Texas as it is today Page: 78 of 304
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knell of the old fable that this part of the country is unhealthy.
To say that Beaumont had to kill a man to start a graveYard,
or that people never sicken and die here, would be
Untruths, of course, but the death rate is as low as in any
Other section of the South or Southwest.
The average temperature in the winter is seldom below
50 and in summer seldom above 80. Proximity to the gulf
tempers the summer sun and it is much cooler in summer
than in the Mississippi valley, and as warm in winter as in
Florida or California.
To say that there are no mosquitoes at all would also be
false, but there are no more along the water courses here
than are to be found along the Cumberland River in Ten'lessee,
the White in Missouri or the Colorado in the West.
Health, wealth and happiness are the rule, and were it not
so our population, financial and industrial figures would not
show the uniform and phenomenal increase that they do.
Any thinking person could arrive at no other conclusion
than this. (By C. of C.)
To the east of Gainesville, on State Highway No. 5, in
the northeastern part of the State is the city of Bonham,
te county seat of Fannin County, situated in a beautiful
Country, with good roads leading to and from the city.
State Highway No. 5 goes through Fannin County east
and West. The road commences at Texarkana on the east,
and goes on in a westerly direction until it strikes Henrietta,
then it veers a little northwest and keeps that general course
until it reaches Texline, at the boundary of Texas on the
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Menn, Alfred E. Texas as it is today, book, 1925; Austin, Texas. (https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth5867/m1/78/: accessed February 14, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, https://texashistory.unt.edu; .