Scouting, Volume 73, Number 3, May-June 1985 Page: 14
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Items of interest
for leaders of
Cub Scouts, Boy
Scouts, and
White House luncheon honors Scouting's
Diamond Jubilee year
President Reagan became the "distinguished
Scout citizen of the year" during a White House
luncheon in February honoring the BSA's 75th
More than 100 luminaries were on hand in the
executive dining room as the President and Mrs.
Reagan hosted a birthday celebration for the
BSA. During the event, Reagan accepted the
BSA's annual Report to the Nation and a plaque
recognizing him as "distinguished Scout citizen
of the year'' for his ' 'outstanding service to God
and country and to the youth of America."
At one time, President Reagan was active as a
volunteer in both the Golden Empire and Los
Angeles Area Scout councils in California, serv-
ing on various occasions on a council advisory
board, as chairman of a local Project SOAR
(Save Our American Resources) committee, as a
leader in Scouting membership drives, and as
chairman of a council annual Scoutorama show.
He also has supported Scouting financially and
as a speaker at various events.
The President already has been honored with
the BSA's Silver Beaver and Silver Buffalo awards
for outstanding service to youth on the local
council and on the national levels.
Scout Thad Bibb, National Explorer President Brian Sims, and
Cub Scout Nathan Hadfield congratulate the President on his
selection as "distinguished Scout citizen of the year" during
a BSA 75th anniversary luncheon at the White House. Chief
Scout Executive Ben H. Love and BSA National President
Sanford McDonnell also attended the luncheon on behalf of
the national office.
News from Volunteer Training
• Effective January 1, 1986, one additional item
will be required for the Scoutmaster's Key:
"At least once during the three years of ten-
ure, a Scoutmaster will conduct the Troop Opera-
tions Workshop for his troop's junior leaders as
outlined in Chapter 13, The Official Scoutmaster
Handbook, Supply No. 6501."
The added requirement will stress the impor-
tance of trained junior leaders. Scoutmasters near-
ing the end of their three year tenure period will
be able to conduct the workshop this fall. The
revised progress record, No. 36-855A, is avail-
able from council service centers.
• The Scouter's Key and Training Award are
now available for Coaches and other leaders of
Varsity Scout teams. The requirements closely
parallel those for Boy Scout leaders. Copies of
the requirements have been sent to local council
service centers and a progress record, No.
36-861, is available.
• A complete training program for the youth
leaders of a Varsity Scout team is now available.
Varsity Scout Youth Leader Training, No. 7874,
outlines two types of training. "Introduction to
Leadership" is a Coach's conference to orient a
newly selected youth leader on his job. The
"Team Leaders' Seminar" is a weekend experi-
ence conducted by the Coach and team captain
as basic training for their own youth leaders. The
seminar includes program activity planning, skills
of leadership, and explores the duties of each
youth leader. Copies are available through the
local council service center.
Tiger Cubs BSA
Tiger Cub changes effective May 1
In order to more firmly establish the tie between
Tiger Cub groups and their affiliated Cub Scout
packs, and to bring the Tiger Cub registration
process into line with other BSA programs, all
Tiger Cub groups organized after May 1, 1985,
will have their registration expiration date matched
to that of their affiliated pack, rather than the
current August 31 for all Tiger Cub groups. Boys
joining Tiger Cubs after that date will pay a pro-
rated portion of the $3 annual membership fee
through the expiration date of the pack charter.
For example, if a boy joins Tiger Cubs in
September, and his group is affiliated with a
pack with a charter expiration date of December
31, his prorated registration fee will be $1, cover-
ing the four months through December 31. Add-
ing the $3 cost of the Tiger Cub Family Activity
Packet, which every boy/adult team receives
upon joining, to the $1 registration fee would
result in a total joining fee of $4. As in the past,
this fee includes registration of both the boy and
his adult partner. The registration fee is the same
as it would be for a Cub Scout joining the pack at
the same time, with the cost of the packet added.
This means that Tiger Cub groups will now
reregister at the same time as the pack. A sepa-
rate roster of Tiger Cubs will be included in the
pack's rechartering kit, and the Tiger Cub orga-
nizer will be responsible for completing the rere-
gistration of the Tiger Cub group.
When the group graduates into Cub Scouting,
each boy may transfer into a pack without paying
any additional fee. Tiger Cub adults who trans-
fer into the pack will pay the prorated amount of
the $5 adult registration fee.
Tiger Cub literature, including the Family Activ-
ity Book, Organizer Manual, "Welcome To Tiger
May-June 1985 "4 Scouting
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Boy Scouts of America. Scouting, Volume 73, Number 3, May-June 1985, periodical, May 1985; Irving, Texas. ( accessed October 9, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Boy Scouts of America National Scouting Museum.