Dallas Herald. (Dallas, Tex.), Vol. 19, No. 52, Ed. 1 Saturday, September 7, 1872 Page: 2 of 4
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1. 1 Art II ..ll...r.
KATrilllAY. HKrTSUBK11h72.
Iik Ntintf
noti ac'io 4iii-:i:iJ.ii:vl
i r kKW TliHII.
run virr mr.initvT
tit iriKovm.
ty.luYaiiitl t.'lrelarx
'ieiii! A. T. Haluey ul Atxlereon
ilieril. of Hinllll.
.iriei II. II. Kwierson of I'.rtl III'
McUnn or Tims.
Iricl J SI. Muxoy of ntkri'
I iii-viitftn. Of McLennan.
Iilrl deo. W. Junes uf JJanlroj.
r.tj of Travis.
Vmr t'np;rn.
VI Till HTATK AT l.ani:.
or a.tl.vMToN
rSOM NU.T nilTtllT
i.r UNr H VOl'MTT.
Iliilt .SCOti lilHTllirT.
ttr TlTl. CUVKTV.
liTWH'T ATT0a.Y-14rH Jrllll-IAl. MdTHMT
Ltohn. t. atjlt
V"B TUT .i:iilHI.ATflK 2IHT IHfTHirT
UKNKY liKOWN of iwllns.
K. M. VAX ZANDT of Tarrnnt.
1.0. L'll AMliEltS of Collin.
For County Treasurer M. V. COI.U.
For Couiuy Surveyor N. A. KKKN.
fi3Tli6 Houston papera aeeni now lo lie
united Rir'jlliudy Tor Capitol or Ihc Capitol
fur Brady we are not certain whiMi.
guyTbe Second Annual Fair at Con-
an lea Tcxaa will commence on Tuesdny
the Int. of October next. Thinks for pro
gramme. ' '
tStTJu. N. Deaird oi Co. propoae to issue
the Tyler Democrat at Tyler on or about
he I'Oili inat. Success tq thia new under-
ukipg. .
'3.iri... r.f lU.an.lAI. I 1. Jl Pnn
niilli about registration and the
la is neither low nor gospel ft hat
ie git fur writing that same?
jTThe able speech of Mr. Conner our
na received loo late for the present.
...... Ti. . l .. 1. 1 : nH:i:. i r .n i
Ihhiii Ga. aenda us its card. It opprar;
lo be a large establishment with eleven
el en in power presses. This- is something
big for Iho South.
axIIjindon in the 1st District was re-
nominated to CongreBB by aoclamntion hp
was expected. His re-election is oerlaiu
lie bus made an excellent member and ex-
hibited much ability aa a speaker.
BQThelu8t Trinity Advooale contains
an rxcelelnt letter from our old friend
Col. T. J. Word accepting the nomination
for the State Senator. Wo don't aee why
uur brother of the Kaufman Btar thould
tiikc exception lo It.
8" The Two Eagles from which wc
publish soma Mexican news is published
ut l.arclo on the Uio Orando some dis-
tance above Brownsville and in the coun-
ty of Webb. It go's ett'y ncw roa'
Korlhoiu Moxino.
EayThe editor and publisher retur:
Ihiinka for complimentary tickets of ad
mission lo the tirayson County A. & M
Association whoso sixth Annual Fail
will ooiiiiieiico on thoSil of October
ucxt an 1 continue until the 2(ith.
6t3w li;lc been taken to task sever-
al times for pronouncing Dr. Livingston a
humbug and Stanley his pretended Uis
covcrcr no bellcr. Now we see many re-
spictiible uowjpapors jo:n lis in this opin--totr.
ItiiiTia (he ago of humliuge aa well
ns of corruption.
8&yM)iir fricud liingham of the Mo-
Kinney Enciuirrr hl been iu our city
hiK old huiiie ikir'mg the paBt week where
t hns many fricuda and is always a wcl
cuiue visitor. . When the railruatl is fin-
ilieJ lo his lowu w hope to aee him of-
3(-We thauk Mr. J. M. Phillip" Sec y
of ihe Ellia County Agricultural & Me-
chivnicat Association for a complimentary
ticket to the 'Slh Aannal Fair of the Aa-
aociation to be held at Waxahachie com
mencing Oct. 1st. and continuing five
days. We shall endeavor to be 03 hand.
B5 Among tbf inducements set forth
by the Waco Committee for the removal
of Ihe Capitol to that city is the state
nirntlhal within a year Ihe Eureka
Company will supply it with gas. We
bad supposed Wsoo already- eullioienUy
supplied with that article.
glj We notice the rod ical papers of the
Slate compliment very highly the inde-
pendent candidate for Congress in Ihie
District II. H. SneeeT Esq. We presume
he will get the most of the radical vole
hut will hardly nisi as wall as Bryant at
the last election.
tjy It will be seen by our republica-
tion from the Austin Statesman thai Ihe
I legram from Washington about Ihe Free-
Hernial election in Texas i all bosh. The
election will laal for four day or ll ere
will be lively lime for lh nirgera if
ihry attempt to lake possession of the bil-
lot boxes.
t3T Flake Bulletin now appear in a
(liferent dries. Il is a four page pap?r
B'1iaa Ihe heading of Flake's Galveston
Bulletin. Kow Flake is dead w see t
msii why his naaae eboold be retained.
W hy net rail Ihe Taper lh GaHrs'on
'lutleiin? It presents n very handome
piH't barn froa the Grlvesion Stmt
it af Richard KiImi L- Ihe colored in-
fiivj.1ual.ltKS Ween iatet viewed and de-
c's ne himself in favor of Pelican Island
f rlli ajiial of ihe Pi'r. He claims
it if in ihe rimer of fialvrfiorj rT
-.i aner Ihit a Jirt.t-l4s aula"
-.r-utd " the it iaod wih Kuita-
at d.fftmii buinia fur tiir
t lrr:!a'-f-t.
f It. L"l
.imiL ktika.
1 I U elre aleil .n I tiinal Mtif nine
lietHtllim W. h IT
1. 1 in. nr.
rTTIi latest tirM flom '. rn Vlr-
lli.l.i I. thai Jan. lit nt hfen re i-leninl
'linn nor ami Hint id inv Conai ilntKm
liin htli iiitrd The elrnlori for U.ii-
jiTmtii was tolj its ih law tliti not ail-
thorli It
fT" riintle ni'oiiiiur war nominated
v lliii l.oiilvllli Ci.nveiHrMi fr re..
il"iil ami John tlnlncv V.Un.. for Vim.
I'resluVni. Wa don't ililo eithsrof Ihoso
getillrmen are fmil or Icniivm enough lo
accept lit nominal ion.
Kif rnrrt ilia iiiilurienilrnl cnuUitlule
for Cntienwi iull.ia Ulsiricl will )r0.
"lily Rfl llig moil nr He imlicnl voles
notiilng mor. IIq will hardly gel a big
volo n Ur; mil.
KiyTbrj II Jin on Telrgrapli aftjr com-
ing out "I'jte a nuin" ngnlimt die removal
of lh (;..riltol now vs hrcnuse tlicr la
likc'y o he a sornnililo over ll it will
"irili" for Houston. Sniko away; no-
W.y will gel hurt much tut we had hop.
el uellcr of I lie Telegraph.
WT Mr. Winter agent for the Slrnle-
bnkfr Wngomj informs us that liis sales
nrr increasing rapidly proving li is nsser
lion of (lie aiipdiloiilr of these justly"
celebrated vehicles. Call nl ace him at
his Urpoaiiory Korth aide of JJlin cornet
of Maikct Streets.
KiT'l'lit lower portion of ifcT3lale has
bceu blessed with fine rains ol late while
we are still burnit g up with ihe heitt and
dust.. Hut our turn will ooma r.ext. For-
tunately our people made magnificent
crops of when) com en I oilier grain be-
fore t li c dry weather come on. It is only
the cotton crop which is injured.
-jyTuere was a called meeting of Ihe
young meu of Dallas on Tuesday night
r portion of ifcT?lale
last at Iho Library room.. We have not
leni ncd the purpose of tho meeting wheth-
er literary riligioua or political. We are
glad to see tho young men taking an in-
terest in all piopcr ntTuirs.
65 Freeman at Ihe City Gallery op-
posite Ihe Herald Oflice is making as
good picl urea of every kind Photographs
Gems &c ns can be made any where.
We have Been a number of his specimens
which vie with any pictures taken in the
United Slates. (Ml and see him.
CSTOur young friend David Richard
son representing the Galveston News
put in an nppearanoe yesterday morning
as full of business and as much in a hurry
as ever. Da-e always drives business
wherever he goes and wo are gratified lo
learn that Dallas has added largely lo the
subscript! 3n list of Ihe valuable paper
which he represents.
JwyFurncy is writing letters for his
papor the l'ress while on his trip to San
Diego. In (lie issuo of tho 2Gih ul;. we
have his first an interesting one written
on the cars before reaching Ogdcn 881)
miles from San Francisco. . Wo wait for
his description of San Diego and Southern
California wilh much expectation ofplcaa-
ure. CST'Ve see in the Texas Clnrion of
August 30th a list of nppoinlnienls by
iho lion. W. P. McLean democratic can-'
ilidale for Congress from this District be
ginning at Cusela on the 17ih inst. and
ending at Mount Pleasant on the 2?th of
Ooto':er. He will speak at Dallas on Ihe
7lh of Ootober.
SovniKBx Ohgan jisd Family VisiTon.
Dr. John W. Hamou the editor of this
Icmpeiance papr which is published al
New Oilcans La. hns been in our city
.luring the last week and ou last Sunday
-veiling addressed a crowded nulicnte al
ihc Methodist Church. He inforiss us
hat his pnper has a large circulation iu
this Slate. Its terms arc $2.00 per year
for a single copy clubs less.
SSsfAt lust Ihe confused polit ics of etir
neighbor Slate Louisiana seem to be set-
lliu down into something like order. The
lemoerals ihc reformers and Ihe liberals
have finally united on a ticket The dem-
oc nils retain Ihe candidate fcr Governor
McKnery and Ihe liberals ht-ve Ihe Lieut
Governor Penn whilo the reformers glo-
ry in some of the minor offices. We trust
this will etick and llint the State may be
redeemed from radiool thralldom.
t?MVe refer the editor of the Waxa
hachie Democrat lo Ihe communication of
E. G. Bower Esq. the Seorelary of the N.
T. A. M. & B. S. Association in answer
to lh complaint preferred in a late num
berof that paper. We regret that the two
County Fairs have been fixed for Ihe same
time.s Cannot the- Waxahachie Fair be
put off unlil tli week after ours t The
sitting of Ihe Court her would seriously
interfere wilh a poslponment on our part.
EnS-Mr. J. J. Fendley. of Ihe firm of
Fendley & Miller left her on Tuesday
night last for Louisville Ky. where he
will lay in a heavy stock of pnre Jiqnors
of all kinds and particularly Kentucky
and Tennessee whiskies. This firm will
open an exclusively wholesale establish-
ment on Ihe eouth side of Ihe square and
will have their stock In (tor Inside of
forty day.
Oi?" If such straight out papers as Ihe
New I'ork Day-tiook and such tried and
true democrats as Judge Black of Penn-
sylvania can support Greeley under the
circumttances we can not understand
low any Southern democrat at least can
hrailnle. It must be evidant that the peo-
ple of the South have much lo gain hy hi
election and everything lo dread from Ihe
re-election of Grant. Cne r Ihe other
must be the next President and Ihe dem-
ocrat who doc not vote will indirectly
aid in electing Grant and continuing rad-
ical rale. Can ary beaut ma a desire
this? If not let him do his level beat I e
prevent il. Let every democrat vole and
vote for Grerlry. Il ia the be;t thing he
can do. ' Who doe Ih best hie eiream
stance allowa does well act nobly."
Baits: ad Ilia Baikes. Our friend
i of ihe Jrfieraon Time think eur Lite re
' marks alniiit 3rick Pomrroy "iUioei1 ill-
limed and uniu'L" Well wc don't tLiak
1 so il is aa koaeal difference of opiuinn
-.We have nevrr been an admiaer of Brifefc
or hij papr or hie yle of wiiieg. Every
man lo ha laaie. But eaa friend Ixiugh-
I cry defend Crick s advocacy f HiJiard-
m in lak ing I bo wife of MrFariand?
f he ripl.l in grlling cb-ar (if l is own
ife er.d priiirig nn..iber ? Wis be right
m c.i'ii'irjr girl tii C-iubi cicul before
I irif iiroirf i'l litre! lwrliTig her?
( .-mI i t.ni..i; ij( aB'l t-nr vf.Wvm
ff lli piihtlnhef f Id Hr.au M
rei thai h I ala ile!;d In enmmene
Ing Hi lasu eflh Tri weekly IImuii.
Hi titw fnmft prens das reaeheil ua and
I eel up till iikfnrtiinalaly an Impnrlaat
purlin ha beetj left behind wllhnul
which w eannoi ruH lh l"ola
soon aa w ran iHpply ll nil" 'tig par'
we will at one commence our Irl-woekly.
W lad Imped that we ahmild be all ready
for I hie with l!i commencement of Ihe
new volume of the weekly but wear dia-
appointed and must wait a while.
11 nil Away. On Monday last two hor-
e belonging lo Mr. Joseph A. Leonard
which were hitched to a buggy and aland
Ing on lh east aid of Ihe Ctiirlhouae
square look li lght and run with great
speed down Commerce street in Ihedirea
lion of ih new bridge. At the entrano
of Ihe bridge Ihry came In contact with a
'wtgon belonging to Mr. Murrltleld whose
wlla was aitiing in ll and forcing It al
most entirely around dually broke off tho
tongue of the buggy and wenl kiting over
Ihe bridge lo Ihe further end of Ihe river
bottom where they were fouud with Ihe
leg of on of them broken in two places
no doubt by Iho striking against It of the
broken tongue. Mrs. Mcrrifield was not
injured but a lot of inn clirs in tho wnaou
look lire by Ihe concussion which a buck
et of water soon ox .inguisheil.
Orr rou tiik F homier. Our friend
from Austin familiarly known as Cnpl.
Wush. Hill has been in our city tho past
week with n parly destined for Ihe fron-
tier. This party in charge of CapL Hill
is sent out by Ihe Central llailroad loaur
vry and locale lands for the Company in
the counties of Hardeman ICnox Wilbar
ger and Itnylor ko. It will consist of
about sixty in number all well armod and
ready fjr resimuueo should the red men
Interfere. Thcso however will have lit
tle inducement as the parly is ou foot
using oxen for their baggage wagons in
Mead of horses an excellent idea. We
wish friend Hill and his party which in
cludci several young men cf our acqualn
lane" great luck.
The present number completes the XlXth
Volume of ihe Hkkalu. It is also the
close of a year's labor of the present edi-
tor upon it and with it he slops lo reflect
Has he douo his duty? At least lie has
tried. Has the publio been benefitted by
his exertiotiB? He hopes so it is for the
patrons of the Herald to decide. During
I lie time Ihe subscription list of Ihe IIkr
AL) has hetn steadily increasing and it
has now muoh the largest circulation of
any pnper in Northern Texas. Tho pro
prielor and publisher has dono everything
in his power to plcaso his patrons and to
increase the popularity of Ihe Herald
with whioh be hns now been connected for
many long years. He has just procured
a fine new power press upoh which tho
weekly Heuald will hereafter be printed
as well as the tri-wtekly soon to bo issued.
Tho completion of tho railroad to this city
and tho telcgrnphio communication which
we now have wilh every part of the world
will enable us lo render Iho Herald still
more Interesting and valuable to its sub
scribers whilo there will be no enhance
incut of the price. May wo not indu'ge
Iho hope that hey will aid us in giving
still greater ' circulation lo tho IIekald
and thus incrsaso its capability of being
useful ? They can judge of the future by
the past. While the Herald is a parly
paper n democratic paper carrying out
the decisions of the demooratio parly as
given in propsrly constituted Conven-
tions at Ihe same lime il is independent
and out-spoken on all subjects of public
interest yet moderate practical and con-
ciliatory in its course. We ask only an
unprejudiced judgment on Ihe past and a
liberal confidence for tho future. And bo
wc close up Ihe volume before us and open
a new book.
A Radical Argument.
All old lady bulbing nt Long Branch
with her spectacles ou tut without her
nig was recently lukon for Mr Greeley
and drew. tt large crowd. S. A. lixprett.
This is about a fair spcoimen of the ar
guments ured against the elcatfon of Mr.
Greeley lo Ihe Presidency. The radical
press unable tc point out any serious ob
jections lo him except that he has been
accepted as the democrat io candidate re
sort to ridicule ai.d uMeii on hi personal
appearance nnd uncourlly maimers. Now
it may be line that Mr. Greeley is not an
Adonic in peison nor a Chesterfield indo-
portment but tlieso are not essential for
iho Presidency they are what few people
possess a ud they are not proper matters
for tho idle laughter of any bit fools.
There are'some essential qualities for of-
fice and especially the high office of Presi-
dent which Mr. Greeley ia admitted gen-
erally lo possess a naturally strong mind
a large amount of information and exper-
ience aad an incorruptible honesty in
matters of finance. He is alao frank and
bold in tho exprcsaion of bis views and
opinions whatever they may be. These
qualities are not subjects - of ridicule
they are solid and substantial and wotth
more than all the mere outside persoaal
elegance in ihe world.
But how about Grant? la there any-
thing remarkable in his appearance and
manner that his friends should attempt
lo raise a laugh al hia opponent by con-
trast? We bava never seen the famed
Ulysses nothing but hi pictures and
they are sorry enough" exhibiting little
intellect and having a dull and stupid
look anything but attraotive. ..
We stoiJ a month at Washington and a
week at Long Branch when he was about
boib places without seeing this radical
paragon of grace and beauty. On express-
ng some regret that we had missed going
over from New York to Long Branch on
the same boat with the President and
thus lost the opportunity of a near inepeo-
tion of lb gnat smokisl a merchant of
thai city and a republican at that assur
ed us that we had lost nothing worth see
ing as Grant was lh most ordinary look-
ing man in tha crowd. While (hen t' e
President of the Tiadicals has neither good !
looks nor polished manners he is at the!
mm time destitute of information nat
ural ability and common honesty either
public or private lie aland coo Tic led
of a total m of tnessoiy or of (omething
worn in the ease of Andrew Johnson and
ol Uea. I'lrasanton. Il is a matter of proof
I hat he baa accepted gifts and appointed
the donors to oflice which amounts to bri-
bery. He has grossly neglected his pub-
lic duties and associated wi lb low and dis-
reputable character lit ha disgraced
lb exalie position he occupies the party
who pot bis 'here and the country h be
lanes In and eipewea. His sins are too
enormous t laneb ai the very thought
ol them it painful. intend lo atak a
I rerloiis work wiib Grant and hi snpport-
urra while thev are indulging in Ih pas-
liwe of lidie'jlirg Greelry. Perhaps af-
ivr meoil tr ne. ihetr laughter will be
turned iu"' weeping anl
I " l-liiDf if l 'h. Anyhov
wailing and I
we shall irv 1 t
In (lnofllilnn "'n of Jifl
l l Kraft at lull whir h ma I
speech leal week our friend Josaeljn of
lh Herald Unit mndrMly bring In hi
own personal piilabrlliida i ''The Judge
looking In (tcellenl plight fur a haohalor
lik nuranlf Willi errel and dignified bear-
ing and ipoilM whit veal" Joel lo
se I bra two well f reserved beam of
half a century ago belrg Ironed out
with erect and dignified bearing and
pollen whit teste." tVo. Cmfuiii.
Pulahrltiidel" That gala us. W are
as dumbfounded a lh poor flih woman
was at Ihe mathematical cursing of O'Con.
nell. We can't make It out Wt hav
hunted over Webster' Unabridged In vain
for btoiher Sltmrt'a killing word. He don't
usually indulge In unintelligible language.
We can generally comprehend him with
out resorting lo a dictionary. Hut now
we ponder and are puttied. Our "person
al piilnbrlludo 1" What ia it? Have we
any lo bo proud of? Have we any more
than our brother of Ihe Civilian? Possi-
bly he lulonds it for a fulluess of Ihe flesh.
If so we can beat him for he is of Iho
lean Cassins kind spoken of by the poet
aa fit for "trcosou s Ira lego m aud spoils .'
Sti'.l we have nothing to boast of in that
line or lo "modestly bring" before the
public. Nor havo wo "an crcot and dig-
niiiod bearing" nor can wo exhibit a
potlcss white vest" like unto that sport
ed hy Judgo Evans on Ihe occasion de-
scr ibed. The phrase "like oursolf" re-
ferred simply to Ihe bachelorship in this
wo were alike aud there the likeness
endod. We havo not been "trotted out'
as a "well preserved beau of a half centu
ry'' but tho Judgo has been by his radi
cal friends in convention assembled and
we all have the privilege of admiring hit
I'pulnbrilude." The Civilian must be
careful. It has stretched its grammar as
well rb its dictionary iu order to get off
the pleasant paragraph we havo quoted.
Try again hrolhor Sluart. We will for
Hive your coupling us with Ihe radical
candidate for Congress if you will ex-
plain Ihe "pulabritude."
Eilltor of the Dallas Hcsai d :
The Directors of Ihe N. T. A. M. & B. S
Association in the mouth of April last
deoided lo hold the annual Fair of said
Association beginning on the 1st of Oo-
lober. The Directors did not thou know
that the Ellis county Association had des-
ignated that time for holding the Fair in
that counlv. and were never notified
thereof until a few days ego. When we
did find out that their Fair commencod on
the 1st of October our Premiums bad been
ordered shipped so as to arrive Lore by
the 1st of said month and that prevented
our chnnglng our time to an earlier one
and Ihe fact that our Distriot Court con-
venes on the 7th day of Ootober preven-
ted our changing lo a later day. If the
officers of the Ellis County Association
had notified our Directors of Ihe time of
holding their Fair no contliot would havo
In renlv to the intcrrocatory of the
Wxahachie Democrat man who Beems
desirous of finding fault with Bomebody
I would say that no bad faith has been
nracliced by this Association towards any
othor Association and that we hope your
Fair will in. every particular be a suo
cess. Respectfully &c '
E. G. Bower
Seo'y N. T. A. M. & B. S. Asso.
Bureau or Immioratioji.J. I
njusTO.v Texas Aug. 27 1872. J
Editor Herald :
Sir A large tide of immigration being
expected for our State next Fall it is un-
doubtedly Ihc interest of every county to
disseminate a true account of itself give
a short description such as appeared iu.
the Texas Almanao of 1807 nnd 1871 and
thereby assist the immigrant- lo choose his
future homo. If possible a co-nmittee of
Ihe most influential men of your county
should tnke this matter in hand and cause
the publication in pamphlet form of 200
or moro copies of a-description of your
county also to nid arriving immigrants.
Several counties have already formed such
organizations; they have given publioity
lo the ndvanlages ln price of land labor
facility of communication of tho respect-
ive countv. and it is desirable thai their
example should be followed by overy oth-
er. Copies of Bitch descriptions are desir-
ed for circulation by this Bureau so that
they may be frnnamitlcd to all luquinug
therefor. Very respectfully
Superintendent of Immigration.
Whereas It has pleased Ihe Almighty
Father of the Universe to remove from
our midst by the hand of ou assassin
onr worthy Brother Matthew Green who
was ' murdered in the southwest part of
Ihe county sometime in February 1872
Whereas Brother Green wns a mem-
ber of Grapevine Lodge No. 288 A. F. &
A. M. in good standing well worthy the
honor; a good man and a useful citizen
Retolved 1st That in his death we have
lost one who though but a short time a
Mason gave promise of becoming a bright
and shi ling light among his brethren
yet we bow in humble submission to the
will or Him "who doeth all things well."
Retolved 2nd That in this dispensa-
tion of Providence we see another in-
sle.no of Ihe nncertainly of life and tho
approach of our own dissolution.
Rctoleeii 8d That we sympathise with
the family and friends of the deceased in
their deep grief and share with them the
hope that our loss is his e ernal gain.
Retolved 4th That one oopy of these
Resolutions be forwarded to the family of
the deceased and another to the Dallas
IIebald for publication.
It. F. Boals )
O. G. Thornton V Committee.
W. P. Btsnor J
Departed this life on the 21st August
Minnie Belle eldest child of Walter and
Annie Caruth. Born April 15:h 186
she was six years four mouths and days
Of a frail and delicate constitution lit-
tle Minnie had been in feeble health for
several months but was violently at
tacked three weeks before her demise.
Patient and unmurmuring she gently
bore her sufferings till life slowly ebbed
away and she sunk back int th arc
of tho All merciful Father.
Gentle and generous she was loved by
everyone. Though caressed by kindred
she wa amiable to a fault while her de-
meanor had in it lb dignity of woman
and the simplicity of the child. But aa if
of loo pure a mould sh was taken in
childhood to a more genial clime.
The sympathy and attention of kindred
and frieuda and lh akill of the very beat
physicians could not stay the band of
death. She was called 10 her plac in the
mansions above and she must needs
obey the summons.
True mysterious are Thy providences.
Coming lo na when least we tbink and
plucking from th hearthstone th very
one around whom first conjugal affection
clustered and leaving us in an abyss of
sorrow. "But of such" it is said "is the
kingdom of God." She has gone but to
mark -lh way and to anchor paternal
heart -in th haven above. Attemper
Thy judgments. Our Father wilh mercy
and bring from under the cloud after
awhile to join th little one beneath tb
tree and beside the tioa of Life.
W. H. 8.
Daliaa BopL 1 1872.
No Lady's Toilet Complete
L'nVs ihere be the fragrant Somhiovt;
naio the hreaih eweet ojrt it Imparls
the guina a ruby redness soon aasuine Ihe
- vuh quick Ttval alabaster lint and tee in
.". lil il (im.it H an i in
IIaI.vUitoh Bcpl 0 f N
Nw ViiNM fcVpl. ft Cowerland has re-
published Id Inter from Manlon Hnrb'e
ul lc ii 1 1 ii a report of hi declining
beat h. Kaioer Burk. tent fMm hem a
a lh Vicar tenmicftla iJomiuloan
Order Iu Aa.e.Ua tie at the point ef
Th Coinmlllij J i In'i rm G'C'.unor of
hla nomliinllou r ill nievt hitu en Tuatday.
II stilted lo ret. rled yesterday that he
eonaldrred office aceklng on of the evils
of Ihe day and he had made up his mind
not lo go into that business.
Th Herald World nnd Tribune think
the State ticket a vory good one. The
Times is confident Inat It will be badly
beaten aud ihinks th nomination of Kor-
unn au Dcpew particularly weak.
IiALTUIone Kept u. Schooner .McUco
with three pnssciigoro and twenty-seven
ofthecrowof the Stcamor liieuville rn.
eently burned at sea arrived at this port
una morning.
Syracuse Sept. O.--TI13 two conven-
tions adopted harmonious resolutions and
met in joint session and adjourned im
die. The following is among iho resolu
lions adopted :
"The oondition of the country Is audi as
to demand the sacrifice of past prejudices.
The tone of the administration has been
lowered; the civil eei vioehas grown cor-
rupt; the military power is too readily re-
sorted to; the Bureaus at Washington have
became centres of favoritism and jobbers
and the Southern Slates under a system
of military oppression and diotallcn have
been subjected to robbery and waste which
has already imposed on thorn nearly four
Hundred millions of debt depressing in-
dustry and hindering immigration by de-
straying (heir oredit and exposing the
oountry to Ihe ehow ond contagion of re
New Youk Sep. 6. Cotton firm; Up.
lands 22Jo. ; Orleans 22J ; Good Ordina-
ry 20.
Gold Btcady at 113). B.
Indian Fight in Montague.
We have seen several of the parties
who were in the chose after the Indians
and fought them in Montague county and
from thorn we learn the particulars
which in substance is as follows:
' On Friday evening the 10th nil. it
was discovered that Indians were iu the
setlementa ou Denton creek. During that
nitrht. tho news spread through the settle
ment and a plan was laid to bag tho
whole party sixteen in number with
about twenty loose horses. It was ascer
tained thai the Indians Had passed
through Montncuo county into Wise
thence into Denton and Ccok. (Those
four counties oil corner close together.
A party of twenty odd white men were
sent to a point eomo distance ahead and
were there lo await the coming or me in
dians. A second party of whiles were to
follow nnd drive them upon the first par
ty. Unfortunately the pursuing whites
orowded the Indiana too olosely causing
them to diverge from (heir usual course
passing eix miles south f where the
whites were stationed The pursued and
pursuing woro traveling at a rnpid pace
and when Ihe whiles first came up wilh
the In dians they were ordered to chorgo
them but owing to the fact that the ma-
jority of the whites were on inferior po-
nies which by this time wore run down
the order could not be obeyed only
eighteen or twenty shots being fired the
Indians pressing on with their stolen nor.
By this time all but five of Ihe
while men's horses had fagged ; but these
the Indians a second time. When the In-
dians found they wore overtaken by so
small a party they turned upon thoir
pursuers who gave way before such supe
rior numbers and fell back Inward the
settlements. At the first fire froa the In-
dians Esquire ltobertsfrom Monlnngo coun-
ty had his horse wounded ; he abandoned
the disabled animal and took refuse iu
tho tall grass. The wholo body save Hie
hindmost Indian passed him who disco
evered his plnco of concealment. As
soon as Roberts saw that he wis discover-
ed he fired' killing the Indian instant-
ly. Roberts then tried to got Ihe Indian's
horse but Lo was tied too securely to be
released. Roberts then crept off somo
distance nnd hid himsolf iu ft clump of
busi es wLere he remained until the In-
dians relumed from their chnse when
they set up Buch a howl over their dead
companion so as to fairly make tho wel-
kin ring. They then passed on out of
the country and Bobcrts rotuined to the
settlements. Ganctville Gazette.
California. San Francisco Aug
29 Col Tlios. U.iScott'B arrange
nients nro porfectcd whereby the
Texas Pacific Railroad Company
succeeds to all tho rights and prop-
erty of San' Diego and Gila. The
Hatlroad Company receives tne
richtof way through San Diego city
and county; ono hundred acres of
tide lands on San Diego bay and a
terminated dunot lot covoniur u
snaeo of COO by 15.00 feet. Tho
Texas Company has agreed to put
throo parties of cnginoors into tho
tiold at onco to locato the route and
to commence work of construction
from San Diego eastword as soon as
tho lino is located.
Los Anglos and ' San Bernard
conntics offer to voto subsidios lo
aid tho enterprise
If you desire rosy cheeks and a com-
plexion fair and free from Pimples Blotch-
ec and Eruptions purify your blood by
taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Med'ual Dis
covery. -
Geo. P.Rowell St Co. Advertising Agents
41 Park Row N.Y. receive advertisements
for nil American newspapers at publish-
er's lowest priosa.
It is stated that the Greeley Clubs in
Maryland contain over 8000 colored vo-
ters. ' ..... .
Spalding's Glue cheap convenient use-
ful. . . .
Ordinances of tbe City of Dallas.
An Ordinance amending See. S econd of i
Ordinance entitled " A Ordinance for
the prevention of fire;" approved Aufiut
13 1872. Ordained Sept. Sd 1872.)
Section 1. Be ( ardained by the t'i.'y
Council of the City of Dalla; That aeoi Ion
eecond of an ordinance entitled "An Or.
dinance for th prevention of fires" np-
proved August IS lan be amended t as
lo read as follows 10-wu :
Sec. 2. That no person eball hereafter
erect or cause to be erected within Ihe lim-
it of the fire diatrict of said city steam
eaain. foundry blacksmith hop bakcy
or establishment for boiling soap or 01 her
similar establishment nor shall any prr-
son hereafter without the consent of the
City Covineil erect or cause to be ereeled
any building or any addition to any
building heretofore erected within the
limit of said fire diatrict unless tbe
enter walls thereof be brick or stone laid
in mortar having a slat or metal roof.
Sec. 2. That this ordinance anan laae
effect and be in foree from aad after ita
passag and due publication.
Approved Sept. 3d 1872 and published
Sept. 7 1872.
1 ..t-.-h.- H n . - I X'
11 n o. 1 a 1 oi iii.
R. S. Darir Secretary.
An Ordinance regulating Canpinj and Wtg-
tn Yitrdl fithuk the Corporal Umilt a
CVfjr of Dai lot. (Ordainei
Sectioj 1. Be it ordained b the City
O.iinrtl nf ihe City of Datlnt That it rball
fvr travelers
lltl w
Illy of I'sllse iff ll l h In regularly
lleenead ffsgon van). Any nti violating
ih iirovialiina of Ihlt esilnn knowingly
ah a 1 1 upon (nnvlellon thereof befur lh
Mayor b fined In any aunt not leal llian
five nor more than twenty fin dollar.
Hto. 9. That Ih proprietors of wagon
jaidt shall take eveiy precaution ueoea-
lary for Ih prevention of fire and lh
accumulation of tilth suuh a would be
ocilculalod lo oreat dlsette or become a
nuisance. Any person violating the pro-
vision of Ihla aeulion shall upon coovlo
tlon thereof before Iho Mayer be fined in
any sum not Use than five nor more than
twenty-fire dollars.
Sec. 8. That Ihla ordlunnco shall lake
elTeat and be in force from and after il
patsaf and due publication.
Approved -1 1872 published Sept.
7lh 1872.
H. 8. ERV AY Mayor.
A Heat: R. S. Duu(.Y Sec'y.
A n Ordinance A mending See. 4 0 an Ordi-
f.imct entitled "An Ordinance Levying
Taxet approved Mag 11 1872.
( Ordained Augmt 27 1872.)
Section 1. lie it ordained hi the City
Council of the City of JJallat That Seolion
four of an ordinance entitled "An Ordi-
nance Levying Taxes" approved May 11
1872 be and the same is hereby amended
so aa lo read aa follows:
Sec. 4. That there shall be levird on
and collected from every person firm or
association or persona pursuing any or
the following namcu occupations within
the corporate limits of said city an an-
nual tax (except when otherwise herein
provided) ou every occupation or Bei'oT-
ole establishment as follows . For selling
spirituous vinous malt and other intoxi-
cating liquors in quantities less than a
quart one bundled and fifty dollars pro
vided mat inia section enau not. do so con
atrited na to Inolude any wines manufac
tured in this State from the domestic
grape. For every billiard table fifty
dollars. For every bagatelle pigeon hole
or Jenny Lind table or anything of the
kind used for pleasure or profit twenty
dollars. . Fur every nine or ten pin alley
used for profit two hundred dollars. For
every girt enterprise five dollars per day
for Ihe first three days it may be carried
on nnd one dollar per day for every day
thereafter. Every person firm or corpor-
ation who shall sell anything with a
promise either expressed or implied to
give anylh'ng in consideration of Buch
sale or purchase shall bo 1 egarded as a
proprietor of a gift enterprise. For
every circus menagerie oreqacstian exhi-
bition Ibirty dollars for each day. For
every exhibition of any kind travelling
with any circus show or menagerie
whether connected or interested in any
way with the sum or not when a separate
fee for admission is demanded or received
five dollars for every day in which fees
for admission are roocived. For every
wagon yard fifty dollars. lor every
j Portable swing or flying horses for which
pay is demanded or received for swinging
or riding two dollars for oaoh day pay is
received. For every theatre or dramatio
representation or ebow of puppets wax
figures nnimnls or any display of tumb
ling Teats or rope or wire danoing ai
slight of hand pugilism magicians ven-
triloquist performance or representation
or any musical concert performance or
other publio exhibition for which pay for
admission is demanded or received for
encn rcpretciitation thereof Jive dollar; pro
vided lliat any public exhibition or enter.
1 inmni iven for a charitnhle. lilnrarv
j 50ieDiiii0 0r religious purposo or for Ihe
benefit of any tiro compnny in said city.
shall not be herein included. For every
browery fifty dollars. From overy travel
ing meruhaut or peddler not less than one
dollar nor more than three dollars in the
sound disorction of the Assessor aud col
lector for each day iu which he may pur
sue his vocation ; provided that nothing
herein contained be so construed as to
inolude colpovlers or Bible agents or-peri
sons selling niorul religious or liierary
books maps charts or paiutings or ven
dors of fruit or fruit trees or goods or
wares exclusively manufactured iu DnlliiB
county and provided further that any foot
peuuier may procuro n uccuso as sucn
upon the following lenns: Eight dollars
for one month twelvo dollnre fur two
months sixteen dollars for llires months.
twenty-five dollars for six months and
forty dollars for ono year. From auc
liontera five dollars fcr each day they
shall so act; provided that any resident
oitizen of the city of Dallas wishing lo
l.ecome an auctioneer in said oily mny
proonre lioense for the eamo upon Iho fol-
lowing .terms ; one dollar for one day;
three dollars for one week ; five dollars
for two weeks; eight dollars for one
month; fifteen dollars for two months;
twenty dollars for threo months; twenty-
five dollars for six months; fifty dcl-
lars for one year. For every person or
firm dealing in stocks or bills of ex-
change fifty dollars. For every hotel
twenty-five dollars. For every cook shop
eating house restaurant or publio board-
ing house ten dollars. For every livery
stable twenty-live dollars. For every dis-
tillery one hundred dollars. From every
sewing machine agent len dollars. From
every traveling agent selling or barter-
ing patent rights patent or specific mel-
icines ten dollars. From every life nnd
fire insurance agent five dollars. From
every physician surgeon or dentist five
dollars. From every practioing attorney
?5 00. . From every owner or operator of
a daguerrean or such like gallery by
whatever name it may be known or oallcd
ten dollars. From every person or firm
keeping a barber shop two dollars and
fifty cents for each and every chair there-
in at which a barber works. F'rora every
pawn-broker fifteen dollars. For every
publio ferry or loll bridge ten dollars.
From every person buying or selling upon
oommissioo tweniy-nve dollars. . rrom
every land scent five dollars. . The term
land agent shall he construed lo mean
any person or members of a firm or asso-
ciation of perrons performing for compen-
sation any of the following services:
Purchasing or selling real esiat for oth-
ers purchasing or selling land certificates
examining into land claims belonging lo
others and reporting on the condition
thereof. But the term land acent shall
ant bfl an rnnatrued or Inlernrated aa lo 1
levy any tax. in addition lo the five dol
lars levied On any lawyer or any duly
licenced attorney at law.
Sec. 2. That ibis ordinance shall lake
effect and be In force from and after it
passage and due publication.
Approved Ana. 27 1872 an Pallnhwl Aug. 31 71
Hexby 8. ERVAY Mayor.
R. 8. DKCLY Secretary.
DlsOllr bjr li Projftlttora at Bhl-
daia In Hollaad.
An Invicormtinit Tonic nnd Med.
iclnal rjereratie.
Warranted rrft!y naie.and free from all 41.
trrloqi enhttanees. It t dUlllled fmaa B.at-av ml
thawHit.qHiy.aHb Aaimane Jrarrra Bta-
v or Ivl'.V a4 deaiemed afrmJl r m f Dv.
raraiA. r laeioaavuMi laoeavp Oocr nu
rux.GEVKRAl Daan-iTV.ClvAaaaor vna BLanara.
rl ia tbe Bin and Sreaaca and all dianae of
th L'maiai Ovmura. It rl" ""f ' Aani-
. aaavxa aad Citmu hi tk Bunia rtiwicta-
ene and lovi(orata lb qlsuai aad laarertaJ arr-
venutiva aad cm at that dreadful rcoarfa riwr
and Ago.
CAfTIOX! A.a tor "Ht-oeoa 9. Wotr" Bru.
fur eal j all raspKtale (rorare aod npotkata-
lri. I riOS O. Vt OUt CO.. St-l lmpflrfra.
' CBlt. IS ontll vrilll.mSt S. T.
Sub:cribc lo llic Pallaj Heralp.
'cr..M nenktv hv wfM.HWI &"". I..I-
are In th -ferie soil Piutleirfia Mtla etierl tne
dvvr tint i Hit Tiil'llt Si'tia.
ran is com
Pali as tyitnln tl 119.
fUiuhi.1 ft 00 i Ml
Applu t-nt. .
l'rIM w.
fttaoa. Nirr
Ilutltr tumiiellu
Onrn (utw)
flour r. .r Inn It
II Idea jr'en tith
by. t la
Mr a I Vlnili
Mutative Soi-Kliuin Vin'1--.
UoMuii tij uiti
OutH Vb'Ull
(ItliollH V hu.ili
P..ik fclt.
IVii-Im itrlnl Vlh
PillHltHII lllrtllM h.
Potato Hweet
Hull l.iitiiool jjur HH0k
Wlimil 'ftiilHli
f ta
in f.l
- u
40 fit
it (id
i to (.11 na
......... Iiollt.
a t
10 11
I..... i';yv if
.. LO ea Vo
........ 1 (HJ
1 Ml
M 1 SS
ill Ml
till 00
a 10
a i IU
Oj 11 Ml
4 to
1 Jo
t lniih 1 'J
..'(.!liili a 00
Rcmnininff In tho Vot OfUre at PilUi Ffp..
1H7. tin. ifiiot called fur' w I OH n ito ilnya from
this (ia'o.wlll lu uut to Uio Dead Luttor uftkOVaali'
IRK ton I). C.
Allen D P
Anderson John W
Ifeernnn William .
Adnmi E 0
An nan Louis
ftee W M
llnnvers 8 M
Birdwell Kv R
Jlonn Mrs line hid
jturrowson Lilly
Hull Imvtf H
llrame llarwuod
llruaaoale C J
Hit r Carol i tie
Buatram Dr
Bancroft Bradluy
Bally A J
Cade Mrs Vllot
Caiman Win Ha
Crlder M V
Cunada Mundy
Clitesa John
Cnntou Mr.
Coleman Jamas 2
Cut l llttrryii
Gompton Qtorge
Gate M M
Cole Mlits Fannie 3 '
Coco ran Carrla
Crittenda Dm
Colllnn A 8 "
' Dradfl R M
Dorson Low Is
DhvIh Quo V
Davidson Dr. Ben
David hoii B K
KrHck Wm
Klllott J It
Fleinmlngt Mrs Jitoe
Kloyed I'etor
Fnrrnll Frank
Fritz Cluis W 2
droiy Dick
(jieorgfl tib 2
(hiHliivnon QiiKlav
Oillpy Michael
flolma Surah U
Hlrka E M
Jlart J tines
Jlorton J V
Ilnntead Jusejili
11.11 .1 N
Utllbei u Miaa M A 2
HodcM ShIUb
.liilieu Jfl) It
Joee J 8
ilniiex J A
JuC'h John 51
.loiteai W J
Jimis Lou A
KiiMi 11 L
Kvitedy Kuht
iikI.-- J Y
l.mlooiior Lony
Lnniiiiti Ifout
lather 5ib
Mor.iet Mury
M ul in Mm dm A
Mot no Jovrh 'i
ItlontKOincry Julia
Mullock J It
NuMi y K A
Mutiny A H
Mt'CrllU A ll
MMticJ A
' Nif;ht An.ty
Ovm-i'ii I
Tilce Bennett
l'ik f. in.
1'iuhoro Mary
I'iiIIlmi M
'i-inou Joron
Kodgvrs Di US
liM J
lt'l'iio"n J II
Uul.)' I. II
Hv.ltlln-T It '
Itttudiill W ni
tSmllh Alt'H-d .M
t-nllcii Ik-IIm
hii'in M in Carrie
ht-oit ;ii
Mnitoid J
ie.-M J V.
Hllptll M-iry II
fMiitlrr I' F
Hillniiiii .Siillio
r-j'ier 1' 11
Tyl. rtieo X
1'tiotiipHoii John
Ti-dwell Muiiios
Turner Clintt
VuniiT Julit
V aniur Hi ll
ihon JtrtcpU
wiih-tt .i t;
Wulkor Mra f. m.o.
WiIfmio Kite
ood. W A
Itoiilijf l V
llmiidculitirg itauinol
J) 11 all Bobort
Hlt.rkl.nrn It R
Iton hlcy Pdier
IJtUtermJlU Mtn
natter cfttorir
UitnkheAil lUrduer
llrlttoii D L
.Bullock ( buries 3
Bonrdmati A F It
Reim B M
Chios William
Oruin W A
Oox Sampson
Coleman M K
CAldwellH II
Cleiidon Jnlm M
''ml t re Joint M
Carroll J H
CnrlioH Ilaiinnli
Contiett U 0
Collier V 0
Collinn FF
Cot Stun ley
Colo A I In rt
PmilltHii Sam'l P '
Burnett MouriH)
Diivls J U
Dotty hell
Dpvis Alford
Knm B
Ei win Jaiiien
KiirgUHou Wm S
rttlkertinn Nkk II
Kuniill J D
derceipeti AugiHiui
Oret'ii Ci'Ok
(tray Klizubuth
Gnucl) L J
GlosB tin ii ford
Uuritivr L ii
Mouth John 3
llitrrlgml John
H title on Miitlio
Howiird Suriili A
'"lillrioii W J
Jnincri A IMt
Jeter J II
elm-knoll Jerry
Joiuw V ulinr
Join;r Willliim
Ki'hwoII Climli-y
Kfj ii N.-wtoi A
Ixiiika IJt .loojiili
l.mlliftlrr .1 ll
J.Hi i a LC
LiHWitin I H
liin y riiilviiiaii
SI'ii tin itaph
iMnmU Moll it) .
Morru Miss K
Mitiliewtfou J 51
Moniu J J
Martin K F
MnDutlj Bryiin
M'l'iirty Jttiiivn) -Nohlo
A It
0 wim) Andrew 1'
I'oller A A ;i
I'rciiricu uiini
IVern hvo A
I'rien Jim l
I'wik Or. It W
Uudgi-M Ctipt
Htdiii.smi (j
Klioi J X
Rafot ty Mary A
Bejfnolrtf Brtm'l
&uwi! A tl K
i?lenci)r C K
Schmidt Ml uC
.Stoiir II I
rit-wlt J M
Hlnuylitrr Julin A
.lop J V
Hiiouk n r
St(.-veu$ Hninllo
StrRltlin 'rituiiiau
Tiai-t O
Taylor Kllflm II
Tini..y I M
Tuylor Tommy
Vim Wii klo I' 0
Vpjii Jtilm
ilwon Allan Y
Wirio Cnit Fruik
WuL-lor John V
Willrt Jonrpli
Wi.oJtido holm
Wnlkur aU'titinid
Wllllnnis 1'nrs
Yrtiidnll A J
.wvitjlu 31 18 31 A
It H TiKirs Si Co
Dinwii A iliiuiiiMiii
Mai all 1 tiltfckiiitf
D 0 CKper. Ft Scotl Ktia Jolm Kepler Ft.
Scull; Crtpi Hild Mniiflild; billy Fane BollavHIe
Ark; U J Jeultlu Alvai-aiio; n n noinuiw'i'uci
Kiuiu Ahles bhruvepurt.
Fursuns rnlliiiK foraiy of Ui fw letters win plcaat
pay ''tvorti-e.i.' wn. J"?i-.- rot inm-M
I wnteTfralexpi ienrr(I Milk men nrqnnlnt-
edwllh the Dairy lnwlnef. to milk and attend to
my dairy etc. Good wage will pW. AM at
f)2r3w. .
lti.mtnor.rt A Mnvn rl l'1"- for hr present
at Ihe Furniture store ..f Mwrs. .l-has. Martina
Co. on Main U-iaeen Market and Austin streets
wiiert) their friend are ihviied to call.
Sept. 7 inn-ai.tr.
Tlie qrderslcnsil notifies all rn lndeMa
. ! . m.mm J. Ila M ihdl 11 illl
to blm that n. ie niwiin ow. .- -
him anil mjn..li that they will come tip I"'""'"-
Ij anil MtlU. Hia aI. are (real and Immediate
ud all aiwunte renulniB nnwltled on th ihla
in.t. will De lilaccd la aa oftlcWe handa fnr
Hclit 1-5111
Joint M. Bahuels..
.G. W.STOxnn.
IP"1"-' "'
Kinlt Tre. Omomeolal Plunte Flower Beed
rown ia the Boulh unly lor Ihe Soolh-lh Lar.
Cwt "tloi-a ; mint complete aaort'nt. CanUe fol
Srt7T2 4iilrJ J.J.rTTS.Arnt.
Snilre l kerehv Rtvea that at a ealtt aieetlna
Kfth.Bn.rdof DlrMtore ol th. Dallas Citv Ball-
waj Cimipw; hld 1 1 tb Caun.v-e ofnr. on
Tueelar8it Sd 1872 aa aifi.iwnt of i p
cent aaurd"rd to b. n a" apoa Ihe itorli ef the
(.. Now U.rfr. all wilwrrlher. to Mid
tock e-efcervhv actlSed t. wit oa Ihe nnderjicned
t ih.oflireora.ld Cominv. ror. Mala and Jef'r-
trm Hi. and pa lb earn wlthta tr dar from thl.
an - W. W. FSAav. ewe 1.
Sept t. T2-12:2w.
The un.tw.imd ofcn for aal. or ew.-haner. for
Dalla. rropei'y. bit new Bid-ne aod Hlon-howae
I. lh ..rihin Hum of wrap Vln. la
Tarrant rrmatr. T.aa. aho.l U mil' Horlhwaal
from Italia aad near the .army of the T rani-Co u-lln-ntal
R. R- whare a mirt.bln erJ.ol. a na-
.aw.a.hr.a.of hoik Baptnt aad Melhodlat
chnrrhwi. In a pro.perow ewmmnnlty. aad hhw.rd
with nrorerhlal (rood ha.llh. renitw oar niet little
loan of nr. p. Vine with it. nanal.d -ll v and
faillow well of rnr water. It. Br wood ao
ooaeeniMt and p ll.lna aoonaeqwawc. thai r
town I nocnllarty aeeirao. lor in. aauwKn. w.
thIMm and a re.ldnH mratlow for 111 my
lin n.thrparormauda Hjof dinin; lom. wilb
weH for waaiwwMjnoa within re h af t. door.
Lot oneacr rrosm. au niowy naiiwi in. ino.ra
ia lSito. on tot jOiSO. A 11 nrw lmrro'""'"a-
Aodraaa m.
Bitw. At Crap. Vino Traaa.
Tho wndor.tfd vwtf1' tnlorm- 'H pnMIe
tl-at 'h-v ha it-d a. a lrdln warn a. In.
ciTMri.dei Italma whwea Ihry ar. wrr.r I.
rard word rhartin. oo....r h of I "- "'
Tbov nan-inat enroll- "r "
rdV aod iii iiW ta ra irood trim w wort.
evraon halo r r 1 F
.f troai o arv etebl . d wool.
Prrmiaini pr-mp-nam aad food wwrt WV aak w
trwat ft la rwhlf
Jtly :
iHJ-t.. -m .
...a hell. T eae.
i. 1. Mf l.T"'
li A TED W A It IS
Wood an Willow Ware
caiipi: T s
Mais' Stbekt
Dallas . 2 was.
im-Homli ilollvo-ed froa ololiw iie III a'i litrt of
tlieclly. . . )
Bopt. 7 lsrv-oalr. '
Jeffkrson - BllX
Tbroe doors Njtrtb uf tlio Si(U re.
n.ni.natriillr In fiinni liia nlil frtnluN Blul Iclll'nli
liituly occiinieii by Kelso Jt Garrett wliero lie lei
il.ni l. il.. I.ttlltlinmin lfi;.reiiili nlfm
now in more a iurgi' anoruiifii. ui
ConrerUoncrleA of all Kinds.
Can ii od (foods. Oysters Sunliiu
Dried Fruity Etc Klc
It will iiIho liave
Fresh Bread Jtolls Cake Etc.
In every rnriety
A ttw luitMlliR If to bo erpetod nt liU old atmi I
into which lm will renin v aa noon ih 'iinj.!eteil.
Tliankfn fur thu punt liunrKl putitMi-ntu l.o-tluwtj'l
on Mm huaske) a euLliltiuilioe ui the umiiit.
ti..t 7 'TZ-riir. 11. 0. lil.HNV.
11. S. PARSONS Cexfral Aukst
Ruofing a nil Sheathing Coating Cotnput and
Vaint fur oh! and new Roofs Cars VcpJ
Klc.. Irish Felt and Gmvel Roofing
Fir Proof Belt's Sheet Iron Rouf-
ing letter and cheaper ihen Tin. Cypress
Shiiif'es Suited and Split Rock River Co.'s
F.-lt I.iH.iliiiu Tiinvd paper prepared Pli.-rturhitf
or CVlliiiK HuukIh Iiavvicnt'o k Co.' Unililintr and
W'.ill 1'apiir AluinliiotiH tun) (tnk On html ttlluK ''
llii.ird tSliOiitliitir Linii K. oilcloth t':u -pothiK l' t
i:r and oilier muter alt. Tli-'Hn puprr Ixmnld nn'-
uultl lirat dump and vi'rniin pvjtit mil tlio l- -1 .
. nltst file fur I'l'h mid datur at ali.tui ttieiMst.
Thu AitUMtt(!4 It Milium U lilii ihifk ktnliuM-. watc-r
aridpark ami eiiidur t rnol ; fl veil 'it pi'itmitimir
ct-ivi'it iVum Slate Fair- prouve It the m-t urti'du.
A lui'Ke nijiply nl dm Above urti i kepi on h md
anil rtoUi uw. l)i8rrf-tivo ptunplili't lnrniHlit'tl.
Urdt'rssttiifllml and pinnijti.v tilled hern or at tho
F. t..t It hy U. 8. l'AltSt)N.i (lrtlvton.
tcit 7-V:lmo.
Mrs. Helena Gillespie
Will upon a Private Srhool at Conr SprinnH Arn'
emy tm Moiiduy tlm It.th day ul' Hi-pU'iiiuir 17-
lor a ti-riu ofNino SluiitliH.
RatCH of Iultlon Per Monlh :
Orttioiiraplty Ui'fiding wild Writing $2 ")
llfiiirij.lir tJiHtnirHr IHiloiy & Arithmetic. .1 MM
IMi.YHiail tlf'tgt p!iy 1'liiloi-opliy thi nti try
Arttronomv. riiyrtitilfj-y lilmtorif Kntuny
Ahrehru Geoimitry Lit i ill hikI Gumiiimr 4 (Ml
Incidental lee
The aho e latra are uprcfe or Ij efiniwih-til nty i-t-!e
uioiitlily. ' Keasonuble (U'fliictioiii will lp iii;nh
lof niweH ol protriictfd Hick tie s.
Hi'Uitlilix ran le olitained convenient to t !io
Anideniy at VtU per montli.
a N ft N K I Fd B . Me K I 0 .
fr TIT
I t.t. oxocilto alt work iu liitilt-
aitli !n M'ATXrSSBlli! DISPATCH.
Shop iip-ataira over Mfunra. F. B
tj'jjv DrvMU A (Va. atore ou wat tjlde.
of the Public S.iutre Ju11mh Texiia.
Dallna AtiRii-t l7i 4i:tf
J. n. tITTLKFIKI.lt H. V ToMI-ktSit.
llrccltliif Fortrartlliijr
Commission Merchants
Coesicaxa - Texas.
April rI8T2 33:1T.
YA O S T !
11 Class Certiorate
So. 4:A tanned by Ilia BiMird of lnJ Cmmii.li'iier
of Bed IliTerconnty to John A. M Kiim.v for i of
a Ireyiw. Notfrol. liriwil'jr ien llia alti-r.lli. ea-
nJrallon f niwty Any. ailirtlon will U niaiti' to
Diet ommililoner of Ilia tlonrral Land f flire for a
duplirat. V.'- K. li SI M 1 N
tS;llw. Att'y foroauir. .
7 ; T
nt eitj-i I
1 liavtnir wTIlf-
if.vitff Wri a mndidHt In l.e rervnt eit .
rifv atuaunrnifl "ollctor. andliartna
.i.' V...n tlada itikttt tttn It m-nneTidftat thnt I
- the tronnt ntwn an tv.nl rare ro the wih of
map of niT frl'-n l. I now c-fliT mywlf aa a candidate
for that MlR'ti -elect len to nmn off In N-irrmlr
nxt and. if elected ill diarliarga the dutlea of lb
oflice to the best of my Idliiy.
Very ipoPtfnliy.
JOE. h. riSIIEB. '
Pall-w Attf. 31(18Ti
The tropartrer-liip m-reiomiT rxituna vrw-rm
.. rnee ana . n. -.-. ....
Trire A Co. if tMe. day Hi-tolTrrt ly Bmlnal raivni
and the mmmr liti-ineaVwill IremntiuoeA the twin
place be w . n. Tncer lunfruifPijium
A C'. Dr. H. Aitt'n ertrnc-! and okilifnl
aaoaol paat p.troa iaWV?lhftily litileTlj
in Bfw nrm.
at a e i J - Ti.-... CeaiirJi f(V lhiS fl'l-
roatd. P-vnt-e owBinff bi ewitat'te fnr itit- por"-
are t'weted to KmI. Itwir Pr'i.'''.'";'!"..iMnl
m la. 17 11 J M. I ALl'Mt
il iff. rr-a-t "'! anpt n. .. '
Tfc. mTl woM rctfullr iaorm ia
friend and Ih. robli twrallj thai br Ie Tilly
nrrrarfd la da all m.r.rir that may k-
nmnipily aad eomertly. Il may h tonnd at at
rw.i.li.c. t mile. Hr.a of D.ll-V .. th. rr.loa
road. Mi3m.l . J. OOt k k
p (a. l IBi .
gjnur He Aarrt Trn X. W. d E.-W Sl
I. now evaoi to rent Itnotrri " a'aad. f"T the m'w
f .rlll lrM. Will r yT.lltl " lh ftrrHIW.
dn-if ta Fall let Ikaa IMrnwwd 6-'
eall. 4l:"-
11 tlIltH H Al.aXalt W.'T
A n.wnnd erarmadina -"
twrt ..ftown. am tha Haji tvj M'Ha. jwl '
fl.MtWa'." " 1 i
I 11
to li4- bin." ihis ab-'i.i
av arla art in a n.ral var.
n'l vrag-?-ier.
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Josselyn, Robert. Dallas Herald. (Dallas, Tex.), Vol. 19, No. 52, Ed. 1 Saturday, September 7, 1872, newspaper, September 7, 1872; Dallas, Texas. (https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth294682/m1/2/?q=%22T.%20J.%20Word%22: accessed December 3, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, https://texashistory.unt.edu; .