General directory for Austin, Texas includes address listings for businesses and individuals as well as advertisements from local businesses. According to the title page, the directory contains "the Present State, County and City Governments, County Officials of Texas, Giving Date of Organization of Each County as also County Seat; List of Counties, Judicial Districts, District Judges and Clerks, and Time of Holding Courts in all Counties in Texas; Representative, Senatorial, Congressional and Supreme Judicial Districts; Court of Civil Appeals, Court of Cirminal Appeals, U. S. Judicial District and U. S. Circuit Courts, where Returnable; a Complete List of all Postoffices and Money Order Offices in Texas; also an Index of Societies, Associations, Churches, Corporations, Eductional Institutes; Full Name and Address of all Residents, Thier Occupations or Pursuits and a Complete Classified Business Directory, also a Valuable Street Guide and Householder's Directory, numerically arranged.