. Vol.. Aide de Cum).; Capl. C.S. Sargcanl
V. S. Volitntueir- A. I.
(S gaed.i ti fiHANGKIi
Muj.T (mineral Commanding.
dcntral Ori'uri .V".
The people are informed that in accord-
anco with a proclamation from the Kx"cu-
livo of tho l;nited States all slaves nro free.
This involves an absolute equality t.f per-
sonal rights and l ights of property between
former masters and alavcs and tho caunco-
tion hevctefove existing between thorn be-
comes that betwoen employer and hired la-
bor. The Frcedmen nro advised lo remain
at their present homosnd work for wages.
They ave informed that Ihoy will not be al-
Inwed to colleot at military posls; and that
thev W'ill not be aujiportod iu idUuuso oither
there or olsewhoro. By order of
Major General GUANGKH.
(Sigucd) F. W. F.mi:ky Maj k A. A. G.
General Orders A'o. 1.
All aots of tho Governor and Legislature
of Texas sineo tho Ordinance of Secession
I hurouy declare illegitimate all civil and
military officers and agents of tho so-called
Confederate States or of tho Stale or Texas
and all persons formerly connected with
the Confederate States army in Texas will
at once report for parole at the following
places or such a-i may bo designated here-
after to the proper U. S. officers to be ap-
pointed: Houston Galveston Bonham San
Antonio Marshall and Brownsville.
Although their long absence from their
hom?s nnd tho peculiar circuroslanoes of
this State may palliate the desertion from
their orgaaization this order will strictly
and promptly be complied with.
The above'mentioned and all other per-
sons having in their possession public
property of any description whatever as
arms horses munitions &c formerly bo-
longing to the so-called Confederate States
or Texas will Immediately deliver it to tho
proper United States officers nt the nearest
of the above mentioned places. When they
cannot carry it and havo not the means of
transporting it they will make to tho same
office.i a full description of its charaotor
quantity location and security &c. All
persons not complying promptly to this
order will bo arreBtcd as prisoners of war
and sent North for imprisonment and thoir
properly forfeited. All biwless persons
committing nets of violence such as bandit-
ti guerillas jayhawkers horso thicvoB &c
aro hereby declared outlaws and enemies
to tho human race and will bo dealt with
accordingly. By order of
Major General GRANGER.
F. W. Emery Major & A. A. G.
Gourd Orderi A'o. 5.
Until the arrival of the proper Treasury
Agents in this District all cotton may be
turnod into tho Quartermaster's Department
for shipment to New Orleans or New York
there to be sold ta the United States Pur-
chasing Agents. No cotton or other pro-
ducts of insurrectionary States can bo
shipped on other conditions. By commaud
of Mnjvci caiLtiauu
(Signed) F. W. Emery Maj. & A. A.G.
We liud in tho Galvoston News of the 19th
the following orders from Gon. K. K. Smith:
IIlatiqhs. Traks-Miss. Di:p't.
Shroveport June 9 1S5.
Gmeaal Orders No.
Ei ig. Can. E. Gic-cr T. A. C. S. is hereby
uppoiutcd as Supervising Commissioner for
the purpose of paroling the troops iu that
portion of the District of Texas lying north
of tho Trinity river.
Such officers as may bo required by Brig.
Gen. Greer to assist hint in tho performance
of his duties will be designated by him and
assigned lo such points as he may deem fit.
Such officers to act in connection with the
Commissioners designated by the V. S. au-
thorities. By command of
General E. Kibby Smith
S. B. BfCHNKK Lieut. Gen. & Chicr of Staff.
General Orders Ao.
The following; named officers aro hereby
appointed us Supervising Commissioners at
the places set opposite to their respective
names for paroling this command lo act
in connection with such Commissioners as
may be designated hy the U. S authorities
Col. S. A. Roberts Bonham Texas.
Maj. Wm. A. Slcndroan Marshall Texas.
Mai. J. A. Arnold Nacogdoches Texas.
By command of Gen. 2. Kiriiy Smitsi
S. B. Bvck.ner Lieut. Gen. & Chief of Staff.
The fallowing circular from Col. James
Bourland has been handed to us for publi-
cation :
June 18C5. )
By ordora from District Head-
quarters the duty of collecting all
ofliccrs nnd men of tbe C. S. army in
this Sub-District in order that they
may bo paroled and collecting and
turning over to the U. States author-
itics all property in this Sub-District
in which the C. S. Government has
any interest whatever has been im-
posed upon me.
The commanders of Regiments
Battalions Companies and Detach-
ments aro therefore ordered to pro-
ceed without delay to collect their
commands and report with them to
me at Bonham at the earliest prac-
ticable period in order that they
may be paroled and prepared to take
such other steps as may be necessa-
ry :o enable them to resume the civil
relations of life as early as possible.
Transportion and subsistence will
firnicV.el pi'?''? c?c for tti
ullk'tT ami men al lit Iiuiiij; purol !
ul to the iiitiiri'sl I'rnetic libit) point
to thoir homes in coiiiin to be
pttrolutl both ollk'Cis uud inon muxt
nuiko tho bust provision they run
ftir theiimolvos In tho way of Hubnia-
tonto using nil Oovoi iiTnont trans-
portation that Ihoy cua find in tho
Tho importance of bringing up
nnd turning over to sut'li olMccm in
I shull ik'hign.to lit Bonham ull
tirms ammunition ami Qr. MuNtor
and ('ommHstuy stores together
with every ot horVpoulos of property
of every description or Kind what-
soever' in which tho Government of
tho C. S. is cither directly or indi-
roctly interested isettpouiiilly enjoin-
ed upon all citizens ofllcer and mon.
A lailuro to bring up thin property
iu good faith will doubtless bo fal-
lowed by it visit ami a noavch to ev-
ery neiylib'irhooil throughout tho
whole country by Federal cavalry
us ha1 been the euso already in N.
V. and other slates.
Commanders of com panics will
mako out duplicate rolls of their
companies and return them to this
Tho willing compliance and active
co-operation of nil good citizens and
soldiers is expected in the execution
of tlie terms surrendering this De-
partment. Hy thus submitting wo
will show that in losing our cause
wo havo not abandoned our honor
and that wc can j'lold as honestly
;ih wc wo have struggled earnestly
and thcroby give an earnest of our
desire to ho reinstated in our rela-
tions of citizenship with the Fede-
ral Government.
Col. and Com'r. for Collecting Men.
&c in Northern flub-DisI Texas.
i m m '
Tlio Galvostonf Houston) News of thellOih
"A portion of tho 111th Ohio regiment.
Col. Kelly and tho iilih Iowa Col. Clark
arrived by a special train from Galvoston
vestorday muriiing. The babinco of the
illth Ohio came by a steamer with supplies
last nieht. The whole number of troops in
tho two regiments is said to bo about loUO.
Col. Clark takes command at this post. It
is-statod that these two regiments will re-
main permanently hore. An unfortunate
event took place soon after the arrival of
the troops yesterday morning. Two negros
one acting as cook aud the other a servant
of Major Beebe of tho 31th Iowa wore going
up tho street when somo difficulty took
placo between ouc of the negros and a whito
man the nature of which is not fully ex-
plained but it resulted in tho negro being
shot through the neck the wound causing
his death in about ton minutes. It i sup-
posed that the negro usod somo violent lan-
guago provoking tho fatal Bhot. Somo re-
port that the negro took up a brickbat to
throw it at tho white man which provoked
him to shoot. It is said that the white man
suddoiily disappeared.
Since writiug the above wo havo scon
tho evidence before the Coronor's inquest
which is to the effect that tho negro caino
in contact with a whito man on tho side
walk when a moment after the negro
jumped off into tho street and took up a
brickbat raising it iu his hand as if lo
throw it whereupon young Mr. Cotton shot
a pistol the negro falling at the same timo.
The evidence of tho physician was howover
positive that tho negro wa3 killed with a
knife which entorcd the front part of the
neck near tho collar bone and passed
entirely through coming out on the opposite
sido to the left of tho spinal bone. This
knife wound caused his death and there
was no other wound on his body. How
Ibis wound was inllicted was not shown by
Iho rvidence. Tho Mayor himself officiated
as Coroner.
Ycstovday was a busy day with the Fed-
eral troops who were engaged in preparing
their quarters in the court house square.
Thev took possession of the new e.nnrt bouse
naacuuei-teu u mil) oarracks for the time
beiug. Col. Kelly and Col. Clark both
called on the Mayor expressing a desire to
act in conjunction with him in sustaining
order should their sorviccs be needed and
assuring him that they enmo as friends and
fellow citizens of the same govornmcnt.
They desired the Mayor to show them such
public buildings as would answor their
purpose for public offices such as head-
quarters I'rovost Marshal's office &c.
This was accordingly done. We understand
that Major i.emis is I'rovost Marshal and
bus his office at the late headquarters of
Gen. Magrudor and will commence paroling
prisonors to-morrow
We learn from a friend just from Florida
that he saw Ccu. Breckcnridgc and Mr. J.
P. Benjamin passed through Madison FU.
on thoir way to Havana where lator ac-
counts say they have both arrived.
Com. Vauderbilt wo learn through Mr.
Price is about establishing a line of first
class steamers lo ruu between Galveston
and BerwioUs Bay connecting with the
railroad at the latter point for NcwOrleane;
also a line of heavy Bteamers from New
Orleans touching at Galvcetou Matagorda
and Biases Santiago.
Speaking of Gen. Granger who has taken
command of the District of Texas the Mo-
bile News of the 1-ith ult. remarks:
"Ono common foellng of regret was
manifested that Ucn. Uranger is soon to
leave us. His habit of clear and broad
practical thinking and his great adminis-
trative ability would have helped us sig-
nally in readjusting onr political relations.
He is a roan however who by force of his
genius will create opportunities and wheth-
er in Texas or Alabama will be as influen-
tial in giving a right direction aud tone to
political ideas as hs will be Invincible in
oampaigns and battles. In Lis high future
career which awaits him and which will
I untold itseir slowly orswirtiv according as
t - : il r . l. 111
me emergencies nrv bwbii oi grralt "
carry wiih him the abiding confidence and
esteem of our whole community."
IIocstos Ttx Joss 21 18G5.
All OBicem f th CsiMmti Stti Army la the
T)iMrtct ef Tnu will without drUv forward- to Bay
addroM at ihr City of Hooatoa fall aad accarata re-
port in writtftg. of all public property ia tlielr poa-
aewion. Tbeee report! will be mayto in dar-Heate and
will deacribe tlio i.roparty partiinlarly and tlala itt
loraiily. All rack pror-irty will a proaplly tamed
trrer by tha aflicere tif Titiff it In charge to' roc h offi-
cer nay be appoiotrd by Mor-oenrl Granf er
f( Cirll Officer aad Ageata of tbe lata Confederate
Stales Oorernatent ia the State of T.-ua are roooee.
led to stake eiaiilar report aad deliver tha pablic
property ta thHr poeeeeeioa or aader tbrtr control
to tbe proper officcra of Iba I'ailad Slatea Garera-
Officer are to be appoiTitad at aa early day ry tha
If e)or-Bral Coaimandtag. for tbe pvrpoae of aa-
rollar aflloen and saetl of tbe lata ArtaT at eoaeai-
aat poiata tarfaghevt tha fctata. All each efflcer I
aad mi ehoald repair pfP'ly ra tha potota whk-h
wiay he dee:gniad aad recerre their parolee froaj
proper aatheri'v.
J. . HA1RI90 Jtripadie--Oenera!.
Ur S A . on-fy Tt-f rTr'iit?"?.'T.
9 I xa? rr-r ''?
Tiie Lot of Hie V8n"P'"'t Kniilarky.
We sie indebted to a gentleman just ar-
rived fi m rhrveiori and who was a pas-
suiigo-r on II Ill-filed trampert Kentucky
at the time of the terrlblo oataatrophr fur
some additional items (if interest concern-
ing tlu.l affair.
Wo are informed that it was fully one
half iiu hour alter Iba snug was struck be-
fii9 the stomiK-r wont duwn. Mhe tun
about luiir miles after -oiiiinnncing lo k-uk
p inning a imo three miles beyond the Clin-
pin whieh was tied up for tlie tiiglu befuie
the final disaster occur od. The Chupin
started for her as soon ns porsible and
rendered a groat deal of timely assistance
In rescuing and saving the unfortunate
passengers struggling in the currreut
which was very struuK and olinging to
those portions of the wreck remaining
above water. It waa thought by many
among the passengers and those on board
tho Chupin that tho great loss of life might
have been prevented had nn effort been
mado It. effect a lauding ut an earlier mo
Tho Captain finding that the water was
gaining very rapidly on tho alnamnr made
for the shore at last hut found that sho
had sullied ton much to ennblo him to got
near enough to the bank to put out the
Htitgo. A stem line was got to tho shorn
but il (snapped immediately. Tho boat
thou careened nnd sunk instantly tho Mil-
ler washing over the hurricane deok fir-
ward. The stern remained above water.
As the boat careened a great rush took
place lo tho hurricane deck. Many of the
passengers were in their berths and were
saved iilmont wholly destitute of clothing.
A largo number weio caught bolween docks
and drowned. Tho ladies g nerally suc-
ceeded in gaining the hurricane deck nnd
were says our informant all saved. Somo
children wero lost. Somo of the passengers
gained the nearest bank and others reach-
ed the opposite side in safety.
To render the disaster moro appalling.
the Texas took fno after tho stoamer had
careened. It was supposed that the coal
oil lamps we io upset by the shock and that
thuir intlainable contents were spilled upon
tho beds. This tire was fortunately quick-
ly extinguished otherwise a very largo nutn
bcr would have been added to tho mournful
list of the lost.
The paroled prisoners were principally
members of Missouri regiments. Thcro
were some Arkansas soldiers onboard and
a small number of I.ouisiatiians. There
were no Federal soldiers among tho num-
ber. The officers of tho Kentucky were it is
believed all saved. A". 0. Times.
Fkoh tiir Hio Guandb. Tho arrival at
Galveston brings Iho Matamoras Monitor
of tho 10th:
It says the last body of tho Austrian
Legion consisting of COOO men on their way
from Europe havo received orders to dis-
embark at Matnmo.os. The villages of the
North which for a few months havo been
deprived of their intercourse with Matn-
moros will now soon be re-opened with the
notice of reviving the cotton trado with
Texas and also the trade with Matamoros
and Saltillo tho latter places having suf-
fered severely under the rulo of Juarez.
Geus. Lopez and Olvara who left Mata
moras obout ten days ago with a column of
infantry and cavalry to assume offensive
operations against the Liberals havo suc-
ceeded in cleaning out this department
driving tbe enemy beyond tho San Juan
river nnd capturing many prisoners arms
and horses. A party of desperadoes be-
longing to the force of Juarez a few days
ago atlackod tho elago of Cuornadricn rob-
bing tho passengers of everything they pos-
sessed nnd taking threo of them prisoners.
Soon afterwards a detachment of soidiors
hearing of the affair immediately started
in pursuit of the robbers overtook them
liberated the captives capture 1 several of
Ihe band nnd shot thorn instantly.
Lower California is completoiy under
tho rulo of tho Juarez faction everything
there being in a disordered state. We are
fully convinced that the pecplo of this
section will rejoice in tho day when the
Empire shall extend its powor over said
region and establish law order &c which
aro now being utterly neglected and dis-
regarded by tlie Liberals.
Oaxaca. The general belief here is that
this Department will submit to the Enipiro
without resistance.
Guebilias Xinihio Maei it !
commanders of his force noted for their
audacity in tho woods of San Luis have
surrendered to the Imperialists.
The Boletin de Oajaoa has received in
formation that Gen. Lopez commander of
the Juarez forces in the state of Guorrcro
had disarmed and ordered the imprison-
ment of the old band of Chalo Bias who
heretofore have been exercising their habit
of plundering the inhabitants of that le-
gion by order of Pareveles.
The Bulletin adds that this example ought
to be imitated by all other Generals who
are fightinc for the same cause in vindicat
ing its honor. This system howevor if
adoptod and promptly carried out would
soon reduce the forces of Juarez toinsignif-
icant numbers. The official journal of
Qucrctaro announces the occupation of Chi
huahua by Ihe Imperialists.
A Talk with STEPnuxs. A friond who
saw and conversed with Alexander H. Ste-
phens on board the steamer at Port Royal
writes as follows in a private lettor :
'He looks much older than when I saw
him in the House iu '57. He converses
froely and does not appear at all like a
prisoner of war. He says he never saw so
marked a change in four years in any two
men as in Abraham Linolon and Jefferson
Davis. He expressed great regret at the
President's assassination admitted that the
Confederacy was played out and teemed
anxious to have peace declared and the
matter settled as speedily as possible. His
idoa is to have the different rebel States re-
peal the ordinance of secession and accept
ths Constitutional amendment. He ox-
pressed the opinion that seceding States
will net pats it. lit acknowledged that
his Milledgcville speech was almost pro-
phetic and that be went with the popular
current to prevent any clash between him-
self and Toombs. He appears to have do
concern for himself : say he is oaly anx-
ious to secure as honorable terms aa possi-
ble for his State and people the majority
of whom he Bays never were aocesstonistf.
He is bent over very much; hie hair ia near-
ly white his voice is lower and not to thrill
as formerly and bis hand trembles when
he o;es it j but he talks at smoothly at ever
and hit eyes flash at in days gone by."
A'. Y. Timti.
From all that we can learn the feart ex-
pressed by many offieert and soldiers that
tbe parole will disqualify them for busi-
ness aro groundless. Such a disability
would be a great hardship under present
circumstances at person al efforti aro nec-
essary to procure subsistence at they are
nearly all destitute.
A fni-tfiio-htlv line of itetmen ta ejlrer-
tised soon to commence fanning betwoen
Liverpool and New Orleans. Some Liver- i
pool firms also announce tno early mump-
lion of baxinepe r!atit with 5w Or- 1
The Boston Post sayi i
n't may think as poor of rebellion at we-
ideas wt may detpise lue rebel at relig-
iously at good teute will permit ; but
the considers! man can never forget
that tho Bfiulli la a part and parole of our
common country and that the recent rebelt
are now our countrymen. Wt shall aerve
ourjolvs hy serving thorn . Wt thallbuild
up our Interetti by sustaining and tncour-
aging their inleiu.U. In the exorcise of
tho iiluioa. leuieney our Government will
of neoeisiiy trench tooiewhal upon tho
striot constitutional Iratnunillesoftht South-
ern States j iho study should be to do at
little Instead of at much at possible The
leading consideration it to restort tht late
rebellious States at eaaily and at quickly
at possible to tbolr normal practical rela-
tions to Ihe Federal Govornmeut Wt must
takt for granted that the South will batt ut
until we demonstrate to them by genorout
eonduat and liboral forbearance that we art
dntermlued tabe their friond whether they
will hare us so ur not. The moral rclal iont
of a fraternal brotherhood it yet to be es-
tablished ; it m ust be the work of time and
the result of honorable and just treatment.
We eannol force the operations f nature.
The human heart may be coaxed it cannot
be driven. We shall make the most serious
mistake in Ihe world by apoing the ven-
geance of European despotism. We are not
of them in sentimont or principle. Tht
world expeot something better of tho United
States Iu the hour of its triumph that a stale
imitation oftherocont fioudisu severity of
Russia tnwurds Poland."
The Springfield (MaBS.) Republican says:
"There aro three men of whom we don't
see how they can he hung under any cir-
cumstances. The three negotiators whom
President Lincolu met at Fortress Monroe
aud talked with for hours fully and frank-
ly he at any ra re never could have hung.
'King's faeo brings grace.' And wo iraag-
iuo no ono will bo found ambitious to inter-
fere with his legacy of mercy. They are
among the chief officers. There is onley
one auovo them. With Stophens Hunter
and Campbell spared the balance must be
nice that sink with Davit.
"Do we wish to finish the rebellion to
turn out its vory nshes? Then make no
martyrs. The wounds inflicted in oold
blood aro what keep animosities alivo. At
this moment there are a milliou of women
nt the South who would give all they have
lo savo Jeff. Davis's life; who would conduct
and shelter him as Flora McDonald did tbe
fugitive Charles Edward. If hit life is ta
ken they aro ready to dip thoir handker-
chiefs in his blood to beg locks of hoir and
to perpetuate for a hundrorl 'lie sen
timont of vengoance. Unless we present
them this grievance in five years he will
be rcmouibored only as the author of innu-
morablo woes.
The Now York Times endorsing President
Johnson's reconstruction polioy says:
"Nearly all of tho Southern States bold
their elcotion under tho old laws in early
August. There is no good roason why they
may not prcpar themselves by that time to
exercise the franchise as of old and toeleet
Governors members of Legislature and mem-
bers of Congress. To accomplish this they
have only to co-operato in a good faith with
the initiatory movements now made by the
National authorities.
"This plan of treating as absolutely void
the ordinances of secession and everything
done by the legislators and all public func-
tionaries acting under them' is tho only
logical sequence of tho original principlo
that no Stato has a right to secede. It is
tho only plan which saves tho supremacy
and dignity of the Constilution and whioh
is frco from all mischievous precedent. To
admit that all Southern States have been
out of the Union is to admit their power to
put themselves out. It is to say that an act
may be done counter to the Constitution
and yet havo a logal effect. If this be pos-
sible on a large scale it must be no less
possible an a small scale. If States can
act with legal effect against the Constitu-
tion so can individuals."
The Houston Telegraph states erroneous-
ly that tho call for three cheers at the rais-
ing of the United States flagon the Custom
House at Galveston whlon mot with no re-
sponse from the crowd was made by a Fed-
eral officer. The call was made by Mr. C.
Fox a citizen of this place and it appeared
to us it was done in a conversational tone
not expecting a response. The Federal ofh-
curs preaent bad the flag raisod in a busi-
ness manner and exhibited no feeling and
invited no demon stratio I whatcvor. Gal-
vttton Jlulletin.
A drunken soldier in the army of India
having been lately confined in thoblackhole
for intoxioati3n felt something orawiing
over him. Knowing it to be a serpent and
fearing its deadly lute he kept quite still
while the reptile crawled inside of his jacket
and coiled himself up for a nap. vrnen me
guard came to release him some hours after
a snake a cobra quickly glided away.
The guard noticed with surprise that the
prisoner's head had turned whito and he
died a few hours after telling hit story.
At the retWt-ncc of the bride's father near Lancas-
ter Dallae couutv Texa on Tuoffday evening Jnne
.lh 18.1.1 by hav. Mr. Martis Mr. ROBERT
BHOTIIKKTOS and Maea LUCY daughter of Kino
Kawlins Eiq. ail of thla comity.
tJUIED at Johnaan'i Station Tarrant County Ter-
a on the lHlh luat. of Conaumption Capt BENJ.
Tbe auhject of thia notice wat born In the State of
Alabama the Vdtn aot. ioj. immigraiea wua
hit father toTexaa whrn quiteajouth where he waa
rearvd into manhood.
Iu the diaaatroua etrngsle through which we bare
Jnst pamed be promptly took hia atand for the South
lie volunteered ae a private in the enmmer of 1961
aad waa elected let Lieut of Capt. Brinaon'e Com
paav th Toxaa Cavalry reeigned raiead a Company
and'jntned the 14th Texae Cavalry commanded by
bie lather Ool. M. T. Jobnatm. He croeecd tbe Miae.
Kiver la May 1M. with hhf llg't where he proved
hlmeelf a eoldler and an officer he paaeed through tha
Kentucky campaign with Oea. Bra- in the fall and
winter of tibJ tba (fiacta of which brought him to
hla antlmnly death.
On the retreat near Omharland Gap hla Comne-
ny waa eent out on packet during tba night a eerera
rleat and enow etorm came apon them their relief
waa not eeot the next ueorning nor t h- next evening
and for 36 keara without food er blanket tbey were
aoMected ta theaa Intolerable eeTeraliM before relief
Like true eoldi.re they would not dearrt
...... wmIi. thoaeh II coat then their Uvea. FaeW'
BMnia wae the reault af thla long aad eratioaed ex
rae the reault el thla long '"""""IT the May Term af the t'ouatv toart perta.n.ai ta aa-
and among tha victims wae Opt- uto JUMmMi perti . upon tha ealate tf Jackaea
rbctmld not be rmovad-oaaumpilm fcl- wtam4 4i f. Couaty. Tetaa. All
f h Mineli
lowed. He continued oa duty during J-"""'' j
bwt lading hie health- eteadily roi"f. ..""TiVi 1
raaigneal oa aurgeow'e sen Ideate i """""."T
aad retnrned home where hia bealtk etillh cant inued
declining gradually aud eleedilv. naUl the lew in
hi. prwrldinc di.thr.IM J'ril
and rated Mm Ibe ""'.'l?! M
Ukj remaiae ware attaoded by a largw cnooarn of
rr'atl.- frie.de to tba fcmily bmrylng ground.
In. ehlMrea. Illtla Tommie aad little Helen te mowra
hZwZZSmT-k 1. them. Indeed thle vlaita-
iJlTaffrctexnata aad tetidw aa a talker. Ke
b hi. rheerlng pi lie era and aoad eareaa. aa mora
iiah. hearth atm will hie nocaataaaad place he til-
L fjat ta tha be reeved una. lamimbar that awr
Ku te ammiead Is aomvirt tba wtdaw ta hat afflic-
tina. aad be a mtbat U Ibe fatherleaa. I
Be waa not only a waa ta kM maaily. Vst to kin
MvaltyaaaNBairevm iraw hiitm -
tamilv. aaaally aa la k. canntry and trieada aad
earnni be waa known be waa Uvea. And t bie
relattvaa aad moan-wing frlanda ecneel. yewieeliea
wtth tha happy those ht that the h naomaam af hia
ht ware tha a-vl trramfhaait. When tattenaf ew
tbe brink af eteralta. he waa ewk ed If be ra)iied bie
attaatm and wae Hjard vr tha terrlMe laaai be
area aaaejt ha make? ha ekkamd aM hi wen I nod
wnhant n mnrmw ar greea tU .aa'ly ta elver-
r-iM Jav.a ri vi-
"Last iriday lluattvillt wat allvt wi -eseliement.
A praly of armed men eat
up from Trinity enouty to help thtmsth - a
to penitentiary elotb. Tht institution
olustd and fortified and arranjemn
made to defend the town if needed.--tt-n
of tht raidtrt Were obstinate ana talk .
at though Ihoy would fight rather than ta -
Hit elotb. But generally tht mob wat f
tonable said they had not got cloth wh
othert had and claimed their rights. TI -'
ootii bat been furnubed It true but it
depriving the eountei cf their legal thai
and wat Hopped on tht lit tntt Thit d .
potition to Uiiturb Iho quiet of a ton I
plundering jmrposet Is no better than j
bawkiug and uivut be Hopped. There wi .
plenty of returned soldirs who were prompt-
ly organised aud the ataotUntt taw me; .
chanot of losing blood than getting els H
So they remaind till next day to im
their erowd would grow and finding ltd I
not left with a threat of returning in .:
filolent numbert to pav down all oppotitit r
The agent called for UUO men as a pern i
n'eut guard for Ihe time and we thluk thi- -will
be no more trouble from lawless tqua.i :
whon It it generally known thai defonee
earnest and no joke. It It putting tht Sti -to
some exponce but tht will be tho ulUim..-
gainer. Such occurrences art not commt u .
and are ehargable to tht tudden rapture
all our State organizations." auntmi '
Item 10M nt.
C. A. Dana formor Assistant Secretary
of war now of tha Chicago Republic
prouounocs the sensation story that Jefft.
son Davis had been placed in irons at :
otherwise humiliatod to be "a lie in all i
parti." IU further says that beyond t
precaution necessary to prevent eifcape V
Davis is unquestionably treated with t! .
Bame consideration sympathy and humai
ty that are extended to other prisoners :
Belle Boyd It it said that Mr. G.
Sala will introduce to the English readt i-
the noted ''Confederate heroine'1 Belle Be;
whose marriage and romantio 'adventui .i
have already supplied paragraphs te t v-
newspapers. Tbe work to which Mr. St
contributes an introduction will boar t
titlo of " Belle Boyd in Camp and Frisoi
written by herself
The Marshall Republican learns tl. '
Governor Allen of Louisiana was robbr t
within CO miles of Shreveport on hit w-.v
to Moxico. Tho robbers took his monoy
$150 in gold and ambulance and lef h'.i.i
but one mule.
A 1'aliinlla Traet rf Land
lyfEAB the town of DalTus.'iiSr brI-.
i-1 For farther informstloa apply lo 1
Dallim July 1 18G5 42;tt
4 nn non No 1 Brick for sa'
xY'JyJJVJ furcihor in exchange ' i
cood wheat. Apply to Ed. C. Baowsri or to
Dellai July 1186512:2 w.
I "WILL open a male bcUooI in tl.i
Uaionlc Hall on Monday Jnne tha 2bth 18' ;
Terms per Hchalaallc n enth
Primary Clan fl
Intermtdlato CI n 2 .1
AdYAncfd " 3 '
Higher branchte of Matbmnatlci 3 V
Claeiilcf. 4
b'ttaaiou fire munthi. '
Pallas June 21th 18CS 41:t.
wool cardiac;.
rpiIE undersigned would respoc
JL fully inform tho cltlieni of Dallai and the pi
pie gonrrnlly that thoir Cardiug Mucbloo iu t
North part of tha town ofPallu ia again In opi-i .
lion where wa will be pleaaod to moat aam&ny of o .r
old friends aad cuitomora aa w are able ta accomu
Wool miiat bo waahoil clean and fnw from b;i
One ponnd of ur.iajo touvory eight pounds of "- i
muxt b lumliiliud.
Oar torma a a one-fourth of the wool or cat
pnr poanil for whito 15 nmta for colored and 20 f -tntipd.
Bacon Lard Chirkena Butter and Eg; i'
the market price taken In eichange for carding.
Tbo produce niuat in allcaiea bo delivered before IV-
work ia dono.
aw-Wanl roll! alwaya on hand at FIFTY CENT?
llallae Taa. June ?lth 16S. l:tf.
J OFFER my acrvicos aB a
Commission Reoelvv
warding Herchakt
la the City of Houston.
nnnaton June Bth lH'o.
Far Sale or Tra
4 TliUESlilNGMACHME.with
J. a. fonr borae lever power attached la gaod work -inc;
order and capable of threahing one hu&trea an-!
fifty buahele par day. It will be aold low fir caah o-
trade. Alaoone two borae hack in goodlroDnli-g
order. For further particulars apply tn j
Daltaa Jnna lith ISM 0:tw.
HAVING returned from the army
reapeetfulty notifies the eltitenaof Dallas conn-
tr that he haa located at Lancaaler where he will !.
found ready to attend ta all profeaaiooal calle. Bawl);
devote particular attention to aurglcat raeea. and to
rhrenic dteeaeea reaulting from service ia the army
He eolicite patronage and hopea hy attention aad
moderate chargea to mem tne puouc lavor.
June let 1805 40: tf.
THE undersigned respectfully in-
form their frienda and eld cnatomara and thi
pnblic generally that they have their Mille In aue-
ceaaful operation capable of grinding ono bsihell of
grain per da and will grind wheat at the neuelrat
(one-fifth toll) and promlae to make ae good font
and aa much of it aa any mill ia Northern Tana
t'ontracta filled at abort notice.
nallae. Txee June 15 18C5. 40:tf.
CoL J. H. MURRAY Proprietor.
THIS wall known honao w now open for the rcp
tion of elaitora and travelers K "ary
tioo will pa pud to secure tt-"lfc" ".'J ".TV
Olre ma a aall. I-6 " !
-Letters of Administra-
XI Uon '
. . I .-I U. k hwtl.
Ctch IS" he eetaU ef Kancy W. Spear late of
raid county dereaeed bow thla ia lo notify all pereoae
baring dlaime againet aaia eeiata to preeenb iw
within tho time preecribed hy law; and all thoaeow.
Ida aatd aetata will nuke immediate payment. This
Suib day ef April A.I). 1866. L. HANCOCK
39 6w ) Admlnlatratar.
"V"OTICE. Letters of Administra-
IA tlo harlag keen graated ta the andereigued at
penona ara therefore Ixr.uv notified baring clalme
aca.aat eaid eatata to praaent tha tama within Ue
againat eaid aetata to praaent
time areccribed by law.
Admlaletratrlx Eiala of Jacaee Bowlaad.
tl tw Priater a fee tt )
XTOTICE. Letters of Administra -
1 traw havlac bean granted to tka wderalgned
tba May Tana af tba atoaaly Court pwtalning t aa-
Utaa af derad naraoBe. apoa tbe ejiatt tt Ur)
Bawtand. . nee.a fcr Jack connlv.Teia. ; ail per
-tlwrtfor. baby "''fZ
"- "-"h "ry k"-
tl-w Prlaler e me tt ) ;
" u zzkii2rszu
E'QnT' - -tau-f Job. c
i".t ar pertl'loa and aietriMtwo aa aa
Rata. Vad hiviag abelMkb taal "bibrt
Irtl sTtbavwfera to nwufy aU naraan. toteraateJ lit
u aa be and aewar at a raguhw term at ear
ward Own. ta be balden ra tba Town at B
the hat ManelaT tba Wtb day. ta Jwna 1
ltU '
sad whew aaia aatiUoa wtu be art e. saaa.
ayivaa ave-r my mmmm - -
Cswary Cwart af mat earn?-
i Bvkea
una lev. ie w m
J Int.
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Dallas Herald. (Dallas, Tex.), Vol. 12, No. 42, Ed. 1 Saturday, July 1, 1865, newspaper, July 1, 1865; Dallas, Texas. (https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth294318/m1/2/: accessed February 18, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, https://texashistory.unt.edu; .