The Houston Post. (Houston, Tex.), Vol. 23, Ed. 1 Sunday, May 12, 1907 Page: 6 of 53
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Extracted Text
The following text was automatically extracted from the image on this page using optical character recognition software:
r - -
r :
p. i
m nnrr nju - j - rj - irj
No Measure of Consequence DieJ on
the House Calendar.
House Accepted the Senate Ainejii-
meats to Ir.her.Unce Tax Bill After
Senate. Had Voted Down Con-
tracts l--t f.T Building?.
a ; s" .
tt tv i
lai..t .re
N seat..-fere-nl
. :
con to '
A I -br
-a. .:
an I . f
a-!- :
' i
aa.l .
m :i.
r r i
Ih j '.
; -
T. -
1 i :h
i' L. pi n'- i
n-i. .t pr-va'!'l
t t Mr EUf --1'..
r s fr .T.j nj
-:!. i.r
e. -
tf -
A ' .t
Siir. Jacinto o a quM-
tic: o p
iirf c "
Ho -St-T.
nt v: '
ifif t ;
T s-
roj j-
up v J
( a: wti f-pi--oa
of braJc-
tr.a ta:-ment
r .'ant!a:aa.
"t i for the ra-
: 1 iaj wit called
" arrermetit pro-a--!
r.t -ha ro-
t; cow mlaa'cnari
t' 1 ; . j. cat;o- of
r .r. H- d'o.
.rt s-.
J - Nb.-:
p- r r; - '
.1 -: . :
do. t" l-
M- '.!.;;.':-
J'.i.t- r.-
Cue tf!-rit
TA .:.: T'-:
Uw'-ri of a .
tn r-rf'f;-Rf.
pen- w&ji .
r '
t;m jf ...
app' :eItt-.: : t;
th om-T-. -
the Bui r T.e
ail--pt--. M to 14
T: ' i : -
At V i". fi i.- '
rccs.::i r. i.
rent rtAo.uv-
h- M - A :
Tr.- c - - :
tr .-e - '
e ; ;:
cl)' tt? ; - .
ft it! 'AT . ?
State r
euct m : -of
K" : '
Mr i.'i-.-firr.r'
" !
tb 'rar 1 . i
r .' v -i..'if
1 s -fallf1
mor '
plxr :
.. r.rr
0 TtUcS
rM t-e bill
ti it
'r v.: g mn
- r t.rr.e -9
' ' .. -
4 t ;
pi-r r f
ft "J C 'T.pOi
rr snl not
f. --a. or
'r Xf Kor.ser ' 1
; - ... ..r -1
; - ir. ir-
' ' ' ' ! rla i'H ;j
p - t.. -.a
.t" . -: ! - r: t 1 .i
Itm h-
fir: h
of a -
he.". a .
hit V 5 ' W
reaerMI "
Tl;e T.arii;ir i
The N!n '-.4.
.' ' hl
nas finailr
1 for
Oonsalea miinv
a uds DvumJD 0! E-.U at .:::. mortd
- nrrnrrnrrrr - "i" - --- - --
that th regular anVr of bostnesa be
per.W and th kill by Svnter prtdi tor
IV- rev-ovilncatioa f Ih laws cf the S: lie
be aav&ui takea up ik.iM mlmi
Ti;e motion failed to r-. e. ve a two-;'.:: 1
v.te and was to.
t alter of G-muW raUrd hp M.e Va
s:.ste bill being th- ohwiv arid d;?tr t
:tvrnf fe fell. wliK-h retail.- t.. ata.i.
of all testimony la e&auuaing tns.s u
J'--J to (r.Unf
tr W stter vftred an amendment prcvA1.
tT-t such fe shall not t pa.d -
. 1 '. :i as.s where leeltm-Miy of ti.e' a-.tneve to the trnrii.ton etva'.l
: -d t anting sutx-ribed sad w.!-r t-
1 . .1 ft:;uu i'tio .mendntent n ..uvii-
rj :.e t.:. .is then finally nas.ea anlr .
j mi ? the rule
. . ul .:rt bailiff bill was Uni Ik1
(.. ' - 1 .ue and on motvn of Mi IV. u
to t'o! iv:r th bill until W 'ctva toitt.!
I :n.::. if the bill a stSOjbed to 11. J
rts n nioxrd a a tUirJ
trr lav rvovMlfoaUwtl
artem; t
bill l
r motion a a iot
.i-ria'e bill ir r l o. .i nitan
' .:on of -rt.t;rl unrstHnl
: i-'urts to the mipree court
tor t - r (
- .l.t liefoif tjir lU'Ue
th- Iiji.r
of 1.
' . .-.I
. ..1 :
if- 1- -A -V
n. - .r
''.tlr irv.ii na
r l(rlat.
a h i- .e
Kdti- 1 ' :
r nd T: uft.
a f r i-'T t
th !
r - i.d
' .h n' at Vj"it
d t ct. r rif'
a i ieti-n 'I rr
' r 't-r- a b ".n -k
t1 e ;-jfc-iir
V T'.pavi.
' " rto-i r
r-vo- ! n' ? r k Pperkar
' r '
. f 1 rt n m'J at tia last
:-. i ' t tpi an orn e
. '"'1d -f tha miver- I rcma
.r ' n the rrr Yfce ttkmioii
. v o( orUr
: - "f ile. iirao'-. tn ...hniltte.1
I''. ( '-omrrlttT report on tr.e
.'. n b 1 bv Senttro' M-irray.
i : i i :'it r. t!..ri4 vhat-
. i" he Mtl :J tha. with
: 4 .-fievtu i:. t!.a caption.
. j ifra iie! as :t iff the Lou
a- v i t:e !. m s tduj :ed .4
--4 at thW
i irend
ia rtic1-
.dune L
i e-l.-aS
1 1 r f - e -.r.
'aK4 -ttf u 1
in- r ir-
t. j;
f ii .
' h
- I C "
t.-s '
: e- M 1 . t
7 T- IfAt.T tf I
dera-- M-
. Jtj- Neu.-'t ir.
ii. : : p".
r 1 w . re t:e
. ex
' - n- t: r.-ug
. x-lniig
be'. ei.
(I f T- "
6 1: e
Tha n.o. -l t r- ;
Thta paaau tr :-
he r. .1 r-1 : ' ;
J ji!gi o; . f 1 jrai
ho-je- ffrt ! r-a '
I:e- : .'-r .
lh u.otwi ;ri-.fca a: .
rirUeJ t :.: f "A
ve.v I-.-. 1? Hriioa
Mr a- ; f M .am at
re- or .-;r '.:. -f-:t
. . rr.T. te rpcr- ti-. waa adopt-o to
the cc:nm'.uee ana r.av
Tr.e n : L preva ".ei
Mr 1 -ga.r. mov-'.
In t n t r. :e a n . r d r r '
Ie Oi.; ar. i Mr. K :..'. .
fo.-owr g an.- n-mert '
ttat . . I.r.g anl .--a' i
1 to
lr ne:.rUy aa.4 "
f-ea-: .r. a.f f -'.
t...a a .u .-- : .-r .
tai mr.t r. .
Tha mt.on to r.
KenDe1y arr.r.'Jn.:.: v
Mr V..n.:':. - I
Jr tecate an.-.-. : - 1
acrtr-inf tha t;rre f r :
eaption m s
curred In t! -
The frei fonf--- -the
e.-aie r . '
tax beard : - l
(Jra) a r..
Mr V. o'fe Tp:a
In tna di.i a wr ;
of an arr.' r. :-:.r. ; -ma
tic tai tyjani e1'
" geceral ar l n'.
potte-d The fre
adopted- .
Mr ana.a rr i
cha-rga I's "')r''
bti: and adrtpt : &
Mr ( - - :
rr.frn'.a e n--: .
the houw a-.:.
mitta ard f a
Tha r.ria c r. .
ra motion o V- H
the houae f t.- r--ir-er.i
to the ;r.'
vn- vote.
Tr.e aera ha - e
free -"nrr.''- - T.r' -
- .:; i-;
- ? h :n c r ; ; .
a ;'-
tii for
:. pjr-
- l.T.-'".t8
At leraon
'- amnd-
- a viva
.'-r-t the
- '...a bill.
r.-f Ifwiy
- . i- tne
'Xl ar i
' the
inr Liean in u.e rtaii 1
Mr Bav&f of Hell at th tim offered a
privileged reolu;l'jn tjianklrr the wiv.a of
tea mtmbcri of tea boua for their upllft-
.miiiiiiiinii .. -
Qrrernsr Campbell Commerdi
the Leyisltor.
(ft -rr. - r. it SurmLt
AIST1X Trx.'a. May M.-Th f '
eror a farvwt 1 nnMfa tu tha 3e
ture waa about 11 m'cls
. a.- ni i'Ui of oonunar. i .
o ani i.;r.u! It abort ai
i e pwJ.t. -torsi..r rua plasu.
.a; had l-ii
--!n tii.
a! a. a o'. -
. wa re- 1
r re. er-1 -i
iotmrtlatteU and
k of the ltfmar
tie pop!e Tha
! w iti b : -roa :o
1: :
To :
.rl. all.l
v r la-
M 1 X a ;
b. r. .
a ' ' . i
Aa !
n.. i . ..
ro. -
tv- -
but 1
plri. ..
eeuit j
fi -r
the i
trour I
aJ. itrn .
a a.M-.t
lovai. y to
o t
1 '
-en ruaunaortooj a
' :i mmrefre. 'rd.
r. ab r o- e
raen hai tier a
r r the ;r ; - f
.pr'Ve an.l i'.
i ralew ef t'
aVoleome '. .a -te
time t la-l .
of l let-'!. at
n tna o t!.a t
a. . n.- tit la no.
. s. l . '. rea.:
an J
e Jf
. I
a'J a"
V. 1
a lln.e 1
bet r
Iktk I.- . -
1 Carat .. .
.eg e i
tt:e moat
. anj
-1 to
a for
lo t;i off'oe-s
.ratf .l afopr.
Iki.jl Tl 1
.! - 1.-.I.01
iv&aa a
i - i
ri ojiteeiea rir
.. 1-e 1 r Md af '
i al t niiilK'
(.' il
..t .' ol K a n orai s
.i l.'.r ' ' - .Ii...' . r. iil 11 Tl.c
1 tlr
1 tili!a
:r t .t trui a
lt -
t S
a n-1 r.o (Tr-'- --wrlpfi
- p- er.'
. frrnina'-s. 1
rt was itdopte'd
n A-
r. rriT rn' e
re. e-.i ( b.l!
;'. N-irt:.-
i. p In
g-r iob-
1 t mVp e
.1 ru- .-"inn
I r al .
;-. . hl
was b--. k'
n .ng
-.. pur
. r ! i - an t ro at.
a. a- I.'
Li Mr
"arton i.
r-rr r
r -r'
f: .
tf. '
t ir-
m'-n '
t; 1
w 1
.-rol '
rl.. E'j..r- - -i1 ' - " . ij. ... rnoan-
t.r" JudKe r.r.vK-rT-on o' T'
Ierilatur na
the "rk
n whr.le
"f tliia r. 1 r er.
At Vi & Mr. Brown of Wharton moved that
I'OSTt MOKNING. 31 AY .12 190T.'
mmmm . .
tha aw w tag itmiin ik- t-MttMnTy
to tnfana tha vri that tt
Speaker Lova
aipolnteU tha .ai-;
. ..uBilttee: Brown
il .iris. Crawford.
. e Kobertaaaa re-
'i.iri th rreao (
presa for" ha
t tioism to sat tta
nii try preaa aay--'aior
haa on mane
aiij froui political
1 anJ hrlefly ad-
. ttio wort oooouna.
f Mr Pr'itB. eon-
Jn. -ut to the "ba. k
ct U Uartaaa Rrowa of
ontiatKfa; a a. laltx l
f-r-e.1 ta am nttvrte-'
;" ? J'w
V. t for' lie ataVaaraed i
! that tha roan try n.
a:i .-.-aalg aara4 tin-
.' itie Cobba waa
' .l th aaawbara o
'cu a aaotta.
tha aeoata an.
.mrnorHlation from
i. to the work of
aa heartily au-
omhers croiTjied In
i anil oUl fmlHar
1 from tha an
II. relp
r farapbel
l.eth lealalal
or as hour th
r aMa aanc !
hi!e waiting
1 itteo frrMn t. - i".te d-liere4 an
faaara to th. hj se at 1 a to tha
t tit nana . .. . mtletal tu
'. aaa randy to a1v:r.i
..Ically Inciinrj moaioera ceased
i .if Wli no'.i;;
of tha aenatr .
of the bl t.:
1 hnck to 11 .
- nta of Hill
' U'ra the at
ry and ni
ii the
m that ti
N.lon of II.
ot'y of t:
! Mr. Clam i
if it'a ani:
1 Mr. Crook
i ova 4kl not
lenla at thi
' e tn ord.
1 from the
'. of Mr bl
- 1.' 06 Sun.t i
d Oie to
nat1 that i
MrKnulr v
" e a fen m
aia that tl
to hltn. h
ryone ad
'.e member
f th tre"
m. lie -lature
h. .
thln la
1 h r.iM
nvoked Ho
- J might t o
v had been '
S inday mont
oi a formalli
m of tha Tlo
e hoima i f
Hiljournfd an
to applaua the At 11
. :eie in tha houne
.'.is time
f S ilitor Ballev
t'.at thl apoeclt
ve prooured"
..i:ys NVaa which
put of Ih Dallal
of Wahiitglor
ortain tii- motion
te. atating that 't
l.-r I'.o l-i lt I0..I
.ilm cl- rk
n at U A' the
ion! ng Speakor
n oouoiiutee !
l:oa.o u ready
.!'. Aiiot
. . Ifi'i - ;ne ...e
ant fea .! i a nad
u tha ' n d it y
a uiu liar.lor.
io .-let kH .n:d ret-
r fuvoi - fiiul siip-
0 bell. ..1 fie
kopt t ti faith.
1..-IV HI . olh.r-
I -
i I V
1 .
r. s.
I . ";
i lava tia.. ti
. r:ngi i. .
- 4 Hl t 1
i all.
m us
h tn
iiant'.rt'1 time)
. r-J tt - 'trt
..' 'i U'g.Hlut ire. hi
jrsentAt1 rs wa
Resolution Offered u Have Him In-
dorsed for Vice President
.jftn f'esl
N Texas. May
i in the coat-
' ir..s A Cu.
t ulng his
for presldt nt
it ir from Mr
to make :
t Mr Culbaraoi.
i n t he sbUt
ma In tht -
ftTi! a r so I la'. .
n ! r la prt-:..'
tor ice pr- -
. ; i . 1 1 . u
j'i with Sf:
i' light
r utrufd as
. tT rri 1
ra-l iti"i "
l - Ma time when
. ' l ii.vo.iAi'nt
Sin as a Nail -n tl
S l if - .i JT 'I I Pi-'
! T enn .rM f .r T '
.lK-T.'n n I me
11. tr-al -tr.e:
iis as a tl reit
utr- s ;. t.T K 1 i
1 1 : n T .rS
.1 r. r fef f
- .. .1 t
r I1.!1 ;J
tl; i S'.mr?'
i - I. .at It ' -k
it wuuid
.is .-.tiie-n : r
a thdra
n f rf d -:
rr 'ni
. W O'jld I .
r Sntf r t
' . -1 "
1 M-..rh-nn
I -tr- r f .--i 1.-
i T- mi l''1
; a. 'ii )n n
'. t .nit- W!t t.ul
W i . 1
. r I'aM-L
hIUs T ;mt
I "
AX 1 '
or frnpi
..ii. .f ..rd.
:r. Inr r.
I ' . 'T
i!rv rS'Mi
ff . f
5 ria t o r t
i : !
Interests Affected by the Revenue
Measure as Finally Pa-ei
( H -wt : . i: Ste hJi.t
A t ' fT I N Mav 1! An t - cr r
r.t tax t . - :uillv i ' ' . . -ov
T. 4 f
r. Jt.Uii; .
4 ot' V I pr '
rt rr -t .(
i ars 6 ; r
:ir. I;.f it - - i
:. hfaith ..
d- Hie! n ir. . .
ptr ent : "'e'
.wnn of ies-
wns over "i
t trlfp!0'f.
- -pr n! t'-Xt t
oa'ners rriH r.a
2 Of 1 pf fTl'
p Kn'vr n
.imrar b wh
th" T':n';;m
a r.-
.b a:
an-1 It
npan;s f
gr id
'. -ff:
Travis Oury Farmer Opposed to Ag-
r;". :.v:ral Instruction.
' t. May 11. -II- I- K ' a
I r .f Manor. th! .. ir w i-i
( prn'd h'm'M'lf 'A ' z
i bill I a 'h
riir ng 'h -r
i .re in the r'-1''51" h -
not 1" p-r -ii-in
fn'r 'if
t.vi1 In nlrf ' 0
the rvK'il ir ' .
so jml dlf iru '1
the law. a 'h
o' tlm". 'il '
sr. pr'" '
iM rnnTi.iinij 1:
1. mil '.
Institutions" Incorrectly Used.
Instead of Utilities.
rer or T
t api .
.at .- ..
'. the prooeenmss
"1 in Friday I "'' w.n
..r OriKlts ars ieil . 'n .r
; insiltutlon. . j -I...
r-it her than tlie t 1 t ...
-Ilt'jtions Wiifi . 1H
. ail -iltllltiea.
1 1 '
Inspecting the Rifle Eanges.
.! foil 5r.'a'-i
AI'fTIN '!". May Il.-Adjutui:- i.
rrai't - . .. durinc the tar.y ..
i x ' . .it ' t . : . . 1 . an lnap-tk.n
r.-T ' r.c. ft i- ii .aa been eonet-ii'. -I - r.
: r 1 nt for t;.e uae ..f .
U . .tc-red at Kwt fani I ... .n
' arr'io Bprlng'.
iv '"ii p...p. .. of thla trip i i'"
mi and pn.bal.lT get the plnns a 'o
'n tr.n. which. If suitable may he
.d for the rifle rnnges which. ar to he
ii.lihed In t' State of Tttai h - the
S' i6 of Ti for th bnflt of 'he Tiai
Nat: ma! Guard.
: n ri
List Scene in the Senate Was Emo-
tional and Pathetic.
Upper Branch of the Legislature Had
Nothing to Do but Wait for the
Enrollment of Bill All Tax
Measure With Governor.
(Hnfajltfa Pw( 5w-W.)
A I S11N. Teaaa May U.-Tbe senate cloaad
Its Utxus at 1. U o'clock after a day of wait-
ti.g It waa cleantng-up day In tha legis-
lature and about all tha atual had to do
w .is t w .tit th eanllmant of the bills. All
i;.t- tax bills war dlspoaa-j u and are now
l:i the hands of tha govaraor.
1 he ia: sci. in tha aa.aia wu ona which
tinivhevi the heart of avery maiubvr For
tin r than oil hour tubers uf lh hoaat
aiul sena'r had ben gathered In a group
KitiK iia v ht-n ih tlma flnailv catna Suabr
N' T'onsld MtWvUum made a snort speech. In
i.u'h he paid high tributw t. l.tau tenant
Ouinoi Lav.da.H. cVnatora Willacy. Skin-
i i i.:id Hois- Hi vol.- btrayet the emo-
t: r. t.-.t in tha parting and hit tvieranca
t.. r.i h f tliose atxiut whom he spokt- was
a tiiKh tribute. Espat'ially was It to.n hing
v u-n l.t i eft-rred to the serious Ulneaa of
hfii nor HoIs). who Is not expect d 11
V' roiiali tike night.
At l! a h m the garal fell.
Senator Yllla.y thla morning nominated
for prealdent pro teiil of tha senata Senator
H K Laony or Hunt county which nonil-
i .it Ion waa nvonded by Senator Skounrr
L lh Senators VUlacy and k!nncr but J a
f.tting tribute to tha Integrity and earm-st-t:
S3 of Mr LKrve) and aad ha has fatth-
f ti y and devo'edly given his at tent i.n to
ip.f welfare of his constituency and his
if lute.
by tha election of Stnaior l.oonty the sen-
at ave ewdence of its nonpartiaanship In
a om iig . ona-eoiitual iaoe. in whi.. Sen-
ators ttarif it aii J l oon)' w HI part i n ata
a Htor laui)e .KvaMli)g lo lUii oitlv t Avii-
a' li.trit u no ius
afiiaatortt U Jim and Sa.niu t rv. ot ted the
a' iitleinan fiom Hunt tvi Hie oti.til. where be
w tut Wf u omed lo I. if u tenant in'seiuor la-
i Ui doll.
411 a tor Loom') responded in a flttinn nirtn-
liti ati.d a adni.:..sleid ll.e oalii ! rhre
..i tftiate itt ievi to adtit't t:te i miU tf.i.e
rf-'it in the inheritance t.i ttl!
l-(iiiited the following free con-
tls on U.e pail of tin- i-n-Mut
ra . HiMspt tl .
nut b;
liid M iMerson .
b tangible nil. ttkin-
1 r: .lMi
t ireen Alexander and t'l.nin-
S T'. .it lis ( ; 1. K'k ; ml Y ttiut w ! e p-
j i i.t I as t i . ti t c-i:ft rees on the cieiuon
v t .i p-'StofTli e in Uie capitol building
1 '1 - gn t t t..r tinla ? .guested a oirrefiitn
. in th. ihAiitT tee btil and tne senate ad'rl-
tU i;uL. vftK L.: i em r sulutioa mahtng
1 tii- t reet :i:i
1 I'pt-n mot. on of Senator Tt-rrell. t rw senile
C'Ik i ir red tn I rise a menilments to the 1V-
a: m. j city - li r r i
i A laaoiutU'ti .ojii ng i i :npath of
. tt f eralr- l i Se '.ta. : 1 1 . . . w :.. is . n: -:
K.t.'v ill. wa- a-1 ip ! :i S'.ai'.d ng "li
T t
-iit'ii.j;:. mi tin
i.u.;ii tne tat
it- '..rii-
if except! :
l-.i pi
I : -
tr-etl 1
: l v .in. i i
f off. e :. ii
A Lit tl
iu-'''nd nf
1 trli
e 1 i - ncur n the hmi-
t i . nati. t ix b fird h'lt
f: ee rir rfnre cunimtt-
n to? Luri tf tlie senate
Taulus. Barrett and
f Senator IlrarhrVM. tlie
.vr ir in t'ie house amend-
l l- .. i -.'iirlT.g i n? teati -1
. in ex.irr.lnir.i
d and mi to
ice f T- ren-e C'"'rf..nltte
l.o. n
I - t
t rnit
ref'is.'d m
t . Ki
.ii t
of the tnate
St.k"f. (''iTiri'ng-
! :.ate M.iod a.! 1
" - Terr. II ..ft. i
!' t' the i-resa
- f the fratT
railed sepsb.n
1 m. That wr-
l.-nicii .mr s'
i ; t " nn-1 . : .
:r ctdn! ap
1 meft 1 . a:
n tje H" . 1 I
an 1
a ucl..
tv fii-
Ii'-re; :
r i
romr "
a 'oj Tf-ti the
- n th n
Iff" -! t
on tiie a .'
..te of o t
eased ur..H
; j:?sii -n up 8KN t t-:
-r vf. 1 a! s v - i .. .-
r I'avjfipon In the rim r
rn.-e ctjmmittee s jbMlVit
tn ux receipts hill was ad i
1 1 fere nee committee i pori on
. n oil. a adopted
- report .n tne .r.'.a -!a
wu - id ipte-j wiihot an rse
'n-r-n. e report on the stenog-
as adopt-'d
MiJspetn offered the faliowtng
. unjia'lop'ed and. upon m-j-
at'-r Smltn. the reJolution and
f. to il was strtckten from the
! irvnif-rtal 'I hit tieth is :.-xv
- 1 1 a .'1 ful rlo" ami
. t w-tuld nrit he t niidred .m-
l al this j-incUire. for u t . t .-j
for 'I
XL..' fr-Jipr.'-i
e b
n ..f S
ul ref-rr-i.
!;aw:ng '-
U !.rea-
i f-U t"ijt-
;ip- j'swipinrn at im amrret'ci!. it. .-r
-an Wf have fulfilled ev-ry expocta-tri..-
r rri'itst degree of hta exoplbn-y
t a tax. either tangible r intangihh
Ttiiir.g in the heaven ahm-e and
iii below now therefore be ii
v-1 that a cnrnmlttpe of t.ree be
:ed by the nair to at once call upon
ir -.f tht siiip of state and p-dii!
nn to at once remove the pm-
Ki 't:d irk from the hulls tn;-
t it;d forever a5t It Into outer dark-
r T'Trrll made th point nf orilr
renwdution wm out of order nn.i
a r 'IJe-itenant Governor Davidson)
! ".- j oint of order
v-jt-'ig f..r the adoption of the res -f-
Senators Hudspeth nnnlng-
;Unsr.rk. Kellle Stone. Watson and
An t
' Smith
waa marked preaent but
Invitation Judge M. M.
th rourt of crfml-
h.1'1 reused the aent-.
t-eringly of the work of the
I nave murh praise to the
Emit of
ro. i a p ;.
l -I'K. f.
1. 1 I ! "
..." "
- U.f '-'to
.-i of hi remarks. Judge
i rousing applause
k w;ts then invited to ad-
.Lnd he had the Interested
hour Senator Glasscock.
:i the State senate for
. experiences In the leg-
were told to the eager
I't ' kr ans ku T
nator 1
.. ti.e iflial..
ntlTUnn f r an
l.-i. n all fi.'r.'
fin!. - ear!" :ii:i
... ; i ii- y.aan ;it
i t n motion of nator Brachflei! the fol-
I'.w ii Br rornmiH" was appointed to notify
thf f..'. -ernor I'm' f h senate had finished
i h h illness a i.o waa r-ndy to adjoum :
'r-' 1 field. Sner Faust.
To no'ify i ii- !'"ir of representatives:
H :dpeth. Meaeh'im. KeH
At 11.40 p m tne rlorL wai turned back to
1! o lock to aliow th- house enrolling de-
partment to finis! its work
At 11 o o'ro k l.u -itenant Governor David-
won declared the vnatn adJourne4 nine die.
hWr a cloning ("p'-ech hy Senator Mearhum
whfh wna a tribute t several members.
Text Book Automatic Tax and Sten-
ographic Me am res Altered.
(Houston Post S fee Ml.)
AUSTIN. Texas May U.-Tha heus
amendment to the text book bill providing
for tha selection of supplementary rsftder
for tb tim four grades bj th bowxa wm
rvi n n nnra-vva-Y-irvw-iAirA Vssr rvi - --
br mnkloaT H apply to only th
ftrwt thro frnnaa. Th noun amaailrjunt
tnvlnat prfernc ta Teu author waa
atrtrken ayt. The war th mora Impor-
tant ehanfaa aotvd a a reoult ef th fro
oonfcraao roOMnlttea.
Th nnnt la th aatoM'ui tax bill will
arwront th roaiBaianloner court froaa lw
rtna" th tax at any hut regular araalona
and to lower only (neml mdttlonn. th
word "and apodal" but atltnlnalad from
the oill.
Th tuofTphr' bill waa amended so
a to previa th tlm for th ftltnf of
brlvfn. which th blU nllnwed to th dlatrtrt
court t aiao apply to county courts.
Kodaks by the Chaplain
BAM B. tTRATTON. Wac One of th
broadahauMarnd stalwart of th house. In
chyaloal strcmrth and apeaHlns. ability.
Vearlsaa. but fair In debate. Takes his
part. r fight not bcauaa he Is greedy
but bonus he Is right A very nevsaary
demand In a Taiss leglilsture.
J J. STRICKLAND. Alderbramh -".nil
meet you halt way. but not another Inch.
H dares to face any lasu tn the commu-
te room or oa tha floor. Ha 1 on of tha
coming young ma of th Stat.
QBOROE B. TERRELL. Alto Hindered
part of th time by sickness he made an
honaat effort to aland un to the rack You
had as well try to gt tn energy out ot a
mule hind lees ss to get the grit out of
Uoorg Terrell. Ha la certainly one of
th most pa In eta king member of the house
and If tha ocvaalun is furnished cau epeak
with th Impetuoalty of any of them.
H. B. TERRELL. West. Is to ba numbered
with un of th loaders of th house As-
piring? Worth nothing to th country "
li was sot. N on queattons his patriotism
or his efficiency In th front row
C. E. TERRT. Clarksvlll -Independent
thinker. Ilk moat men. But unlike me
mora ha think on Unas that can be lc
atlv deiended. And on the floor thin de-
fends h.i position. Of open handsome
face he atnnds unabaahed anions hn
peers the 1 opresenuttv of one of t lie
finest distrlcta 1.1 the State
J A THOMAS. leinard -Reets the
vlewa of hl fellow repreaemalltei. but not
at tha eauiena of his uwn decided com .--
lions. He Is honeMlv ooni inotl ol th
value o( Ih inillcy he advocate.
faarleaaly del ends 11. Hia nsib.litj is not
easily aroused.
JOB W. THOMAS. Woodvllle -Ortalnly
on of the moat laborioua members in tha
house and h: earneat and c..iiMn ing arica-
nient ilisplay the fruits of t'"i ea.e -a
rtflcing toll Joe will be miet if he l r 't
returned and hi consul h i . w.ll ml. it
If the) ilo not 1 .'t urn hun
R P THOMPSON lircni lo.- n t
deal lu t-adinagr when he spvaks. b it
meanl business Takea ao.ile (art in i.l
State quritlo'ia. ind l heaid ! the lilem-
bera A lourteom and din:l'icl man and
Juslii Hpular
T 8
WAIR. liraniv ew
- A'
bit Rentlemrtti W 'a A
U'sislathi;i Know. !:s
extent uf hi! sT 1 tiictlt.
1 1 1 !
Wei! 1
... pin
forme.1 . ri all unit .iir ons I
hia tnflLetue and .ote where th'
the in. sjv'tJ 1 lieins tn.-
' K WAI.TKR. Ot"
liinmifr w 1 n .he m. .
tru: an -J t lint lie
trtumUisntl v exclah'i
There is n tlet v n.
finni reprei ti '. i t w
oourse t ii;r:i I tn
lalet I.
.r- I'v-
ll. and
it A i I
Kel it n
ft!' tee
S titlHle tf.t
i:ke I. an
KKWKl'V Mart H Id
th - ; t I '' hHt e
I s own
1 h rk
r:sht. .i 1 i
1 e-.iph-
nim u!..e I :'i. :f
C(nsrrr his ft.r.ei.
next day Srn'.siii.e.v
brn af h i
niui'h a t. "ax
let(er let hirn a .i t
rt ii 'H t
In ('rM
un.b i
THOMAS T. 1 ' K l'-.;'
H's name iii-"p:ir:t
t r-e itiM!:..rta . '1 1. .!..' '
Mr S'-e.Ker -r
ne.-i--! !" h
I '
..! er-" - i !ti -
;. h i '' :i
'Kpieflset In
.-v.l.1-1.iti..n f
nptl .le iiiii
tf t u liament -
f H'.J 15 '.i h' rr . 1 1 ' -;m ?
t n dulled t he liiiw ten
W h e y Will tt pet .i.i.ii
nnb -' ar.! a .t 'ior1 ' P1 "
the nit'-t tn'rtoste -uesikns
arv hia . and ail the niore eoiiipilttientarv
t" him when :t K known lhat 'hi jesm-.n
I nted tor it n tinht r nf dating n.:i'd
parliam ntanans
; M UAH TIN I'le isan'on -A'
t h time afnil nx out inf. 'rir.atior
conp'ltuent'. . a ; . k-fp :i to
t h'lr m i h - s and the.t
(ii th' fl-nr for s -e
It anv l i u I . tr i
tiie i oinin.ttee ro.-ni
erh hut like I
id ' t
f'fi. t i i .a-i.1 : it-' ! fifT.:.-' f
th- .!eH.t)fii( 5 Rhij.-
kn.-uii 1-et.ase he is e:
w " all .i-iv eli .
rlit r G-'d l. I---!' him a
A ' W I I.MI'TM P1
ta-i " pari in ali H'.i
lie sbleiM deleters and
f- irv.d mef in th- .
iu I :f .i.-f.-ate I.
tiis-n at- creatU l..e !
Y'- frown under i fea-
i the moM pi.;..... hh'
n he f h ' ' i
.it his -b k ai. 1
i 1 d i: 1 . -le
I all h.w
I r- ' - P'J. Cf'f'll. V
u -.tiiins. a-
lie at ti.e het 11-
lr S'l-- -ef-:i.
i Thet.- m;l . a
1 nr-atlv f. a- i.
t!le sin.le
1 V U'llON. Mnrshai:
fro ndshin otherw '
Takrf advantiifcp of ev. i
advance the in f r-t
ecpsAClallT the in terete .f
(me of The mom :iid-pt :-. !i !
Sir- ng in h:
1 f r-. -l i undei
.tppirt mity t
he ttite. n.
I. nntituen
Mp r t. i.f tt:
J G U ITHTRSI'' n . ijusnah What hnM
be said of this old. epe-lent ed and reli'i-
Me leglMator" Why. the h-t of '.r-.
The sv.- t-eem !o .a ' it The aves have
it and hi' hot.i-st efforts in behalf of l;j
people are IndorsM
J. A. 1 WOTFF. S'aerniar. "n. of the mot
Influttal members or t!u- tioune b.x-
hiblts no bttihII decree :" stni'-smanphU'.
In a speak-T ias:I In t;. fr nt r-'W H
reprewnts an hunora! le ''tituency and
his people re equally hotn r?d In having
him to represent them
F L. YOUNG. Henderson -Hnnewty nnd
sincerity in ev et . lineament 'f hi" face.
Dearly loves a Joke on the nthr febw.
Certainly one of " r n-.t painstakinat and
Influential m--mhr Worthy of any phi. e
in the gift of his ror.Mituent.
B R- CRAWFOP.Th Graham -The s one-
wall of the house. Bland s for al) that is
solid In lesdalatiun Sensitive? V'1' hnt sen-
sible In m senHtlvenels. No truer friend
to the State; no truer man to his friend.
Give him a place ;n our councils if he
desires It.
And now my brothers-my snns farewell.
My age maker my tenure of life more un-
certain than yours but finally all must an-
swer "when the roll Is --filled up yonder."
We meet there not lu make laws but to see
our record as to t h I r observance
Tbe memory of yo ir t houul ful and kind-
ly attention to mennd your patient "n-
fj'i ranee w ith me follow w to mv grav e.
Vany of you will nev-r return t Austin rts
In w makers. Your financial condition w 111
T.'.t allow It. You ran n"t tie wirvlve up
In leglsla' Ive dutlep for two ears. e en tf
you do actually work for onl ninety day
for 3Vh Ninety davs away from your farm
In the very heart of the aeason means thut
von farmers can not come and your hoard
b.U ti. come out of the iHV. Rememher tnt
t re free pasn i gone You are ti rum
here for $.160. and stay for you can not go
home. None but a f ox wuuld do such a
thing Fill up the blank in the above as
f-u phase T-et it stnnd as tt Is f ox.
And In you assured the fox would not erne
on 8ii' h terms unless he has planned to get
a chh ken. lt me speak to the poor but
competent men. Vote for the amendment 4.n
the constitution tn August next to pay tre
lglsla ors more or you arp ruled nut. You
ran nnt come here on such pay ;nd tf yon
have not sens enough to see it. you are
unfit for a lawmaker. Stay at home and
hold Ihe plow the saw the sledge hammer.
To my Methodist brethren I want to say
that I have been with you for more thaii
fifty veers and In the ministry all the time.
My character ha always paneed-flnally - I
am supposed to be Inclined to piety and
tharrefore supposed to fcp the truth In
view. And I tell you plainly you are mak-
ing a great sitstake In driving your best
men from these halls for want of a fair
financial reward for their labors Believe
me you ought to do It. for I have been
tried I waa furiously laughd at once he-
cause of my adherence to the truth. When
t was In th" army I took part In the balile
of the Cottonwood on the upper R'o Grande
and during the three hAur fight I knew
my mini rifl needed wiping' out and at
the txpense of th narrative of my nether-
most garmet I secured material to wipe out
my rlfl. twice. The boys got hold of It.
What had I better do deny? No. let them
laugh convulsively laugh and they did. but
I told the truth and had tha satisfaction of
fighting with a. clean gun. Vote for the
amendment W. J. Joyce.
Chaplain of tha House
Full Rend 1; ion Measure Had a Close
Call to Invalidity.
He Seat it to the Hoist tad Had the
ScjuU Xeastus Adopted as tas
Hons Had tt First Iateadei
to Do.
(Haanvs Past Sfcl.
Al'STIN Taxaa. Uay U.-Through th
wauhfulueaa of Uiituut Qovsrnur Lxavid-
on. who 1 giving th greatest cai and
attention to every maasur that coma
through th seaata fatal defects In the full
rendition Mil a are 4Jcovrd today afTW
the bill had gone ta th orolllng .lerk and
bui for th discovery it would iiave been a
good ar-uo bill at all.
laioking ovei th original bill us engroaaad
In the senate. Lieutenant tiuvernor LiavUlaoa
lound that at certain placea .ha 01II u4
leaii penciled at piaora aoma words wer
a 1 urn In and al o.tier pla.-e. coitain words
mi' scratched out .ili a peucil. H.I
knoaledg. 01 ihe full :: lil;on bill lold lilm
lhat as tar aa the aatiou of the uenate was
concerned ptneil ntarks ware wrong and kS
far as procedure la concerned pencil inai as
are out of place lit an engrossed bill 111
engrossing bills thry are written out In full
typewriter ca n line Oelit( full. 01 I.u-
'ui ohm ivo ink. and no posml.l
U. alias allowed tui luu runeaxe ot al
Atneiidnienta art always attai-hed In aepa
rate bpa uf i-er He reiuen..M ik1 utru
mat tlta rt(Hkt from the Ikc vkj uiat . is
but bad Hui barn materially chani ib-
ernor Dav!dain mado a careful nHtiunjit m
uud found lhat the bill bad uevii u rin.fd
ttai It would provide lor leuJuum of pi.'r-
erty at ' reJl ona !! value" and at tru aud
itHsonable value when tb purp jm nn.l li-
tem of the in a surf whi-n drawn b n; -r
Stoi.e waa that properly should be'nndeiej
t true niaikiei Seruunr Stone .t
rti.feired with a'M it was found tt be J.-t
in the "nape i.u laavtv laud folks i.i.a
to hve it
Ttie bill waA sent to Speaker Lovq with a
request for o:in t Li.iat.on Sotn .ittif
Se nator BrachtU'i.i. v. no imd gone w.lh It ta
the house tflurncxt. ui-coipai:itl t A 1 t -dice
: Klits lour!) who dp! tine) t
pe:w;l ntark.s Itad been mado imi the by
the suN'ommtttte uf tne -wtimnte on r.-v. -rut
and LaxfeTJon arid thnt th - pnp t w n
t.. o;Jtlino tlo- Silt-win .u- I'l.l wti.t.': .tni-
V itteo Wiinted to pi lb1 b '.t.r'1 tl'ti
n ark a his banda i Itiiiu and epidine i tie
tunges by blm ah others of the aut.. imu-
inrtee and that tlie vn'.y purp le tM to nidi
i he t'tl! i on'ini lo t lie 11 idt-ns of w t a: a
: : I t. n b:ll should be. and he iiini!. xtad
ti.- mai k ii.ial i.e era-tl
Wf tsn i p.js tails t! il w:t. .1 1 ;t i-
teiiiint tiov i . i )iv'il.Hiiii
II. ih. ;. t..fked trie '.-.II. .m tt
pr ii re :n ) I" ar t . t t i .i i tt tl th.H tli
I rttn- 1 1 !I .i lie or.a.nal t i'l wh . h. ;.-d
I n. il
Mid. ks
I! at
the J r t t
.i ni thi
pHA-wet! t;.
. tifll 11 t tet
I le t'!l
h t tha i
" : it a I
ii.U 1 ;t a
i- II I ! .1
it n:o r-d up in
ft I f ; as.-inj: the .. i t h.t i m.t-
1 a.
It US If
l.e t
to l.oti
:nd.r ..
tilt T:
e nft r-
b-t n
i ii.iii.
al Iff'
a-l.-l it.
H 1
Present Bill Will Increase the Certifi-
cations by $40000000.
K.'l . f it NfM 1
AlS'llN bx.ii Ma 11 - lie wom uf
iull.t utll-. the Is ff li.t:
um i i pi rat ion t.iiuiUK wUm.ii t'ie i i ta'i-
glf it- a st l n ; v. il; ..i..t .. n-
wt--a . i -.1 : i a. t.. ii i . i-.i i .!; . l t
.).- t
dt I
. id
. ii
P -pi.- ul
ftai.-l f.
l.lNKtl' '
Ma le
I 1 1 r
;i 'tr
1 III-
"f T
the St
I R-t
ti i
us I'ipiupiired t. in.ii .
t i a. n int. tt..: hi-- a
! t-oa I 'Is "t f' rt I 7. It i
t . i (! i '. v nut l ;. t 'i.i :
!. M Ihx l-.rii ! was ! . v' '
. I ! I I '1 ! :i .!
k K.-U t I "ig.r--f t"K to- - s -
faillit.ii.- tiif w rk Wi.-u t.i- t. - ai I
tne w.irK next week.
Believes Texas Has a Better Governor
Than People Think.
i ist n I' n i a-1 v . i
Al'STIN. Texas. May 11 -In The I". -st of
May 9.' U'ider 'he head .t the 1 K'cuti v
Luid on ihe r;:''." there aip '.rs
statement which i:id:rt s tn th if is bad
feeling b.twfen Governor c-npb n j-'d S-n-
l alor st-ki . w no rpr--r:.i. m i- n ita
j tii diatri- t in which G"ern ; i "a.-npt ell c
Vlis ha grrvvn out of ihe f.i.-t Sti-
I aim Stokr tpp"s d G. . ! in .- i a n pot II in
his rar-- befnrt in.- p- ipl uf I'. x m h I tha
j same U aiiu- generally k:oiw;i t the tru-nds
I fact that G" rnor ''ampib-dl red. t ;n tu
i ilistrl. t r i-i ejM nt d b Senator S'- k"
I it is now aitlmmn t h idea
p-U"'rn fit tins he-i eTtj-t- !. it d-.e-a.
n-'t now pn vnil And Senator St.-k n.-w
more nearly in hue Willi !.:. p-: ; s .tdvo-
ctited by t he chief exe ut n t hi m n- a
ever b"en b' fore these p ill. l a ;r h en
Inclurtd in t;ie democratu- pi.itfum adopted
nt Dalian and that he has r '.t !- had fre-
quent i--cash hi to express - iHey
Ing tbut the peopb- of Texas lune a hetter
governtT than any of theni n-tw tiilnk. :ind
lhat all the com nnd inn which his p-di'-ies
have ccastoned ihroughout the State hag
been unnecessary and that h n th. se pol-
icies are fully understood the people nf Texaj
will Indorse them and Indots. hun iG-ivernor
Cnmpbeili for having advocated (hcra
It is attll most particularly bei..v.d hy th
gentleman -rom Houston count y i hat. re-
gardless of apparent Intent or ultimate ef-
fect it Is th desire nt Governor Campbell
to see to it that the burdens of government
frill most lightly upon those who have h'tla
of this world's goods. In view nf this fact.
It in hardly necessary to stat-- that now the
personal relations existing between the gov-
ernor and Senator Ptokes are of the most
cordial character. .1 II. Q.
Per Diem Bill Approved.
AUSTIN Texas May 11 The governor to-
day approved the per diem bill carrying an
appropriation of ttfooo to pay the members
of the legislature for the special sessioa m
the legislature.
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The Houston Post. (Houston, Tex.), Vol. 23, Ed. 1 Sunday, May 12, 1907, newspaper, May 12, 1907; Houston, Texas. ( accessed January 20, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .