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jurist. Two years instructions under so ale a Judge Sabin anti Governor J. W. Henderson, whose
master fully qulalified him for the profession, and
lie was admitted to the bar. lHe was then elected
County Solicitor, and began the practice at Louisburg,
in his native State, where he remained until
1850, when hlie abandoned the law andi became a
merehant, whlicl eimploymnent seemed more congenial
to hlis tastes. He devoted himself to transactions
in merchandise until 1860, when lie immigrated
to Texas, and located at Galveston, where he has
since resi(led as a merchant. During the civil war
he was in the service of the Confederate Government
exporting cotton, and obtaining supplies for
the army. In 1857 he was elected one of the
Trustees of the University of North Carolina by
the Legislature of the State. He has filled with
great credit varions official positions, among which
may be named County Judge of Franklin county,
his native State, President of the Cotton Exchange
of Galveston; imember of the Executive Council of
the National Cotton. Exchange and Mayor of Galveston,
which last position he was elected to fill
in 1876(. -His political principles have always been
Democratic in the sense in whichl that term is understood
by Southern men. tHe was married in
1850, to Miss Malry AM. Yarborough, daughter of
Rich ard Pen ner Yarborough', a lp)rominen!t merchant
of that State.
....--..,1i. ....memoirs appear in this work, and in 1855 he wAs
admitted to the bar, and soon entered upon the
practice of law at H-Jouston, where as one of the
most prominent members of the profession he has
since resided. IHe is one of the oldest and the
only surviving member of the early Houston bar.
He lihas never held any public office. He served
in the Confederate armiy during the civil war, for
one year. Hle was married on the 22d dav of February,
1858, to Miss Linda S. Jones, of Waco,
Texas, daughter of George 'W. Jones, an early
pioneer of Eastern Texas, from Tennessee, who
was an active participant in the decisive battle,
between the Texans and Mexicans at San Jacinto,
in April 1836, which gave to Texas her independence.
Hamnblen lost his first wife, by death in 1871.
He was married again in 1872 to Miss Annie E.
Hamblen, of Harris county, laughter of Henry
Hamblen, a farmer from Madison county, Mississippi.
Slie died March 20th, 1879, leaving him
again a widower.
In politics Mr. EHLamblen is a Dlemocrat and in
religion a sincere believer in the Roman Catholic
faith, and a worthy member of that church.
He is known andi recognized by all who have
the pleasure of his acquaintance as a man, who,
through the whole course of his life has been remarkable
for integrity of character, and one whosepruiessuiiat career linas een nmarKe(: n.v distinCguished
Houston, Texas. The subject of this
'^_^ tmemoir, is the son of Daniel Young
Hamblen and Jane Ham Bagley. The '
former was a native of Lee county, Virginia, a EKS, DAVID, lawer, Austin, was born in
trader and farmer by occupation, who immigrated t1. Lawrence county, Indiana, on the 9th of
to Texas in 1829, where he resided until his death, May, 1830. His father, John Sheeks, was
which occurred at Houston in 1848. The latter a native of Wayne county, Kentucky.
was a native of Pennsylvania, born near Philadel- His mother, whose maiden name was'Diadema
phia, the daughter of John 1I. Bagley, a farmer Turley, was a native of Allen. county Kentucky.
who died in Clark county, Indiana. David Sheeks was reared in Indiana. He was
William Paschal Hamblen was born on the 21st liberally educated at tfe Asbury University in that
day of April, 1834, in New Albany, Indiana, and State. In 1856 he graduated from the Indiana
at the age of five years was taken by his father to University Law School. Soon after he located at
Harris county, Texas, where lie was reared. His Bloomington, Indiana, and practiced his profession
early education was generous and acquired at Hous- there till 1865, in partnership with the Hon, James
ton Academy. Wheni in his fifteenth year, he Hughes, M. C., and Judge of the Court of Claims
worked about nine months at the silversmith trade. at Washington D. C. In 1865 he settled at IndianHe
was for two years engaged in the wild sports apolis, and practiced law till 1868, in partnership
of hunting on the western borders of Texas. After with the Hon. Joseph E. Me Donald, United States
his return from the west, in 1853 le crnmienced Senator, when on account of impaired health, he
reading law at Houston under the supervision of was advised to seek a southern clime, and soon
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Biographical Encyclopedia of Texas, book, 1880; New York. ( accessed October 3, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting UNT Libraries Special Collections.