Biographical Encyclopedia of Texas Page: 272 of 372
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and who settled in Texas at an early date, where
he acheived renown as a physician and surgeon
in the early Texan army, participating actively in
the campaigns of Long and Kember against the
Mexicans. The mother of F, B. Sexton, was Emily
Hugh Sexton nee Davis, a native of Lincoln county,
Georgia, daughter of Samuel Davis, a Georgia planter.
Mr. Sexton was reared principally in Texas,
having come to Texas in 1837, in company withi
his father, that gentleman first, however, locating
in Texas in 1815. Mr. Sexton received a liberal
literary education and graduated in 1846, from the
classical department of Wesleyan College, an institution
afterward merged into the South Western
University, of Georgetown, Williamson county,
Texas. When quite a youth he served an apprenticeship
as printer in the office of the Red Lander,
at San Augustine, one of the earliest newspapers
in the State. In 1846 he began reading law at San
Augustine, under the supervision of General J. P.
Henderson, and the Hon. 0. M. Roberts. In 1848
he was admitted to the bar; being under age the
Legislature by a special act removing his disabilities.
He resided as an able lawyer at San Augustine,
with exception of the initerval of the war. In
1860 he was elected State Senator, but did not
qualify. In 1861 he was elected member of the
Confederate Congress, and, engaged in discharging
the duties of that honorable office, he remained at
Richmond throughout the war. As a member of
the Confederate Congress he was distinguished for
his emphatic support of the "Cause." In 1872
Judge Sexton located at Marshall, Texas, where as
an able attorney hlie has since resided. In 1874 he
was appointed by Governor Coke Special Judge of
thle Court of Harrison county. In politics Judge
Sexton is a firm unswerving Democrat of the strictest
sect. In religion an Episcopalian. In 1852 he
married Miss Elesa S. Richardson, of Sabine county,
Texas, daughter of Daniel L. Richardson, a wealthy
pioneer planter.
tt~()IOD, GENERAL JOHN B. This distint/~^
guished military man was a native of
Y Kentucky. Of his early life little is known
r to his biographer. He was intended
whether from his own or his parents choice,
to lead the life of a soldier and with that design
received a finished military education, graduating
at West Point in 1853. His first services in the
army were performed in the Fourth United StatesInfantry stationed in California. In the year 1855
the Second United States Cavalry was organized to
operate on the Texas frontier, and to this regiment
he was transferred and assigned to duty. This
cavalry command was intended 'or the protection
of settlers against Indian depredations. In an engagement
with the savages on Devils River in 1856
he was so severely wounded as neccessarily to
cause his retirement for a short period.
I-e went to West Point where he was employed
in labors connected with matters of military concern,
but preferring more active duties, was soon at his
own request returned to the service in Texas where
he was at thle breaking out of the civil war. He
now, moved by motives of patriotism and recognizing
his allegiance as due to the South, immediately
resigned 'his commnission in the regular army and
tendered himself to the Confederacy. His first services
rendered under John B. Magruder were of
short duration, as early in the summer of 1861 about
twenty companies composed of the "flower of Texas"
had been enlisted, organized, and marched to
Richmoend without regimental formation. These,
the very best and bravest of men, conimmanded by
company officers of unquestioned daring and entrepidity,
requested the military authorities at Richmond
to be consolidated into regiments and to be
placed under the command of such officers as
would guarantee to themI tile greatest opportunity
for effective service in the prosecution of the war.
Presidenit Davis with the assistance of Adjutant
General Cooper, whlio in consequence of having been
Adjutant General of the United States army, possessed
a superior knowledge of the relative merits
of tihe old army officers determined after a
full and most candid consideration of the whole
matter to appoint General Hood, thien holding the
rank of Major, to the command of the Fourth
Texas regiment.
From colonel he rose to the rank of brigade and
then division commander. O()n the 7th of May,
1864, the Union army of the west under General
Sherman one hundred thousand strong, advanced
from Chattanooga against the Confederate force
of fifty thousand, commanded by General Joseph
E. Johnston, posted at Dalton, Georgia. Sherman
executed a flank movement by which the Confederates
were dislodged and fell back to Resaca,
where they were attacked on the 14th and 15th of
May, but without success. Sherman now began a
series of flank miovements which had the effect of
Causing Johnston to fall back from one position to
another in the direction of Atlanta, intending at
that place to make a decisive stand, but before he
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Biographical Encyclopedia of Texas, book, 1880; New York. ( accessed December 6, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting UNT Libraries Special Collections.