The El Paso Daily Times. (El Paso, Tex.), Vol. 3, No. 203, Ed. 1 Thursday, October 30, 1884 Page: 4 of 4
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«L PABO, ita., Oct, 39, 1884.
Highest temperature. 71 c
Lowest temperature 37 3
Mean relative humidity: '65
Maximum Telocity of *inJ: 1 miles
par hour. Ntr.hwest
Rainfall; None
Fred Belford, Observer.
—Best cigars at Kohlberg Bros.
What is the use to paj $1 if you
Can get your oysters at tbe Link
restaurant at 75 cents per can.
—For pure drugs and toilet arti-
cles call on Albers & Co.
—Vote fer Kabn and competen-
cy-?. S. & M.
They Lead U>. I From the Apache Rocket of the j R-*• JOHNSON.
Man may justly Hoast of physicnl 24'h we clip the following' TTTT T ATM" T^™^TTTXTQ/,'MVT
strength and a well-balanced judg- 1 he attention of the voters of this O U J J X Ail OO W V/XXint ^
irient. Historical reminiscences representativedistrict "" ""
Everything quiet in police circles | point to distinguished characters e
—no case before his honor this; statesmen, as soldiers, as literati
Saloon was won
He threw 43.
Judge Davis.
But under all conditions, mental
; and physical, tbe sterner sex have
The laprobe rafljed «tlh. ^ ,o ,heswMU offe
—Prescriptions carefully com-
pounded at all hours day or night
at Albers Co.
—New lunch and beer stand op-
posste W. G. Waltz's music store.
Open day and night
—Embroidery and stamping con«
on short notice at Mrs. B. F. Deal.
For Sale
Fifty good brood mares.
Jcman & Johnson.
Coal M'oal!! Coal!!!
We are now prepared to deliver
coal in ton lots at $9,50 per ton,
with weighers certificate. The
claim that a better article than
ours will be furnished is a humbug.
And we sell lower than any other
parties can sell in this market.
El Paso Transfeh Co.
—T. C. Lutterloh is a reliable man
and is well qualified for the position
of assessor of the county.
It is well-known that T C. Lut-
terloh is a first-class business man,
and would make a good assessor.
Do you want your wa!lj whitened?
Call on Mitchell, the old, reliable
painter. Han Antonio street.
Neil Lucky, a dismissed lunatic
from the state asylum, has again
lost his mind and been jailed al
Burnet farmers think that if there
is no frost before November 11, the
second crop of cotton will be larger
than the first.
-Use Uionosa roasted coffee.
—Hionosa coffee pure, fresh, un-
adulterated, uncolored, unglazed.
—Do you want any glass put in?
Call on Mitchell, the old, reliable
painter, San Antonio street.
—Do you want an artistic sign?
Call on Mitchell, the old, reliable
painter, San Antonio street
—We have just received a large
shipment of gents' stiffhats, includ-
ing the latest styles and most de-
sirable colors and quality. Leading
clothing and tailors.
Lightrody & James.
A highwayman robbed .1 M
Thompson of $300, near Brownville
but was captured before lie got away
with the spoil
Captain James White left this
morning for Cisco,Texas, to visit his
sister whom he has not seen for
eighteen years,
Minnie Lee, a "fair}'" employed
at the National Theatre, while on
her way home last night,was robbed
(or has a faint idea she was) of
»"■ . mi
The Commercial Saloon was sold
thii morning at sheriff's sale, and
the property of Tucker »t Co was
knocked off io B Schuster for
—Pinon salve at Albers & Co.'s
El Paso street.
—Ask your grocer for Rionosa
coffee, and take no other.
—Rionosa coffee in pound pack-
—A fine imported Havana Cigar 2
or 25 cents at Kohlberg Bros.
There has been added to the St.
Julian Saloon a lunch stand and
short order restaurant—good ides.
— just the thing. Opposite the
First National Benk.
—Rionosa Roasted coffee is the
and reliable Rionosa
District court adjourned until
Monday the 10th of November next,
this will give the officers and jurors
a rest, and time to take in the elec-
tion and get coel after l he heated
excitement of the 4th.
—Call at the Parlor and sample
some of 0, F. C. whiskey, the best
—Satisfaction guaranteed te
who use Rionosa coffee.
—Nopal Liniment is a sure cure
for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Erysip-
elas, Quinsy, Stiffness of Joints,
Wounds, Bruises, Burns, Chapped
hands, Scalds, Sprains, External
Poisons, and Flesh Wounds. For
sa^e at Rio Grande Pharmacy.
Rionosa coffee, delicious aroma
fine quality.
To Mechanics
and others who want goods for
everyday wear We can give you
a genuine, full stock, solid leather
copper rivet sole shoe for $1.50.
Seamless socks at 15 and 25 cents.
Heavy merino underwear at $1 50
per suit Substantial suit of
clothes at $7.50. A big drive in
British socks We have all these
goods in every grade to the very
finest aver brought to El Paso.
Lightrody A JajIks.
On the 28th a fearful explosion
occurred in a coal mine at Union-
town Pennsylvania, where twenty-
one men were in the mine at work
Fourteen were taken out dead, and
the other seven are more or less in-
The Streetcar bridge is progress-
ing finely, and we think by the 4th
of November it will be completed sn
our neighbors over the border can
come over and see tho process of
popular elections as conducted in
this republic.
The Times is trying to make an
arrangement by which the tele-
graphic news concerning the flec-
tion will be given to the people of
El Paso promptly and reliably, and
we suggest to those who feel an in-
terest in the matter and who are
able to do so to call around at this
office and give us their Hid
Mr. Wilson of tho Texas and Pa-
cific railroad, was in the otlicc of the
Times this morning, and in reply to
an inquiry of the Times as to what
the T & P . was doing said the T.
Jk. P. was doing all the business she
could handle, was slaughtering
rates and making a town of El Paso
Low rates is what tho town most
needs, and if she can get theso so
she can compete with other towns
in the west, she will jump rapidly
to the front defying all competors
We clip the following notice of
our fellow townsman John Bailey,
from the San Angelo Standard, pub-
lished in Tom Green county Texas :
"The announcement of John Bailey,
of El Paso county, as a candidate
Ho! for Amusement.
On Friday night the Templetons
will be here.
The raffia for the lap robe at the
Parlor saloon will take place this
evening at 8 o'clock. All those
holding chances will please be on
—The skating rink will open for
ladies exclusively, to practice, from
half past nine till half past eleven
a, m.
male dominion * The lent i*
supposed to be the seat of in-
fection, the source from whence
all those inexplicable though, deli-
cious sensations originate, but fur
solid and perpetual enjoyment, t.;
stomach is more reliable. Beauty
has its charms, perfection of lorn
and artistic accomplishments a
sirable. Sweetness of temper is a!
most irrisistable, but when we want
a wife, and we do now, We will nuke
.) prodigious effort to capture that
lady who knows exactly bow to
make pies.
It is suggested by tho li. -lock
men of E! P. so county.that t he fitten- j
tion of the voters of El Paso shoul 1,
consider the importance of tVe of- ;■
lice of hid^insp^ctor,and that it has
more bearing on the prosperity and j
growth of tbe live stock interest
is given to it. There are moves oil
foot to make of this place a connect-
ing link between the livestock in- (
terest of Mexico and the United j
States, and should this succeed and ■
these two interests be blended ami j
worked in harmony, then the duty
of inspector would requi.e a man
of intelligence integrity, and ond
familial with the cattle interests in
this section. Therefore they sug-
gest the name of 1). E. Doane, as a
suitable candidate for this office.
Mr. Doane they urge has interests
here in El Paso and owns a half in-
terest in a fine cattlo ranch in New
Mexico, and besides is well qualified
to administer the office efficiently
and honestly. They ask the voters
of this county to cast their votes
for D. E Doane for hide inspector.
We have seen a private letter from
Tom Green county, which speaks
very encouragingly of the candida-
cy of our fellow townsman, John
Bailey. If the writer be not mis-
taken, Mr. Bailey will g3t a majority
j of the votes polled in that county,
which added to his strength here
and in Presidio county should give
him the victory on the 4th of No-
vember. But elections are like
horseraces very uncertain, often a
rank fielder wins over a favorite.
In such cases the knowing ones go
to yass in great shape. From pre-
sent indications we would say that
Mr. Bailey stands a good showing
to get away with the whole field.
The complication is so great in
the various .county tickets being
printed in the Times office that we
fear we will have all the printers in
job department crazy before we gel
half through. About every fifteen
minutes we have one order counter-
manding some previous order mak-
ing changes in the make up of the
ticket. If the voters survives this
election they need not hesitaee to
tackle any intricacy even from the
hands of a Philadelphia lawyer.
is called to {
the announcement of Mr. John Bai-
ley. Mr. Bailey is well known in j
this section of our district as being i
a good lawyer, a man of integrity,!
veracity, good sound judgment,and
withal a perfect gentleman.
Mr. John Bailey, an able El Paso
attorney, comes at tic eleventh
hour as a candidate for representa-
tive. "lie that came at the eleventh
hour received his penny also." The
Iloeket l opes you'll get there. John,
h - i my Jo John.
Delegates Wanted.
St. I.m Oct 2<;.~A circular
has been -cut to the governors of
nli the states and territories in the
I nioti, rt questing each to appoint
,,iio deleg ; at lam? to the Nation-
al Cattlemen's Convention, to be
held here No v.nil h r 17.
llase Ball Association.
There will be a meeting of the El
Pa-o I>aS" t'.dl asi-oclaiion at the
Cite l'lnii this evening at 7 30. By
[Successors to Wm. B. Hooper <fc Co.]
Wholesale Liquor Dealers
Foieign and Domestic Wines.
Bar Fixtures and Glassware.
Shipping and Commission Merchants
Sole Agents For
outer ot
E. V
Coffin & "Seeton,
-nEAidiJtS IN-
Grain, Hay and Ground Feed.
Wholesale Dealers in FLOUR.
Special Prices on Car Lots and Goods Delivered Fret*
of Cliarge on Cars.
Overland Building, - - El Paso, Texas
.1 W 7,01,1,01!
Bi:itniKN, S c'y.
Notice is hereby given that I have
Ibis day duly appointed Mr.Bernard
Schuster my legal agent in El Paso
who is fully empowered to attend to
all the business of the firm.
J. Fhkndenthal.
Successor to B Schuster & Co.
October 1(>, 1SS4.
The office of notary public, for
the registry of property, mortgages,
ifcc., which, by order of tbe law, was
annexed to the court of letters of
this district, is from to-day in charge
of the undersigned attorney; said
office having been opened in tbe
house of th^ late Samaniego.
Paso del Norte, Mexico, August
18th. 1881.
Vo.\ac 10 C. OCADIZ.
and Wholesale Butchers
Paso del Norte, Mexico and El Paso, Teias.
Office Rooms Nos. 12 & 14,
At the office of the Ki. I'aso Daily
Timks specimens of the following
articles: Twenty-five pounds each
of good gramma grass, alfalfa, john
son, mesquite, bermudu and millett.
A good sized bundle of wheat, oats,
barley and rye,' and twelve pounds
each, of corn, wheat, oats, barley
and rye.
By order of the committee on
grasses and cereals.
How Borsey sells French Cognacs
an 1 Wines at the prices, but he gets
them in bond an 1 free of duty.
You'll find him at Proveneio old
corner, "otro lar'do."
a guest
Kx-govcmor Lubbock is
of the Central hotel, where quite a
number of his old and new support-
ers called upon him. We trust that
the stay of the governor will be
made pleasant, and he mny carry
away with him a pleasant recollec-
tion of tho intelligence, courtecy
and progressiveism of El Paso,
S L. Kahn has made an efficient
eity clerk, and assistant assessor,
has been untiring in his efforts to
accommodate the public. Ho has
furnished to the county the neatest
and most accurate rolls of assea>-
ment ever turned in before. Vote
for him for assessor.
Mr. S. Shulz,
store, is a candi
of the California
Into for commit-
tor the legislature from this Eigfc- sioner from precinct No. 1. He asks
tieth representative < iifric,', appeals 'he voters of El Paso for their siq
tor the first time in this weeks issue.
Mr, Bailey practiced law in San An-
gelo about four years ago, and he
made numerous friends who will
not forget him on the 4th of Novem-
ber He has been well recommend-
ed to us, and with tin vote of El
Paso an<f*Tem Green, the most pop-
ulous ones in the district, he stands
a good chance of being t ur next re-
—Deeds and not words should ac-
tuate the voters in selicting an as-
SMSor next Tuesday. Inspect my
work at the county offices.
S. L Kahn.
port and if elected will subserve
thtfr interest with intelligence, in-
tegrity and faithfulness.
Scfoits Opera House
October 31st and Novembr 1st
Monty Bros. Market Building,
El Paso St., El Paso, Texas
JOHN DOUGHER, Proprietor.
tie if First-Class House ii lie fflj.
wholesale dealer? in
General Merchandise.
Shipping and Commission Merchants.
Importation ail Fomriiii of Cusunnts into Meiico a Malty
Hazard Powder Co. of New York.
Hercules Powder Co. of San Francisco.
W. J. Letup's St. Louis Beer.
Banco Nacional, Mcxico.
Sehuttler Wagons.
New Home Sewing Machine Co.
Only appearance here of the "Finest
Company in Comic Opera."
Opera Company
Fay Templeton j Harry Brown
ot Comic Opera. | The Great Comedian.
Alice VaiV.Lillie West. Signor Geo.Olnii,
(ieo. Traverner, W.n.Uuiberson,
Shrnoi Xovello.
In the Best ot Comic Operas.
Friday Oct. 31st, LcCocq's Celebrated
Saturday Nov. 1st, Audran's XewOopera
t'susal price*. Scats now on sale at
Irvin's Drug Store.
The New Fashion Saloon
W. M. Mayers, Prop.
Tli© favorite Resort.
hlegant billiard Hall and Club Rooms. The Bar is always furnished
with the yery best of Imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
State National Bank Building, San Antonio Street
Herman I'F.ui.r.i, Musical Conductor.
Chicago III. XT. 25.
Mining Machinery and Supplies.
H. 0. REINHART, M'ngr.
Importers and Bankers-
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The El Paso Daily Times. (El Paso, Tex.), Vol. 3, No. 203, Ed. 1 Thursday, October 30, 1884, newspaper, October 30, 1884; El Paso, Texas. ( accessed September 9, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Abilene Library Consortium.