Biographical Encyclopedia of Texas Page: 370 of 372
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The following text was automatically extracted from the image on this page using optical character recognition software:
Adams, S. J ................197
Almonte, Don Juan ........ 265
Anderson, James M .......... 187
Anglin, Abramn.... ....... 280
Archer, Branch T ............247
Austin, Stephen F........... 3
Austin, Moses................270
Baker, William i ............ 70
Bassett, Jefferson .... .... 155
Bassett, B. .. ........ ... 158
Baker, General Moseley....... 66
Barziza, D. U.......... ......186
Barksdale, Hickerson.. .....187
Barkley Major James E.......203
Battle, N. W........ .... .239
Ball, Thomas...........2.....227
Bastrop, P. N............. 267
Bradburn, Juan D ............262
Brackenridge, T. J...........148
Brack, W. B .................248
Ballinger, W. P.............. 103
Bell, P. H............. .. 24
Bee, Barnard E ............. 31
Bledsoe, Joseph............. 35
Breneman, C. K ..............110
Breinond, Pal .............177
Breedlove, C. ..............230
Bennett, Major V ..... 2.83
Bean, Ellis P. .......... 256
Binckley, C. C.... ..... 22
Brown, T. J.. ......... 42
Brown, J. Henry ............. 58
Brown, James................ 111
Botts, Benjamin Alex .......204
Bonner, H. ...... ........ 223
Bonner, Thomas R........... 224
Bower, Edwin G............ 210
Brown, WV. M ...2...........74
Brown, HIenry S. .............270
Burnet, David G. ............ .4Burleson, R. C .............. 53
Burford, N. M .............. 76
Burleson, R. B .............. 160
Burleson, Edward ...........184
Burges, W. ........... 213
Burr, Aaron... ....... .259
Bryan, Guy M.............. 90
Bryan, M. A ............167
Cabell, W. L .. ......... 57
Crane, W. C ................137
Calder, H.. J...............155
Castro, Henry .. ....... 254
Cleveland, C. L..............146
Chessher, D. S ..............224
Coke, Richard......... .. 17
Crosby, . F................. 38
Crockett, David.... ... 55
Cole, James P.......... 70
Cone, Colonel Horace........ 83
Collingsworth, James........ 227
Coryell, James ..294
Cochran, J. H............. 273
Cos, Martin.................276
Cupples, George.............. 50
Culbertson, D. B. ...... . 220
Davis, Edmund J............19
Darragh, J. L . .............. 36
Darden, Stephen IH .........43
Dart, Christopher ............84
Davis, G. W .............. 95
Darden, W. J ...............167
Davis, James F ..........223
DeArmond, Colonel Russel... 300
Devine, T. J .. ..............108
Delaney, W. S. ....... 165
Dimmnitt, J. A ............... 147
Duncan, John M ............277
Duval, Thomas H ...........52
Daval, John C . 277
Dimmitt Philip. . ..... 274E.
Evans, A. J . ............. 42
Erath, G. B.................141
Ector, M. D.... ........... 39
Fannin, James ....... 96
French, James H. .. 102
Fearn, G. R ..............186
Fears, Stockton S......... 73
Finlay, G. P...............105
Flint, J. T ............... 185
Fisher, A. S. ............ .222
Fisher, S. B. ..............159
Foote, G. A . .......... 37
Ford, J. S ................ 47
Forbes, Colonel John....... 164
Flournoy, Colonel George ... 229
Fulton, Honorable R. L ......248
Glasscock, G. W ............145
Gaines, W. P. B............ 176
Graham, E. ......... .185
Glasscock, G. W. Jr.... ..206
Gammage, Thomas T ......222
Grant, Dr. James ............251
Galves, Don Jose Bernardo....263
Gregg, E. P ............... 35
Green, General Tom..........121
Gerald, G. B .................152
Gregg, John ...0............. 10 5
Green, John A...............115
Gresham, Walter.. 8 .... 181
Gregg, A. W ...............184
Greenwood, Thomas B .......214
Green, Thomas Jr............276
Gibbs, Barnett. ........ 192
Giddings, D. C.............231
Giddings, J. D. ..............252
Guillot, Maxeime . .... 199
Goldthwaite, George.......... 49
Good, J. ... .....116
Goodrich, W. E..............165
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Biographical Encyclopedia of Texas, book, 1880; New York. ( accessed February 14, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting UNT Libraries Special Collections.