The Houston Post. (Houston, Tex.), Vol. 24, Ed. 1 Friday, May 29, 1908 Page: 11 of 14
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- 1 -
.t Li
'bunay. both eitr and. country trd ben. a in
'.Bxtet'of that of ny prerloul day 4f
jpei1tk.'T!ie country Ur&t t f
.J i ff ' botli trmona tud ortf vAfls'the vtr
-?Baht liberelly of TM Ifmti rhe -.
; melon Hid m:t-t'A' I'm receipt
''f TexM Iruiu were heavy snd wits lb.
- . ' tock carried vt from lbs ntviem day wri
1 lit exec of thedemiid.. hen- .!
l favor of to barer.... I.? J
!J;o1bW inwket it firnfnd ie W" !
. mattl sf Wedne4a' advance of IB a Sua In
SM. yotk f Local Jotbr ate oompeUed I
v. contort tn pan to to tovanc m m prasary
.'harketi The deateed I active aad aalea to la
-f TtarH. r SmWi-Predate' cdprft had
ilaarjr wotipt f both chicken and aggs good'
; ! ak 'berh b f balli Tbef ait r dotag
4tk Pawitaad fi Smm dr iitdotdteg V
4'W-ot ttabbitl ' W of ijoow piekk and
lt- viniart and (ti unload two can 61 V. C
" j jr tod ' Awjwig'f 5
5-OwWoat ar la htpf of tVW'M U
' Mm Wia) Haarallr -ttf-.tenlfiid. a
Mrsl on thenarka at tii doae l sWaeia
! r - .4i;a-
M"---t raearpt of Mctan ar aeoMiInt keavr
Kala ant the pket 1 sately attedy at
t fIJWifor kwu atutt.M to KM lor far-
' Potatoa.arc dolt aaie aritfc 4do fhiettiatloa
tn tlw MMriKi prieat Tanfftna raaa M k taVr
ooroniinf to cobditioel af atodtr '
:'-. 'toasato reeciBCi eontino aaarr and h nar-
tta oenr ffaoabta at 'paaelict' canatd lh
iaakoi 4o nd low. aakw oina aaad at M to
;te ar ombb. V"" . .
TT JnarM U wn t3ted 0 on onlona. Vat
thc daaaaad i V7 and the nwremcnt tifac
v.. Cramiatad i
4if. -
' adrasead ! sointa rcater-
'. En ait m good deaad at qooUtJon. .
' BTteaJcag fata; Uta sowdar
. ."..! drao Bhet oar aaek VaXWt I
. BUTTE OU-ta barteU dOot
'rait 48c - - t
IAdk Standard aoada: .fieri la d
W WJ.42 Si
hulk v4 Niekel aaAajiaV- ar kos
M IBs Cora alarea BHa-pat lh M and d
WCKLS ft iaUo !? .Mt laVfaW
ha koaa -( a-oatreie aTj!
ral M.TS9T.M; ainta
Amcrkaa atrk tl-Ms trt Jtaaarkaa
BKricaa aiywa.-
i: U-nllonSS-M
i -aur
QUinUli i aaarfciaai araaaa araa
rtr iraauHti Car.
a Uoataaaala flat kaaaa
JPrtWrrj 11.
Jtaaatad aotfeat
I1B.TB dcUrertd;
aaifaat VAttea.
Ik ..wsta B1B.T
aUeo - ' J
nana UVbi f
uu.- urr nail: Itvalaad. 1. 1
1 aa4
isito dclivarcdt Saario tt Hlav'Hc d.
VUli-olU K.M: Dime W.SBt FU Waight
fas Ilk carton art dozen COUMt I
.biacnit. per aaea. oacj rawia iiilila laawa
and snorted
ere) ami in aMb aackav nar aanfe.
UM lb aaek tdei Scotch oata M.M:
da Ual N.N; Grata Mala O.T. data
WbMi t4.0. .
nrau. MW aer doten; La tVriaa
(tliau V.TS; pint .oarM mSTl
. onlk. cheap Td. tat) far amlMat aatt
nJade McOM.2E-
CAVSUrHlf pint avidfaai ataaaa tt
ONi aer doceai Uncj l.SStfl.: ahMa.
5eoi.rn. WJtStil.VBi fancy MMJti
balk nmitn Sac per caUoa: fancy Tie MB.
rarraa un aai an
IN iAR-'." XB0W.
to rd; Germaa vtnegar ) net
RICE Kancy Wl aataa bead ;
Btdium head BUc; choke Juan Be; bm-
extra .Be: dry lt regular aaTHc: dry
aalt bellie averag M to M aouada Sc;
extra tc; Won rarolar aVBBe; eacon bellie
overage of to SB pound f He: hreakfaat
becon Mc: Gold BandJraakfaat Ueoa MB(
Cold Band picnic ham Hc; plain haan avr-
aa 14 to 1 pound. 11H; Cold tW beau
LARDSiawo par leaf lrd HHc ooav
aoand Tcj pur lard Bite u
h ' mto ikiDi.
CLOVER Ptr lat eoaada aa.SBSla.aa.
Sttu Luaa no -a auuav per
I . ALFAtFA Fancy CeWaoo aef
BElAdUPA URAsWtr poaod
KUUC Per Ma aoaada atlaxoa.
VETCH -Jr lta oruod an..
hUKUUUM ai naa
' Baa) MaaAa. i
S CdLlB per Haaaei
laaaaa eartetia BXaaa
(ILO iitr.M aartaa)
A& New Er BS.BO oer aahiirWoa
ferial ! WhlppoorwiU W.4B: Oy M.M:
Dream . larg hUch-yd aB le
wow. - -y-.' v tf.f?f v. .
CORNtNo. atixod accd M !; walai
"Slat WaarerawkiMMaM'MdMti
Weatera mixed UW; wa Texaa aat
aarktd UfiBTc; Taxa red raat roo( ared
tntt.3 abp sutiam
OTtES&WIo)ia fall creank Ion koraa'
BWTERaner. Elfin la M-lb tab Mtl
M4b tu
tub aeyi ana yievi
MHi ft) Clever ia l-lhaokata
M01 fancy r
Cold PTo; 1m
rovM in tun m -atetaew
ineaater Mot farkadal Mej Lin-
llk aaekacea ia.
ott ry llfflfb. t
m .iw w f-t-w- ''j1 "ai i"1 ' w A'
AlAa-M ' V-T .1 Ut.
s .auiomi umdi..
allforala a.McTk.
MESFlorld. jrrbaa.
rVLECaUfota)a SJW par 'Mk J5oo
tmm 111 laa.ainBV awAfJh i " '!.''! in wl'
redo M.
" ttu
EMONaC-MaBBUja ItMO&rBi Callfornlt
atARDWARaV ". f T K 1
"ttAT-Caok Colorado alfalfa lMf
M-M Soath TxjtrlriM.MrM: North
Texaa Vniria U.irMt timothy ak.
4f..-v. a---vvvw
1 1
mJu leTaad 1M Be dvci
ZnaBMt Ba M (dvancei a and Be
flrrTL aa. inci . 1 ... --i tt
i 11.. 11. a u
r ' -Ca. advaaoal a a 4 '
1 ."-!
r1-i I CM dviM
4.1. a aa t
"1 f . i?
i 4
. F .
' t S .
. 5-
t ' k
. ... pit i.
4 . tol
' .
. t-V.IM
1 C
J li
rvne4 rud-t
r um li.Xi .
t' f aar poanl ' s )C
ia Ma ear kuaaal) tax.
- hy been 4HI aayo
' ' i C Lmaj He
. .! t W karreli 43
r ' hil I.'" ' f ii5. ..
.i -x4Ra4a Hfl.rr tb
a --er"e. ' - t .. -sj:
t . t ;T TaatMt.HpBeadi'
C.vfc Br rt Ma or aawtaV'
ItiMcr 1. .1. 1; w ..Ik 4M..eik ttaakr:'':
ChlfPEO bEEK-.i'b cane il.Uh
Mf.4; la
J; ta gi'ta l-ib fl.4037a.Ta.
i ; CANNED FRUITS- ea. IVRy W4fc
.j - alieed.. Bdnteh.aai nkn aai
torelcu l.aOtyi.Wi antra artted U-M
S-Ib f 2.4t Maeae B-lb WMmLm
US: f -lh pie peacac al.TB. -
lT cieht BBej aVlk full jreirbt U.ia; lh
lecead IBet to neoada tl.aoi laeaata aula
Ma aer.ilnaat; aier and tomato. M
ie) H-lb atparagn BXlBajta nparaa
tip i lb Xt9.t Vkad bean. S-lb. a
I lb hakaaT bean Mc: Hi. atoag Maaa'Mat
Wtt audiT. aeaaa aotjaoci jh .amawaat
Ua: MTtmiit ptaa - i.osi a-ia
Aawrkv. petit poia Vl.TBf aatri tain 4
Mc(1 .t! earra atardard aara Ma.
ltalloa can per ae M.M; U-CU eaaa
or aaaa aiXaraaaLS-lb aav UN per
eWnj aV& can BUB far doaaa; M-i.ea4
cling a.TSC&Ml
vMoa 4 Crawforl BJUaatS.:
B.a; . blaekaerrie
BB.1B1 u-bita aheetiea BlaSetfLTai
UNSIM: alum UMfUH mm
)&M tear a.naVt Madard
draco In laa eatra ataadard arte
- dAFLI V RUAwynarat NM
ja arati " am ( k n
cwt6t" Itwowidrav'
COTTON SEED OULecee ftk anna
o .: eak M.
nLINTEtii Per Bound IHfCa fh. kt
rior adUa aoaardW a Mi aaaam '
BArlG--Cartoad aVtb HH Bt
If) na amall anaatitlra '
TIES Carload Arrow JXM) MBaX fcajav
' T mots abb wit.- '
Dir HIDES Flint had. 14 aaaaaa aad
C.REEN HIDES All warht ta.
loaunai at awe 1
IDES Oreea aattad LllJM
k-sMVSda per BoaadT -
nrjuiu 1ECIM.
GE Kariy aod lata
fcROTSPet aoaad hj atooh
aww POwey' avatW(P wP4raW- it
-and aek i0-B.
EZANS Beak -and aok B4.I
RAPE dwirf raeaTpiaM
EGGS Market .Weedy ! Teeat UH01te
&S!0Mi bronera
. rRCOf abb amacAi
t-M rr eeaees boru per aeaaa I 4
pmragea; PPaa w.ew aarnwat
Bi.s Br w pauaaa at
barrel: ateeaol
DRItlr FROriR AltO aTtJTl.
APPLET Ptncr ennoVated M-tb
BVkci pack cl laVoa lta.
tSMMlS CBata. w- ubi
Brbc. ItBWjtHMtt .
PMi toon mm t- avuwi a
L I-. rakaa. aWet a-erowa L
M-lb beaea Be; frcrowe L. Ha rairia H.
aH aeaaa iwi ' !
Ml A
NUtaV4irferBa oft
pound I aonei bnwted walnut aoaei CM-
fmi ' malt aaall alainada ircl Mrailt mm
tARDlWEt AMBfteMajaw part tf-M
B-Ta. aeaardiBg Jtradti wick bay pear
fk.M: tamnrd BB.MOS.lBi daaecta aarta
Ta.Ml.Mi t.twy wt. aaartan paVMf
ii.m xwrm .ipwi
river il.i
P Wat"
lb 4e l.Mt aVtbte
t.ll A lb llpM wwgBt wa
raakss'.v' s
J PAINT. OtU AMD .OtA8i1. ?1
o-r M)UtwU''ni'i; tMth
..'4.t"'..t armAR. MOLAstet Nn. . fe.a
' ' lat9E7laektre tr' tow.elrl
M Sakl faaar eantriivaai X a-'--4 lw
ol ailnai taaay MI par tear Im par
fttfjrTaf. prll l W -"
liONSY la baml Ma per -.... Ii fc.iv
fSe pet addjalk mm
Mai late are b4vw
a aa eeiio4
mr Amerle aBtfci -
a 1 oiummuV fame pauvw 1
a o ' u' V. y" 'OV
aeearuM Toay aeet Boararoat an .anna
aartet aatatoea aVib caaav BlJat
CANNED MliLAtKS ihrea da la
MUSTARO Par aad M0r.
TUUIPaW-Ttf jpeaad Mil etkH
turkey UScl 'tSa4ftdi! feSBara;AM
B.M: old rooMmfaVTBOS-Mi (Na tXX
M - gaiwai aaqanar amra aar tew
aoaada fa barrel s Mlabwr. UaM newer .!
rlM aiiaalt hi barrcni atata per Maad
Barret! oaanbat HM at aeMk taab ;
MvivlTwr BMW. ItillLtA -
f hntTtti. BAMtVAM. v -
. -sc
. i ' J .
--- n-i-.j."- .j .
"'''fO' "' itHWca . r -) J . JS-'
.H NEW YORK i:y- Journal of
Commerea . oontinulr sf 1 4. cuitoli vorow
' amunaUTi amy; ' .
.."TexaB.-rh avorabl fart which COT-'
Taponinta rporii a n.unth .bu
been aurloualy Impaired by a cnntxiuatloA'
91 exoeaalve rain and ttotxja .: oiiipajaled
by cold and wlrniy weatnci-. nica re
.'wraod CTOWtb and aauaed n ch replant
' fun . a
insi in aorne aectiona aa limn e
ant. Tbla oondiUoa I very penral and
iroia a atart e( one to two wraaa aariy
th erop U now quie tare week lata od
m average. 1. Tbeee report do not orer
the rooeat ifeavy ralnatorma and flooda
which mutt adit considerably to loaseav al-
ready Inflloted; but aoid from thla R la
Hot yat tan lalA t niak a. rnnil AMD With
favorable weather from bow on. .Already
in many aootiook better Weather haa aat
'in ana tne crop tg imi
aprovin; rapidly.
Tha Mavaliac l cut wernu ha tn-
Jurd atanda and a few. flelda art ar
out aa laoor aeem
to b aufflcieiit tha
ill SnUtlyateo. Boll
grouna wm m
weevil Hard mad their appearance to a-
. urn her
01 loaauuaa but it .
yet 'too
early -for aerloua damac to result.
month aarO indication arora for a very ilb
era! lncreaae o( acreage but ha adverao
andltloD above reported have reduood
thla to Only a moderate inoreaae.
' Oklahoma The aaaaon - la practically
two week backarard. due to the xew
alv rain a and In to umber Of diatrict
planting la not yet completed. Wrt weatl
or haa retarded growth and neoaitata4
repiautlng v tut general condition
'inuea better then a year M whoa tha
.averaga ahowed 11 par oenV Quit
9nr unit a
corneDOndenta tanorf tha- Diane
the plant doing
wH and looking; fine. f While a number
of dlatrlota will largely tnoraaaa acreage
tha Btatev a a wool will ahow only a
rao4fat tooraaa. ' (-
f 'SlVOm Tama; Cay M.A Mil tial MM
toaued requeatlng th melon grow era of
Sight and aurroundinf country to meet at
fElgia June I tor the pnrpoM of. arrang
iar for th marketlnaT and ether thing
te eoitnoetioa with th melon bulnaY It
ia eaUmatMl that somethinc Ilka BOO ear
win fee whipped from Elgin. The district
union ; will meex in conneciHm wiu vie
warahouee atockholdor; rneetlng Batur-
dy Jun at tha wirehouoe la Blcln.
and all enerober in Uil diatrict hre
queatad to he preaent. The dark threaten-
H cloud oontlnu to mak eur people
ttl uneaiy a the report from the
torn of Bunday laat are being dally
brought to town fronj th country and
th deatruction wa . tar. more terrible
than- flrat report. Slhc th beginning of
th atormy weather titer haa not been
en full 4ayB Bunahlna butalmoat every
day haa been
Sdrikalea and conOnaed high
oeompaniaa wim niujni
tlnaed hitch Wind which
mpMiaiy oaatroyini
of arop ar left.
ly dtroying arhat UtUa reen-
haa Men only two boll wewrila up to thl
time. Mr. Am believe if th farmers
would follow hi advice a to picking up
an burning the aquara th araevll oould
b deatroyed. . -
. lAVUma. Texaa
n tit ranant anurt
many Of thsjwmtr her hav decided
to turn loco their holdlnga. A number
nt KsiIm af warehonaa
nniow went uu
week at a. very food price th farmera
- - - n a.ll.a- Muk rant that It Wa
Jet to let go While they bad Mood price
t)AIIT' WSAtEXal'' TtVtSJEtfS.
tm the twanty-fnttr hoar ndlnp af
a m nth meridian Urn May H IKMi
Tamp. itain- state i
tatloa- Mas. Mm
Balllngwr ....... l . ft
-falL weather.
T) Cloudy
ivlU ........ . Tt
jw. tjiouar ;i
Chrtatlta) M
cana (b)... M
lero ft
ublla (b)
. Worth CMie) a
iWaaAoa tl
OjeeuvUl M
Houaton ........ W
Kerrvili . tT
LimpaM ...
Lotigview ....
PaJeatlne ai.
.00 Clear
.00 Pt. cldy
.60 Cloddy
.00 Cloudy
.00 Cloudy
.00 Pt-cldy
jOO Cloudy
.09 Cloudy
.00 Clear t
.00 cjoudy.
.00 Cloudy
.00 Pt. cldy
.0 Pt old)
.00 Cloudy
.00 Cloud
.90 cirfl
Paria (b) ....... tt
Ian Antonio a) N
Ban Marco .... as
Bhermaji ........ W
Taylor a) m
Jempl ft
Waoo .......... 'tt
Waxaharht (b) H
Weatherford ft)
Wharton .......
(a) Minimum to twelve hour aaelBat
I a. .m. (b) Not included in mean. v
Cetttral BtaUon Tempera tut Itabv
atauona laport g. max. tana.
Atlanta. ........... j
Auguet U
cnar lesion ......
OalvMUMi tt
ltU Rook ...... 14
Memphis U
Mobile 10
Oklahoma ........ at
Bavanah ......... u
Vlcksbura ..... U
fWUmirigton ..40
' AWAY. .
Will Bo BUM In 61 AutrutiBa
in the HttioMl Hoott.
yU rjtarMPM 5rtl. V
BEUTMONT Tarn. May .-Th re-
main of Moao lcurgM Broooka who
dt4 at fmn Antonio Wedrieajday wveamc
attar a nrotraotad lllnea. reaoaed tha
attf thi evenmt t 10 o'clock. Via tha
Txaj ..aau now :.. umaiw lutwiw : aw
' - unJ tw (ha Plnkln aV Bralta
Undertaking oompany to th re4dno f
uiail V. uiw nw vwvw .wu.w v
ruaarat Bervlcet wUI b condocted tri-
lay iMtitmf t 10 o'clock at tt horn ef
Mr Orear Rev. 8am R. Hay. pastor (
1h' Flrat Methodlit ehuroh. Offlolatln;.
after which th remain wUI b shipped
St-h ftaata f trsln tvtaia- the. city
rthi. tnomina at 11 : o'dook for Pan
Atitrusttn. Texas th ok) bom of the
eceaaed where Interment Will be p
' The remain will be accompanied to
aa Augaatln by bereaved frUod and
relatives of th deeeaae
-i The ttv pautarr i tnwwrarl
ervrse art Will r.' Kitn. v.- 1. omo-
hunaro; ta. u. nooert. ot- wrar; 4.
V.. Polk and R R . Henry.
vr. r
Pavtd.oiLy.Jt. Minor. Dr. . & JPrlc.
pr.W.TW. Cunningham. Colonel 1. i
ioik' nnd Oswald. Parker k .t '
Joj Lynurge Broock. dernocrat. at
pan Auauatln WM bora M . farm f'v
r .t a th town OZ twt.AUki...
fjKNT. Texaa. Mar r-Hr. O. W.
Amea who baa charge of the (rovarnaient
experiment work tn thla section of the
altata. wat la the eltr today and aaya be
rrd whr h t i
. 1 ir t".'sfr1
1 bv th co
M oounty e
th Utllver
M ud con
A taking ti
elected In
y-thlrd le. 'v
. dlitrlet con
per and h-
aumont. If-
" wa elected
First ludiciBl 1
d ot th eou
Tyler Jasper
nn only not I
m .ti was a t
am district 1 '
thdrew . from t
: to Saw Auatmti'
account ef Uln
Ived 4it the lat
ried. II was -r
oougrees and
m by. CongreiMbi-i
f -." "
tSf.U.Y. " '
t tL-WM'ti th
11 t.
1 b
t year
. Wr.
1 unnt
:om .It
death of f. inner Cot rreeacoajt 'Mote V.
Broock cf "tB Au ustttM at fa An
tonio " y was receive with kii
regret ty ... Texas congresamsa here.
aN ACansTlM..TM Mar tt.'
Atamag wad realvd;.or laat plgbt aa-
pounclne; the death Pf x-ConTematt
M. U 1 roouka whoso demise ocourred at
10 o'clock Uat eight at 8m Antonio.
xnere not person tn Ban Augutnnf
oounty but Icrved Mr. Broock. fab kind
and aenarou disposition woa tb atai
of all. -' .iv . 1
' The Maaonis " fratdmlry appornted a'
aommltte. wb will meet the remain at
Beaumont tomorrow. ! Further arrruT-
menU have not yet bien mad. ;.JJf
i;tBE TRlNlfY fLOOO V;
1 l.f f
nf'-i.w aj -y -5.1
that Qi ttaek Island ha A fore of tnS
working on th caving nd of th track. .
. Reports Indicate that tha. variou dub
lake and ground around Dallas are bad-
Bnaged. Th keeper ef .the Fin and
or club rowd da from th Blub
ytardy la boat over mum aaA
evra ttwuB ;.' :. I
Tpm xxximtB unmma. -
Member of the rjallaa Itikl aiul dm'
chib ar wwrriad M t the tat of lUepor
WaDtor and hi family. Mr. -Walker Ma
not boss heard from slnoe th Overflow
bgaa and It is feared that h and ni
family war drowned. At the time of th
everaow h wm Uvhtg at th dub hous
with his Wlf arid nlldren. . TXtrtn th
aat flood the water earn within three
feet of th 4nb house and during the
preaent rise which is tan feet higher it
I not doubted that the stub house was
submerged it Is pointed out that If Mr.
waiaer suooeeoeu in getang to one or th
many boms at urn lap a ana ni nunuy
may hav bean aved. but otberwlae It I
(ni thai: the'-' antlna farallv mmrm
VwWnaaV "4 -. . y
Illtiuitiott Oat of Part Worti Xm-J-
1 vm M to Taha. i-
r' Uttmit Put 5risl
FORT WORTH. Txs. May XRall-
road trame f noW open in thrM AretstleM
or Fort ' Worth-north ouur and
Tag east will not be pnd until
fttat T m
.Tad embargo Ml orthrn ftwlgbt and
rwmr.trafllo laid by the flooda and
washouts Baturday'i night wm swaatm
fully Hfted"tody bV the ttanta f and
Texas and Paclfiai TTher la atlnJe. hen
n astern traffic nut of Fort Worth with
no ' prospeot ot. nraaxuig paorg som
time nxt wek. L. 7l..Tir
The linaa tunv Amm for haataaaa h uw
i direction out of Fort Worth aire a fed.
rows eania 1
tret. Trinltv. na
ton and Tevaa Con
bmbm Yaw..Aprt
Worth and Denver
Th foiiowt" arrant 'rir nACriiihMnnil
buslneaa; FriaoeVKatM
Th Texas gad Faclfl wf open to the
Weet and ed the rranamnrinentat 4lvt.
ion. The following ar still oloaed: Cot-
ton Beit' Rock Island. Th Intnmationsl
anu.woai norinern 1 open wiw ui ex-
ception ef trteha of track nt aprlln
and Hearn and Milano Jiuetion.
The eecU W started a train for Xaa-
M City and .Chicago laat bight at (
o'clock by way of th Fort Worth and
Denver to - AraarfDo. vAt AmariUe the
train will gt upon Its Btra track.- .
. The Texas and Pacific will ran a train
to 6t.JUui out of Fort Worth tomor-
xne anta r tracRS will p
aa faTs aa flalnMvilla and thanca iMrar
go Wbitaaboro. Th Trknscontinentaf di
vision 01 ui Texas nag racuio win he
ued lat? Teatarkana and the rernalnirig
distane wqi b over th Iron Mountain.
sji anusual but n Ism nncassful
roat of tiwvel t aioagu 8t Xouis MU-
wauk Bad Other distant point ba bean
introduced by th Houston aad Tsxm
Central. Fort Worth hsmwigej ar taken
to. New Crbnux by th Houston and TexM
Central aM jBeuthrn Pelfk and there
turaad aver to the HUnoi Central TM
trio to Cbloano ia heinar made In fortv-
elght hour or only twelv houra more
tnan ar required .over tne Kty mook
Ialand Bahta Fe r any of the dlreot
rontM from Texaa. A targe party of doe-
tor bound for the meeting eg the mrl
can Medical association left today arrar
th Houaton: and Taxa Central. '
Thirty Mrtoad of freau mt rrern the
North . Fort Worth packing Uouee were
routea nt riowston ana new urtsejw to
Chicago. Two more tmlna of fienh meat!
win go tni
The Xatsr sent a pass im trmltt as far
M Denlaon today by wax of th Santa F
to OeineaviU.
Th FrUoo xcTa t put train tnto
Den toon Saturday from Fort Worth. The
drawback now 1 at CarroUtoa. wham Sim
reek went out of lta banks and washed
way a portion of tha Cotton Beit track.
TM In tor national discovered today that
their tracks war under water from
Hearh to Kuan aad that traffic M-
twn Martin and Bryan wee Impossible.
" The Houston and TexM Central rot a
train inte Dallas abertly before U orcck
tonight. AU ef the thar brsnohss of th
CMtral far open. .
t a r " '" '"
f . irnti An fJreBwL&M7 launl-
' .V;;' 'tfea Im' TKinl.
"' . i (HwrM Fan SfttmO .
DBJJI80N TsxM. Msy XS. Wrr oom-
muaicatlon M restored rin th Postal
wtth OTlaltrrn today'- Th reperta tat
OM from OoTbart htat. Bight that several
mile af th FrlaxsO aad Xnty had been
kfMtad ent 'Wax prematur. TM Cnoo-
taw division 1 cUntayed tn Boot but not
Seriously. Th Qanauma bri c wa sav-
ed after heroki Btrurwi. In Bed river
bride wm reached tou&y and It was dls-
eovered that two tMtead of on span wm
gone. The t4f Will probably hav to
dwetttng. saany thouMM feet ef
lumber and svmw .mid on the Oklahoma
Me of th river east of here were sweet
or tne tioon iiHMay. Thousanaa
nf head of Hv aenck bva naraahed. - Tha
Missouri. Kan aad Irxa railway wilt
put M raj wora at river but it wtu
1. IflMtf !lllM MnWM ..MlnA
elur train can
ta vraaton bend
win. .t a
oneervaUvw estlmat.
jNHtOh tltAtOft.
.C':" ':vFAMTXDOI ARB DrrrrttJTK.
From fifty to sixty tamltten. reaura
are hbaolutaly destitau with pot even a
shelter. ' Farmers tg) tht elty.' today tell
fearful tala of thedaitni'-Uosi of crops.
There win b much suffering and it will
tak year for them -to t t on" their feet.
Mny pinnwsr Texas wM 1 av resided In
ti - ae'ion' for fifty a
v wear tar
when te water go
i 1 ait the will
be dtlaena
Of Oklahoma aa -their farm
hav b" transferred by t
new channel
' bad'g large
eld of
to th Katy
n- by tn river. . .
Till aftsrnoon the F
frn at work on th t
rUr at lh
t t(t tore m I 1 -h-
4 t rrow. It la
1 t r bottom '
luring Jot
X t. i.vl
1 that tn
Ulea r
Vt il
r! f-'
1 ' -i .'V:'.-''-
"fit JtotmJ'
t wiir
?Mi'- .
r .noerl...
r -4 .r ages Ckaageas
1 la.mvlaboura;
. : sv-t'V- "
4 1v.'f;4'
' Ta aMsoeb fin rapidly arXpWl''M
towty st Waco. It haabeguat faUatVs&ty
Junrtioo. wher it fat now . tat r M feet
aaov ueoa- ta. ' im at Mgm'feai atgaer.
tM tM algae Mag during tha April flood
fyMAltlXMT.xaviWy.iTh' Wga
water m now rcedlnaV but'tuin therwn
ti'Brago' bottom Ui tm ttndrr Wat
front n ta tiM foot- Th full extent of
etraag to crop along the Braso valley
nt thla extent? can not be Mttmated' m Tt
It U ertala to amount to a great sum.
Crop en many-hundred of nor wUI Mi
tot airy lowf Wh!l motw or lem-amTr
will rewuit to a 1 erup In that region a
.the highest : point overflowed. - Sever
mile of h tnu K of the International
and ' tire at - N.-them railroad going
through th jBn" valley ia coverodwltni
aater Mouth of i "an andtrnta 04 thl
vision ef th ru.1 ga no further aoutu
than .thla place. Th Centra road re-
sumed traffie yesterday.
Reeident f toe Italian Colony south of
Mariia . were terror atrloken yeeterday.
Water stood from four to Ova f t in that
Motion of th braso valley. Ihey werw
rescued by parties from th twn oC Jtv
can. An- vrHow is a new exporlenen to
them and all Monday night trior hauuaed.
tana tall; fired gun and gv all mannet-
Of signals of diatres ta the hope of rt-
tlng relief and as Stated th help cmv
from Reagan. Thee peopl reoeuii
moved to that section and-formed eol
My. They war warned of th danger
but gave their first attention to geu.n
their stock out and were then caui.t
with their tamilie whea the high ynter
earn and no mean .of escape. River
brkbrea and areek brttgep hav bean lot
and thw oounty- will Buffer havy fmaaclt4
injury m A fMultV jr .-.' ' tijM i
liittwtios ''JOaag. liew'tmfc
-A v U Serlou Oat. . l
C' OTsahfISciBt) '
COlMsUA .WMi.. May. ffThe)
Braao rtrer i on mrthr rtt nnd no.
doubt will reach th April tage r M
eeed 4V M tM ttrwr WM tw-third full
Mfor th reosnt rise earn tt wlB werlt
aw'hV6Bnd suM' datMgd th
crep. which were" twnlAnMd nnd np and
dean and good ttma. All tM garden
truck had been replanted and up. A fin
and much needed rain fall her Sunday
and wm f IneMlntabw benefU t crop
k2 m mmMk Mm. - . . - . -
. a mm meeting ba been earled for
Caturday next when th matter of levee-
iag the Biwao wlU be aJawmatd. Jttg
believed there wm M little or ao opposi
tion a tne Sltutuou is ssnons ana n m
either levee or mov. out. Th .amount.
ooat of levee etc- will be raised try a utx
Asm leaeaVsa aMltklBWIT TA llfJgBPI UVWJ ' '"'if
Th water thla afternoon eroeeed the
avenue leading out; to vtmi ixwuraoia.
.- u i. .K..t th Men wilt be un
der water. Thousand of sere of these
taiiii M now abandoned. A few
veara ana were ta sugar eaa. cotton
and bmru. nnd were 'then a urc of r
e to the owner but ow-' they
worthless even for rrarmg purposes a
wbn Inundated all grass la deetroyed nad
the deposit Ot sand 1 in many ptaoes so
thk-k that th giM nd wood are week
ktt4BttMvtt '
i V fXutMPofM
CAliVKST Tettsv May --Thhl cor-
relpondont RBat today ndeavored to get
reUahle Information from th various
Bmbm bottom farmer coming t town
Mtw th extent of tM damage censed
by the prastnt everflow. and from the
beat obUlnable kaforwiatkm H I th tn-
pre Ion that th toes Is overestimated and
th Injury nstained greatly xgernted.
It ta true that th damage haa been wary
considerable but not near ao xtenelv
m nt one time reported. The river oora-
menced to faU ytrday evening and jit.
ta rapidly receding. Much of the ootton
that was tnlured wnder the tnfluerieeef
the hot sun may rwvtv. and th number
f acre under water was not neap o
greet m sappeeed. Vnder favorable n-
dttloM th crop may rally and prove to
M out - ailgntiy iniurea ' xne autaaiaira
a looked vwry alarming ana proi
-tim disaster an rum.
nany f th ( ugly Mpaeh? hav
awe and the amount at tVanu
reckoned calmly and sVllnratlyi : It -I
probable that vral H;rVud aore of
cotton will have to ta MTViatee. If so
there I ample time for- tt to develop Into'
A good crop tm- fact m mat . m
vicmity r tavrvwrw
the deatruction t not
so great m wa
feared aad - xpetd.
The crop utld of . th flooded Motion
ar very promising and indicate A tta
Bnum Ckuei lktaaty:
" ' : WmV PfivrlaUr : y.jJt J V
TATLOB Texas. May -TbA thrawgjh
train - 'th- Intarnational And. Great
Norther from Paleatln to Ban Antonio
r being natoured over IS mil tn rdr
to eroM th Braso rivr. Hop of re-
pairing the brtdg damage pnear wtlll
mora remote at present as wforamtiott
retwrvad thi morning Indicate that th;
Braao . I gin rising a repair train
and crew left her thla morning for th'
soen of th flood Md to mM fforta
at repair.. : - -f
Regulsr southbound train No. B du.
here at OdO A. nt arrived her this morn-r
mg At 10: It route waa Palastlne to
Hearna on ttg own track. Hearn to
Navasota ever the Houston and Texaa
Central trpcM' Havaaota to Milan over
th Bant Fe traoka nod Milan t Tay
lor' And MtH again on tta International
mate Itn. Tbt clrcultons route at over-
US mile out. of the way. Alt th train
now being operated through at BMJtlnf
this rout. - '
Th Katy 1 vtM operating only four
paseenger train dally. It I not Ukely
that the regular service will ta Mtawt
lor waa of saor a ye. .
v i 1 4
Nearly 1 Xud latiidAtwl
S. (Rnutvs rVrl StmiH -
: HBARNB Tsxm. May Pi-Late report
that vnmg at that the big ttrer poa-
ttnwM to faU slowly though much of th
farm lands next t th stream are Btlll
Ber water.' ThA Uttte Braaws hMrlawn
cccmlderabl ahrag atat night aad M eeanv-
tag owt on tariM AMtt to tt. though th
will' wet he very grant' M thl:
axpactMi i row oh u tn next
tn rrawlnacrOM eaa not ta had at tlil
A oonsorvauv .esootatw a
to dam
time but one-third to octe-halt of. th
hrliur" near : Hearn hav
bee Inundated tnternatlooal and Great
Northern train are aim going
Central track. Uietr ewn mHi
Valley Junctioa and big; Bra
imm . of aoiamlaslosl . Thli
over the
a between
aaoa arid-
This part ot
the Mod. wni ta retieired- some time . to-
The Hearna aad Brasoa Vallev
ha no regular train v lis Una toiy
th worn tram nurwier .ma
Mamtori t
m . i '- a. K' 1
ulgBWI WBO vV tVi'f
u OiewtaMl rWlrwair :::-
TAM"Tltaa May a-th Bar
raipMnA this pi tMhd 1 n
UM today and At thla hour pt r
tab on ItudstiU. At Ham'
pne north of It I r '
J Bra V- 4 r " I
S ' !" ' JHru
S Colonel R. T.
at Bgricu1. - 1
i 2i. Today e
c nimtsaioner J
as letters tv e
Binry. J '. VL
. Congre-iBi! - 1
::.lfoore and I
.npon them tj
.bord for r -their
lardy alUng
a J t:i farmart k
:g.; Th direct MUtaav ' Z
In securing cotton
for t: .1 ' - A to tbM member -
tICt tuwr l.ju I th following"
cow 'o'-1 roa!ve4 from C. f.t 2
ban fit of Awtr-in
".uny tnOutnd acre planted in J
eottOMt kav bee dee'royed by the
overflow of th Eraxos In thl coua-.. J.
a " queatad a 1 comn .:.!oat with.
f ot tfi. ascertain If yoa eaa dltwet
"'them where they may o' fcU cotton-;
sd for replanting. x:.a local sup-
ply fa oompietaiy exnauateo. any f 2
have' already plxhtwf the' Beconct
water to recede from th crop nnd th
eneauon ex woeuier or not tne pit ar -kuled
can not be determined un it afcee
the flood hav abated. It as aa hixa bar
tha jrreat' flood af 18W and la soma
place higher- as there ar om farna
Qnuir water 'wv ..huh :wwv iw wwbwd
then. Th plantar ar already . securing
seed dor -sued eottsn seed t plant ever
h.JWM U14 'y-yv
' . 111 11 1 .w i c a- J
phone advysM indJcau lhat th rlv b
till rhnng.and M every supwarahsa of
coming put. - Th Orrtrat railroad tt ta
tng-untmual precaution to prevent dam-; '
age to th roadbed and Brack. A tore or
bout K men nnd everal thoMand. sack
A tore of.
of sand ar in Media to. check any-
damage. lAt anvtue recatveo; irom ttacsi
Ialand state that th. river .1 out all
ever verythrns;. Thl will plac
bnhvt1va.i A 1 ft)
iXlt9 VaAP VahxfkfA
7;YrV PajWJi wm:
'mfrnmh: um. . . ;iii. h-.. riwf--aH' ma.
Brase rtyar opposit this point nM Inst
hlirht ven tncb. and throughout today
ontlauad to siowly. rise. Foreman lailliff
at th government work reported tn
stream twlaok fourteen lnche of taw a
bih as the April rise aad th carNnt
peedlng) smo sbJm Pr JppgaVji.vA jAf
Of iX ivtl-ll'llt' I
rsi QrtxQomi Into tie Valley tai
Pf"r'.1 Cwpt Aw JitmzdLfi
JUrar tn Fori sarfTsntafcM f
'' W. 1 A. -I.'
mages at . ' :-"
8trleasi eiaga
Colnrds li 1' - J
g Ii.iiinBr. . Tt"
' Austin.....
4agB)away .y T'T'"'"-..:; P"M
7:? :!
f ?wiy Ibx ' f;
I iTMCo)orailo" rtm mufti'laai Ha la h
iitsii ptrMn d'l'W V'.tw4
hew far ts arColumlm. !.- 4
' "1 frssa FettirWjkaty A'J-
ALTATR 'Txa' May BlW".' Col.:
rado rtvr la kgnln on a big boom at thla
nt and only aeeds about tw and
11 teet er Doing as nign as n wm
during April Mat. At that time A great
deal of th bottom hind war "under
water Md replanting had to ta done hut
If crop are destroyed! with th present
nigh water ft wtu ta too tat for re.
planting. The young crop plaated inc
.the last overflow wa growing oft nicely
and it la very disaoureelng to those
feraMrf who ar m anfw. uoat t again
hav their rop dettrnved. .-:
Th Aransa Pa r iwV ha A train
and br1" -- wtrl vr
.th river to keep It ire t I u( whti-b
ia 'running wary heavy aad trey (vmut
4vl nooA today U rivrMat t uuiA
. ' BAtTTROP. Tmtaa- May H". Th Colo-
rado at thl point near been on sd
for th past few day at eighteen f t
but ha riaea about three teat altic
early thl morning and continuous to ria
lowly t.thla hour. - . v . . . -
BAtlcrrt'Barjiy .'ce4.;
r'rad river to rULag very fast horo. Con-
laeraoie ann is bbju w oe xinaung aow
the .stream. Which la enlarainr and v-
Undlng th raft alrsady la tu river.
1 a-
' y r- YTsirlsaPsntraatt
' ttmittt. Tmm. 4 May tLVth
Onadalupe river registered at th twanty-
eweoot jnarh- At noon today. .tM rlM I
caasedby heavy rain iipth country
Jon tributary MreuaAVTh river has
left It bank In the lower part of tne
oounty gad threaten to do ooidembi
dlf0 y f A . f
.?4;v4 fw.'.bl . r w. . V-S t
VyAIAJaV t TMsV My'- Tn
Kaehe iliasi nd rhIS'MnM ta blaiM
At any tiro ainM 1&4 It a rlaiBg At
nwim nruumi per jBPWW'a
feksh a i-iiiiagraiTOTrr
. .ojomras34incia ;v
y .w.t. J
ItsdeRta Think Three. Otitji Xnturl
Vill Bteuut lrialdt l)ee XTbt
.i-'si- -! " " "'I !: 1 f-?t
' 1 MiirMJCoi'l
. C0IX1OB BTATION. May Ariry
ar m mw velopmnbi t th Agrlcml.
tural ud Meehaaicel ooOeg affslf today
with th excepuoa of th tadoraeraent of .
th obieetkinable arOelahb th Battalion
by tta frhnum 1 f Tbla Is the taut
lAaa t fxprM ttU m tfc vrttolfc$.il
f: Tbtm order .war tvM out hy pr!-'
dnt HMilugton darfng th wafc preced-
ing th faoulty meeting and students
-thought thee meant he expected; no eav
mencement ta ta held. Toeee order war
ithat the ateward B. ibisa put off snaking
. in eoMraot tor urn aiwmnt ainouet one
saeoaA that Cantaln bioees Walt
on week be tor Basing tor ui
United Btatea
arm eldest to be sent her
1 during own
mencement . to Judge th . omnettilve
drill; third that Mr.'Boyott wne far
Blab the commissary wit br not to
.Th freshman laa hsod ti " tyt i
III any more sewvee unru ao".a.
iv.niore use me until aoTH-ieo.- ' ..w-..
- College etation Texas htay tha
fresh rnan elaa of th A. and tx. oo.les-e
ef Texas after aerefully n .ring t
artiole published In tte junior Iwi ef tn
college paper f An 4 14 Ii r-rtl to t
tatemeat given t by It r. .nt I -r-ringtea
tn Au.Ua 0 unntiiiouv.y in.w a
th said rti-ie Burtuermor. r In-
veeti gating tvi man w ei see wo
reason tor the " niot of ut nttr
Mttorlal etail of ren iinl. .
- W deplore t e oon.. n tf "ilr aow
'xtKln at K. - and iwi 1. t c- 1 cun-
diilon I - t on I'V a o-- iw ot
rrident I on to t - t ij con.-
mncemw. e an-. p.. -im ry t e
Junior ilmew- --! Bid
po -l" . - 1 n I i. I t -.vr t-
tni .. t 1 ! 1 l.Mrl ot 1-
trnniai a. i " mi t of
-anmn. t I e t 41 1. 11 - .r
.i 14 I'oo- nt tn
tu. -wr 1.1 at t- V'..4' oc r' vftnnnar
-j . 1
S .' .
' ' JL.Il. i .t .'
V ' I'X ) l -av.'''S 4'1
JV 1'iV Couu..iea.l
'"t " T r . .i" 11 i.iibmii 1 ' " V 4- yw'
A.- w. 1 v i..r.
r'ven t v
i..iii .ha y 11 j . I
. -t i-a a 1 Kiij
t i 1 .il .
t ti j '
fJfSk.'S "V 'V-.' i
I -' '''"
.O bd '. d il Vk ..
hC4 r'-r p " - -
vISV V.a ...- -4- .-. .-
a f- J ;
llilVl!'M".lMr. .
fT-Ca'i f -T " ' 1 ' -'
tJoifereiice.iiV:' '. I
5 I KCtoedartw Prl lf.
ptted trpuouppoa!tlon t :
tkA of th onferenc (
drieh-Vroetand currency b.'.I i
at aocordlng to th infercn
drawn from th debate todav.
Witt not materiallM Eenator I
tb report before th senate 1
aTcltok this af tsmoos w ' i i -
M ite being laid Mid tmul 11 '
morrow mom tag and th remu '
tun today wm devoted to the i
m 3obted Mam Mil en t i
3t4rry oater realised that t
f thla mev Wm' AM . a .ar. '
had; Msnt reached td.vot on t
ntorrow. Ijtqairia proved the
ttahr mtdirxtamcliag alttibugh do
steeatent tad been made. Ti a
tloa ar! thrafoT. that' sou
AJoum sine 'die tomorrow or gut
'Thd1amta today wm o
fenator Aldrtoh wno made b.
mx renoarntag th compro '.
ftem C th dhMii then x
tt an agreement to eonsldnr t
uolty bill and afterward pw-.
th currency measure were mi-
atom Teller. Mewianda and t
t Other senators wet ready to f
ft(M AlM-1 K. .11! H . . .
y .".www wmiwi ii.
tea U tRUM ea. utmrimri t
the bill .tomorrow. Thl w
Peeed by Beaator Cwlberaon. t -leader
but Senate La "
wary much eppoaed to the b.
A motion . for. an adjourrui.t.
Betim. Mr. Aldrtch ' -and
of th bill were the
that bad not beenveonnluur.
nt. ' H' explained . tne
form of taxation aa4 '
th average taxation I t t
th extent of One-half ot 1 y
in th nveraM per c
th new feature of Uie b..i 1
contents of each section.
- Mr. Aldrtch bad n-t -length
when Mr. C'tlu
the senator from I
some asauranee t.. -t y
bill would be p'- i 1
Jeumed.' Thi w. t -catlen
of an effn t to
out ot the eltuitut"! a .
reused: general i- -speaking
for bimo.
waa abeolu ily t-
to pass m h a I i l
diversity of or i
Some senator h
nm ot Jh. t
titer we o us i -r v
but be did b- '
ion such a I- t
would be ti.. a t n.
f view.
X A rain Vr. C
sited to know
Ucity hill eo. 1 1 '
mnt and
far aa h wne
Voting on' tn f
pending 'cnrr-
of k.r. lac-
ertM that b
lewlatatloa to t
' tunas . he fain " i -n
to b act i '
Aaeatlon to eonij
br. Culberson t
tnaist tion the r m.
ti defaal and b.r. ..
he saw no reason wi
ontect to the hour c
wwe otmoaed to tne
provision of the con
r auued .t'"it th i
ei th c.ui. iae on . -tons
were uiim'"Tou V i-i
hou.e pupil'- v bul. l-a(
favored p--.i. (ty In tne i-
convention a. -
Mr. Culberson inouu-M o
whether the currency b I r
enat would Incluu ra.i--
Jased. for eurlng eme
iMr. Aldrich replied
urttlee held by-i-were
approved bv t
secretary of t'
"H nndoubt
nfth accef'
eeuriiy if
and . or tne t
: Kevertni t
Pcirr b.ti. -. .
find oinpio '
nioire tne -
.ir. - m newt r
ttie aj."' """'i t.
not' to tut ;
tmm the p-i
rv. tn.
th d - i
WM: b- i r
cutred t .4 '
.in t ti"' -
le r c i I- -iMumn
recai - w. I t
fr i.
ef V-t - foe i
anyi a i- - r
d end 1 i 1
t- h he f
recent won 1 be I
War awfe- i" -
row.- i . hi . i. f
1 seon. li 1'-
'"I i t to t r
Teller 'beri 1
up what ii f" -ira
to a dater- -
to m'e ct' -" ' i
1H"nt wli- 11 ti -
v. nn r. '1
hill la t -
peak fcMnator j
the chair p. t i. . .
pnoval cf . f
cnora f ' '
for th ' - i .:: v
Air. : Owe"1 ott t . .
Mr. 1 e.'r i . . v
.Would h re v t -.. i i i
fleolalWI tuat I i Oi )
derstan ' r. .
"I h. h s ' "it t Iti
to takn tne Vu' t. v."
'Mr. Tenor o "t n-'
e en t-e r . t. I j
Aot no-iHng tn -(-. r i . i
us-veetMt I it t i i .
Owen hneiti" 1- I ti.e I -mr
Te'ier. Ceiled f.-r a -i.'-n.
'V.xne Ofuoatt.ifo ot ; tA.n t
Waa beoaii it pro-. I
and ant tor tr f n t- . t
f.rmi.oa f Im"ii E
t-Miw.. 4 'Mal . c . v
Operated a.Mi.iet. S'.-.i i n .
I air fewin'i oi r v i
JVly but t ti ii -i. . i !
at et tuif "-y r.-
in 4t' i" ee tn d i
benai -s f from the twt o.
W.i-.t t eSAihlB liMrl i..
t' at r. Owen o-mi!nX i .
ef n ouornm wbei-.;
1 to t e cnamber kng r i
t e rl exit. It we v i
t t c.uorum Oould be
. i t. Isewland procec- i nnd
majority because ot Ils . i
I . bill fr en lnrenae
I -rvee. Mr Aidrli h r "ln-i a
a -n tAMt With banking wo-
m.ltated and that it would ct
t iHiiiiiii of hank rerv.
Commenting on t1 bill. I-. '
Hid experience ba i t t i
'nall hop of the iuut to i i
l y gurh Comnnmiun a t 'U Aiuncn ait n nop-'t t r
the Currency bul earlv t....
. "If this la not o.ita... i"
"I aa a ream -a why tiiw t
pe final n'oiirn nert tom-ro
- tn.Minr -Wii' Lf..-lii. 1. . i
Hon the -currency quauuu
Afld fOtU. 4. .
-i.'J ! V-'.';"K -' Part r. ' "
' y lirKSBAi WELLS Tv-
J.J F. Tearton. Who ii
' -r of 1'on. W. V. 7
t ..t. wa I
- i ! .1 in t -
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The Houston Post. (Houston, Tex.), Vol. 24, Ed. 1 Friday, May 29, 1908, newspaper, May 29, 1908; Houston, Texas. ( accessed October 13, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .