Old Cora Courthouse. Soon after the creation of Comanche County in 1856, the town of Cora (10 Mi. SE) was platted to serve as the county seat. The courthouse in Cora, typical of many early Texas Courthouses, was a 12'7" x 12'10", one room, squared log structure. It served the county until the seat of government was moved to Comanche in 1859. The "Old Cora" courthouse was incorporated into a house built about 1880 and has been moved several times over the years. It stands as a reminder of the now-extinct town of Cora and of early Texas Courthouse architecure.
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Old Cora Courthouse. Soon after the creation of Comanche County in 1856, the town of Cora (10 Mi. SE) was platted to serve as the county seat. The courthouse in Cora, typical of many early Texas Courthouses, was a 12'7" x 12'10", one room, squared log structure. It served the county until the seat of government was moved to Comanche in 1859. The "Old Cora" courthouse was incorporated into a house built about 1880 and has been moved several times over the years. It stands as a reminder of the now-extinct town of Cora and of early Texas Courthouse architecure.
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Photographing Texas
These images come from individuals' travels across the state. Subjects include Texas scenery, wildlife, county courthouses, state parks, national parks, libraries, museums, historic sites, outdoor murals, architecture, monuments, and historic plaques -- a little bit of everything Texas!
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