The Daily Hesperian (Gainesville, Tex.), Vol. 17, No. 284, Ed. 1 Wednesday, October 30, 1895 Page: 3 of 4
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. . •
tf CO.
Jack Fro.! m.iv unex|»cct"
eilly appear: arc you icady
for him' Wo arc \\Y have
New Shop.
J cm* Green burg, the well known
1kh»I ami nhoe maker, ean now be
foand next door to the Hesperian
•►nil*, where h«- is prepared to
imikv tir«t class boots and shoes at
the very Invent price*. He is an
exi>erienced workman and conse-
quently liis work is of the very
liest. Repairing of all kinds done
with neatnes* and dispatch. His
••harves reasonable. KememlN>r
that Mr. Greenburg is a fixture iu
Gainesville as this is home in the
everything nmlod t<» protoct JiL0"*
health and promote c»mfort
of man, wnmm <>• rh'Ll Inf-
low are a few surest ions tlc-
servin^ of more than .i cimi i
glance Read: read a^ain
and then re-read. You \vi
sa\ e money by it:
Hot* Particularly th•
Mowla\ SjM'ciitI Sale.
French S rah Seizes, dou-
ble twill, fu'Iv 45 inches wide,
in all the leading fal' shades ;
we know inft-rior rutail-
eil ;it «>^4- ; this hijjh class
gtxxls this week at 50c.
All our preneh and Kn^lish in har.dsom-ehan^e-
able effects, pricis » ut in two:
13o< )tec.
Pavement Paragraphs Gathered
in the Rounds.
Miss May Read is very ill.
Cotton was up a little yester-
H. G. Bohny is reported as no
The total wagon receipts of cot-
tou at Denisou up to date are
2393 bales against G850 bales for
the corresponding period last
The blue ribbon on the Gaines-
ville public schools exhibit at the
Dallas fair is attracting the atten-
tion of thousands of sight seers,
and stands Gainesville as the
educational center, it is certainly
a grand advertisement.
Captain Lapowski yesterday re-
ceived a telegram from his buyer
in New York, Mr. Vogel, that lie
was about to close a tiade with a
wholesale house for $45,000 worth
of goods, the veiy latest and l>est
of everything in the dry goods
line. Captain Lapowski imme-
diately wired Ins !>ig houses iu
Abilene, San Angelo and Colora-
! do asking them t<» see Wow much
they could use. Captain La-
powski says tin' decline 111 cotton
j§ Q BOOtCC ^X lH wholesale men
. , . and factors to reduce the price of
Just what vou have been lookinq . . ., , .
' their goods, thus rendering these
big purchases possible.
Jndge Stnart was in the city
J. W. Calloway went to Henri-
etta last night.
L. O. Robertson is iu the terri-
tory on business.
Commissioner Muirell of Valley
View was in the city Tuesday.
J. L. Hiekson, with his sister,
Mrs. VV. P. Gribble, took in the
fair yesterday.
Mrs. I>ent and daughter. Mrs.
II. O. Cravens, returned to Ma-
rietta yesterday morning.
"In Old Tennessee." Reserved
seats 50 cents.
j.. v.
Facts Count!
The fact that our store is crowded from early morn until
closing time daily evidences the fact that our
M £ M £ M £ j* & m £ .-as £ /Ji
pay for
M Hesperian
jual of the.-e nave never
« fteieil.
<GVH 1'ir Combination
\n « !te in-r comprising
noUr.nix but exceptional 75c.
$t Co ami Si -5 values
It's a .sale worth while at-
u n ♦in:: Don't miss it.
t¥ CO.
and 17 Dixon St
Call and let us show you.
Your Shoe Man.
A whole
Subscribe Now.
Reserved seats to "In Old Ten-
nessee" at the opera house tonight
reduced to 50 cents.
Is a truly great opportunity for the people of North Texas to lav in
their supplies for Fall and Winter at Sacrifice Prices.
Goods Must Be Sold.
Worth of Dry Goods, Clothing,
Shoes and Furnishing Goods
9 v/ v / 7 To Be Sold in Two Month's Time Forces a Tremendous Slaughter ia Price,
A New Departure.
A line line of carpets has beet
aided lo .). J. Kacklev's mam
Died at Whitesboro.
Hon. W. H. Trolinger died yes-
Make a note of'it—J. J. Rack-)terday morning at his home iu
ley lias some rare bargains to offer
in furniture which you should
.... ,, , ,. 1 take advantage of.
moth stock, and lie means to sell j
them, consequently the prices «re
I.iv. . Cat pets from ISc a yard up.
L.'.ok through hi-< stock before
l>; via;;.
i:esi<!»-nce !«>r electric
lights lamp per month 50
cents. Telephone No. 133.
MKIidlANT.s Ki.kctuh LiohtCo.
ROYAL Baking Powder.
Whitesboro at G o'clock. De-
ceased had lived in Whitesboro
since the fall of 1861. Prior to
his removal to Texas in 1861 he
Wghes"oi"alTltt leavening j »•'« a »'™ber ol the Gov. Claib
slLgth-v.s.o„»,™».«Report. legislature „t Jhwoan.
He was also elected representative
Von want furniture but say you ! of Grayson county and served in
can't save up the. money with I the house uutil the fall of '73,
which to buy it. Don't let that 5 wiien })0 was chosen by the people
bother you but g°jo J. J. Rack- j ^ jistrict lo serve them in the
i ley, who will se"
(io to John Chamlters ami get ! j»ayiuents.
close prices on house painting ami
you on easy
an teed and best of material. Coi
Her l>ogg and Rusk streets.
senate. He was a brave, patriotic,
christian man.
Cost of placing electric lamps in
Telephone No. Ki:>. ' | advantage of the rare bargains J.
Mkkciiants Elkctrk' Light Co. ; J Kackleyis offering in furniture.
paper hanging. All work guar- j yolir |,01l{,; s|"cach. complete.! If you are wise you will take
Dress Goods,
1 Mixed Suitings, Serges
Staple Goods.
StmvJiiril prints,'.vorth fio
>;lc Price
8 "A c
I SO iiH-lie-' w ide, pi ici
i every wlsorf 1'J1 j(•.
Imported floods, 44
inches wide, :il! col-
,j j/ | ors, bought to sell
Sale Price ( A ' at s3<'.
• _ . , Price '><H
• Brocaded _ ;
r>u Storm Coatings
[ 51 inches wide, navy ,
:intl black, worth I.:-S5 i
Heaviest yard wide domestic,
worth fi'jc. ( 7/ „
Sale I'rice t /8 C
I'nbleached cotton flannel, worth
Sale Price
double width, sill j Dissolution
wool tilling,w'rth ISc I'rict*
11 V, c
Sale Price 1 1 /•* '
Black Henrietta
all wool warp and
filling, inches wide
worth H7'2C
Sale Price 1
Storm Serge
44 inches w ide, navy
and black, regular
s5c goods,
A beautiful Novelty
Dress Pattern worth
?4.5<) s;.> 1 -
Sale Price
Novelty Dress
stylish and hand-
some, worth
Sale Price
A great variety of
plain and f'ney dress
goods. Prices and
goods speak
than words
L*es ana ^
louder S
Rugs. |
Lace Curtains
Such goods were 1 (ienuine Smyrna
never <»ffered at such , Hug, the *2.75 kind,
Nottingham Cur-
tains. yai ds I<»ug,
worth 1.50 a pair,
lled twilled at 15c, 19c, 25c and
39c yard, worth 30 per cent more.
White flannels kt 20c, 25c, 27l»c,
S9c and 4ye, are rnr.»
White all-wool 10 4 blankets, worth
$3.50. OO
Sale i'rice wu.tJO
Fine California blankets, worth
Sio.oo. 7 -/k
Sale Price ... •*->"
Comforts and colored blankets
at reduced prices.
I.ine complete aud great bar-
gains in ladies' and children's
Hosiery Special.
50 dozen misses' black ribbed
hose sizes 5-sij: some worth ^5c,
some 35c, some 50c. »)1 «
All goat -At
It is conceded that
our Shoe Depart-
ment is the best in
the city. Styles per-
fect, workmanship
superior, and our
dissolution prices
way beyond reach of
Ladies Glove Grain
Button Shoes, all sol -
id, worth $1.25,
Sale Price
Ladies' Oil Grain
Solid Shoes, worth
$i.5o. qQp
Sale Price "OL
1 ()f!
(iocs now at J-
Ladies' Fine Kid
Shoes, entirely new
goods, all sizes and
lasts, value $2.75,
Sale Price 81,98
Men's Tap Sole Shoes
all solid, lace or con-
gress, all sizes, val-
ue 2.50, Ol AX
Selliug atvl'W
Men's Calf Goodyear
Welt Shoes, latest
styles, toes and lasts
value 3.50,
Yours at $2.98
Our line of Cbildrens
Shoes is os ecially
attractive. We car-
ry them light
weight, school shoes
and heavy weight.
We make a specialty
of fitting children.
ialty J
• —I
, Men's Suits, all sizes,
! value $4.50.
Sale Price o-.-JO
S.ii< rri
Irish Point Cur
tain<, yils lung,
hamWnmr ilesigns,
\ < ry large Smyrna
Hug, sells at 5.00,
Children's suits, all
sizes, 5 to 13 years,
worth f 1.00.
Sale Price
'1 ut ion
... . ., . ! Children's suits,dou-
I Men s suits, all sizi's, « [,],. breasted, sizes 5
> value $.->.50. | t<> 14 years, worth
Sale Price So.OO "" ' ^
Sale Price ol."o
Sw iss ('urtams,
stylish and im
priee 5
Chenille Curtain^
hamIsom«' designs
[nun 'J.'.'s per pair
up, \> orth (imc third
i Men's black cheviot
Children's black cas-
mcre suits, sizes 4
-nits, value $7 50. ! to 15, value $3.75.
-«•»•>! *2.50
-ale Priei
This Week at
< Mir line- of Su i-<
Sasft Curtain goods
silk an«l gold«*n dra
peries i>. grand.
\N'« also call a:im O
tion to our stock «»t ©
Carpets, < »i 1 Cloth
and Lin(deuit). Call
and get priees
I Iiest stock of cloth -
Men's ali worstetl ing in tile city and
diagonal suit-*, bine | reduced prices pre-
l !»ia< k, val ^12.50 | vail everywhere.
Don't miss y o u r
Men's laundred, new
style snirts, fancy
bosom and cuffs,
worth $1.00.
Sale Price •
Best fancy shirts,
the $1,75 quality.
This sale at 81.25
Gents' Neck-
Tccks. scarfs and
four - in - hand ties;
choice patterns,
worth 50c. OXj*
Our Price it*™
Stiff Hate.
The latest styles in
stiff hats. We offer
the ».00Hlndt 2.50
Sale Price
Gents' Under-
Heavy ribbed under
wear, worth $1.50.
Sale Price 98c
Our $2.25 suit of un-
—i < lur gents' furni'li •
The best goods and ing goods depart-
biggest bargains are ment offers rare bar-
to be obtained in gains in half hose,
this department. J collars, etc.
We offer the S3.M
quality at
r.or ONE —10 4 all wool white LOT TH ItEE—Om> rase all wool j Extra «oo«i saline quilts, tilled
l.Iunketi *2 regular price**, red blankets •'1.00. j with pare white eotton, woith
!,OT TWO—Ci»lifnrni;i white LOT FOt'R—Colored t>ed Man- for 91 .t5.
I>l.mkct s, extra fine, pure all wool kors 10-4, pure all wool, *3.25. | Fifty slumber robes i?l worth
Mail orders solicited and prompt attention given same. Samples sent
on application, but visit us personally if possible.
Be Sure and Get to the Right Place. Don't Be Misled
Hird, Maddox&Yaeth
£ 1 7">, worth
LOT THREE—Oii^ case
blankets I worth *2 "»<>.
Colored «|uilts, full size, ">c. $2.
Colored <iir.lts, satine, s?l.251 Real down quilts $3.90, worth
in ilit v for S7 ! $0.50.
10.3 is the number of telephone i
at my residence. Call will havej
prompt attention.
J. J. Rack ley,
Leading Furniture Dealer and i
LOT ONE—Six dozen Mi.-ses'i I.OT THREE—Sixtj pairs La- J Cat Shoes. All we have left of
School Slmes, doir„'<>!a, kan/aroo l ,iios- .!K>.liuiii weight dongola But- the summer stock, to close for
and Calf. 95c, worth *1.50. , ton vi,))0S patent leather tips. $1.25, worth $2.00 to $3.00.
LOT TWO—Six dozen Boys'
rrain leather.
School Sho^i, heavy
■>5c, worth i? I J5.
48 pairs Old Ladies' Solid Com-
300 pairs Oxford Ties and Low fort Shoes. $1.00, worth $1.50.
Dress GoodS and Silks.
Twenty pieces all wool marking j Twenty-live pieces fancy dress Fifty fancy silk waist patterns
tlannels, 19'-jc a yaid, worth .'>;»e. goods worth 75c to $1, for 50c a all new shades, (>5.j a yaid.
Ten pieces 10-ineh broadcloth yar(|
r,0c* , , ... , . QQ Black fancy silk skirt patterns
... .., ... • i j i Back dress goods one-third less
All wool Serges, 10 inches wide, j "
22than our regular prices this week, at $8.75, reduced from ¥12.
Capes and Jackets.
5o Jackets, liet'uni goods, but 3 dozen Jackets, late style, me-, We still have 300 handsome";-h.*'.»";.f'rZ di"m ■»«» wcif-",ts' ,'h0ice °ew CaI>e9 at *iM 10 TI,iS
lot $5.00. $2.95, worth $5 to $7. ! week at 25% below regular prices.
fed firm
The price for the
Has boen reduced
Hesperian Office,
Oct. 29, 1895
gainesville market.
j Middling 7%
; Strict middling 7J-£
Good middling....... . .S's
liverpool market.
Liverpool, Oct. 29. — Prices
j Spots 4 7b .
| Nov-Dec 4.42
eSW Dec Jan 4.43
Jan-Feb 4.44
new york market.
^| New York, Oct. 29.—Futures
steady. Middling 8!&.
ffl Nov 8.04
Dec 8.70
^an 8.77
new orleans market.
New Orleans, Oct. 29.—Futures
A Year.
$10 to $5 tm , d
vw jsasi i steady; easy.
Spots 8'a.
Nov 8.60
Dec 8.64
Jan 8.67
Receipts at all ports for week,
Protect Your Eyes.
Properly adjusted spectacles
and ye-glasses are something that
Gaitj3vitle has long been in
need or.
Prof. H. Hirschberg, the well
known eye expert of St Louis,
Mo., and New York has appointed
\V. B. Kinne agent for his .cele-
brated non-changeable spectacles
and eye-glasses, where a complete
assortment can always be found.
Prof. H. Hirschberg or one of his
staff, will remain iu Gainesville
November 25 and 26, and all those
in need of properly adjusted spec-
tacles and eve-glasses should avail
themselves of this opportunity.
Consultation free.
My baby had water blisters on
the head and face, but Hood's
Sarsaparilla has accomplished a
complete cure.
W. B. Rutherford,
Ennis. Tex.
Hood's pills cure sick headache.
Don't fail to see what a lovely . 147,754.
line of Drapery Silks J. R. M.
Patterson is f-elling (for this week A Great Cut in Prices at the
only) at 39c. They are worth j Variety Store.
$1-00. We intend to make our new
. i
stock of fall and winter goods
move rapidly if low prices will do
$2.65 to Dallas Fair
Via the Santa Fe route. Leave
Gainesville 5:22 a. m. and arrive
at fair grounds at 9:20 a. m. Two
trains daily returning. Dates of
sale October 16 to November 3,
limited to November 5. Rcmem-
it. Everything the best. Not a
poor article in the store. Right
up in style. Right np in assort-
ment. Just what will please
you. No trouble to show goods.
tier the Santa Fe lauds you at the. (jrt.ll and see our goods and get
fair grounds gate. , our prices before buying.
fS. A. Kendig, xhe Variety Store,
P- ! Mitchell & Shearer, Props.
"In Old Tennessee." Reserved- Safes at
seats 50 cents. $2.50.
Vrhest iicnors—World's Fair,
| A pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder.
J. J. Rackley's for from Ammonia, Alum or any
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The Daily Hesperian (Gainesville, Tex.), Vol. 17, No. 284, Ed. 1 Wednesday, October 30, 1895, newspaper, October 30, 1895; ( accessed February 18, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Abilene Library Consortium.