San Antonio Express. (San Antonio, Tex.), Vol. 46, No. 70, Ed. 1 Saturday, March 11, 1911 Page: 2 of 16
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COUPON Goon titer March 20,1911 COUPON
San Antonio Express
This COUl'ON Will Count lor 20 Voles
Good for 20 votes when filled out and went to Thr Sun Antonio F.\preN» office, by
n ail or otherwise on or before expiration dale. No ballot will be altered In auy
way or transferred ufter received by the Content Manager. I nlenn ballot !■ trim-
med carefully around the black lines It will not be counted.
Nominations Still Pouring In—First
List Will Include Those Received
Up to Saturday Noon.
The first list of candidates in The Dally
Express' Grand Tour Campaign will bo
published In Sunday morning's paper. B>
carefully looking through this list you
will find the names of many of the most
popular young women of Texas. If the
name of your candidate, or one whom
you would ilk© to see in the contest, does
not appear, get busy at once and send In
her name before the limit of nominations
ls^ reached. This list will contain the
names of all candidates received up 11»
Saturday, the amount of work necessary
to properly compile this list making It
impossible to Include In this list nomina-
tions received after that time. However,
names received from that time on will be
published in the daily issue as they are
received. Any slight mistakes In names
that may appear, due to the Immense
amount of work necessary in order to
prepare this largo list for publication will
be rectified as soon as possible. Standing
ot candidates up to Saturday will also be
included In this- list. Never before has a
contest created the amount of interest
that has this one. as hardly a person in
the various districts, including practically
every portion of Texas, but has an In-
terest in some one candidate! And it is
sale to say this interest will daily in-
crease as the race waxes warm. Never
have a more enthusiastic lot of con-
testants been gathered together In a con-
test, and those who have seized the op-
I:ortunity to enter early will surely ap-
preciate the advantage this early start
has given them before the race has pro-
gressed far.
Alter reading over the Initial list of
candidates stop a moment and consider
what your reward will bo for a success-
ful finish. In the first place you have an
opportunity that has never before been
opened td you—an opportunity to tour the
great Continent of Europe, replete with
historical, religious and artistic assocla
tlons of early civilization. In Europe it
was that man first reached the height of
modern civilization. Here it was that
the finest works of art. literature and
music had their origin. The finest paint-
ings of the great masters repose in Euro-
pean galleries, the most beautiful music
compositions of all time were written in
some part of this continent. The great-
est battles in the history of the world,
both military and naval." were fought in
Europe. Here the great Napoleon, the
greatest military genius of all ages,
leached the pinnacle of fame, and then
tasted the dregs of Ignominious defeat,
his proud spirit breaking under the bur-
den of his woes. This is Europe, pos-
sessing an attraction for the historical
student, the lover of art and music, the
artlauarian and the traveler that no
other continent ever can or ever v. ill pos-
sess. AH this will be the portion of the
forturate young woman who polls the
largest number of votes cast during the
campaign, and constant working, with
never a thought of discouragement, never
allowing the thought of quitting to enter
your mind, will bring this grand prize
within your grasp. And you do not have
to enjoy these pleasures alone. Should
this be the case they would lose half
their attractiveness. But without a cent
of expense to you, with everything ar-
ranged for your convenience find comfort,
you and your bosom companion will make
this great trip, without a care and think-
ing of how much pleasure you can insure
But this is not the only reward by any
means. Think of the trips to the great
city of New York, with a sightseeing tour
of the metropolis and its surroundings,
taking in everything of Interest and fully
acquainting you with the charms or
Gotham. These trips are second only In
importance to the grand tour of Europe.
These trips also Include to the winner^he
privilege of taking a companion, as do
the tours of Old Mexico, that, interesting
country of the Aztec, pictured in song
and story. The Aztecs of Mexico pos-
Fcsped a civilization that compares fa-
vorably with ours, long before the great
American continent possessed a single
White inhabitant, when this gTeat coun-
try was but a wilderness. The remains
of their civilization are still evident in
different sections of the land they once
ruled, a mute reminder of the fallacy of
putting things earthly before all else.
What is nicer than a two weeks' va-
cation irip to your favorite city or resort,
with railroad transportation, first-class
accommodations at a first-class hotel,
end every expense covered? The warm
weather I as commenced early this year
and if you ent< r this contest with a de-
termination to win and aro successful in
jour efforts, which you should be with
this idea in view, about the time yon are
feeling 1 ik.• taking a good rest, with noth- j
Ing to worry about, the vacation will be
handed you as It were, all ready for the
Probably you have had the thought in
mind for some time that a six months'
course In bookkeeping, stenography, busi-
i ness law, typewriting, telegraphy or
banking would enable you to secure a
better position. Tour opportunity to bet-
ter yourself is at hand. Nine courses in
Draughon's Practical Business College
aro offered to the fourth place winners in
this campaign. No business college in
Texas is better known that Draughon's
nnd a student turned out by this institu-
tion is a thoroughly trained one. A com-
plete education in whatever branch the
student may choose Is guaranteed to those
who enter this great business training
school. Our winners are offered their
choice of any of the twenty different
courses of instruction Included'ln the cur-
riculum of this popular institution.
Your first nomination coupon sent in to
the Contest Manager immediately insures
you loOO votes. Daily coupons, clipped
from The Express, of 'which any number
may bo turned In before the expiration
date printed thereon, each count twenty
votes. The most important thing, how-
ever, Is the securing of votes by subscrip-
tion. Each and every subscription turned
in, NEW or OLD, and every payment
made by present subscribers, counts a
certain amount of votes for you. A list
of the value of subscription payments ap-
pears In this issue in the big advertise-
ment. The amount of monev due on each
subscription must be turned in with the
subscription. This may be done by check,
postoffice order or in cash. These sub-
subscription votes may be voted at anv
during the contest or held until the last
moment, as the contestant may see fit.
After you have been nominated or have
sent in your nomination, call upon the
Contest Manager and learn all the details
of the contest. He may be able to give
you valuable Information that will be of
material assistance to you in winning
Then make a good start by visiting all
your friends and acquaintances and ap-
prising them of your determination to win
ono of these valuable prizf^. Tell them
that you want to he able to depend upon
them to render you all the assistance
within their power, both by saving you
the daily coupons and subscribing an 1
securing subscriptions for you. Let them
know that you will be around regularly.
Appoint several of your chums as your
lieutenants in th!» Campaign to assist you
In collecting your votes. Then you have
mapped out your campaign in the same
manner as a general would and strict at-
tention to this routine with such detail
as your Ingenuity may suggest will place
you among the big winners.
Each day instructions for the carftpalgn
will be published in this column of The
Express which you should make it a
point to read. Latest news of the cam-
paign and the standings of the con-
testants v-ill also be a feature of this
column and you can tell just where you
stand bv consulting it each day.
Consult this summary of contest dis-
tricts before starting out. You will then
know just how much territory is in your
district. Remember, though, that you
are not limited to working in your own
district. You may work in any territory
you see fit.
District No. I consists of Commissioners'
District No. 1.
District No. 2 constats of Commissioners'
District No. J.
District No. 3 consists of Commissioners'
District No. 3.
District No. 4 consists of Commissioners'
District No. 4.
District No. 5 will consist of the follow-
ing counties: Cameron, Hidalgo, Starr
Zapata, Duval. Nueces. San Patricio'
Matagorda, Live Oak. McJlullen, Victoria!
Calhoun, Goliad, Jackson, Aransas B*e
and Refugio.
District No. 6 consists of the following
counties: DeWitt. Lavaca Wharton, Gon-
zales, Karnes, Colorado, Wilson, Atascosa
Fayette, Caldwell, Bastrop. Lee, Guada-
lupe, Hays and Comal.
District jXo. 7 consists of the following
counties: Williamson, Bell, Milam. Rob-
ertson, Coke, Llano, Mason. Lampasas,
San Saba, McCulloch, Menard, Schleicher*
Tom Green, Crockett, Pecos, Blanco!
Burnet. Mills. Brown, Concho, Coleman
and Runnels.
District No. 8 consists of the following
counties: Val Verde, Edwards, Kinney,
Maverick, Uvalde, Medina, Zavala, Kerr,
Kimble, Gillespie, Kendall, Bandera, Frio!
LaSalle, Dimmit, Webb, El Paso, pre-
sidio, Jeff Davis. Brewster, Terrell. Sut-
ton. Reeves. Ward. Loving, Winkler,
Ector, Crane, Sterling, Irion and Reagan.
District No. 9 consists of the city cf
Austin and Travis County.
Bull Fights-Monterey
Sunday, March 12
Round Trip
On Sale March 11—Limit 16
City Office 401 East Houston St. Phones 425
GALVESTON, Tex., March 10.—With
one-third of the brigade of troops to bo
concentrated here on the ground and the
remaining two-thirds en route here on
army transports from Newport News,
the army's invasion of Galveston in the
"war game" may be said to be well under
Brig. Gen. A. L. Mills, who will com-
mand the brigade, arrived here today
from Atlanta, accompanied by his two
aides, and took up temporary headquar-
ters in the new hospital building at Fort
Crockett. He announced, however, he
intended to go into camp with the soldiers
as soon as his tents arrived. Col. George
T. Bartlott of Atlanta has been desig-
nated chief of staff to General Mills and
Capt. C. O. Sherril of Mobile has been ap-
pointed chief engineer.
Eleven companies of Coast Artillery ar-
rived during the day or soon after night
fall, completing the first provisional regi-
ment, which is to be commanded by Col.
C. J. Bailey, assistant to the chief of
artillery at Washington. Colonel Bailey
reached Galveston this morning. The
companies arriving were as follows:
Seventy-fifth, Ninety-ninth and One
Hundred and Seventieth from tort Mor-
gan, Ala.
Seventy-second, Seventy-four^} and One
[undred an"
Scriven, Ga,
Hundred and Twenty-seventh!
om Fort
Fifteenth and Twenty-fifth from Fort
Barrancas, Fla.,
Seventh-eighth, One Hundred and
Forty-fourth and One Hundred and
Forty-fifth from Charleston, S. C.
The two other regiments of Coast Ar-
tillery to be mobilized here as infantry
have been recruited from Northern posts.
The twenty-four companies should reach
Galveston within fivo days.
Tho scout cruiser Salem, which arrived
off Galveston bar last night after a fast
run from Pensacola remained at anchor
outside tho harbor ail day. To newspaper
men WllO were permitted to board 1 in
vessel, .Commander George R. Evans
asserted he was awaiting further orders
from tho Navy Department. He de-
clared himself to be ignorant as to the
whereabouts of the Salem's sister shin,
tho Chester, which sailed from Pensacola
at the same time. A report became cur-
rent in Galveston this afternoon the Salem
was to go to Tampico, Mexico, to do
blockade duty In furtherance of President
Taft's plan to stop filibustering. There
was no confirmation of this report, how-
( amp Crockett today began to tnke on
the appearance of a real army camp, with
brown tents springing up like mushrooms
all over tho Government reservation About
twentv m»*n of each company were given
llbeity this evening after "beinp severely
cautioned by their commanding officers
to return to camp before 10:45 tonight and
to eritfagp in no disorderly conduct.
One captain went so far In this direction
as to give liberty only to men who never
had been convicted of a misdemeanor
during their military careers. When he exhausted his eligible list ho discov-
ered his liberty party was four short of
the number turned loose from the other
companies. He solved the problem by
permitting the "ineligibles ' to draw for
places on the squad, the four highest
winning. The competition was close.
The toldiers who have arrived express
themselves delighted with the camp site,
rlthough all of :hem seem eager to move
11 there is any prospec| of a "scrap."
| Woodman Celebration at Llano.
Special Telegram to Tho Express.
LLANO, Tex.. March 10.—There will be
j n big celebration of the Woodmen of the
j World at Llano early in June. Sovereign
I). L. Kendorf, who Is organizing camps
j in Llano, Burnet, Mason and Blanco Coun-
ties, Is preparing to concentrate about
•J000 Woodmen here in June nnd have
seme public installing and parades, as
well us etxenslve secret work. The Llano
Business Men's club will nsslst him in
making elaborate preparations for tho
Special Telegram to Tho Express.
EL PASO ,Tex., March 10.—The battle
of last night at San Augustine ranch, op-
posite Fabens, Tex., twenty-eight miles
east of El Paso, continued most of to-
day, the remnant of the insurectos at
last reports standing their ground inside
an old mill surrounded by federals.
Twenty-one of the insurectos came to the
Texas side during tho night and were
taken prisoners by the United States
troops on the Texas side of the border.
The L'nited States troops captured twen-
ty-two Mauser rifles and three horses.
That Madero's force rallied and de-
feated the federals at Casas Grandes af-
ter being defeated by the federals on
Monday, is not confirmed, but it is known
the insurectos'did rally and give further
battle. The loss in killed and wounded
on both sides is placed at from 300 Ho-
wards, and women and children were
killed, as the fighting took place in the
town proper.
After a famine of several weeks, Ter-
lingua and Boquillas, in the Big Bend
country West Texas, south of Alpine
on the border, are again supplied with
provisions. Bandits repeatedly captured
supplies sent these points by wagon train
until the United States troops arrived
to give the trains protection.
The grand jury yesterday returned in-
dictments against six Mexicans on the
charge of kidnaping Lawrence Converse
and Edwin Blatt two weeks ago. The
names of the men indicted will not be
given out until arrests are made. This
is believed to be the first step toward ex-
tradition proceedings.
Adjutant General Hutchings Hears
From Manv Who Wish to
Attend SchooL
Pally Express Austin Bureau.
AUSTIN, Tex., March 10.—The Adju-
tant General s Department today received
a number of telegrams from officers of
the Texas National Guard signifying their
desire to attend the school of instruction
to bo held at San Antonio during the
maneuver of the Federal troops at Fort
Sam Houston. Each and every officer
wiring Adjutant General Hutching* ad-
vised he could report at any time desig-
nated and remain indefinitely.
The following officers have applied for
detail to the maneuvers at San Antonio:
Major and quartermaster— Lovic T. Rog-
ers. Austin.
Majors of Infantry—Alfred W. Bloor,
Austin; Joseph I*. Nlcnols, Greenville;
Eisklne H. Roach, Dallas; Nathan I<a-
powskl, El Paso; John S. Hoover, Hous-
Captains of infantry—Benjamin Smith,
Fort Worth, Joshua P. Cranke, Laredo;
Ue< rge J. Head, Brownsville,
First lieutenants of Infantry: Clarence
Jj Ttst, Ai-stiti: Arthur M. Hoawell, Fort
Worth. J. K. Brown, Tegnpl**-
Second lieutenants of infantry: Wil-
liam A. McKlnney, Fort Worth; Joe (*e
la>a, Brownsville; drover 11. Curlew,
Captain of artillery—Fred A. Logan,
« aj rains of cavalry—Louis H. Younger,
Ai stin; John Towles, Houston.
First lieutenant of cavalry—Wallace J.
Mone, A\ stirf.
Officers desiring this detail are urged to
promptly advise the adjutant general at
Austin, the date they can report and the
lei gth of time they can serve.
See signature of E. W. GROVE. Used
world orer to Cure a Cold In One Da j. 25c.
If sugar dhl not dissolve in the mouth
you could not taste tlie sweet. GROVES
as the strongest bitter tonic, but you do
not taste the hitter because the ingredi-
ents do not dissolve ?n the mouth, but
do dissolve readily In tho acids of the
stomach. Is Just as good for grown peo-
ple as for children. The First and Orig-
inal Tasteless Chill Tonic. Tho standard
for CO years. Prke 50c.
That Feeling
of Fullness
Disappears in Fivo Minutes After Tak-
ing a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet.
A Trial Package Sent Free on Request.
All of thri unpleasant sensations nttend-
nnt upon eating too heartily aro Instantly
relieved by a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet.
Like sticking a pin into a rubber balloon.
Tho reason Is simple and easy to under-
Inflation Of The Stomach From Undigested
Food Quickly Relieved By A
Stuart's Dyapepua Tablet.
When you take food into a stomach that
Is tired and overtaxed the gastric Juices
do not form fnst enough to digest it
properly. So the food becomes rout and
at once begins to throw off gases. Your
stomach becomes inflated Just as surely
as if you attached a toy balloon to a gas
jet. Then the irasea and foul odors issue
forth and pollute your breath, making
you an object of nausea to your friends,
lour tongue quickly becomes coated *nd
you can taste the foulness that la within
Now nil this condition is changed almost
instantly by a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet.
This little digester gets busy at once—
supplies ull the digestive Juices that were
lacking—digests the food in a Jiffy and
opens up the clogged stomach and bowels.
It also sweetens and refreshes the mucous
lining of the stomach and bowels aud re-
stores pea re and content.
If you will elve Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab-
lets a chance they will not only sweeten
your stomach but also your disposition
and you will never have auother stom-
ach 111.
One grain of n single Ingredient In
Stuart's Dyspepala Tablets will digest 3000
grains of food. This saves yonr stomach
and gives it the rest it needs! All muscles
require occasional re«t if they are ever
overtaxed. The stomach Is no exception to
this rule.
Try a box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
and you will wonder how you ever got
along without them. They are sold at 8©
cents by all druggists everywhere. A
trial package will be sent free on request
to F. A. Stuart Co., 150 Stuart Bldg..
Marshall, Mick.
We are Thoroughly Equipped With New
Spring Clothes
And we can say with
pride we have never
shown a prett ier selection
of swell fabrics, new de-
signs nor striking models
than this season's
High Art
Kuppenheimer and
"L" System
New shades in tan
and grays, blue serg-
es and cravenetted
If you are just look-
ing around today—
drop in at either of our stores
and let us show you through.
$15 to $45
»takh q-y
In every new shape, style and color. We T
are showing them nt
Spring Oxfords in Edwin Clapp and
Walker's—$3.50, $4. $5. $6 and $7
Main Plaza
Alamo Plaza
lover $5000 WortlTofl
San Fernando tots
Sold This Week.
Why Is San Fernando Such
a Seller?
Here's the Answer:
There is more value in it than any proposi-
tion on the market today. It has more
points of advantage and superiority than
any other property in Texas. v
If You will go and look at this property
you will buy, too. The Free Water alone
is worth the price of the lot. The Improve-
ments are the best to be found in all San
Antonio today. The fine macadam streets,
the best cement sidewalks and splendid
cement curbing, fire plugs at each corner.
Iron water mains and the biggest well of
.artesian water in any addition in the state.
The lots are 50 feet front. The price is
Don't forget the price. And remember
Kirkpatrick is behind the proposition.
J. H. Kirkpatrick Co.
417-419 NAVARRO ST.
Associated ChaHtles exist as a monument to th*
n»n who ^everlastlrgly puts off paying his premium
fji a small life policy. \\ hen his day of peace comet,
Bis wife, children, mother or sister lives as a part'
t>t the Associated ( harltles, a monument erecten to
the brutality of wan Hend us the names of threa
people Interested In life Insurance and we will send
yon n handsome #et of picture postals free
D. K. B WAGOEKEB, State A vest,
Mem BHIdlac, tea Aateale. Tex
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San Antonio Express. (San Antonio, Tex.), Vol. 46, No. 70, Ed. 1 Saturday, March 11, 1911, newspaper, March 11, 1911; San Antonio, Texas. ( accessed December 12, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Abilene Library Consortium.