History of Texas, Together with a Biographical History of Milam, Williamson, Bastrop, Travis, Lee and Burleson Counties. Page: 631
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noted for his piety. Ile never used an oath
in his life nor indulged in strong drink. His
father, grandfather of the subject of this
notice, was at one time Sheriff of Burke
county, Georgia, in the days when branding
criminals was in vogue.
Peter Allday's children were: Absalom
Pryor, born September 20, 1825, now a physician
of Robertson county, Texas; Francis
Asberry, who was born July 5, 1829, and
who is supposed to have died in the Confederate
army; David, the subject of this notice;
Ann, deceased, was first married to Daniel
Moore, and had twochildren, and secondly married
J. R. Jones; Richard Arnold, who was
born July 7, 1836, and was killed in Arizona
during the late war; James Augustus, who
was born September 25, 1838, died in the
Confederate army; Charles, born February
5, 1841, now a ]Methodist minister in Alabama;
Peter R, who was born April 30,
1844, and died November 25, 1861, in the
Confederate army; Mary B., born November
18, 1845, is now the wife of William M.
Taylor; Amelia F., born December 1, 1847,
is the widow of Anderson Jones; Louisa Lodema,
born July 29, 1850, is now the wife of
James Jones, of Davilla, Milam county.
Just before Christmas, 1855, David Allday
came to Texas, having left Georgia and proceeded
overland, crossing the Mississippi
river at Natchez. The seven wagons of the
company were bound for Waco, but the party
were induced by Doctor Allday, who was
then living at Port Sullivan, Milam county,
and who was familiar with the country, to
settle near the mouth of Pond creek, in this
county, The land was bought of the Rev.
Rufus C. Burleson, the eminent Baptist ininister,
who for many years was president
of the Baylor University. Mr. Allday engaged
in farming from 1855 to 1861, whenlie entered the Confederate army, enlisting
in a company raised mainly in Robertson
county, which was attached to the Eighth
Regiment, under Colonel Young. Thl collnmand
operated west of the Mississippi, and
participated in a number of engagements in
Arkansas and Louisiana, among the series of
fights following Banks' Red river campaign.
In the spring of 1865 the army returned tc
Texas, and at the close of hostilities was dlisbanded
at Hemnpstead. Mr. Allday's first
real-estate purchase was in Milam county, and
consisted of 132 acres. He now owns 275
acres, and is cultivating 125. The average
annual yield of his farm is from twenty-fi\ve
to thirty bales of cotton, and other products
in proportion.
He was married December 14, 1865, to
Miss Sarah L., daughter of McClem Taylor.
This union was blessed with eight children:
James, born September 28, 1866; Emma,
born December 11, 1868; Peter McClem,
born November 18, 1870; John, born September
20, 1872; Willianm D., born August
4, 1876; Janie, born April 14, 1878; Roxie,
born January 3, 1883, and Charles, born
March 31, 1888. Mrs. Allday died April 9,
1892. The family are connected with tlle
Missionary Baptist Church.
( was born in Tuscaloosa county, AlaJJ
bama, September 27, 1822. His parents,
Benjamin H. and Ruth B.
Stribling, were natives of South Carolina,
but married in Alabama in 1820. Benjamin
H. was a brother of the distinguished admiral,
C. K. Stribling, of the United States Navy.
James II. was reared on a farm and among
the hills, forests and streams of Pickens40
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History of Texas, Together with a Biographical History of Milam, Williamson, Bastrop, Travis, Lee and Burleson Counties. (Book)
Book containing a brief overview of the state of Texas and more specific focus on six specific counties, with extensive biographical sketches about persons related to the history of those places. An alphabetical index of persons who are included follows the table of contents at the front of the book.
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Lewis Publishing Company. History of Texas, Together with a Biographical History of Milam, Williamson, Bastrop, Travis, Lee and Burleson Counties., book, 1893; Chicago, Illinois. (https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth29785/m1/679/: accessed December 11, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, https://texashistory.unt.edu; crediting UNT Libraries Special Collections.