El Paso Daily Herald. (El Paso, Tex.), Vol. 20TH YEAR, No. 125, Ed. 1 Tuesday, May 29, 1900 Page: 4 of 8
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Memorial Day To Be Ob
served In El Paso
And Suitable Exercises and Ad-
dressesand Music That Awakens
Imperishable Memories To Mark
the Day.
Tomorrow la Memorial Day and the
veterans of two wars and citizens of El
Paso will units in commemorating1 the
dead heroea of the nation. The Union
Confederate and Spanish war veterans
and the Border rifles will be out to
participate. The following is the pro
gram of exercleee:
Military and Veteran organizations
meet at court bou6e equare at e:
a. m.
Trumpeter sounds "Assembly" 8:45
a. m.
Trumpeter sounds "Adjutant's Call"
8:55 m.
Column will be formed in following
Detachment mounted police.
General L. M. Openhelmer and
MoGinty band.
Border Rifles Co. "B" 4th Inf. Tex.
Vo). Guard.
Emmett Crawford Poet G. A. R
Commander A. G. Malloy.
Jno. C. Brown Camp United Con
federate Veterans Commander Wynd-
bam Kemp.
Spaoish War Veteran? Major
Vilas commander.
Mexican War Veterans in carriages
Invited Guests in carriages.
Column marobes west on San An-
tonio street to El Paso St. thence
north to Main Plaza.
Troop9 under arms form on one side
of the flag veteran organizations on
the other invited guests taking seats
in the band stand-
Trumpeter sounds "Reveille." At
last note of "Reveille" the band be-
gins playing "Star Spangled Banner."
Daring the sounding of the national
anthem the U. S. flag is slowly raised
and timed to reach top of mast as
the anthem Is finished. While the
flag la being raised troops stand at
"Attention." officers with swords
"Present swords" veterans unoover
and all civilians during the raising of
the flag will rise to their feet and
men unoover.
Military ; 'Stack arms."
Patriotic hymn by Mrs. Capt. Pitts
of the Salvation army.
Address by Capt. T. J. Basil.
Band sounds funeral dirge during
which the flag is slowly lowered to
"half mast" and so remains during
the day.
Column is reformed in same order
and returns by same route to court
house equare the band sounding a
funeral march and is dismissed.
A firing party trumpeter and com
mittees from each organization proceed
to csmstery acd cecorate graves of de-
ceased veterans.
Military and veteran organizations
meet at court house square at 6:20 p
irumpeter sounds "AesembJv" at
6:30 p. m.
Trumpeter sounds "Adjutant's Call"
Column is re-formed in same order
as in forenoon and moves by same
route to Main Plaza.
Flag is raised to top of mast.
Trumpeter sounds "Retreat." At
Iet note of "Retreat" band begins
"Star Spangled Banner" during
which the flag is slowly lowered and
bo timed as to reach the ground at con-
clusion of the National Anthem troops
standing at "Attention" officers at
"Present" veteran organizations un-
covered and all civilians rising to
their feet men uncovering.
Trumpeter sounds "Taps."
Column re-forme marches back by
same route to court house equare aad
1 dismissed.
Burin? the plavlog of the National
lie saw tne
hole in the
sack when he
was filling it.
But it was
such a little
hole that he
thought it
wouldn't mat
ter. Out of
that little hole
he lost his
grain while
taking it to
It's that way
with holes in
the health.
None are so
small but life
can leak out
of them.
"I've got a little touch of indigestion"
says one man. Another says "my
stomach feels a little out of sorts." It
is just such little things which if neg-
lected intra n the total loss of health.
The one medicine for disorders and
tHuscs o! tin: stomach and organs of
digestion and nutrition is Dr. Pierce's
Gptden Medical Discovery. It increases
the activity of the whole digestive and
nutritive system clears away obstruc-
tions stops the loss the body sustains by
undigested or partly digested food puri-
fies the blood lrom the poisons resulting
from imperfect digestion and increases
the secretions of the blood - making
glands. "Golden Medical Discovery"
has a wonderful record of cures of so-
called "hopeless" cases.
Mr. Thofi. H. Kiidasill. of Henry Lincoln Co..
TJ. C-.sajs: "Alter having suffered from inaction
of th UVer and ail the troubles usually attending
such a condition for over twenty years and having-
deluged my Bystent with floods of medicine
from every available source and being only
temporarily benefited thereby I applied to your
Institution for treatment You instructed me to
take a course of Ir. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis-
covery whivli 1 am now doing. Although un-
abltojtrictly follow directions 1 have derived
more actual benefit from the few bottles I have
taken so far than from all the other remedies
Ai:j me to thank you for your prompt and
cpmrfrous attention to ray case as well as for the
g-ood rectived from it."
Am v
Anthem at morninr and evening cere
monies all are requested to rise to
their feet and remain standing men
uncovering until the anthem is finish-
ed. This is a publlo manifestation of
rpfnaet for the flae of our country and
hn4 hennmc a universal custom. Let
us inaugurate it in El Paso.
Every member of the Border Rifles
is ordered to be at the armory tonight
(Tuesday) at 7:45 to arrange for carry
log out Memorial Day program
Each member must be equipped
throughout and position in company
assigned so that the company
will be able to turn out promptly at
8:15. Wednesday morning.
As the day is a legal holiday the
banks will close tomorrow.
The public library will be closed to
The postofflcewill observe Sunday
Senators And Representatives 6lv-
Ing It Prompt Attention.
The movement for securing the
establishment of a purchasing mint at
El Pao is oroereseinfir favorably. It
will be remembered that S. M. Davis
of this city recently wrote to several
senators and congressmen calling
their attention to the arguments in
favor of the establishment of
mint here. He received favorable
replies from Senator Cockrell of Miss
ouri Senators Teller and Wolcott and
Congressmen Bell and Shafrotb of
Colorado. A few days ago Secretary
Russell of tho chamber of commerce
wrote to Senator Culberson and
Representative Stephens enclosing
copies of the letter received by Mr.
Davis as printed in the Herald and
requesting them to interest themselves
in the matter and introduce bills in the
senate acd the house for the establish
ment of a mint here If in their judg
ment the chances were good for the
passage of such bills. The following
replies were received:
Washington D. C. May 29 1900.
Mr. Ernest E. Russell Secretary
Chamber of Commerce El Paso.
Dear Sir: I beg to acknowledge
receipt of your letter of the 19th
instant with enclosure and to assure
you of the gratification it would give
me to eeoure the esiaousnemeni oi a
purchasing mint at El Paso. In view
of the lateness of the session how-
ever It being probable that congress
will adjourn in a week or two i ao not
believe anything can be accomplished
at this sasioa. But la the meanwhile
I will see the dlreotor of the mint and
have a full conference with him as to
wht is praotloable under existing
Very truly you re
C. A. Culberson.
Washington D C. May 24 10C0.
Mr. Ernest E. Russell Soretary
Chamber of Commerce El Paso
Dear Sir: Your letter to hand
regading the establishment of a mint
at El Paso. I will at once look into
the matter and if I can meet encourage-
ment from the committee to which it
will be referred I will Introduce a bill
creating the mint bo as to get the
matter before the committee and the
country in order that we may be able
at next winter's session of congress to
secure its passage. In the meantime 1
will visit your city and thoroughly
investigate the question. Congress
will adjourn In a few days about
10b June . 1 tnlnic so it win oe
Impossible to do anything with this
bill at the present time but I will call
the attention of the committee and
congress to tne necessity ior mis
very traiy yours.
Jno H. Stbfhins.
Sparks From tbe Engine
A. S. Greig general superintendent
of the E. P. & N. E. is in tbe sity..
T. S. Evans of the general superin-
tendent's office E. P. & N. E is visit-
ing El Paso.
J. R Garrtch master mechanie of
the G. H. left last night for a short
visit east.
C. B. Eddy of the E. P. & N. E.left
last evening for New York over the
Santa Fe.
S. E. Pelphrey railroad contractor
of Alomogordo Is paying the Pass City
a business visit.
Hon. W. A. Hawkins general coun-
sellor of the E. P. & N. E. Is in El
Paso on business.
It Is reported that the White Oaks
road is about to establish a city com-
mercial office and that quarters for it
have been engaged in theSheldon block.
Supt. A. S. Greig Attorney W. A.
Hawkins W. S. Baker of Tularosa.
and FraBk Evans came down on the
White Oaks last night in Mr. Grelg's
new private car No. 03.
Ticket No. til was the winner in Mrs.
Paul Glnter's benefit. Tbe bolder of
the same has not presented it yet and
the committee is waiting to award to
the holder the sewing machine.
Have baby as well as yourself satis-
fied by getting him the gooart that
gives him all tbe -comfort he needs.
They are the kind with tbe sleeping
feature and at Emerson & Berrien's.
Believing there is nothing too good
for our ou$tomers caused us to pur-
chase a full line of "Sweet OrrV
Union made Trousers Overalls and
Saok Coats. The Union Clothing
All we ask is a chance to tell you
how little it will cost you to paint your
house and to paint it well. Now is tbe
time to do it. Ehrenberg Phone 293
323 El Paso St.
Mail orders for Sweet-Orr" goods
receive our prompt attention. The
Union Clothing Go.
The Sauire's Ho&Bu
i i
W....W...--W-.. ..W-..--W-....-V-..--K
Sauire Unrdinir had a hobby. It was
health. He would marry none but
healthy woman.
Gladys ttny had just romo from
year's stay with Lor grandparents
New York and was barely 10. Pretty
Well that is no word for it. Blio wa
Just as lovely ns a new Mown rone.
And she was as good as she wns pretty
and as loving as she was good and every
one would have 6cen it was out of the
question for her to marry Scjuire Hard
inc. a worldly man of 4(h with a shrewd
eye for the main chance.
She was just as unselfish as a sun
beam as impulsive as a kitten as guile-
less as a violet and cared nothing for the
position Squire Harding conld offer his
wife. She never knew what to say to
him when he came to Clematis cottage
as her home was called was afraid of
hid bass voice and shy of his facetious-
ness. and yet he came and rame and hft
father encouraged his suit and Gladys
was told she must agree to marry him.
Must because business was dull and
there was a mortgage on Clematis cot
tage and there was no sense in a oh-l
fusing such a chance. Of course she
would never have another like it in a life
She had no mother but her brothers
protested telling her that she was
goose and at last the poor girl was har
assed into making a half promise that
"perhaps some time she would."
But her father at once set in motion
preparations for the wedding and sent
for Aunt Phopbe.
Aunt Phoebe was an uncommonly bkiil
fnl needlewoman but what was more in
Gladys' case she wns a person with
One morning she went into Gladys'
chamber and found the girl hastily put
ting away a letter a letter postmarked
New York and directed to herself in the
boldest and handsomest of chirography.
Having pnt the letter under lock and
key Gladys turned silently to be meas
ured for a new embroidered waist.
"Are you tired Gladys?"' Aunt Phoebe
"A little" replied the girl.
"Didn't you rest well last night?"'
"Not very."
"Gladys you are my dear dead sister's
child. Tell me what ails you.
"Oh auntie my heart aches!"
And she put her face on the broad wo
manly shoulder and burst into tears.
"There there dearie! I knew it was
heart trouble. Tell auntie all about it.
I don't believe you want to marry Squire
"I don't I don't!" sobbed Gladys.
"Then yon shan't marry him! I'll put
a stop to this work sure as my name is
Phoebe Ray! I don t know how bow but
I will!"
One morning she presented herself at
Squire Harding's door and was shown
into his private room where be received
his clients.
Sit down madam sit down" said the
"The subject of my call is my niece.
"Yes. I suppose you will be deeply in
terested in this?"
"Certainly certainly! Anything which
concerns my pretty little Gladysl Ah
that is an uncommon girl Mrs. Ray so
gentle so fair so healthy"
"Ahem!" croaked Aunt Phoebe omi
"What dear Mrs. Ray! Is not GlaJya
"Far from it!"
"Yon amaze me! Has some outrageous
disease approached that lovely girl T'
Aunt Phoebe shook her head and sol-
emnly said:
"What what is it?"
"A heart trouble" pronounced Aunt
Phoebe solemnly. "What the poor child
suffers from it no words can tell."
"Yes yes! Well now my dear lady
what course ought I to pursue under
these remarkable circumstances? With
my peculiar views on the subject of
health my very decided views 1 really
cannot be expected to proceed as if fit
the circumstances were different."
"I don't know anything about that. I
cannot advise you. Bnt I feel aa if I
had done my duty.
"But I an I honorably retaaet? Can
I withdraw from my proposal?"
"My brother-in-law is of a very eholeri
temper. 1 cannot say. Bnt yew aright
be called away."
"I am called away. 1 have argent
business in Liverpool and I am tbe man
who should be on the spat. No indirect
agency will prevail. I shall go abroad at
once Mrs. Ray. And Miss Gladys she
Is very pretty no donbt may supply my
place in the course of a year with some
one who who has not the peculiar and
very decided views on health that 1 bold.
And you since you seem a lady of un-
common sense and superior ideas of the
fitness of things will perhaps use yeur
influence to to"
"Certainly to smooth my niece's path-
way of course."
So the conversation came pacifically to
an end and two days later the squire
sailed for Liverpool. The news came to
the Rays like a thnnderbolt for the fa-
ther and son had prospectively secured
a large slice of the good fortune from
Gladys' wedding the rich squire. But he
was gone for a year or more report said
and after a furious and senseless aor
against Gladys the poor girl wns left tn
When Aunt Phoebe went home to her
quiet seaside dwelling at Bay part she
took Gladys with her on a visit Md one
day she privately wrote a letter te Dock
Archer who she had learned through
Gladys' grandfather was a mst promis-
ing young man.
The result of this letter was to bring
the young gentleman alsa to Baypart Oh
a visit and the young people had plenty
of time In which to plight their vows and
take wise counsel with good A nut Phoebe.
Through her influence Archer was soon
prosperously established in life and now
in happy motherhood happy and rosy
with her own rosy babies Gladys tbe
wife of a good husband has far Tess
heart trouble. Waverly Magazine.
"I got a bargain a little while ago"
aid the man with the convex eyeglasses;
"bought 'No. 5 John street' good aa
new for 75 cents."
"I don't know anything about the lo-
tality" remarked Mr. Gaswell "but If
you got it for any such ridiculous figure
is that I'm willing to bet it's mortgaged
jr more than it's worth." Chicago Trfb-one.
Your Life is in Your Hand
Know Your Fate
has decided to remaina few days more
She is a graduate from ''National
School of Palmistry" 42 Auditorium
hotel Chicago.
Orthodox Palmistry
is the only trustworthy revealer 1st
of one's own nature; 2d of other
people's (cbildren especially) tenden
ciee; 3d of such events in any life as
may make or mar our worldly nappl
To be forewarned is to be forearmed
especially if there Is nothing abso
lutely fatal in tbe band. Everything
if told in good time and to a willing
ear even tbe worst lea'ure or an re
mains for the time under the control of
the subject's WILL POWER allowing
him or ber to meet fate and overcome
t with the help of DETERMINA
TION and reason.
Thorough reading of both hands
icoordiog to the strict rules of this an
cient art. Marriages children in
crease or loss of fortune oboice of
profession or business engagements
success in private or public life. Let-
era of information answered contain
ing postage stamp.
It matters not wbat sne ba9 done tor
others but what she can do for you.
Reception rooms ground floor t ran
Hotel Pordrio Diaz Juarez Mexico.
P. S. Will make engagements for
evenlnc entertainments.
She aoes not class bereelf wttn tne
cheap pretenders that infect the coun
try. Her extensive travels associa
tions and education command superior
oclal respeot. A call will convince
the most skept cal.
Spanish interpreter.
Telephone 276.
10c per Can
Fancy and Staple
Telephone 158
Francis Building Crosby Ave.
Try our new drink.
"Cloudoroft" at
fotter A wnite'a.
io best 5 cent CIGAR on the market
Gocart) The kind baby can sleep In
straightened out at Emerson &
"Sweet-Grr" Trousers are the 20th
century leaders for sale oy tne union
Clothing Co.
Miss Cheney parlor
millinery re-
Room 2 Van
modeling a specialty.
Blarcom block.
mocks at prices that will suit you.
rrr a T ..... c r
No Overall o Sack Coat
so good as
them. The
Sweet-Orr. We have
Union Clothing Co.
Try the new remedy for costive ness
Chamberlain's Stomaoh and Liver
Tablets. Every box guaranteed. Price
26 cents. For sale by all druggists.
J. C. Kennedy Roanoke.Tenn. says.
I cannot say too muoh for De Witt's
Hazel Salve. One box of it cured what
the doctors called an Incurable ulcer
on my jaw." Cures piles and all akin
diseases. Look out for worthless
mitatlons. Fred Schaefer druggist.
'I bad stomach trouble twenty years
and gave up hope of being cured until
began to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.
It has done me so much good I call It
the savior of my life" writes W. R.
ineon Albany Tenn. It digest
wbat you eat. Fred Schaefer druggUt.
W. S. Musser Millneim Pa. saved
the life of his little girl by giving her
One Minute Cough Cure when she was
dying from croup. It is the only
armlees remedy that gives immediate
results. It quickly cures coughs colds.
bronchitis grippe asthma and all
throat and lung troubles. Fred
Schaefer druggist.
Rio Grande Hotel Las Crucea.
Mr. G. A. Tandy formerly of the
Carson-Lewis hotel at Weather ford
Texas has assumed charge of the
above hotel. The hotel has been re
fitted and especial attention will be
given the traveling public.
In order to make Cloudcroft within the means of all and
the great Summer home of the southwest all interests have
combined in offering the following extremely low prices on
railroad fare board and building material viz.:
Round Trip Tickets no limit $ 5 00
Board per Week 7 00
Common Lumber 14 00
Flooring 18 OO
Shingles 4.00
Prices on building material hold only untllJuly 1st 1900.1
The pavilion is now open Mrs. A. Holm Proprietor. Map of
Cloudcroft plat on exhibition at "White Oaks" offices or at the
grounds. Low prices and easy terms for lots. Receipt of one
railway fare of tbe purchaser will apply on his payment of lots
Note the unique feature in the deeds that gives the control and
ownership of Cloudoroft to tbe property owners. It will become
This feature and its natural attraction will make of it the most
popular and greatest Summer resort on this continent. Ask
for the beautifully illustrated Cloudoroft pamphlet.
Alamogordo Improvement
Alamogordo N. M. - or - El Paso Texas
lilE E. P. & N. E. 51
i t
Will sell dally from May 15 to October 1 1900.
Special Excursion Round-Trip Tickets
These tlokets will be good going on any day of purchase aad
returning on any day (Sunday excepted) during the season.
Will be good for continuous parsages going or coming only
and non-transferable. Holder's name will appear on ticket
and must be signed and stamped with the agent at Cloud-
croft at returning train.
A. O. F. & P. A.
F. E.
Icol RjgE Joy
Pullman Buffet Sleepers
Pullman Tourist Sleepers
Free Reclining Chair Cars
The best route to all Eastern and Southeastern ooints. All the nrlnpimi
oitles reached with one ohange.
Pullman Tourist from El Paso
and Cincinnati without change.
These cars are in charge of a special conductor and provide the maximum
amount of comfort at a minimum cost.
Full Information cheerfully furnished by addressing or calling upon
S. F. B. HOBS Hi Pass. Traf. Mgr.
Houston xazaa.
T. E. HUNT Commercial Agent
Leave El Paso'laily 6:50 A. M. Oty Time.
Solid Vestilroled Train Throughout.
Latest Pattern Pullman Buffet Sleepers.
Handsome New Chair Cars Seats Free!
Direct Connections Made for All Points in the Northeast and Southeast.
For descriptive pamphlet or any further information oall on or addreetl
8. W. P. A. mi Paa T p. Fts
B. P. TDUNEK Q. P. A.. Dallas.
"No Trouble To Answer Questions-"
Mexican Mineral Belt.
The only direct route to the rick
mlntne regions of Eastern Sonors
and Western Chihuahua is via the
Sierra Mad re line and Casas Gran-
dee. Trains leave Ciudad Juarez at
8:26 daily except Sundays.
J. T. Logan
Qenl. Traffic Agent
El Paso Steam Laundry Phone 47.
G. S. F. & P. A.
Sunset Route"
The Short Line to all Pacific Ooaat points with train
service consisting of
to Washington. New Orleans. Ch1nrn
U J PAKKB. Q. P. T A-.
Houston Tezii.
Cor. San Antonio and Oregon Sts-
No extra charge...
For Over Fifty Years-
Mrs. Winslow'B Soothing Syrup has
been used for children teething. It
soothes the child softens the gums
allays all pain cures wind colic and is -the
best remedy for diarrhoea twenty
five cents a bottle.
See the beautiful line of aluminum
goods at W. A. Irvin & Co.'s.
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Slater, H. D. El Paso Daily Herald. (El Paso, Tex.), Vol. 20TH YEAR, No. 125, Ed. 1 Tuesday, May 29, 1900, newspaper, May 29, 1900; El Paso, Texas. (https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth297428/m1/4/: accessed December 12, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, https://texashistory.unt.edu; .