Biographical Encyclopedia of Texas Page: 207 of 372
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.attorney of the Matagorda district, but was removed
from office by military authority as an impediment
*to reconstruction. In 1869 lie was elected lieutenant
governor, but the military interfered with the election,
and in consequence lie was counted out. In
1871 lie was elected to the State senate, but witlh
no better success, being again counted out by the
Republicans. In 187( lie was again elected to the
4State senate, took his seat in that body without
hindrance and was chosen its president. )During
the same year lie was again elected lieutenant
governor, and was not disturbed in his possession
of the office.
Governor Thompson is a Democrat in politics and
tan Episcopalian in religion. He Imarried Miss
Carrie Tait, of Columbus, Texas, (laugh ter of
Charles W. Tait, a planter of Colorado county, exsurgeon
of the United States Navy, and for several
terms imember of the State legislature.
- A)I{1DEN, WILLIAML J., lawyer of Columbus,
Colorado county, was born at Norfolk,
Airginia, June 2, 1825. The Darden
family are of English extraction, but at
what tiiiie their immigration and settlement in this
-country occurred is not definitely known. The
subject of this brief memioir is the son of William
BS. Darden an(d Susan Baker Dawley. His father
was a native of Nansemond county, Virginia, and
. his mother of Norfolk in the same state. She was
.the daughter of James Dawley, a clergyman. For
i number of years his father served on the clerical
Jorce of the government at Washington City, where
andcl in Virginia his youthful days were passed. In
1844 he graduated from Colunibian college in the
District of Columbia, and in 1845 taught school in
AWestimoreland county, Virginia. While engaged in
school teaching he devoted his leisure hours to the
istudy of law. In D)ecember, 1846, he went to Houston,
Texas, where he located, and the yvar following,
upon application, was admitted to the bar at
.that place. He immediately began the practice of
his profession, which he continued until 1850.
rDuring the year 1851 lie resided at Galveston. In
July, 1852, he removed to Columbus, where lie has
.since remained, engaged successfully in the practice
of law. In 1855 he was elected to the State legis.lature,
and served with credit to himself and satisfaction
to his constituents. In 1861 he entered
.the military service of the Confederacy as a priw:ate
soldier in the Fifth Texas infantry, which
formed a portion of Ceneral Hood's renowned Texas
brigade. In the severe encounter between the contending
forces at Sharpsburg, Maryland, lie was
seriously wounded, and had his leg broken, which
afterward resultedl in paralysis of his left foot. He
was thus incapacitated for military duty. In 1863
he was chosen to the Legislature, and took an active
part in its deliberations.
Mr. Darden married Miss Fairie A. D. Baker,
eldest daughter of General Moseley Baker, a brief
biography of whom appears in this book. He is
politically a Democrat, religiously an Episcopalian.
RYAN, MOSES AUSTIN, postmaster,
IBrenhliam, Texas. The life labors of this
prominent citizen and faithful public servant
have been various and interesting.
With an active brain and physical powers of no
ordinary degree, he has pushed his way through
the world with an energy rarely equaled. He
was the second son of James Bryan and Emily
Margaret Austin, and was born on the 25th of Septeimber,
1817, at Bryans TMines, St. Genevieve
county, Missouri, where and at Potosi, Washington
county, hle was reared and received a liberal education
in English literature. His first step in business
life was clerking in the store of his step-father,
James F. Perry, in Potosi, Missouri, where he remained
about one year, when lie went to Texas
with W. MW. Hunter, of the irmii of Perry
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Biographical Encyclopedia of Texas, book, 1880; New York. ( accessed September 15, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting UNT Libraries Special Collections.